HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-04, Page 8M.,,,.. -111611111111111111T •00114.* EWS OF AUBURN .111a1SUILN, Ari t 2, -Mr. Win; Alalasil, sad children, JniI and Nell, a St. leesibert, Que., apen t the week -end with Mrs. Maiee'e fetaer, Mr. ais. .8Ugits- time, tt the home- Af1r ZOLUI Mrs. John ''C•.. Stoltz liaS refiiiiieil-lionie from ',Toronto, where she attended the tuatral .of her sOnsin-laave Ur, J. V. iebopiu, — Mrs. Bohner, 'Wlie 'underwent an oper- tItmelz to Nit% 3.110:Armstroug- aline; leeehnteeten 1104)44 a tow ,yeeene ltorue-On April 1 to M. and Mae. ago. returnedelionie, last Thursday, Wilbur Thom, a eoat 1 Mr. Fred Denstedt, who spent the Rena Al.ctainelley, twah•yearreeld willtor 'with bit," Illeae, ars. It. IX . daughter of alre.and Mrs. Siduey Me. 'Munro, and, 'Mr. -Munro,. is now ,vieiting Clinehey, who has . been a patient, in, ars.'Strateeser. of Sebringville e the 'ClintonHospital for some time, MieetDelores Bogie Of Kuatailspent •,, the 12.e -ter itolideYe with her ' parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Bogie. „ The folloWiug teachere have returned - house wired or eleetrieity. Mies Mildred Andereon veturnea to her home at Dungannon on Sunday. after spentling the winter with her grandneother, Mrs. Joe Irsvin; Mr. and Mree Malt. Allen epent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Ceatee, Mich. •' Mr. Norman Hamilton has sold b wag able to be brought home tide, wee].' The,local Redteross eltipped the fol- lowing ortieles to headquarters ' last week :l7 pairesocks, pairs wristlets, to their schools atter spending the 9 *eerie. 21, hospital heagowne, 50 face Easter holidays ' at their respective maske, 12 Hampton pad, 34 pneumonia homes,: Misses Margaret Fergueori to eackets, • Among the spriag birds seen. in this district recently are the robin, bluebird, meadowlitelt and blackbird, ' Amoug those who have tapped trees In Alija district are Frank Reit-JAW,* John Liahlam, W. .Stewart, Lloyd Miller and, Harry Armstrouge They report the run of sap as fair. MO. Leonard Yungblut, who was re- -arlretPtRestatioutine-Nor Quebec, has returned home. We are glad to report that Royce weeke with his taffies?, Mr.. George Phillips, younger son of Mrs. Blanche Ytureblut. • Phillips, is somewhat improved ,from Miss Violet Sharp, of the continua- his recent serious attack of pneumonia. etion school,, and Miss Mabel Foster, of Miss Christine Robertson, of Whit the public school, have resumed their by, Miss Martha Paterson, of Toronto, duties after upending the Easter hell- and Mrs. Gainey' yiaited at the hmee of ' days at 'their' respective homes. ' Dr. B. Q. We'r ou Tueeday. • • • Miss Evelyn Plaetzef, student.' at Successful *Farm Sale. -One of. the Stratford Norma'', is teaching at S.S. largest and most successful farm sales No. 9, Hullett this week, while Miss held in this athstrict Of late took place Marjorie Arthur is teaching, at S4 Noat the farm of the late Wallace It 5, Hullett. ' , King, East Wasvanosb, on Friday last -- Mr. Cliff. ,Brown, of Monkfon, has A large, crowd was in attendance and been engaged by Mr. George Beanttisid many, were forced toleave their cars he and Mrs. Brown have moved to the in die village and avalk out to the farm, farm of the late Wallace King 7 Ur. 