HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-14, Page 2!A1 TWO 'id -entire , z: ��#�.. USG- `� i EBI i�'V A, i� 61��A Published - y�p�r�� ns�� may nn,yn� I'rtblished b r Si�al-$taar Piers, „Tei Hite+, Wert Street. o e ficin Ontltrio • 14th, 19i..9,mm PEACE YOu L' ze n�ercya:e-e rtnf his 4rleturn return-tothe Cabinet 'll i. b`±. J�M.4'-iiaafur s tte be H :•ti' Z1. • Tta,,,newsof the' si�nuiu of peece' °--EDITG .L NOTE$ � w terms i��' H u la ,and i.,inlanaaA re- �9 •e rn"p.intod 0.up TµeFe. 11111a* Vt.' ,Ce between nussl a C.I.e hard p1}4eer4 and,.:x^'.,allaD!,a-that uloue they could -not Witloetandthe, weight of the vast Itueeitana aruny, tln ay yielded to the goViet 'deMore s, rather than, have their whole country overrun by the igvaders. The herole staud Df the littie country •a ais t its gigatie neighbor had Stirred ed th, d sono ..the world, and, although there ES miia that suer sta %e5n , and . -eouragg. And xui7li4ry have net 'ion the SLi Bess the.' desel ve 'it -edgy well . be etn►9wceded tlaat -he Pians $Rave-dieth' all t ataen pan reasonably be eaeeted to do . and lhsat in the eyes of the ►etrld�--car at least of the civilized pos- tiona a •thl wturfld•7-thea'• have nehleved a moral *tory. It is said that the Russian terms, in- eiudzng • the +ceSsieu tarp tame imPortaaut, territory, are more severe than the proposals formerly made by BusslL and Meeted by ' Philand. These :terms, e & u labe�Pever, 'are. • n.(�w ac coaptdi der ri rttt�R. sails axe Ville „Feat settle tlp after the eonnvlusion of scar its l cartspe'r there. may be -soMetiaiag better f6r 'heroic little Paulen,. • Ativording to cable despatches .there,;° Alf4(TileriOitt would uudoiabkciiiy tam Tach Cabinet rau'1, • a • ilfria Il igh ogoia, Toronto -Con- servative, rs7atxive, > a in candid meod when he t a ai an ata lieace the 'other day- deet ,i eel in to in the Voter o emolon'o, were reepeneible more, than rnyw e iatie for enreed ano unaprenaretlnuees fee war, "It is aai n to pretend,' he della ti "that we have ever hod taxa agealauato 6ysteni of• defence under any administration siesta the last war. We hove always minaal <a Minkel 413f (le fa: sag_ c, ,at .Ottawa i u wce 3 3tc° who would cunttie avva y,, ?3ii;e a blot` at(1_ttnl�aanal, lOaut roe er~ bet p burn anti SIatte lzi �. * There ts to be a:ver=nal eeliii e of the wane assn, " April ytl -sand a total -eclipse of soie''polltielaans oto-• Mauch t►th. • ---'After all, we mast ad{►oit that Mitch 'Hepburn• tins : nn jetted some color into what was o'tllerwnse a drab election eampaXgn.. he r►v 're e 1 eti for `ante if we ie e oxt; �" ee ►• candid, ought admit that, although he Is. Positnve:about how the whole c*ubtry, is going, he wouldn't' risk a prediction" oaa �a w .suiiF-i)tiViS on. t".k ♦ " • rreaiett' Hepburn has shown himself to be minuscule as ,a°politician in his banning of the "Canada at 'Par" film; aecording to a British Columbia paper, oloted in The Toronto Star the other days _.Was "minus ule"- a misprint or tt word With 'which - .--- -- .� ...� we � Were not ae'- beetle under • the merest blast tCr(awaa -0 ant°s �Aacphall, thaat rdent tr acifst," The Canadian Press reports that Gil candidates were pltaced in nomination on :iiondoy , for the 2.1 seats in the' House of commons. Tutscompares with 5 , at � n �..�« r +evens .