HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-04-04, Page 4OBITUARY FLOW-NOE (01.1tA,CE CLARK The death of eight-year-old Florence Owe Clark, following an, 'ildnef;e of only four 'days' d110.0•0111, 19 mourned by the SOrrowilag parent's, Mr. and 'Mrs., Joseph. Clark, 'Rent Streets and by many relatives ts. 1 Wends ofsthe gam - Florence, the eldest of 'a family (if naives had celebrated laer eighth day on Mareh„16th, apparently in good health After having survived an at- taelt of tylthoicl fever 'last fall. On Wednesday morning last the little girl :suddenly 'took ill and/a doctor was i'va- vaediately summoned. At first, consider: able hope was sheld mit ter her re- t'overy,but her cendition etea,dily grew worse o.nd on Sunday morning she quietly pasSed 'avtay. Florence. was Nun 11 GoUevie1. The funeral -rya's, held ftt Ilrophey',s funeral parlers on Tuesday' afternoon, Rev. A. S. Milligan offieipting. ,A large number of relativea and friends were present at the SerViCA iv, syMpathy with the bereaVed parents. A profusiOn of floral wreaths WAS borne by fifteen 'classmates of the deceased gird, from grade III of Vieteria school. The pallheo.rerS were Gordon Clark, George Leaeh Ovv11e Pitblado and 'Edgar Warrick:. Intermery waS Ilaithaidscemeterys— , 74,1-47:1•14 ARDEN ESSENTIALS in, a, pink -and -gold Treasure Uhest Elizabeth Arden Special. ' ; ,Treasurette c.ihri11173,1 .glft, • a priceless pe6seelsion for the weenan %the travels and the riviltaan Who stays ateltome, 4, . tb Speeial.: ,Iireasurette presents- In , one porekage, 1' Elizabeth A.rden.- (*P*sentlaits for --Lovitness." Tjrks, beantY box brings to you all the n,ecessitles for, .the.."Eliza7- betlt Arden look, • e The. Treasitrette contains "'fird611X-Clettlistireream—---,- — Ardent, Velva, Crean t Mask Air ,ena„ All -Pay Foundation iirdena Velva Cream dena, Skin Tonic Poudre The •TreaSurette, costa': 495 Campbell's. Drug 'Shire' Phone 90 Square RED OROSS REPORT The following lea record of the werk done by the Gederich Red Cross ISOciety and their outeiclesiztaits daring the' past ' `Six months': ss • — Sox, 1$88 _pair; wristlets, 1(M pair ; gloves, 13; scarves) 239; sweaters, 102; ..helmets, 151 PYjamas, 224 suits; ice bag covers, 60; hot 'water bottle covens, 59; 4Bampton bed pads, 181; handkerchiefs, 6; comPresses, -1524; triangular band - THE GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR '1,10t8ONAI4alsilliaT Elections in the Early DaP *hire Not the Mild Affairs of Today SISTER, M. CLEMENT O'REILLY .Sister Mary Clement died in; the Motherhouse of the .School Sisters of Notre Dame in Milwaukee on March At the next eieetion in Huron, which 28. For some years past Sister occurred in 1841, the candidate for the Clement had been retired, from active district ,was William Dunlop, a brother service and spent her declining years in of the Captain, and later the first Warden, of the district --the famous "'Inger" Dunlop. Dr. Dunlop upheld the Tory banner, while' James Magill Strachan was the opposing candidate. Strachan was declared 'the elected mem- ber, but his election was centested, The Go'Verninent sent three lawyers from Toronto to sit on an election aboard, and to determine just- who • wass to (By Harry J., Doyle lit litom1011 lime boards and proteeted from tic weather by a. cleaning roof. ' „ Prefs) Old-timers anourn the paSsing of the heat,,a week, t , , sOn Monday morning .of election he eandidates and their hooch - days when election3 Were More . ., . '''-.