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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-14, Page 4
• ,44 PANS IFIXIS 4 TR EI A I L. STA ,^..a .- -.... PERSONAL MENTION Among Gaaderieh people who attended the Toronto :3l:trtiin ; carnival, held :it. the Mcwie I,na'f Gardeias dolls week, were sM ,k3 JIelef MacEwan anal. Mary ?,fhou;nbc'loe, J.aMes. Thorneloe, Gordon, McManus,. Joe &Bri''n, Don MaSan and A. B. Sturdy. Mr, alolua tleltardson, ;of Duluth, Minn., a native of Port Albert, aceoil<n' panted by Mrs, -llicliar n,' is visiting boyhoed scenes at Mei,. n;ld 1cio1>ing' up old frieiid3, in Gofle` and nearby towns. .t brother, Thom s,' resides at Seafostli where he issp riding, some when they last a: Z1-3 decision to the time. • .� The. . victor Y Valve .the . Mitchell Advocate: About tw&nty-live a. 3 ra Seaforth h f b ti y oui � , n ,oul 11: c�hampiun- , friends 'athered' at the home of Mr. 5'oniit� 1�e:nu er.� the �,i, p shipand the right *to advance into the ,and Mrs.' Ptoy ,Farrow on .Wednesday 031.A.; .pl:zydon.ns• • evening, of last week.. to honor. them � ',file teams;showed a. fair, gathering et prior to their departure y for 'their ne 1 slref.tators the reason, wily wit • they 'hack Home in Goderich.• Euchre was played, t d ) �T♦ a 't and ►'Mrs. going to� fought tooth and nail thiou�gh liveprer ,prizes �o z g , ioas plaiyO� lames 'without t goal Herman HHe�cknnttn. Mr. and Mrs. ia'ar-• separating -'them. It *would' 'be wrong crow 'Were presented with a g1 t. tz• stay, that either~ 'tetun ,turned in,,,,a lamp, Dorothy with A' compact and°Peg- betterP erformanee than the other' and: ,gee with an eversharp pencil uy 1rs.w it would; be unfair `to, -ay that ,•Sea.tortli I-1eriUan; Beckman, 1�unch was served, Aleasily have been . thea 'Lions who, • ; ; did net desex•ve•to,win, yet it could. just_ followed by dancing. Y WE ,- c the ice, with - the tho spoils of .. �TfI��� •� a.me o� , victory, for it was a break which de- •cided the issue,: That break came -early in the ;third period When. a llong shoot. by Hudson slipped _Under °ylr eary Swiger'ks stick : and slid between his skates into the net. Coste1l0 WAS serv- ing it pat . time for +a iat� .; enalty r.e. e ePthe,:.- Dutch' H1ampplyinge'1,. thought •, was- an illegal boc y -check. Tiarael-WaS perhaps the:;only:*ne'in the rink who thought the body -check wasn't • -.knp to the stitndard 'sof .the ,rule sbut , despite . Protests from ;--the Goderich bench he waved.Costello ,;off, ,. The .Lions 'wee the first to score, Westbrook tallying -on a'!s+hot from the Seaforth blue line. at the $,00 minute q+1 SUPERIOR STORES Ye Will Save You Muncy AYLMER:PIF. (71ERRIHS 13.oz. tin lOc AYLMEIt CHOICE PEACEIES. - 2 1G -or. tins 25c AYLMER CHQICE PEAS. No. 4 sieve 2 17.uz, tins 17c ROIaIk Lir.*bp''BLUE IIiFX��_ FreshGround QrangePekoeTea ., 35c CHOICE' 13LUE ROSE ,,RICE , m ��L, Ibs. 17c Knipp I Saw Dates 2 lbs.: i LARGE l% 1NATY Frunes 2lbs. 25c Fancy Biscuits • A , . ,, .lbA 170 Cocoa .,,.m 27c Cowan s � 4 Gillett'sY Lye . , , R ..tin 12c Red Plum •'- ., Igo. 211, Hawes' 'Floor Wax . ,..tin 45o Woadbury's Soap, 4 bars 24o "Pearl" Naptha Soap 5 bars 23c•, 'Hawes' 59c Ifumbuge Candy, lb., ,..19r • sm., Ige Lux Flakes , , ...10c 24e ,bot, Tom: Catsup ... .. ,,,,::14e Silent Matches:.3 boxes 25c Lawrason's ostiOwn,Aiij" Oki onia: :c '11 �ALVP CI , f 1 OSI E-11 Lawrason's 21c tin2 �o F us SiHko tip 25c MoEVIEN. HqI1iE 46 Mx', and Patterson have MAIL -CARRIER'S BUGS' CRASHED returned lz me -from 13rantford, where Charged with failing to return to with their dough- • ri t7he3� spent the winter �� • , •• the scene of an accident, Alvin �`eeb; iters, • . g township, Perth count , was ar-. ` • . Logan tow p, y • q.. a GARDEN D-, SSENTIALS in a pink and -gold Treasure ' Chest' -o• • • Special -_ - - Elizabet]i ,�cde�. SPe Treasur'ette A; ; thrilling gift, a priceless, possession ' for the woman . who trave and the monism +cubo. Sys at 'home . the Special Treasurebte present ln° one package, . 7 Elizabeth :Arden "Essentials tfor _ Lovelizi." Thi beauty: = box br :n to you • all the necessities for the. "El7Za-0 Ruth Arden Look.", • The 'Treasu�rette. contains Ardena Cleansing Cream. Airdenae A Melva ream Mask Ardena. Velva Cream Arden. All -Day Foundation Ardena Skin Tonic : , Poudre d'Illusion Hand-O.Tonik The Trea nrette . costs :,,:$2..95:. teampbell's. Drug Store: Phone 9(>`• Square r ST, GEORGE'S WA, The re' 1a inonthlY meeting of • St, George's ,:"'was 'held in the Guild room on Tuesday. afternoon, the pre- sident,; ' Mrs. Calder, presiding. 1 The g re read- ineetins Opened with the Scripture aforth Oejs Deeisionat iExeter Ge odexlch„ LimaLima,� Lose Final•Ga.m - for the Group . Championship In a ,game ,'Haat was as beetle and chose as 'the -entire series that,bad gOu before ftp the ,Goderich L1pns 'Fere ousted from thea Q)JL1 . jtlznier C ..play downs last Thursday might, at Exeter, TUMMY, MAU• 'HH 14th, • Wl STIMIllaD, Mar. 12. -Mils Annie Cools of Belgrave -.visited last' week :with hen•eoui.sin; Miss ,Phyllis Cook. ;Miss Mabel : Bosman; •f Goderich` has spent the past month with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M;* Bosman, and at.frl pds« .., --Mrs. J.E. E11is� ryas r a;en lizitan visitor. ° ,,.., �. .,Miss Jean•McDowell spent a few • days last week with her' sister, Mrs. •Gordon $telth .of Goderich. .�1•. crokinole party was held . in the basement of .the Church 'On Tuesday evening, :with Mrs• Roland Vlitcent'e and i Mrs. Fred. J. .Cook's WaM,'S, groups in :mark •Erf 'the: first peeriod. That may charger Messrs, ; Albert Walsh and; ifor the Lions, as• .itoland Vincent• were table managers, ' harei�eeii an ill omen fo .• ,.� ... _. _.,, ..... they shave' won or only one Occasion The winners Were Mae Mason and Jim ,all year when they' were the .first to Walsh. 'Consolation prizes went• to tally. Night tied the game less than a Eleanor Taylor . and Harold Bosman.• minute later when his shot from centre- Lunch was..served consisting of weiners .. ice landed m front of ,Swiz er and rolled and 'bibs, cake and coffee. ,Alt'. the crazily •into the eager close of 'a very pleasant evening the • , carried National. ,Anthea, was sting: • • A. few minutes lutea McLean 1 t the .Goderrich blue lune, and • •Mr. • and .Mrs, Wm. McDowell were_ the puck p week-encl.-guests, . ,t •tine 'hoiire of the •although he Was. bodied -Heavily by a ..�, defer loan,' he to latter's brother, . Mr. Wesley _ Stack - John ,Goderich �managed_ rested hist Friday by Cvtuzity: (;ronstableM . _ by'11' B 'tt from Acts 17fol get a pass away to Gemmell, who was house, and Mi S,. Stackhouse of Bruce lin Ferguson and 1od.•ed in Countyfront of the cage Gem field. Jo b th 'd t fight- in. jail' ratted a treasurer both -gave their monthly -goalie left his net ton�fiop on the'puck. n rl y congratulations to ..,T.1., t:o appear for trial this fihursdayR s rN. � , - '1r.