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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-28, Page 5
BA a -Weide Werth le, --Vra, . ,, c• intyre, who was with her parents. Roe. and 3frs. R. X, dale, for t'n weeks, returned: to her home iu 'Waterloo ou Sunday. with Mr, Melutyre, "Alice J. Sterling returned home on Wednesday of last week, atter visiting her esousin in Aeatvrth. home n Fr31t d '. Id. Ferguson arrived ir, gardeners caution baek round for these roek+gardens. AnaPtdaugh i r , me a two 1l�,perienced g g .months with their daughter ° Axat°eat'et; "against rushing the : season, It does odd tree or bush near the middle will a t Antario. soil,, no good to be dug while still too do no harm, as molt of the rock planter .Alias�L'VriutiAFlo. r, M. etteliling was called to. wet. It is liable to become lumPY, are accustomed to come eihade. Part Elgin on Friday, owing to the fll� later, perhaps, to bake bard. With heavy clay soil early working its par- titularly dangerous. A. o.oct test is to look at one's shoes. c me muddy after a 'tramp'. I•f these � 9 y • Growing Ser'eene nese of her sister Mrs. II. McLaren. � Straight, nsr:rrpW fences, abrupt and A delightful St. Patrick's tea was crumples coyness around garage ear, held at' tine horn of Mrs, II., R. McKay house, narrow straight sidewalks, all - on Friday afternoon oon last, under the ladulYen hasize_theconfning 'nmie_auspices ofhe Guild of_Tri►ity church. : silt ough the garden it is best to go back of small lots. These, however,can be The dining -room. was tastefully oscura, to the fireside and Teed a seed cattle Lted with em acts r . logne'or a book, Soil ready to. Work crumbles, never squeezes into Mud. :Texture of both heavy. and light soil, will be immensely' i irov'ed byte digs giug in .of:weil'rotted manure, decayiug . leaves or ' falter garden refuse. ; Tbis u to ee adds um and cls r Sort s dm �o t d• bin h u ft 1 makes f so k er h i a ' a�orbing powere to light � , A the.. heavy- kind more amenable to :spade. And forie Reek Gardens r�, usedto Primarily rock,gardens are carat y' g transr�orin some difficult' portion of a Spot of unusual garden t 0 beauty bite u sp slopes and charm, 'Where the ground s_ .awaty so rapidly that rains wash away the he-eoileand egrass:��vill,.rimrt=•:w,._ neyr► kind �of 'gardening helps, and it also forms a 'pleasing connectionefor, rough, made to appear many tunes more spat- bleIf Ireland. The b us if ,this fences and walls are partial- hostess received, and duringthe tea ly covered with vines, it corners are Misses Beverley 'York and Monica hour •screened with ,shrubbery; leading down Gramme sang Irish soe",,Mi; sea Vera+, to tall annual dowers.Pease. and Doris Mefwen and Master .A0111:ve in the walk or driveway will .pat Crahntn lave pianoforte selections, r malts It actually intriguing and• will not end Miss. Lucy Woods sang, a group of add more than a few secondss to nasi- three o nos . gatingtime between front doer and the Red Crpss eid l�et.� •fiheregular roadway,_ It we .put in these .curve,. meet' of the, Red Cross was held in however, we lnnst be .sure to make' a the Hall on Friday, `"• Plans ..he Qrang� dna l y reason for them, otherwise the whole; were completed for the Easter rinasquer- :effeet will be artificial.' ` At ;the bend in ,ade. A godly mummer of articles'were the driveway' or path, therefore,, et is, following in shipped to , turned he and the loll w g pPe• or u ofshrubs wvell to have a tree a grQ p headquarters in .:.T'oromto, this week . ora Sowe�•bed a. . Two helmets, 51pairs socks,one sweat - In f - In screening, it is not necessary nor, er, five scarves, ten suits pyjamas,as, two de i able to c y r the whole of fence, pair wristlets. For refugees:. pairs ` wall di garage,�e s il + i - of mitts,"tw'o,.se one -bleheneteend sightly. Much more, pleasing mullet bootee set one baby sweater, two suits` u o +-woodland at the ° follow where the. shrubbery, vines and children's amas and three pairs land leading P tof3 i► back of the garden proper. But it, i really not necessary to have such en. • excuse, and against walls, at the edges o of lawns or at' the back• of the lot ud can always' make a rock garden. 