HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-28, Page 6, NEWS OF AUBURN 4.1311UR,N, Aleut 27. ---Miss Ethel r were caneelled. "Neat Sunday in Knox..iii holiday *awn, with iter Pavente, • Mr. 1Vestkii Univereity will occupy tile Weellehlettou v;.of Pleton ie ependiug the Prealiyterian chUrele a divinity etudent *lid lir$. J. J, :Waehingtou. . • 1":111.4it° private, wth.,, ,ilovarson. , owl ,,,:mt,'''. , Despite'tite bad wadi 10. this district, ,,,,e.reeeee ee , lee, eeeee tee, weee., 335 voters voted, at the theee township , '4"1"e7171151:31vr.h'u'uTirs", iG771.5oluiles-01 . Pelle located in the village., • It . tool° 1 two 'and a -halt hours for one farmer Ilira. Thompon. eremained for a longer' , , „ . , t“onie two and re;Italf miles up the „viiit. AtisSeii Evelyn Plaetzer anal Matiord Base Illie eii'llues414-37" " Artlatir, of Stratford N.Rmal School, ilard . eel. the Doctorse-Mrs. Win. I1 upeudiug the leeetee vacation ae !Thom was taken. suddenly Mon VridaYri- I)r. Weir was telliedebut, was out" on a their reepective tomes here. - , mr. Jou neustot4 litutiout ate owl& icalleeo Dr. Gallow (AlGoderich was sum - spent the weereene wien Ilse rises' Owned. He aftenipted tiY.eOltier -Olt-Mit exits, M. awl Mi'. 3,0eu uoustou. . , was .conipelled to eurn heel?... because a ill1Paseable roade. , Dii• Voices a Mr. Jack 'Weir, etwient at, Shs aw'the Blytia • waS t hen called aild lie had to Dewiness College in Termite, is,: visiting i wait two hours and eoine out on the train, to be 'met at.thestationby a eleigh. .. We are glad to r eport that Mrs. -Thom is restine°comfortably at her belie ,now. The Godericit road is the only road open to traffic ' from ';'Aubntete. It • is eteted .that the Blyth road'Will not he opened for a few days. " eiVomeies---Disiltuteesselpeeeewomente , , . Institute, held its MontielY uteetheeee in the hall last Tuesday afternoon, . MrS. Lawson .presided, and lire. Roes acted his father, Dr. B. O. Weir. Arise Mary Ascluial,-of Fergus,. was 'Week -end visitor with her parentsv .tr. " and Mrs. Chao. Asquith. • e "We >are glad- ,eo report that Mrs, "James, Itaithby,,:iWile haS been la r4 - 1t13, is somewhat biproved in health. .M.resetiti Mrs. Wine Craig quietly' eelee brated their twenty.laftli- wedding ane niversary„en Monday. •Ii honor of the oecaelon, these, were presented with a eilver casserole by their fainii,y. word of the death otheir f soleire King, c 'etee,was absent. ' The meeting Mr. and .mes. e. 0., toftz haveeees l'aesecreteey in place of Mise Margaret ceived law, Mr.. J. lit. ShoPin, at fforptito m was coPened by the, singiug of the 'Ode, after whieb, Mrs. E. Phillipeld, 'in the Tuesday. . Deceased was married in eeea'anlearee-sefeethieeYeareeteeeMiess Nino Steitz, formerly of Auburn, ana was sie ieetueer In the "University of Toroeto. Owing to the stormy weather ion iStinday, the services in,,the Baptist, Presbyterian and''Angljeati-, aturday Specials Urge, Bologna 2 lb. for 25e Pork Sausage 2 lb. for 28.6 (Out' Owu reo;ke.):, " Fr esh Hamburg Steak • 2 lb. for 25c SiriolifiSteak : 23c lb. , Round Steak .23ci11. • Rib.Boil,Beef r. • • -120 lb. Lean, Boil Beef . . 12e lb. - Blade 240,4 Beef .... 17c lb. tint Grade knOei . (With -meat order,. 