HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-21, Page 1ft,
TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ONBAR13011 Lea4ers in the Political iiattlells Which ,
uneillor Huckine aeofor
tioxtof °hie 4r...ttrwt.t.th.s.t4t.pto...t.w...p,tm•p•tro.hi.t.......s.....w,
gilSof Police 14:1rip )31474°D
., ON PlEARAIII 20th
' • '
'" •
bining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
The regulermidemOnthly, Meeting of
the Towil,Counell was held on TUeethiT
night this week, having been Postponed
fronts FridaY • night 'becauSe Of other
Meetings' thet 'night
All the MemberWere eresent except
Reeve Turner and eiouacillor Craigle.
The report of Dr. W. P. GallOW,'M.
0,11s on. health (seralitions in the town
(published in The iSignal-etar last
we(k) was received and sent on to the
,speelal committee. '
; A summary of new legislation erect-
ing municipalities anti ethool boards
was received from -the Department of
„Municipal Affairs at Teeento and was
'' A requisition front the ;Separate.
" School Board for tine/min of $1250 for
the Year 1040'Wes referred to- the fin-
-anee corainittee.
'Applicatioss for junk -yard licenses
were s'eCeived'from Max Frankel, Mait-
' 'War Streetey 'Mike - Kennedy, Victoria
isetTeet, and -Frank Helesie, corner Bri-
tannia road and Park, street: eThese
were left in, the hands of the .special
eePaillittee, • . •
requeSt.from the ;fire brigade that e
• largerSiren alarm be installed was, ree
ferredto the fire committee. •
A further •Communication from R. Li
Lloyd with'. referenee to his bowling
alley license WAS *sent to the -special
• Comanittee. ss,
A letter from G. L...Parsonewith re.;
lord to traffic conditions on the harbor
hill road, was read .and. led to some
•eussion. Joun. Buckins thought atten-
tione shilti4-ebe , given. to Mr. 'Parsons'
, suggestions. Traffie on the hill was in-
preashi, g anct-in the summer months -at
tiines reached .the point of congestion.
The worst feature VMS the approach at
e the top of ,the hill. fr. . uckins
thaiight. t,tkef_` caueil elsould look oyer
t_hevearget-)TalectAefaMethiag :agent Its
, The Mayor Agreed, with this, and
-Deputy , Reeve BreWn*.itlid--Oeeacill0
• Bingham jolned in the Mr.
-,`Parsons' letter Was Sent to the. joubge
-wo*somplittee. ' •
• . A communication:trent the . Goderieh
Salt COMpany With regard to their posi-
tion as renters of the harbor freight
sheds was referred to the -Water, light
and harbor .comutitteesS,
• COrkeSPOWItenCe 'Vila,' the ,Department
of Municipal L Affairs with 'regard to
zreports "requestedby the Department
on • 'building; permits issued by the
Municipality was read and referred to
committee:of the. whole Couneil.`
;:esfeitiCiltiotered7ttOnt: the stittee
aditur Underwriter& Association that
• xednetion in fire: instiraittessratee..41
Gederieh- became effeetlye on rehruareS,
"-20th. With, Certain aceptione, .it was
stated, the teduetion amounts to ten
per cent. •
Committee Reports -
• The finance comMittee recommended
it• grant of $300 to AlexandraHospital
for 1940. Accounts recommended for
payment included $.557.20 to the Public
Utilities ,Commission for balance of
street lighting on Hamilton stet •and
'lights on the town- clock for ,1938 !ICANTATA PRESENTE
There was a large attendance,
'and. 1939, andrellef accounts seig•
eme.. •clueing, many front other congregations,
ing to $80.67. at Knee church on Sunday evening,
• • The puhlit. works C011tin4W eeseseetee. when Maunder's Lenten cantata, "Peni-
thatsthessielieltorshadsheensanstraleted,, tente Pardon and Peace," was
pre -
to protect the Town's heeereSts in the -rented* thechoirOf the church under
'matter of john'Sheardowle's action for the 'direction or Miss Eleanor:
' .