'T ese specialPlots aree made to re 7.i�embie-ntintiattre idle.Ian esi and them alpine Sowers are grow . Stichi n' tiny, are usually short t prawly. things, • that require little nnoisture during most of the year. • They are specially'. listed in the better 'seed catalogues. To 'hold the ssaeply sloping' sell, fair-sized•rocks - og the roughest possible nab.ire, prefer- ably weather-beaten boulders{• are buried to about two-thirds .their depth dowers merely" brrerik the Brae a the of men's sods. 'man-made structures behind them,. but 4n the ob.-wT�uritng the winter, Sir 'leave enough showing for contr'i$t« J ° - l g^ g • .3 did Brandon,. snail carrier, has never rat tfl l missed the. train ruce B e d, which is LUOA good record, c n ids inGthe storm y { e Several times he ores obliged -.to walk from Th m son's corner and �:.:.DTiC$'�'`* _March r__20, ... �3issL'lls ,. .-.. �- ,. a 1? • ., _corner_ _ � _ •- .. •. Tor.mailbagsth station,but r>` a -to�e r3orie Ho>fftinan left last- week `'for. soul, carry tee . oto n ter Grace Hospital. a nurse- on Tuesday. the train missed him and ontoas in -training, • for the first time this winter the'.after, -The Lneknove flour mills, owned by noon Mail w•as,not 'received at Bayleld .W.. E. Treleaven, have now been in postofnce. Owing to the accident onthe operation for seventy-1S,ve,,yee.re. They northern part of the line, London aud. were e'sta'blished in the year 1805.. • Wangham ;trainR604 :did clot make:'the Donald MaeDonald, son of mgr. and trip. Mrs. John `MacDonald ofLucknew, who War 1»hhiiosophy.-Nile following is. enlisted six months ago with the 97th an ex'traet from a letter received re - Battery?, is back in civilian elothes, eentiy by Miss Lucy Woods from a lady having received an honoree* discharge 'whom • she • met while travelling in Eng because of hisfailure to pass" the final land last. summer ; "We -shall have to: medical test, _- lower our 'standards of living to ..pay . Babe :Book and Mr, and Mrs. George fox the war. Up to now there is plenty Book' left' last :Week 4ey motor for West- of faced, etc., but no doubt 4we- shah:' be ern' Canada, With Lorebuen, Sask;,` as given a delightful trouncing beforethey their objective. The two .brothers are axe beaten. It won't do us ,an) harm valuable members. of the Sepoy lockey to kn.ovr what war Is and eaif be., ^We team, and they -plan' to return. to Luck- have always been so verb* safe.. It inay now eerie :next fall; • prevent us being so sloppy and .senti Air. and Mrs. Aeberrt Rae and Mar- mental' When we settle accounts. 'My •garet• have returned fromtheir visit to• -'grau'dnelaliervei Vancouver isaching to- Florida. oFlorida. •join up. I 'hope; 1 live'to see` theend EinlayMalcolm, :iseretiring.and'selling of it all, but life is so 'short. and it is his�eequipinnent-.after ....thirtyeeighte years 'so r letereeting, and .them : X oom and in the teamster business in Lucknoet you've - ;ot to go. Bat perhaps that is irregularly throughout the slope, Good pockets of sandy soli are arranged. be- • tween the rocks;' •The Sowers find a l foothold, here and trail. over the bould- 'Shruleheerand--t-rees. are arranged as If you don't sleep well --if nights are inter- - rupted by restlessness —look to your -kidneys. if your kidneys are out of order Ind failing to cleanse the blood of poisons and waste • scatter ---your rest is likely suffering, too. At the first sign of kidney trouble turn confidently to'bodd's Kidney Pils--for : over half,, century 4the favorite kidney remedy Easy' to take. 114 Dcidd"s Kidney► Pills• Rrrr+rdrtal,, throat and ask their:. • +. with Vols V ala at time. Right away, p�� gpesta k... wuYsatortrr .