HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-21, Page 4POIThi• East at EA TER give the f • I OVS CAN Laura Se , d Eater Egg — 1.5c lb. 25c eial Kiddies' Box, 2 'Eggs and Itabbit 50c Laura Seeord Candies 00c lb., 2° lbs. for $1.00 ' Perfumes fro tti tito world's, best makers, olognes and other s. Plizabeth rde Special Spring G Bez, ',exceptional value $2.95 ampbell's Drug. more re. Goderich SIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING be held hi: MacKay Ha 1 next Wedries; I ' The a,nnimi business meeting of the day, Marcia 27th, at ,8.4• e A cerdial local brae* of the Bible' Society, will lavitatio!,,,-,,t extended tO is IT.' • ' 416 ASTI oritfiel s for Your 4.'aster: Wardrobe `.1 Spring "Dress" Coats Cots. with the new "easy" 'flare Toats •-with.--the•-stroi silhouette . . • —The - tto -ontStandiii„- types . of the season WoOl boticle. . . the . kind that tailor beautifully. Per- fect materials for 'the—little tucks and other, :,"detaili" that show • at a glance _Ur these. are----sraa t. Coats , Black Coats .-'•• y Coats •.in. the si ajority/ gresly, SPRING ACCES§QRIES- Here you'll find all thoie. "niake" your Easter .outfit; WO VES.--7B1ack, Nav$: Pastels. • tl charming- ateehts 'that help and Soft 39c to $1.00 . ..BAGS -,--Patent., Suede; Pigtex°in all the leadin.g Spring shades . , . ,$1.00 to $1.98 , BLOUSES—Sheers—So 'dainty , and feininine. .110SE—New shades to blend with your Spring 'costume: aster No woman should.. miss the thrill -Of having a flattering. new botingt to wear at Easter.' ,Bonnets thatwilL catch your fashion eye. Eleni;Sh. 'sail- , ors, Large Brims,' Bretons, is".DAsgy Sailors.and &VP .Hats' are all , shown. , with trims of ribbons, veils iid a pro-. fusion a flowers. Navy, lack and . Soft Pastels., ,AP aster or_Men. _ A.fter careful selection. aml studying -styleArends,- Cornfield now' present an outstanding colleetiOat of MOWS New Spring .29 ' Those who are i;ood judges >.,,fag woollens • will relOdily *recognize the superiority of 1/2,these wors'reds;°- All 'Suits are distinetivelY tailored . •1,4 'up-to-the-aninlitel styles, The new spring shades are elo different in their softly blended "blues, greys and greens. Pick your Vaster SUit while the selection isat its beat. • EASTER SUITS FOR YOUNG •-PELLOWS—New Tweeds, New Styles gud sporty Pleated.back mo,lek New Spring Shades green, bine green, greY. For style, variety and value, We think thei are an ,oUtstatiding•.collection,„,„,„.„,„,„. VAII, CORNFIELD'S VAUD AND SAVE MONEY" _ RNFIELO M1OP WI ERE/ YOU An INITED TO SHOP. hone 40 Th. aquare s • GOMM!! OIGNAIrSTAR Red Wings Manager Invited to Goderich Tea Be Speaker at Lions Club Banquet to Young. Hockey Players see - The is a strong possibility that Sleet' Atiarass, manager or the Detroit Bed 1•Vings hoelsey club, will be oh- 4ss gueskspeaker at- the ba (pact which. the 9oder1ch 14onf3 Club intends to give ?in ho or of the junior and juvenile hockey tea e. When it was suggested that a lioclacy luminary be brought here as guest sPavaher. judge T. m. Costello, Whoal- thougli laot aLion, is greatly interested in the .hoelw eteauta, immediately thought of Mrs 'Adame. •Judge Costello knew Jack Adana$ in Fort William when, the judge, then a school:teacher, was tile catch$X fOr the Fort William baseball teara. • Judge COstello recently wrote to Adams' in Detroit,stating that he had t ()Bowed the course of hie hockey eareer with -interest and esked if Mr. Adam thought would be posSible for him