The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-04, Page 71,4 TIIVISSDAY, A 9.10 .-settt!eo e ar _Gordo,. Linasw 2rnit1i7' There are ilowers to fit almost any ,gatelen situation. Some like gawp. soil, (tome dry, eoele gull hot Mtn, °there shady cenezer,s. •Certein types do bet -in deeprh soU, while 130410. aettlf,1,11y ,asit, the pottier eorts. Speelal likes and dislikes Will be found mentioned in the better Canadian seed catalogues, and' if Yeur gat'd0 1$. unusual in location It IS advisable to make special eelections. Indeed -there:are floevers to Suit even the Most indifterent-of .gardenere, sonte that really grow themselveti regardless •of tieglect. • • ' Ceetein annuals 'lite clerk*, alyssum, Sarksitur, pansy and .phlox will actUelly 'glve•better restate, more delicate eOIQJ if planted in partial ehade. • -11torteftlItestne, eepecially if planted may ,be idea,tbut *without god sped, close to a south wail where there is specially selected to u1t Canadian con littie • 'protection Teem Sunnier ,laeat, ditions; tlie garden is going t'o be a . New Vegetableg.. , When a new rose' or orchid isebern the average person is stub to read about it somewhere, Unfortunately Co thinastilteeheeeloeetenote"theassaleaut. e similar additions fit tbe vegetable king-• dm, e. Yet steady improvement and chane is going Ott, Scientists'. have carried out Mit work le two directions; first by the introdtiction of vegetables unfamiliar . to most Canadians, and secondly and probably more important by vast Improvemzet in those varieties that' have been grown In, this cottiatrY for years. etef the vegetables new to most Can- adian's there are eeveral worth a, trial izet-any garden. One,. is cos lettuce,* a new* cone-shaped hea.ded.sort that stays fresh aud sweet long after 'the leaf sorts tette' Shrivelled pp; Then there are Brussels sprout; broad benns, broc- coli, large 'Wrinkled sugar peas, Chinese cabbage, chives,endive, egg plant,' leek and .1$3v4se 'chard._ Pull -descriptioni will' be foiled In siiiY-iCanalrair§Ved Catalogue. - -Vegetables thete.b.a cheep, improvement all down the- line, with the, object ,Of getting more, ,fia.vori sue- eulence and a longer season. Corn is tie typical example.- Atone tirae 4t was , ietiee are -suitable to 'Canada and 'else give important white such as tine of planting; .reeistante or lack of resist.. ance tO frO.tt, height, color, Beason ot blooming; whether ecented, a,nd also tkc eultablity of the ilower for cutting Pueposes. - All of thesevolute ehould be taken, into voneideratien in Idanning a real gtirden, authorities state, ae only With, suck knowledge ;eau a eoraprehene sive end pro,eticat echente 'be tvorked out:, Good Seed ° It it iinpessible to dver-emphasize ,the importance of god seed; Slither actors inay'be beyond contyel, but the gardener hes'absolute elleck over. this foundation. Weather, soil an.d loeation there are things like coreopsis,, fornia and other popPles, portulava or. climbing • morning gloriee and nasturt awns which love the sun and give re- markable tesultet;even * a siege of dry Weather, ' e etunirorenrillititteritiVtiettittetle- f or the -table, blooms -with long stems will keep well in' water, then horticul- tural authotItles urge the planting of Sweet peas, enapelragettasit cOM0s, zn- 'nias, lupine, A.friean marigolds, sap- ieus, asters, single and double, verbena '- and salpigloSis. Fer scent; esPeolielly In the, evening, a tew nicotine, caenatione, mignonette, or stocks -will perfume. the 'whole garden: • iStaidbeds of 'annuals or big hleelts in borders have exceptional appeal and these can be made up of Petunias, Phlox; dwelt marigolds, nasturelums, vette:nits or zinnias.. Catalogues' Oilye Eelp The much maligned seed catalogue is really the '.amateur's mosteindlepeos- able of-teference beoks. In addition to, giing hint actual color tphetegraphie of the native flowers and vegetables, it; , • . furnishes actual nlanting directions. These books teli vtlietheit certain var- . ,11..opmemeirmeaOuRsolipiaP LOOK OUT R YOUR LIVE E GODERICH IQ AN DUNGNO$ (Intended ifor lag week) ItINGANN)N, Itlarelt 27t.