HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-14, Page 1NINEXX-SECOND *FRAM,. NO."11
Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star
Candidates Speak
from Sante Platform
3. Deaohman aud L.E, Cardiff
Addrem North Huron Voters
at Nomination Meth*
March HUM
North !had a tate of old-fasbioned
Pelitie$ today, When the returning et-
&leer for the riding, Mr. Horace 4
riallor of Gederieh, aWieueed that the
candidates in 'the fiirtncoming election
Were'Robert John Deachraan, econom-
ist, af Ottrieva,i. end Lewis. Msten
Cardiff, farmer, .Of Morris townsnip.
Mayor et Halley Crawford- presided
at etne meeting Whielt followed the
nominations. Fifteen MinliteS We.e
allotted to Mr. Deachman, twenty min-
utes to Mr. 'Cardiff, ‘and ten raim4es
for -4- rebuttal by - Mr.Deoehman 'as-
_ • the forme; member:7-f '
Front the heghaning of the first ad-
dress 'the speechee . were bitter, both'
candidates lashing back and -forth at
each other, lkir. Dea.eliman attacked
the Operation' for ,proposing to swap
horses in midstream: • Ile ridiculed the
idea that a new groun Of legislators
eould he_eXPectedeto nave- on the work
.of the present 'GoVernmeat.--
. The Tariff Question
"Mr. iCardiff says that tariffs are not
important," declared ' Mr. Deacliman,
"Yet during each eleetion-of the pest
twenty years tariffs formed the main
plank in the 'Conservative platform, and
they advoeated tariffs as, a cure-all.
"The Conservatives Said we were
leading the country into ruin, and yet
when we *examine the ease for farm
produtte-wee'find that they increased
daring the period between 1935 •and
1939 by over $1,220,000, over the pre-
vious live yeas. A Government which.
led us in,Peate„ can, lead eta, In the time
of struggle," sai the'Vberal,tandidate.
.„.1.4.!Me. Cardiff has declared that Under
the present Government the farmers
are., getting pnly., enough money - that
they're raising hogs for the exercise of
It. I disagree with him, because 'the
eseeferMers-areeraislur ,-one millionesone-
hundred - and twenty enpusanil, more
hogs this year than Tetsteyear.: They
"Wouldn't ''be raising 'loge for the fun
• of It, and .when, we examine therecord
we 'fad thittfarmersare getting--
• tween. five and six. dollars a hundred
more for hogs than they werein:1938
• or 1932,” •Mr. Deadhrnan declared, ,
"When 1 was working at he House.
of Commons to have 'Sky Harbor air-
port taken. over by the -Government for
the training of pi1ots,7 said Mr. Deitch-
. man,„"Mr. Cardiff was stalking up and
down the riding Whispering that I:Was
not a resident. of 'Heron county; - Ile
states in his advertising that I do not
pay taxes' in Huron celerity; but what
more righteeloes his paying- taxes In
Iluroa give him* to stand In the House
' f Commons anti vote with the -Con-
servatives to have your eattle shut out
of the American market'?"
• UK Cardiff's Speech
Mr. -Cardiff 'made- a fiery speech in
which he accused the Dominion Gov-
ernment (Sf being unprepared for war.
• He said diet when war broke out they
l'had nothing. ready and that men a tne
second division had to be Stripped to
clothe the men of the first division.
Patronagein contraets :found them with
guns with crooked barrels, and mechan-
ized divisions were training without a
• single mechanical, unit. Ile charged
that at the outbreak of the war all the
Liberal Government did, was to install
A few.: pest genie and, gun 'sheds. •
`They linfit a gunshedin WingeaM,t
said the speakers-eatedealleehee-goodeite
will be ie. to hang coatilirwhen there's
a dance in' the artnories.,We do --not
, have a Liberal Red Gross or a Con-
servative Red Cross, nor do we have
Liberal ()re Coetervative Soldiers. 'In
war times weeshoultle have A National
Government without fitatty,polities. r.
Deachman should be ashamed even to
mention the airport at Godericle be-
• cause he didn't do etnektheng for it. As
fat as I'm concerned; My -leader,. Dr.
Manion, said after the outbreak of war
that we were to stop campaigning, and
that's 'exactly what I did', and I was
not going up *and 'deem the riding
peaking about Deachman. I' will fight
the St. Lewrence waterways schenie
Whicla was engineetece by Premier King,
and if rth .0e'eted I will be a full-time
4inan and spend 'my 'tine In -the tiding
Serving its interests." •
"My service in the Huron CountY
'Council MA 1 believe, given, me a full
aed ceniplete„pleture of the affeirs in
the ecninte," 'Citediff went on to
say,' "and, If I am elected I will spend
,ely tiine on the floor of the House Wok-
ing after the interests of Huron' county_
believe thirtene-'jinembereettrittitl return
A„:"' betWeen the'sessibn§ to bis honie eon-
itr etittteney where lie can be ready to
• serve and con:stilt .` with the people of
• ' riding." • ,
_e The rarnietts Dollar
"„ouring the period frota january 1st,
until the lst of tarch the„ exports of
' beef tattle to tire 'United States ever°
11,000." Last year in the same period
they were 3E5,000.* Cart Mr, Deachman
tell me why this great market is fall-
ing off?" aeked Mit Cardiff,* "In epite,
.of the famous low tariff the 'plea ef
-Implemellte has Increased. and taking
a mower we And that In 10:16, it was
$OO .and today it la $120. FarmerS
haven't any more money now, than they
had then, but the prleee of implements
are inereasing. ;Ur. Deaeliman and his
party are telling how they 11elped4e
'farmer. am 'yet, trepording to'Die:;.T!