• VepoR b acts on the skin dike a warn * stimulating poultice. elethesente f-.. time it �� cfn vapours that are breathed dirty into -irritated air passages, This aired, double action contin- ues fbr'h after restful nsleep ,(}yuan by morning most 'of tlaremi "is gone. Whyrisk e distort, forts b dress i, VICKS relieve extenialty VAP tJ ogre teeorge A. 'J u g or Sesforti�t, f Seaforth,':t'he remains were Biu March 36th in hie keverity-miatle year. lii�► wife U only ciatgtiter lees-• deeea ed ham. M Diirsx Mary McGregor, of Iletrlsa.li,+ `died on.Thursday Ta,st ftr her eiglityy sixth year.She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Rumball, of Toronto, The. congregation of •Trussels United chard l have extended„ a call to Rev. 'Charles Lewis of Kinston, Their pre was - chureh ' seirvice :tat . Union. Y of R e Through h dress o t. r the in b ..1. �A lister* 'we were able to reectve tee Mail o Saturday. tt�a y'. 'T"1"�iC'=x'egu sc me . �d theme Union hurc :wilt be held. in Un n c next ,3un h e day evening, with Dorothea Tieli'bortie in charge. d- C eaforth for interment. .Mr. and Mr- r, 'V4'. J. Walkers of Edea- emit 'proprlator is Me willsof vamp forth celebrated 'the fiftieth antuvera*ry auela.,`Vieric Gam its MrR, it woo of their weddlug on Monday liter. They told. "You recall the ima llt:rd1r wore married at Brusrrela, where later "Yes. A box-oilke wiener. • t engaged i the furniture "Si, .*enor, but the Gable is aMt la Ala. iWalk�er ezt�ageEX ti haeme e, Since 1ST they have re- that" l'a in �S aforlh, where Mr. WalL4 r •`L ok ltete�, 1 dura't , . " sled e w and unde lee. i ng '"i tried to show another Gable conducts a furniture a a�'tpr that;' 'event ori #hs Yem�tsMsa. r y latzhlIlc's9. c what T1s tt'f Hell broke loose. ,rt1.l P Rev. H. y.I. Mahoney, lei �n old.resident of Walton, in #lie Sent pastor.. �ltu . l:l M _ __- ucy, : - _. , ;"Senor. rmy �lieriata the 'f3tr�ltrlar die► � r. � Jenson c l f u iL� eu p'Punnet one believe . vi in � uuc, f � lettere. >u �' t %'in out P .. 'seventy-seventh' s d wr ion f• iZt;v >r}. G, P'arvlcr, March �wOtla, in � his cur's own ey�? Se tar el this 'lril.Ltp The in u t v Year. • 1Ii; wife Predeceased him and nr-- ver as minister of Blues y iq ericacPrnetl, +� ahl+e la load'" Istel at. Vancouver, r f . Rv u df Pnerb tertian churches,.. he ie. 'survived by . two sone, y, vv`tle :arid• 1�a G � . y . Zvi i take lacca on friday n;tternoon ► Grey c u p� this weep ' In the, Bluevale ehureh, t hail Aaartttatp.11-1111". 11 jX #drills+ i Mold the latest Clerk Gehl. *We Se calio. brought A !diets *dunces wee twilitei Ml A Pittsburgh •h motorist named Spencer pea had his name' vuleanizeed in rat' h raised le ters onhis rear entomtobile time; under the rear wheel . fenders are levells that roto p �' ink ou' th+ m; ,- Tee results 1a `-th :t h wherever Mr,' Spencer goes his name IS stamped endlessly on the 'highways. 'our ererctest trdpenture.._•� .. And ,thank Neighbor --When 'you .grow up what all Canada for their loyalty ,and help is -your ambition, Tommy? Tommy-- and may God .blessus all and give us I'd °like to have - people tremble like peace." leaves at .the mere mention of my- .' St, Patrrieles--Social.•---A very emcees lenele. °y ful et: Patrick's social Was l eldin the basement of :St. Andrew's United. Ronald. (to his bride)ee oil can sett, church on Tuesday evening under the Jean, I'M, not so much to look at. Jean 'auspices of- the 'Women's 'Association. ek, .. The program ,commenced with Can:email- ity `singing. 