- Men 'WoUld la,sserable hi the vicialtrof ,‘ T Politicians deplore the seesnmg apathy the platform, whielt WaS 13a10;WO 'US the' rof. -electors who do not Reek out in the ameteere Tee electors woUld Come old way tO Jail bolls, and' when spirits , pouring in from all parts of the elec. : f le ' - r toral dietriet Ilaelt Party.would have ran to OverflONVisig: and NN olds ai (I then 'fists liew. Modern living has its headquarters at a tavern or tent, or elianged all that, Modern electors may both, wlwre the wOrkere woiildlay their liSten to their -radio* but, latk_ the ,o_l_d, plan% ,,ille Tore/mon would he vent, in listeningito the. oratore of the day, and - time cheering crowd. T 1141', APRIL 41b, 1940 Mv 4. IL Wheeler and •daughter) Gertrusie) spent the weeltsend Toronto. Miss 'Dorothy Currell, of Oshawa visited with bier gra:adparents in Salt - ford itt'St week. Miss Kate IIiinter, R.N., has re- turned to Kitchener atter a, vt vvith, her relatives here.. MrS. 'Fred ;Prim land 'Stack pent. Easter Week: In. Detroit, guests of Mr. and `Mrs. IL IL -Currie. s Mr. and' .Mrs, Harold. Currie and Atadeltne„ of Detroit,: were visitors- in Cloderich over the weeltend, • Abr. and Mist, faeorge Longutire, ot, Huron county has alWays been noted, t 1 1 ea °a' tbe NV0111(1 begha. Winnipeg, visited last week with Mr. for Btormy polities. Baek in 1836 a 'Capt. R. G. Itunlop we,s conteeting the The Doubtful Voter and 'Mrs., john 1,4ongmire, seat agUlnst Col. Anthonriran EgMond. It is easy to imagine what :would., °street' so s, est) Dunlop wae a Tory and- Van Esmond ilni)Pen to the doubtful yoter when. lae.'Jr. IJoyd W. CUrrell and n. arrived at,the Village,- -,As therpoll Was of Dshawa,,•spent the Easter week -end with Mr. and' Mts. Ed. Currell in ,$alts• ford. a , Mr. ' Roy Longutire left on. SaturdaY for his boat, the F. y, MasseY, at ',Tor. .6nto, Edgar Mallough accompanied hiro to the city. Xr. T. II. Elford, of Vancouver, 11.0W With the R,CI.A.P., !DuPont(); yisited his aunt; here, Mrs. P. W. Currie and. Miss V. E. 'Welsh, over .the Week -mid. Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Fleming and family and Mrs, G. Fleming, of Owen ..'SolincisspentsBnfulasys.Messeli 17th, with Mr % W. D. Fleming's parents, Mi. Cid 1\frs. Healy, Lighthouse street. Father and daughter celebrated their , birthday together. ..s. • • ,Clalef Engineer A. U. AlacInnes, of the 'Algoma CentraleSteamship Co., is, here again and is superintending the fitting out of the Oompanyl; vessels at the harbor for the, coining navigation season. "Mae" is always -A WelCONe. visitor -in Goderieh. Dr. Percy L. Tye- of' Milverton, son of Mrs. W. D. Tye of town, hife, re- covered from a very serious illnesssof several weeks. The AiTverton Sun notes that 'after his return from Hays - vine, where he spent,,a week recuperat- ing, "his many friends are Pleasedto note that he is fully recovered and is again the picture of health.!' " was ft Grit, 'and bie platform as, gene, ered from early reports seems to have been that he was bitterly oppoSed the doctrines of the "thiev,ing rapseals lions, who are bathing our country in a Sea- " The roo.ds were Poe; iv many eases mere Paths, and, titeseampaigning can- i rough-and-tumble fight in which a score didates were forced mil to walk for es or 111010Participated.. • „ to reach ou0Ying settlements. - "It not infrequently happened that The election that year resUltdi :11 the the indifferent voter would' purposely return. of 34 Reformers to the Assembly 1 play ',Into the hands of both parties. it .2-1.