.: damages in Colanection , with the ' Town organist and Choirmistress.The
• dumping ground ore Maitland - road. , ,choruses were sung With 'excellent tone
The ere essmesieoe cported tese 04 and-.nrecision bY. a full choir,- and the
electric motor on the•llre alarria Siren
at the corner of Victoria and Klegeton
streets had been .hurued outin a re-
cent sleet storm and had beeir-serir
away for repair. • 1,
These reports..were etrOpted Without
stliScossion, •
Wants. Chief's, Resignation
Councillor -11-hokins, With he discus- • who, in using this road freqttently each
sion at a previous meetingein, mind, day, has matte observation of the dif-
gave notice that "If 'something • Is not ticulties and their probable remedy.
heard from the ,Chief of Polite at our • -1, The somewhat'acute bend of the
:next meeting. I will submit a motion to hill so obstructs vision that -unbound
bringthie nietter to it head." • , vehicles encroach On the northerly -half;
• Couneillot Baker Stated that he was The shifting of one or more hydro poles
- • apposed' to asking the, Chief ; for his and removal of part of the bank would
resigeation, He was an old man, but eintprove, it not eliminate,- this hazard.
lie hed 'given the Town good: service ; 2. The gutter on: the north side of
• formany'sears. ;Ile had not been get-, the roadflakesa dangerous drop When
tUng , anarge. salarv and he Could_ not the`downheund,vehiele,Is crowded overt
afford to be 'thrown out of "kirk. "Ile or is , unaware of its location When
had many:things. to look after and, Said thiserness, fog, or other confusion arises.
the atmecillor, "1 have' always found This-,,eonleene tapped over and-drainsine
hint willing and anxious to s, every- lets provided. A. rounded 'edge could
, thing he Can torethe Town." He will be. Provided , to, the :pedestrian's
)p' path-
linve to retire in asyear or two, allY^ war.
• 'way," 'Come Baker cOneluded.=e; ; • 3. The encroachment of trucks load-
•, The matter dropped without any fur- ing at; the salt warehouses ,could be,
; tiler discuselohe aoil the Council went :obviated' by . ividening the ' road to the
• into committee .or the Whole. ' Later eOuthward at -that point -"as it leads to
committee reported ?Progress and the •the Canadian, Pacific passenger- etation;•
colleen adjourned, ' - • 4. The narrow bridge -Over the Can-
, • Cooditions on Harbor 11111 adian pacific tracks, opposite the WeSt-
Mr. Par -Sons'. letter, addressed to the einsCenada. Flour, Mills officeecould be
Town derk; was as fellows: . widened by hanging steel brackets over.
In the intereet of the vat traffic and the north ide of the strueture, thus to•
lumerous pedestrians which - traverse provide a • Walk for 'i pedestrians and.
'arbor,hill .daily, I :wee renewing a re- gain additional width for vehiele
ste.Aennendatierneof Several years', stand- glee' Thiel bridge is, a dangerous spot at
r, that the roadway' be widened to dines, especially: when loeontotives may
permit proper clearance -Wit turity of bieStimiling-ttetteatli'andeekliellitteetheir
vehicles niceties on the upper' earred steam aroundthe structere, Frequent -
portion. It Is very. hazardous toe negoe ly employees from the mill and nedese
• tiate when rain,. now .and fog obtain, trians Will be croseing jteet Whew, this`
es ale° when smoke from locomotives, steam beleheS forth and, cars are tip:
steamers and Industries bldWs that way. proaching from either Side. One fatal-
Xotwithetandittg, there is a practical- ity has already ()centred- there. An:
ly continuous traffic of heavy truck's other defect to this ,bridge Is the tie -
negotiating' the hill, whieh will be in- cumulating of water, after rainfall' or
ereased With the aetivitY of Imperial Oil snow thawing, which deo' itot drain
dietribution from the waterfront. readily. Cars • eplashing through this
Ag goon as ,Aietoring iteComes general eause, annoying and expensiye 'neon -
this spring, harbor hill' Will probably venience to the pealing public. The
become the most travelled roadway in reniedy, by providing gratings for
town. Certainly it will ,ba' required todrainage, would readily overcome this.