to ome t� Goderich as agueet , of the Lions Club. Mr. Adams -replied 'vvitla a cordial letter toethe effect that •he In turn" had followedjudgeVostello's career and v.Then tlae Judge was al)-' pointed to the bench he had received a "big kick" out of tellingh1friends that Y when" Mr. Adams expressed his plea- sure in being invited to Gedericia for the -banquet, but stated that ifs the. Des ,troit team is in the N.II.L. playoffs he could not make any definite plans for the near future. If. Mr, Adams finds It possible -to come here he will be ac- companied by 1bbieGoodfe1iow, captain .o thesRed Wins- Judge ‘Costello is continuing, his co - respondence with Mr, Adams, confident •that hisefforts wilLmeet With. suecess. croite1167"ra' 0 • SALTkoRt! BLACKHAVVES,VvIN, ee-. n. andairig ‘.y.After leading the other' teamilri Maitland Lagu111seasoTale undefeated through even Slip iMbyaacDr2alsoi6•in dd's".ElectorirTleague defeated ague finals on Wednesday night , -It the hands of the Saltford Blaedawks-, -The" Black- tury,i:j„,b, their best performance of the $A.Son•in winning the game and the letegue eliampihnihip.• They • Went an early- lead and were never heilded-hy-the Ejectries ftoln rhea. on, BANTAM LEAOUE• HOCKEY _.•Don Ainelie'ssteam. "made certain of tfirst• plate irt,the senior division of the Bantam League by whitewashing Doug. Hollanste keys 8-0.Theiw1n gaye•Ainslee possesSion .of first` place, ie. the 'Senior 7eight intact his no -defeat record for_Ag_ year. -Dr, J. -T41-ar Eani refefeed7t --- game; • • In a crucial junior Santana game, played Wednesday afternoon, Billy Newcombe'steam, edged out Len Mee Gee's sextet 544 rind took undisputed - possession of first place in the junior diviiion. Neither team had been de- ,feated in three previous games and they hadrun' neck -and -neck for the league - leadership all season. , McGee, led 4-2 more than halfway through the game, but Nr„combe came en,strong with three tallies to cop the decision.. Mr. ,T, Its -Kinkead, refereed. BANTAM LEAGUE STANDING Senior W. L. Pts.• Ainslie 4 0 8 Holmes' t- 3 1 :6 • Erittley . , 1 2' 2 Holland' - .4 -3 2 .0 30 Junior ' 'W. L. Pts. Newcombe 4 0 8 3 1 .6 McGee MacDonald 2 2 4 Langridge 0 3 0 Bradley 0 3 0, ..„.-......_ Johnston RBD cRops REPORT -The follOWiligazliipment 'went -forward to Toronto headquarters Marcia 16th, 1940; Hospital 'gowns, 12; triangular -band- --ages, 36; gauze wipes, 500; pyjamas, 30; sweaters, 20; wristlets, 24; ice bag, covers, 12,; pillowcases, 36; abdominal, bandages, 121 "T" bandakes, 12; soxii, 180; scarves, 17; ,helmets, 8; bed jackets, 6. es-----s- .Additfonal donations to "Goderich 13ranch Red Cross funds are grate- fully acknowledged ; MeneSetung -Canoe Club., $ 25.00 Maple Leaf Chaptdr, I.O.D.E. , 29.p0 St. Peter's ' Separate Sch,p,d1 . pupils - - -' e 1.64 Women's. Institute 21.25 0.0.F. No, 85, Bennailler• .10.35 Colborne Township ' — 12.89 'Pledges paid; .. 12.89, .r....1....a........1. $163613 . . On advice from general headqu rters t at Toronto, the bridge and 500 tourneys helda '. t the local Red' 'Cross ead- quartei's in the Public Library 'base- inent every Wednesday afternoontwill Ie eoritinued for sometime to eome. - "THE UNSIIADOWED CROSS" Easter Pageant Enacted at. Victoria •- Street United Church = - The pageant, "The .., Unshadowed Pros;," presented at Victoria street. -United church on Sunday evening, .was enjoyed b.... a-Iarge congregation.. The lighted cross, shadowed' by Doubt, Fear, Pride, Sorrow', 