'Glenn Campbell, divinitat student "a of Western University, occupied the - pulpit of Mum:Presbyterian • church last Sunday. Misa Josephine Weir favored with asale. . Mr. Peter' Patterson is having' hia- Ethe,1 Washington to Picton, .Groce Redmond to Linwood, Luella Johnston to Clinton, Beryl Wilson to Seafortli and Dorothy Wilson to Shep• partiton. Mr.:Jack, Weir returned to Toronto on Saturday to resume his studies at tahaw's leusinees College, " Miss Dorothy Mutch of Clinton ------visitettefriendsehereamr-Semtlayte-a--- ' Mr., Arthur Yunglane has returned to Detroit after spending a couple of • e• AtICTiON 8,3,14X0-- THE GODERICH SIGNAL. TAR TRU A T, 4th, 1940 LEttitING AVCTION SALE Ot Yarm stock and iroplenietits, at A t COMC.93i0la 2eAeltfield, (Ilea utilea aoilth Dutigantlon on highway), en ,.ruwpw:, Amu,' Stii,, at el o'clock • Sharp. •. 1 Bay' Belgian Horse, 4 .yearS old, "eighing 1600 lbS.; 1 Bay Coach Horse, year; old; weighing 1400' lbe,;" 1 Brown Belgian Mare, 6 ear.. weig,bang 1706 lbs.; 1 Itoan Belgiten Mare, 7 years old, weighing 1400 iba.; 1 Aged Driving liorse ; 1 Set of Team Harneas, nearla, new: 1 ,Set otrglaird Horee Harneee, nearly new 1 Roan Durham COW, 7 yeare , dub to freshen. in Sept.; 1 Pure Bred JereeY. Cow, rising 4 years old, jut freehened; 1 Holstein Cow, yeare old, dile ta freshen time of sale; 1 Red Durham Heifer, rising 3 years old, due to freshen. June 15; 1 Ayrshire Cow, 4 years old, due to areshen. May 2a; 1 Red Durham Co, 4 years o1, milking; 1 Hereford Heifer, rising 2 years old in tJune; 1 Holetein Heifer,' 1 year; I Roan Durham Steer, 1 year old; 1 Jersey Helfer Calf, 2 Weeks old; Red .Shorthorn Heifer, 2 years' old, bred; 1 Pure Bred Pull, ,13 months old, can be registered; 1 Sw, 1 year old, bred; 6 Chunks Piga, weighing 175 lbs., nearly ready for ;market ; 9 little Itigs,.7 weeks April; 25 ,aihite Leghorn Pullets; 15 Barred Rock Pullets; 3 Geese; 1 Flat Rack; `1. Mastey-Harris 11 -hoe 1 Cultivator, M. gooa.conditIon; 1 Set Drag Harrows ; 1 Farm Wagon; 1, Set Sloop Sleighs; nearly new . 1Bain Wakon; nearly new ; 1 Atichor-Holt Separator; 1 year old, goodasnew; 900 bus. good clean Oats; 75 bus. of earley ; 25 btie. of Buckwheat ; quan- tity of Hay and other articles. AU to be aoldeas the proprietor is reeving the /arm. Tertas! Cash. JACK W. RYAN, ,Proprietor. T. GUNDRY .8z SON, 14- Auctioneers. Vett arettleeltine. for a 'Weddi* present then just step into_ Art' StOie and seleiri-- 'lovely hit of English. China --Pot- tery - or a good Picture -and nothing glies such lasting pleas - lire as a good -artistic gifts to 'Suit all pocket' books are to be 'found here. SMITH'S ART &,GIFT STORE East St. - Phone 198 The Home of Beautiful Pictures The farm was sold to George Bean for AUCTION ,SALE OF HORSES, $6,700. The 1,500 bushels of ,gram breught a little - better than market price.- The, cattle and horses brought exceptionally „good prices. The sale commenced at 12.30 and lasted until 6.80., The -aid proceed s- were -$/0,000: Miss Margaret King has reserved rooms in her old home for six monthe. Meeting:- Tag epanadian Girls in Training met at Knee:. United church manse' on Feiday. Miss Helen -Marsh,- the president; was in, charge' rtlie-tifeetitieg and Zeta 'arartro pre- sided, atsthe,phano. ;The ScriptUre read by attettysCraig and Prayer .wai effered by Mrs. IL C. Wilsola Ruth Arthur,. ,Time 'Marsh and Zeta Munro wefe appointed -to prepare the program I ' for the next meeting. Vivian Straughan gave the chapter from the study book 'Tales Of India," "God's Highway Man."'-aJtme Marsh gate a , piano in- Strumental and Betty Aschntherayered with 'a soleA contest was led • by Ruth Wilsene • BirthdayeCelebratiOn.e=a-A pioneer re - , 1•••1 •••I 91JI'S LOUR 4UNNVFIELli„ Ws I 24 -lb. PA§ -TRY BAG-1-0ti '' BAG 534-, 20 -oz. 120. TIN u‘-' MONEY SAVING LOW ler 9.