HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-21, Page 2PAWN "rwo
U;Iir ottat.*:tar
leitiiNINA;Pitb -4101.4;.:ItIell SI(NAle ANIS_ Ti.111 Gi4e1ilalt,1011
Poleltshed )by tSgeal-Star Preea,,Iimlte
West., iiteeet, Goderiele Ontaeee,
Phil Ostler of Lazy Widows
14 110r: st VOW
week-- whieli itself big news,
* *
Tine deeper St. Lawrence and Great This, the day Mr. Aberbart gete
Italesee seaway Proet i net an sw b15 (LoOt for naresing werd next
between the eandidates in Nerth Ilievon, week.)
' tlareliffbi eleetien, platform
atIneeates "developMeiit Of lake narbora
ra.ther than expensive deepening of the
Lavvrenee,"and 'Mr. Peach/lean 'at
NiaeIn'tty 'Ian. ;1Oct/flee on Friday
"ialelet stated net only that he 'Wasop-
ieWed to the eeaWay Project but that
had oks.posed 'the deeleening 'Of the
Nsigland Canal,
It is gratifying to know •that, who-
Golug by the calentrart Zaeattrda.,Y vtas
the lirst day ,o2 spring; but the, weatlier
maxi seems not to have heard of
4%) .•
.8altford„Sage bva.o. poor opinion
of thie elehtion cauipaige., Ile nays he
ittlen't 'heard; one real good Cainpaign
It is aunenoced that the recent drive
'for tne •Canadian Legion 'War Ser,vices
exceeded ite objective of Sn00,000 1)y a.t.,
least $50,600, with. contributions ;Still
* .
We'presume that after next'Ttiesday
L1 Hepburn ,ban. tbeefilm "Canada
rumbie oriNioN
reotai, ga the etranifisest urgeeoto do
)' lin-Treat thinirie at the eeldeet limee.
-In jive readiug (1. magazine wheee
aefai tone movie aetwee.Was stayine. at
the heme a, socialite. friero,11 It Was,,
J inagetificent place with a great suaride
Stairwayeand au arehed baneieter that
entived her to sneak' out in tim,hallevay
early one morning and then go sliding
down the bannieter. It wae a magnifi-
cent feeling and she yoasted doWn-to
very ahrupt tett/P.M the eiloor. •
Tie.) butler picked her sip and relaxed
his frozeu %smile long eitoug•h to
'aIood for yeti: I've arneaye. Wanted to
do that iayaelf.".
"I 'can reniember wildest' wes e
eanall boy thae a venerable unele with.
a lane' white beaed used' toCtill ou use
Vean_a,g,reat telleer and leis) beard
was continually wagging. up and doWo-
over the evninkled hale ant dales of leis
Current Vieirit on the War
NTRSAILLES ilov --the eattleePan eR thn
Tne peace eat/owlet of Vette, (.1)14 Geenail,filrfitay at oweirii
'bodied in the Trteity 'Veyeaillee and !Neat ,Gerninny will never be tiatNied,
in the supplenaentary tre:10.es concluded So lOng as the etneit no W auhnating the
wltli A.mtria, litangary, Lulgaria, and .N a2•4. pasty eand direeting the Nazi policy
nrt hae eintracter whicat differ- rennains, the gnigbetween, Germany and
iii entiatee it funthionentally from all etre, talvilivationle unbridged. A ehange
vioue Latenipte to regulate the reht.tiono the ,Ger an outleol: is a ,vital condition
between belligerents at _the end of a both a German and Etiropean health.
war, 'It was inepired by •the ideal not -There have alwayeln every generation
eo mueh ef contributieg to tne gain or been Germans who have:taken a bread
even the seenrity of the Victors ae 'on humanitarian view pf Ilan/laity% dutar
layieg the foundations of a new and towards/ the woild, who have valued
WW1 World. 1.1/w the Tower of'Babel,
it aspired to Heaveue mai tile proJeet
wae ruined in the same way by the fail -
nye of -a Nutmeat iinderatending anima
the, nations on whoee efforts -it de-
pended. IN 'breeitelawis vntlti• soldered
luevitaide by the aisappoiatinent of two:
aesunaptions on which ,was based--;
elose Amerietin partep:ttion, wad the
existoree a truly tio-operative. PeiSeu gaS into -Their famOus echools
uatioutif spirit. It wits the continuance and univereities, and by its -cruel pere
liberty and, refinement (.102 mind and de-
eired tong* their country's influence in
foreign-Yountriee depend upoo the satiny
contributions, to the arts of man witich
the flerMans are In a poeition, if right-
ly. gnided, to ,make. These GermanS
are now without voice og authority'in
their owe. eeuntry; They leak Ma help-
lessly witile their Roverement Punap$
of the work` which was -thus frustrated; Secutiou affrents the conscience Of Inane
TI not Y M ), 1940
WW3lar'14'1,Yi tine apirit that M. Wit- around hint, Melly v ) have the large
eon had elainehtted nie Fourteen Pointe , rennOnder of 010 Ito" ,lathni- whet in
clianU;04, atria, Ma were herotel 001 ()gyp kite
nneatiefaetery eeply of,tne Ger- 41.:)eile and. erect/donshaing een:STantly
4tait 4_&tivogiitiatt, thi-•• -1441rin dinned into I hem whFuliree haat
Pontien.felleieeel-he the hare:fame" le.0. lone for the ataatei leadinahA
tants a aw„scruz6 ditiateti at Brest- put of tie.) henee et .'daeiee awl ;5014 -
141tovS% and Mehemet Lista then: rat}, in.ignorance a_jtljor )edit dente and
ileation by the Relehettee elmost With- Of the reactiOne sit, both the" Eaetern'
out protest, couvineed the 1..)re3ZOnt Th1 Weistair wotal tO them, reeent the
that there was but one 'Germany to be itardehipe that • tile bwollen war ma-
yonquerea, aud. that the etenulest altine ianposeeXipmethem, but :Itluleoee
itical 'strategy wae to reiterate again with moreeotf lese conviction in whauiUt
aretin the lnos1bUtt oiteice is told them' as to where the- blame-
Witit the hind of,"noveenmeet• that had. nes. -
imposed the ,Treaties of 4reSt-Litoval: •Itenarning 'to our anteetiOni with re -
and Bucharest. This ehange Of policy, gard to the first Of these groinie, the a
was made public in Pe:eel/lent Preeent Government toad its ealnione.
