HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-14, Page 8- PAS 111101IT %%Kirov= CLINTON BUSINESS Oraat Terser, aaa at Mr. end Mac Pratt ,Tacaor et tows, *ad blordiet Bali - Maw, troth of whoa* have been ' Plated neat tatataekeit Motors for the aevaplearee Nem, lave tato* over the new t41tkServtee station at Cliaton, This is 'said to be °tie of the moet tweseriareeluiPvied etations la the trier, aud we -wish the two young me* ' the beet of satettee la their husiateat vesture. I „ , 7 *tarok yen have WV as UV* he4u framed Ie nelettle year walls, They will 'Mork Wenders In improving your resew, A home without pictures' like house iv -latent. windeivie PIVIVRE FRAMING IS OUR SPECIALTY , See eureieefertiful Eaeter CardS, VOWS ART & GIFT 'FORE East Ste Phone 198 by Chicks 4MarchLHatCheL SEAVICE BRAND, CHICKS win come in on the high egg price es next fall. Buy your SerVice Brand Chick .needs frem yew: loeal dealer.. -11)114,soNrJnonUcE-- 604.0r243, ont, ..10(a.:odtqn street Ob.ene ,3457,-*.e•Res. - WATER0.0. COUNTY ‘IXATCHe • • Eltlf . New ,Hamburg, Out. e Behind he Scpries That a complete Foneoral &rake has over slokriAnu SEPARATE DETAILS is * hue* geueredly known„ Many of Oleo° Sixty-Fivo Details are.sisidden, fienn the taablie •eye, but twe dee not outsider a eervice , eampbsteiJ evea the emalieet , item is •overlooked or negleetCd. Vac% and •everer detail le, In- corporatod b Ourt Service and earefullY "eleecked, la lan eagneSt effort to• twee your burden at a •very difficult time. Cooapiete FuneraleService as , • ow as $0.00 he E E. Cranston Funeral Horne 17 Montreal SL Phone 399 214teur Invalid Car -Sera:Ice 4111111111111111111111111111111111111111101.111111111he -31r. afid"Mre. W. H. Farrow of Tor - mete made a brief visit this week with their son, Mr. Roy Farrow,' late of MiteheII,. who has taken. up resideace In - Goderich DEVELdPIN'G-AND pitINTING Free enlargement' with everi roll. order. Rolls developed and printed 25eS" 6 or 8 'expesures. Reptinte 3e each.; ACCURATE PHOTO sutvien, Coleman r.o., Toronto, 0iIt 11 SHORT LENTEN _CANTATA "Fenitepee., Pardon arid- Pace" By r iIVIAT)1NP4 presented by-, x Chime)). Choir in Icaiox Church Auditbrium, on DAY EVEN'J RfJR 17th at 840 o'clock 6O1DIAL INiVITATIO2Llse1=EZ,4DEL:-TO - SILVER. COLLECTION.* . THE IMER SIGNASATAX r AVM SA/4W ALIVICION SALE Qualm ana delve...emit eh Was calteduled le Marcie 20th in the elaeonie Temp e ,liee beset set for April laitead. s • 41,, SLUGGISH KIDNEXS impair your health. Ilenuaeape! TeaseWaY Aetion aulakilY elealasee 4i1d invigerates the le.-icineys. Use R,umaeaps. CAMPBELL'S DRUO 1147-23 "Plee W.O/P.U. will meet ore Tuesday, March 19ta, at 3 p.m., at the home cif Mr:-. W. Hern, North street:- All meme berg and to interested are asked te 'attend. 0....• The„regular meetlug Of the Goderieb 'Towaship Hospital lensaliary will be heicl at the home of Misses Salkeld, Bayfield read, Thursday, March 21st, at 245 luxe • • , The cauee of run down condition is tiettally eonstipation; Remove It with, ICipp's Red, Tablets. Seidl by CAMP-, BELL'S DRUG STORE. a- -11 The. leferch nteeting of the W.M.S. of Knox church will be held in elle lec- tureroom, of ,the claireb Cm Tuesday, March 19, at a p.m: The'Easter silbJect, will be telsen by 'Mrs. R. J. Walter, Easter Cards --2 for 5e, 5e,'10e,, 150 and 25e, Easter Egsgss'1e, g for 50 and 5es CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. - , • -10 1Ve have recently installed a new King,Motor Oleauelp machine. We in- vite you to king your car in for 'a free esf.