�, .T�crliin Gvq'k, �n;ho on March 4th xng .. ins urri ,,' - ,• - . ' lowed by .prayer led y the press den . Parked ri .- - here.' off Saturday he was ad- There wits a 'good attendance.' Mrs. *ell Made no -mistake, lifting the puck Mrs. Melvin Taylor was a recent i n Thomas Gundr:. ,; • ne secretary and Miss Taylor over SSwiger 'Whenthelittle Goderich Stratford visitor. itte2l to X00 bail . y Tich'borne a� ec . y . .. ,?. - _. . _ _ We � to '�h"ea, It, is alleged -that Neeb, while driving upon and a short business meeting �'Vith lens than lcro minute, of the celebrated: .,ser'eiity�fifth birthday. • is: r from . IIensall• toward Zurich, followed: .There will be a sewing meet Mrs moor her se air , his: ca crashed into the rear of a" buggy and -ing d i th-e:�Guild xoom next Tuesday. h e driven by William Thiel, a rural. afternoon. ' Miss Brown,,read an niter- nail,.. �.- 'Id". �o have Fitt t,7 .' 1"ettr t—"Mitred `r0' - snail -carrier. 'Muggy is sa ►r reit been badly smashed and the horse in- jured. Thiel jumped to safety. Neeb ,illegedly sped from the scene.e Con- stable Ferguson found accused at an auction ,:sale half -an -hour later._ Tell- • tale marks on his car led to his arrest. • ° first peried remaining, Doak evened the confit at- two all when. he -grabbed-the. lick :from -a'face-off near the •Seaforth cage ant Cook 1 -e fairly good Health and although confined- to the hoMe a n 'teat deal 'during' the inter is quite'' es 'iiia, ea _et en i e u ni active.. 'Slid is a: member of the United r r gave • Tha.nko�ering, ` and Mrs, Hunter gA• ...feet out. � ;. - • .clrureh and �.1°; life member'of the '�'S .�I, two °readings entitled "The Little Blue r1 in the third frame Swi er �', ,. resiclo wlith lie' son; �M1It; li icd' Bos anal •"For Prayer Partners,", which D`a y_ �.. S. r 4 s- agaui;left his net too snare, a loose.puck were enjoyed.by all. . ' The- meetingJ• _ from ':McLean when the ,Seaforth wing- ;firs J. L. McDowell spending some closed, with praye>•. after which a socialMan 'was in ail alone:. After Iludson' time with her, daughter, ;.Mrs. Gordon cup Of te• a was served. ,4. had 'sent his team into the lead it theSmith of Goderich. 0 NU NILE -S ,'. :T NMIJAIYES S(N GRAIN= WORKS A'post,card will bring ins to your home.. , e designs • and new granite. (Free transportation- to our place. 1 , � 47.'St.' Patrick St:. Pboif 1055, S.TRATFORD viroviammilmmismiwerui T. PATRICK'S SUPPER At NORTH ST, UNITED CHURCH Under ' auspices, of Missiol�. Band. Saturday,Marcil i6th : from. 5to7p . -• ' Everybody Welcome Adndssion 25c - • re Ready at£ornlie� It's time to turn your back ,on Ypur winter wardrobe and. come • shoppirig at CORNFIELD'S. • A ma,gn.ificentAlisplay of fashion:* pre- .., sent the 'pang mode. - ., CORNFIELD'S gr e you' Important- R;ea�o ns wily tot leuy your ') . You choose froom, a complete . collection of‘ mpox:te,d style fashions. _ ., .You get early choice of, imported material- which are b• - ” coming nfreasinlyx_difficult,to buy. 1. Women b •Regular and Half Sizes --Misses' and' rior'. li e : Sizes. Spring Coat NOW. News of Spriitig ll1 ITATS- . • YOUNG' DECORATIVE HATS. 1� © , older iiowinff Iles that-41;<f� woman • can wear with di5- t 1 iilf!t )0iz e. l' at 1. 'for the gay young •IQriss' trimmed with floeel?' ribbens and veils. Spring Coats -::.__- FOR LITTLE GIRLS r YOUNG GIRLS and JUNTO] DIMS. • Well -cut Coats with . • trirr;t waists: and .. flared .skirts. Tailored' •itii bra�ss'but- a big tori; . 