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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-21, Page 8
Mr. sod for last. week.) RAtlat lilt antil' Y iu tort last wee a 'R$Rilt ! _ and Mr it. ' eC ll WA Are ple ,,tQ lento'` ti Gordon Orr is xeeovea°itia, lnieely from, bar recent flue U +'�. John X, zi rI a l haS rented lags farm to Mr. Varaotte, fx'onFlicar Seaf'eax°tla. Mr. Cliff. Sturdy is awarded the con-:' tract as rei►airm ar for tbo Telephene (,umpany. Mr. °heater. Sturdy, son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Austin Sturdy. is Til in' Gialerieia 1 -hospital. i t 1.. L:4,L, Dance. -4 suuce=cs.a.tauk dancers was held . e on. Friday evening,- � 4 n Xit,",• sp'`?nsorroa! by Riverstora Lodge, L.Q.L. 140, in their ball ou the 4th eo ieessxon. A good crowd t ro attended. . ed. Ma~, T, ° Drennan of G e'r -11 it' w o ad a n to s r manager, }, •+.4ijc'rp and. the music was supplied by' the Monk, or- ehestrt, accompanied, by; Messrs, Fred 11e11 and Maurice Iarwsio i I to 1i was sere di Y by the ladies Of 'the loofa,,. 'On Wednesday, March `,20th, -another , dance .will be .held, the proceede ex$ which c'h Willll be given, En te the Red Cross Society. i..: I•#tle • . One Tadeu.-eA?i ' Sxytaday- Msareh • 30 there passed ► away'• at. bar " bonne; in Gedeeich,tozvnship,`esta Ruth Elizabeth Clark, 'little daughter` of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' °Clark. . Little' Ruth was aged ttvo years and eight meths, Sam had •been 1111111 health almost since birth, Besides her sorrowing, 'parents, • ehe is survived -'byone brother,' Arthur, • • •er Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pins For Backache. Indigestion ' Kidney Disorders four 3**114 1113,11 One bliaero >Ph 1 marled to Dr. Milne is Jtute atIneten boil., ituci her pandpareeote. 't5he' was a xnezuber of St Axa Mr. *Ad fir*. %%Oa. Clark. The Pall•° 1.144['d elArel > Cilie i4 survived l► hearers 'were Frank 1[r►ru alaaw, Mud dauehrters, 'Mise Mary 11',, at bonne and (*e, William and John Mohrin$, The U>raa Murray Vole Cara), et 'J°'e>rente, Inti r e atlk too lila4ae on Wednesday ftoxa and arae graudebiid, Kathryn fio1en,a7ee the hods of her grandparc`nt , Mr afro by few brother, her, John 8. AMcKinnon ofMia Tilol, OW; Vine eyCtef,�nan�i: fireralt tti�,to Maitland cemetery. Rev. Tbicsd;y from •St, t Andrew'' United n„'t, jr, Mfsllia;art was tho 45f. ciatlri ebnaireh to Blyth *United 'etnete>ly, el a rgyi � �y 4 �j�j "�il.��•3 r : MA 8RE 'PARDTO N Clt�ateu( c- for -last week.). 1 DSIII PPARDTON, Mar, (Intended kexe lforla t cep iAl'EI INC, laareb . -Ms. T-enga r Mabel and Irene Foster ePent Saturday 'Shaackletorn• and little sten, of Motunt, fan Le rim' Forezta-epent Saturday with Mr. and Mr, And Mrs. Eon aggitt of Detrain Airs Norman Shackleton. . • end Private .Taxa Iiagbitt of Lend= The- • visited n � . rla With M x. and d M rs • .Mrand Airs. Charles Pearce of Geo, nabgitt.