----IrstcrErr-sworair,---2tuorAN- •LINFIELD, saux.or,---sginvion TioN, Kingston Street 00 11-12 • •St " Patrick's supper, Saturday, Merelx 10th, trout 5 to 7 p.m, in North street United church, wider ausPiees of alission Band. Everybody weieome. Admiseion 'et The 'Arthur -Circle of Knox Presbee terian ehurch will ' held their regular meeting th. the lecture room on Monday, ..algrch '18th; at a p.m. Miss Mary McKay will have charge of. „tae 'The. Evening' Auxiliary ,of- North 8t4. United; church will meet in the church parlors on Tapsday, March, 18th, at .8 pm. As this is the Easter thank -offer- ing -meeting, a- 'full atteridauce is re- quested. Miss Rese Aitken will have charge of the study book.. The annual meeting og the Leval Council of Women vvill be latla in Mac- Kay 4/0.11- on MendaY, 1801 insta-alts 8 p.m. 'Affiliated societies --are requested to bring short reports of. their -year's actiVitiee, also ifeininations fog officers * the CouncilaAil interested women in .the town are invited.'"'"*" ::•--- ‘ProgressiVe euchre and other- games in aid of the Red Crosswill be 'held, at: M» march 2est; et 8 p.m. -Lunch served. Adults 2$e, thi1ar,en,19e: , -4a • • • • Specialees/wWingeof -Smart bectie. for Easter. Gay -with bright flowers' stud flattering veils. 0' MISS M. R. 'Mac- VIOA'R, Kingston Steeet, Phone 462. NA R. II C'ornishrof Cornish- Bros, Is in Toronto taking a special ;cour4 in refrigeration, which • will._ furnish Aline witha full knowledge of the latest improvements •in, tale line. -(lornish Bros.' will now be able to give efficient seeviee in all typei of refrigerator • St. , Patrick's esuppei, -.Siturday, • -Mardi 16th7from 5 to 7 p.m., lir North pt: united church, under auspices of letission leand'. Everybody 'welcome. ,Achatssion 2,5c. ow lygiryday_frices_,, EVERYD SAVINGS! PAVES IN ErtaeICT MAR, 14-1.5-16 TIGER WS 15ci • rs: .27c • Tin TM' Heinz Aset • 9 16 -oz. ‘a Tins Mem, 1940 GET YO,Pit 1940. Auto Markers - AND • Drivers' Permits J. W. Mewl/WAR •At Geo. MaeVicar's Sboe Store. -16-n1if1llilki 1939 -Registration Cards for 1940' License and save O thne. • _Box_ 414 Goderich, -Oats LYONS •Blue Label la's 9Cies Yellovv 34c Black 'Pkg. eline Label pkg. • • PEAS PORK &BEANS AYillier' 3 "-°z• Th's 25c Iona No, 4' 9 Tins 2 No. 4* TOM.JUi€E . A&P .” Tina ee'eeee &P» Coffee •Vigorous & 'Whew 1101a1t 14b. qg, Bag otr.16 & 3,11ellow 0 e -8-0111.004.- Ohdt, BREAD StICED UNSLICRD ,ANN PAGE wen WHOLE 'WHEAT • CRACKED WHEAT ' LOAVES t 24-0Zt. .115 A Rich & Full Br.md REP CIRCLE 1-1b.eetir, Bag English • FRUIT CAKE Old Fashioned • COOKIES , lbs. .23c - -MARCekieliateeweee Votanimaity ana Rummage Sales under auspieca {if Ite0 Croee Society at AU. bora,' at 1,30 p.m, • ^ T. ceeeNDRY & SON, 41 Auctioneere. ION -SALE • • MONDA.,Y, MARCH 18th •• Of three eeparitte farms, of the Estate ofire late Alexander Smith, to be sol at Lot 3, Concession 8, Morris Township, at 1.30 P.M. HAYS &IUN5, Solieitors. • GUN, DRY & ON, • -11 0 Auetioacees. U'OTI4.1011 • Of household furniture and effeets, for ars. A. B. Sheppard, at her home at Nile, THURSDAY, alA1t011 28th, at 1.