'Colcav's rose Ilavy, mauve,, powder blue. Tn. .sizes'. 3.. to 14x. Easter Handbags 8.00 minute mark of _'the,- third period Miss Margaret Vincent • of Stratford tire -Lions threw all' caution to the wind spent the . week=end with her parents, and ganged 'the Seaforth net in; an at- ',Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent. • a' tempt to even things up again. Doak Mrs. Collins ;and Misses June , and , sifted .. i • he areis came closest•to-'�cori"ng. ep n=�1e •. .__ _Sheila.Collins�of Vancouver visiting ng in on- the left side to :blaze a shot .at the forzner's nriotlier;. J ars::Georgy Bent- the corner of the. net Messenger just 1ey , _ ,1110CGII/► 1) resh Stock -Low Prices Excellent VaIueS! WEEK 150 t_ 22u MARCH, INCLUSIVE - � A'•seasonable tlonie ,+etIQAw's' . Syrup .• • Small ' ....75e Large ..$1,35 FOR HANG -ON CQUPHS TO COLDS 'ASTHMA; BRONCHITIS cod 'other tiespirattoryr •, Ailments Tek e a the Ohl Reii.bte 75c -4O fir/ �irr� K Jim Z r !'V'1 1 C "fir" U Q Pietnaph, Diamond, Sunset -2 pugs.tO &tae : �t;,lfi,,(1: Tablets fqrcolas, r - tire,.. .hind in the red', ➢® G• ---25e rw Bayer's Aspirin -1 doz., .:250 2 doz. .-. 39c .100 Velvetta .Tissue 200.:°„R;10e 5 ,.,,25e • W:7 :Ails 25e- Jar for 15c Mcea-for.' cuts ;or buani ` 23e Anacin Tablets . kills pain • 1 dozO M, . • A F.R ,�R' R/[R!V 30 for : ; ... , ..43c 50 tor •,r•,,♦ w,r•' 5c ,- - aseline it fir- Tonic;, • SOM.0 , • ., A.• -R•. r , ,43e Large •.. ...,75e Cue for • the teeth 30e •• Blue Jay Corn Pads • or Liquid -20e Oiexf Soap, ealke •G e Jergen's Hand Lotion— Small '.25e, • Large .43c° Fruitatives, large size •.39c FOR rAitMEWS STOCK Potassium Iodide ]-oz. 35c 44, 3, :oz. X1:.00 Reduced Iron '1 -oz. 20e 2 -oz. 35c Sulphate of Iron 3 -lbs. 25 e Cattle Sulphur -. , .. 6 lbs. 25e Glauber Salts , 4 lbs: 25e HelliCoopebor's„ a '' 'Dri ib. ..$5e9eM -Kill t BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE LI IN TROUBLE There's othIng 47 lke Sara raF� leet ~ '_ Ringworm,,. . riles, *to. managed to get his leg in -the road in Mrs„ Wm. Aitkens is visitin ,time: �' mother; Mrs. Robt. `Thompson of Morris c Ca iSeafortlr—' Goal, iKetsenger ; defence,, township, who returned home - frrom Iludson, meron; ; ., centre,,. Pearce; Toronto on iSaturtlay. ', • wings; McLean,•Nigh; alternates, Gent: .. Several of the ladies attended the moll, Riley, Hildebrand. • ,Red Cross meeting at Auburn on Tue- G•oder-ich-+Goal. ISwiger; defence, : day afternoon, Garrick, 'Costello; centre, Johnston; Messrs. .Walter Masdn, Ellis Llslev -din s Westbrook, Doak; alternates, and Will Aitkens were Toronto visitors. Black, Duckworth, Wilson, Sehoenals, on ',Saturday., Durnin, giugsweli• " Dungannon and .other district corres-� • B•eferee—•Hamell,•New.Hamburg. nouderice has been held up this weekbyN+ .- "" the bad condition.of the roads. NILE, March 1.1. ---Mrs. Geo. Rut- ledge spent the week -end -in Goderich- 'visiting oderich`;visitin -with her-- •aunt,---Mrs.---..Thos.._ Young, and her 'cousin, :Mrs. 'Chas. . Thomas. - Miss Isobel. Pollock of ISheppardton is visiting at the home of Miss Emily NtcGratten. '.' • Mrs. Sheppard haS come pack, to her -farm to make preparations for turning' over the property ''on April lst to Mr.' Jas. McIntyre. • Mr:' Les.- Johnston; who 'h,•ul oper?, • ation .in the, Goderich Hospital, was', home ' for a• few $s- when eoinfplica- tions set in and he had to return to Lite_ hospital.'- We hope he Ala soon be able to be home again. ,'.,.