‘1414 PRICES AYLMplil - TO*. or VEG. 2 TINS 15c BE ANS CUT *It!Zvtoix JADE- 6RAPEFRUIT ORANGE & SM: 32-qz. 22c JAR C 61:11:: 59c & G SOAP NAPTHA WHITE- • COWS AND PIS.,, - Henry Irwin awill sell' by amblic auction:at lots iS and 6, „concession 9, E.D. Colborne, on -WEDNESDAY,- APRIL 10th, at 180 lath. e • 1 team a Well matched Percheren, Mares rising,_4 yearS ; 1 Bay; Mare 6 'years old, supposed to be in feel; 1 BO Gelding rising 2 years, 1 ormi Filly rising 1 year • 1 'Clydesd.ale '`Ito01 -iSpteirdo-tirl" number, Ig7p751;,1 COw, due to freshen; 1 Cow,:. due to freshen gar. 29th.; 1 COW, cite to fresliees April 4th;• 1 Cevy,-** due to freshen April -.1-1th ; 1 Cow,' due to freshen in June, 1 Black Heifer, Milite, ing ; .1 Black Heifer, due to freshen April 27; 1 Black Heifer, due to freshen April 30; 1 Red and White Heifer, due to freshen May 20; 1 Roan Heifer risingal yeartetl, Black Heifer iiiing 1 year; 16 Young Pigs, 7 weeks old.; 2 Sows rising 1 year's namerouaeother articles not affentioned. Everything advertised must' be disposed Of, as proprietor is inevine; frora :the farm. Terins,.Cash. ° • • " HENRY IRWIN, 'Proprietor,.B.R. .3, Auburn. T, GUNDRY & .'Xuetioneers. •`: Behind the Scene 1 Was the coSt* of Egyptian Biababning as estimated ; in 'Vtir-preSent day currency. 4t, Tutivroceesf Einiblaming was the 'earliest praetisede and res quires], de -period Of oven Seventy Days. Tofleinplete, • „ Voit,trwse rtlie „TIAIE required. Contrast ithe diffewnce .in MST. • Complete Funeral Serviee.as low as $69.00 fain COR t Funeral:- Home 17 Montreal St. Phone 399 24-hour...Invalid, Car • :ervice -14 ,UCTION SALE , . • .. Of Farm Stock and Implem'enis Of W. "W.'Welter; at Callow, concession 8, Colborne Township, on - .*. • TUESDAY, APRIL 16th, at 1 p.m., the follies:yang: 11 well-bred Holstein. Cows, ell milking, or' springing, with individual •predtution as ingh as 75 lbs. per 'day, on two milkings; 12 Hol- steia Heifers, ranging trona' calves to 2 year olds, with some bred; 6. Veal Calves; 6 well-bred Yorkshire Brood §OWS, sale and .1 just bred; 85 Hogs,' ranging , 4 With litters, latilue at dine of proprietor.' Terms, Cash. W. W. WALTER, Proprietor._ . •T. GUNDRY & SON, 14-15 .Auctioneers. NUCTION 'SALE OF' CONTRACT- "— OR'S EQUIPMENT. BARS 19c: l'""'"'""'""""'"M".""g4,tiggiwlgggotgliWgNiggilgggggagliwgaiotMsggf.SIIswglm,"i""""'"i,gg,ZiZ:g"""a"."""/iIfIwiMrr'"""""N"N"'""'""n""a"'""'""""""""g4gmggagaaggigggglggggmllgIgggg74.SgggaiialogggoigggigmliragiliggigggmNgigilmgimgigg, 101110191111011111111011101111111.1111. 11011111111r A&P Coffee &P BREAD SLICED. or UNSLICED .., ANN PAGE WHITE . . BOEAR . 1-111,I1X0 CRACKED *,ArnEAT '' --, WHOLE :WHEAT - )1g ""•:P' . . , 15 -...z,, c S O'CLOCK i 14b. • 964)„, . WRAP. . ' i,fag 0444, LOAVES _ ____ _ RAISIN- ' 9. -Fon -I nVI) CinCiLt 14b.9 BREAD --- : —Rag _zi i C _ kisiik ANGEL.. ' EA' 25c . Allialariiiiiigiffatilliagallh. 41111111111111111.111111.1L 44.d.a.m.....,.......k.........-....i...,..,,,............:........... CHAN WAX .....°...3.1b. Tin 98e CRISCO .,'.i'sitin 19e : .3'i tin 53e .. alada TEA Brown 4.1b.0', 02b,, Label WI; Vellftw 36 -lb. '4411„ label pkg. g• TEA Pkg..' 24 BAGS C • OATS Robinhood :pkg. 19e Ooap Palmolive .... .2 cakes lie " OLD oftBAB I; V • I. • lb 23p NEW ouEzsg lb. 19e • ..... ; . 3 lbs. for 250 , . 3 boxes for, 10e „ „ — . 290 oz. tins Ve ... 1.2% 'i2e VEGETABLES it 80's for lie .......... b'e • fi I • • • V • l• * • • V • 2 for' 15e DATES with-pitts – . MATCHES — .... • ..