HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-28, Page 4aL
NAN 411*
slew %ham
ACtatlaused om Scribner's-Commenta-
Loartime resident of Shanghai; author
of "443%000,008 Customers," "Chinese
Are Like ,Thatt",,, ete,
morphinel and
herolu,---are the Warhead et tba-
Japanese military invasion . China.
am not talkin$ about the surtepti-;
tious ,trallic in drug whieh is an old
*tory in other lands. I' .1mean the
JaPauese armY'a oYstenYktio 'Ilse 4-1°Pe
0.4 a military weapon.
Advanee guards of dope peddlers de-
pOpUlations, partieularlY• Twang
men, of lighting age, to pave the way
. for AM* victorieS, SPeeha itep.ts.Jot
to make addicts of Chinese 'who are ,or
might he',conni leaders dangerous to the
conquerors. Battalions . of dOPe Iktd.
tilers wine with the troops, le ,keep,
'the People enslaved ---and make
Money. And the drug traffic helps On,:
'Alwe the JaPallese
"Itxstilente and war historica/131 go
together," said Lient.-Coannander Iteg,
Fletcher to the House of (Com-
Zoons4 "but it -has been lett to ,the
aaParkese to find 'way in *40 to
make pestilence pay tor war.”
1,auese police foreibly releaeed theme If
0214010,,t they did' eotue before -e Jape
aM.'ee -Jtidge,'Iliey -Were tue(r-et• trLvitt
6Uni-fi, fraction of the PrOtit n One
suitcase full of dere,. There had to be
These eh"riv"re fullY suh$tain." arsenals for thia new munitions of
tiated. Every "old China hang': likel war, so drugs were stored in Jap-
loYseit teas the o'ra°' 4ckeuillg' i'st°rY. anese consulatea Where Cithtese officials
S.eonstantly increasing docket of Of could nee oree
fleial *reports piles up the intitetment. North china, Genciat °man; xi,ae.
The damming evidence, is to be found h
UI file with the League of NationS, the 07etThiPin$ eelltso°,inarsre.gllstatritilplellecieeiatt elvelaset:.
Iiistitnte 'Of Pacific .4telatiens. our own
'State and 'X'reasUrY DeliaTtlnentSe the glers; the Ja.panesee. courts wonld re-
„ee lease them. But they could seiee the
NavY PePartraeuto the 13riti4t .eQ11614'4''' naredtke, The Koreans' then began
eervice; and in hundreds of letters 'frOilt
'Inissionaries tothem 'headquarters here. banti'5' sQlnetinle4
All agree on the main outlines; eaeh by JaPaneSe soldiers ”or
adds SPeehle detail or verified statistic.rzell,ifs'anritePeeru:retes guard also ttiirgiee”
‘' production of opitun, heroin and mar:.
/thine is increasing in xapeneeesseou., tv‘h.:rt":41,:niteirisirlreftlasaepdaiittiesgeo.4tornmr bthrotuhgehirt.,
trolled territory, notably in ManeliulTo. .pressure• to bear 404 the Oalninkse
Thousands, of dope peddlertearrle under in
inilitary direction., To every protest 11()reigil °Mee' "la turn" 'bore cl°w34
japari turns LL deaf ear, on the Chinese :government* ..kiielee
China -then Was (Wing everf;thing Pos.*
feetly Well What she Is doing, JapaneSe the euStorosguards were disa.rneed and
t ,Sh,e'ls see -convicted of hhoWilig Per- sible to poStpone the ineeita le Certillete
laws against drug addiction -by .reduced in !timber. Dope 'peddling
' anese-eare -the strietest• In file world, entered uPen'a'neW•hoonl- -
and the best enfOreed. , Mere pesseesion In the guise of travellingileetrs, the
of ah,ePhim pipe, for ex.ahnilet 18 gee4 '.peddlOs Sind 'pills ' guaranteed, to care
Ter Seven years at hard' labor. And a all alSeiteS, . They were heroin. But
young Men, potetial soldiers for china,
were 'healthyand did net buy pills.