- ldolancsville spent , Saturday • de ere pl,asei to rekort that Jre.and Mrs. Ander Q . `IaIphlostex w a .las U cen aiderW 11.8. are holding4 SQe1411 eau the doctor 's care the p ast* w eek' With the this Fi s avering, # u rc1 poison) is Airs, George Twuley is°spendin; a few days with Mr. ansa Airs. Josep AfeVemei of Nile. Mr. and Mrs. S., > St ,thers,-of A,r- thug, spent -4i'editesday evening , with a , ; enje}Ting very good health the 'last few "Mr. and, Ctrs. Henry Morton, months, was taken to Goderieh Hospital Mr . and Mrs, Omar Proof s 0f Para- on ,b andaywith pneumonia.' We wish—mount �p�ntSanda with 4A+k and yrs.ltau a speedy recovery, ,IichardKilpatric2e Ali, h'rank Rising attended' the J u 'he skatingarta at the arena' and .. , �..,".. , , «•. ,,.; p �-Conant `"' a a>. - or a I cieuaonstratsQn in Cain» Social* hoar'- spent at the 'parsonage ton Monda even n ". - .a y i� afterwards, last ¶uesday evening,, was Dougherty Miss• L. Doaabhert is niter 11 much en "o ed bya large number of'ha3 y p at the y : g ,,,. � Sonne of lzex,. tarothexk My. Thos. Dough - young people: a• arty. 'V . hope she will soon be re- covered. Miss Isabel Pollock visited , recently with her friend Aust zanily rMeGratten, Dungannon. nno Mr. Win. Floater, who has not been (Intended for last'Awee! .) l3LYTH, March 12. ----Tuesday. and 't dtresdayrSepteniber l r'and.18, have been. selected 'as the dates {of Blythfall. fair. 1 'Death of `Nathaniel Johnston. --After a lingering illness Nathaniel Johnston died . on 'liondsy morning at his house here.. Deceased was the eldest sett of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston tof East Wawanosh and spent most Of his life in that township before coming ng to Myth s oneyears ago. Henssar- vived- by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Armstrong .of Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs. James 'Gibson. of Morris, and two Sons, Gordon of St. Catharines and -Eldridge of Blyth. • Death of Mrs. W. J. 1VZilne.—' he death occurred in •-Myth on Friday evening: March' 8th, of Helen A..M Kin- non, widow 'of the late Dr. W. Jamesi. Milne, who practised his pr-ofeion for many yearsin this village. frs. Milne. ,wrath her laugh r inB h noxa m Was on t s b l ter Blyth, b of- .Mr. , The and Mrs. D. B. '`Icginnfih; and;,inns• h Y.P.S. are holding ta. St. Patrick's MAF EKING (Intended for • last weep. )� ALeh..y,.ir.�amd :Mrs. Frank Glenn and milyt.ef 'Due. Bannon, visited on Sunday with `Air. and Mrs. Hugh Menary. • - - Mrs, A. N. • A•tkinson• end ° Roy, of (xoderich, visited on Sun,gay - with .Mr, aud Mrs. Richard Kileatrick, Miss J cede Saunders is spending ,this week withi e r let e es -at Zion. We _ -extend 4ongratulations to Mr. . and. Mrs. I3t1,e `old Webster of Ebenezer (nee WinAlifr i Blake) on '•the arrival of a y1'�ili�ng son on Tuesdays March Gthb; - Mr. I. M. Eilpatrick -spent last, Wed- nesday in Toronto. The social held ' in the hall last Fri- day evening, sponsored by the W.M.S., was: well a'ttended:. A, goad' program was given, followed • by a' quiz contest, and dost heir. Lunch 'w b: , as served. _ .. Mrs,. Ernest Blake i daugh- ter, Mrs. Ebenezer. ' ar , R' o"ld Webster, I:benezex. • (suppe_.r Errs , the -hall Friday evening. ERS SpCtial?6,31 �RANLE p11 tances triake farmers g944, irks for *automobile outomnbilinsur- , and* war Pilot policies give the farmer er the mad- vantage - d v nta a of lower s; g - we. fates-•-andwe give .him extra -good, extra -fast service.-- rvice.