there as said at the begiening, no
differenee oe opinjoe. We are ..at ir-
reconcilable vhtY With its personnel atal
pplicy, pledged by ever cede of hailer
not tct rest till it is totallyalishredited -
not only in the eyes of the world (it
Is that already)) but in the eyes of the
nation it has misled, The aeensation(
brouglit-againet by the dieta,tore of
ievaut • of commoesense realism in not
'from the Caerroina cemeaanderS m ins- being willing to recognize fait$ aecom-
epeeeb. at Baltintore on AprillOth, 1918,
' in which lie frankly -admitted iiis recent
eltange. oh- heart and new resolutenese
of purpose:
'I am ready," he deelared, "to iliS-
euss a fair and just and honest Mace
at any tiinethat It is sincerely proposed
peace in -Which the strong and the
week sball fare 'alike. But the auswer,
-when I proposed such a peace, name
ever is, eleeted ha this riding ou Tees- its ultimate'. failure' itf,fords in itself no. WW1. It is 110t to ,be believed that the .sia't and I cannot iniStake the meaning Pita drib( sheers the gulf that separates
the next Parliament Will.. he against
teo. 3 one will indefinitely be tolerated: of the answer. I accept the ehallertge their ',mentality from our olvn and a '-
day nett, tile 'voice of Nerth Huron in
, mood that it was. a fals,e beard and that ha wieleh, the foundations Were planned That It lias now beeeme pnbearable, by • • • German3allas onee More said that total insensitiyeneee to any law hig,her
veste s Someone. told rae a ineelt, jest .gro"uuds for criticisM of the way,
in it would pull off, and I eveinted tea see and laid: . , _ Gierniany's Westeeneneighborsagivee fdreet aar force alone, ,shall decide 'than. that foree, that* Makes them
Whether Jinetiee ondi)Peaee shall reign ready •theaceept Cain's enestion, "Asti I'
lalunging (tan.vida into this' scheme re- 'eV/tether it was or not. -I tried it once But the groaidiose nature of the taelf.' eneenragereent to that eopee day
gaveling whieh the Most certein thing is day, geabbiage Use 'beard in my hands attentpted drew to it the attention of it will become linbearable-i„hy•thein-the -affairg- of Men. •:: ; -There is; lalY, brotberie keeper?" as the fait
. • thenaselves. . re, but eme respon 0 Po bl of wisdom in buman affairs.
when he was going at toP speed and,. vast uumber$ of Men and women. who 11
eons, and triumphant Forge vvialeirShall :third, we certairiloy- haVemneso cvaanesea to ,
natierial debt. -. c . front the eifect ...Of ea $11PlIer on the staudards of a aip1011latle contract be- ..',..frica. under International ,government
• 4 make Right. the law of the world, and be at war 'with it, On .the coutrary,
140 PEACE WITH TIIE NAZIS People will be allowed to see what their 'Vas real. '
was satisfied sat least -tha•t the "h0ard 110 waY ilu'aliiied todo so; Th.ey merely tione widen the British eiteeeneek e alea cast every sellisit cionainien down in We count it antone' our 't 1 1)1' .
i e
at" War" vvill be lifted. and Ontnrio shiny:le:1st-et my lenies,erge.pants, bu.t I, tween belligerente, and whp were irt This, itewevere Is one Of tthe many,qains-
tare- and an immense addition to the
• ens aeeeee • 11 fo e" e
frOmetee; Forge, • Force -to the eutmost, • Leaving for a inontent 'tile second of
giving it a solid jerk that made bier were not vontent tojudge it, like former I note that scheines are put out le
umeb, of Foree without Stint or limit, tile right.. , the fotir grouPs and -coming `td , the.