29c lb. ked:Picge Hamg. .23e lb, Smoked COtta,ge BUs 29e "*'. ;11111111011.1111.0•61MMINIMM.111, 'Legg's Meat Market We Deliver Phone 435, Lord's Prayer. Letters were read front etheeDenartmeneseand Miss M.. Small of Toronto. Mrs. W. H. -Sneppa-a7gere a sketch of .the life of Levi Tweeds- muli, and Betty. Craig sang a solo'. Mrs. CrOrd011 Taylor ga„ve the topic on ".04ammunity A.ctivities and Relief." A *bun contest was held, the judges being Mrs: Walper, Mrs..George Beadle and Mrs. S. II, Johnston. Their decision was as follows: ist, Miss Sadie Carter; 2nd, 11/Irs, E. Phillips; 3rd, 1V(rs. A. J.. Ferguson. First prize wes 24 pounds of pa.stry flour; second was ten pounds a pastry flour; 3rd WAS five pounds of pastry fiour. These prizes were donated by MTS, S. H. Johnston. A hearty.vote of "thanks was extended to Mrs, Jelin-- ston for her interest • in the contest,s. also to ',the+ other judges, Mrs. Ohas. Straughatt gave a reading and themeet- ing was closed with the singing of the National A.nthera, after Which a dainty THE GODERiCi SIONALISTAR Behind the Scenes 1500 ; 4•••n. Was the cost. oi Egyptian Emhaineilig as, eStirae,ted in Our present day eterreney. Thispioratee of Embalming was the 'earliest practised, and *re - (wired a 'Period OfVeri Seventy -1)a)rs TO ,Conlplete. Contrast tile TIUE. tequired. Contrest. itheedlgere*tin.e..cg_S-Ti- to;riplett; Atom- 'Service'' as-10We The E, * • E Cranston Funeral Home retreat St. 24-hour .Invalid Car !'-ervice s 1 71.1111111811111MOIMOOMMallialla4 the.famons nay Lord Nelson.- ROO . Brociar -English %China, which has just 4erlyed at Smith's , Art Store-Tliey.thaee thee:hive- hest English Dinuer-Setieatsttele low praetI1eoPen .sock -get Dliiiiete‘SeteeTott- have been lerelegsing YOursolf itOei is the ti -me.. SMITH'S ART & GifT STORE- '. East St. Phone 198 , ° The Home of English China lunch' was served by the hostesses, Mrs. IL Ce.Wilsea-, Airs. A. J. Ferguson and Mrs...F. Ross. • We have recently. ingtalled s a new King Motor' Tune-np machine: We in- vite you to bring your car in fee a free test. HARVEY BAXIIER,.. AtC11.0±,.N LINInELD, SHELL•SERVICE STA- TION, Itingstop. Street. • 11-12 coy Even; Prices. a CATCH. STRAW OR RASP 32•oz. Tee 25e COLOUR AND '', PECTIN — CLOVERLEAF 910 - q7p TIN TIN • %••, • kmBys 12 oz e 27c .MOTHER PARKER'S r. Yellow La,bel Th. 32e rearaissewwwwwwooll Lge. CHIPSO• 2 pkgs. 17c pkg. 2Qc MAGIC Baking Powder .Tin 28e __Wash and Carry) OATS Ogilvies ()glides' Blended rLAKES • Woodbury's Faeial .„ SOAP " ,dergeti's Carbolic Peaches "NS 25c BARO Cleanser CroSse & Blackwell DAT ,& NUT BREAD Whiz SPAGHETTI . Heinz • CHILI SAUCE. pkg. 19c '2 Cakes 15c Cakes_14e..• • 2 Tins 25c 2 Tins 29c 2:16 oz. Tins 290 25e P Coffee Vigorous & Minty -00.KARlib • Bag :•••PENI,e Milil & Mellow O'CLOCK. ' 14bBag. • . itieh--&-r411 Bodied_ _ RED CIRCLE 14b.40,o Bag P BREIt -sLiJED,: or UNSLICED 'PAGE WHITE *BOLE AVIIEAT CRACRED!WIINAT 2 ,,,... 2.i. 1 WRAP.' LOAVES /ONA PZA$ Sinnyfield.pASTRY loLdUR '24 Bag 58e,--4 lb. Bag 130 , No. 2 Tins 190 ROYAL .aoustitoLD FILO 2.4b. .7.1b 24 A. Bags I w Bag. &Iv •‘-,13;igb° uiv • FIRLTIT:5 AND VEG4TA13LES CARROTS Calif. Otiginal Bunches ' 1-1 2 for lio GRAPEIMUIT Texas Marsh Seedleso '2 for110 SPINACH ° Curly iteif • lbs., for 1.5e OZLXRY a:CARTS Ori* and' 'Tasty* • for lio SELF-SERVIC STORES •A, rummage eale will be held .041 April Oth, .in Masli.ey WU lender the anepices of the W.A. of Victoria, etreet church. Sale startle at 1 04044 Vor a °good. spring tenie take Kipers Herb "I'ablets, $old by OAMPliErl4.115 DRUG' ki..TOIttl. • • -13 4 ' Tie Nurses' Alumnae will hold their regular meeting at tile.110603' residence\ on leralay, April iitle at 3 p.M. The leadieee Aid of Zhen church end ited Croes or "I'ayloris Coiner will meet at the home oe Mrs, A. iloimee' on Wednesdey. April erd, at 2 pan.' The assistant nostesses are Mrs. D. A. Stirs Ines and Mrs. J. Wateon. The toll call wilt be answered by theeScriptueal ewe of tile Word "Water."