-- J, W; `CRAIGIE, . GODERICH NELSON • HILL, GODERICI!' G: ` C. TRELEAVEN, , DUNGANNON •WE REPRESENT PILOTINSIJRA- iPriting selected rsks"1i"s•--Automobile, Fire, Public Liability, and othergeneral insurance. Plate Glass,,, Burglary, Head Office, 'Toronto.. LEtBIJRN (Intended for last week.) LEIEBTJRN, Mar, 12° .Master Harry Ho iron later ` xs�- . her air - e a ' >` time ei' withhis brother Fred and other rela- tiv es: Mr.. .tea andMrs. Aila'h t'efirh:ii'ant: their 'children s spent 'SundaY afternoon nwith Mr. r am,s sister in Goderich. e ch. , H rti •c a e t o S congratulations -r are ex- - tended toMr. and Mrs. Irving Hunter, March 13th being their silver -wedding anniversary. — �__ • The Women's Missionary Society will, hold its monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon, March 21st. - - Captain Rochel3ogie homy purchased a shining new ,Chevrolet ear and for his first trip took his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T; Bogie, 'East 'street, 'town, foto. ffty-mile spin, ASHri :LD (Intended for last week.) • AiSF.IFfl LD,:' March la—Mrs. Alex. l acDenald,of Huron and herr' daughter, Mrs. trent of Kincardine, 'lilted .with Mr. and Mrs. Will MacDonald. Neighbor'santi" friends .are sorry for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Parrish and gam RICH t N "7 out of 8 Canadian Women have discovered that 1 make tastier bread” MA CANADA abYAL -YEAST CAKES MAKE PERFECT BREAD ily.,>who were,so unfortunate es to have their Comfortable house • y destroyed b " y dire last'Fr day night. Miss, Annie M. MacDonald 'visited a few day with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Frol1y. Caird left recent- ly,to-visit with friends in Milwaukee and Minneapolis. : - Tlxe' crows are 'here, but are staying ato h me'the seof c dons. _ AStHFIDLD, March 12.—Miss Muriel Parrish, , ntxrSe xn- trannin wattr tfond Hospital, .spent n t tle �e ek-- els "tli"}Y ' 'mdther, Mr s.K. a rrash . " ... The tit t I ns u e held a . c eu hre� party at Cur x es 1Corner last Th r da y evening. Mr. ugh Macdonald -is- making good Progress ass London H ' In �' 2� os zt l � A where 1 he was taken after _he fractured two. bones in his leg. ,,.,., . "There's ,Still Chivalry's. l• A' young 'lady 'ta-xling home in New 'York- •Mather late one night suddenly realized she didn't have' enough money to pay. the fare. She rappedfor the drivers attention, when, the meter reg- istered the -amount of money she;,did* have, explained the- situation, and asked -to be let out. a "Listen, lady," said • the driver, "money. --isn't everything. , There's still what you call chivalry. You just sit still."—Rockefeller Center Magazine, The mind is the arbiter of • life.. .0 P/*ams Editor The glitnatiftera nview of the tact that .( promised io x44140 3o> c iitatt'1ieiu; re rdiug uy Vett s I u �' 'aid ike� ' _ i iLiat yy R. �. i •. §It'e tuuud i ,ahmeat iii ruble tri interpret to to intelligent Ilay public, after r all,t the "adverse Prc �.s and 'radio pablieit ianl Xrta rvC been subjeetcd , for the last •ten Year.* when trying to mervo the Oldie. • •> however, since listening to politic fans;,on the radio in both. ithe United States land Canada, I feel., X might still make some. contribution.