HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-14, Page 5Tl rltS1):8 ', MA' WR 1.4th,1910
IRAN'b'IEu), Mardi 13. Mrp and
Ml's. Ivan Steeklit spent a iew days 144
week i t Waterloo, where ,;Mr. Stee14e I;
attended a convention,
t the apt
i ;' whet' e � h it
M. n, .�tcrr,
few ;i: oaths in Detroit, returned to her
home hefts on Tuesday.
The Red erose Society intend holding
as niasaineracie (lance on 'Malinesday,
Mareit 2 th,
Miss #"lit Atkinson of 1 trolt i v#sit'
big her pare ata,
Atkinson, al: her Rote here.
'Mrs. I?rrnest Rehn returned to
trcit Felder lastafter sPemclinga
�w�,�ppeeka with her poi ent�j,_and Mrs.
David Dewa .
with a
HollywoodPermanent Wave
l'usir.up Wave or Cuba', , ..... µ
(No fltiger wave
$3,."t0 •011 Wave. . .. • .'.'• # . #.. ♦. P .plbli;' $x.50..
$5.00 Oil Wave' ...... . :. . .. . Special, $3.510
$7..50 Oil Wave k :.... Speeial $ .00
Ever uPerianRnt Wave Guaxteed
Speebls good until March. 1.st. Make your,.,
appointment early..
willbe ' ad .t show you our im
Vn e A
ported woollens, the finest stock m this
• section,. •
choice when. net hurriee,
and we'll give you clothes painstaking-
ly and .carefully ,made in ,the quality
manner of Frank 11 Martin Clothes.
A sm=art range in Special Order Clothed, •
Priced from, $24.50 to $37.50
AUBURN, Mar., 12.- -Miss Margar4t
Ver; uson a Parkhill sunt the week -
'CIA at the 'tome of her parents, Mr.
aanil Mrs, A. J. Ferguson,
Miss Thelma Caldwell of „Myth Spelnt
tate weeireend with Miss, Ileraiice I.aw
Mr. anti Mr's. t liif. Brown ot? nook."
ton spent Srlrid zy with Mr. alai Mras.
(leo. Beadle.
Mr. and." Mrs. R. Daytnann;,. haVO .re-
turnec to their home in t intoe atter
a visit with the lady's brother, Lloyd
.Miller, ;end Mree Miller, •
• AMir s JO2ephine \Voir, who wtias visit-
ing friends in Toronto, oanto, lifts returned
Mr. John E. iungblut. who had been,.
ill elute eaglet let iiia the year, has ret:over-
ed and, has, Fay:anted to -workat,aiu on
the local (.P.R. track. . ' et' ;
The Auburn hociKeY tealit pied the=ir
fourth game of the season• t. Isackiiu w
Monday night .against St Ieime*.. The
game ended. in a 2-2 ti. e • 'On .Wednee-
day :.last, they. pl iyercl .Clover: V'a'lley,
and host by a 4.3 score.•
'I'he many friends of Victor Yung.
Whit, who has been in a east for • arth
xitis ;,for the 'past six months, will be
pleased to learn that. the cast has' been
removed . and: he is able to move about
a little. ' , a
The finance committee' of 'the Red e .
'Cross, are holding a rummage sale on. hymn. An invitation 'wads read by the
Tuesday', AMairell: 10th. .A.f ter the sale' secretary �fronn the W.M.S. sof, Knox
a. supper will be held in the Foresters' Presbyterian church to attend their
9 aall.• • aster hank"o%eriflg'" mrl
At the spring meeting of `the ofd�Cial Thursday', , March 14, when. Mrsooting. B: M.
board of Auburn WesG1ieid Mid -Milli 'Weekes . of --Blyth --will -be- the e guest
brook. United "churches' 'Rev. 11: C. speer. The -topic, Abiding,,-
' was` prepared by Miss 1LMargaret Small
Wilson, the pastor. waMr. Wison who of Toronto,' was readis by 'Mrs; David
for .another }tor
has been pastor •far - five years,are- Hamilton. The secretary was instructed
,. , 'Spnall thanking her for.
ceed• the invitation. ,to write i ein charge of the Red' the paper; MVS. .Alfred Nesbit gave a,
The committee e_ _2' a -- 11.' Wo3r1a
Cress; danoos s on'sored a successful reading. 11 The Ian .
s p.
dance in the Foresters'' Hall on Ir riday rev, R, M. 'Weekes. es, dosed the Meetingnight. Movie W11S supplied,'by Arthur's with prayer, after which -the hostess
orchestral of Wingham Another lance served .a' dainty lunch..