„ GRAPEPRIIIT 3UI0E, • • TOIVIATt)ES IONA kRESI, FRUIT'S AND Marsh Seedless GRAPEPE,111T 0A14E0113 Original Bunches Firm Crisp :HEAD 1011110Z Owee. SELFA' RVIC A TOR S Weaareinstructed. by P. W. Gladman, Official Receiver of Estate of Fred Ion,. assignor, to sell at our stables, Picton Street, Goderiela on , SATURDAY, -APRIL 6th, at 1.30 sharp. 1 Co, 0 years' Old,- fresh; -1 Cow, 5 years eta, milking el Colt, rising '1 year cad ;71 Aged Maree-1- Root-laulperi-1- Feed Cooker ; 3. Turnip Drill; 1 Ford Coach, Model A.; 1 Cage Elevater; 1., Water Tank; a quantity of loose lure- ber ; 1 Logging Chain; 5 iConetrifaion Barriers; '2 Cement Barrows; 1-Tpol- honse, 8x10;' 10 Cedar Posts e a Hoist and Eiegane; 2. Cement Buggies; 2500 it, -Cement • yorms,eand other articles. Terms, Cash. - - T. -GUNDRY 43i; -14 Auctioneers. CLE.ARENG‘ AUCTION sAtp Farm 50acresefarm stock and imple- ments, lot 26, concession 1, West Wawanosh, half mile west of Auburn, WEDNESDAY, APRIL .17th; AT 1 P.M. 1 Geileral Purpose team. of Mares; 1 Drying Mare in fiyal e 1 Colt rising 1 Sear old ;1 Gliernsey. Cow, ; 1 Durham Cow, milking; 1 Durham Cose,_ due to freshen time of sale; 1 Cacalf,e months. old; 1 Massey -Harris .Bindea, -6-ft. 'cue; 1 McCormick Mower, 6 -ft. Ott ; Steel Roller, '3 -deem s a Walking' Plow,' Fleury; 1 Twin Plow; Fleury; Bet Iren Harrows, 4 sections; 1 Hay Rake, 9 -ft.; Do -Laval Create Separat- or; Spring -tooth Cultivator; 1 Scuilter 1 Fanning Mill; Waggon; For, Cheater Many- other articles too nunier- ohs to mention. 1 Set double team Harness, -Teems on chattels,etc., cash. Terms on farm will- be announced at time of sale. There' will he no reserve on anything, but the farm. GEO. W. DAWSON, Proprietor, Auburn. • T. GUNDRY & SON, 14-15. Auctioneers. Brie New Spring Millinery, iu faShivre. right %Weal and Paris InsPiratians. MiviS M. It. tlacVICA,:lt, Kingston street, Bedford Bleck. Phone 462. -14x On April 18th the, Arthur Circle of Knelt Presbyterian ehnreir will pre. sent the famous d o, Maeduff Copeland Scotland's, most versatile entertainer, and Kenneth Dufe, brilliant, London yiohiflist.,;• The April Meeting of Central Home and School Club will be held In the echool on Tuesday,. April 9th, at 4 p.m. Mrst C.Holt:Arid will' give a• report of. thet Ilonie and School Club convention herd recently at Toronto. We law reeelatly installed a new Fon sAidpi -14 4 King Motor truntenp machine. Wesin- 1 Y'eure OA, also Beatty Washer. vile yoi to bring your ear in fon oi free ,BOX 21. 44 test. . hIE IMNYPER, Atea.a....a • , , Limanog,,T no, s, .statrioz STA. VOlt SALE, Olt RENT. ----DESIRABLE. TION, IKingteton .Street. t 11812 "'**,,ettOtise with. double garage, good locae Reserve April. 29th for Toronto Star don, Nelson street.. Apply URS, za, 'film of Royal Tour and Musicale, under DURNI#N, on premises. '•• 14X auspices of of North street United church.. 14 Tire ladies of the Bed Auxil- iary a the Salvation Army wish to acknowledge the gift 901.0.09 froet the -Ladiesttlerangeeltedge,eGotiterigh._This_ donation 'wits given for wool. • RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, )3aele. ache, Lumbago 'are attacked -tat the wane by the cleansing and antiseptic action. of Rumacaps. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE.- tt 14-20-26 The ;Woman's • Association of North Street 'United church will, hold a„ rum- Peage sale in MacKay Hall Saturday, May -4tia• at 1.60 p.m. 14 Come to the pancake social' and con- cert, April 12th at the 'orange Rail, Goderich township, sponsored by the Union elturehtDrateatie club. Supper Served from 6 toPam 8 Adults _ 25C," children 15c. -14 KLDEREX-FOR SKIN AILMENTS era, SOLD IN two strengthse-Medium tnd-Strong. Heals Eczema, Psoriasis, Erythem' a,. Impetigo, Itch,' etc. while You work. 56e; $1.00; $2.00. Ask at CAMPI3ELL,S mug STORE. , -14 Looking for a stea'dy. income? Want a futurefree frofa ,financial worry.? Let-FAMILDX- silo,* you how easy it is treget, Write to us today, for ERSE catalogue and complete information. THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS pou- PANY,, 570t St- Clemente -Montreal -1-14 For Results A C • • g .4. 1 WOK SW; Losz,--sii•mern OF 0,00MI4tt, Oat SALE -CORONATION WRING spare yellow, wire wheel and tire, WIIDAT; rusp,resistant. A. R. off ESeeX ear. Will the finder Ideal* OWE, TaR. 1, Gnaterach, eax get in touch with MR. PLANTE. 44. tOST .14)4t. SALE Olt RENT..--eSTUCCO HOUSE (bungalow) on highway; an conveniences. It. 4. DOAK, Photon greet. Plait SA.14E. .1111NITY „ELECTRIC 'WASHER, new guarantee, will sell for,balaneer of Payments, O. WOR - SELL. -14 ..rPElld " from •weanlings to 206 lbs. ;. 1 Teara h Work :Horses; 1 ,New -Idea Man.ure own roperty, ouseotrurni.- tare Atitoraobile, and -Effects beloaging td the Estate of the late Arthur Jeffrey,. att-his-hotneeSteDavid. street, Goderich, on • SATURDAY, „APRIL13the 4 1.30 p.m.. All-e-thet-eoutents, eineludine: Living room, Dining room, Teed room and Kitchen furnishings, rugs, mats, ' 8 pieces' of good linoleum, music cabinet, Victrora,, fruit, dishes, bedding, car- penter's tools, garden* tools, 2 clocks, Danner cook stove, and 'pipes; -1938 Plymontb `coupe, very, small mileage. . The property being E32 let 132, St. David stteet, Gederich; will be offered Ito AUtiurn in '1871, and has been a for, Sale subject to a reserve bid. This mutant resident. ever since, If' 1,876118.a comfortable 6 -room 'Muse (stucco) Spreader, iieW ; 1 Onativatore 15Aooth ; Disc Harrow, 1 two row Coen See:f- lier ; 1 ehngle row 061.11-7g-einfier ; "1:" Cram, separator, Ankor4Iolth, new, ‘909--liaehahlthitYthe...1 two-futrowstatdd .ing Plow, ; ,Quantity . of good mixed bay, Quantity of sweet clover silage and other articles toe numerous 0 mention. •EVerything advertised Will be eoldeon,account of ill health et .the sident, in the ,person of' airs. John Ferguson, quietlY, celebrated her eighty- fifth birthday recently. Mrs. Ferguson Was born at Byron; Ill., 14 1.855;. came . . . ;BORN BANN' STER-..-At Alexandra Hospital, •Goderich, on Monday, April 1st, to ,Mr. and lkirs.„ WM. Bannister, Grode- rich, . a ,son. Alcomdra-ttospital; Chide - rich,' on Monday, Apeilelstr to Ntr. and Mrs. Wilbert Thom, -Auburn, a son. " IN MEMOItIAIVI FOR SALE4-11 YORK PIGS JUST - weaned ; Jersey belfee calf, - also light delivery Ye* -ton truck; 1940 license. ,JtAS. WHITE, Oxford street ' 14x LETS graded 85% A large eggs" writes Henry' Campbell. They let the EXTRA profits, • Order Bray chick, pullets, cockerels now, from 18 varie- ties. Bargains in 2-3 Week pulleta, eockerels. Immediate. delivery, Capone, Turkeys, E. II. SOMPRSALWRIL 2, Bray agent. - -14. paa SALE. --,AN pawcamo WEST- INGHOUSE refrigerator, ..electric washer, small .ereetric.stovesevith oven; also dining room suite, solid oak, eight, piece; ehaire; leather seated ; buffet •wftli mirror, -round extension table. Hr Pay.--Aci buy electric apPliances OW, as prices are soaring high. Will sell reasonably. Address all aneavers by letter to, Box s28; 'SIGN.AL-STAla, ;Goderich. AliVTION ,SALE. CLEARING AUCTION SAVE ett "1"6"1"".""*"." -"N", TO BENT 0 ItENT.---APARTMENTS ; ALI modern conyenienees; near Square. Apply 16 Elgin Ave. 