-Toriese„amongethe latter!being was a golden opportunity for free Capt. Dunlop. On the night when the 111I11ie-s-tied-willsItSr711111'111-61.011igerlre- resultS were-enade known, ,some'elec- deferred the fateful hour when he was to announeelothe returning Officer the tots. not being content with the results, burned' the hustings in Goderich. candidate a his 'choice the more diffi- cult it Was for him. to choese. In his' "Tigee' Dunlop Eleeted kept open every day until paturday tOght it is not quite sca easy to pietnre the -scene during the last day or two of a ,hot contest '001telers with foaming horses Were going and coming. Heated discussions. frequently terminated, in' a the Ifovae for the aged In Mount Cal- vary, WiscOnsin, and in the Mother- heuse.- In the last-named place she was especially happ4sto haves such ready access to the CliaPel of Perpetual Adoration. Even after it had become very, difficult for her to tet about she was never missing from the early morn- ing services of prayer, holy mass and communion. Iler faith and love' for represent the district tor the coming the Blessed Sacramentwere the out- term. Asa result Dunlop took his seat, in the first Parliament, which conv,ened in June of 1842. s ' The elettion -was keenly contested and it was. saidthatsior two vvO04 previous -to voting and -two weeks fol - Standing virtues or; her life. No One NOW. Saw Uer pray' before the Blessed 'Saerament could fail t� be impressed and inspired by her reverence and de- votion. • - She was ,born on the beautifulsbtuats dilemma lie would seek seltike in a little more. whiskydand, In the end, perhaps vote for the Wrong Man. -14! unbupplly he did make such a mistake, his poll; tical guardians never failed to call his attention, to the error in Manner not likely to be soon forgotten." BIZARRE NOMENCLATURE. _MOSTLY FEMININE .••••••••.•,•••*•. • By II. L. Menchen. Among the given names oi'Congress- mee's wives„listed in the Congre,,sional Directory 1 lind these: , -- Alabama: 4:)cllo, Del,. Ivo Arkansas: Clarine, Izella, Adolphine Georgia : Noble, Jewell • Texas : opLerteldady Bird, Slerle - . stitehan towvv,ers Ali these estimable ladies. it will be or Lake Huron at Ningsbridges Ontario, lowing DueloP and in.,:selbted,. coine from theSoutli, and espec-. were settling their-hifferenceS ttf, on $tehruary, 26, 1852, the eldest of -ahilly frees the 'Farther .South. It is ion in brawling and fighting. What family of ten children. Tivo 'of her there that'one lends the great reservoir made it even Worse,IStrachan supporters Sisters, Sister M. Alban and •Slster NI. eelebrated his election only to find tater 04!n°Rel minlas f', girls; with', a mil- Winfriti, both Notre Dame Sisters, pre, ages, :329; Abdominal bandages,. 176; ceded her.in death. Gifted with 'ex- , ".T"shandagess.Z3; roUnd-bafldagS 195araorditazYetalents f niina- pilloweases, 3424; heispital Owns, 2*1; eellent musician., she taught a number Pneumonia jaeltetS,27 ; bed jackets, 16; of,years before entering. the order Of the siressing gowns, 2.,;, sheets,. 2.0; also 214 articles Of eldthing have been made for evacuees. - ---eGoderich branch work committe&pur- chase' the naaterialSGand wool and•the . outside units assist with jthe -.5e1ViLig , and knitting. Ladies are asked` to bring in their returns for the draw on the electric • Irons by TitesdaY, Apra 9t11• -Thii'draw Will take -place. at the 'Wednesday after noon bridge and "500" April 10th. • Ur. 1-13; Whittingliamreturned on Saturday from Herschel, Sasks• where he had been. the -past month on a busis , . ness trip to the farm. s. 1 I t. entanent ave Spedals. Due to adverse road conditions we are continuing our PERMAN- ENT WAVE SPECIALS until APrii .201h. • .