'yelp -with pain. I TOW(' aft.eriaeirds historical treatie,e, by the mundane this country ter
Ctlidt it would involve a as expetaiiputciug
• saw the Tailaire. of the aim, in which of Nations cannot solve sIngle-hantleda the ihrY4•9 ' " - allies -however little It can do for
again, is flying a peace kite, salMrne""thYint;"--; Soetnanee-pnopbeehave-eergee*ethat---t-heye-alone-etlaan. -n-fetteneearnemnetemineeheinestrieteconaleare . „Timeatienairen..wniabeeneen or (worse pity Still) however little we .
.4% never satisfy. Our preacher told me toal terms of the settlement they were talon with our French allies and with the dictation 'of these treaties has not eal-rdb-rfalHitler t. —
but Britain and Feanee are not inter- ' • .
just observations of informed and in-
telligent criticism, there has arisen a
legend. of V popular eircula-
After stirviving the excitement of once that every time he lilts his linger profoundly ignorant, and did "not care due recognitioh of the desires and needS* be,en, replaced by any other set
of ideas I is in connection with -the second
and the fourth groups. that anr real
and fs now accepted by a large po.rt of
to learn more. Ileum apart from the of the natives of the African continent;
Ieadernivould offer at this time would ten millions of young inen and women
this election cempaign, the electors will
. some really strenuous game, suet), as sent. Germs,' (.;`uvernment and its chief. Germany, regards tiee ,principleS- of
reSult only ill all armed truce until
rises, If, in the field and
the German peopleeeeThe preSent Ger- questi"
• We h.ave a pretty elear potion of what
• ested. Any peace terms Mal the Nazi •
tupoug those with 110111 we are, at war,
Brest-Litorsk and the motives lying be.'
would do it only if tree ''ThT one, tiO% whicle is sustained by importaot One of the most surprising results
'with a hammer 9.i.e has. the strangest
urge to express ihipeselfeein language
worthy of tne occasion. IIe wouldn't
intend -it to be harmful 'at all, ana
behind the lines, We have toainclude the
be keY'ed. up -sufficiently to take part in the Africans ate feeling about the pre. man generation, tbe generation of Nazi
hie a mockery; and if accepted would
marbles or nlitHckerse
Gerinany'should again consider herself
it is the saddest of necessities, mar
around, . bet lie .remembers the cloth misconceptions and inadequate know- the war has abeen the rush Of the hind it as au actUtepolitical,program.
onne. briegs. home to us from another
str•oUgeenotigh tO defer the Allies. , • anti etilles b feelings with some mild ledge ball of -the Actual eontent of :tile Afileaus to. the Frentelt-eolors, ewha.tai ,Nolle has 11)eeli more eloquent in this • •
With regard to
murder la t'zinhcnalovitkitt and Poland, emmona,eengnocoesa hteo r1.1.)1.1(.1 'evill(selflrolSinit ,, boundless nuinift'il::woedtrOilpeasive00..ny_ tahriewsmeotroe.i:4iassialgaewitil,a1.7,.grato
Majority' for their party. I3ad guessing wende'rs if 'it wiiiiirin't till O i rlwliTC:Iii).°1t117:(libVirliVii.7s lit!lt 11 r(Ze"'IliVe'll_.;Eitit1174'111161(1?:1:' MIT(' qIe'elt 1;roitIttlet;', 4i1alte;'Ulrl"P.4.:P.ft 411C-
Inl soecurareitoymiativ6irsrittiich'
from an evil,spirit,- . It may rend thein
_:. semewhere-hnt neXt Tuesday Will tell let leose tile pent-up flood. of • words present Sufferizim,- It is i'aiied.at.irom 1 1111,574jijilgilt.,th3e
'knows no religions or racial distinetionS., traSt with the inhunian eruelty of- the
and this polity would,- be extended to
new territory at the iii-st opportunity.' - that just Seem tO rise naturally when Pulpit find Dint -Form by sttet(14-IVIYalage
,. There can be no peace With"' sueb. 'a
threat hanging over tlie nations. (1,e tlw organic unit3r that pervades
now Germany is prosecuting •-• . a qua %els ie cone/tint, SOlt of e.xpiession such as epshaw! tfea''3, an o ' v'th whichi asks M. Mandel,' the French Coloniai than) "tile ruehrer bimself. .11 s
-441beral he. d • rt ' on • • —
-liter pcdiey of ,repressien,- ernelti• and nrunk
lie tells ine that he makes himself. be- lt,,litteMpted to deal.. The Treaty of Minister, `1,S -the profound explanation
Peace of. Versailles, "I placed the two
compatison e " Y liumfin soefOtY-7, 'The Parents' -‘have -eat- •
soiir iglaleA and. tile. children's 'teeth
tralfioitrnstiej tseireolitreol,,not. . in.atettaillete, haenled ,,b -C ?C-.9SCIII",1j?.r,_till,si prodigion,s crusail,e?,,,...is be- .
House, while Conservatives claim the
. in the, process 0if., being exorcised:: but
this way lies salvation for the coming
eibe Hanks, who aims the weal week- are faihiliar . with -the dosiument 1Whieb, having, improve -then lot, labors to Wheeler -Bennett in Oxford
. . generation, the other way lies only '
-ly down in the village,'is a quiet,,•mild is the sulifect,„Of their invective. incorporate them. into the national. life. Pamphlet No. .