'The "Red Route," which Was a journey in the British Empire; } """' starting ;in England and going east by Gibraltar around the world, was shown: out, lantern slides., . A vocal duet by, it rs+'Donald Mcleenziee and Mise Mabel Scotchtner ; a comic song by . James Sterling; a :reading by Mrs. W. Wallis a violin solo by Eugene Castle, accom- ��` �parried byMrs.E. S,tu eon rg ; ,a short r• • dialogue, ;.."The 'Photographer's -Busy. ,. Day,,, by George Elliot,.. A. E. Erwin, ^'/[ Mrs. E. Sturg on, 'Mrs; Robert Scotch- mer, Billy I711iott, edan'' Dunn, Arnold Maldns and Eugene Castle,. were much -enjoyed. • Mrlel- d, Makins,- presided. Refreshments were seised at the close iia { � , � •;.,,. ,, rN PACKI►GES oNtY r' �+a �,� .- of the picogram'., —Maybe not, but•yoii'll- be -out at wo i for lble I 206 it 14$1.#114 'ASlid 0 401.0000 To bake things right lt flusyour baking To topmost height 4 cuss Puritf► FCeur )4 euP brown Nett • • 1 teaspoon silt 1 OW chopped -dates 4 tampons Wins 1 ors mixed nuts' - eowder 1 sea 4 tableepoons"butter 1% cups milk: METHOD: Sift flour with salt and baking powder. Cut in butter; • Add sugar, dates'and nuts. Beat egg; add milk, and stir into flour mixture. Place ih oiled pans and • let rise, 3Q minutes. Bake in slow ovens of 250 degrees for 1',.hour;' ; o Lratetst • "CAVALCADE OF DRAMA" 'Ever/ma/day, ma/wady woe Friday • CI 1 1].15 a:am..---.(1Looko.) 'Mr,. and Mrs. Wen.e t'. Abbott' l�, eteri announce •the+ engagement of their , t' a o r Dorothy, J ne a Dr , daughter, ill.- no t. btr , �y 7 t? David • Lester Kestl+c, ,sono: of Mee 411r$ -1i;:J. Kestle •Exeter, .the marriage to take place the ilrst week ort April: Benjamin. Sneill} of Ilullett township, Passed away suddenly on March lath, i fo'(nnd deed in the woodshed;• on, being a6 , ,1ils farm. -He had suffered a heart at- tack a� ':week. o4 two 'before. He was much esteemed in the ,community in i. ec and : was an. elder in Constance United church:., 111 wife survives. Mrs, `;Alexander A. McLennan, for many years--a-resident of Seaforth, died in Toronto' on- March 20th. Fast tall ^►Mrs McLennan >K.aoved•' to. Georgetown, t w shi and W. C:, Of Walton and three daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Porter, of Brussels; Mrs. Jos. David5Qn, of London,. and Mrs, Thomas, "Watson, of to Thomas. '.l'homos Bennett, of Clin- ton, YY�n �a`��n n of d ,Joh to an Wing ham, , theirs. • Elder. -Voisin An en.terestin-g'event at ' Saturday, March lath, w. 'nage of Dorothy, Mary V'oi Mrs. Alex. Vo ter�of Mr. and Harold Gordon . 1 . • to H a r r Lr e of Mr. and "Mrs. Ben Elder, town- ship. The ceremony was pe e _ n 1� e"U .. A ` a't�rr i ensall ort as the mar- sin,;,daugh- isln, Mount son dr, o ,lai e town- Y performed by ited� Church nanae lair. endears. Eider willreside le Hay toveaship.. `' Sudden Death oi James Young, Belgrave 4 Ttie_, death occurred suddenly -on and' becoming in there was removed to March 12th: a James E. leoting, .of: Bel- a Toronto hospit lHer httsband Pre- gr ave, in his seventy -eirst year. Ab out deceasedherthree years,: -hut the sex weeks prior to his deathMr.Young survived by;In-adopted .daughter, Nis* unleswent an opera.tionefrom which he •. goodecover )•, and, hiedeL.thwas Margaret McLennan of • Georgetown, ,maria a c o ui and a eister, chis Margaret ,M Le. d . rl_ to unexpeetetl He was born on tht� Moi �p1e failto reed ' r ':aerioowsnt is at a backs The sttttebes,.' twitches, and ter 'es lire bend mouth, a • reuse great stafetb ti .. ' b '. base A and the Muse of it all s the :dis- ordered Iddneya .ger tg out a want. buck• ��� �,. . A... as the bear -hi the inure tmoe. cry ar� help; +eta their airs a� r. Got a box of DeaaJe Widnes VOL A remedy for backache and sick kidneye-4 j• ' of are < ut,. upin ea . with i. oblong .grey . boa; r , Veatle mark , a 'c. Maple Leafon the wrapper. _ per' "Donate." rrR Refuserates, Get' e. tntbstat . . Tc . Ot�rl. x� � �[i1l►aru'' , . BP FAST, . -March `26.