„ Guaraatteed-011. Permanent - Wave . ... $1.50 (Itto finger wave required. Reg. $3.50:... Special $2.50 ...Reg. 5.00 3.50 Reg. 7.50. ... Special 5.00 1EVER Y :PERM:NM_ WAVE GUARANTEED -• HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SHOPPE' l(Next to Capital 'Theatre) Wesk St. • Phew, 12 School Sisters of Notre .Dame. Her career as a- teacher in her.religious com- munity Nvas 'Marked with success in everything:lheAttempted. " Invariably her pupils rated, high in competitive ex- aminations and school activities. But that was the leastsof , her ambitions. Iler'great concern Was the development Of character in her. pupils. By word an.d example but partieularly b)' -prayer she strove to ,inculcate Christian prin- ciples his the heat of her pupils and to inspire them with correct As Catholic men ,and women and as citizens. Those who came Under her influenee have nothing but Words of praise, anq. gratitude for her efforte in their regard. • • • . • • Ilerdast days of ,ffinesa were painful -days, but she bore alt -With heroic .pa- tience, to the edification of those Who aa* her. ,Her' great consolation was to, have her brother, Father J. ,J; O'Reilly, with her when the end- came on the afternoon of March 2Sth. She is survivethby tviTO brothers, Father j. J. O'Reilly, 'of Reliance, South Dakota, and Pat, of Eden Grove, Ontario, and three sisters �f London, Ontario, Rose, Sella end Ellen. At 'the' solemn requiem high .mass on her burial day' the :Reverend Eugene Omlor, '0..P1):,S., was celebrant Her own brother acted as .deacon Of the masa, -Reverend Albert Gaulrapp, C. EARL roitlwrt 9. subdeacen: and the Reverend]. .Stricken weeks ago, 'Earl Peter Cinikas, master- .cere- monies. Burial took place in the con- vent cemetery of Elm efrove. ilkiay she rest in peace,----(Contributec1). that Dunlop was elected and, being taunted ',by Dunlop supporters, -there 4ere-plenty of fights al.* Nvellsas-litieralt quantities of whisky afloat. - .Walter S. Herrington' -describes the -se ee - • • ,,,,„Only One Voting Place 'Parliamentaryselections today •are lion -devoted mothers engaged upon ItS replenishment; They how,.t times, An originality that verges' upon. .the. -Intearthly, but in the mainsareneveltieses they turn out 'So popieusly fall into three chissep ! . • Names produced by combining ,M6 Or 'mere old and -familiar names—for 0 A example, Maybeth ( May +Ellett beth ) . tame affairs compared, with those orsa. Names made . littelting , feminine century ago. • The „open vote afforded suffixes, to the names of males--Ltor ex-. opportunities far exciting scenes that the rising' generations. know not of. The closing ,of. the bar -on election day has robbed the oceaSion,of a -good deal of romance. The actnal voting contest is now limited- to eight hours, fro -m: nine to five. Whisky and the openn-svote 'Were two, very -potent factors An keeping pp. the excitement, Instead of having sev-, eral bociblis 'Aeattered. throughput each township -there was :only 'One in the electorlal district: • • "The pkncipal village in :the district ,was generally selected, but sometimes: the only booth was set up c•ountry tavern: espeCially if it was -in a central liication land the propriefor could pull - enough' political strings. A platform, would be constructed out of ro.n.gitt ,Annle Eagle of Toronto,. Mr. I% G. Eagle and Miss Millie Eagle of Hamil- ton,' and Henry ,Sheppard of Chfcago• The funeral took place March, 21st in Chicago to Memorial Park ceme- tery. ' - - - - - - 4s - VirILLIAIK S. EAGLE , . • William S. Eagle, iGoderIch old boy, ied-suddenly=laebos- Angeles,A3alife4 on March 16t11. He- was the son of -the late Mr., -and Misse-Alexander Eagle,, ferraer residents of Goderich. For Kenn.e'th, Rhoda, Donald and Leverne ; ..many years he had made his home in a Sister, Mrs. Ernest Taylor, of Gode- 'Chicago, and he was Spending the rich, and, his parents, Mr. and • Mrs• winter in California. 