Made in twoitone, brown
and rod, grey' and vin %,
royal and navy black and
grey. SIZES. -3642,
gaud 'was acNiK,mtuled novae by 'Mr*.
Mr. Eugelte O Keele has recently perp
f'iiiiied a onevn allele Banti is Iiis:aXi
Mr.1--`bred VitEteella return= borne`
)31 Tuesday with her baby daughter
front her slater's in Myth,
PlstriPt MeatLig.--•The
district meeting was held .Sunday even- u.
ing in 'rpt. Pe er's t4ehool iii t:;otierielt,
and was attended 1.)y ,the Seatarth and
I sngsbr'itlge ° o1f Lens ars well as 'lay the
local group. The district president,
Mr. Joe O'Brien, presided, The mina
titers of the last Meeting were read by
Maus Teresa 'Delaney, district secretary.
¶t'ho business of the: meeting' colieiSted
'of mating plane for the O.X.O. district
"°at ho1he," a formal dance, to be held.
in l'lilnten tin • Weed esdaiy of . I arter
l►fr. and Mrs. Weeley, Henderson of
MaosomIn, Sask.; were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John. Morgan for
e�eraal days. Mr. Iler;Ider.son is a bro.
titer o' � A: Morgan,'
stn '
■. v thc� � ,f a r �
• Visiting at the , hoilnc of Mr;'.' Ian
Ilaa'ggitt last:week-end were Mrs. Mabel
MacLeod, Flat Rcick, , AZicff: Mr: and
"Aunt for TIPfop Tailpxs Mrs, Donald riaggitt; Inks ter, Mich.,
M?'bone 84Square and Trooper:Ian Haggitt, oft ti<
rinssarr, London.
will. be held ion Wednesday, March 27th,
With the sande orchestra. The net pro-
'ceeds on Friday were 834. -..e,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison visited
on Saturday: with Mr. and Mrs, ,J. A.
Nott, of Stratford.
, Mi:and Tsars, Earl Raithby 'were in
Tnrento ,recently...
Mrs; Edgar Lawson, and Bernice,
Miss Thelma Caldwell and Miss Sadie:;
Carter spent Saturday in .Stratford..
The. B.'1E P,U.-will meet, next 'Su1iday
night'. •at ¶30- with aSta.nley:MeNalleand
.Donald :Ross in charge. .
There will be a hot: silver* bazaar
creel. `sake .of homemade baking in Knox-
'Presbyterian church. on . S'aturdaie
• March 1Q... Supper served from 5.30
,to 8.. , • •
Mr. and'.: Mrs, ittordon Taylor,• Mrs,
PUMAS A hlta riowe L tot-
T 1�� ]10'M`IEMI txizndnit bedew* ire usdeww+elrMd
with Wow done, by Bel gest*, the
Ana Miter and twine WI master of lairtik
The weljelknoavii ` erxian d- •
(n(? 3 U at Ate �l.: it in. a {may .l erl`y' HUq J� 'IMS it
interpretation, of 0,: popular 11
re aadw'ity ltit
Barbara $tabwyck
1Meory Fonda -Vicki Lester ,
wad Sam Lee nt'•
present the delirious story of a
s lety arils who turned detective
an Seel-e'eab.tn myetery,-
"tub' 11il+ r• MI's- Mc'�l.N'TON"
Matiaxees Wed., Sgt. and holiday's at a . p.m.
ri grand east in. "W re Not Alone'
Conir>I1ag �'�x1. Muni a +�,
/"� ��.eeting. he Canadianl'
o' . lA G,LT.. 1.i !ing
Girls iii Training -met at Knox. United
church D10..nse on Friday evening, with
l n `Marsh in charge,
the, 'President, 'Hee x
Zeta Munro presided' at the piano. -The
Scripture.yews read' by Ruth Wilson and •
Betty 'Oraig led a in `prayer. Dorothy
Riordan gave a reading anci° Vivian
iStraughan fevered With.. a piano i s the-
-inental. ' Mrs. W. 11. �Shepparcd•.re d
chapter -rte; the study book on. India.