• t • *1 t takesworde showilittle indieation that they between man and man, anit d that, after °flier " he wrote, an a‘iehl I<'amPf.
'd • '
the tale.
, it ie -said that thousauds of Finns
, 'Should Britain and France now agree
are.looking to Canada as a refuge from.
;to come tertas witb. the Nazis, it
the treuldes that beset them their
would be impossible again. to rouse the
Vampire to the Dghting pitch it has noW °Wn -Th.°Y sh°111a- b6 gi,vn- a
• . • hearty welcome, as 41 .v ax_e_ameng the
sort -of man to judge from. ,his appear- "-ea ") af. Gatliortiediardy in -Oxford els against this tte native populations wHern w' n9m —Aim vv,E1_,..Aii. wAnt madness, :
, are aware that th '''Gernian prOpaganda the,pOimilation be said to I 'I' •
Ilow 'far can ,the reinainsiinagr:artwionfe
iance. He's always friendly and Snail- Pamphlet, No. 6,
ing and when you go. in witii`your
is founded mpon a conception (4 racial On one fioint there is no difference ot mit say the guilt, but the inlinnian
scription' long overdue, and storm and 114iVIly WEARE AT wzin
rant ithout hating been cut oft tile liet, 'Th,e War on which we arenow enter-
_ , 1 me one day ebout how -he -would like Philosophies , 'which differ••fundamen-t- monkey" and has accused of "criminal_ goVernment. Difference begins w
superiority. It is inthtehAlirsteorf.1)(Tiec opiteitneeitye. (treat war with the blood.. psychoiegy of the Government, its min•
'Beata' himself ivho, INittif Ions, -and the youths whom they have -
aeaehed. 1Vhat is the .use, Cana tans. and erime-stalned. group that,
awl Australians would say, Of going to •
- hest people of Europe and in, the ielie pours oil on tbe troubled waters and ing is, as pethape nee 11 ioetoe in in which he has formulated° his pro- .
atter -Or climeite wo 1
indoctrinitted with it? I would be -de-
he reins
d soon be: irons out the dinioilty. lie was, whole course, of history, 'one between gram, hasetreated the negroes ,as "half- Ilitler at theirlaead, hold t • • •
when ceiving. myself and my. read r •
said that I beliefed it possible to giVe
our fordes. overseas' merely "to
to Att down,.'Soine time and' express his ally as to what man is and what he ,is follY" those Governments. of, 'the white it is alked what share -the peopleenf
have come accustorned cop.ditions in this
• m
. ,itn- simple answer toqthe t*
• agairIfingint acctinV. C(' -'11-11-t1,7• •
* * • • • • • • "rs'err-w t
• issue of the paper and
tchi tr •-gathiirit g. o • h• • If ain,• ie crea ot in a cer „ tie es.ozeopment upon it, if for no other
here for. To •tiaos 711,0 halt 'been
• race who have ,.""sinned': he says. G7many as • a whole has in their There
-e. 111.111 oven/elm-Mem thterniael nerinentaxese-many -
may -be ivide legitimaPeneedlereille."
relishing- anythingl.'Aint the people of. „, tl t c (1110' them climes. .0n,the one side are those, WLIO . - _
millions also there may he degrees' of
Victlins , of dictatorship: Ethiopia, Peeed. Well, I didn't want to 'be a were. moa enta of dread lestithensMte'llolitie-a4-rights,---Eroin that moment, i held that,
-ftt I inhumanity. • What. I ,believe is. pOS-
• • _ • • * Just sit ...,aXIMAtl ha -hap-
Britealn.and France•would feel the same: e
'Albania Austria Czecho-Siovalcia trembie7Maker, but 1 encouraged him should „b:naatle -to appear that- tbe how ceadd these oegroes•neet feel, them -I words, "bring an indictment against a I
way. , • - • - Poland, and now Finland. Where is s •
eally let go. Stv.fetY of r poSsessions 0..ml., of the selyes directly Mena, ceeby the teoloniali whole natioe," neither can- you 'be
What claims of Germain . editate_ upon, h
war with a whaleepeopleieand thatethe .iaseetTy....pe.mre. °met
Fortunately there is 'no arosPeet that this ,businesS to end ?--aforanto Globe Pe,rhaps,-.--3;mt- heard about it, I thini, s
• - -tat s quee in then distributieneW aitir in the- poe--
• - • - ' ' one weeldie r
ON'er the horror' of the present moment
all the trOuble 4nd expense of '8-e•ndingN
pies of the black race .consider that
pee- main.problem we lave- e ore .
discovery of the Means to -appeal to -the sj4)11 itY of opennig -a. way, at the end -
this fart of high importance : , the,
,,.. Of the war, for the tfainbtine.ntal traits
the victery Of ,Germany would .expese intelligence aua nearts a the. mass oe [
in' a coaeperative effort in the interest •
of buinan nature to reassert themselVes
them 10 the greatest peril:- Whiell they i the, nation In order to enlist it against i of ,a,
state of European society in which
have, encountered sinee-the abolition of its Government as a common enemy. '
slavery," - , On the' other side are thoae who quote 1 wwiairat,
enaneewitz. called it, .the -con.-
..will come to be regarded, not as ,
H-."-A'.-L: Fisher in The Fortr4ottly. the equally historic Words that "every
goszernMent it ',titillation of politics,r. but as the feiTure
. •
- t . - - • ,.r . napion gets the itind of
• GiERMANY'S -IDkA--,-,OF -A-TREAT.Y 'of politics,— , •
.--.T. . . II. Muirhe,ad in Philosepha
(London). - ..