--Mre, Itne. ei Thompeon, and two eltileiren, of Pelni, aro visiting with her brothere SYilbnv JohnSton, of the village, and Lorno Johnsten, on the 2nd solleestion of Aelifield. Niles tklarga,ret Pentland, who teaehee at SoUthampton, is titan° for -the Easter vacation with. '1. -we to:Other, Mrs. A. R. Pentland'. Miss Clare Pentland, a 'graduate of the Ittothereraft Hospital,. te.lorontot islome for two weeks, and, is Caring for itdrs. Wilfred Pentland and Infant Norma Jean, who arrived home from Goiter/eh Hospital on ThursitaY last. Mrs. ,Stanley Hughes., Torentoritad 'Short Easter vieit with, her parents„ Mr. And Mrs. Pavia: ErrIngton. She left Toronto tm Thursday. but did not a,rrive. here until Similes', having' been held up by the heavy roads. :She re,. turned to her -home the following day, going to Vie station partly by team and sleigh and pertly by -their ear. ttihe says another' -trip will not be made until elle hears of 'greett grase and dandelions. Like many %others ehee will hive an. Baker trip' rementbet , that had thrillie of a real Canadian winter. Miss Jean Stokers, who Was on her Way home feogitToronto for Easter by trein, came as Weer ag tStratford, and then, learning of oiir overabundance of snow and probable 0111m -titles ahead, xetnened to Toronto 'with .her brether AereeliittistiStertheratewiterteante-eflikether Trent there -with his ear. . No 'services were held. in the local chureltes 'On Sunday This seemed very strange for Easter, but goal radio pregranle etym.* enjoyed corafertably a home as the listeners looked out at a great depth of fresh' snots''. • Mrs. Hugh Stewart 4s progressing nicely after a • serious operation at Goderieh Hot/Weal, but there. , -Mee. Wm, Thompson; pasttfourscore years and weak withi a heart condi- tionehas been very poorly of late. Her (*lighten', Mts. Kitson, is caring for her. Citliens of the village evere thorough- ly' shocked -at the downfall of Some youth who on Monday night broke into the poeteffice 'here and !stole around $3.00 in coins, Tracks *the snow OUP -side' the tdeOrtledeto et clue and pence officers Were out .early neit morning aillizr Fr fem. hours the story was , vealed. The..Dunga.nnon hockey club.are Con- gratulated one_wittning -the A.ndekson titoptiflast week. The PrIzet..istshown possible to get only ne variety In the Itedy ,butcher shop window.- We oof Golden 33,antam. Cobs !were skeet end the season also.'" No* thete are oftered* ttlirete-of fouredifferebt -BlitttanrstYPet;°; some eetra earty, some regular. season, some late: Ciebsintete been lengthened, kernels made bigger. One can -enjoy the finest" table -Ctien 'for over ttentouth- inetead of but a week or two as in the old (lays. * NEXT WE.Ete."---Laevns,t flrst vege- tables, gardening made east". - • e mrsigithe muse afyouttroubici. Buck it up the right way, with - Fruit -a -area. Feel grand. Your liver Jodie largest organ in your body' and.mnstimportant to yourhealth It bile to digest food, Igets rid of 'waste, stores -earth allows the proper nourishment to" reach . your blood. When your Byer gets out of order lood decomposes in yourintestirits. You. be- ams tenitipated, stomach and kidneys. can't work properly. ° You feel "rotten" -headachy, •baikar,hy,dizzy, dragged out all the time. Relieve yourself of.these Miseries, as thou- sands 'hive -with Fruit-a-threi, for 35 Years. Canada's largest :Air' liver remedy. Fruit -a- - thres stimulate your liver, bring prompt relief -.make. you feel like re new person. . Get • Fruit-a-gies at Your. druggist's today, 25c, 504. fRUITIRPIES '"Liver Tablets': III give u tastier - bread... free from holes, tdoughy spots, sour