HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-07, Page 8•••• . • ' 1.4 • eke Advs.tage of zap X X these Special Values, or lie week 8th to 15th March inclusive, vo-ro MIMEO fah, PEP nos gEsisTanto Zil.RELM *150 ,,uLErs *van TARLETS 75 Tru:LLT 20 a 79 _ 79 139 / Dr. Chase's Remidies Nerve Food. eonbining Vitamin B4 49e Eidney axid Liver Vale 29e PaLadol Tablets . 35e OfoUnient ...........,. 49e1 1.69' fatanali Poe* Lininient - RUBBER GLOVES Sine Prar...,25c litre C/ISTEX 3 *ea - 35c -450-S1,50 Theree a PCrfecl wa te clean:and 'PM/ false teeth without. brushing.' ' '-400-15c Iten ind "resat ,Tabiletss. 80 for 89e „ Don't risk Infeetien Use DE'ITOL Bottle 000 seareare alaeloeans Stoma* Develorilng Micature;" •Tablets or Powder .. ,, . 75e ;#4,4;.S.C.• TAI)LETS 100 foir- 23e - .• D ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS hIDNE1 ti • Baby's Ova" Tabiets 00 23e - Horehound Candy - lb 300 - • • Thrifty Shavers, use Gillette Medea for 25e -e-10 for ,50e utMoms • Clears the yoke 100-45C • . , "FOIL" tA,RMEIVS • STOdi. . riotassium Iodide 1 -oz. 35e'. • 3 oz. $1.00 Reduced Iron 1 -oz. 20e oz 35c Sulphate of Iron .. 3 :lbs. 25e.' Cattle Sulphur .1 6, lbs. 25e Glauber Salta 4 lbs. 25e Bellibore ib. 39t Cooper s 11114Kl1 * 150 eenaail t The Chei,'ing Gum LAXATIVE 4 • o. .4 . • « • • , 200--45c • ' BUT X)RUGlit AT THE1)111TOSTC/RE 4 I•AUDER DUNLOP CAMPBELL WIGLE Phone -19 • 'Phone 1 Phone 90 Phone 49 zupot.pitalkaa • ,.,a :,_ osaaseassaseaseememessemesseakeese '-''' . • '' •.• aliss“ Betty Themes last week at ' 'the London 'Conference of the United for since her •operation in groderach 1 ' ,:•-•:--- - -'-' . .. tended the hairalreseerti convention at 011111'00. 'Om nide.r"at ,London on lany Hospital, returned home with them for, . .' ..* the Royalyork Betelln Teronto. 28th. , • • a eoupio of weeks. Mi. and Mrs. Albert Alton and son George. spent rriday with friends at . Varna. • , -.• •. , • Mrs i.: Ira ' klaMpbell • ',et • Lueknow ' visited.' with- Mr., and Mrs, Gienweed CainPbell one daylast Week« , •? Mrs « Na Hackett of Luclenow called on her 'daughters, 'Mrs. Harry ..,Habkett and Mrs. Thos. Hafted, for i few days last week, - - • ,„. ev THE GODZI R SIGNALTSTAX 'AA • 6.1 I' 111 or esults A Classified A Ituremagesaa:',a March !Jr, at Odd- . fellows' liall, ueder auspicet or Group a Qt 11:10a elikUrch Jaeliee° Aid. 0-1042 ' r I.eareter 4ards---2 tor Cke, ae, 10e1 acie and 2,5e. Easter Es*-gs le, 2 for Cpc and 5e., CAM,PlaILLealaitUG•SPaatig. 40 Spring millinery in ail the lateSt •StYles, s•ay with „flowers and bright colored nattering veils. 141k1.0 M. IL MaeVICAR, ICiagstou at. -10 Vietoria II,Ome aid School Club have planned 'a new type' of program for , their next meeting on Marelt`14th, at 8 Pan., in the form of a Quiz program. .7.the contestanta will be girls versus boys .of gradeS re and S. There will be general questions, ''Vrtio or 1ailse,8sandi tongue twisters, withmusical lutermis. Sims by the Ilona° mad School raernbers. %W( )-WAY &MON on the Xidneys, entiseptie and invigorating. -Ttumacap.s 'attack the , eause of ' Ilhoutnatiata, IScia,tiea Lumbago.; 0.411113h1TAT'4'S -DRUG ‘VORE. ' ' 19464 uave 7912 seen the new Taylor' roast meat therrosnater? :Now reduced from $2.00 to only ,a10.50e Visit HINDER. !SON sTumo and see it and also their complete Rue of Taylor thermometers and baremeters, for All purposes. .. -10 , .The 'March Meeting of Central.Home and School Club Will • be bola at the school en Tuesday afternoon,, March 1.2th, at 4 tem. Mess' I.- ,Sharman will -give-an-aadress-on•-"Oharacter.".. 1.) There will be only twomorebridge and ‘5000k ga{mes .in behalf of the Red Cross._ %WO- Will' ' be .held • - on March .., CHURCH NOTES 14,0.100•41,10410 The Church Woman's Guild of 'St. .-)George's eharch Tuesday after; noon 'with eighteen members ,present.: • - The meeting opened -With- a by,mn, fel - lowed by a Scripture reading by Miss Burrite- After the busbies -IS was eon -- eluded Mrs, Oalder gave„'sui an.tereetli.fg tallr-on."Treland.'t Mrs. Oakley played two Irish numbers on her Violin, after which tea was served. ' . • ^ ' ' BELFAST BELFAST, March 5.