• to help us understand this 'business of WWII. -t hropy a little better. In the United td iStat siGis the eighthbiCv�st business, spending the money given- to help others.. The other day ;i 1(7J8. tSenaator suggested that the administration ration o 'valet shou' ld be1e f: t wi thriv` � a te!Charities,bu t. in 1930 the Family Welfare ,Association Of America. which includes- Canada, reported they 'were•30O0 'trained work- rs Sort,D I 033 !they y y exlrected to be POO trained workers short. In Canada in 1932, our Canadian .Association Of -Social ' Workers. reported „ theyey ' had d se ent�� vacancies 'but tiul •only 1111 twenty of these.', No statistical re - rt has 'been issued since but 'this yearr our, Association still reports their `inability 'tto 411 vacancies. These v ,.can- cies are never advertised: 'Private Charities of O ,.. anadawhieh has been well established for : over twenty years, have failed to eduea-te and apply' 'tried, and tested theories or the results of research work in apply ing the priniiples for securing family footl dgets an4 systems of - ro'ljel resu�it, has been malnutrition all over'Canada. As the result of this fail - tire the Bureau of ',Statistics of the Federal Government :1a t. October gave a grant of $25,000 for .this, undertaking, It would net make any, difference what ,Go`verninet was in power,"these problems would continue to be handled in the same manner, :because our mem-, bers of Parliament and ... Cabinet Ministers consult our present-day lead- ers in social work. , In Canada, there has been a grave. danger in the Hitler-rStalin.. methods undermining our'demoerat institutions. We have a --few leaders in social work who are just as goes practitioners as Hitler is selling ideas. 'One remedy for this is vigilant exposure and wise: polietes, 'but wise policies are, the re- suit of. informed public opinion, and this helps us to deal with' ,, new rob- Tems. We must establish these policies which will help -bring about world peace. I'm 'sorry I'm .not allowed to be more evplieit, . as interpretation is' the basis` of policies. - JOSE °G SAUNDER S: P AR A O U Tn ten C � d a � t` - avec �. 1� """l" AMOUNT, - March 42.— Coil - r tion gatula sr ae extended sed. to Corporal por al and Mrs. Wm.Melville Melvil 1 e • (neeLyla aRi ch ards), s whose marriage e took �,• place r e- cently*--at Toronto., ' Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher- and tam- i1y,from , Wh' 3teeh urc h and M r,, John D. Martin, from Goderich:.-were re- cent visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex.. Bu -tiler and d. bliss MarilynButler, of • Goderich,were re- cent visitors with Mr. and'Mrs. Gordon Jamieson. • • The _sympathy of the community is ' xtended, �to Mrs. James Webster and_hamily in their -recent bereavement. . .Hiss, Isabelle Jamieson has gone to Winghamewhere she has •a position. 11r. and Mrs.. R. Richards were in Toronto lust week to attend the -mar- riage of their daughter Lyle. Women's—Institute.--The> March meet- ing P eet- g of the Paramount Worrxten's Insti- ute- was ,held at ,the home of -Mrs. • jIE KAGSIVAY�����STANDARD PRICEv SAFE' n. BEAU ECONO V spar with ANY ear. n ¢. ''� \•`j' J.JfhJ` J$JSC J•:'•. .4{,•'r } $J}+edJ+aiJJJJJ $,J •-•''`{''r: • f1 �"�-�y�. $`+yam}:-.,,,,�,�,��/���..�� jj Y °,m'n n^.vvnN+Ar-• {.{Y•: K:!Y-!:h1^✓�. rlf%:iY�i"-t-='.>Oh'J�'f'XXfJ9C4'!'=J�MW........ /•. Ff •'� `J{f . ter V•J MOI{E YOU COIIPAR1 — The Db you -feel that it costa extra to enjoy owning. a Iodgc,? If dos; We invite yolk to compare � they- Local Delivered Price of a Dodge Kin3sway with 'any other car. wand we mean• exactly that -- ANY OTIIIERC iR J Never before has there been • it car .as big!, as powerful and as eniooth riding, in, the very lowest price field 1 Meek the width of I)od 'e seater, length the Reng tlt of the � 'wheelbase. Check -the. safety' IeCtu r'es +Clrteck its economy recorrde. Look at its beauty, inside and out °.ak Dodge AYwaaer, -about Dodge reputation. for Dependability, Long Life aitch -ow Operating Costs .t . iten compare Dodge with Ai1VY other ear. Tile more, your compare ---The beater you'll like Dodge. Dodge 'eatta are as wide as the seats of 3 armchairs... Centre of gravity has been lowered for a steadier 4. rade, particularly; bra ;turn.. ...V7lieelbase is longer and passeneer`rs now sit , further forward of ,the rear ,:axle, so haat they ride in the "Comfort Zone" het i ween the axdee.° • Rear doors have no -"'dog lee—you `walk 'in as through through' a house door. Greatly increased rias area iv�ea. vision 'y� greater'$JI8Jd111 l'or'- ul'AV "Sealed anil as n star Sealed Th -ani" Deadlamps give50% greater ill - nnination and are wide apart in the fenders. for eafer nightdriving. • Prove for youreelf that Dodge gives you greater . value at the most competitive prices in 26 yearn. Compare the pries --then compere the ride! Phone you oclge - eSotordeader TODAY J94e1 Docks Pe,Luxe Special, d passeniter 4 -door Sedan Ifyou think . ou have to • AVAV � px EXTRA to own a Dodge, we 'invite ;You to Compare the Local Delivered Price of a ,DODGE WOW:AY Y nidi X any ` other . car and we mean ANi9' .OT EK CAR.. • DO►G-INGSW2p,Y COUPE Deily rl~�d In C�e�,s• ,rn"d &, 4,i laza (N .any). anly �x(ra, All GODERICH pritAf tu[sf�r�tfel thaw wlrt�+r �►... DODGE KING S WAY • DODGE DE LUXE • DODGE DE LUXE SPECIAL .G DODGE CUSTOM REG. McGEE, Harniltori Street, Goderich, Ph • • • 695 • mats !lair, WO HAW ES' FLOOR WAX Greater Coverage A:Finer Finish 'THERARD WAX ---.Proecp berg' QUICK DRYING: Sate. your time EASY TO APPLY S �at tryourt x tse n 8 'COVERS MORE SURFACE • Saves your money LUSTRE LASTS LONGER a s your Sates y net xvaarrY AS FAMOUS AS 'HAWES' LEMON OIL 41 Oliver MaeClharles on Tuur..day after noon, March 7th, The preside . president, 'yrs. ,Orland Richards, occupied the chair. The roll, call' was anS%vered `by ."traffic rules." During the business part of the' meeting material was distributed Air the Red Cross sewing.TReadings were given by Mrs.' J. llamilton, Mrs. KemptoneMiss Rhea.A Miller. ,Mrs. Herb Ensign -and Mies Jean Raaynard.y = eont�a `uc-ted *by' iss Et e l ',Martin. •- The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the King.".Lunch was'served', by -the hostess.' • TAYLOR'S � CORNER (Intendedfor last week.). TAYLOR'S S C ii�.v O E R March a ch 13. --- Clifford. •Sturdy' 'is- getting along very" well at his -new jab as lineman for the. township telephone. The many friends of Chester Sturdy will be sorry to learn he ,is a . patient in Goderich Hospital. -He is; doing quite nicely, however, and will soon be able to come . Sime. Ladies' Arid. --The Ladies' Aid Met` at the home„of• Mrs. B. Walter, Huron road, -on Wednesday -afternoon, March 6;' with eighteen members present and the president, 'Mrs. Lorne ° ;odges, pre- siding. , The Scripture reading was given - by /Miss Nina Walter. t was decided to have a. social evening in the school on Thursday, March. 2Tst, pro- ceeds to be_ given to : the Red 'Cross. s Rev. -. Wilding closed the meeting with prayer. er. A P1. Yover • lunch � was served by the assistant hostesses,, Mrs. W.°H aaeke~ aid hkirs.- 'QV Pt' xc ks:• _ ” xnunity, this headquarters for law and Qrdei+ in rho cotua ty would •Seem to he slipp,ing badly "on the job.