• .0Wing to the °Inelemene weather the date of. the sale of. Johns Yuill, lot 10, concession, 0, Goclertch township,' Ints, beenehanged from. alaecli 22ud to Monday, APril Commencing' et 1 gUISIDItle ‘.SON, -4 Anctienteeres- • s -13 On April 18th the Arthur Clecle Itnox Presbyterian, church Will, Pre-' sent the fannies the, Meech** Copeland, Scotland's naost. vereatile entertainer, and. Kenneth Duff, • 'brilliant London „ * °Spring. rnIllInery In newest styles ealedeecolorsreelleeepatteaneleePeP • priced hats, MISS° et. It. MadVieeem, reingetemetreet, Bedford bleck. 13x. The Easter thank-offeerlog meeting of the, W.M.Ss of • North street Uted chureh wjll be eeld on elondey, Aprl ist, at' 3. p.m, •• The Women's Institute will meet at MacKay Hall. on Thursday next, April 4111, at 3, o'clock.' • -kIDNDYS•.ARIel CLEANSED and hi- . viierated by using ReMecepe. At regular'entereals; us ee Itaffeacaps • for your health's sake.- ----CAMPBEIJIIS. DRUG STORE. • 18-49-25 ntain ecretervtce • _ - - _ War Office counteesespiona.ge section. She joined the suspect Frielide of the Soviet Union; gained the confidence of the Spy ringleader, end led him along until_she kneve the whole.organizeteorr. To clinch the proof, she everehlredethe. apartmentwhere the piens supplied...0 -traitors - in Woolvvien Arsenal were copied. At the right moment all the conspirators ‘were arrested And the TO, Ta9St 'people the British secret- , service mansis a -creature bizarre fic- tion. E, Oppenheim and a hest of „other mystifier% -hate endowed* him with °superhuman powers. Aetueliy, the British Government's intelligence services ' have, few suela. officers. True; they have ,produced extraorclinarY men like ColoueI Lawrence of. Arabia, Ad- miral Sir Iteginald Bell -the naval In steillgensrecenius-otetheelastewar-and others who never tell :svhy they wear the King's highest decorations and never break into print, But moet of them are just plain, unimaginetive Bri- tons •who •work Without glory or ro- inanee to .keep the Empire's fingers on the nerve centres of the world. . . There is no British "secret seririce" as such, - There are seven-ofe them. The Foreign; Office, the War Office, the Ad- •iniralty, the Air Ministry, the ,Bosied of Trade, the Oolonial Office ;and the Home ..Office each ,has an: intelligence department of. its .own. Unlikee=the• centralized , German "Geheimdienst," coverhig all:branches a eepienage and• lug a -letter. box '-a central office counter espionage the British services agent, under rigid discipliner - learns - through ',which.. reports went t6 and are not Well 'co-ordinated. . . . To bleu everything -a spy should know, from picking from Berlin -Special Intelligence Was of the Ohareherleen school this spying recognizing ship silhouettes: to able to nail .11, dOZeli of Admiral. Can - business is -still very shady'. and de- locks.. But Britistreintelligenee men a ris'. best en They had been watched. finitely net. cricket. •As a result,- much, yarn fts they go ' from siraple jobs to for some • tune before .war began, and valuable information- from agents lo mete exacting