S,o, the Jupanese., introduced a neW
brand of cigarettes, leaded with heroin,
epriced4tosempetee, witle..theecheapest err,
the - Chinese market. The cigarettes
made addicts by thousands. Japanese
salesmen gave away stunples, made mit-
price introductory offers*. '
These *salesmen -did not' follow the
natural arteries of ,trade. Theirs was
not it CommereielralKdon; it was mili:-
tary. The cigarettes were first intro,
(Weed' and were pushed hardest in
Shansi Pro ince, a formidable obstacle
athwart any Japanese advance toward
the,Yellow River; here the army might
• expect to m.eet the. most 'determined re-
sistaiice, , „
The peddlers. did their Work Well;
.for . Japanese troops marched thrlough
North China practically, unopposed. One
'Chinese commanderexplained,the loss
of .an important battle by saying that
the weather was rainy and, his troops
could not light the doped cigarettes
-without whieh' they were helpless.
AS the Japanese armies -have pushed_
from Peiping find`TientshrtO:tlie south,
and from Shanghai to the ,:v.mit, they
-havelolleveett the procedure devegneecl
Irlittitchuria. As soon as they come
into control of a place- they establish
an. ,opluni-inonopoleve: revoke aotl-ner-!*
totic laws, release all prisoners: held on
narcoticeharges.• The aim is to create
aTs many customers as .possible. par-
timilar attention is paid to young pat-
riots -university, students, ' for example.
They are arrgited on some teurapedeup
Charge...ant/ held---inejaileforea- weekeme
two. When released they are addicts.
A package of heroin cigarettes,, or a
little heroin in food or drink, does the
trick. • ' ' • -
' Thus all China under Japanese con
trol has .ben flooded with narcotics, -
sold as openly as soap or - kerosene. the major pottiOn of the`ewaw Opium Women to all vacancies among the Pres.'s,
EverY Qui American resident of Shang- and the finished drugs as well, are byterial officers, the other regarding the
wearing on the system' is
So cough that comes on at night
and preveut* sleep.
Romethnea it is the constant
cough tint will not be quieted.
Sometimes it is a tholced-up, stuffed-
wo• feeling that snakes breathing
Dr. Wood fa *may Pine Syrup is
the remedy yon seed to give loll
relief, ter tb.e Mizell that this prep -
oration outains the healing virtues
Of the Norway pine tree with ivhieh,
Is combined Wad cherry bark, and
the aooadng, healing and expectorant ,
properties of other excellent balsams,
barks aml; herb..
• Tbs• T.1111burn 43a„, Ltd. Toronto, Ont.
pamphlet. distributed to ell JaPaneSe
,soldiers centains, tiiis paragraph
'The use of narcotics is•nnworthy of a
superior race like the Japanese. Only
:_reeterier races that itre_aieeecadentlihe
the OfirigeT-turopearis and-7tre-1--lafir
Indians ,are addicted 'to the use of nar-
eotic's.. This is why they' are destined
; 'to become ouy slaves and, eventually
• diSappep
The Bainurai haVe ',,acquired a new
sword. .
• The Japanese nrst grasped the poten-
tialities' a narcotics as an agency, a
eoxicpu,st *hen they 'took- over Man-
chukuo. •Opium -smoking regiments of
the Maifebueian armyelled or 'eurrentIe
,ered without resistance. Thereupon
the Japanese army erabarked on ,41. pro-
te prepare North China for *owl -
quest by •ithe use of narcoticS. The
army and the Japanese diplomats
smoothed the way for the Korean ped,
.diers who were sent in. At ,home it
Korean has no civil rights; _the lowest
japanese can slap a.Korian aristocrat
with impunity. • -But when the•scum
• Seoul eame intO China and started ped-
dling dope, th•ey , became importaot,
representatives of the -Empire. If ar-
rested .by the Chinese police, the -
ta 4,4 4.444 a
:Get 'ready :-:ter SPring--Order7-now—No--:-AdvaneeLpriee.:
Lane foreign granite' stock :to. eiMose from. A postcard will bring
f us to Your home. *Free .transportation "to-Viiir office.