taste" ROYAL YEAST CA KES Ke PERF.cr EA MADE N CANADA ESCAPE:)rtcht- FIOLMES VILLE HOLMESVILLE, April: 2. ---Rev. and 'Mrs. J. W. -Herbert and Mrs. Hugh Watson, icif Dop.,Alills, were guest 8 wtth friends in the conummity last 'A ond.ay:1 and fain4in their double bereavement - gee. Harold Wilding of ,Hohnesvalle by the death of Mr. Eedy's ,parents think the boy:s- were especially clever in this achievement When it is considered „til:tel„:the..y Li not keee got Only a little practice on. tee at the nea?by towns. - Red Cross Work. -The Red Oros hes :shippeda. hale to. beadeh,e,rters at,Tor- onto, consisting of r.)3 'pairs of seri, five sleeveless sweaters, one half-dozen wristlets, three scarves and three quilts ,for tbe'Finns, of which one wasdonated by St. Paul's Anglican church. We might also mention that Mr. Gee: Rivett, whe has ,a. knitting machine:lifts It in runningoder and able to turn out good- -Work and In 'spare time is giying his services Tree. • Bereaved.-sfliere is widespread sYm- pathy With Mr. and Mrs. H. L.L. E•edY circuit is spending a "few days with friends at Don -Mills. • Mrs. John Chdmore spent a few days with her father at Londesborti, who, we are sorry te learn, has passed away. The sympathy of, the eoulmunity is ex- tended to 'Mrs. Cudelere in this hour of bereaveinent. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pearce'. spent a few days last week at the honie of the latterls- parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson of..Mafeking. - Recent guests at the home -of Mr. ,antl.,._11rs. Elmer Potter. were Mr.. and' Mr.!. T., MacDonald and Kenneth, also Miss- GeaceenteDonald, all of Tees- Mr.s. has. Canton, of Stratford Normal, is teaching this week in his home selfeel, S.S. No. 3, Goderieh town- ship.' . The many_ friends of. Mr. E. J. Tree twartha afe sorry, to learn that he is at presentsuffering from an attack of deute arthritis. • t Alken -Of Clinton was e week -end guest of Miss SeAclieson. respondence was, read by the secretary • Miss .cora Trewaltha has retbrned to. and included the allocation of mallet' her teaching ditties up' north atter set for the auxilia0. Nomination§ His mother passed av4y six weeks ago and his father 'died. last •week,, , at the age; of eightytfive years, at the home of '4 .4, • t. Mr ORTAirmsr • Sex • teto., - 00. Mr. and 'Mrs. Josiah Retitle of Eeeter , of the eirurelk, tiliis Whig the r , Celebrated- their golden wedding oW) %sedans; in the Chureie the bride was , March 251h. Presented be the elated), board with a Tee death of lereee curate wife of ' Bible. Afwr the ceremony the guest, 'Chautlee Renew, north of Zurlch,toecart numblering thirty-eive, went to the home red* on Mart% Wet In her eightyeeecondtof the hrithAt 01'00, where the year. „ ding re?past was servetl. i,(ater the hap.' i John K. Conde% Of Brueefield, has Pt." cola° left on a trill to Western been appointed seeretary-treaSitree of 1 Canada* On their rettint they will re- am Tuehmmith 31unielpol Telephene 1 side oh 'the farm now oettlitleil 4 the 1 i th f i ondeeboro Syetem. grooms' parents, eo o , Aire Made Mrs. NVilliarat Dotigall otiVes of Three Ilen5a,11, ttiarch 25thecelebrated the In Vera Of Fire 'fifty -tittle annlyersary of their viva. Three Morris towliehip rettidents were George Stetter, mason and ditcher,. bare feet from -their burning konnt in died at Dashwood on Monday in his the early ',hours of Monday morning', eeventy-third year. tie Is survived by The three w(ve Robert Sznith,'Owner of wet?iSontei,eoleta eauguteee and the place,- on the tith conceseion Of Morrie his eon and (laughter -in-law, ding with a family 'gathering. forced to- fiee in their night attire and twenty e gh -„ran. e refl. The.Seafortil game of the 1Sa1tration Army held, special'services at the week- end in celebretion of the fifth.sixth an- ,niversary of the establishraent of the Army Jerez:tell