Lattimer, professor of economics at'
Matdonald College,. the farmer's dol-
lar has eblirunit to about 83 ,per cent,
and the countercial letter i; 1i('(1 by the
Canadian Bank of Coneneree wet that
the farmer'e , {haler LAS Shrunk. to $0
per emit."
In his rebuttal )Jr, T)eaelintan de-
fended Alit leader for diseolving Parlia-
ment bY deciarlire: "As SOMI tm. Parlia-
ment nett; etilleh the Conservativee
started',In int a flaming eanipaign tor
• election, and etarted to harp on minor
details and would haee carried it on
• for et least four month. TheY would
• have continued with their eenseleel
eritieletiS 11 fi Would have made it lin-
Nell Camerell RePeetlents LiberalIn
• Davenport ipdhig
'The Liberal eandidete itt the Dew*.
Pert riding of Toronto is none other
than 'Neil Cameron, Whe conducted a
drYgeods store in Gilerielt about thirty
Yeats ago'. Mr. Cameron issuesa four-
-page eaMpaign sheet called The Daven-
port -Rode% a eCePY of • which has
reached this it is a lively Sheet
and, gi:vps evidence that Mr. Canner=
letplittleg up a spirited caMPaign:
After leaving Goderiele lifre Oaraeron
was 'tor stogie years organizer for the
Retail Merchants' Association, residing
Itt Toronto. Ile handled this „Joh , so
well that he was ,sent to NeW Brune -
wick to do Wenner work- there. About
twenty years ego he returned te, Tor-
onto a.nd establiebed a 'china Iniporting
house which has grown. progressively
ever street.. Witielim le this nusinees
are his two eons, Donalti_Alexander and
DouglasHaig. Ile has also two daugh-
ters, one .of whom, Dorothy jean, is
secreta,re at Fredericton, N.
B., while the other,. Mary Irene, de at-
tending Alma College, St. Thomas.
Seven Minutes Late
Undsittfeltiteers announced that John
R, Head a Peterborough had ,been,
:chosenees-tee C.C.F.ectindidatesineyene
,toria-naliburton. - Mr. Hand was a
resident of Goderich for a time while.
he -conducted a printing shop here. He
was at tete time the publisher of The.
tnelon Falls Gazette, -.A. despatch
from Iiindeey states teatelefr. Hand ar-
rived at the o ii clal nomination meet-
ing' on Monday seven minutes after the
returning,ofticer had declared the nom-
inations closed. • 'Mr. - Hand explained
that ,his _par - had aiddeled on the ley
road and was so damaged temehe had,
to hire another ear to -get to Lindsay,
us 'Celebrate . THEY WANTTQ irOTE,„' ^ Transport Minister .
85th Birthday Ask etti.irtiltenteuefr vit Thanks Iluron, Co
.,-,,,No one ean foretell what the readfiror- ----tee - ,
AAshilold Worthy nit
__musses the weather will be like on election day, For offer of 0k7 Buxbur.Airport
•Politics, AsIdiela Sistory.
Morris township are taking no- ebances, --Plas in Course of
but Reeve Duncan and his Connell of
and Laiiree. he Panfiliel - , They waited in 4 tiOdY on the County Preparation
. , • rt
<' , t ' ' i ( ' I r:ale01ffinlOritGiericien Tues
Atintereaiee lgeteen Goderietaim01n1ora1uiurtcountyequiv: .--------,
'Under date ef,March 4th, the Wilily
yesterdayt (Wedneed4Y) was William ment be usedlo asenre SOme manner of Of Haren, le in receipt of a letter from
t . ,
A. toesteet wee, en Tueeday of this, transportation on the eldelines and ton- tee pevartmerit of, Transport CUM C.'
week bserved his ' eighte-fittli, birth.' oaes:+eotiniti ocittraorfebon2aowtillin TAIlloorrari0118 :11411 )2. H. ew.e, .3t1,_ hateter) thanking the
, get fieutet, only one beaten sleigh track on the ljaulgY "r us. Nv)1°1°'.11arted su. P114:Prt
day, as did, a twin brotber, John, wilt)•
,statp, 0 wagtingon. , Doh „are met tOwnshitt roads, Viie, Ceunell wants in placing Sky MOO airport at tile
lives at Ferndale, on the Pu
field men, Sone Of Asblield pioneers, IA nd t%ortittasinbo'uroir; bPreloakuvtgdp etiorimde widened so Go4espeiretiumsentoere tehiespesee,
would lee available for wheeling in a developraent of this
both are late and .'lletietY. William
field to meet training requirements 'ire
lives on the b•°111"itead' tw° miles north fete days. In case Of more temet they , , 4,, ,, te
of Mattel,. on the Blue Water highway. ,
while in Gtodeeite eett, Johnston, could be opened up much More eaelly, now in the' course e..e PrePartneen, eel
.00:teebiiitafsroett7 aan4hirhthis,awyitpetnyh.rinee uxoonorse lemoiAseitiro,autglhentwhiaoS, ipsrothm:fiedmbte'Tt:wensco:ip- letter. states 111 Parr:
,tt is explaint edd that whenthetthue Gotreera-
his. junior, 410 eattnetbing IQ -"I ())1 Council personally to requette, County. mule: ttaraeutisueeSfe thae lease
eceers :laud '1*s:rt.'