cammodate the heaviest loads on the; We trust these recomniendations play
largedt typo of motor veldele„ and with kerve es- an Incentive:- tolnvestigating
this must be taken into • consideration the necessity, and providhig the means'
the ineretteed number of PaSsenger ears of remedyliitlits"Very hrooffaat read-
* which frequent the bathing beaeh and way at the earliest possible date. We
harbor frontage in steamier. are confident it will have the hearty
.Yotir nubile Works eontinittee Will be approval (d all indostries and of the
• Couversant withj,the dimeneion and type motoring publie ' and pedestrians who.
se read to prot?ide, but possildy some depend upon it for safe afoidependabIe
euggestione ma$. be in order from, 'one aeceSe to and from the waterfront.
Concludes on Tutsday. Next Ma ch 26t
Only, time post +lariat; nptiirhits,
gaged. ft Vesential work, Ventfired out
of Goderielt yesterday (Wednesday)
owing to continued stormy, ireatlier.
SIX inchee of snow fell in thig section,
on 'Priestley and • Wedneiday and,
whisked by a. high west' to northwest
wind, quickly filled in roads and made
visibility at times almost nil.
,Coinmerelal travellers due to leeve
Wednesday morning -spent an extra dar
here, with tew'exeeptions, •iSome ven-
tured a short distanee on No. 8 high-
way but turned. 'Wick, It was 7.30 In
the evening before a. snowplow reached
super arul doubled right back te
Stratford. "Tough going--toughist Of
the winter," was their comment.
it ikOthe same story all over Huron,
Perth and Bruce countiesome motor-
ists did- reach Godertch from Bayfield
yesterday, fleet lied, to sh.over thernselvel
out several times. The Blue Water
road t6". the north isblocked, het Kin-
cardine was reached brsome vitt Lucknow
"You 'eau get through if youhave a
horse,' was 1 typieal of the Comment
heard from some MOtorists reaching
here. •
s A farmer remarked: "It's tough
•enough getting to the•barn without try-
ing to get to the road, let alone getting
to town"." • -
es, •
Year's •• Work* tevievved •at Annual
Meeting on Monday
Mrs. W. P. Lane presided at the ari-
l:Mai Meeting of theeLecal Council of
Woitien, held on Monday afternoon at
VielCay; Hall; '•-
WWI, E. Sharman, Secretary,' pre-
sented a repoSr dr the Veit year's ae-
U4400. 'Four regular' Meetings were
held. 'The 'Collegiate .Institute Board
wase'approactied with .-the- request to
have night ',classes in home economics
and Shop work and for the use of the
gymnasinm.,* The Board, atter com-
municating with the Department , Of;
Education, , advised that iteWasefound
the town wpuld have to pay one-half
of the expenses of such classes and the
matter was, dropped. The Rdspital
Board Vette interviewed regarding the
appointmeht,of,a dietitian at the hos-
pital. Donatiens of fruit, pickles, etc.,
were tollected for *civic-xelier, and the
evoreair roe:Inset/tat/4esen th-'e-Town
Council, Mrs. X. IletherIngtoie looked
after its distribution. The voluntary
registration of women also was under-
teketi he the Local Council. iSpecial
,speakers during tlie year were Mrs.
Millar, Provincial president; Mrs. Bax-
ter, or the Provincial executive, and
Miss Lowe, of Kitchener.
Representatives of 'various affiliated
societies also reported their' main ac-
tivities of the year. •
solo. parts .were taken In „admirable
style by Mrs. W. F. ;Satinders, Miss
'Gertrude Heist, Miss Mealeleine Lane
ducted by Ref: D. I": Lane, was a
;fitting 'expression of the Leuten spirit.