'He • IA- survived jamas Porter,--Gedericit The funeral by his wife and two daughters, Mrswill be held on .Satiirday afternoon 'Reed Eagle and ,Mr W. Cs"Griffin of from the home of !Mr. Ernest Se'elor, 1 Chicago ;. also by -tvvo brothers and brether-in.law of, the deceased. Inter - three sisterS, Mt 110.28... Eagle .and Miss anent will be in 3,Ialtland cemetery; . , . . _ , ample, -Paulette and the aforesaid Atiol- adolT)11-1-1119.): Names achieved by the sneer exuber- ance of a Wayward imagination --for example, Twila, Onza, Swanell, Sesma, Yetive 'and,the aforesaid Odle, Ivo and Lady Bird. How this 'fashion for bizarre girls' names arose in -the South 1' do not know, and- neither does- anyone else. All that historians can say with -any 'confidence is that it Was first noted about 60 years ago, and has been, grow- ing In virulence ever Bruce It -rages 'throughout the four states from which r have chosen examples, and eitends up the ApalaChian chabralluost le the latitude 0,t Washington and up the a . • . - sissippi Valley tO Iowa. What lies- behind it seems to be a loving 'maternal Itch to. give every fe- male infant the benefit of an unparal- leled label, setting her off sharply from the common run of her sex., But a certain, self-interest May also be in it, F., ROVE IT FOR YOURSELF - TEAT OUR,' PRICES ARE RED'UVEj) Specials for vieeli 5th to 12th. April. inetasive A, CASE FOR, DISCIPLINE Dungamion Lad Who Stole from Post - office In e'itiveuile Court `P An/ eleven -year-old Dungannon boy, who pleaded gailty to *breaking into the Dungannon postoffice on the- eye of election day and stealing three dol- lars coppers, was placed on sus- pended ',sentence..by Juvenile Judge IF AsMakins after a trial-laat Thursdast. The father of `thesboy. was instructed- to take pro -rapt disciplinary naeasnres, in- chrding a sound threshing -e -more than -one if necessary.. • ' The' boy, yvho has been in trouble -before, is apparently quite a lad. the outskirts of Dungannon' last. Tues- day, he greeted a constable who had trndged through the snow to investi- gate the robbery ANVIO1 “Good raorning',1' did -you- heaar about thesrebbery?" , • • "Very little," replied the constable., "What sabout it?" -. • Theboys are 'all kidding me: They saY I did it," came back the lad; and, ap inveetigation proved,. sure enough he .had broken into the postoffiee through the rear door -and stolen three hundred coppers; of which he had lust ,106 left when apprehended., • .• Police are looking into the activitiee' of a so --called boYs' Wild West gattg in Dungenness during the past winter. Al- -ready one gun has been seized, GUILD .MEETING The St. George's. Church Women's, Guild met Tuesday afteritooft hi the Gland. roonis 1Vliss M. E. Sfelkelct presid- ing. 'Mrs. E. D. Brown read the Scrip- ture lesson. Therbil call Wits answered with a favorite hymn. 'Mrs. Tichborne for a .mother 'who Invents something took charge of the meeting and read an that really staggers the neighborhood interesting paper on "Out' Great Heri- issno doubt highly respected -by other tage " and tendueted a Contest to see ,mothers.,, • • tiiree In My eollectaneit sa. kerne truly '_ P _how marty, Words could. -be 'made m the words Church WomenGuild James Porter of tewn passed • away in • stupendous exampleS:- Zelda, Leetha "''as. ." his fortieth year at Alexandra Hospital and MoSetta from Alabama ; Versey, This was won by Tea Mrs. McNall. early this • (Thursday) morning. 