:The meeting was closed with prayer.
Baptist Ladies' Aid. --:;The Ladies' .Aid
-of"the Baptist church held their lVIarcl
meetiin�g.. at, the home .of , Mrs. Chs.
)iovlrsbn on Thursday afternoon, The
president, .Mrs. 'Howson, presided. Mrs.
Stanley Johnston'. read' the :Scripture
and • Mrs. Wolper led • in llr-a3 er, The
�. , secretary's report was given by .Mrs.
n ,, w . . ,, ii: a .,H.A .. --• ton were. _. - ..,wP,�. 'r. J. Phillipa
texas, "�;og�"e' � . ,. ui�.. ..
Earl �ai�h'�iY ani• .
visitors at London on Wednesday gave e r . surer's-.report. :Readings
The regular Monthly meeting of thewere : ' en by -Mrs. Win.'Meflwain, Mrs.
Te eg �' : g ..
Wemen's Institute will be held in the m:d'as. Raithby and Mrs. Fred Ross. Mrs.,
xoreste s'. Ha11 on Wednesday, 11ia ell=Stanley Johnston. and Mrs. Earl'Raith-
by f
- �•avored with a: duet,: an l-MrS: Earl
reIKnigh`t sang a solo. • Mr's. A. E,
Silver brought the Easter message.
Mrs. Howson closed -the meeting with
Prayer, ' after which a pot -luck supper
was served.:: '. .'
S are definitely high style,.„,-
strictly man -tailored in. •
pre-shrunk fabrics men's wear
cloths in classictailored styles,
• Special to„,
$'7.05 $22.50
i,nS-Soft shecra and
washable crepes in
smart tailored or dressy styles..
Sizes 32 • to 42.
C oats werd never lovelier than
thbyl are'at ,p1. esent,
• dressy coats "' in. 'fitted Or_ by
• swagger styles in black, navy,
grey, air force ,blue, sand, etc.,
all are' Fashion favorites in ,style
and colors. Sizes are from 14 to
20, 38 to 44 and half 'sizes 12q to ,.
261/ . Prices are reasonable.
$1.95 to $25.00
20th;, at 2.30, Tie icjpiC; ,"Coinlaaluu ty
•Activities and Relief," will be taken
by Mrs. Gordon- Taylor: 'Current events
willebe given, by Mrs. K. -Dawson. There
will be a demonstration of btins and
three prizes donated 1y ,..:.Mrrss, S, .-11
Johnston wail be " given for the best
buns: The roll call, is to be answered
with, a :joke" or story. T e , haste ses-
•ar,e.Mrs. Fred d Ross, Mrs. A..•. 4. Fergu-
son sand Mrs.. 11: C. Wilson. • Will the
iadies. please :nate the _change of date
:of the meeting?
• Dobie--Douglas.--A. quiet ceremony
was performed at the 'Presbyterian
manse,. Blyth,,' on Wednesday, Febru-
• ary 21; whenrae-A:,_MeeBoyle united"
in marriage Lusan 'Elizabeth Douglas
of . Wingham and W il'liaim •Gordon
Dobie, son of Mrs. Wm. Dobie of the
Red. Cross,,, Meeting.=4 meeting of
the Red Cross. was' 'held in the Orange
Hall,. on Tuesday afternoon, with the
president1o'g` "ridge, is el><arge. It
was decided to ' talker magazines for
the Daughters' of the Empire. .. Ar
rangements , were made for holding a
supper on Tuesday, March 1,0thi, after
:m gcoln-
�iliemauip�mal�,..e, sale.. The, sewing
'mittee distributed sewing to the mem--s
hers. The next Meeting will he held
on Tuesday, March 26th, in the abase-,
ment ' of the TTnited . church.