� i � keen thep �t 9 'S" Reconstractaon party had manyeaudi. dates. This year's list of i 72,Is ramie cap of -240 Liberals, 21a ' attonat1 a ov- eraimexit (Conservative) ...candidates, 00 O.C.F., 2S' New Democracy, and 05 Miers, .These is a ' contest " In every 'tiding, ainl the largest zi tuber of can dilates .in, any one riding is eight, in 'the Verdundistrict of Montreal One of the eight n is a woman, fie only 'woman candidate in the Province of Quebec. •e • • Too proposal, tinned 'with the name ofr Hon" H. H. Stevens,. that Canada. Should ;. hold out for a price' of $1.50 a b ,9122,0i?ero "fit doe ,iaotcomauen itself from. the s�tandpoint:�;,tidier .of quainted? Consulting the diction try, lay` ilt3.. -we thud the word, aaaetauing 'small Or liieayune: And it .fits. 1, disappoi avag?Pant in. London and pails i * k s over, tis(, in e ;t of the 'ileame ternen Tlac late - Field Marshal liaaig is ;when Britain and Franc had ,assured is quoted °;e4 saying, as the .reason fur the 'dated of substantial aid. D•otubtiess failure of the allied forces to press on • i. the it -ins i,la;,CA'pl.auatiw-sai would be that . to Berlin in. 11118, that. "it would have the-r'omised aids. woulaa be too late in. cost :ai `ither 59,OH O lives." One may - reaching them. 1`or months the Pin- vroncler how many lives will be lost, as nish pe, ple hod -been 'bled wtute,. and ,ti,the remit of that deei io ul t that • . tune, of c .' nrsei no one co. d - such •a�xtr�aty .rh`i�sm.Ld hole, x� , • � • -. � . '� � Course' . � : events that is a little ... no longer: , They ilaa,vc. tiwrratten a 111 ata, the Curse (if t en� _ delible chapter -au the as `es of history,' more than two _(k(�ade -requires, that P 1 ` ,.the war of 1.9111-I:S be- 'fought over , -and for thea,>re5ea�t Sa't_•1f''a"^'t'thi° Cl�aalDter h , . , is' closed y"' ,- .agaain. N - .. -•,,, ;� ,> . _ a .i. :.. is been , raposed that for the ODS' "�.N�- IN�At��'..�....,.�...�,:, .-.,�. .. ......,„�:-• fitere the sever ll ca u paign : for • war t funds be, merged in one, so that the Tho vagaries of Ontario polities are I people. may ;not have to_ meet .-continual atrpari ftly without limit. -A short -It ed appeals" If this Is not considered ad- sensaltion • Was "treated. by, the''resi na- vlsable, would it not be well for the do from the Hepburn, i^,abinet en Mon- variolas organizations: to ' gel together nee, aey day of Hon. I e. Nixon. Tie reasons and arrange a program or. schedule given by Mr. Mxon for, his action were so that • the appealsY may be spaced theeeentinuousattaeks. by the premier: throughout the year instead of coming, a tr.. xt tae ` ed Government, - fir. s..,they,.have done,. almost Oa one an Hepburn's_ -flirtation with the Opposi- other's heels? 'tion leader, Col. Drew, and finally Mr. - • ^ - • o - l ep'burxn's baaaning from Ontario o the' The Conservative• --or NationalGor- picture''Garuda ;' -at War and 1-era2xnernt : lnae-up -is-strengthened. the charge that "violent dlitUrbaneee,:,..at I nomination' of M. A. Dias'herson, S.G., or of good 'sense. The idea of r DE=81 SIGNALSTAR a' the ether Conoty to ss au xra ated iirieler wheat to, feed her able in thio -time Q auris is surely repugnant to auyone who sxtaeereyy s1pa peri Britain's war ett'ort. 1t is re: membered, torr that, mot Many years ago t'zauada's Wheat Hoard tried to iu;. lle tyritain, pay raae>~e than the narltet i otee for 4°ansae➢flans wheat. The rcoullt Wag 'khat PritZisb ben 'ers looked elee- t� .herd and Canada ,had to earth nna Bons of bushes of unsold wbaeat for seve>z": l -e ,years. Tito wear and, natural. r r" 1i b y c•(nra(i tflc nes ana�a„:,lu tient force the p.�ttca; of wheat wen aaecula�l the ;�1.1l1 anatanr.�, but a deliberate hold-up is seraaeth?