politic, Ashdeld historY, and large, assistance, enquiries have
families. Not only is he lilinself one a
eeveral other townehips as to, the PesT
Pine tr,oln veyors who spent eight weeks here this
Johnston, daughter of Noble johnsten.
with whom eost,ete. Arrangemeats are being made 'winter were net complete. Before going
ahead with them the Departineut first
Mime but SO was his molter, Margaret
sihility of haling the work denee,the
ee •• Bees, wee . is the •erette, father, ee ,gtoeteoSusutrteotyhoatte peonopetewulolul 1)0 able to
Also his son William,. jr, wv,.2..ehr:dfrotomstehceurraentnhiedipeaaisite5i.ort. the_ pro -
twins, a boy and a girl. .....-.......---..-........_ , ' "Further advice will be given on the
,. "I never -heard, thitt; this sort of
thing ' a1YPTmWsICSqunn‘wx
Nevi 'Machine One of Latest Modetti-
ettersatile4In Operation
. „
e The County road. commission on
model caterpillar, motor grader at
a cost - of 6.1)proximatela. ' $8,000.
- •
The commission was in seesion,
most of the day "and adjourned
to Tuesday of -this weeleto complete its
routine work. ' •
The new motor grader is one of the
latest and largest machines. of its kind
and can be used for either maintenance'
or construction work, also einowedOtet
ing if needed. It IS e tandem foer-
wheel:eirive Vwith twelve -foot reversible
blade, 'six speeds :eheed and two back.-
- Verstitility of...operation isetne-feattire
a. the machine,. The blade can .b , ex-
tended to one side for ditching or used
perpendicularly- for widenieg Se; road
through a "Or by duffing down the
hanks:Ineeead- of eturning the ma-
chine ironed the blade is reversed.
These are only aefew- of the features.
It is a Diesel oil -burner- of 'n6 horse-
power. The rubber tires are -12.75 and
,24 inch.es. _ -
'The purchase was made from Genera
Supply 0o., Torento. The machine is
manufactured in Peoria, Ill. • Four
other firnie were unsuccessful tender-
eks. • ,
Reeves Roland Grain, of Turnberry,
(chairman) c --&-A. Scott of iSeaforth and
0.erese Armetron.g,:- a Hay, with
Warden Veagein, compese the commis -
sloe. " e • •
At its meeting on Tuesday afteenoon
Centrat-llomeandeSchool.--Cluir heard a -
_thoughtful and interesting eiteleseeeley
Miss r. E. Sherman 031 'Character De-
velopment in Children." Miss Share
Mall urged that children be taught
ebedience; appreciation a the good and
beautiful things in life, and a love of
nature. They should have the example
'of ger-Isbell). living by .tlieir parer'
and :their surroundings in home 'Ad
elsewhere shouldlbe such OS to ' develop
the right kind of character. -
The .president, Mrs. Nbrman Wark,
tbAnked Miss Snarman 'for her splendid
address. Miss Alma Howell contributed
,a delightful piano• • sent. The banner
for having the largest number of
mothers 'present was wen by Miss. G-.eieDowell'e tooni.
finaldeeisibia aeNen as adecision IS
reacned," the letter states.
-the-lather of six children. baveAlthougb. -dated March 4th,- the
twenty-three: grandchildren and one Floyd Lodge ParchaseifBrogfeilnkiiin- letter was not -received -here initir
'great-granticeild. Oh, ,yes, I forgot tef ture and lindlertalnine Business . March .11th, It is regarded as merely
tett you_vneof , my daughters, Jean An important change in the buemess formal aeknewledgment and apprecia.-
(Mrs. MeKelth, Vancouver) ' is the life of ,Goderich took place last .Satur- tion of the County's Action le placing
mother of win girls. How many does dayewhen Jar. Floyd Lodge purchased the airport at the Government's dis-
that make?... I have almost forgotten," the old-eStabliefted furniture and wader- Pesal. When nlans Are completed they
said the aged gentlenian. dking 'business Of the late Joseph will be placed with theiVpartnient of
'Mr. Johnston's lather, Alexander,' ,Brephey on West 'Street. A son of Defence for line deetelon., '
who came from R.osshire lie 1807, was Mrs. Robert (Logo eWilion, Floyd '
one of the fathers of eestileld. His was a printer's apprentice at The LAST CARGODISCHARGED
friend, Kenneth MeGre6r, was thefirst , as' a boy for a short thete, but
.0,ne of the mom
at rearkable tributee
ever paid to a political candidate *p'
pears in, the advertisement ef the Neth
Huron Liberal Astociation,' on auotner
page of Oda issue. , It consiete a ex-
traetS -from persouel letters and, press
comneentet trout atif west as Victoria
througe to, Mialtreal, it -covert, a wide
range of autjeets,. but with partieular
'emphasis upon the rural problem *2
whieletqr. Deaelnuan has made a very
careful stittlY and o11. which lee las
given several rentarltable pronemtge-
moats in'the. Reuse of Coetrie‘ Os; .
Not only liae lie been active on the
:floor ot the' House, but o11. cenunitteee,
in the Press and on the publie plat-
form. lite:articles-written last summer
from 11, inghant with references to the
surrounding towne of Goiede, Dungan-
non, Aubuen and other little but im-
portant spots -attracted wide attention
and were reprinted in mane' Palters in`
this county.