Opos1nLea4e-atOttwa and ilead of the National Conservative
Party of Canada.
• BY iat.coNigrozis
The icy :conditions' which -prevailed
in the'distiecti-after the sleet *rut en
N%sdnesday of were..,tile:pautte
of several accidents in 'Gederich and
vicinity On Wednesday evening two
highway aeCidents occurred neareClin-
ton, bath of whiefireolved drivers
from thisslistriet,
The lit, -involving ears driven ,by.
Willard Legg Of Idoclerich aid Her
court Mundy of. occurred' OA
No. 4 highway, about two miles south
of Clinton. Mr. *Legg was returning
'from 'London when the'accieent took
place. s 'Owing to the icy roads the drive
'ers found it .impossible to keep their
cars under control -and they sideswiped
as they attempted to pass eaeh other.
Although;sielther driver was Meet, the
cats, were-eurteiderablerdirmagei.---Beth:
fenders and the dams and running
board, on the left-hand side of the Legg
car, a new Pontiac, .wete smashed in.
The left fenders and the front Wheel
of the:Windy tar, 'a sedan; We badly
damaged. Total damages were,estim-
ated at $250.00. , ' —
_One secoha aeeideat took place.shoet-
ly after 11 ee'relock When a 1938, eedwas
driven by D. J. LasSaline;-R.R. 2, Gode-
rich Collided with a. 'parked gediiii
owned by -Arnold- Porter; Bal. 2, Gode-
rids on Nd. 8 highway. a mile outside
of Clinton, Mr. Lassaithe ;was return -
'Int; to his home from a, meeting in
Clintort when' he struck the Porter ear,
which ;was stalled at the edge of .the
roads Neither cat Wag badly ettamaged
and they were driven home under their
sewn. power.
John Parsons,_well-knownk.Goderich
youngsnan, was another Victim of the
iey conditions. He fell on Wednesday.
.evening In front of the Bedfard
--sustalaingste broken- legs The accident
canae about when Mr. Parsonesselippecl
as he was about to board his Car. on
hearing -the -fire alarin
ellre. J. %T. Boyes of the eSalkeld-
apartments 'broke her right aim at the
Wrist in :11 fall ensTatursday Mornings
--Car Forel' Off Road ,
' On Thursday morning, a sedan
driven by 1i paplan,-electrical supplier
salesman from -London, was' foreed off
No 8 highway et Taylor's Corner by a
large truelf, 'Which failed to stop after
the accident had teken plaee.
Caplan's car relied over as -Whit
the ditch at the edgedf the road, shalt-
ing the driver 'considerably and ettusing
extensive 'damage to the Side of the car.
The fenders, runnifig board arid doors
were 'all badly buckled. '11
Ceplan had left: eGoilerieh that
morning for London: Traffie Officer E.
A. -Webb,investigated.
e,Miss josie Saunderaroke her right
Wrist in a fall On Church Street on
londay afternoon. She is resting in
Alexandra Hospital. •
Mrs. Robert MacDonalq, of Dunhept
fell on the eidewalk MX West street oh
Saturday morning and was painfully
injured. NO bones. %were broken,* but
she has since been under treatraent at
the hospital,
- e •
Tinlge Costello 'lute completed the re-
vision of the Vetere lists for the town
02 Goderich to be - used in the Federal-.
eleetion, ThirtYefeur additions were
made .to the lists and five names were
struck air.
Returning (Wimp fl. j. loisher ex-
presses appreciation of the good work
done by the enumerators, as evidenced
by the small number of %changes made
in a total of over 3,000 names.
?time AliniSter„of Canada -and Leader of the pierarkarfr.
heerts are Siled Veithsa 'Vending jail'
110 ?LENT:V., Qr:VitATILER
J. C. Mit.
9 C.
GOdezi oe o
Friday' Night..''.
Petty local issues have no
the 'present -political campaign, j.