assignmente. Appoint- scared off. whenever they got too close, the field npver.'gets to the Tightplacee molts to the services are not -widely to a vital secret On September 2 they The Foreign Office Intelligence De. sought, The pails not attractive -no suddenly were arrested, much toiller- .partmentis probably the most efficient More than the regular 'civil service lin'e surprise; • ' of the seven secret services, ess men scale -and the life .of an agent is not Naval Intelligenee ebas been having are sent out where and 'when the regui lar accredited British diploinaee on 'no longer function. The chief° is tgen- erally- the Permanent Under-Secretary •• State; at present Sir Aleva.ader Cadegan. This spare, keen -eyed; Soft- • spokehf -cultivated- wrist -leerier -ening °ea - Machine a great power. •,In his hands • i$ the, secret fund of the Foreign Office. Fust how. much flows through his agents to, foreign government officials in bribes and Seipport is kmow.n to only two or three men, bnt the stui. is knewn to rib into rainy, millions of poundi a year. -If Pilifie MiniSterOliaiiiber had trusted. Oadogan mori,and his own • braineruete -of dilletantes le* the eveets. of the last-) few' year, particul- arly the debacle atMunich, might have shaped ,differeetlys, The Foreign -Office intelligence -corps, sratillearidesselece-ekieisteofeiteenien • re ehosen from the foreign service it - elf for Skill in ferreting out Informa- tion and handling diffituit situdtions: But some , of the most seabed are Private leekeedise OpecialistseCalted on *when needge, iCkenerally• they are 'wealthy men., In...important nositiOns. 'Intelligenee rchiefe discover them In and via the elaborate Under- eir elubS. and among ,their business ground -railway systeni main - friends, and appeal to their patelOtisin and love of adventure. Few refuse to serve. e , Intelligence departraente em- ploy woinen only when absolutely nec- essary. Miss X, who - uncovered the Russian spy ring in England in Febru- ary, 1988, has been tiniqUe. The trim' thirty-year-old blonde did a remarkable \ job at the request of a friend in the. For Results A FOR MIS POR SALC.---APPLEti---DA.14DWINS, - '''' Sterke, Salontee tied other, ill first.; $2,00; 1 . bushel ei0e. , FRANK Ila class emedition; sprayed; 6 bushels ApiTly'41:11e44,AgioniZellivoelres ; neav 'Hoare. 41 ENT.-',A,PARTNiES-TS ; ALL NOTICE. . , _ — 12tf The iLlattle, farm implements, cement contraetor's suppliee and equiPment of - YOUNG, itit. No. 5, Goderielt, Phone • ' 120. Frank Bell, ineolvent, will be offered Carlow 206. APPLI0,4.TIONS WANTED by auction at the sale of liar. John A. - ICOUOIIES ; stroller, also eelei APPLICATIONS. :W.ANTED. Yuill, Lot 10, Concession 0,, Godexieh poi, t, MIA ---TWO USED STUDIO leather eoueh. DR011'IlEY'S FURNI- ea Applications will be reeeiied by tbe Et°::te.srli.i1)' on . ___ „ F. W: (MADMAN, Ofileial Receiver, Monday, APril 1st, 1040. underSignedoup to April 8th, 1tI40, or TUBE MOUE. operating. the Munigipality's power grader at a salary of twenty-five cents Iler hOur. TO RENT THURSDAY, MAUCH 260, 1040 NOTICN 1:X UST 01,` OPPORTUNITIES to nuke likoney YOUr own bone. Write B. ISIARC118U, 437 Notre INtrue 44t, West, --Montreal, Que. 1244 DIED HUNTER., ---In Colborne township, en 'Wednesday, March 27111y, Elsie Link - later; wife Of Irvin Ilunters The funeral Will .tttke place front her late residence, Blue ,Water highway, - 'Saturday, March alath, at 2 p.m. Inters raentein eenietery„, ROBERTSON,-elil Colborne tevenship, . on Friday, March. 