'T0 RENT. -STORE ON SQUMW; all conveniences. MRS., E. E.,./nlie BERT, phone 367: 14tt FREE N0:110:04TUNITIIIi _ -vvtrittoe miexte4tamoonveypiin; 4y3o7ur.7er; homeDame - Not 8t., West, "Montreal, Que. 12-14 CARD Ot1 THANES MR. AND MRS, JOS. CLARK" WISH . to •taOnk all their neighbors and 'friends who were so, kind to them dette eingeetheire-eecentetbereavementteetalsowe„ those who seut flowers and loaned - ears 'for, the funeral. ' 14x THE FA:wry OF THE LATE, C. - ROBERTSON -Wien to thank- their friends andeueighbors for tlenreraany kind expressions of. sympathy and con- dolence in, their' recent bereavement.' - 111131LIYRVerlsNhGtolletlx7reIR tANheirDsinFAceMre- thanks to all those who so kindly gave assistance In their -reeent sad Vereave- matt, ' and to those who sent floral tributes. , 14x ............................., .......samomm -.. • WANTEO, DitEISSMAKING. `-:- PLAIN AND . Fancy, Sewing. -Apply MISS -RICH - ARDS, Not? Bruce St.- . • 12-10,. WAiNITED* -G-00)H-1--11) t - . farnehaade good drylnilker-,--W... J.. MEYER, R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone 20r9, Dungannon. - •,, ; -,14 liaiOARDERS WANTED. -- G 00 D ........ POOD,,cosy, comfortable?, clean bed- , rooms, reasonable' charges, newil' harbor and C,P,R,„„qation„ suitable ter sailors or others ' MRS. AlsLINGRAM, "Gleneotvan,,' Cobourg street, Gkxlerich. ' ' ' • \ 14-16x WANTEo BUY cam aoaasos .:y y , and dead cattle ; i must be suitable for mink . feed ; removed promptly. FRED GILBERT, R,R. 2, Baytielo 'Phone. '60',.r 22, Clinton. CalIst paid ' for, , . , 18-tzf. - mmwmmm.'mag/frw;mm.......t.tinTmw..mwommwwm "What's the ide,a of calling your -dog 'Swim:Ike?", *-- • - . ' "Oh,. Just fun. When 1 call him in the street, half . the men almost jum13 out of their Akins." . ,. . l'omps.m.....e. / , , ao Baby Chicks March Hatched SERVICE *BRAND CHICKS will come In on the high egg pric-' " r_ t - 3 a - es next fall Bur your Serviee. Brand Chick needs front your local dealer. . ' RYAN • & SON, PRODUCE ,...... -- • Goderfeh, Ont. Hamilton Street Phone 345 -Res. '334. WATERLOO COUNTVHATCH- - . ' EAT • " New iffainhurg out: -. ,-- Of, Farm Stock, Implements Hay, GraineTtetc.,-at Lot -36, Conees'sion , 7; Goderich Township, on s ERIDAY, ApRIL-12; at 1 p.m. sha.rX „Everything to be • sold, as proprietor has, 'disposed -of, his farm. This is a good line of stock Terms, cash, ADAM 44,0ANTELON, Proprietor.. ' - GEO. ELLIOTT, ;14 ; :&uctioneer. Ar°11° N SAI.4133 Of: farni stock,. etc., at Lot 10, Bayttel JOHNSTOIsf.-,,, In, loving' memory, of -- Line; Goderich Township, 3 .miles elas our dear wife and mother, *rs. James ,of Bityfield, on, • ' . G. Johnston, wins passed- asta.y sit . THURSDAY; APRIL 11, at 1.39 p.m, years. ago, April' 3rd, 1934. ' . ..• consisting of 'matched Belgian team ' e-aavei. 'remembered by Husband t te rising 3 years ; teamtofeClYdes, rieln and yamily. . • -max 8, yeais.; team' of „glides, .rising .:.e. ' - et . yeare ; team of. Clyde -mares, 9 year MR..HEPBURN'AND COL-. DREW Old, in foal; 15 eowe, 'some freshened ' (leindon Free Press) ,- e some springing,. number of young i . The °uteri° press seems to be fairly calves; 6 heifers intcalf ; 2 grass tows 20 yearling heifefia and steers, young unanimous Viet -the two men- who fared - worst in the recent Federal election Hereford bull. Number of cedar posts were Hen. Mitchell F. - Hepburn and of ro- Times-Sournal, published in • Mr. Hep- , Col. George Drew. The St. Thomas hydro and telephone poles ; quantity foot Vood. A. E. TOWNSHEND, P prietor. • ° ' burn'e backyard, regards the results in GEO. H. ELLIOTT, she married John'Yerguson, .wlio•passed with cellar. an ' a practically- .new• away 'live years