MeRuer, ;MC, of Toronto, told- a -Lib-
etal rally held, in the ihterests 'of R, 3.
Deitehman, ,party candidate for North
Huron, In MacKaY- Hall last Friday
night. Rather, should eleetors vleve
the ',situation in the larger national
perspeetivespf whether a tried emd ex-
perienced Government led by Mackenzie
King or one of unknown qeantiters led
by Dr, Manion is going to guide Can-
ada's destinies fer the next five critical
IViacKAY 1-1
Integrity, Faith
Needs of the roes
litt. Ur. Dr. lovirkor, illiodorsiter
An afidienee representative of MOS
PreSbytery geth,ered in Knox air*
en i'sriday evening to hear the Itiglot
Rev. Stuart C.. Parker, DJ)., moderator
of the Presbyterian Qenerel Aseembly.,
Bev. Del. .1.4aue eonducted the servioes
with Rev. yugh4lack, ef 8eafortl,. real-
ing the Scripture. Bev. 1)r. T. Weevil -
law Taylor, introdueing tile aPeelaerfp
,poke of his wrsonal friendship' tar Dr.
Parker and of itis adlnlratien of 144*
aS a scholar, chaplain, minister, lee-
-boor and writer, and for his Services
aS a man. The choir under the dire
tion of Miss E. Snider rendered the antJoiui -
itliall4ertrude-illIarats14t':41'aefiS°411rs1/A-VwitMi , F.
,Saunders faking the SOO parts.
"These are serious time In Which
we Are living," said Dr. Parker, "and .
seriouely, for it would be ,rtn-
pardonable-and unbecoming to toy ofike
were I to speak otherwise. It is harii
for us to realize the war, but 1 keep
reraixiding myself that prophets bavt
Prophesied that it Wad' be the 041 ot
our civilization.. However, now that
8thuechwtaiorQ' ni.11;eprSotarot:edleswaef.i*fwe nothearph:rot
to the.outbreak of hostilities. This is he-
tdase we must keep up the more*
of the people,. I keep reminding
mseeanit tittallte thdeSetretindctit elarviOluizrat.gilitultrg ,Ittlfiede: -
of our PrOiPertY! Of ateumulated-:wealtho
and of the treasures of art andScience'
would mean redueing life to the *Ai
ofsaythe sixteenth century. AVIA; let
Canada beyond the immediate retveyee
of War, I keep reminding myself of at
this so that my heart will Unde
gam May eOnee from viewing the sit*
ation too lightly, but eertetirdIr 110 liar*
can tome from Viewing it seriously.
• „sat gan13,uhten:letr*i,ffirtulleowriigireheu, ,orei
peace prematerely,swould ,gply mean
.temporary peace, and deensliceSit1tin our
13stbonezwe press s • lon. 1 h *peoplehav-e"14s1e1 en
* We
noted the aerMan temper„baek as for
1U--.1900 and it is the same now, only
VeOreel. their ehirit is bitter' and 'their
. '
ettir:ly. - *ritish, supremttey and lieteit-
iu 'etion baize' irritated , the • Gernias
peopIe to.a4treny.,', To make peacesmer
Made peace, one with the other, over .
the murder/41f alesus. We wettilclehievie
,tte-; -shake. '13-6-404:4m-i-lIttelViNe--
Polaad, ends to. shake hands with thee -
murderer; would :put a stain -onSoUr
natienal conscience. which Could never
. b• e,_,wwhasahedietlhearte,c:h. urch, ti). ico=7,, She will
take her part with the ,nation to : de
-what the. natterial conscience '- deente
beets' Young men Will give themselvee ' .
to active service in-, the field, on tire I
sea, and in the air. ".The youth of tbe
Presbyterian Chukch:are responding' in,
a marked degree. Of the total enlist -
Meats so far in Canada 21.7 tent.
tion to 'fulfil. It has a blirdern -Of #$* .
consists of hoe% . of' the Preeh terian
Ohnieli in, Canada. Our ehur - men,
and women 'too, will work 'end take Se ":
vital , part. ' The ehureh, will- , ork ;foe
only as an ambulanee, worker in the
up the, wreckage of .life and • weePing
over it. * The church has a Special:tune,
own: to create a . world" where there ...
will be no war., To do this Will be
infinitely hat -der than war itself, and
this'etask is. Particularly the task' 't
the chueeh. _The cause of war is In
'the- hearts of men:- Jentee savellesanteiss,.....