() p.m. All the contents of the house will be, disposed of including *part: Mason * Riseh, upright Nand, a splendid instru- ment; extensiore dining table and eehaira, eonch and g lounges, 3 bedrooM suites, mattress and springs, 2 -single* bees, 2 feathere.ticks, 'reciting cleaire, upholstered chairs, kitchen chairs, dishes, china, crockery, glassware, seal- ers,• carpets, linoleum, rugs, mats, 8 kiteben stoves VOW all kitchen utensils and- numerous other Articles. Every- thing must be disposed of, as the pro- Perty has ibeea sold. Terms Cas aeseeeseeeeRLAAN el -le _se Auctioneers. UCEXON SALE Of household. effects at Harry Beilsb's residence, Britannia Road, on • WEDNESDAT, 31.4.,R9,11 2dtp • at 1:30- pen. including 1 bridge lamp, 1 parleir table, 1 small table, 1 'square rosewood piano, 4 rocking chairs, a library' table, square cabinet, 1 extension tablefesix ebaits, 2 atee bottom Chairs, 2 wooden bed - „Wade .and Springs; 2 dressers,, 2 Wash. stands, 1 day bed, 1. stretcher, fall -leaf table, 2 odd 'tables, '1 sewing. machine, hall rack, 1.kiteleen stove, 1 work table, coal oil stove, chest of drawers, 9 kit- •chea chairs, baby Carriage, 2 clocks, 1 electric heater, rugs, mats, pillows, awnings,: lawn mower, *Oh tubs, ice box, ehovels,. hoes; dishes,' glassware, kettles, pans, sealers, and numerous articles not listed. No Reserve. Terms (lash. • . GORDON M. GRANT, Auctioneer. -11 CLEARING AUCTIOSN'SALE.. e . • Of farm Steck, impienients,-'feed and ,furnituree------e-e- • eee--- - FRIDAY, M.A.Rion 22nd ' at Lot 10, Concession 5; Goderich Town:, shim at 1 oclock p.m., .1 Bay HOS% 10 years old; -1 Bay Mtge, 6 years ord; 1 Bay Celt rising .1 year old; 1 Durhanetqw, 3 years old to freshen in » July; 3 Two-year-old Steers in good shape; 13 Pigs, needy ready for market; 1 SoW,,e bred Dec 274h»; I Sow, bred January 27;the 25 Barred Rock Pullets;, -115 1Vhite -Leg- horn Philetse. 4 Geese; Massey -Maria Fertilizer, 11 hoe drill; Massey -Harris Hayrake, 12 ft: ; Massey-flarrie' Culti- vator; 13 toeth-;•;:Massey-Ilarris Disc, 14 plates; Deering Binders 6 ft: ; Deering-Mower,e6 ft, cut ;"Steel Roller; 5 -Sections Drag Harrows l Single Sca- tter; Rielag Scuffler (Oliver); Potato Monlder ;-Farha Wagonandwagon box; Set of -Sleighs and flat rack; Stock rack;, Outing -box.; 2 set Weigh Scales; Root Pulpee; 4% H.P. -Gas Engine; Buggy; Cutter; Light Wagon; Wheel- .bazieew ; Grindstone; Fanning Mill and bagger ;• Hay Fork, Slings and 160,2t. new rope; Team Plow and Single Harness'.; • 5 -Good Collars; Forks, Shovels, Chains, 'de.; Colony Hoase, 1042; .Beattie Brooder ,Stove, - 000 'capacity; Maple Sugar Outfit; Sugar ikettle Turnips, efaugels, Hay, 0Ats; Early Cobbler kifttoes-; 60bagsgood late I'olnws. ». H»»iwje)iold.fugnitur ifl- cluding bedroem suites, chairs, tables, rugs, • hat . rack., organ, victrola, side- board, range, heater, 4 -burner oil stove, sewing -machine'dishes, mantel dock, -kitchen'clock, incubator, and nun:term:is other artielee. Everything to be sold, as ,farm is rented.. Terms Cash. JOTINT A XIIILLe.Propri T. GUNDRX & SON, Auctioneers. • 1112 E »QNLY WAY, A. Man Can Make Before ItelVlakes 17.10 IVIoney Is . ,B3t. LiPZ INSURANCE IL M. FORD Insurance and Real Estate 3 Hamilton St Tel, 268W, • Easter liolid'ay Special ain - Service 01' 'P&G IVORY "SOAP • SOAP -SALE 5 bars' 19c ' OXYDOL Igo pkg 21e cake 90 IVORY siNow: ig pkg 21e • ONIONS CARROTS CABBAGE (hull Head LETTUCE I"bert ORANGES calffinmitygels -Ont. No. 1 Yellow. Neat eCrop 1041i. bag 27c Orighial , tjr, bunches tot? Hard Heads Lb.. 4c or.lic to•ozo The VolloriVin.