'Unbelief, Indifference* and finalry-13eath, beeame bright and Influential again through Faith, HoPe, Truth, Soy, Love and Life. Mrs, Geofge 'Carrell took , the part of Christian, :arra. "Overholt impersonated Death, fned 'Mrs. SPioule, Life. Mere staking- part were Misses m. :attics, E. McGraw, N. Allen, Vd. Master- son, J. Craig', V. Craddock, E. Ensign, A. Clerk, E. Wilson,- Meadames ,Gray, Lionel(' and Cranston. The choir as- sisted, and Miss P. Itoope sang a solo, 'At the communien service' in' the morning; fifteen neav members were re- ! ceived into the church. HIGH TEA An annual event* that Is much en, joyed was the high tea - held by the Ladies' Aid of Knox chureh on Thurs. day evening last, Owing to inclem,ent weather and other condition -a the- at- tendance Was not ao large asusual, but •the supper- was as . bountiful and ap- petizing as.usual. . sees-. Dr. Ebrentii,. (Smith, lectUrer of the egtealon department of the University Of ToronNy.is spending the Easter sea. ,805 With her 'father, Mr. Arthur Sinith. , GODERI611 ?LAYERS Make Good Showing in Hadobiton Tourney at IStrotterd Nisa Pegiu" rarS91,140 repreaenting,,the :Gederieli Radalinton Club, roade a ;splendid showing in the Huron, Perth and ONford badminton tournament lieki at „Stratford last. wee1C, ,MiS2 Parsons fought her waS= to the Seriti-lin4d round of 'the singlea before going down to defeat at 'the .hands of ,Barbara Crane of Stratford by the score' of 14-10, 11-0; in a. very hard-fought, affair. Miss Parsons stayed in the run4ing: longer than 'any other girl ,outside of Stratford. • 3liss Irene Vellow of the Goderich -Slaile.teamed with Parsons in the doubles and they advanced into the seml-finiii round before being de- feated by Marge iIo.rris and Anita Roberta of Stratford, on Friday night. The Goderich 'Pair took the•first ,game by a •score of -S.15-8, but lost thq iinai two giunes 10.15 and 11-15.7: . * .Nitssiyarsons also advaneekinto the sera -final round, of the miked denbleSr t„Welkftgssal"P;saValthId Peeton, of Striafrd. They , were eliminated by Dori McLean and Anna .Roberts of Stratford, 1245, • 18-72 and 1845, on Friday night. The 'claseneas ' of 'the scores inclfeete$ how well cOntested ,the game were. Miss Marjorie Ackerman and ,Miss Kathleen' Park, of the .Goderiela Club advanced into the 'second round Of the eonselation ladles' doublebefore-being defeated by X. Beatty and X. .Slegnor -of-S tratfordebritseoreof-2101.• THE TALLY SHEET WItit Westbrook was .ttSc= /Unior Walla' most prelfile scorer during the past season, as shown .(l4, figureascome piled for -six league and seven playoff ;games. ` Wait led' his teani--in• both goals and ,assts, scoring eleven times te1trlea1ing-461p on eight occa,sions for an leaegate of nineteen points. -,e-Nessy's two•linematee, Bud, Johnston lad Walt Dorda„. fonglit neck and .neck alleseasen for the -place_ poeition, the thriller 'finally wining with four goals and five assists for Dille. points. Doak fired one more goal than Bud but had two fewer assists. Terry :Costello led the defencemen and wound up fourth in the entite teain with four goals and two assists. Jinf Garrick waS' the team's bad man, haying seryeti twenty -eight -minutes in th,e penalty -box during the seasod. Terry Costello, his defeaeg_inate, was• runner-up tor this ,donlittak honOr, with sixteen minutes in the -cooler. ° The complete figures are as follows: Pen. 111 G06.18' Assists Pts. Min. W. Westbrook 11 8 19 • 13 B.' Johnston 4 5 9 - 4 • W. l)oalf • 5 3- 8 2 T,'Costello: , 4 2 6 4-4. L Schoenals 3 . 