1-i dawarmg on us. Tiettli, integrity
arid faith have fled from, life, Men's '
"nay" lids conie to. mean yea; 'there it
no use making bargains because there
iiisItagorigt;aihmanseenetaheyart.waillionithedeinfulofitilleuThidt :.
reigns.. No. longer 'eau nation' traet.
nation, and all because, of the failure •
of human charagter. The -only way -
but IS the redemption Of human eiraike
ter and 'the ehurchestands for the.puri-
fying of character. 'A. change -Must s-
take place before .peace •colliee and. thie -
lies within the sphere erff the chunk,. .
It IV a -boIossaletask, but -Men :Must, be ''•
brought together in hrothserliood-sTire..„ ,
church liaS beeifeliPiiled by , insufficifiii- .
, income, by leek of' earnestness event
within the fold of the ehure.ii- rather s
thansamong the masses , Without, Wse
can trace the' ills of toddy -to -the decay
of Morals and the church ik beixig crip-
pled. To, -overcome all this we
get 'ha& to •Clitist cJonteiction brings '
earnestness and tire mainteleallee et
the cherch in all ItS branches rests with
the individual. It. is foretts to assetne
the taslrs of. the 'church as our pereortal
obligatioll e to help create a w,64(1,
'wherein there will be no .Waiei hut love*
or :Christ-. . , . .
seiroiiS -erectiOn
Canada* has ever held—more serious
than thet -of 1917, The dboosing of a
overmnent at th1s. juncture' in our
04is a grave and solemn under-
tig. We are fighting for, our, very
:lives,. for a cause that *has ,get to be
won, andesve ' are not going to win it
by calling people names, or by *abuee
and viLificatiort. - The -Situation .with-.
which vire are confronted today is a
inueh broader thhig than, individuttlity,",
said- Mr. iVieltuer.
'Storer:11yweather, :slippery Toads and
slippery sidewalks, plus an iinpOrtent
meeting at -Knox church„anf.1 the usual
attractions of . a Friday evening in
;Goderich, lent the attendanee down to
lees than.. two huudied G L, ?fusions,
president of Goderich Liberal sAssocia-
'tion, acted; as &Alert:tau. On the plat-
form, heshles Mr; Deacrunen, and Mre
gelteer, were !Mrs. Deachnian,l'Airs. J,.
S. ilowr,ie, vice-president of the local
Liberal Association, W. Robertson
and 1) M. O'Briene, Mise Eileen-Bpgie
was at the plane. The chairman ex-
plaibed that nom Norman" )aeLarty,
:whe had been announeed to address the
meeting, was unable, to eome because
of throat trouble.
Mr, Meitner's' Address _
There :are far bigger issues than
ideal sniping, Mr..Melluer emphasized
In a convincing and comprehensive ad--
eerees; delivered' in hise characteristic
legal ashon 12o Partieularly deplored
verbal sniping In war time and 'advised
tleyernment critics to let into ,the ariny
if they could not ,face, the reel issues.