�Dat; ,4iaEfa�reaat., � _, `'•DE1.1) THI RED CROSS Stop that Tickling In, the Throat i iris” That tnc lig in the„throats is meat distressing, and is caused by s, cold Settling in the throat, The dry, hard cough not oily keel n in misery all day long, but also prevent* you getting good night a sleep:: . Whit • you need to relieve t tickling cough ia'Dr. Wood's Norway Pine syrup. This' valuable preparse tion is composed 'of the nio�at aootla ing` and healing expectorant barks and: herbs with which; is combined the : virtues of the world-famous Norway pine tree. - 0, When you : ask for .f,fpr. Dr. Wood's” r _rte -batt you set it. -",..,` _- m The T. Milburn Co.A Ltd., Toronto; Ont. x alS contig t iy be of vglue to V.011$ us in the ttnlni Y s1 WIC yastttr fames tsa e ~ tiicEi4 the ,.G: A F. sehoot at St. Thomas Were in some . ay evidence of neglect or ''m s as agemeft, on the. part -of the Ottawa authorifi. Mr, :1 ixon'explahaed bis 'vote for the Hepburn motion' in the L? islature cat-, as -the party candidate n Regula. ' lir: MnePhersoaa who addressed' a meeting in'the present campaign if Wingham, Was: rot finer -up - to . Dr: Mansion in the vote for the leadership in 1935; but, lee was not rimmed as a candidate for the Gering the Feral Government by _House of :Commons. until last._ week, statingthatthe resolution was precipi- 'When a place was made for him by the Wed `ewithout .t moment's Warning, withdrawal of the former nominee. In the Premier stating that if it did not the event'of a Conservative victory Sirs Carry,' he Would at' once resign, which I meant the Provinee would be immersed in the throes of a bitter Provincial election on the leeFle of Canadaas..:cnn- duet ..the War." • Mr. - Nixon went on to says , `'Since the House was prorogued - .:matters hsv raliidty gone from'bad• to worse; continuous attacks have been directed aigainst' the Federal Government in the conduct of ;the prat l y thei"rci er-u d -colonel •Drew: It does seem to me that if „Colonel Drew- deiaires ,ta dominate and - dictate • in, Canada's war the should either te • in, tile'' ar�rny, for which` -service he undoubtedly leas great qualifications, training - anti- experience, nti-e perien , or he should be masa- didat.e in this- election . for the e 'House of 'Com ionn which has 'the responsibility and 'jurisdiction for carrying oh the war, not .the Legis-. lature ayf , Ontarm. "In pr periv ,holing after the affairs of thisgreat Province, which has one-tliard tine • mutation of t: ;l rill anfI -h'ijf It ea1th3aa1nY'd'- Industries, there is a work sanport- A at '•f'nipugh. for any oVernim0nt, 1t!'<2" supporters and opposition., 1 'for one am content to leave the . con,` �.. duct ' of the war ' in the capable 'Iattir'of the Federal Governmmennt. and till natter pertaining to the ainiillta>ry, whether it- ileo disturb. axtees by soldiers, MenlAW 0 L ,` 1 Or What ,�,ot, to Military autborltaea and arrow dxselplinie."• Although he „pretended at first• tt►: treat' , :VNisoii's tc. ignationn with unZ Concern, the Premier, as his 43crb30, 'emtt • ueti hs £stowed, was' deeply distnr ed, • and on :T ne day he sought his fornier" colleague and sue seeded. in eil'eehnng as rotoneiliation, :Mr. , `ixonA withdrawing his resi ,najionn. In tilO meantime' there ,lied been afiti.ve talieenhetron in political dices Ss to the pooslbla 'i!onsequenceo of Sire, liti7 sonl'o withdrawal of support ''roans: the wean tivbo e chief .I etittsant he had limn since, the formagen ;of tire Hep- burn (abnnret .in 1034. Dill. it mean a break-up of the .Liberal party in On- tario? Did it, era' thP c -01 * ---`P -' of `Mr.1 ,eas a fetor in>i Ontario polities? Did it ,mean an$ olieaa �abli� iia e between 1I pburn :anal ' Dry ter? It is no sill that tilo'Ensntio of'Ontario' tel ett' a are a13: w,erttd the nttec'liiariee3 taut conclude. of Mr: Hepburn and ' if no longer aePuowlledge ehMtr a,s their leader. Mie. ixoifs break was