1 41 4 --2 6 N. Black1 .1 2 '4 J. Garrick ........0 .2 2 b28 ..S: Durnih . . ... e. 1 0 1 R. Kingswell 1 6 BANTAM LEAGUE FINISHES • The Lions. Bantam League competi- tion was concluded on Wednesday afternoen with two all-star games. The pick of players from the senior'division showed in the first game, which was exceptionally well `Contested, as the 3-2' score, would indieate. Many of the Players 4exhibitedt ekedptional , hockey talent, partiettlarly 'young Phil John- stou an the winners' goal. lila kicked &it shot atter Shot in Sensational style. Many of these players will step up into jnvemle ranks next year, it is expected. In the junior ,Bantain game, the win- ning team held a wide edge over the losers, taking the genie by a-5-1 score. A treat is to be provided by the Lions Club for all players rnirticipating in bantam aloe -key this winter. ExammoN •G•iimE The Loudon jumbos, an all-star lig- gregtftion culled from the London Jun- ior League, doubled the _score on ,the ,Goderich Lions, defeating them 6,3, in a hard-fought exhibition gartie here 'on 'Tuesday night. - The Jumbos, coached by Sara/ Taylor, ,g6lf "pro' 'at the Maitland golf course here last slimmer, shewed better com- bination play r but had to go all out to defeat the 110fting 'young Lions on a sticky ice surface. „ '*-13oth teamsfoughtas if an O.H.A.-Championship''Were at -sta.te4.- and at times tempers Bared and sticks 'were. raleed hi the heat of the-ga.nae. Referee Bfll-Westbfook handed out only six 'penalties during the game, but five Of them- mine In the turbulent third 'period. TO SPONSOR C.A.LF Agricultural, 'Society Projects-Farni- ers' Banquet at Carlow -April 5th: • The, ,Goderich Agricultural Society frits decided to sponsor a calf dub this year, for animals' of both dairy and beef. types. Farmers' Sons of ages from tafeave to Swenty will be eligible for membership. -A. eorannietb-e has been formed, composed of W. -Hume Clutton (hairman), Gorden Bisset, Russell 11111, James_ ,Meatillitia and "J''. Thoirft,' to- suPerviSe WOE •-A-field crop e.ompetitiorf Will heospon- sored for older farmers of Colborne and Goderich- townships:. . A' farmers' getetogetiler -.meeting, 'in the form, ot, a banquet, will be held in the Township Hall at 'Carlow on Apra 51b, with It; J. Scott `of. Belgea've, pre- sident- of -the lJnited Partners of On tario. (Co operative, as the prinelPal speaker. • II, ...I. SENIVIMUlt BEINMIDDIllt, Mar. pleased to hear :qrs. John. Allen "is home frohi lboinlon Hospital, much im- proved in health, . -The. C.0.161. spenoted a social. evening .in aid of the Red Cross on Friday night. 'The Monk orchestra and Air. McMichael 'gave their services free, while Iteeve reagan,donated the prizes. The prize-win/fors-at euchre were Mrs. Geo. Ginn and Mr. Earl Fagan. A. very enjoyable evening Was spent,' • The supper ,put on by 'group N. 4 of the Women's ASSociation vas a de. pitted. Access.," Atter suPPer Progres- sive erokinole was enjoyed, The Prize. winners were iMiss Lattra Durst and Mr. Harry ,R.nkins, consolations going to lIn MeCabe.and fllmer Ienkins. The ,Signal -star 15 asked to correct the .otatement in "last week's issue that the 'fire alarm on Wednesday night of last week was caused by a blocked -up fdruate in the Masonic Temple. The trouble, it appears', was with the fur. hue in the adJoining building, • f • • HER 95th, BIRTHDAY 1$1rs, C. tt. S. NOW within rice Years of the Vector), Moolc-_-=, —Ono, or