His • article entitled eetaeltt to 'the
Towu" WAS.a splendid Presentation of
the contention that we have leaned too
inueh, on the cities and have paid too
little attention to the towns. The ecity
too often has a poeverful voleeeettelle
the towns and the rural areas are ilOt
sufficiently vocal to maketivietopintons
fele in the councils Of the nation:
white man* to put smoke up ineashfield: soon dikoveeed he Warrin the wreng Stettnier Bayten Laet of Winter Fleet
Doaald McRae was another of the niche. then went to Dutton, to to Be Unlowl at Elevator
_fathers. ' - learn- the Undertaleingetirofetsloa and The transferring of grain from' the
Of ceiirse Mt. Johnston is a Presby- later spent three years with tne-tirm Winter fleet at Goderich harbor was
terian, and when -Somebody said some- of d38.1)., & Zalefe, Clinton, - securing his completed :on Saturday, when the-. str.
thing About polities he propdly de- diploma While therette was engaged Bayten "was unloaded at the elevator,
elared: "I am a Uttelenzie Xing man -with a funeral loMe at London for accomplishing -the transshipment by rail
and I don't care who eknows it. I used -some time before eonting back to Ceode:. "of more than 3,000,000 bushels a grain
to think that Hephitrn was t‘ all, 'right, ,rien three yeifr ago. to associate him- 'front Goderich to the Atlantic seaboard
but I have my • doubts now. I don't self with the late Joseph BroPbev. Mr. ---------ncfirst of the year.
• 6
-thalkeriltev.eretettettor Weir agahattetettleidge' plaided -and has .netshilii.• ot
'rather ifeank .and revealing statement, He is a Member of the phoir of Knox
from an. octogenarian at this juneture peesbyterian eleurth:
rif the pelitical: situation. • ,
To Be Presented. hi Knox Clair h on
sunday Evening
The Lenten cantata "Penitence,
Paeilon and Peaee," by j. Maunder,
will be presented in Knox ,caurch ou
'Sunday evening next )y the choir of
the church, under tile direction of Miss
J1eanoriSnider, organist • .and - their
directress. 'The taatatte is compare.-
tively brief, and beginning at, 840
-o'cleek not ("teem)" more:, than
thirty:41,e minutee. • ;
Dr. 11, 8. Thomson
on. Dental Ilygiene
Series of Iteetings Addressed met
Triday—Tooth Decay
Dr„ Harry .8. Thomson be Toronto,
'field secretary of the esumildiall That**
Hygleue Council, had M. big ditev
Otelerich oa Friday last. In. the . orike
-lug lie addressed thee students of the
Collegiate Institute, and In tte after-
noon, at MaelCay IIufl,tte spoke to tit*
61 tirte PUblie and sePerette
schools, his subject being "Dental,
ktygiene. Latet iii the afternoon he
had'an auda
ieeee of women In Merty
Hall, and in the evenitig he addreeited
the Lions Club oe its regular meetheft
at Hotel Bedford.,
Addressing tim gathering et women,
the speaker, who was IntroducedbY
W. F. %allow, M 011explaitted that
the objective' in •these talks 'was to testi*,
the people of Ontario tlie importseute
of 'having eound teeth and to educate.
them in.the care of the teeth. * sur-
vey made reeently showed that Oni7
twenty-four per ,cent. of the peePie Of
Ontario ever viSit deutiete so „Alit
somo.ineans had -to -be- tatken. ter ieetnter
the public la dental eealtet ,
parts' of tootli and bow dee ay affects
the tooth so" that ;the uerve dies and
an abscesettts-formed.' Tee bacteria.
wnich form in the teeth 6preaglIhrOUgb
the boeyy and in a' 'few weeite artbritls
or some other diseasemayeettle in the
f1oueS Ue stated that title Was §IMP1,7
felloWing it nteaieal "law toll)* effect
that lto one part of the, 'bedY eau hi
diseased without all parts Of the body
suffering. • • —*
.Dr. Thompson stated that ninety-
eight per tent, of the Anglo-Saxon. race
are suffering from decaying teeth. In
New . Zealand it was found • that only
one out of every hundred people of tilt.'
Maori tribe has decayed teeth. It Wsts
thought ,that this evasedue to the fate
that the Maoris live atm* entirely Oa •.
-----1I._ bushels of grain- ', 11.emberit of other -congregations will fruits and ire_agetables..;abut it,6w:1101745,47_.
lase tan was seat 'east during.the'same. and '`-'seasol-able,,. production, And n have *-CleetlYe WW1,
-period. • ' • te- cordial- invitation • le extended to all. fish And fats with no vegetables •witat- -
'Atthough tee lake is elear of lee off There Will be a diner -collection, ever. It was theeefore eoncluded that -
this port, at the present time, the hare The regular .chureh services -et this it was not may particular kind of food, •
lot -entrance and meet oftteliarbor are evetting van -nomeaenee at 7.46 editor; eteertatain.Aenteessaaxre,vneelacitenetsd,..-huteerettte.r
The outside enamel of *tooth is
per , cent. „mineral,. ,Itrt
Thompton explained, end so requires
minerals to sustain it. The food ate",
hy the Anglo-Saxon race has been-
ItirgeTy demineralized with its eookIng.,,
refining and. bleaelting, , so that there '
aretfete raInerals left foe the teeth tie
"Ths°reb.ri;the 'given 'to t'it.e--outsk:le t:
'white cap of the tooth is the crowee,
and this,- like. glates,, cannot-Aleerty if
it is Sound, lbut-if there. is a crack in ,
it then bacteria :get into the teethe.