in. Seaforth. Archie MeCuirdtt, a lifelong reeitlent of Usborne township, died March 24t1z rn his eighty-seventh year. Ms wife predeceased and be is survived by two sons and two daughters. Robert Cochrane 10th eoncessien a iW • sur- bi s setent y- g11.th year;He ;He is 110-Wbat-crispy freehnessl-What- -delicious, mit:like flavour! What real and lasting satisfaction! , Cubs, you see, are little bundles of whole wheat mellowed with malt and toasted a golden brown. . They contain: all the goodness of Canadian Whole wheat—its -minerals, its bran, its wheat. germ: No ,wcinder they're' so nourishing. Ask your 'grocer for a package of Cubs tbday. LUNCHEON SUGGESTION • For the children's mid. day ltmc.h. serve Cubs with their favorite liot soup.. It's a delicious coinbina- tion. The children will be -delighted. A product of The Canachein Shreckled Wheat eompanyLirrated his idaughter, Mrs. Russel Riley, near ter"..............""'- t..4 IVfilVertoh, front 'whose home the fun - oral took pleee on Tuesday. Mr. and SMELT IN THE GREAT' LAKES airs: Eedy and sonsiThorntbn, Prank and lack, set out on the 'earliest pos- sible' day, MOnday, over*very diffieult roads to the railway station, to -attend the funeral. 'They returned home . Wed- nesday, Presbytettian W.M.$.:=--drhe W.ALS, of Erskine Presbyterian church thet Wed- nesday afternoon of last week at the !home of Mrs. R: Fitzgeitald. 1VIrs„ Rich McWhinney, the 'president,- was in charge. tVlist Iva Caer,gave a splendid paper, "Art UfiderStanding 'Old Mem". basedon the Settztuidelesson which she m -read fro': the. 15flychapte of Luke, Ilth to 24th verses. The 1'5)1, call Was 'answered with a Bible or h inn verse, The business conducted included a dis- eussien„ on quilts, Mrs. McWhinney „tame,: neeitterentequilt designs.. Core vived by his ,wife and one ditughter, Mrs. in EVans, Brtissels:. .4. son, James Ernest, was killed in' the war in Spain, two'yeare ago. 'rhe„ death oectIrredeitt the home 4ef her sister, Mrs. Keith Nicreean, Sea - forth, on March 27th, of "Miss Alarguer- ite Hardy Young, eldest daughter. of • the late Andrew Young, 11 pioneer businessman of 'Seaforth. iMiss Young was barn iii Seaforth and for •porne years was engaged in seerkartal work at the Toronto -General, hospital. Borho:7-tIolmston The, °marriage ter* place' at. the Roman Catholie __church, Bruseels, on Thuesday znorning last, of Loie, only daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. George John, -Stan, of' Grey township, to Obtrre Boit°, of Brussels, Rev.. Fe bier Paqeette officiated. Spring Stock - Shows_Pestporied Owing to the backward season,' the three spring stoek shoivs in this district Nave been po,stpened to later dates. The Seaforth . show will be held on April 23rd, the .Clinten, show on April 2one, *etteletneetrenerallee, Iroweopetepritteeitet ttlateeeithoeleesenotebeenegettenstet. least; Rev. 'itt.t G. Fowler Inducted s' , 50 per, tent. on a tintddle schoolpaPer • The induction of Rev. F. G. Fowler, or 66 per cent.' oh an .upper '801091. late, of -Vancoupaper, but the si ver, to the a. pastoral teelitlearevising ,board ,etevietienenchre ofugtheetteso e.tieoppaea elEcee.tetn ,etplue.esvseayiet -will ;give. consideration, to a ean eases i Which- by ,reaso04-:of. illness or other on Feeley, Rey. j. Wilkie of Tees_ speetel eireunistances such coneid.eret water; moderator of Maitland' Presby- tion is warranted.", , tery, presiding. Other ministers taking Middle school_ 'standing Will be part in the serViee were Rev. q. E; granted to pupils in attendance at the 4.Taylor ' of Cranbrook, Rev: Kenneth day or night claws -of any colliegiate zi Mr, ;and Mrs. Geer' ,Sruith eta= was sounded by the barbing of deg. Not a single' article of farniture waS saved, WO frarde lionee • being. contplete- Iteconstfined. The elder Smith suffered ze- severe cut en the hand' and ii, few minor. borne, while Mr. ,Smith -junior was burned' alkeit the tweet, Ur. and Mrs, George Smith were married .only last October, she being the former Miss Mabel McCallum of Belgrave. , After etheltretthelatitilyeseentetittkeekoineeof - a neighbor, Mrs. HarVey McCutcheon NO PPEAT.Ar TO IVIINIS'fER • " Students who failtto obtain standing in mieldle or upper school work this Yeav will have to appeal .to the Minister Edueation except in eases of i11nes or speical Circumstancet, A.ceording to -an- nounceinent of the Depaetmetit of Edit- ,. cation. -" "This June is the first in, the higterY of the Departinent that tttere Will be no (*pare:an-tat middle sehool- exam- inations. Students are to obtain Stand- ing iu. the middle schOol 'classification If they secure fifty* :percent« on theit variout. pepees during the year. In 1941 all candid,a,tes for uPPer seheed certificates wi.11' be reqnired •te write 1 departmental examinations, ' Accoediugetet the time table tile tests will commence in the upper school o Friday, , June 14, and, will end two weeks later. "There abet). be ,no ap- peal," the anottn.cement tays, t to the Minister frothe decisiOn: of the pitin- tetpal and stt.frin the case'of any eandi- See* umerio's TRO11,11ILIC A Bae-lield eorretpondent tell* 0* following election-A.1y story: . A certain man and hie wife Better near the 'village had. to go SeTerat miles to vote. It wae- impoeeible to go by ear, aS the concessions. heti not. been ploughed out. So Dobbin was 'duly , hitched to. the fandlY cutter and the couple tuelted the robes around thenet seiveS for the trip. But Itobbintin title ease wasn't old. He was yam* and sitittlehl . And he didn't tealiee the tremendous iinportance of Ids ealiteion earrying two votes "foe" or "agile' the -Government So he had)* gone very far before he shied at sOmething rea.I or imaginary anti jumPed over the . snow which Was piled up on the Side of the road. And there were the • man a -AZ -hie'? ifirro-lianti-eiitti..;.r-iiit'ili6-"fiitilt;' and Dobbin flounder111 in the looee ewes the other side- of the snowhankti It didn't take him long to break the --, st,iafts and harness. Ile tretted off - cmite gaily through the fields to hie stable, 'w.hile the Man and his good Wye, were left to draw the cutter home. NOW the moraf of tide tale is pont. haVe election.* Marchl ' spending the holidays with her parents, Mr -,..and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. • PORT ALBERT 14-.)1,1T ALBEItt, April ogle Victor Lloy and family, of eItunliar's farin 'here. iay they have a happy and_ 'Prosperous life on • the farm. . ' • -7-Mr.-4110 Mrs. Clove Myers and daugh- ter Rena and Mr. and Mee. Harold Myers of London spent Sunday at their eottage- here. Woodrow Hote.spent" Easter at Lon - 111r; ---and Mrs.. Hodge tandt-fettliy,-- Dungannon, speirt iSunday With, Mr. and Mrs. Hodge here... Merelheniedge hileshadt men tufting. lee off the mili-pond, getting ready for the jam te..conie 'downs, „et We ate sorry to rePort that Miss Verna Petrie • was 1AIU'up throughout her holiday. She 'retailed to G.O.T. on Monday. , " It is fine to see sb many feathered: friends beak egrein. • ,No Chatnee "Wit here,. Jones," the ixAs' raged at,,his,, mild little bookkeeper,' tyour work Is getting sloppier every day. Sce this 3? It looks just like a 5 l" °'It is a 5, sir." • ; . "It is a 5? Well, why does it look much " bite a threeV-Vational. rZeitting, Use siteoialized Medication' for nose.. and upper throat *hero most colds start, lielotPrktutt Colds Developing...Don't. wait until a rnieerable cold develops'. At the -very fleet warning sneeze. --Miffic,!!_it WORT irrItatiert-put a feW- - drops or 'Vleks 1,a-tro.nol up each nostril immediately. Used In tittle. Va-tro-nol helps to prevent the de. Veleptnent Of many colde. Li C 1 i fl homes thin a ny Clears Stuffy Head, Too -Even when NAV head ig all clogged up trent a neglected cold, Vd-troenot brine comforting relief. It eniekly ,tears away the clogging rnueut re, 'Ones swollen mem. branes,. 