the town's oldesteresidents, Mrse cf:' $.,tfartelAnietly celebrated her ninetyeilftlibirthalaY 4)n 'S'andaY ast lat the home of her SOO, I‘Ir, Knyvett E. Naftel, with whom shq re, 4-31deS: Mrs. Naftel svae born on St. Patridee 'Day, 1844. Flowers and other appropriate gifts, along with messagee. containing birth- day grin, were received by Mrs. Nafiel on Saturday and SuudaY. She was able to greet Lind serve tea to, her callers personally. As related ii The Signal - Star a few Wea,q ago, Mr. Nattel comes of a, distinguished family, being able to trace lwr Enelish ancestry back to King Ed- ward Before coming to. eroderichi she resided with • Iter husband' on a ,tarna In Goderich township. Mr. Naftel passed away' iffteen years. ago, VICTORIA, STREET ' ' The Women's Association of Victoria, street United church met at the home 'of Mrs. (Rev.) C. L. Brown. Mrs. Phil- lips took charge of the devotiOnal per- iod, the °liming hymn „being followed by prayer by Mrs. Phillips. A short reading was also given. , Other- -readings , ing owterBeagoitve7,7astwfoluIoWisss 1,0"T. ,,,111%43,4,94iteg: "The Atneriean Mrs. 'Q. reader •"What We's-NeC-fd," by Mrs. iSwantz; "Let Mt Live Among My ---FrIendS;Fehys-N1*$,s-(LRevey-.-Browia —arse Baechier took charge of the business Dirt. The -secretary's and treasurer's repo efs were given. The ladies have planned on a rummage sale for April 6th and 'a hostess tea for April' 4th. Mrs, Phillips- eloSed the meeting with prayer. iMre. Brown served a dainty. 'lunch appropriate to the St. Patrieles season, The next meeting Will beheld at Mrs, 0. Senley's-home, -- • HOSTESS TEA An enjoyable program was given at the hostess' tea sponsored by the Vic- toria Helpers ,class of Vietoria street T4nited,ehurch on February 29th in the sch'ool room, Mrs. C. L. Brown acted as chairman, Mrs, Shuts rendered a violin. \solo, accompanied,by ¥iss Aka. Howell; Miss Howell a ,piano instru- mental ; Mrs,4V. Oakley and 'MO. Slants a. violin dnet ; Mrs. , 1).• Cranston and Miss Pearl R-oope a duet; Mr. Ralph Reliderson, a solo; Betty Johnaten,, a reading; Mrs. 1.3en Gray and kiss 'earl Roope, a duet ; Mra. H. Sanderson and Mr. ,Chas. Breckow, a qua; Mt Howard 'Aitken, a reading; Mrs. E. .,CranSton a solo. A playlet, "An:Egon- , Voomerang," was presented by Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs. M. Cranston, Mrs J. Sproul; -Mr. Wilfred Larder Mr. Jack Mcliklunon and Mr. Ken. Aitken. • RETURNS FROM ALBERTA Mr. Thomas ,•Sillih, a former Gode- richite __who had- been in the West for forty years, arrived last week , froni Taber, Alberta, and intends to -make his home here for the future. It is twenty-seven years since he was here last, but he Says he has been kept well informed of dohagsin this tovvri and district by the iGoderich paper. Con- ditiOneln Alberta, he says, -.are prettY fair this ,yearbetter than for some years past.- As to pelitical prospects, he consideissit likely that -..the Aberhart GoVernment 'will be returned in today's Provincial eleetien.' Mr. Sillib belongs to a welleknoWnettginily and 'has •six ;brothers; Georges -of town; Walter, of Taber ; Alexe„of ',Sheppardton ; 'William, of „Dunganneh ; James, of Alaska, and Richard, of Blyth. 11/ESSION RANir'SUFFER The entail:41'AL Patrieys supper of the Mission Band ' of North street United .church, held in the church base:. ment last Saturday evening, was at- tended by oyer 150 people. The roo was appropriately decorated in green, with shainroeks abounding, and the younger members of the Mission Band, who served the tables, wore green „aprps and green ebavs in their hair. Piano sologefeaturing Iristesairs w_cre_ contribiated'by Mrs. F.W. Thomas and. Ia•liss Alma Howell •toradd to the •even- ing'S entertainment. 