220, Charles A. Robertson, M.L.A., in his 05tir year. DURNIN PHILLIPS, • Imcknow, P.A. No. 2 718 •Clerk Wat Wawanosh TAT. • WANTEI, RESSMAXING. - PLAIN .4,,N D •raney Sewing. Apply MISS RICH. ARDS, No, 7 Bruce St. 1210 ADVERTISER•BAS „sonny BIW- OUN , desires' -work, ' - 1Y. Phone 562, Goderiele. '• 13x Toronto, ,Iklareh. 20, 1940. — .The Goderieh Signal -Star„ WAISTTED. FOR, GENERAI4 ,Goderich, Ontario. ,Gentlemen, -It gives us much -plea- sure to inform You • that our eales of "Salado." tea Goderich for 1939 showed A substantial increase Over the previbus-year. • - As you undolibt,edly realize 'from the Space we buy in The SignalJStax, :we regard newspaperseasea fundamental medium to.r advertisling "Reedit" tea, and we are glad to a.ckneWledge the contrilnition of your paper to OUT Slle- tess of last year. ° • Please accept our thanks for .your kind .co-operation. , . • ° Yours very trulY, BALADA_TPA...00MPAN't ON ADA, Lrmatm; , Per 0. Hodgkins. , Office remembered seeing him Years be- fore 'behind a desk at kleetepo head- quartere in Berlin. His whole career, , concentration camp and all, had, been 'planned by the Geherindienst. Inetancee have been, revealed Where, bena fide refugees were forced to join esrpion- age Work by threets of reprisal 'roe re-. &dyes and friends left in Germany. A lot of information on-BrItish'..troop movements, preParations and plans has leaked to Berlin, shut the:big German espionage organization was knocked into a ,cocked hat last September, jaet as its predeceseer was In Analist. 1914- .eeereteota newe,14,IncieeasteaLeeneseens, The Germans are incorrieilelee creatures saved for-Britem. „ • . "ft— ' • " Regular, full-time agetits of the telligence service are -of -all 17Pes.1 1 Naval Intelligence they are, ordnance, supply and operations officers'. In the Board of Trade 'ID, they ate seatistic-, tans and experienced traders. They vary from athletic youngsters to old gentlemen in wheel chairs. :Unlike the German arid Preneh agents, they -re- ceive no formai training in the spy htesineSes The Somewhat sinister- pair who command Hitler's "Gebehndienst" Canarls and assistant Ges- tapo .chtet ReinVardt Heydrich-have started a S'elool in *Berlin wilere, the o ha and sys eta. Where the Brl; tish send one or two highly btelligent, exPerienced. spies, , with instructions to use their own -imagination and initia- tive, Berlin clisPatches. a dozen rigidly disciplined agents . under, a ehlef- thormigh workers, WE generally cluinsy and with:out imagination, , In 1914, the. War 'Office, niiiped off the two leader of the Jmperial German_ Geheinidienat in, England, who lied been suspected anti watched for yeae_withetit their knowledge, euid- the Whole 'German eepionage was paralyzed in England for the °duration of the war. Much the 'same -happenecl,last autumn. By And - 1••••••••••••11.110•.11111114, NOTION TO DEBTORS VIM TO DP • All persons ,owing the late .Tosepli• Bropbey rany ,eutstanding a(Counts are eci4teundersigned t°onPar thbeefour:tbileutTShif4ieththe of l!larch, 1940. The undersigned hee- by gives notice that the, Undertaidng Business formerlY"Onerated, 1)3!' her late husband, !Yost* Erophey, has now_bgeg. Purchaeed by Mr. Floyd Lodge and that she has ,i10 farther Interest in the Same: All accounts incurred prior to lattrelll 9th, 1940, are to be paid to hr. , Dated at Goderich this Twelfth