• •
........... ....,. .. . _
Professor's , Daughter: 'k*,1ircifiri..
, —
evitahle, and on -.(March •, 3, 1918; - • , • . • "Rulers
stances compel 'me to decline a niarita\.:
the lem ?snot. so ,sinip .e as
G'erman People, .like others; is a coin-
ferior pectiniory resources."' .Student
— - 'aba.People", seems . to suggest. -The
arraZement with a man of sUch In
peace of-Brest-Litai,Sk was signed This
. _
tratty required Russia to iTnounce plex entity. ' Begides the distinction
,Stiitor ;-"Er, ah -I don',t get you Pro,,
sovereignty. in favor' of .GehrianY_ and between ruler'S and people, there are in
. . fesseres, Daughter': eTleat's just What _
Austria-Mingary over kussian Poland, -the people itself several..clearly dis-
elery paper in'the country had a stoiy
member I'll refresh. your' memory. danger has been averted and that the
ntion-to 'annihilate the Nazi "nionster •
1 al, it has been going on urfor about' eine but ifr.case you.' don't We cannot 'be- too thankful that this.
• ,
the Allies will falter in theirdetermin- and Mall•••
quite a number of years, but' it s only He started with the church, which issoe, .that was , in reality all along at
entered the world of its terrorism.
pathy with thing ,done to put -a stop to it -
against the * *""„
;who finds' Little has Lbeen said as to the influ-
a fest montbs since The Globe and Mail
wag heaping scorn on Canadians who
protested against it and wanted sonaiea
, We have littleeor, no se-
titte politieians who,-declal
a few s4ietengees eut o of Itiseradi
0 ence in this election of the votes which
was leaking, and Ire called -the congre- stake has Qraerged in its true features
gation for.fair because they purchased and
a new organ while the church was leak, How often in older ntdis have we in
-Ie.--wenvon :to the_casest Doet, Gre t drunk Inspiration from
• 1 to
the. words PM by Shakespeare -into tne
Jim and the people who were cr v g
the show -each ,Saturday night and not
paying their doctor bills., He reminded
several of them, quoting their names,
-that the doctor hadn't .shirked, a-bliz-
addreSs and -then ,is free to get_ up on , Were east in 1035 Tor .Stevens. .
Wild or a sleet storm to drive out to
' thelitibliec platforin,and. howl about at candidates, In a number of Ontarie eheir ftuens and save the lives of their
as eedenial 92 freedoin of Speechnts only Leen_qithencies in the last erection, al- children. The Ladies' Aid tVas roundly
making himself. ridiculous. The plat_ though not a single Reconstruction can- derided fox its hyeocriticar attitude to
the-wife-of a man sent to, prisen,
form 'and the press satisfied- the -de- didate eves eleeted the iTote 11, d f '
. _ s e or old whona they shunned because of this
mandfor public exPresSion of ODinion that party would, if they had, been fact. - "You pose •irS- saints when your'
aee uncensored' no perabil can reason- of the oIel Darty • n•d tee h„,,,, the man in jail is besmirched because
ably affirm that freedom a utteranee is elected him. In North Einraii7efor in-
.,. ear" a •'''' '''''''''' -befell from the straight and na.rrow."
That one nipped real hard., .
denied him. .
for e good, many :Years, and when they cotinted. in foto for one or the' other -hearts are blacker ivith hypocris than
ILt mikitt he well, iii'deed, if political
radio broadcasts.natene entirely pro
Whited during war -time. • There is to
±b& --between"
the radio and the press. Mall can
getene before the microphone and, with
no check -upon hira, broadcast .state:
ments, true or. false, that may furnish
valuable antmunitiou to- tie enemy.
Sixdilar material intended for publica- •
tion in the Dress must -go neet through
of an--editore,wleneebesi
having some training in the wielding
of the blue pertelleand some feeling of
responsibility• in his position, Is. bon-
ceious that his paperwill be held ac-
eonntable for what it publishes.. Fee:
quently IL has been notteed thatSensae
tionta)news seut'out by,radionespecial-
ayeat week -ends, did not appear in the,
° Whf? Because in one case the
stance, the .Stevetts candidate polled . And that Was Only the beginning:
1572 votes,- while Mr. Deaclunan's Abe -didn't pull Ms punches and al-
though he lost about twenty subscrip-
.majority over Mr, Spotton 'was 583.
alre•Steven's is now back with the Cone began to forget., But Doctor Jim had
_e_etivativeet bq it does not follow that several of his 'bills paid„Abe had sev-
the Reconstruction vot4-OT 1935 will "tell"-Year-old--S4Wertlitions-11011--uP.:
tins, they eatne back to hint, as people
deserveSh.lrete. vviitcheat. fellows that
:it deserves no immunity for the acts of-
-Mouth of old., JOhn of Gaunt in "This AFTER -VICTORY
precious stone set in the silver sea:" the Government by Whiell it chOoses,
Withemo other course Open 'to; pr allows itself, to be governed.