110115 FEEL it tingling to keep the etedicatiett go to Wed( sinuses fronl being bloeked lett...jet by the cold- , 1 e t g o u heeatiteagain. VA•TRO*11111914. other Medication of its kind :were made for the filling of vacancies among the Presbyterial officers. Mrs. Wm. IStothers gave the Glad. Tidings prayer. The annual 'Provincial biked meeting is to be held in Toronto April .16-1841.-The,W.M.S. Easter thank -of - Tering meeting will be held some time ewitht an invitation _te the pastor, Rev. C. IL eleDonald, to be the speaket. The study book was read with Manchuria as the 'subject of in- terest. The meeting closed with prayer. WESTFIELD WEISTPEILD, April I. -Miss Nlae .(13plletin 'Of the Royal Ontario Museum Of Zoology) ' 1,A new fish has appeared in reeent years in Lake +Huron and other Great Lakes.. 'This is the smelt, which runs to spawn into many • streanis shortly after the ice goes out. In some streams, -particularly those.- flowing into Lakem Huron, smelts run in ,Such nubers that large eenantities are caught each - MacLean instilite, high, eonHenn of Wingham and Rev. Robert- eAitehesen of Molesworth. " -- , tional sehoot if the qualtheations of 'esrhoctotina:gp • the teachers cencerued and the provi, Expert Marksman. ' . - Comicillor Frank Sturdy of -Wing_ sions made for teaclaing Meddle school i5hearn Isshitehlett, )1; oinirn Dominion ,1%. courses .shall be satisfadtory to the tlinistert of Educhtion. sporting rifle, To . qualify Thr this At the end of April. each *candidate neyard. it 'is -necessary to shot twenty for ifiiddle or upper. 'schb'ol standing targets scoring 100 out of 100, Prone must fill out and submit his application. Position: twenty targets scdring 98 or as in fornier.years. --. If a candidate 'better Out of -100, •Imeeling ' Or sitting; -fent to 'Make applica ion -befor& the twenty targets scoring 95 or better out first of May he shall iire a fee of $1. of 100,off=hand shOoting. Mr..Sturdy,s The methods, of proeed fe of determin- total score NiYas .5915 out of a possible ing' the standing of candidates are left 6000. ,, ' ` to the discretion of the principal and Aged Ifullett Man 'who stops learning is old, whether eighteen or eighty, a Man Degeesed •• William Bromley. of Hullett town - Ship died on'Monday in his eighty-ninth year. For some yeers he was in the. eineldy of the ,Grand Trunk Railway and afterwards he Termed. His wife predeceased him and he is survived by two sons and four rdraighters Jehn,• T.Jondesboro; William, of Mullett ; Mrs. Albert Nott. Saskateliewsn: Mrs. Thomas I -Melds, Chicago Mrs. 11.'Shari- viem-14Y., dirk, Londesboro, and Mrs, John Cud - spring by people living.* the The Smelt is net native to the Great more, Hohnesville. There are twenty Lakes but first ant/eared a few years Tour gr a ndeliildren and tberteeti great - ego. Its nate home iS the Atlantic: ersindch i lel ren. - - coast, where it livestin the sea, running 'Death of. Old into streains in spring to eptiwn.`"Some Eeeeter citizen lakes. ite Maine and New Brunswick The- Village -of F.xeter leet -an : contain them all the year round and it eitizen last week by the death of IT A. was from such fresh water lakes that Follick in his seventy-ninth year: ,Mr. they were Introduced into the Gieat Folliek Nets born in Stephen township, Lakes.- • lehrned his trade as a baker in Fater, The smelt first gained access to the amid after, working for a time it Tor upper Great Lakes ibeough plantings onto end London he returned to Exeter by the State .Michigan. 