da* housework; •neust sleep home at et isearek 19o. MARGAIRET ELIA ' -13 11-13 • " •,Gt•olitleerbicebcisoturLaetr,10. nights. Write P.O, BOX 527, Goderieh. ANTED. --BOARDERS, MARRIED evouplespeeferredeecentrally-40eatede Write BOX 20, .SPeiNAL-STAIt' 00- PIOE. 13x IKAIIN DOUBLE FOR YOUR . Er - FORTS I. Easy, interesting work in a district elteeen by. .yee. Products well known througnout -Canada-Sures sellers' all. GET ISTARTED AT O0CE1 I3y RETURN 1111AIL drop a line to THE FArMILEX PRODUCTS COM- PANY, 570 .St. ClementIMontreal. -13 WANTED. -TO 33UY OLD HORSEa and, dal "cattle; must be suitable for mink feed; -removed promptiye FRED GILBERT,. lt,It. 2, Bayieeele Phone 60,8 r 22, Oliaton.- Calls paid - for, 18-tt. to spend a: couple of Weeks With her Maher, MTS. Wilson, who had the mis- fortune to fall and break her arm, Mr Cecil Pollock is assisting -111r. Jim McIntyre ofsCarlow,- who is moving° to Nile. Mr. Ralph. Foster motored to Sarnia on Thursday last. Ale; and Mrs. Clay- ton Foster returned with him and are -visitbeg, with relatives and friends; • 'Mrs., OakleyofVoronto, is staying tk her „eistee lgrs.„W M..nFeeter, for n few -days. Mr. Bobby Waterhouse of Toronto is staying with Mrs. A: Gordon.: • , • GRAND NEW ,RECIPE Coconut Mist Cake Three cups sifted cake flour; 2 tea: .spoons detel5lesaeting baking powder, • teaspoon salt; 1 cup butter or other. shortening; 1 10. (31/2 cups Confection- ers' sugar, ; 4 egg yolks, well beaten; I cup milk; I teaspoon vanilla ; 1 cup shredded eoconut ; 4 egg white‘stiffly . . . beSatifetil'fiou'r once, measure, athi baking gi powder and salt,'and sift togetherthree times, Cream butter thoroughly,. add sugar gradually, and cream .together until light and dully. Add egg yOlks and beat well.. Add- flour, alternetely- with melk,' a small. amoueat at a time, beating after le eaeli addition. until 'smooth, add,ianelitt and eoconut Vold in egg whites. quickly and thereughly. Bake in three greased 94nch. layer pans ., a rough faissage. . In 1914; it had the in __model:ate , oven (375 deerees F.) 25, enjoyable. He must live a lonely life, every moment. Not until: a long period without real. friends his mind alert extraordinary luck of obtaining a Ger- to '30. -1119114es'l&reoards',2d314,!'rerrioalla mail -naval. code'ebook--found in the Feerees,Ig between podeet of a drowned signal officer on ''"•11' e `wl$hrIdd,esel"Ceoe'zinAt see of 'apprenticeship is passed is the agent n. 4 given jobs suth as espionage inside the cruiser Magdebere, vvhich ran Gernia.ny. - , ' aground on the Aland- Islands. For al- • Tile 'Mar Office Intelligence Depart- Most tvvo: years- the 0 -Omens -Used that s. ment is the eargest A whole wing of same code. Admiral • Raeder. is more the rambling War Office bunging is its _ circumspect than his predecessors 'bow- -. , 4-' ever, and the officers svb.o work in front' head.quarters,. where. no stranger m -v, enter without et *speelal pass and a. Of the big .eharts in. -the Wae Room of brass4buttoned guide. It directs not ,the 13ritish A.cleniralty are not so 'well only the regular intellfg,ence,•oificers i•n su• pplied with citi• es. So tight is .the the •British Army all over the Empire, , ,_,. German counter -espionage net around but also-h#"111-ininW"e-gPeeliti--'31- -Kiel, Wilheliiihaven and oteer navg telligence Section . whieh controls mill- war bases, that even •the A.dmiralty's, tary espionage throughout' the World, agents Slave