& Son -Ciatite. Works.
.,,1.4/ St. Patriek..Sci ,Phone vap,„ aTRATFQRD.
'.110 POLISH1140
Sionply_year a little
name Floor Gloss ea
lightly with cloth et
• ‘tweigy minutes it wilt
ey,leaviaa Nallitifal
wear reOitleit roSsit.
HAWES 7/002 '3
Wniielvanie TreWartha, Toronto, eatied
eritaid$ here on Eriday.
241$4 Vera TreWartna is spending
Easter inelidays With -leer ,parentS,
and Mrs. ;E. J. TrewArtittn
Mr. and Mrs:, teharlea kearce viaited
the latter's parents at teteie 111.t the
MacMath, .of the Murray
Shoe Loudon, wee a recent guest
With , Mr. And Mrs. J ,Urogden, edaee
*for the ilriderelecte-,A pleesant time
I Spent PR Sat.1114101Y attei11.041 at
betUer hoe iriCet aSn-NelYn414elLi°gtblworhiengaathrired'
to de, honor to the bride -elect, Miss
Thelnka Cudmere, and presented leer
,With, a kitchen ehower. „A trea$Ure
hunt for the 'Pareels and „the reeding'
.a the Verses ,enclesed greeted, Much
amusement, after which Thebint ex-
pressed her thanks and aPpreciation for
the nuttlY lovely and useful gifts. A
'dainty lunch was served at the cloSe
of the afternoOn. •
IVICCoWan=e40alte$4,--$4. pretty wed-
ding. was solemnized at the Holmes -
Silt United' `church parsonage WedneSe
dayi•morning, Mareli 20t11, IteV. Hareld
Wildingolliciating, *nen Fronees''Mary
Elizabeth, eldest daughter Ur, aud,
3.1.rhisp.,lieraullierberte:300!la j1$9,:‘1,,Goileilriiieaterat4o0Whnn-
aleeowan of Stanley leWtiiiilf,7.-Th-The-
bride was attended- by her sister, Miss
Isabel Oakes, the groomsman being Mr.
Ifarty Oakes, brother of the brlde;
morphine and heroin *even before t Aftereton tahme o'cteor:mtroiviirt:ntlideon,tpayir creotU4Prine
orgy a looting and raping had •ceased. they *ill reside on the groom's fame
Early 131 1939 a survey conducted by on tileAel OndOn road.
iUiC$1A 3111.1101 20Sth1 2N0
,by. the scourge. The program Of' pele-
oning has probably been most enccesS-
ful in Nanking. Three yearsiigo Nan-
eity in the United IStates. Under Chi-
nese rule it had been impossible to Pnr-
chaSe any narcotie without' a physic-
prescriPtion.. But the -Japanese
array began 1110 open pale of opium,
British and American residents showed
that 50,000 --people in Nanking -elm
eighth, of the ,populatien-e,were drug
addicts.. The mreport esti
recent repoesti-
-mates addiete at from One fourth to
one third-ef the populetion., The Nan-
king opiten monopoly, which -calls itself
the Opium Suppression BureasiV does
a business of 5,000,000 ,Chinese dollars
month.This subkiwould feed, clothe
and shelter •200,009 people. •
In Peiping there are 500 shops deal
big in narcotiee, etanumbering these in
any other lige of business. The quiet
little street on whieli I lived in Shang -
'hal three years ago is now surrounded
by epium dens and drug shop&
Profitsineet 'larger Part of publie
expense.s, but the profits de not all go
into official treasuries. The entire army
is honeytonibeetwith opium -graft. Of-
fieers in higher ranks spend more than
their salaries orisake and -gelsinitit;
those in lower ranks luxeriete 'With
beer and Korean prostitutes. • While
poisoning 'the peopye'ef China' for.mili
r -t -
tarpurposeS,' ja.penese °Meer& are
meeting their own extieneek-' tinct even'
setting rich, out of the drug traffic. .