Anglican Guild.- 1rs: Jerelhiali Tay-
lor gave her home for the March meet-
Hing of the Ladies' -'Guild. The epi-
dent, 1V1rs. 'Gordon Taylor, presided,
Mrs. t. M. Weekes led ail prayer: The
vol 'ee! l s-azaswered with. a t'avor te-
I%IN(IsBRIt)GE,.March 12.-1n the
absence of• RRev r' aither,.Qtiigley, who
is at present .undergoing tr• eatment in
the London Hospital, Father Fel
lon: of Goderich officiated at :massehere_
on,s Sunday and also preached the ser-
mon, y
Mr: Michael Martin has returned.
home after a. sudden illness in which he
was -taken to Go derieh Hospital.
Miss. Ela Hogan is at preser)t in at.
teudance with , her sister, Mrs. ,Angus
Kennedy of Teeswater, who is recover.
ing after an appendix operation.'
' tr Clifton ,Austin left recently on
a trip to Northern Ontario.
•Mr• Johnny' O'Neill has 'returned
home, htt'ying failed In an attempt to
°-gross the border to visit his sister in
aclmsp - : ,
' Miss Frances Dalton has returned
after a lengthy visit in Detroit.
Mr. Tem Wallace, :who 'has. been oc
cupied on a dairy •fa'rm .near lenmiller,
was a ,Sunday „visitor. with his friends
here. a u ustine
Mr. Frank %eddy. of St.g,
managed to make -the ' trip here" aver
ear h_ _ vleurks-:: }riot - week
• "1 ran into Mr. Denelunaa's speech in going over Hansard and 1
have read it 'twice since. In fact,- r• have used b; good part Of it `in anY
=scnaga ete, ,e_.. -.---
sone of •i he finest addresses, ° on agriculture
- II want to say that it wa
that 1 have ever read, or heard and 1 propose to:make very considerable
use of it in my work, strictly non-partisan and strictly farmer xAovement.11
Chae. A. Hayden, Editor "Country Lite nr 13 C."
Would appreciate verymuch your giving me, the information. as
I ou d .' ��� uld be � glad to
to how you arrived at' yours figures on farm income. 1 a
- use it in our brief to the Royal Commission on tratlsportatien ,• •Havin'g
al eady had it presented to- the House of ;Commons would add eonsiderable
weight." H. H, Hannam, United .Fanners of Ontario.;
,"We do not always agree with• 'Mi 'Peachman : but in his argument
onthes&les._tax hInade oic astroaia cade and�.'the government would.do
well to give it special consideration."
„ . Editorial, The Gazette, :Montreal.
"it Deaehman, inember.fbr:North Huron, ,
is one of Canada'soutstanding' authorities on econ-
advocate who
ueStions, .o£.vitai.l -interest
' has read 'widely- ori �a11 q
in •the days which lie ahead. "Mr., Deaehra in, leas
taeefi One of, the most' efficient. members of the
ing and Commerce Committee of the . House
of Commons where upstart economists, -del "ght to..
air their unworkable monetary theories, and 'where
'the .,estraining Band .of knowledge skilfully and.
conservatively handled. is Invaluable."
• Edit'ori'al; `fiihesiey:Enterpriagee,.,.r.,
"Of all;the speeehes• delivered in Parliament
on the neutrality resolution of Mr. Woodsworth,
and the comtpanion resolution • of Mr. Doulla' to
In our 'opinion, more sound common sense.packed
- into the address of Mr.. . J. ,Deachixian, member'
for Huron North, than : in "all others combined."
Palmerston Observer.-
Huron.. In this: article Mr.-Deachmen- make*, an
"Early in .the. present session Parliament Chas. ,. • analysis of our present relief expenditure, in Can- . -
been (provided with a startling picture of conditions Ada, ;and suggests means of com:batang it which, to
us,, nem reasonable and well worth. consideration: •
Ills Claim is ,that' costs of iroduction '",are too `high
clue"to µthe concentration ' of industry in, the cities
and suggests that there should be a gradual n'
ment of.manufacturing away from the large eentrai.
to the• outside areas, the towns of Ontario."