Today, we tifeayallea upon th apply ' • ' •
, them not to reatim, Otis' England," a them, the Bolshevikk accepted the in . We have to recognizeethat the...Probe
alone, ha 'to "this earth" -an. a wider
sense than Shakespeare had in- view,
set, like England, an island in the sea
Of the great epee& of the universe. It
is this' -world whose deetinies are in the
balance,. threatened by. ‘the excursions
and alarms of_ doctrines that Woeld
turn it from the great aim 'of being
news was edited.: by eeineone who was
go Conservative; it will be split up,
but just how' -1 keeping, election fore- the Ladieee AidSend that woman seVera
contributions of food and, money and
casters, guessing. chip together -to •give one of _her hOYS,
the care of an oPtician:---
• I say, do what you want to.- You're
hurting yourself by stifling what you
Want to do because you fear public
• ,
(Tweed. News)
"Thus far,". soliloquizes St. Cathar-
ines Standard, "the girls haven't, re-
sponded. vete' eagerly to the leapinie
forties." • How does he knotveGiris
don't go on man hunts Tith et, brass
band. t'Though dame band may some -
dines work into the scheme.
and he had the satisfeetion of seeing
Mr. Llephurn's charge of a "walkout".
and "Violent disturbance". at the St.
omas Air training centre turned tent
to be squib. There was a 'walkout,"
as was well Imown before the in-
vestigation conducted at ilepburn's
instigation was held, but there was no
riot, no violence, no mutiny such Os was
iMplied in .Mre pepburn's statenthats.
Two or three hundred airmen lea the
11 aiim,, school , onte ' afterneon and
marched down tQWI1, With011t interfer-
Courland;-L1vonua and ee
tinguishable groups. There is the m telling you
eee ,
Estepin. , To Turkey she had to .60,e •otinger_ generation (ealculatedat, over memea*.;meeeeee'teeee
ten millions) who. since 1933' have. had.
the Nazi mentality and racial. peide
drilled into them *almost Trona -infancy,
;---surelv the greatest crime of all, re-
minding one of the' juderrieet sin those
that kill the soul. This leaves some
etety or seventy millionsof the older'
with • .•
generation ; .bnt these , again .constitiefenforAommon
no.hemogenedis mass: Thele is amo,ng, ordinery sore
them -a large group who, sharing..
.g• large section of -the Church, ;the
liberalism 'et thenr6dern-antlook-on-th6-
• iJ
World, either openly or in their hearts,. 041--
while condoning mech. in Hitler's early
policyof restitution, were as deeply,
shocked as, we were wheton titoeg.
'fateful Ides of Match, he -flagrantly
departed from it apd started on•one of "
open' . enslavement of weaker nations '
were signed on Marchp",.1918, .and were
• i_keeping.-with ithe tenor_of neiggiation-
set. atelaresr-Litovsk. Ittimania was as•
aneapala of resistance as Russia had
ateenenoice-the terms were in accordance'
with her condition and with the bit-
terness of • the hatred of 'theeCentral
Powers. . The Central Powers' con-
demneci I'ininania to economie•servitude
and reduced her. sovereignty to a tarce.
The whole line babe Carpathians Went
to flungary: a The pObrUdia was
,(111,'-idell between Bulgaria in 'the south,
and an Anstro-German •eondoininiunrin-
the north.' Rumania mils cut 'off from
the sea, being merely coneeded the use
of 'Constanza as a free: post. :The eon-
tioT oTatlida-Dantibe ;poised into the -
hands of -the Teutonic eiow--ere...
ly, • the Rumanitine Were compelled te
agreeto. work. for years to feed Gera
malty, and her allies atlixed priees; and
her ole,welneewere teased. 'to Geemany
for a term ofhlifiAyenine years. An
army of, oecuptithin was to bi') ana in -
111 the country in order to eo-
force the tering of the treaty.'
The allembracing scope cif Ate' Peace
of Bucharest .is indicative of tho. poyer-
ful influence exercised by-literinaii 'in- ems&
dustritilists and military leaders at that
moment„, and. the, most convincing'
-denee of . what' 4 victorious Geri env
wouldhavebeen. Its negotiators pro.