"Canada is speadieg ii0.0 dol-
lars a year and, the big issue is who is
going to have the spending of this
money---Mackefizie Xing,: withi his
itwenty years* experience'and with one
.. Of the ,mostsbrilliane and. „capable _tabs
inets In Canada's history, or a huncth
of unknown mid untried men," declared
t:he Speaker, •
Prime Minister was praised' for
.choosing and training good Cabinet
Ministers- .Col. Ralston, Finance Min-
ltetere was mentioned as one ef inany
and Mr. Mauer •classed as a pieee of
"bold, effrontery" George Drew's sug-
gestion that, itr., Maniere if elected, in-
clude -Ralston in b. coalition cabinet.
stir, Mauer called. as witnesses to
testify es to the efteiency of Canada's
present war effert three Conservatives:
Hon. Col. D. Al. sUtherlancl, former,
Defenee Minister in the Bennett -Gov-
ernment. 'who gal areeything .) that
eOuld be done had been done by,the-pre-
sent Government; W CtivenS, former
editor' of The Kingston Standard (Conu
serva,tive), who had told his party that
It eoUld not win by abuse and destrue-
tive critieism ; and Major-General Me -
Naughton, 0.e., first Canadian
(Continued on page 5)
,. Reports of last Saturday's German
air raid. in the north of Seotlind had e,
peculiar interest for Mr.'John Ig•obert-
son, of Par ie street, town; for the diS-
trict tlaat was raided • was where -he
was born and which he leftees,a youth,
over seventpdve year ego, to -Come to
Caneda. The one civilian, killed in the
raid .wae, an ,Orkney Islander, named,
James Is,bister, arid Ishi,ster was the
name 'of the peohle ;who took over the
Robertsen_larra thes.Orkney-smaine
land whenthe Robertsons.came to this
eountry. Mr. Robertson -is new ninety-
three years of age.
Recter--iltev., A. C. Calder. .
Good Friday'
Three hour service,' 12 noon. Ad -
Areas on the "Seven ; Words"—The
Rector. , • -
Easter Day
7 a.m.--Holy Communion.
8 a.m.—Hely Communion.
11 tem, ---Holy Communion arid Ser-
moh. •
,Coranaunien office—Maunder .in F.
Anthem—"Why'seek ye the, living,"
Hopkins. . •
3 pare --:Children's Sere.
. Organ' Music. •
Knoiv- that eny 'Redeemer
Liveth," Hanirel. •
Prelude and Pugue (D
• or), 3. S. leaCh
7 pan.-e"Worthy Is the Lamle" Han-
' del. . -
nterlude," Franesleava.
• Triumphal March (Teepeja)
Beethoven. '
,Alfred W. Anderton, ;Organist and
K!rox paiiscH
Easter Sunday Morning
Afithems by the cb:oir; _ ' •
"0-Deeth, tvhere ie thY sting?" Ed-,
tumid Turner. •
"The Lord is risen indeed," Caleb
„Sifirper. , •
Offertory: "I' islow tliat my Redeem -
ler liveth." Handel. •
Hymns ' •
"ellle§t mornings Whose lirst;dawning
"Christ the Lord is risen, to -day."
" "Look, . ye saints, the sight is glori-
ous." • „
Postitidee-Thilielujah chorus from "The
• lleseinh." Ilandel.
es Eve
Anthems.by the thoir: '
"Iie is risen." . Thomae Facer. r•
"In joseplee lovely garadh." Clarenee
"Jesus Christ is riien to -day." •
"Father of peake, and God of love."
"Sian of gorrowei what a name."
Postlude---"Tinfold, 'ye portals everlast-
ing." Gounod.
Tile junior girls' choirwill sing at
:Sunday' school, "0 seek Ilftn not among
the dead:"
Election • Workers • Concerned-
eg:ae -9+!bnatt--!°1111vel'J4.-ifbeill):ItsS, Mane
stormymontli—and thisse,eason, just
one of a stormy winter. eifter the lee
term on Wednesdaynight 02 last week,
tiined tadei and began to snow and
drift,' with ,the result that snowplow
;operators during the past -week have
had some of the toughest work of the
entire winter on their hands. A stretch
ten miles wide skirting Lake Huron did
not suffer so heavily, but the Seaforthe
-Dublin-Mitehell area was hard hit. A
large caterpillar plow, stationed at
Goderich this whiter to leeeit+- the Blue
Water highway -Open, was ftransferred
to 'Mitchell, -Opening r -bads ,,trom
Mitchell to Elginfield. No. 4 highway
alsolitedln repeatedly and last Thurs.
ay -was ebiiipreteir bIoclwdias-wasuo
Blue Water highway north of Goderech.