A recent controVersy, between the,
army and the navy - over eontrol of the
opium businees in Shanghai resulted in,
a_tompromise wherektetate arniy, gets
NILE, March T
26. --he 'Mill, at Nile
le laid up for a' day on 4100111$ of a,
break, but will 1 he going again by. the
time the rads re open'.
Ati.V.'Oantwell had hard luck to
lose 'nineteen: little pigs in the cold'
*" Ur*, tiUds Mrs. Rnsser Brindley
7.son took trip 10 Niagara over the
week -end,
"-A carload' of peoPle from Dungannon
Vicinity took in the shove at London,
.‘"tione with the WWI," and ',were
mareened at Nile and had to stay over
at the store there., They 'were not the
'Aral party Virstnek"nrNitee—Tixe:
present generation will:have something
to tell to the, coining, generation when
the big, stem oreood Friday, 1949, IS
recalled, ' "
LEGBURN, March 26. -Miss _Ruth
Shaw and Miss Jean Hunter, teachers
at Toronto, came home for the Easter
noliday's. •
Miss Douglas, teacher at S.S. No. 9,'
is spending the Easter 'holidays at, her,
home at..Kintore. •
`• 'Misses Katrine, Audrey • and Irene,
Holton, frOm doderich, spent Go011 Fri-
day,' Saturday and part of Sunday at
• the home of their grandpareuts here.
Mr. James Foley motored to London
-kat week to attend the funeral of hiu
sister, Mrs. Neiltiam J. O'Brien (johan-
:iiti),--of Hyde Park' highway. We ex-
tend to him, our deepest sympathie • •
WAL.S. 11teeting.-eThe Women's Mise
sionary -Society held- their March aneet,-
ing at the home of the MisseS Shim on
Thursday, March 21st,, with a good atz
tendance. Mrselerni. Saibewswas leader
and she read the Easter editorial from
the -March' -Monthly foreher opening
member. The.Ilyean ,Peage frenrethe
February-Miesionary- Monthly-wassung
and Bible readingd-weretiVen bY differ-
ent members. Mrs., Terrence Ann -ter'
read the chapter from .the study book.
The president received two letters, one
requesting - the norabution •of two
Ws& Nteethtg.-The raonthly smeet:
'lug of the Nile Women'e 'Association,
was heiC at .the home of Mrs: :Jack
Feagane with a goott. Uttenciance of
members and three visitors, After the
opening hymn the Scripture leSsioia was
eed by •Mrs. Alvin Kerr. Mrs. Telfer
10and MrS. flazeiWood gaye read-
afterevehieli pplendicle.paPer was
given on Christ's death and what It has
brought to eiviliZation, with particular
reference to Privileges given to yeomen
compared with those in olden 'times.
• The business part of the meeting Was
'taken- IV the president It Was `de-.
cided„ to get more silverware, -namely,
tablesPoons, knives and forks, and -fur-
ther arrangements. were ena.de for the
supper on the following night, A social
hour , was spent; nehebeing served by.
Mrs. and Mrs Carmati-Xeagan and
Mrs. J. Ryan. . •••_
it stayed lentil niornieg, A feweof the
boys got eold free ride alOng with it
to shovel the snow away where it woo
too:14o fit be shoved .aeviay.