This crown is, famed .eighe,years before
we eveneseetit. and. it is the only. part .
of the human body without a blood
supply. The crown is completely
fonned on • eVery tooth,- the ex-
ception of .tour wisdom teeth, at -eight
years Of age., Dr. Thompson then
etressed the importance of a mineral-
ized diet for mothers, as the eroveste
for baby teeth are farmed three moethe
ht -fore birth and the 'crowns for teeth •
which come out art'he age of eight are
formed two months before birth.
Foods containing.these plethents.were
mentioned as vegetables- 'and ..fruits
(raw or cooked), 'whole grain bread,
cheese, milk, eggs, meat and 'fish. 'Raw
vegetalilee aud-fruits Were preferable to' -
those cooked; as they contained four
times as much Mineral matte:
Betvveen the ages of ...eleven., and
nineteen, boys and girlS require four
times as much minerals as they will
-later in life, • Dr. Thotapeon statee.
Besides his twin brother, Mr.. John- SAILORS AGAIN, MAKE IVIEURV.
The Marine Club Again entertained
stort has two sisters living In Boston,
Mrs. Warrener and Mrs'. -Colby, His
on Friday .night last„, when a party a
oildren are: Noble of LucknOW. i'vne 150 Sailors and their ladies, assembled
liam on the farm. Mrs, David Parrish ,
ef !Saskatchewan, IVIrs, MeKeith of --enjoy
at the Club roams to play euchre and
Vancouver, Mrs. Wilfred- Farrigh and euchre game Mee. ae. merewain and
a dance. 'a the peogressiee
VAT Rtssell Bissett of Asiefield. 1'X
ax =ex- Clairmont ,won.i,with a favoring
oeyou see "there will lie plenty re. ,ibeeeee, while, mese are E. Humes and
johnstons in Citnade long 'after.; I've
genie -and thiikt 'f &get ' to7'SaY rin TA -1
JaelrieeCareick were awerded the hon -
Highland ScOtch 'MacKenzie King Grit', - or.S,,,,t4itihe stern ella4e''
A. Snitlek -wae- appointed chairman' in ',14:1:es„: 14M" wIlea .savory odors .for
haveng received dile* it., the
'birttaltie Cigar. .. • .
concluded Me. Jelinsten its he lit ap & ;some time had' 'beat ekeaing, froturtbe
all hauds Were Invited to par-
- -• ': '---""-' ' ' -, -take Of the -menu providedeby'Steward
PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD - • xionuy. . : ‘ ._, •
At' the meeting of the Public School'
Beard last . aveek, Trusthe -J. ',Phis agreeable part pf the program
the absence of' Trustee J. M. Rebert-s, danee as called, and youth and beauty
and instructions, •%vere given ter the min,, e. in tile mazy figures or several
intermission In vvhich
on his. appointment to a lieatertancy in
mweisgshaegsela_Lof;e:ro.nentrofbatuerlat; hours, wide 4,n
Cactus Mac, lie Oklahoma* leid.--and
' stfloindil:tlingd°fgooad tilt 'getherine , was entertained ,be
the Royal Canadian Air Force. Stepdancer McDairmid. :.e -'-e,- _ '
• Advice of a grant. of $600 -fors-192,9 The Marine Chili manageinent wish
for manta training. and home ...emu-, . to hank all alrwho took part, pertieularly
the eadies .and the -,catlers. • '
omics classes was received , from the • . . , • , _ —
-- ,- -
Department of Edifcation, and it was
voted • that thrs grant . be paid over t� . STIL‘.L. MISSING -SO IS -MAN
'tee Collegiate Institute Board,. ie ad- Thus is the story of a still. - Pi:ovine
dition to the SUM of $700 already paid: cial ,ConStable ..1.1.Cetvy, County (on
to the C. I: Board on account or these stable Jenni,._ne and .tlyp R.C.M.P. . ertilesce.
classes ' " ' -i:- 1 t-- aenceetwe nrnesesautb,tef-TetiekAo.Wenee
ers made a ;surprise law on ‚ifaun 3.
ungantion.road„ o_ti,..e.1.02_netter nigtate
attendance of 1.913 in February and bile D
Penny Bank dentosits ar e86:21. ..
, Victoria school reported an avirage certa,in brand, a gallon .of wine . and
attendance of 303 and . deposits of si,x... eaees of beer but no Still, the main
$141.52. . • °eject of the Zeit. The occupant of
A. communication was received feom the house astenant, suspected eperator
. . .
the *Association of ' Ontario .Publi of A still: was not at home when tlie
"te•-itool Trusteeseandellatepayees asking veld was carried eut. anti is still 11116'S -
W -operation in the motection of the ing. A \variant for bli4:arrest-awaRs,
interests of the public school systera. his appearance and will 'still be Wait
This eras ordered to be filed. ing, for him when the suety, is out *2
the 'bush. • ' " '
-A latge number of members and
eisitars 'attended the •regulart Meeting
of the Whineele Institute held he Mac-
Kay -Half on Thursday last The busi-
*nets peiloa 'wasepresided over by 'MN.