'Receipts were announced' as $45. ST. PATRICE'S PARTY' , On Friday last a 'St Patrick's Party was given in the home of Mrs. L. it: Hutchings In aid of •the Red Shield auxiliary, the guests wearing "that little touch' of green." Contests, Irish jokes, and an Irish reading; "Prince Patrick. of York," filled the program for the evening; With a little -Irish nulsic and singing. An enjoyable lunch was served to the thirty guests. On behalf of the members of the Red the'preside' t, Mrs. yfcD. Willis, thanked the hostes for her hospitality and kindness. IMAM' OF JOHN SCHOENHALS MINTON, march 19,.-7-3ohn. .8Ohoen. bids, prominent Western 'Ontario miller, died -on Friday in his seventy-third year at his home here. He had been in falling health for the past year. Mr Schoenhals • was Niro in: North FlAsthoplanuary, 25:1868, son of Adam. and Catherine (em) Schoen hals. As a yolingsman he learned the milling trade and after his marriage In February, 1890, to Elizabeth -Schaefer ..was employed in mills at Milverton, Baden, Wateliod rind Atwood, • later Owning and operating it fie= Mill at Pore Albert. In Jinn he plitchated the 'Fair 'Bros: mill at Clinton, which he ,operated until 4,,w years ago, when he retired. , Ur. Sehoenhals waS ae member 6.1. Godertely Lodge,' A 13' & A.X, No. '33, Murphy L.0.14., No; :710, Clinton, Royal Black PreceptorV. of Clinton, "Court Maple Leaf No 16,,Canadian Order/Of' Foresters, and Woodmen' of the World; He was Conservative in politics and an Anglican. • ]1Issurvived by his. wife and .faniove two sons and five daughters Herbert Sehoenhals, of Port Colborne; Melvin.J., customs officer, Clinton; Mr$: E. C. Niekle, Clinton; Mrs. Milton Cook, Sarnia Mrs:, 'W. 1:1, Halifax; :Mrs. G.- A, l‘lcCague, Harristen, and Miss' Freda, at home; it brother, Harry -Sehoenhals,- and, sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, both of Kitchener.' A son, Ed-;, died' seventeen years ago. 'There are tWentY.ene Mquide'llildren tu)d two gkeat-grandeliildren _ The: fathl' serviee tOok place on iSunday afternoon at St, Paul's Angli. can church and was largely attended. Rev: A. It. O'Neil officiated and the Masonic ritual was obserOted by a large representation of 'Maitland Lodge, Goderich, with members of the Clinton and Parkhill Masonte lodges. T 4U0111( 104U • this • Special otter cOntin March 800 ,8x10Portraituo $1 95 In order to *lye c.0;rerybody ait opportunity to take , -,advantage ._ttchnisdiantfftria, etthiove iipti4ieeei,a11.1;(4,,ay...aetax long, but 'heull:til7parolt4to7rwrartptil:;b91'tlhitettnie willneyer grow Have willtehWar' Paw.(;1`.nt.rait. n1a(Ic -.today, 'before special price is ONLY ONE TO A ,rA.BILILY Henderson Studio • WOODS—LAWS A (Inlet wedding ceremony was per. formed' at Knoxchurch on Wednesday morning, when ,Gloria Charlotte Laws, daughter of, lir. and Mrs. Ernest Laws, road,waS-united in‘marriage 'to Isaac itunter,Woods, sou Of Mr. and Mrs. John Woods of Kincardine. ' Miss Mildred laws, sister of the bride, acted as • bridesmaid, and Cornelius Woods, brother Of the .grotira, ,was -best WM.:, 'Rev 11. J. Luno-01Bejtfteirlirtife 'vete= anony. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Loftus Welsh, of -Gode- announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Alice Mafy, to Mr, Carl 'Shepherd Gavle; eldest son 'of° q11,areetryenidu 7r.t -..,,Govier of Auburn; the marri'dze to, take place, 10- Ala- 'Mrs Ed, Maskell announce - the ngagement of theiridosighter, 'Mae, to Milford!W.Purst, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Durst, both of Col- borne township., The -Marriage to take 'Place the end of this month. ARTHUR CIRCLE . At. the regular meeting of the Alihur • Circle of Knox ehurela held on Monday evening inthechurch basement, Pater was given by Miss Markin mc,- ilcay on early inedical missionary work! hy Mrs. George'•MacEwan on mission in India. Atbriet paper also -i -vas given hoSpitaa work.' A -lovely Rao was rend.- ered •by .Miss Madeleine Lane: The ' evening was camachided with the -reads ' ang of the Scripture by Mrs. Grahttni Inglis_ and prayer led by Mrs. 'Ress :Sparks. The thank -offering ,meeting HURON. COUNTY JUNIOR ASSOCIA. TIONMLENTERTAIN-. , -'-'Tbe Huron County ; Stitt* Assoelar- tion of Toronto is holding a dance and 'card party at laialloneY'S Art Gallery 1 at 66 Grenville Street,, on Thursday, April 4th. This as a splendid place for card parties -and dancing. A large, crowd is. expected at this spring get- together and a very sociable time is• assured. The -Association isa success in keeping ,Huron people touch with one another. All Huron people visiting or living in. Toronto are 'Invited. F,Or further particulars 'call the' Secretary, Miss Jessie Archibald, at Mi. 5693. EVENING( AUIQUARY . The EaSter thank-offerhigineeting et the Evening Auxiiiary of North Street . United church wag held at the chtirelt on Tuesday. ,Afterthesinging of a hymn, Ms J Pridliam read the Scrip. • thre lesson. and Nub:: Beaumont gave' a devotional 'reading, . Miss It -Aitken gave an Interesting paper on "The 'Higher Christian Bductdlon In India," s-eomthebs_ta4dyrt.bi:ueL"evninterestg Mititot_neat_s;•, this timewhen conditions In ,Indikare so unsettled, The thank -offering was given and Mrs. Chester Johnston led In the 'dedicatory prayer. Miss F. Mooney gave a reading, "Thee Art of Per - getting."' -Refreshments ai'ere served by the members of .group No. 2 and a London, is spending two weeks, vacation. with his wife and two' SOliS, ipf.-1172W. Bell- �f'the.7th7Filela-Coy. ,eocial evening enjoyed. S orty ITjjes for- ,:the Young . Fellows, off f: he better quality, in rkugliji and smooth • "fini,slies. -ebBiriioi'ssiff.' blue greens; grey and It's A 0;41, Time o have our •Spring, Clothes dryeleined and repaired, We pa cneiw -'cuff s onAtrousers and leeves, ' relines '.,.0Pair, el, aIter,and, press. 1.\\ Fink H. Martin; TAILOR ,. 0 11, an • Wet St. amp nsIiip llockey Fasiest •antaten ockey in Canada -STRA:TiORD -AREN GARDENS' WEDNESDAY -"" Holsbaugh Fords vs Stiatfod K banadian0 35e, 54, 75e, p..00 Phone -,953, -Stratford, fr reseriation CH 27th 4 D kt441 I 01 I 0 144 iI ,„•—••• ON SA.LB .'whiiitEK-ENI) KAI ENIOKED 2 , .Cr.isp . GINGER, SNAPS, 3 .lbs. 25d, cii*-1"EXi$."7".'""""--"'" .77 CHEESE • lb.' fiker PEA Ali-beiTAGE- -• • - Sliced " ?lee() Pure Choc. ___......._.__......r....rrZ:' ' 1 *6' 1 .ROLLED 'Grade' "A" Large„ OATS 6 lbs. 25c . • . dos, ',Vic, SALTEDsumoATT SODAS . .3 '8 -oz. pkgs -25c ..?LOO..- WAX -..1b. tin 23c , SUGAR, CURED ACO Side Sliced lb, 25c SNLIGHt SOAP ........ sOAP LUX .1 e 23c 0- bars 25c • ITEA . - ...*.-- ....W:lb. -,33o - nomoNo ' rult.......................,,..• —.. LAUD . - ;. 21b0 2 SOLID ICEBERG SiZe DOMINION STORRS. LT