--extra train ,se• r"`" - vree ' (in dation to regiilar , train zerices) hag ,been arranged by CANADIAN NeVIION'AL RAILWAYS ihi order to begone- tiodate eipek‘.•ted. ,hea.vy travel, ,over EASi wgEK.ENti. Thuridp,y, lifaireh - 21, and Saturday, ?larch 23 , Train No. 37 -leaving Toronto 5.30 p.mwill" operate., in two • sections -e first section for O GUELPH, PALNLER:STON, CARDINEe ' SOUTHAMPTON, ODEN SOUND--eecond section, for iinviimErt, STRATFORD, GonEtticit In addition all regular trairt;. will carry,' extra equipment,nid „extra eettione mill be operated. , where, ,netesary. rtedueed »1illoaree See Agent g for I)etails. Buy Tieketgin Adyailee . • Canadian NMional , For Results A Classifie4.6,4d ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SALE , Art. Doak Lae opened a Cities fiervice station on Main street, Baylield, *ad will give 21 -hour aerviee daily. Ile will be glad to have you call. » seat, to, ;kiENt SMALL. GROCERY' STOREe and, eervice aetatioa com- bined, Situated Iti good residential dise triet, Goderich, and On Provinelal High- way. (Reasonable rent. Owner de- eeased. Apply AIRS. TOM GRAL, 0,oderieh, ' NOTICE TO DEBTORS loge TO DEBTORS. e All persons owing thelate deseph, Brophey any outstanding accounts are requested to pay the accounts to the undersigned on or before the Thirtieth of March, 1.940. The undersigned here- by &Yee aotiee that the 'Undertaking Busielees termerly operated by her late husband, Joseph Brophey, has now been - purchased by Mr. Floyd Lodge and that she has atefurther interest in the same. All accounts .bacurred prior to, March. 9th, 1940, are to be paidtoheti Dated at Goclerich this Twelfth day of March, 1940, ' Quebec Street, Goderich, Ontario, 11-13 'ANNOUNCEMENT TO the citizens of 'Ooderich and vicinity, - le -have -taken over •Barker's Service Station on the -Bayeleld roadeand am now prepared to take care of all your needs in =whine work, wheel aligning, bicycle and Jawn •mower repair, acety- lene Welding,' or anything you have to be ,Aicade,„. „Satisfaction 4)5W efairteallei Service our motto.' We handle city. Service -products and will be open even- ings and Sundays. W. H. ROOPE. Phone, 688; -11 BORN. DONALDSON.---At Stratford Geeteral Hospital, on Thursday. Starch 7ah, to Mr, and Mrs. williain Y. Donaldson (formerly Mildred Stokes), Steal - toed, a son. ,- PENTLAND,--At Alexandra Hospital, Gocierice; on March .11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland, Dungannon, a daughter. • WELLS. At Alexandra Hospital, e-Geiderieh'on--Marchslath, tcrXtreleild` Mrs. Edward Wells,88. Huron road, Godericle, a son, • -DIED MeOLTYStlil. — In Goderich To'wnship, on Wednesday, March 13th, John Mc: °lure, in --his 73rd year, • The funeral will take place from his late residence, Bayelela road, on Fri- daY, March 15th, at 24P/an. "Interment in Bayfield cemetery. , • _Miss Doris -Hill and All8S-Qharolatte APPLES FOR SALE,---esar'jeARKAaee OME and Rhode Ieland Green - lugs ; .alI high grade, in good condition. 