found it -difficult toelo any and Counter -espionage in' all British° effective work there. And profiting possesefons. . Somewhere on the top from experience, the German cottunand floor of this rabbit warren lira the cbangessoodes frequently. The Admire 'AChief of 'Special Irdelligenee, known alty'e decoding section is faraous for ()illy ,tO,,,ht0Annediate assjstants, to the its speed and accuracy In cryptography,' top men in -the War, Office and -to the At the beginning d the AA* were Ads Prime Minister. The private -stall-Way. .miral " Sit Reginald Hall .fotind, therie is guarded by offclais who, let, no bile were hitt enougb cryptographers to do pass vvho is not on ate high staff, .and the job Whieh, suddenly ewamped the even. these wetelidogs 'could not pick out the Chief filth -self: _7r-Prd Ids- Office Audilnaseitttiaralt,y. Descending, on the British go the, crack meie of the. service; equip- , he -dragged frightened' Sit -- :pod with false passports, it..a.0 $3,forman. vante out from dusty nooke and crane nies. If they- could decipher hierogly. WJ.V 44e Phics, they xectild break codes: They toillS. These ekperts MUst w.atch con- did so well that•it. seemed like sorcery. tinumisly for false rumors, aud for These obscure talente.baydeag_aite been ds- drafted rento _service- -- -- _ irDNDEUS WANTED. .Sealed tenders ewill be received hy the tineersigned Clerk, Until 12 evlock noon, Tuesday, ,A.prii 2nd,1940, fel-wir- ing the •Township Hall, Carlow. 'WM. SALLOWS, 12-18 ,R,R 5 Goderich ENDERS. WANTED. - TOWNSHIP- OF -COLBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned Clerk, Untiln o'clock noon, ,Taesday, April 2nd, 1940, for eupplying, 3000 cubic Yards of ceushed gravel, 1- , inch -screen, and delivering same on Township, roads- as directed. Marked - cheque for $100.00 to accemparty 'tender. .1051vest or any tender not necessarily eccepthde • WM. SATirioWIS, 1Goderieh, B.B. 0, Ont.• , GEO. F. 'BEAN,. • . • e 'Road Sutierintendeat, • 12-13- 'Goderieh,R.It. '5, Ont. Hae3tIon Renewed Your Subscription? . aro atched_ • .,..tagav1BRAND. CHICKS rivilroome in on the bigh egg, pric- es next fall., Buy your Service Chick needs from your loci dealer,. - • • RYAN 86 SON, PRODUCE &gimlet' 'Ont.' , Hamilton Street • Phone 845—Res. 334 WATERLOO COUNTY IIATCIP ERY New Ila,niburg, Ont. GET. YO'Ult . Auto Markers AND., Drivers' PermitsFRom W., MaeViCAR. At Geo, MakVicar's Shoe Store. Kindly Fin In:,1939 Registration Cards for 1940 lAceinie, and save Doi 414 Godericb, Ont. 1940 . 'plans ptirpeeelY Plityedrilitestheir-lian It was mainly Board of rade agents hy fdreign secret serviees.4 The, ger- man Gehelmdienst let' it leak out, for example, that a 'certain sector of the West Wall was not yet completely ,eelliPPed With artillegY, hoping that the Allies would attack at that point But another' British agent repotted that krttpp, had _sent a large-exitimber of ,poWeeful guns to that yery, seetoe. It was 'Up to Special Intelligence to -etiti .olit Which story was t orteet and inform • Tioid Gort, commander in chief 'of Bril tab's forces in Maned. Thousands of lilies depended oe theep,cciiraey, Of that eeport. ' 7 ..• The co -Miter -espionage 'diviSiim,- of •Special iiitelligenee has 0 brilliant re - nutation, These. men -some ..400 of them-eeprotect the British leles against foreign agents and •the sabotage , of munitions plants, railroads, and other vulnerable points of . 