It, E. Collins bet 3; D. ,Stotler $2.00
ethatee.Jemalsianfee_A960,000 capitol
building .will not stand ,np,-.66f-16atir-
TheS; banked the 33101ie37 1932 at
four percent interest and 'signed a con-
tract that specifies the bank is to PaY
the 'money to thebeirs of the whiner--
$2,084,495,605.22,-;LTheWorld Almanac.
hal, Canton, Peipitig, Soechew, NenI- moved as army stored.
king, and Hankow has been horrified Year after year the Narcotics Adiris-
Of 22 Quality features found in High -Priced cars
littiOUTH HAS 21
CAR NO. 2 HAS 11—CAR NO. 3 HAS 8
Gevitti-yournea st Chrysler.Ply-mouth Fargo
'dealer's, Showroomt- and see- the:1940-CtUALITy -
CHART 1 It shows hoW the 'low...priced -Plymouth
compares in quality features with.the.high-priced
cciis ! Learn what these. .4/e)ftra.'• quality features
mean in 'longer life, added safety, greater economy
and bigger VALUE! pet the FACTS! .
0-Theii take the"Luxury the big 1940
',-Plymouth-Flecinv-frOM--firit-hancl-experience. What
famous Chrysler .Engineers have done to give
you more Mom . . more luxurious tirfing-roinfOrt
• . easier handling and steering,' • . sparkling
performance and greater safety for. you and
:your ° I RIDE . .
‘."." •
. .....
A kr,•:,,,,vm ot"AlJThrtelf.t*Aiat4 tea ItalatmeftiV34%5411Dvr
'1,1%,21tV 'itt• 14411,
tvi0 ni ru 4 1'
4 '1ra a re
ItSZ:13.Htti of
• "r1i MOST
You ',ARPoicY,:krtgh $8/1
Coupe for
CAN.---- -
Delivered in GODERICH
U Lk. and local Mos a any) orgy exit*,
141 prices subject to tbsoite -without notiet,
, ,
THE 1.9-40 PIANPUT1-1 sets a new high in low-priced car- value. Its
advantagoin, size, comfort and value are switching new car buyers to
Plymouth. This year there are 22 important features high-priced cars
have in common. Of "All 3" .low priced cats only Plymouth gives you
a' Majority of these features!
, , . , .
You see comparative values' fevealcd at a'glance on the 1940 quality
Chart and by taking Plymouth's great "Luxury Ride" you And Out what.
these facts can mean to your enjoyment. Choose'your nevv 'car this easy
way. See yatif Chrysler -Plymouth -Vargo 'dealer. 'rake that trial drive
today. And remember Plymouth is easy to buy!
'sending 'of used stamps to help the.
refugee ,ehildren of !China.: The in:eete
ing closed, with the singing of a hymn
and the. benedietion frau, the. Mission-
ary MonthIY. . Lunch was served and
a' social time' spent. Those, who had
efinished theit•-Werk for . -the Red ;Cross
brought It tie the 'meeting, 'and also
quilt inleeks for the W.M,Society.
Dry Committee of the League of Na-
• Hoes has called the attention of -the
JaPanege 'overnment ,to the flood of
illicirdrugs. for which it was respon-
sible. . The (Mly. ,fesponse -has beena
promiSe to investigate, s
• TheMandhukuo budget for 1939 esti-
Mated the revenue from opium at 71-
(100000 yen, an increase of 24.00000
yen over 1938. But:after a few months
the Officials annbuifeed that the revenue
would ekceed 90,009,000 yen.-- rot Some
tittle the revenue froni:opium has been
second only to that provided by die -
customs, and if the present:rate of in-
crease cmitin‘es it may take first place.
Manchukuo appropriately decorates its
bank notes with, the Popp* flower.
The average annual opium prodiic-
tion of Korea used to be about One ton.
Thi jumped to five: tons in 3.931, to
seven tons in 1932, to 14 tons in 4933.
In 1937, with new demands occasioned
by• the_nse of opium in the Chinitecami_
paigie lewirsealmoSt tens.