'Sprayed, fruit. 0 ete. a bushel, de- livered. JOIN W11t&Z R.R. '2, Goderteli: Phone 03,7-32, 41,X It SALE.QUOOE 100-AORE 111Allei.L good buildiripe 10 acres bush, priee reasenable; stnafl*,• down PaYineett ; balance on easy terries. SAS., le. JOHNSTON, U.R. 4, Clinton, Phone 12 on 1300, • . • 1041X _ ReSAILE.—warit, BRED JERSEY heifer calf. JAS. ,NVIIITE, Oxford Street., „ • ' -11 OR SALFee-ONE PRAIRIE szval Incubatore•aral One Ideal Ineubatee: Both 400 egg size, and, in first -cls eonditieel. Box No; 19,. SIGNAL -STAR, " -11 • . OR 14,AL.11/.--11011SIl AT +KINGS- • BRIDGE, VormerlY: oeeuRied by the latellissee Doyle, For further in- formation apply to 'T. J.' LANNa-Ne Lueknow: - 10-12, O IAA* -Y0 :FAIRMS roe, ;$4rA. essTwoefierMeeetenkiatingL.of.-1.0fleaszese eacla being lot 3, concession '5; and lot 4, concession 6, Eastern Division Town- ship of -Colborne, Iltiron County. On the one farm there is a good frame house and a 00 garage, ne barn, pea land, Is good, and is partly seeded down, The other farm ,ise largely swamp land with'donderable thither. It is suitable .for pasture. A never - failing spring deek flow e through each farm. Will be sold etogether or separ- atelY. Apply to IL R. LONG or MRS. LUCY MeefILIAN, Exeeatortese Maria Feagan Estate, Goddrich, Ont, 1041, weeea, CARDS OE 'THANKS THE FAMILY Or THE LATE MRS. Richard Baxter wish to that* ell, who were so kind and sYmliatlietic to therie.in their reeeeet bereavenient; also Rev. D. J. Lane for his kindness. c' e -11x AND MRS. HENRY-OLARK - wish .to thank' their friends and neighbors for -kind expressions of 'eyed- pathy bthe death of their little daughe 'terellettere-' "anti foretile.-tiettatifel..flitraT tributes, and those who kindly leaned their cars. .-11x MISS GRACE 11.AffeRIS, TER, alsothe brethers- of the la,te Mrs. M. Harris, vvish to thank all the friends who were so kind and sytapa- thetic, to them in their bereavement; especially the clergymen, the doctor, the superintendent and, nurses et the 'hospital. 1.1x Logan of Toronto have -returned after 00 • e '0 a three week' trip to Florida Whfle Mrs. H. Mew accompanied her dniigh, there they had aneenjoyable trip be ale ters, Mrs, Gray and Mri'. Quad, to their , Mrs. N. to Havana,. seeing- many interesting 'homes in Manitoba. They left on Mon in 'Rant() places on the Our., - day,' March 11, " carnival. • • Oadets E: Murrell .ana G Woodeeee the...Saltation Army ,'Training College, ronto, are spending eeveral weeks at the local -Salvation Aemy citadL TkIVIODAY, 311Alteit litb, :Mg WANTED TE.N.m.RS, WILL BE RECEIVED BX the eirtett.e.e.,. eLsAerle. t II 3 .3),.ue,e MON1725.1, MA*111.- lath, 1040, • for supplying 4000 yards or moro cruehea' gravel and delivering same en Townehip readsmarked cheque for a200.00 to accompany tender. Loweet or any tender not' necessarily aecepteo„ efeleONAGII, ler Lateknow ILL 3, Ont. 11ERBlielt.T 0. CURRAN. Road Superintehdent,, 0.11, , Lueknow, RR. 7, Ont. :WANTED. EXPERIENCED qxgr,, for general house work.; able to dd.$ Plain cooking. MRS. R. J. ACHESON, Nelson St. -11, NVANTED.