41c. ,Qameria and , Valeria, from Texas, was , then. servedNext ..month there . be a pot wilt luck snippet Porter Was born In Goderich, the. son Darlene, Bashie, Teel and Waive trot)). , • --. of James Porter and Margaret Scotch- Iowa; ' and ()isle, Bleba and Latrina :mer, and, has •lived .liere all. his life. from. the hills of Venneseees But .the BELIEVE IT OR NOT,. An Iowa farmer has just experienced He was a machiniet by trade, although national charnpionshlpy I believe; • be- ; one of the greatest freaks of nature •he worked. as A barber at times. 'Sur- longs to North Carolina. • •Searching its sissi,. sevat4e— ars_ ago, befori "e.tarting_ viving is his wife, formerly' Isabelle byways, 'for. procliglei. Di.- Urban T: '''''' East -of Clinton,. and four children, Holmes, of the state university, found on a job; he hung his coatair a fence , in the a Negro girl in Rockingham county farmyard. , .Soon after he left named Margorilla I., . • ,, a Small Calf walked up, sniffed the ,Atpror.fr• allrohlezneless ,wenitehot4msketerileadi'isyomhies, emieaules ecitr4-"..ancl coat it didn't diScOver the. gold wateh ate it up. In eating the giVett names, and Other_explorers of the which it contained until it.vvas too late Sub -:Potomac region). ,have • Came back —he'd swallo-wed it._ A short time ago, -With beautiful -speeimens, among them the ealf, after goodservice, was slaugh- nanong, Lloatiiiiak.,, Lingo,. nimself, thearteedue..frorciimeeg.ered•lis'tenhet_titnimg'epitieuepe, tthhee Hebrew, S011eitor, Wahwah;.King- Solo animal Fitte,'Ilighwater and PYlorus. But ...animal had swallowed seven Years be * me at least, sma.eks of tbc f°1"e' It was still going—and the time this last; to , 'n, was correct. Apparently the:, Watch humor of awicked medical studet' celled to attend the subjeet'e mother -at, had wedged ittielf in sueh a pbsition It - her accouchement. The students of the bitirsie d'e etcil!ita_hellnimatl that every time- . rblit surely. ttuktm„„ NEW tiOW PRICE For the Farmer Potassium rodide ..1 OZ. for 30c 3 oz.. for $1.00. Worm Mixture for Ilogs.;.1b..250 Reduced Oen oz, 20e 2 oz. 35c Subhate of Iron , ..3 Ills.. 25e •, Cattle -Sulphur lbs. 25c Glauber's , Salts . . 't .4 lbs.. 25c Hellibore 2'„ .1. ;211). 39e Cooper's Dri-kill ... . . 85c Camphorated QU I era, 15e, - 2 Oz. 35e SOAPS.' Freneh Castile Cake 50 Cashmere Bonnet ....2 cakes Ile , Palmolive ..,.. 2 rakes lie Baby's Own „ _ 3 cakes for 25c • Birthday Cards . tie up. , - As a tonic . take Fellow's SY, ,r/Jip Large .... $1.39" . WOodbury's Face or pad Cream , 'Sant ,Flu:hge-foiltrillit;i5e0c•Ba'throom, ' • Large Tin 276: THE ANTISEPTIC Small 25c Medium bot. ....49e , Large bot. „ We are still redeem- . • ini Odex Cofipons MBER1 MAI Filches' Dandruff Remover.- z_and Shampoo 90c value for 59e Kruschen S Alka Seltzer Sinall 29e. „Large 57e Films, Developing Printing •°A.S.A. Tablets 2 doz. 25e • Bliss Native Ilerb • ts dipt izo Buy' pRtras AT THE DRAIGSTORE IHREOPTCAIR)3,ELt„..LAUPR Phorte 1 Phone 90. " Phone Pb.one 45 GODE14011 DRUGGISTS FINE soops SUPER' „tEratiO 4t D HOT" GROCERY VALU PRICE , "IIILLCREST" TICE BETTER Shortening 21:th. 27c "MAGIC" 'Baking Powder 4 -oz. 8 -oz. 10-ot. 1$c 20c 30c cowors Cocoa lilt). Tin 146. Thi 16e 27c "Salade Tea Sale rd, 37e "21,Allea. 39c Peter Pan o: ieve PEAS 2 '71. 19c naker CORNYLAUS :SEE WIVE" 'GOLDEN CORN SYRUr. 2-16# 16c tin CRISCO 1 -ib. Tin 19c PEA�L SOAP Hawes FLOOR WAX pkgs.