11 11 Tiehborne. It was announced
that $21.25 which had been realized at
the enstitute's '"5,00" and 'euchre party
had been handed over te the Red Cross
• 0
Society. .
, Mr, It. Stonehouse addressed the
meeting on "Planting- and. 'Care . of
Itt)SeS.' This subjeet Awls, "esPeeially
interesting to those .present and the
talk was' greatly -enjoyed. Mrs. V.
, Oakley contributed eeveraVviolin soles,
accoinpanied by Mr. Jas:- rtance.
Mrs. Calvin Cutt demonstrated the
maltieg of -a select whien. Wae• later
served .with eup of tea,
- rrrrrrrrrr•rrrrrr.rrr*
Net Surniax evening, Meech .1.7th, at
Vittoria 'street- Thiltetle ehurche an
raster pageant, 4'The linshadovved
Croes," will be presented. A Good
Friday serVice will be held, In the
eletreli 'on March 22n4, at lit.30 atm,
On Easter ,Siinday night the thole Will
present a ehorAlopete entitled "The
a-Ve-eirstVairrWiliZereTatori VolillerWsh-trliOltiottartgaittim. -thar,onl.v31Mg-MsTPL9.f the.gokinwe
still ogged Up with ice and Snow. and Will gie concluded in time ..tosallolv
-This of course will„S000,03reali' Up and the cantata to begin at 830
clear once- tliere is a , goad mild spell,
accompanied by an off -shorn wind. '
out of this harbor ae. yet The local 013, IT, VA:RY
There has been no commercial. Ashing ,
'fisherMen: are busying themselves these- ' B-Eregom) MeV:WALD
e -
(bye prepartng-theireuetseaneeveillene , -The- -flineeal of „the late Redmond
commence operations outside anfiet the McDonald,- whose eieath, occurred • at
ice IS clearetlftota the harbor etitrance; Ayinier; eluebee," took place on „Satyr -
TWO FIRE ALARMS day( train the 0.1tt.R. station rafter the
The :fire department was. called' -out r,aarernite%aolitts:htheu:nfaninylgoon trainoi inTiltieu'itialiiiiiterct-
twice - during . the week, on *Monday cemetery, Rev. -A. 0. Calder,,,rector of
morning:' and Again on Wednesday St.- ,George's church, conducting the
night.. The Bret Ate was at the home service at the graveside. .• e--4,'
of Andrew Rem -tele on Eseex street, 4Ir. McDonald: "Si.,.'as' 11)0113 fifty-six
where a blaze broke out:In:the gables years ago. in Goderich, tne elder son of
along the roof of .the house.' The hose' the late n McDonald, clerk of the
was used to extinguish! the male blaze iSurrogate Cattrt-or-Huron. County. For
and-the'firenten cpetpleted, the Rob With mane' Years *he had been employed as
the lige' Of chemicals from Within the an engineer- with file Federal- forestry
[house. It Rs believed that sparks frOm service at Ottawa. He is survived. by
a chimney, falling on the dry shingles his wife e two sisters, Mrs. Robertson,
of the gable, started the fire, Damage McLean of Toronto and Mrs: (Dr.)
In ansWeiTo the second alarm:, short - Nthewer,
tolny-t1BurteardTofofsia-lianiniail.ton, and a bro-
waS eStimated 'it $25.
ly before 11 o'clock on Wednesday even- The pallbearers were Dr. A. 15. Tay-
ing, the firemen found nothing more lor,-,14,- C. Hays, K.C., Dr. A. Newton
than a bloeked-up furnace in the cellar Brady, Walter McDonald, - IIarold C.
of the Masonic' Temple, emitting- vol- williams and T. R. Rundle: . .
umeteepfe smoke.. An alarm had _beetle , , ,„...„
a_ceLeueeteemteetie -
eaeRS. HENRY SoHnir_ 1
sent in when passersby on West street
window.. Chief Beacom entered the atneofeehariette Oretelia-Oke,
building alone and soon ha (I- Conditione vc;ife Of Henry Ssailf, and a' formee:
righted Ite-the furnace. , Well-known resident of this town, pc-
. curred last Thursday at Detroit. De-
acros eAduN.Ias.Taholnamiairrhotel:;;.ef.ohtetlritefielrna:atteibililelli f4re_the_itge of
symenty...04 ,
Oke ' Ninety per cent. of, all decay begins
Fire D'esiroys Residence , of Lorne' 'Slie-baud-W:aSbehrgtwit'-tha e late - Johrittliallidaya---- vgamia je` Is required -e'er - eon d4*
Hon. P. M. Dewan to Address' Perth- The- canvass for funds for the Salva-
, , •
, Huron -Shorthorn Chili tion Army. war.- °and home .servicee
Atiangemente are behig made for proceeding this week and Will be con -
the annual meetingtef the Perth-IIttron dulled until March 20. Aefeatnece Of
Shorthorn Club„: which is to be held in the.eatepaign. whica has. attractedatucla
tlie!form of ir-bariquet tit Mattel on attention it a. window in Craigie's
Monday, April 8, •U is , thought 'tee netes-stand in which an •Ateny canteen
meeting will commence with 'a gather- for :soldiers is depicted miniatnre,
Jag of the directors at 3.0-o'clock iii -'the -With *doll furniture and dolls for
merning,--f011owed. by the _banquet et sbidiereiand the SaNation Army lassie
mem hour.- -Hon. P..M. Dewatt, Ontario in,-eateege. The elever arrangement is
Minister of Agricultued is to be ,.the the w,ork of Miss Edith Naylor, Britan-
guest speaker for ,the occasion. le a road. -
,lowing the banquet, the. business meet-
ing will eontinue with the electim of
officers and other- items. Lineeln White.
of St Marys is the president of the
Pertlelluron IShorthoen Club and R. U.