- .'his may have been a very .stormy week, bre do- ings have been very Active in this com- munity, which makes yon think spring' . is not far away. 'Heartiest congratulations are ex-.. - - tended to Mr. and Mrsa George Alton, with best: wishes for a happy, prosper ors wedded life in their new hie in ' ;this community,. Mr Alf Sherwood ;and daughters, Mildred: and Ruby have moved to their, future ` hone oir•: the other Sherwood Ufa m acrdee the road. We veish them happiness iii their new home. Mr.. and etre. ,George henry of Lueknow, have moved to their home, foriieirIy occupied n' by Mr. Alf. SherWood, which they pure chased last fall frloiu`._`' lXIm; •`'We •exp tene a .hearty welcome anct wish, them good luck in their new home. . Mr& William Blake of Mafeking he.s beeii 'spending •the past Week at the home of her elaughtete Mrs. Albert Alton: Miss Edna Lawson of Stratford Icor- mal Schdo1 is spending the Raster v'aca • r; , Mrs; Laughli tion at her home -here Tkte Tl+eifast teacher; n, has returned to her home lit i3lyth for. the Easter' 'ii.eatiolt. Miss.jenie,Alton, nurse-in=training tie ilamilteni-_G.eneral: lIos lletl .stent the week -end at her home Here: • eestrie Alex. Hackett . and -eon Alex. .spent a day recently.:with Mr. and Mrs. Merle , Slathers, west oi! 'Lacknow; Mrs, . Jacob': Hunter ' and chfldren,. Rous, and John,. of Zitkzt;spenta . ,day 1 ist 'week at the homed of Mr, and Mrs... Seim • Camppbeli: • Master Fldon Alton of London is spending- his Easter vaeatron with his 'cousin, Mr.: Blake Alton, Mr:, Roy Irwin ,•of Fordyce' celled on friends -in the burg-oneTin rsda.y-last- �/'y� ../ma''y�■■ TT■y-�'.��/�•/,...���-� �p•�y�yy��•+�• n ... . �W V DERIC Ii TO �' • y � S iI•� +,. tG.()DIelteCii TOWNSHIP; :dart. 25. The tnemlrers o1 "ll•iverston Lodge, feel; le 145, . held'. a dance on. 'Wednesday evening, but the attendnnee Was very stna.il:.en1X*. 'L'." Drennan ; of Goderich writs floor manager and the music was supplied by "the Monk orchestra. The proceeds . ht's to be eleen to' the wed. Croda Rociety. ' Wedding bells are ringhtel Miss s iielen Davidson, o1 Southamp- ton, spent Easter with her parents, Mr, and Mrs 'lobe Davidson. The auction sale of John Yuill has ' 1Leeu postponed until Monday, April 1, on accsoent of the weather. Tlie -storm uvea.° the Weekend worked 11 wot. In 'this i4exi Ynunity. The Ilaylleld road . was eonipietely blocked. `there n ,wledge th le t its eYs= ac �c►astierP stir, _ engine • neetring boats, «jolt as .an en teeotds in a clxoose engin e . that g xs. 'i`Zatur ' o£ "SULpO LL • c °tart ► �olnb�t�11'�`�on :planes a V -8 -its _ ©I '1 '1, EngfT the Ford performance ani;. econ ��Sctim! c�.GT. e. ni" L"•' 3I.-.,Y,.�'lxltYPfA]I.tlailwllrla•fi l'.f.,{.'I. ' . r four ver9 sw�rP . ice ati cat for ce, a drive ,_.. a o . low.ptic r � ��ntena>a x�►,ti°xt'�- d. Very' :.,.tow�'at %�" - . _.. above pow, what 1. wanti Stror1troi gra.{ � .bag * � Watt - . �i. es�att •� cal e h t 'V" -Sy ' it's e: trt �Q�` Ce.. � .err ag#'t. rfotazt teary diet , talk * bre - free peds °baxd� a :cat. Stan' s% tti eS the Way y • lith the biiltt out, • ,. � ent�a e month fort: � �, p , • ineex', in., • st EnB.. a book nscai . �� ::iot , 1�1NE ,onto,+ .�• A•cl�' + ata the don't +•, ineet to f'"'.11`y ota ' e ,beta art e u • V tb `• e�'�;t .tapes • o��red ` � �.a�►g xt>s value Vora reoi' . caret-'bn! ,. endo d bow rhe; o a ,Yow`pricea ,• t: dtv'� t1/Sd xs ) t' t • ;ou >t>lah• . SO 51 tick q y. e'c►gt ring >6r;>> s eat feat of �} , ,City to ,. 8. ax S myself.,,'. I �y. VoraN- feeeeeeeeee 58;000: Canadian workers and de- pendants benefit ,'because the' rood e# is marde in this cinintrr', :'Beni -. you buy a ford* more of your money sties in Canada.