13ritaines indus- tries,. They week closely with Scotland Yard detectives -M peace time the. In- telligenee Department of the Home Office. A special branch of, Scotland 'Yard is trained' to deal with foreigners and to know intimately die foreign • colonies of London *did the other manu- facturing centres, always hotbeile of intrigue and e,spiona'ge. A new problem in this war is the refugee. Thousands ,liave streamed la from Germany, Atietria, .and Czechoslovakia, with ere- dentials that' are hard to cheek.* One Geri -nen munitions eepert, peeing aa a refugee, wag able to -worm his 'way 1 ellIEPPAIIDTON, Mar. 26. into the, confidence of the War' Office. eounnunity extends seinpathY-to -Mrs.' Ile had proof that he had .been in the JVzn. Foster, :Margaret, Marion And leueliatt concentratioit camp, had tu2 lletty,n--,-the loss Of a husband and fered beatings and other hardships and father. * , Axially had eseaped. It was by sheer Rev. J. Watton of Merlin is visiting aeeident that he was discovered; an in the ' eoramunity. es,journalist Meeting him at the War Mre. 1'O111 Bogle has gone to MitilanCl IIE °NIA(' VVAY A Min Can Make Ilia Will Before Bc illakes Ms Money lo tar z XNVI,.NZ 11. M. FORD Inturante and Real 'Mate Ibunliton $t. Tel, 268VV.' who 'made it popeibIe for 1110 Ministry of Econentic Warfare to. ler itieh strangling net around Geentany. ' For .two- years they ...had been treeing the channels of German.trade with neutrals7 and °preparing Nails *that were' to strangle it •, • The Colonial Officers IntelligenceSet- yrce saved Britain from serious trouble in Africa. alaroifiri 'the Lague for Colonial Develop:tie-et in Berlin, the Nazis had been conducting a. tremend- ous drive throughout the fernier ,Ger. man colonies. Arnie'. and .ammuidtion were smuggled in - and distributed among pro -German sympathizers,in preparation for a rising -at` the Out- brettic of war. German 'eaters were seret to train Secret •formations:But en agent a the COlonial Office's ligence had • made uneetteing rounds' tine:suet jungle and veldt efeitil he had the whole Nazi set-up in hand. Arrests followed, and when September came South Africa was safe for England. • Atul so they, go on, 11100 lonely Men, lighting siegiebanded Against tremend- ous „odds -always -just a step Troia the bullet or the firing mritul, know)" and unsung, holding together the world's. greatest einnice, -.The LiVirtg Age. (New York). $11EPPARDTON asize - me -a rims Special inducem•ents. for Week t 29th March to 5th Afrilinc simen•••••••••••,••••0....mm, CombOartion Syr4geAttacinnents KEgPIOUTilF01..„ top can help pre-, serve -your yinithhil •sppearanCe:and ealOY exCellent Alexi:Eh with th0 sh1 Beans: • (Aye OU ,fiir „souls •,0;oz,4lbottle35e Medicinal -Castor Oil 4.oz. bottle 25e J Special . PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC ,Regular,500 2 for , 44c • IPANA, TOO= PASTE Stnall 23e Largo 43c Eno's Pruit ,Salt 41c -49c - Wampoles Milk. of Magnesia 40 Tablets 100 Tablets Al .50c 8!oz. Liimid • 7: '„ .25e 20 oz Liquid .r...50e 1 Modess Bayer's •Aspirhi 1 4114. 100 ..........44980, klims, Developing Printing White Cross TOILET TISSUE -3 rolls 256 - 'llave you tried Cue. ror the teeth..• -30c -Velvetta Tissue 200 for 10e . 500 for 25e Norwegian COI) LIVER OIL 8.oz. 40e ..16.oz. 75C AGAROL EtodonlySite.:$1.29 10:voz, 980 -6 -oz. 69e BUY VitiltIS AT THE 1X0,31043T0Itl LAUDER DUNLOP CAIIPBELL WIGLE none 10 , Phone 1 Pbone 90 Phone 415 CIODUI011 DIVIMOISTS