White secretary. "
The regale', meeting of the Eureka.
'class (if Vietoria. etreet United church
was, held at the bente of Mrs. Gibbs,'
28 Victoria street,- with tvitel'V'e mem-
bers and two visttitier present. , The
president, MrsteMutee, took ebarge of
the bUsiness And It was (leaded to hold
aecroltinoie party on Mareh 26th. Mrs.
Hittehinge then- took charge- and. a eon.
• tett Was much 'enjoyed. Lunch was
served and it hearty vote of thanks was
tendered the lioetese.
Alvin ,Crooks, yard foreman,
is coedited to his bed, suffering with a.
badly 'sprained. ankle and tore liga-
ments in oue foot, the result of an. ac-
cident •which. oecurred -last Saturday
at the C.P.It. yards. Mr, Crooks :was
about to 'board the pat ;of thee'yard
engine when he slipped, tatching one,
ef _his' feet under the pletfortn.
Was dragg'ed a short distance before
he managed t� pull himtelf, free. Mr.
'Crooks considers himself fortunatir in
that the accident was not of a more
serious nature as it wind, easily ,have
been. •
" Official a.gent8 for the North Huron
ADVICE; TO TRuCHERS candidaten arc Miner .11ell, barrister,
Fr.,. 1 r art
Truckers are advised that the months of lirueselo, felt Mr. Carefff, and It. S.
O At arce and April are te baif-load eeti- I;fetherington, It :O., 'of Wingham, for
sou, for truelts. During /these months Mr. Deaelnaituti. ee . , .
An advance Oil for the towneof
lioltIDA31, NIGHT'S MEETING - no trutek may eerry' on the public t.t.etile Goderich will be hole at the ()nice of IX.
An opportunitir to hear -the issttes irtoreellteatt half the load which its per J. ktieher, returning officer, naraiiton
of the elay clearly explained will be mittinlis for, County Traffic (Meer
, .. street,- on Thursday, Feldav and Qatur-
teiven .the., People of "(-40(lorich rind NOrillikrA Lover, in ceiling a.ttention re day, Nitae.b. else eeee and 2:),,rd, even
vicinity by e nieeting In racKay Hall ithe regulations, etatee they will hp
'-- d to im 0"elock pan. Charlee Black Is
tomorrow (Friday) night., Tlie sPeak- 'strictly enforced. ,, tee,' depuly returning °Meet at tilts
er4 will be 'Hen. Norman A. efeltartY,
Dotninion Minieter of Labor, and Mr. LIEUZ ItOBERTS!AT LONDON
Lieut. Z. M. Itoherts, who wee called *
R. J. Iienehman.
to Ottawa early in February to -fake a
, Position aft pilot officer in the It.O.A,P.,
'tee now been tranOferred to London,
Ont., where lie will take over the duties
of recruiting ofileett for the it.C.A.V.
in this military district.' Lieut. Roberts
took over Ms new dutlee 'Met Saturday.
pottilee to ebneentrate on the problems
of defence. There was only one thing,
to do and that was to dissolve Parlia-
'tient and aPneal to the highest form of
delnoeracY, the voice of the electors."
Owing to the crowded condition of
our colunmo this •Week many news
Items and other articles aro unavold.
ably °crowded out. The unexpected
demand on advertising spate came too
late for 08 to IsSue a Moe paper.
Farrish in--Ashlaeht Township Itrs. 8.ehilf was resident of Detreit
The -home of Mr. an WAIN. Lorne tereetytee 'Years. ,SurVieing are. her
12-- and "Ferndale, Miele,: for the last
-COURReFeS eoltNentS, eferch
Parrish, 11.th concession of Asnfield, husband, Henry Schlif Of eFerndale,
was totally destroyed by fire_rast !ye Michea de:tighter, Delphine •('irs. JAck
day *evening, Mr. and 'Mrs. Farrfsh,.,posner).,
iting in from doing the milking of Detroit two setters, Mrs'
were dm .
Ruth Thompson of Goderich and Mrs.