tossed to regard it aS "moderate and
illSty" and the .1Slunehener Post (11',
(111)1 It. aS .aa model - of the peace' to
be impesed 0111 an, .011): But
fin true giVeif by a'
•Irernittit staff ()Ulcer in seply to the pro-
tests of a Ittnnanian 'diplomatist. "A
harsh peace?" .he said, "You call It
a harsh pe/tee? Just wait tilt 'ki)11 'See
what We are 'preparing' for ?ranee and
. . •
the abode of a family of 'nations fitted .Ardahan, Kars, and .Batnm.- -In ad -
by, their endowments of heart and naiad dition she was .forced to recognize the
1111(1 an ever increasing power over the independence of Finland, the Ukraine,
elements to live together in co-operative
unity, to that of making it the cockpit
of irreconcilable warring 'factions. It,
is the gliinpse that -we have caught of
and _Georgia, -And. to agree to reparation
Payments to -the -amount of 0,000,0m000
Marks in goods, bonder and gold. Russia
loSt73-4-per cent. .her_poptilation, 32
this issue in the confuSioir of' the -racing per cent. of her agrieultnral, -land, ,
clouds that has nerved us and our allies 8;••i- per cent of of her beet -sugar land, -
at last to take our courage in our hand s per centr-ot-her Industrial Undertakings,
,iiiiii"-(eVeirrentlanaaffilatet of the eande-S9--per-eent••of-
ftway' of so •many who we hoped .would European,' Massie. was -.dismembered.;
Wive 'seen it too) teenome forward un- she was cut og from the Black Sea and
oribitaketbly as protagoillats- in flie .canse, very nearly from the Baltic .alao.• • •
onhemanIte. „ • ' Having thus edisposed of prostrate
---,Hew long the present 'conflict will Russia, the Central Powers turned their
last and who will be Victors in It ls attention •to her smaller) ally to • the
hidden from us. Whnt is oat .hidden south -vest. The preihniearies .of peace
is the: -unspeakable value. of -the ideas -
for we• -have taken Up-dr:in •
truth of, which all the great philosophies
and all the great reltgion$ of the world
have borne witnese.. We ha.va learned
little •from these -and from' 011r own •un-
trammelled reflections Hemp do untie.-
lieve that, howe-ver long-drawn-out the
Prekeee.confliet may be, and however
often It may have, te. he renewed, the
.final Victory of theseAdeas is secure.
To lose faith inethem seeine to us tO lie
to lost, forth ig etettrythine tha•t makes
'enee, 'the -*walkout! evidently being TEACHER, -.11AS orlarcz; Oil this planet worth livinr.
able to distingUish7b-etwen the false' the result. of_ at. misunderstanding over OF V OTING PLACE - -The 1 thtoi ef I'11osop y (1,o 1 )
nand the, truce:while in the other caeb .the eeititelule.of training classes. Those. • -
the radio -annOuneer had Ile such \ale -ken -lean -1)6k the'laa-t"wareiettet have. May Vor&AVIiere_fieMearhes_or Where_
_ Ile Lives in. 'Vacation -time
' oerninent, or at any rate Vva'S not, e±- smiled over tbe incident as -they. reo The' eesidento quatilleatioa Of teach-
peeted to exercise it• The disseminee ealled the Camp Borden riotsc*Alio 3:;rd ers in the minim; Federal election i,.
nion of laleteor too, ++-ighly colored news Battalion rtimpue at Landon. .and other .set out clearly in the Election Act and
-*guy, end eleeloriel officer for the Do,
enaay have AO serious coneeqttences distlirbances ,atnoug the ,C•aeadian. is further elecidateel by Jules Caston-
. troo ) at that time atoune ( enadiene
. ordirtarY times; but in-Vver-thne danger t''' Y , • . ' ` ` ' minion; in a letter to returning oflialtf14.
may lurk in inellecriiiiinate broadcast- are note aecustomed to army discipline- r.I1uIette1• stat.,, e.
ing. • , -e. .
UJ) Mel made it fuss about it. The St. tire. is ,someevlutt differdit fr,om that of
Investigation 'has' shown, too, that
. Other e1aSSe8 'of electors. It 1.4 14( t0.
r radio asses. are, heard, hy Only ft
- all prepertion of people. The owner. .
and 'when they didn't like things they eTheerimisleittie-hatalificetion of teen-.
illionta$ affeir may 111111%. been to some a great . extent on. the, intention of an
extent an 'exhibitioir of the same high- individual teeelleih . . nTherefore it
«2a radio eet may not laid* the ad- spiritedness :. but there. ,was nothing in 1 appears tb.at a tetteher has 'what may
, ,
eould be prolonged only' by an Act of
" (Irene -le fo be brbadeaeen ee ne does. it' °W.Orth-brIngillg '.' to Public' attet
ed 11)0 teiled a thial r6g1dPnce, 1r.d she can the imperial Piarliament ; this was doge
in the .telms used by- Slr. in 1916 but was unpopnlar . and . the
elect whether she will rote in the elecl
know. he.'intly be btheavVise oecapied or ePPeeially lou 11 'clietrict ' in whieli ' her hlaee of idea WasS rejected in'1917; •t;)tlay, it is
' n Ile, tin rn The Provincill Premier is" e. ••• , . • • . • - .
the reception maY be Poor, and, °even 1 I ... . _ -1 lest/To/ye relate teaching,sthool is eau- inithinkable. Ili'or it to have, sat through
r'it he doee hear
, ,
it -Unless lie° has a' doing canaea eeeserviee byt,stiebt oiler /11 -ell , 01 in -..the _ .e1cetoral distrierin a session of recriminations On matters
e• , , e,
marvellous 'memory hie mind carries
away only a portion �f• What he bas,
heard. The printed statethent i'ii, a.