---TO BUY OLD KIOSSEN and . dead cattle; taiist be imitable for mink feed; removed' proneletly, FRED GILI3ERT, R.R. 2, Bayliele,, Phone 008 r 22,, Clinton. Cells paid ' for. » » 18-ef, MEN --WOMEN I WHAT' YOU'VE- BEEN WAITING FOlti •A' •sal1'eajays.MGOME-411eancial securitY for life -:--guaranteed. Yeti with a, Familex Agency of, your own. Inquire 'TODAY 'without obligation. THY, FAMILEle PRODUCTS COXPAI•Ix, 570 St. Clement, Montreal, 11.46 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is bereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Clara Garrick, widow, idte of the Town ° of GoderiCh, who died on or about the 22n1 daY Qf -December, 1939, to send* same to» the undereigned, duly verified •by• declaration, oi). or before the 22nd day of March, 19t0 as on and after that date the Administrator 02 the said estate shall proceed to make clistribue tion of the assets thereof, having re- gard -only to the claims, then filed. Dated at Goderich this •»4th day. of March, A,D, 1940.: ' 0• . HAYS AND HAYS, , • Goderich, Ontario.* 10-12, Solleitorta for the Estate. 10110E 11 0 oRVD1Pli ON S TAKE NOTICE that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Elfsha , W alker, _late of the Town of ,G(xleriely insthe :Comity of Huron and formerly: of the Township of .Est Wiewateishe gentlemen, deceased, who died on or about -.the 4th day__ of .January, 1940, are hereby notified to send their . claims,' duly verified by declriteftioeaeetoe_ tdisiiea solicitor for the _execus tors on or before the 23rd (lay Of - March, A.19..1940.- • , FURTHER tAicr NOTIOntheat im- mediately after the said date the p.:Sset2 of the estatewill-be, aistributed"Liiiiieg7"-'•'4- regard, only to, claims. which have been' Properly Med, DATED at Wingliton, Ontario, tbig day »of March A.D. 1940. „ .• '• It S. turiiivatliS7G'X'ON, K.C„ - Wingham, Ontario, • 10-12- e- • S'olicieor„for the Executor.— _ - stabling underneath, awl gsiod garage! 2.5 acres timber, 91h,acres fall wheat.' sown, 62 acres fall plowed, and rest of' farm seeded hay and pasture. • Terms :—Parin stock,. Iniplements and householtt.furniture cash. Ptirm offered 10% on date of sale and balance 1 30 days, subject to 4 reserve bid and other' conditions of -sale. Chattels withaut reserve. . T. GUNDRY & SONi se , --e-Auctione6s:- .ineob 0, StoltZsAdministrator Estate of Wallace Bruee Xing, Deceased. •00 • 9-12 ANOTHETt .SIGN OF SPRING e Spring can't be 'far away. Three we, seal roliin_ha_ve-been-reported seen la.Goderich so Tar this week. The 'flint crow:of the lied:SbliltritS seen ilyin „oveieNorthestre t at 745 Mo g ing. Its fami iar "caw" » attracted Geerge Brown, painter, an he walked to work, Et was a bitter cold morning, one of the eoldeet' of the year -Leave above and an emit wind blowing. -..,. U0TI0N7 SALE OF FA=, FARM* , -STOOK-AND IMPLEMENTS, AND' HOUSEHOLD rUltNITUR.O. „The Undersigned auctioneers have re- ceiVed instructions to offer for sale Liy public' auction on FRIDAY, THE, 29th MARCH. 1940, at 12:30 pan. sharp, At Lot 32, Condee- sion1, East Wawanosh, theefollovving property • 'Of the late Wallace•Xing: , bay horse; 10 years old, 1 •gray horse, 9 years old, 2 aged horse ; Cows freshened since January, 1 cow .bred 4.14.12o;1 toW bred-SePtel; cow.:breer Octe.leeleeow• brea..Nav..,_44 1. baby •beef, „ 2 -steers rising 2 yearsq, 4 yearling heifers ; 4 calves; 4 January ;calves 28 Pigs near marketable age, (if not previously marketed) ; 05 Rock hens; leittesey-Harris Binder, 7 ft. eut (nearly new); Manure • aopreader, Massey -Harris Fertilizer Ilayloadet ;Deering bay rake ; Mower; Oultiirator-e13-tooth; Steel land roller ; Riding plow,'Quebec Sulky, Massey - Harris- walking .Plow No, 7; -Motley Walking,' Plow; 'Walking scuffler, ; 4 section harrow; Turnip drill; Hairtese, team, plow and buggy, Buggy ; (utter, 2,•Wagons; Hay rack with sliding plat- fornt ; Sleighs, 12 plate else; Penning mill; 2. -weigh scales ;'DeLavar cream :SeParator, ; Cbrieler Aliteniabilet Pitchel, Ing ,toOls, carpenter's tools, citable, saws, 2 cant ,hooleS, sager kettle,block and ,table,- slings, hay fork and 'rope, 001 eciaper, forks, hoes and numerous .other earticles, 20 tons hay, 4 tons exiting wheat"; E0 bus. 'barley; 050 bus. mixed grain;, 700 bus. oateeequentity YelIoiv blossom sweet clover seed; tur- nips ; mangolds; Cebblerpotatoes ; Din- ing room furniture; 3 bedroom suites; O Kitchen furnishings; Parlor furniture; ▪ rogs ; 2 lounges; Hall raelt ; 2 rock- ing eltairs ; 6 small chairs; Washing machine land wringer; 'Cook stove; O Dishes and numerous other, household articles, Lot '‘ii '32,' Coneeeelon Wwanosh,• consisting of 200 acres of eleeice. clay loam, watered by a never tailing spring' t reek, deedeed deep.. en�ngli» for go'oa (drainage, Arecelan well supplying water to' basins In barn. On said Ian& there is said to be Pmeted a firet-elags houtleAVith frame kitchen, 2 first-class barns 00',.X70' and '30'X00" both with McInnis is -visiting friends and will attend the skat'ing • 4 oillartaPples y,teitirpooffgratod out- Ncupivhiteor" - ' megoreinnamen brown sugar 1 teaspoon butter 1 teasuoonlemon Juice Purity Flair Pastry XteesPootiealt , • METHOD:. (1). Pare apples`cut into .thin slices and arrange evenly on pie platelined with pastry. (2) Mix sugar, lemon juice salt, _nutmeg or cinnamon 'together 'isn4 `nPrinkle over apple. (3) Dot witil„boter apples are very dry add 3 tablespoons water or cream; if juicy. 1 tablespoon' Purity Flour). (4) Wet edges of trinit and edver with upper trust. (5) Bake in hot oven of '-450`degreelf for 15 tti20-rainntea, therrieducer - -te to peril tur e to 00 degrees for 26 minutes or until " tipples are. tender." fieyve with airn plain or whipped. . Listen .CAD II OF riRAMA,, . . Eva* Movel,,y, Wednesday am/ Pritiali CR -N. X-11.1041.131.— (1.2,00y.C.) Far Pies there always Light and Tasty Use PURITY FLOUR - It makes Grand Pastry Gee the Inlitirr COoiC13001c.Z42 reeiPes. • IcvsrYfsgblY. praised b, Po (me. Sent t:P.1;e for 30c. Wes; Ca'u'a dor Vi?osr , WiiisCoqi.sossiea, Toronto, MY POLICY: 1. No eonSeription, but a'united.Wai, •elTOrt. Pair :terries 10 soldiers' dependbn4ts.. 3.• Co -:Operation regardless of .party. 4. Abolish the 2.50.radio licens 5. ,Stop patronage .and profiteering out Of war contracts: 6 . immediate attention Of irailroved agricultural, Mark eting, 7. DevelOpnlent, Of air training project at GOderigh.. 8. Development of lake' harbors rather than exp7nsive , 'de6p.ening of the St. °Lawrence, , . 'The end of supplying obsolete weapon to our gallant soldiers and, production in 'Canada of the latest and best equipment for the Canadian army. 10. Representation of Itter011 Cotinty as a full-time "job*far the k.P., With the strietest attentiOn to the needs of this eOnstitlieney. o • OIE CARDIFF Support National Government