whenethey -noticed einoke Ise -nine from,
between two 'walls of the house, Help telLa EWttattY Ilf.aill.StleLlaty."thand Trwee°"
e.(Mligrt. of food particles, because when' these
was sunimonek but owing to the con- William Sniale/, Pretteeeesed herlodge in a tooth it decays and acid
(Mon' of the roads people could not The funeral seivtee 'was heid'on Mon- formed. , This acideats into the• enamel '
home in Fernaleand
itpuanedhin' gt1.1eAkicoesnteinotth
ttSehol;411Veeff Manv kriends and relatives • Were pree
t s day at the kamily -d. , lirfewemontlts b
. etee
the teet
are- living in the 'club hall at present.' attynding from a distance were: Mee
with the progelieep that in one tuttitleett
were. ieinovede Mr, and Mrs : Fayrieh sent to Pay their.leet respects. Those , Thoinp•tee coxieluded hie address
and Mrs:Wilson .01e and InCI-t and 1-fr.g. years false teeth level be unknown to.. -
; THREE INJURED G oke of 'Windsor; etr. Aha Way and mankind: owing to the . crusade now
Three Goderich, people weeeeinjured datighter, eire. II. Sliera, of Seaforth; living, waged against the lack of proper
on Sunday afternoon when a ear driVIn nd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Legg of eare-o2 the teeth. • '
by Jaek Bell of Godetfeh.oyertnened ofl toderkh. The ileral tributes 'Were , A vote. of thanks expressing the•ap;
the County. road .about terdsinelea. ninth numerate; .and beautiful. Interment preeiatiop. of the attolieuce was extended e
of N'ile, allegedly as a tesult, of deep was er Forest Lawn cemetery. by .efiei. W. Lane, and Xitm, Dr
'ley, ruts on the 'road, The iniured are Modney,
Mrs. Pell, , knee -injury, le daughter,
Myrtle, aged ten, ;broken collarbone, it
$011, Wilfred, Aged kight, head *lacera-
tions, Mr. Belt and another young son,
Lloyd, escaped uninjured. The fenders,
hunting -board, .doors . and top. on' one
had been ill for almost two years, her
Ride of the- car were emisiderablY
eondition ' was. not' considered ' ,raore
damaged.. Mr. Bele wh.o is a ear sales -
seriously lately than at any previous
Man, was taIdng his family`en an efter-
time. See was born' at 13rentford, -
noon drivk W11011 the accident happened.
where she spent ber earle girlhood. At
the age ot twelve•she .movea Mitelell
and lived there until -her marriage,
aker at the Pub-
- J. StevtarteCaret
which time she moved, to Kincardine.
Ite Library, reeeive.d painful' injeries'
After ter husband's, death. ire Kin -
when be slipped and, fell on the side-
walk just outside tlitelibegety laet night. tardine Mrs. novas unwed tit Gederkti,
and' ,she had lived here for- the hast
The sidewalk tad been made slippery
twenty ;tears. She was a deeout mem-
by a heavy sleet storm in the etiley part
ber of 81. Peter'e elittrele ,a 1» in of
or tee et -ening. stewart sustained
the Seem& Heart itoeiety rand. a .paet
beAep. wrist along with several
member Of the Catholic Wometite Lea -
bruised ribs" as a result of the fall.
_ gue. She le stireived by a (laughter,
teeth and this is obtained through tbe
suu tete summer and through cod •
liver _en in the winter. Vitgintin I) tee-
necesSary to bring about a union ot
calcium. and phosphorus in the body, -
The speaker ttre,tsed the imporeante
of the proper method of eleaniag tbe
„teeth. Teeth are.,clearted to rid there,
At Lions Club
At the Lions-Olub meeting in tlit
' ef Mrs. Richard Itarrie,
eeening Dr. Thoinson wee lutrodtieed
formerly 'Mary Whites-, came rattier
stfddenly on aturday" evening at Alex- 1.1Y Dr. A• Graham And in nri interest-
tintira Hospital; A1though Mrs. Harris
iiii•gautteletieuerets':IllieealtshP°W1ceor.kofiztlivve hvicahrit6" ft,
Lions and other service elubs are give
ing 0o -operation. end, aesistanee.
-declared that 12 -2110 money thue epent
by the serviee elubs were eoutPuted it
would maice an amazing, total, awl, the
money spoilt represented milk a fefW '
lion of what these einbe And voluutary
hty "orgartizatiote were doing for tYIO
elleviation of demise and enfterieg.
,Since 1004 the death ,ra.te from tuber.- ,
eulatit had been reduced eixtyeave, pee
eent. ,Sinee tbe beginninr, tile civet
tury `ere -lures" had disappeared, awl
mental easee formerly comiiiered hope-
less were now treated in mental hoe -
vitals., with the proepeet of a euro
it large percentage of eaF;es', pa.rtienlarly
when the tremble wee, deteeted atetrly eit
In dc'ettaitti;aell hyg'iene the 'aka was -1*
prevent dental diteate, beeinningewitti
the eltilaren, 'so that they might havt
the ,foods that Would build up coatitt
A vote oFthaulm was ;Ordered to tht
speaker on motion of Clias X. Saumiern
and G. L. ravons.
The Club voted $',16 to the Salvatimt
Aymy "nevi Ohielal" fund.
THE VE1IJEfl --Graee,living hie„8010%1 irtitcylel,21:ssol.hlyitatlw,yos
and fer the totresponiling week last anti Loa. ef Tetento.
yeTr,t:e atse.mopinet:ittitit:ye,srfoocio*rtah,,eepa
d,Ntstereve bTrtTottelbstdeerasyr,eumner
oritilfic at st. eeter,0 onireii;
'eral vvi(held on
)e *yaw-
fellows: , 1940 1,0439 •Ikhere Rev. Fatter 1il1on eelebra.ted
ttirkiti,roliial%rt.a18,', ..„.*A23f7i.taz: IL.20111',11e2rti.tSiin . 13 ;q11:1'ee:lievilitoit:ifnnuleileldfitiogtrihieelneal:Usliet's,p'14iiinttiora%Iftilo:firetrlitin000gitef
2ati., Mar. V,' 20 la '80 23 Place at the cemetery,:
Ite Mon,ut tnemmMaraarr... 1101 , ........... ll19 222 678 223230 1Ttviiiih
8 vei.
wed., mai,.i 14' i,) t1 Williams and William Healey.