� Struck by Falling Limb.---�Ilalph Brodie, who was working ie. Mr. • Eatz's ;bush in the Saratoga swamp, •wae struck by €a falling,lunb, rendering him' unconscious for a few minutes: He is • able to bt around again. Mr. Alvin• herr has hired''with Mr, It. McIntyre' for a'term and is moving r- farm he u on he a lions x p into the e eha?dast =,'be .hlerd estate: Mr. Spragg and' his'Sisteir, Mrs. Pett mail,' received word of the. death .of a brother in the West last week. `' There will be' a joiservieer at Ctir- low .on Goo& Friday afternoon for the four churches of the circuit. Everyr►body welcome: •- .. B1ouses1for 'Spring With Softly Feminine Look!' We - can't remember when t11e _'ve been so , cllai ming- -, so irresistable in detail • Whether it's baby tucks, or ,� t.$,. '. lace -trim, or jabots—:you're re it. sure c to.find Priced $1.9$ Every Bag will otrike a high note in sollue l.'ing Costurnc-Black,i"av 'r j)usty Pink, E owder Blue e and otlafm gay Spring coloi3s.-.�>7, Phon 418 RNFIE] The Square "GO I BLAOES" K• -FOR EAS'i.�.p A r . • SPECIAL LOW FARES I:Between `all points in Canada and to certain., desthiatibus In the i Dnifed States 'FATE AND O-QUAZTER .for the round 'trip • Tickets good ,oing any time • • Thursday, March 21, until ,.. 2.00 p.m. Monday, Mares 25, 1940, Return T'Lunit to leave flee"taltin ioli 'not later than midnight :. Tuesday, March .- 26i 1040• ,4111111111111111110/ tlione r, - Phone' 90 Phone 19 GODERICII . DRUGGISTS • PhQne 45 P FUNERAL SF'RVKC s , (Established 1875) TR,ADI'TION - SINCEItITY A' EL,PiRIENCE Prompt A „ Ambulance Serv, ce one 120 ,r,..FUWD• LODGE, • Director 11111111111111111111111111 !ARE 25e Take advantage of this loaf Week -end for •, visit, home or away with ' friends Por redo ax ct - irocenmatio4 ask any Itailway Ti kct • Agent, aotaiet* @azzerit` • i Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls prom t1y attended to day or night --01BULANCE SERVICE -'- Phones : Store 335, Res. 305W,. t, treet ' Goderich Hamilton S , _ 144\ MO4E STY -LW. Everyone recognizes . inOldsmobile the-Styfleader car of -the year• Grace..., f_u 11 str fined from, front end ess front- any to rem, ;OTc1s reflects smarms angle—stands out frchix' all ' the rest as a beauty f ,ittonv:1'rERFORMANGE . With a big, powerful, Performance - packed engine in the 014 Sixty, you get finer performance --- from r s... as -s eed. =-�getaway.,tp.:anueing•k p . smoother action, foo, in the Olds Seventy and Custom 8 Cruiser t ., t b O • M RE cOMFORT'r Oldsmobile's all -coil -spring" chassis,ombined yvith wide, roomy I. Body by Fisher, brings you today's las t word i riri,riding ease—either i n ;the drivel's seat or rear coinpart- meint.:Olds is tops, tri comfort! MJ. IML'l f SP •!`Ifl% LESS TO $1111, Cofisidering its size, . power and • _:Guality, Olds caste you /664 be;, ise it-ives you more—and ore —rind at that, Oldsmobile p p rices' stoat right , _ `° down iii the lose• -price field. Buy a big, new Olds and you save money 1, .LESS FOR GAS!, Six•orEight, Oldsmobile's precision» built, pressure -lubricated engines are marvels in economy. Records show that all Olds 'models for 1940 save more crit gas thein, over cost Iess to rune per milel LESS FOR TEKEEP ! Oldsmobile's quality standards in materials and workmanship are 'reflected in long life and Minimum • repair and replaeet hent expense. i • Come n and ued how you get more • and save more with Olde I I Geo. G. MacEwan, Goclerich, Ont. b-46 r• • •n