age 'last month. Of a fmiiv of eleven children ten are Hy- - ing ; Mrs. Reuben ',Taylor (Hattie), a Adanac, -Sask. Mrs. Harry Vreenlin (Maud), of Clinton; Mr. Guy Durham ' (Cora), of St. George, Ont.; Mrs. John Phillips (Blanche), of Auburn ; Mae; of Auburn; Mrs. ChesterTaylor (Birdie), of St, Helens W'xn. L., of ..Windsor ; rimeetiNG AUCTION Reeep.. atm ,J.,ofAuburn ; • Lloyd, ‘..) ' garage. Terms ,Ontthe furnishings, and effects including car, -cash. On the Iproperty 20% to be paid at time of sale, balance In 30 days, ' FRANK DONNELLY, " Solicitor for AdMinistratrix. " T.: GUNDAY & SON; Auctioneera. 14-15 - ton, and Raymond, of Montreal. One daughter, Mrs. Henry Snider -(Annie), died some years ago. • . • United Church W.111.S.-Tlie of 'Knox United church held .their Easter thonkoffering meeting iii, the basement. of the -church' on Tuesday afternoeneewitla Mrs. W. a She,ppard int eliaree. *There was a splendid at- tendance. The Scripture was read by ,Mrs. Geo. peat( and 'Mrs. Tameas Wil- son lea in prayer. The heralds were. taken brairs..-Earl Wightman and Mrs'. Ernest Patterson; Mrs. Wightnaan tale: int; the one on "Christian Stewardship," and Mrs. Patterson the One on Temper - lance Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and -Miss Sadie Carter tendered a pleasing YeleaI duet and Miss 'Betty Craitsefavored with a solo. The Easter message Was glean by Rev. II. C. Wilson, In the business period, it wai decided to hold a baking sale, on April * afro. James ,WOoda dosed the meeting With prayer. solooriflogi . THE ONLY WAY A Man Can Make 4tis. Will Before He Makes Xis miiii;y _ By rarz ztragy,ANork IL M. FOR» Inatiranee and, Real Estate 3 Itonitten $t. Tol. t$8.W. Ontario aa a peestmal •defeat ter the . Auctioneer Premier. The , result, it says, is a triumph for Mr. King and a'rebuke for Mr. Hepbairn. ,says that the lang- uage he used in hie _attacks on Mr. King diel net redound td his credit 'or. the dignity of ins position." It be- lieves that it should end the feiid be- tween the two. Men. , The St Catharine& Standard . is of the opinion .that Hepburn was no 'help to the. National Government Out actually hurt the cause of Hone Dr. afaidob...- The 'Standard says, that if his attitude continues he should be . Of Farm, 'Farm 'Stock, 'Implements, Feed, • etc. "Mrs, Wm. E. Foster' will sell by public auction,. at Beet part lot concession 1, .Ashliel(1, "Oh mile cast of Sheppardton) on • FRIDAY,, APRIL 12th, commencing at o'elockeharp : . 1 Team 'Farm Horse's; 1 'White Cow, 7: years old, Thie May 4; 1 Black CoW;,, bred Feb; 7; I lIolateln. Cow ; -1 Red Cow, aged, dug to freshen April 14; 1 Roan Cow aged 4 years, due to fresiten July 10; l' Roan COW, aged 3 Years, -due to freshen Sept. ;1 Blue Cow, rising. 3, years, bred March 8; 1 Light Roan 'Heifer, hged 2 Years, due td freshen in Sept.; 1 (krey Steer,:,.aged, years ;* 1 White Steer, rising. -2 year.: ; 1 Black Heifer, rising, 2 'years; 5 Calves ; 7 rigs,. 2 months old ; 1 Sow, bred Feb. 22;1 Massepearris Binder, 0 -ft. cut; 1 Mower, 5:•ft. cut; 1 klet. Of Dist harrow:. ; 1 Hay Loader, Massey - Hare's' ; 1 Ser narrows, 4 eeetions; 1 Fleury Plow, No. 21; 1. Riding Plow; 1 Manure Spreader ;' 1 Hay Rake; 1 Hay Rack; 1 Scuffler ; 1 Panning ; 1 fiet Bob Sleighs; I Wheelbarroot; NVidilletreez ; Amble Harness ; 1 Culti- vator; 1 Wagon ; 1 Gravel Rex; 1 Root rulper; 1 Grindstone; Ladder; 30 Barred Melt Hens; 12 White' Leg- horn Hens; 1 Lister Cream Separator; 1 No:3 Churn; Forke, 'Shover% Obaine; Qtlantity of Hay, Grain, Tinidthy and Alfalfa. Seed ; numerous of articles. The