Editoial, N apanee • Beaver.
P qt is `most `heartening to:'find a :member° of
• arliainentecour ageous enough. 'rind. 'with the neves.„-
- nary ability,. to express semtii en s: that- ought to `y
• be read, marktad : and digested, by ' every citizen --Of
ilozi:' M: Burrell, . formerly Chief Librarian `of' the .:
•taker'the pxdf t: out of . making munitions, sherd! wA.s
ari is a Liberal,confient .that
J, Tleachiixn.a
problems can be saycd. by the • ApPlication „of pare:
e thotbufsh,ltntiwletlge :of
Lit)eraxlism. ' lrie ltaxs a•uiox.
r ..fa operation ..of Lib.
eLiber�.U.sm ,.the tuoory;,-�hi�sto yer
� 'p .
of member :of the .House,; with.
"`er alllsm®.than hist:Other ,
the possible exception••of the Prime Minister him-...
self , He is a Liberal _ 'the•• sehaol : of Dr.
ttchael 'Clarke.'ilud Sir. 10 t:rd' :•artwright--
. thorough ,going progressive." •
W. M Davidson in The•. lbertaxt, Calgary.
House of Commons.
e. 'We have read an article. entitled "Back To
• The ,Towns" by R. J. Deachman, M.P.;for North''.
in Ontario agriculture.Claiming twat the position
of Agriculture in Cthiacla is the :most serious factor`
• in the country's ecanomic status,' Mr. R. J, Deitch -
man (Liberal, Huron North) deelareci. the "average
net yearly income of Ontario, farmers was $362,
and urged that Gswernment should do . something
et s
dor lin industry that made such .poor x ern•
those engaged in' itt" '
Editorial Clolie` & Mail.
- � - + - - - f ted. •. .-,
"The speech. of Hon.. R. J. 'Deachnian,• M.P..
for Huron North, in the House. of Commons, in
whleh'he presented 'surprising low 'estimates of the. .
earning power ,of -average Ontario farmers, has
come in -for wide disetission. So -great is the inter= _-
est in Mr. Deachrnan's statement" that ,The Daily
• •Sun -Times is reproducing in full that part .of Mr.
Deachinan's speechwhich 'deals with, the farmer's
situation : , :. Mr. 'Deachman is a, Winghb.m'man
typo has made u very close study of farm* eon-,
Editorial, Daily. Sun -Times, Omen Sound
Cute little_ sets in coat, hat, purse,
just as smart as they. can be.,.
Sizes 3 -to, 6 years and 7 to 10
Sizes 11.2 to 14x, growing, irls in
coat only nicely styled and well"
tailored. Choice shades.
Ash Voir.
.O a
to - $10.50
Make your selection now, rti; hi'
stock to chooie from.
with this ;meat and Moisture -
Resisting Enaznel and conn.
b'ifC decorative charmwidi long`
wearing service on new on old
furniture, cupboards, floors
and woodwor , .
Nepto-Lac Enannel is very easy
to apply and economical to use,
'It driesin ' 4 to 6 howl's and ••
comes in 24 modern colors..
"Mr, -;R. J. l3eaehman, Liberal from Inion
It can be taken for'granted, that the' ea
.man ;estimate is not a longdistance off. the path of•
accuracy for he has a reputation for being. right,in
statistics of that nature:.His sizing up - ,or the,
situation can 'be' taken as . close -enough to be ac-
"Witted and it -presents -a-14lctire that should.gid
- everyone dome •concern." ;
- Editorial, .Peterborough Examiner: '
"R. J. Deaclrman, Liberal nieniber for North.
Huron, is one of the.best informed Hien iii the
douse of Commons, There is nothing he enjoys
more than the pleasant task, of debunl ng fa.11a:eies.