newspaper can be read at leisure, and
:Trig tempting, to- aflowlbe fancy' to
Pley among new •eombination$ ' of
states, a Balkan • bloek, a ,flannbian
1110ek, a Medit&ranean block, an At-
lantic Mork., Such i'onibinations man,
if ma t u red, help 'towards greater stabil-
lase hut we.are still brought -up figainstt"
Ttntria probion from willeh all our
lament by Prime allajeter King width
hasall'aen 80 much criticized:
-.Parliament must be dissolved .this
year nuclei the -constitution ; its 'life
breake and he Is ruining .1114 • oWn 1101110.0f ller,Parents 114,.sitti- i of Aden would: have been waste of
• _ e _ t ed. „ It eeoes avithoet 811yingt 110,WeVer, _time ; on:early dissolntion eimPlifer
• • that teachers in tile above ciretnn- tee vhig
ot' of the Ieivision therseas
'reputation': •
stamps can vette in only 0110 electoral '• anti allow the t of the Division. In prea
A DIFFICULT ROLE dist riet at.n genertd Onetime paration to le) earried out ih Canada.
(Bowinenville Statesifiiin) ...Whitt- is siltedinbove i1zkgikt-„,941nnear
1-sftes w.il obe lgie
t intO the
neeeseary, le.ie. d if any paint is Some tlhie ago tetateeman, in an-
" to !tinily only to fi,thale teatthere eteareine toileof a (a/median theetioii at
not clear at first' reading. ,At election nonneing an independent policy clueing
time the radio is an inferior substitute the.. eoanine, eleetion, campaign, men-
ao Honed - that it MO _more dititeult, to
for the press and the platforini
maintain an indepenchltt 'stand than
Willie the latter are available the to take sidee. The ..Slitliand Free Press
Political propagandist has very little to expresses similar 'sentiments when it
•eosaplain of when leis radio addresses g4.1/14: "It is always easier for a newA.
paper to take one side or the other.
an6 .censored. To hold the balance evenly end to pre.
sent the unbiased' and views is
um& Inore Wee-mighteray,
too, that rabid. party workers on both
sides usually ligurc an independent
paper opptiixs the party they rePresent.
"Afarry my daughter? Why, young
man, won would not buy her clothe
even." 'Well, X'11;..2atre. they'll i•teear leee
tans ; and leee of 'em every year."
Con*, gentle fprintS;
Vote ae you ilk, but vote.
Isto tesvs from Qucen"s Par
it applies (quay to teaehers of the 01)- the •mentient when' the war in Europe
Poaite seX." - • wee; well take on 'activity and inove-
In an Urban polliii,t aivision (Gode 1114 Itt It cannot, he 'said for a momeut
Melte only in North, thump,' teacinge flea- ;thy nerale advantage is being
imiet have their 31 3111(43 entered on the hewn, aer, mug as simply availing
votetee liet to be entithea to vote in himself o2 tin earlieet poesible moment
emit diva -lion. Itt rural polling divie
Ione qualified teaehere ntay vote, al- to Seettre the authority di the electoi.
though their names-- May not be on ittltit:vfa.(y)r otIllieweilicneneatittrialeticwmaro.f axittienaecolulaind
the votere' list, upon being vouched for
.0e, Slay -by ea, einallfied 14-etilr
residing hi the samopolling
Writ i The Edienettreeli .Seotsniatie"
January -30t11. A. Berrie/late Nettle an
all:Mori/ay on eonetitutional tion of a democratic governinent In t1i(
says if the disolution of Para., itritish Coin/nob-Wealth." • ,e
wa.Onitir you .areinch
before buying that new Dining Roota-or Bed Room Suite.
Get it now, before prices advance.
• C On er
-;Phon'e 240
CigarS' — Tobaccos — Confeaionery
s , •
We DeliVer
In the latilfed States the effect Of
the Treaties of Br:yet-Litovsk and
Bucharest was even more apParept.
Daring the first year ofeAmerican par-
ticipation in ille war there had eeemed
to the Allies eertain Itikewarinness In
President, Wileon's pursuit Of hie poll-
inet have dissolved eooner, for time eves [ eiete "larar upon German impeelalism,
-noary to etnacirelinthe 'fir trainleg [ peace with eGerntan* liberailem"-that
eeheinia and to organize the Military had been -the Yeeeneti-Ofille 4)41(1348
forees." sinee' April. 1917. The ell/Wheels Intd
Mr. Berrieciale ICeith concludeg with been laid on the prOlit Which the liberal
the following, words : e elements in Germany could acquit's) by'
PPiElOqe 0110111d he treated 111 ite' divoreing themselves from the dee/lime
tree lia•ht, the inoet etriking vindiete. Hon of the SuCrelne Command and ac-
cepting the tering whieli the President
*ould /leaned° the A lies' to offer. It
To have good 'luck
On baking days
40104-W---fr- 41;
'Aor it alway's pays:
idsteti tAVALcApit or MILII
veu motday, iredoesday and ritda.i
CKNX-41,13 a.111.--.(12(g)kc.)
Best for all yourBaking