farm Will -he -offered for nale, 300 Warm; t.,00d brick home, modern barn and other outbuildings, Terme on -14.. FIRM FOR SALE. $2,600.99, -FOR' 129 ACRES abon eight miles from .Goderich and sever miles from Clinton, being the south hal of let number- twenty-three and 10 number 'twenty-four In the fifth mei cession (Cut Line) In the TownshiP,e Goderich, roughcast seven:room house given a special subsidy by. Mr. King. aprpoximately. twenty , acres The Standard thinks that the people of Ontario 1.1"VP _rejected -Mr. Hepburn. evenmore than the party of Dr. laeanion. 'COL George. Drew, likewise, did not help himself or his- party by his per; eonal attacks on some of the Liberal leaders, It -is said that his ,atteck on Hon. Norman Rogers helped turn the tide in the Minister's favor at a time when ire was ,being hard 'pressed in Kingston. a:M. Drew is an able man; he has intellectual attainments- aud eVery elualification to make a success- 'ful. leader at a thne-when- the -Conserv- ative party is gorely ip, need ofleaders, but he will have to learn that the public today do not like Personal attacks and are looking for something 'more con- struetive from their political leaders. ploughed, and farm watered by spring anti well Apply to MEREDVIIII DAVIDSON, .Saicitors; 717Dunde. street, London. Ontario. 14-1 law - NOT - SO (Alliston Herald) • • The Ontario Government; whicIrtodit away from the municipalities the right. to impoee aneineonfeetax and gave them In return an annual :grant. based Upon one Mill on, the amid assessment de- mands humble gratitude from the ret cipienta,' .publicly expressed.. Other- wise the grant is withheld. The rules say again that everymunicipal tax bill mast -carry the statement that the rate has been reduced one mill "by reason of the Provincial subsidy- to nnuileipal- Ries," and the reason must be that Premier Hepburn' thinks lie will etain prestige and votes by the order. Big- hearted, geheraela Mitch, putting:Money In out pocket% cutting our taxes.: That raust be 'what he thinks the people will 'think, assuming they will eonveniently forget he is giving back JUSt O. part of The money' he has taken from them in the, income tax. To 'be' fair the tax bills eliould bear another notationetee 'Vail taxes are half, tamill higher than they should be because the Ontario Government has withdrawn the half mill grant Made last year out of the latest boost he the gaeoline tax. All f the eight cents you pay on every gallon now goes to the ProVincial Treasury." CR D. PALSEW *HARDWARE Phone 486' West .St. jor 0001°4 vpao 00190 ft.00C6.Att, 10/S Gi,t'S"P% „jot i(sOr ealet lot a v"e colof catti To414 Wants His Own Cup When pigs become more valuable, hew exeludve their tastes get. There are a number of young pigs arriving in this neighborhood and most of them -are doing very well, but occasionally sonic of them need, speciol care and have to he taken to the home for this. , In one home where tins was the ease a semi- eoreelain cup was. 'gime the guest,- out farm announced at Rale. Mons On OfI Which fi take his nourishment. Flock, 010, 'ash, • MRS. W1 I When he Was returned to the ham and roSTER,'PrOprietreee. ' a tin subetitutede Porky refused to T. GUMMI:Y. ,t4 StYN, drink until hig alp wag given him -14 ' , Auctioneers. again.-Dmidalk Herald. with this Heatand Moisture Resisling Enamel... and cora- bine decorative charmwith long 'wearing service on new or old furniture, cupboards, goofs and woodwork, iStotl)to-Lae,F,natnel is very easy to apply and economical to use. It dries in 4 to 6 hours and totnes in 24 modern colors.