Let some One rush.,to 'hasty conclusions and suggest
a sumptuary euro for ,' our ills. and his progral
is apt to meet a logical and deadly analysis from '
North, whp is credited -with being one of the deepest > the man - lie knows the facts as well as how to
thinlrers' in the9House,- yesterday,set forth what he
use them!',•o- d
r•1ards �ne one of the fundamental-.Pr.,o.b iaewith... .. _ _ lit itorial, 'Clke Times, i`tetvrita'.-:-
VI.luch the country itis to deal. It is, Ute claims,
dislocation of population. 0'f- the total population, "It. J: henchman whose articles hax•e been
ted out, 40 % live one farms. The national
familiar to Ilernld readers.over t long iotl of '
income i'i about•., 5,000006;000 annually, et • the
e pointed � � y �' �r�ir`, is One 'member who 'aught to lac returned;to
'f'armer5 receive only a tittit pyre than $7.50,000,000
to House of. C'ornititins with an o er whelniirng
or only slightly more than One-seventh."' rnajo�;its.~ Ile is a Liberal with a strong spirit oi'.
° a . ILd tonal, Windsor Star.
independence. ' Ile .is not i ``t`eglm 1n •bs; alny
• , . • • 'rn.eiins, fie gets to -the bottom ef.4i question and `
'I feel sure that all 'fanners will appreciates , decides 011 Which side' the weight of evidence lies,.
very much the able way In ewhicli .kir. De tehmazi '
then Inc 4.0es ahead. Ike is cine tjf; tpe! fety.;race i1i ,
has placed these facts 'before our .I -louse of Corn's the, 'House th.brort'ghly: fain€liar with Monetary
ni ns. •Certainly, these,c4tiditfons-must.• have beeai
problem's; Ile lag a place°every ear ill tile 1iauk9 ,a
rea iter foruythat s elittlb out oy omient , aircl we"are „
i ing ,and orsimerce Cornriitttee.
or y al)out it," itoiial The Herald.Lethbridge.
Reeve •Wrii. 1eGregor, of 'b'ydenhain, 4treyCoun1rkh
t$. • i e . .. .
n ', ,w- ^'�'s ' _. «.__;..,.z"� .:.thte4l dill..
atY"the `:sy,n v, „{it kt ttM" eceu paid 111 43 ,. �'tr a it 1tlineef , a 101.11 lit+ r�+�tlf i ^att�t _
•an'i1s is of the ata gait situation. `iS e • t+,•annOt
very nnnen. It was ;stti1:ing from 'tlie shoulder atfford. to 01'4'1610w iritlatstirit�s. when ptre�aetl`t, etltri1)v
without pulling th•z.e ',punch, and Iwant to 0ii,. <ment,capable. of pr odini g n4A• t
. , ..e ,. au,cd.
gra tulatc_ you." . ulada Heeds leas 11a.rite- -10tIie ..
t'r. 11. Stot�iaton, Merchant, Carlyle, Sask.
°tioorgo 1'Ioanllet°, itSrniE�rly Minister of.'�grictiltitr€�, ,
1.'rovinee of Alberta.
i nteditorial-in the "Globe end•Mail" and enjoyed it
"rt is gratifying to note that ,,Mr. U. J.
"We have" read with ilitereet .'131 'recount' in • ' heatellnn.111 a' review of Whoi4e speech on the "COn1
,.F,.arniHerald"" duet of (O%0rnr11011t" appeared tl, 011 thio jIaI' 1 1 3 r
l;t� IYtrr.ild of ',your spteeeln in Parliament.
We 11 ant you to know how rlutt'1i we appreciate the 13101111)01 . Pf the' ' I ela-1Parti anwilt'r, ° rl'fmlinittO
1re11) you are ,giving the fctrrners of Ontario and al►pofnted to•timil'111111 ('i%li Semler, Intant1014. The
infittenee of 111er1 of Mr. hertehsn hies ea11i11U evi11.
i�aiiadan, your i�aaetlro.tl is veryeffective.�� e wishw
that itll farmers might °'havealt eppolt"unityw 'tn A 1► ,strong toward effecting' ftnprovei1uiat'� affil Tho
st11(1% what 011 have written "and said," .Civli Service 1 111101 than u n'h s. manilla it.
' Mas. v. G. `111111e, .Norwood, Ont. The .4)11111 el, tataa�Y'a.