' On Monday morning of thie week the
weatherman dished. up 'all manner of
weather—lightning) 'thunder, rain and
snow, with a bit of eunshine-esail within
(Inc hour, something of a ,phenomenon:
Last Week's ice. and snow storm held
-1111 inany motorist's:. They slept in fermi
homes,se_comitry rfovos ,end hot
rotundas, waithig for dawn and the
'sriotepldevs. ;‘,Vinghain and- 'Clinton
hotels were packedto overflowing,
GlOderich hote18 were not half
filled. Some Goderichites who travelled
to London to see "Gime with the Wind"
and; to ;Toronto tor the tee carnival did
not reach home until noorT next day.
Light Vote Expected
; No matter what the weather, •the
rural vete in North Huron next Tues-
day will 1)0 light, in the Opinion of both
Liberals and Conservatives.' • 'The
politielafis would prefer that the wea-
ther remain 88 11 is; for it is now pos-
sible for farthere living on siderotteir
and concessions to get to County Mid
Provincial, highways in sleighs. If a
brealeetp Comes before ',Tuesday horses
will be up to their bellies in slush. It
IS new possible to walk on the crtist,
but it won't be If a thaw comes along.
.Farniers. to whom The ;Signal -Star
has spoken say it was a big -mistake to
pfewout harrow trails 011 township
li•oadS: Benith on either side -of these
roads have frozen hard with alternate
thaws and freeze -ups of the past„week;
Winds that_ nave blown from almost ,
every direction of the 't ompaeS during'
the pastweek have tarried, freshly&
len snow intd the troughs made by
the prows, 1111(1 this in turn has...packed
down' lifird—too hard, for another visit
of the plows. One township is reported
to have spent $090 on, enowprowing this
winter: The -C,ounell now -agrees that
the eroney• Was vviteted. In shine parts
of the eastern townships ---;Grey, Morrie
and. Howleice:efrozen .snov. is packed
on- township roads three to six feet
deep. (ether townships art-ealroost as
The temperetutes fin' the P81 .t Week
and for the corresponding weeks last
year, .fts offieially recorded, were as
1940 . 1030
Max. min. Max.
Thurs., March: X4 31 25 11 2S
Frig 3f8reli 15 .28 22. 42 24
Makele if
tSon., Mareh 17 ..-30 28 24 12
Mon., March 18 ..33 22 22 8
Tues., March 10 ..37 27' 20 7
Wed., March 20 AO 21 34 20
Miss Emilie Buohanan has returned
tb her home here after speivling several
months In Toronto.
Mr. and,Mrs. A. L. Cole had a mit-
Amnions eeeape front eerious injury, oa
Tuesday -morning when, their ear fignred
In. a_SidesWipe2xvith another, (1rjCfl by
Iferbert liarrieon, of Kirkton. Beth
:vehicles were extensively damaged, the
Harrison ear the worse of the.two...
Theaccident odenrred -in a narrow
eut 0/1 No. 4 highway three miles south
IIensall, between 11 and 12 Veloek in
the morning. Mr. Cole was proceeding
south and Mr. Ilarrison north. Viele
Witty was poor and there Was seareelg
room to pass, according to Traffic
Officer Taylor of Clinton. By the
Pact the left front fouler and running
board of the Cole par Were' •ertnitpledt
and the Wire side of the ear dinged IL
The liarrison Par also was dented biol.
Iy and a door was torn off and fenders
-eruIjed flh1hghtsNvere broken, o*
both ears. It is estimated it will re,
quire $74'; to $100 to repair the.Cole ewe
and ova' V00 to mend -1116 liarrition
Mrs. Cole, ehaken uP by the 2ttliste4
wastaken to Exeter by a pamfax
inotorlEt and was Joined later by bet