The • annual -exportation opium
• from Persia from 1928 le) 1934 inclusive
averaged, about 500 tons.. lb. 1935 the
Japanese. •army became an important
purchaser, and export* of • 'Persian
opium jumped to .a.,new high of sog
tone, increased again in 1936 to the
amazing Wei- of 1346 tons. Some of
this Persian opium was carried in ships
flying the Japanese army transport flag
and was"tonsigned directly to the army*
- The guilt of Japan is so Complete
that it nifght be .sald to constitute the
Perfect crime: It has been committed.
not by ind.ividualsbut iv a nation,. The
arniy, the navy, .the foreign °Ince, ilave
all been involved. Whilejliere hikve
been arguments in. Japan about other,
Pliages of the ewar 111 011111i1; there 11a8
•-beet!. 'none about, this one.- 'The Jap-
anese newspapers 'p.ave been. Silent and
•i40 have the -Japanese to^lests.
The Japanese eannot, Offieially or 1111-
offielally, deny the truth of the facts
I have presented. They will 'simplY
reinain 'Silent. The narcotic war Dit too
profitable and too 'Important to, the
army -both for vietory now, and there-
after to 'maintain% a debauched people in
slavery- to ..the Conqueror,
Road penditiens 'sPring,
was Ushered -m WItiv'one- of the worst
storms in Many a' year. The:snowbanks
from Carlo*: to the 1st econcession • of
West ,Wawanosh_ are piled Mounealne
high; The' snowplow Went thrmigh On
Saturdtiy nightelYarirveas of no useeet '
,Cause You -Distress?
The imptdrment. of the stomach is
often. of serious consequences, for
only by properly digested food is the .
firitem nourished and sustained.
, Burdock Blood Bitters is a re.
liable remedy for stomach disorders
such ,as dyspepsia, indigestion, sour
stomach, belchmg of gas, headaches,
./ It helps to stimulate the secretion
of sally& and. gastric juice, the
main. factor 111 digestion, _neutralizes
tones . up the lining '
brMies of the stomach, and restores
the natural, healthy-- process of
digestion. •
Put your stomach rkht by taking
B.B.B. and 'see gew, quicidy yon .
'lrt:;:itistiliieentrioeuYbtwes... yourttiulhe:frozte:fmrrom 777
• •
the road filled ta nearly,„..41 fast as it 1` ,•
Was pleived took the phi* trek ' imiawame,'N'airlaws'"";17111:
8 o'clock Saturday afternoon untirmid-
night .to go trona Nile to ShePpardton
san:d,back, and tii230to go balfarnile
on the Nile to D 'figannon roadThere
I 4t
Goods , mailed
Rubberpostpaid in plain, sealed wrapper.
. 'oo , Sundries ee,.
" 'a --,-''s' '
.1 80% less than retail. Write for mall,,,_
order catalogue. , Nov -Robber 000 pox
812Hamilton . ' ° ' 1340
, k - Ont .
. ,
.. wino:redind 'efficiently.;
, . . ,
Simply phone "COLLECT"
0601 r 12 Clinton"
- G. Plante Deale
Victoria SL Goderich
,Customer -Will this' suit wear *ell?
Sa1eknan4-1Sir, our suits wear so well
that a customer seldom comes hack for
another. °
• - Worry Saps
' The ‘lervout System ,
Worry over 'business or household
, duties sudden shock, the insane
queat 'for 'pleasure, the foolish at-
tempt to put a, week of normal lite ,
into tWenty-four 11011rElp feverish, aeo,
0-v4y, the demand for sensational
literature aro Ali 4ollatle1Ve to the
aggravation of vest arid tear on the
1 nervous system.
If yOu. 100 Urea, listless, nerVons,
owl, worrieawhy not give Milburn's
Ilecdth. and Nerve Pills a &woo to
hilp rat you et your lett again.
They are a body . building, 316rINS
etreogtheolog tole autgolog the
emoutisl element* for the nervous
Not ItIllegii Os. k IA, 11**** Oak
• .)