balk (f eta a sign ;9f sinctrnty wbete there bad m!.'t'med tU l4' Hence what the on fin ti • eiC este yovr w invite yob rot s 7• ake .oar. g't/1e.ri'` achi.ery When something wears out or breaks dOvvp, on your "mai: ery, bring theP arts tous; if its J41,1e, we cat fix it WELDING '. pr'PAIG East St. Geo. PHONIC 206J . MACHINE 'WORK - Stokes GODER3CH' ill Oft 014 it> - t` i/>cst9Rp p e d itF3 tut np tt Wit, tlaros'��'�'�c Pottle tro,tell, spot , u' "e apps iu,ils tu¢taoup Becks or 5pralus, . . `• fi ' oeke silo pains, °to,, Gsbotch to L�ei isee «iv(1' ito 4.11111.111111.111111011101.11.001011104 Have You Rowed Your Suda0 illi dl d ,AAS' '! 3411,1940 Ion'*aitthil you ars 1 before bayiug t sew ►i . Boom or Bed Room Suite. Izt now) before prices wilv0,1143 • 3TOVE0 LINOLEIMIO MATTRatIES. W. H. Blackstone a4 a O RI I sa h Pi ce Tobacco s tUo ect orrery., 'fie Deliver Cigarettes Phone 24Q DO YOUR T «. HIh SALVAT Itl».i ARMY 'TAR D • ARY'&JII A • POLITICAL PATRONAGE • I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE ,POVERNM NT-OrCANAPA-. WOULD LET IT'S -FRIENDS, PROFIT BY WAR'WHEN THc USAN p$ OF YOUNG. MEN ARE GOING OUT TO DIE ••FOR THEIR .COUNTRY DO YOU MEAN TO STAND THERE AND -TELL ME -THE -GOVERNMENT ,.WOULD SOONER PUT A `I.ESI QUALIFIED .MAN INTO A POSITION OF 'RESPONSIBILITY THAN GO OUTSIDE ITS OWN, PARTICULAR CLIQUE:' FOR AN EXPERT 41 • IT DOES NOT .SEEM POSSIBLE- . BUT OSSIBLE','ioUT IT IS TRUE! .° • K r ONLY SIX E,REI ER ... VAT• V CONSI ES, HAVE NEVER. LEARNED THAT DIVINE PROVIDENCE -GAVE,.. ALL THE BRAINS TO,. PARTY 4 ot Thi EIV`"Tt11 f rt NOT -CANADA'S=.: Vi `R.• -1T IS 7 ► THE LI6ERALS• .. . Il I^' LL, OUT OF$6�.: MEN 'CHOSEP4 TO H _:AD 18 WAR .0OARD5 SINCE LAST SEPTEMBEt „- - YOU ARE .JUST ABOUT RIGHT:, MY'' DEAR 410 /V WONDER THE- E$'Da _MAN IV N'S - NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 1 A NATION AT WAR NEEDS A NATIONAL GOVE' 44. • AutliorizeiI' ' 1' • Nate anal Government Ftecdoluortters, :ld0 WellingtonStreet � Ottawa � CTi a,,„„„, see how the cost of ElectriCalYears Living has gone DOWN these 1914 1919 1924 •.. •..�. 1929 1934 1939° Average f ariuiy'a suitiptiorief monfbly ;co i Hydro power $ilowaft-.H,' Jsverage cost 'On es) per'. o'rraif-l:io",sr « 4 0 2.82 cent's . 1,119 cents z• this, lis* avfrag..ontavie famly loday batt 734 times at .much tiettrticity as the overdue family of 1914. But due to the °steady rsdettion.in Hydro acct, tint average domestic Hydra: bH1' has increased over this period NOr 7 tirnss-bid only from $ Times Mpre Electricity for Only Twice the Cost! R. AND MRS. AVERAGt HYDRO USER: Through the pmt quarter- century, . your, cost for Hydro service hair become lower and lower.* While the cost of ahnost everything etse has gone up, the cost of nyclro power has come DOWN.' Today, Hydro.iserviee is your BIGGEATBARGAIN! 'h.» eiiart above t lla you the stori, Just • a glance will show you that as the use of. Hydro power has increased, the cost has steadily decreed. ' Compatriot what Your money buys today with what it bought THE HY3D R O -E' yeas ago—and you'll quickly see .that today's family enjoys more than 73 giros as mach electrical service for only twice' the 1914 cast. today, due to the efforts of The Hydro - Electric Rower_ Commission of Ontario--- and your own 'Municipal Hydro- System - it costs you les'money to live better. Remember, Hydro is your public 'utility service • . a service that costs only, pennies a day to use and enjoy to the full! *Coq • gores att 1-.)ztti'iw r21 st'! ' a Ora Wel r concur r,peso,n in • URBAN ares. raMy. 1141 irr C'T IC - P O E R. `O M "i S S and lo j BRINGS YOU BETTER LIVING vers Living Costs! . . OF OillTARI