- 15c • 27,„ tin. "0 1.0 34b. Thi 53c Bars Lge .14b. Tin 45c lb :Tin lb. Tin Keene 8/Mustard 27.0 49e ar 60 Sunlight Bap Lifebuoy Soap Gillett's Lye 2 Bars 15o Ti. 12e Large Meaty, Prunes 2 lbs. 25e Libby's Catsup 12 -oz. 13e Heinz Spaghetti • ined. 25e Clothes Pins Sdoz. 10e Golden Net SALMON Mirlokr"T'it; ric 1-14 Tin 29e . J. MoEVIE PHONE 46 CALVIN WITT PHONE 116 , Billy Wood and Eta,rold.Chase spent .Gorclori-.Walter returned on Monday 1 the Easter vacation with Billy's bro.- ,,,frOm-Torontos vvhere he had been: visit- . ther, jack, •at Port. Colborne. - 's - • . Mg with Irelatives thepastweek. ' ' - Johns -41,01>k-ins --Med 'eel -Seim ol before' wi din t n g e wa. P publie indignation elapped them down, - .L named Diaphragm, Esophagus, Hernia, filled East Baltimore with m(ondon) blacka oors Sieninges, ThYrold. and even 'Autopsy. 'The inventions of coiored mothers. show a pious tendency. I knew. a Very ,blaek boy in my youth who' bore, the name ,,,of Leviticus, and another called) Laud of . Meal), and MissNeon's). C. Chappell,- of Itiehmond. Va., ''Once 1M-. earthed on - named Matthew ti11ark Luke John Acts -of -the -Apostles Son -of - Zebedee 'Garden-ofGetheemane 1111t. But her prize discovery was Pim. C. Jackson, named • by his 13iblestnintied mother tater tlie ;Hundredth riiii;fill "(Poi 0.). . .., 'Pr. Holmes' herole Investigation led him to conclude that colored Mothers were really less -bold _than . -white mothers In the eontoction of imanes tor their progeny. In the group te.studiecl, mare boys were called James than any -1 thing else and more girl'werecalledl .Mary. Mary. aleo leads in the general Anierican-pdpulation, but the most NO- ular male tiame, now and for 200 Years past, ,is john, 'which' Charles Lamb praised baek-in 1827 us "honest, full, Ene,lish, and yet sWithal holy and apoetolie." , Not all Americans have given names. There is, WOO, no legal compulsion to acquire and Use one. Dr. Gatewood,: 'A profesor tit surgery at RUA iMedietil College, Chieago, who died on May 22, 1939, got through half a ,century of ffre without 011e. When he sought a niar. 1 lingo license ,,,in Stin Diego, Cat, in 1923 the Meal officialg made a pother, t:samtleieiAs ,r1i:iyotD, oofg:irritisola,t1fryitti:dietd: 1:1:1;:ol(t-11:;P :: do e it: ee Ya n :1(1withoutto1 eal ti 'g :Is: 1 1911:, when he Joined the 'Medical Re. • , n011inSe 0 r (1 . 'IN II,f a retired New To& bush:les5/1Jan. 'Once in New York, he was denied. the right to" Vote, but his lawyers foreed the election officials to admit shinie "I 'never had the slightest tilktifile ?about my name," he says, "in business or. banking." RITISH SHIP SINKS VitITH CARGO OF KRUSCHEN Canada bound iivilth 56,000 bottles A grave interruption in Kruschen Supplies for Canada occurred ecent. ly when a special shipraent of 60,000 Kruschen Giant Packages wad sent to the' bottom. The balance of the supply of Kruschere Packages,. sent 011 other shipSylia3 been landed and distributed thinly ,across, the count- ry. Special concenl was felt because' thie particular shipment 'was of the Giant (Free Trial) size which contains the regular package plus the free trial package offered at the regular price. Your local druggist still has a supply but act immediately! VVe urge regular Krucehen ueserA to get their pack - awl at once to avoid dieappoint. Merit. if you -ouffer froxit rheumatic pains, frequent headaches, lassitude, blotchy complexion and other ail. nients trupiently caused by con. stipation, Just you try Kruschen Salts. • V:CVS..51. °111015 ... 116. -4(.1V -el"- co Oti03 v'ses.tor" issestv'e stas, esete ssWts- cps V0-97.ts0-00 ttOvo iss, • ss'sis ?Tstteae ..otes ttosts sts,dkos: a‘es.b.,.;„ ov• tre : tece95 wev a 04 ,ovia, ,ct oVV. toe t2t'NC. tet01/1°'"CAOlt°'it '09" extt _ .