-FLINEkAi, SE Rill E
(Ustablishid 1810 '
Ambulance 'Service
Phone -Ago
,FLOYD M. 'LANDOW Director
J. R. Wheeler:
Funeral Director and Embalmer
• All calls promptly attended' to
• day -or night-
'Phones: Store 335. . Res. 365W.
When something Wear's out er-breals down ou your machin.
ery, brink the parts toms; if its filca,1)1e, we can,*fut it
• .P
• East St,
Geo* •
pHONE 2°63
, ,M.......1.,.......--,- , ,,,,--............0wmi•
, . , • , _ _..E.,__..., -
U E— of
. ,
heat Ilnjts. '
Th Delaware-& Hudson Hard, --Coa1-.
does not clinker and is veri low in ash,
. USE---, . , .. • '' ' ' . ' '
that is -.very popular and 'Veil high in
Our tour -pointed treated tOCAIIONTAS. This.° grade of Coal
has beconie very ioptilar.
The Red Jacket Domestic Coat
. .
for your range, beater, furnace or boiler. COp17iii- 'c•od *atd, ,
$8.00 per ,ten, or $8.'75 delivered in Goilerieh: ''
_ __.,
• Chas. C. Lee
Phones—Store 22
Monuments! ...
' ',INY those contemplating 'build- -
,ing a •1VIOnument . .• Get my
vrieee ilyetore buying.- OenteterY
Lettering a specialty. -
' All work' guaranteed.
- .. , . .
-Clinton.' - Ontarto .
Successor to Ball & Zapfe '
. ,
.. wino:redind 'efficiently.;
, . . ,
Simply phone "COLLECT"
0601 r 12 Clinton"
- G. Plante Deale
Victoria SL Goderich
,Customer -Will this' suit wear *ell?
Sa1eknan4-1Sir, our suits wear so well
that a customer seldom comes hack for
another. °
• - Worry Saps
' The ‘lervout System ,
Worry over 'business or household
, duties sudden shock, the insane
queat 'for 'pleasure, the foolish at-
tempt to put a, week of normal lite ,
into tWenty-four 11011rElp feverish, aeo,
0-v4y, the demand for sensational
literature aro Ali 4ollatle1Ve to the
aggravation of vest arid tear on the
1 nervous system.
If yOu. 100 Urea, listless, nerVons,
owl, worrieawhy not give Milburn's
Ilecdth. and Nerve Pills a &woo to
hilp rat you et your lett again.
They are a body . building, 316rINS
etreogtheolog tole autgolog the
emoutisl element* for the nervous
Not ItIllegii Os. k IA, 11**** Oak
• .)
-FLINEkAi, SE Rill E
(Ustablishid 1810 '
Ambulance 'Service
Phone -Ago
,FLOYD M. 'LANDOW Director
J. R. Wheeler:
Funeral Director and Embalmer
• All calls promptly attended' to
• day -or night-
'Phones: Store 335. . Res. 365W.
When something Wear's out er-breals down ou your machin.
ery, brink the parts toms; if its filca,1)1e, we can,*fut it
• .P
• East St,
Geo* •
pHONE 2°63
, ,M.......1.,.......--,- , ,,,,--............0wmi•
, . , • , _ _..E.,__..., -
U E— of
. ,
heat Ilnjts. '
Th Delaware-& Hudson Hard, --Coa1-.
does not clinker and is veri low in ash,
. USE---, . , .. • '' ' ' . ' '
that is -.very popular and 'Veil high in
Our tour -pointed treated tOCAIIONTAS. This.° grade of Coal
has beconie very ioptilar.
The Red Jacket Domestic Coat
. .
for your range, beater, furnace or boiler. COp17iii- 'c•od *atd, ,
$8.00 per ,ten, or $8.'75 delivered in Goilerieh: ''
_ __.,
• Chas. C. Lee
Phones—Store 22