—Walkerton, X3e�rald4Times, , Bright ItieaA "I've got a new idea. Fortune intMy�'�-♦ "What. now .,., • as "g,r_ . a.nealurineeloele th teenrit----..., delicious odors of °fr in bacofi and Y g fragrant eofee,x"- ntreal Star.' RUNNING INCL• 40SE.:A TW , RTO N -Twitted . tt because s eheo esn9' d ttak e ac- tion against ctiongnust the .unmzzlede nines run- ning o'otlo f o se b 'about the town in d -ance of the e rab t rabies., -edict, ct . .G+hief Con- stable Ferguson e guson let it be known that a , Dominion official while here -some time ago`` about the matter said that itt was his privilege and duty: to, pop into town unannounced and bump offetny"canines running at large without Muzzles. in violation of the rabies ' edict, which distinctly sets forth that any -'dog so offending maybe• destroyed on the spot witout further question and warning. If the stranger carries out his thfeat he has enough material to work on here that should keep the fusilade going fast arid .'furious :for •a spell:: • , - With slot machines and pinbaards going full blast in the Bruce'caPita1• in defiance of the, criminal;.±code-and . the' rabies edict getting: the "go-by '•by 'the majority- of- 'the barkers of the com- no JO LIKE 0112 CHUM :FRS SERVICE o DISABLED OR DEAD -7,,`, fA SE R�'-t�►T'T L >. -reV and rt� O m and efficiently. i• Shyly phone .r LTto OLEC" mply C ., WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL "601.i:12 , Cduaton 1' AIIeIp a -Pas To ihose- iddleAge. When men - and 'women getpast middle age their energy and activity, in Many instances, begin to -decline, and their general vitality is, on the wane- Little, bicknesses and ailments seem harder for shake off ' tlian formerly,. and, hese and there, evidences ofa breakdown begin to. appear. • Now se the time when those who ;wish to ' maintain - their lhealtb and " `vigor, and retain their energy un- impaired ,dh'ould take a• 'course of • Milburn's Health and Nerve Pills. - ° Theybrace p and invi u p go>4•eate tit system, and Help• stall off the decrepi- • tude,of advancing years. Th© T. Milburn, Co., Ltd.,, Toronto, Oni+ • ROPREYS FUNERAL. SERVICE (Established 8"i-) TRADITIONAL �.:.._-- SINCERITY —SINCERFI Y AND EXPERIENCE .,- • ,Prompt ' Ambulance• �.Se:xut.Ce.--..... Fhdhe :'1.20. FLOYD LODGE, Directors :R. Wheeler Funeral Director ani -Embalmer Air cam promptly attender- to .: _ day or night __-- --AMBULANCE SERVICE--- 'Phones: Store 335. Res...365W. Hamilton Str't, Goderich 0 Hpuseivork _•�= . xs a es- ire when'` your Same' 7s- properly equipped with electric app- liainees. Wash day hat nb, terrors; ironing is 'a pleasant • past -time; co•okin.g is dust' fun, and: polishing , the 'floors doesn't eost any 'effort. Let -us shove -you how to enjoy these modern comforts. WEST ST. FRANK ;McARTIIUR : PHONE 82 For Lots of Nea Orin MO Vsy—, „ De aW ads ri Hard Coal A. Coal that is'cone-cleaned, does not clinker and is very low. in ash. - FORD -COKE. A. Qoke<i,hnis very popular and- verylaigh- in heat• units • - Our , four -pointed treated POCAHONTAS. This grade of Coal Baas become very nebular; -' TheRJacket ' Doestia Coal for your rang , heater,' furnace or'.boiler. Cyst in' ra j yard,pp000 per ton, or Q8o15delivered in Gorlerich, � Pam PLUMBING, 'J ATING AiND HARDWARE .TRY Chas. C. Lee • Mono—StoreOltfi ll: ,i ' ,,1U•R : STOltE .. 'At the H ober 22- o e 112,