'As early as -an' took (mei a ,balsery there. Ile re - 1906 sinelt§, were planted in the -St. gitryle.ftiver from the:Sault Ste. Marie (*Michigan) hatchery. Plantibes were made at the same place at intervals up to 19.2 1, belt it is litithtfUrif tlifitt", these plautings were successful. -Jn 191.2 several million smelt eggs were planted tit:Crystal Lake,- Michigan t but mature smelts were not noticed 'in this -take tuntil 1922. The nate year thee 'appeared_ le..._Lake Michigan near the outlet of Crystal :Lake. The fiat re-- 11-1411eY.-.-has-..telutnedratitford _ctirds fet Lake Huron:came 'in- 1932, lthejainanii were taken in hewn,, net after spendleglOverale Weeks with .her at the south end of ta-ete Conein, :Mrs.- Walter Cook. • - piens were taken at Tobermory the seeetesteetteett-meetmeendemeetee John_ me year. The first Smelts were taken IS'ILISon of Auburri-vielted litat.week at the home of Mit and Mee. Roland Vba- 1 cent. -... - Airs. Sfelvin Geed and eldldien, of pear Myth, are:visiting her 'Parente, Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Gevier. A number.ftom this vielitieleattandedt the Term sale ,o'n Friday of the late Wallace .Iting. Owing to the:road eonaltions the 'mail earriee ofe Myth route ;3 UR not made his- rountite SinCe Thureelayt _Sevekal ef the_fareners have been out ploughing the roads. Although they were not good on filextday, over ninety. people made the journey to ebeireli, • . '' ......Ntr, AttleteWaltetteettendedetbettele- as lake herrings and whitefish, .although Phene meeting at Myth on itletineitty. 1 they also eat small fish. 'Smelt Are I.,eonarel (look and 'Jack Buchentin eatenein large nunibers by lake trout tapped the maple trees in Itt Vineent's ,and to a lesser extent .bv perch and 1 bush on Wedeesday, -Attach 27, Gordon ling, Smelt are said' to 'make excellent Snell and Wtifettertent tapped the trees , Milt for lakettrobt. ln Green. Bay- the in It Redmond'S'1111811, on Marelt 28th. smelt snawn at the end a their seeond Year of life. ,whon theyeare.-4W-to. 8% inches in length. In Green nee the smelt *are reported the staft of each` school:. ' GOODYEAR S.AtES SHOW INCREASE. Children's Coughs Quickly Relieved It, is hard to -'keep 'the -ehildeent from taldng add; they Will rim out. • a doors not properly -clad; have on too nuiela .clothing and get overii4ted and cool ofeitoo suddenly, they get their feet vett' kick off .the 1:)ea '4othe's at right. The motherecannot 'Mein arthi) tirae so' what ife-• she going to dog , 'Others' should never Inegleet-, the • ,ohild/s, cough or old, but on Itoni tion. - shairld precure•-ii -bottle- ,r..WoOWs Nerway.Pine Syrup. It so pleasant to the taste the . youngsters take it without any fuss. - The'urn Co, t‘td, Toronto, <)n ,amoriemailerprommeleollellelle xr. Net Earnings for'First Quarter () 1940 - • show Increase With letter to shareholders enclosing quarterly divider,d-4heques,. President A. G. -Partridge stated-: 'Our total sales and profits for the 'first quarter of this year are well over the eorresponding three months of 1939, although our export ,sales are .dowil, due to war conditions affecting foreign trade, sueh as quotas, greatly increased exchange and shipping expenses, as well as ether restrictions. n Canada the 'salek of- new- motor vehicles, both passenger ear and trucks, are ittowing a very considerable in- ereaet ever- 1039," * KNITTING Into this Wool of fat horizons' blue I Softly weave a tender prayer for tired frombifsiness hineteen year ago., yeu ; Tie was a prominent member of Mein street r nited cluireli and was ta choirThat God will cause the sun to shine member for mot of his adult life. He more bright is 'tglftv--fttitr-lattt bletwite; -Onesseift iteeephe Aid -eters gleam -for you-inttlie-darkest and oneedaughtet, Mrs. Ada Hearts. nightee • •' Three-Year.old Child in Peril And when the clouds obseure tb,e'slin's _ la, -the three -Year-old thinghter bright iface _ of Mr. and Mis. Harry Cook -of -Mart Tialey 'May., provlde--tfor yon -a shelf - Miele had a nerrow eteape one day last __ring place;. 'week. . -Rile-mils sleigh riding down ...a . e • ) - ' - ' _ _ hill beside theMaitland River and, fail- That Ile may spread His wings your ing to mke taft turn, she end her sleigh Win'gs above, , ._... , Wolff —fiTrpr it tietetty-tiviot embank. -1-neltattlete hour yoar gable ancl. ehiele inent and dropped to the ice of the ' to prove... - river. Luckily there was tr snowbank in Liike Erie ribciiif -19351--.they lrave that broke the:fail. ,lietlethe elm -we -pot Thereetese vere liitIOr I can do I . .. , bean- recorded aIso. in Lake iSuperld and Lake Ontario, but they are not yet as common in any of these lakes as in Lake Huron. About 'live years after stopped tliesleigh the chlIderialtilff.beve Tier irat-lerrrt-atrd---pi t is.-4way slid to ,the "esentre of the river where:the for ;toll! hors heard- Freila crying and extricated Neigh- -GRACE POLL.SRD.„.in The Montreal Daily iStai. we wae thin and been drowned. the Smelt is first recorded in a locality„ tier from the gnaw,. spawning.truns are noticed in pearby Death of, MusgroVe, strealas or- it is reported as abundant. Postmaster of Wingbant Smelts were introduced into Michigan A.rinstrong II. 'Musgrove, potititiattter to serve tie food for land-10eked .salenon, of .Wing,haip' Since 1918; and fort/ter whieil it was expectedewould thrive in member of the "Legislature, died ina Itikee once smel.ts hod. become °stab- ,Thursday last, two davs after . • ; itiehtteetxtli birthday. Nir. 'Musgrove , CUTS COSTS _ CALUMET DOIIBLE -ACTING BAKING POWDER A biological study . of the snielt le Was a schoollateffiellirtert..flo1: ntillituni y..s..cv-ellaitt-:.„ Green Day. -Lake Michtgae, indicated.' Ite tangle - that they feed on much the tititne food ettureet and iii 1S1)() was appointed prin. . (Ip ti o'f Wingliarn riddle Seltool, ' In 1908 he was -(4404-to- the Leiglature as a Ctonservative, and he was returned in 1911' and 1014, resigning in 1 iliR to beeome postmaster of Wingliant, Ile was married in 1F11 to ttereatet Slum - Ron of Culrose townshipewhe survives Owing to the depth of snow, softie dif- bine with --ttitteeetatigliters, Mn., 'W. G. fieulty is experienced in gathering_ the ;Greer, Winehata; ttiss Itierneeliffe, sitp, . . ltuffalo; Ntit., end 'Mrs. Strode', Smith. - °The' 1' 11 held their meeting on to 'be ',i riOTS Problem to the, cow. Guelph, Di. t GeOr8e s lqusgrove, of Wednesday 'evening, with thirty Pre-. mercial fishermen, since they get Niattara ram. is a brotber. sent. The meeting wits led by Anna titngied In their gill Mita to suelt an ex.learter-Siguldick lkl, . .tDowell, with GraemM e eDoWell at tent that th* e. net will eh Only a few, At the V' lilted Churell. Tiondesboro. on the piano. The &tiptoe lesson; gatr•I if any, of the more desirable speeies. Wednesday, March 20t11, the weelitilue thew 28:1-10, eves read' by nay Vint Only Hine will telt whether the .ape, WAS soleinniZed of Thiry Elizabeth -- -cent..--The-Lord's--Praei? Wag rePeated -Peaeance of militate Lin such ntimbers in (1Nfamiel., 'youngest daughter of.1Nfr.' and in UnISOIL A reading was given Azysthe 'Great takes is beneficial Or other- Nfre. titieleatel Itlitieldlele Itellette 14 Nornia traylott fetid the tople, "Etieter," i whir; in any eese, it is tOO late to do fteerge Teen ettarfert 44(104 • eon et sir. 'WW1 given by Mildred 'Thornton. The 'anything about it now. The time to ;and Mrs: J. 'Stanley Carter of 1111111,M meeting was dismissed With the *NlizptAlt 1 .consider such probleme is before In townehip. The eeremony wee Vete- benedietion. troducing a toreigli slieeles. totiaell li,,,,,,, /to% A. r,„ NielrzieS, ininiSier I It 0 se,ftbe pastir. anee atm; lyzing what you -need — and sell. ing yoix otay witat, you, need — ' -4301)LitiCII NELSOIsT IIIIALLGODERICI1 G. C. TIRELVAVEIsT, N6StiPSON WJ1EILIKESENT PILOT INSURANCE Writing *elected risks its . Public Liability, and othe r‘, 0.APANY , Automobile, Fire, Plate Burstilarr, general insurance. Ilead Office, Toronto. , 01'