-alie and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson , of Lanes spent' .11, day .last week ovitb Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Henry, -. • . „Mr.i Stewart Durnin of .Wroxeter spent day recehtly. vvith. Mrs. Tires. , Henry. . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tivamley of IMafeking spent Thursday at the home - •Mr . aria sirs. Wes. Amon and fau*kily-b of London, spent Stmday, with -friends thi-liurg,lind Mrs. john Brittle, Who has net been doing as well as -looked • • o• • • • i• - - - - - , ' 0-•-• - :.Leading the - way with Low Prices Everyday— CES IN EFFECT_ UNTIL SAT. MAMIE Dth (1 SHORTENING ' ki TC1I-UP. BPS _SPECIAL 1 c . • 4 ROSES 4 -oz; QA TIN 1-PU TINUU -FLOUR "stair - . 2 L2, -;r4 2' 7 e "I. 28c RAG C z"z-9i3c TI, C. 27c • , SMITH'S PURE 32 -oz., et ij CRABAPPLE' JAR- Bigli LGE PKG. 33, stzarAL 1.1b IICENDT- 13th and 20th. Everybody is invited to attend and make them a success. • "IeLINDREX"-HEALS SKIN AIL- MEI'4TS. ,Proved by. Hundreds trom •Coast to Coast to be- unequalled for Eczema,- -Peorlasis, -Impetigo,- Boils, holes, Chaps„ Pemphigus, Erythema, etc. 50e; 31.00; *400. Ask at CAMP, BELL'S DRUG STORE, -10* , • ZIMMEAmAN.-At Alexandra Hospit- al, Ooderich, on February 29th, 1940, to lft.. airICII.S7 Peter Zirxrmerman, daughter. ItEATTY.-4 Private Patients' Pavil- ion, General HosPital',. Toronto, on Monday, March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs: • Larry.. Beatty, (nee Naomi MeDer- mid),-..TOronfo; a daughter. DIED 4NGUS.-14derich, on ,Sunday, March -3rd, Margaret Vera Young, • wife of 'Wiliam Angus, in her 27th ' year. JEFCR)EY.,;--7I11 Goderich, on. Saturdity; March 2ad, Arthur Jeffrey, aged 69 5T,EIT$..• - CARDS Oa, THANKS MRS. CELIA ROBINSON and family family wish to exprese to their many friends andikeighborks their great appreciation of their many, Acts et kindness and sympathy duriag their recent sad bereavement, for the beauti- ful lord tributes, andthose who so kindly loaned their cars. 40 TIFEI SISTERS AND BROTHEati of the late Miss Taennie Lynn and Andrere, Lynn take this opportunity of thanlring neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses and for the num- erous expressions -of-sympathy -received in their bereavement. , 10X Smith Art Store Have just received this week -an. - other shipment of China' from) England -now is the time to get started on that Mimi, Sit you avant. They sell it by the piece) or the set, any way you like -6. -Lovely designs * such low prices -Easiest way in the world to get your Dinner Set. SMITH'S ART RIFT STORE.. Plume198---Goderlth ' • ' A&P CHOICE CORN,. ji&P TOM: ZUICE , AYLMER( " Pork .& Bins *pixy Flour 20 -oz, 3 Tirol' 25o " 3 Tins 25c 20 -oz. , 3 Tina 25C S1114114FIELD 'A&P CHOICE BARTLE'TT ?EARS 2 Tins 27o 1.014A CUT ' 'Green Beans 3 Tina 23o A&P , , 1411IX Tall 70 ° 244b. • Bag�3c '*— 8.P.11 AL 0 F FE R Buy 1 ilkg;ot Sap* Ouls, pliseilit, your.. caipori .and, get • 2 cakes Fabian** Soap Free "•".7" Pleffees_ BORAS • 1.1b; Qtr.4 Bag um, 8 O'ClApIi. kb.• Q‘yde Rag umv RED CIRCLE 1.1b.001.• *.e ' * • : Rag Isuo,!-' A&P_BREAD 'Sr4CED or UNSIACEI) ANN PAGE *MTH' V471101al VOITAT* "CICAbliED 2."2"' 150 Fruits and ilegitObles ONIONS Ontario /to. ‘. 10,1b... Bag 27c 0ABBAG2 New Green Hard leads 40 11i: 11111!Aelt Curly Led. 2 lbs. 13o GRAPEFRUIT 80's 2 for llo MAU Zoebert 2 heads for4o torissit SEL Riga' STORES ' * Li& 1940 GET rim im Auto 2: Ma rs r, M. YOUNG AND FAMILY takethis meani.or expressing their . thanks and appreciation of sympathy and kindness extended to them during the, illness and death • �f Mrs. Wm. Angus; including. these Who sent flow- ers and loaned ears. ' 10X THE 9th LOID.E. RANGERS, On Monday evening, at the home of Miss 'Betty Westbrook, Mrs. MeR".1m, of Lucknow, distract commissioner of, girl Guides,- formally ,enrolled the 9tICI.O. A. Bangers, with Mis,s Dorothy John- 0»aa•ateting--cataanka- ' The Rengers were formed • in the autumn by Miss ,Edith .Taylor, and have since then been busily .knitttng for the..Red'Cross. -Recently. they, had it delightful snowshoe hike and Picnic,. blinding a ,fire 0» the snow, and cooking hot lunch out-of-doors. Drivers' Permits . , 4 '*}"itom - .1. W. MacVICAR ' At Geo. MaeVicar's. Shoe Stens -1lindly'Fill In 1939 Registration 1 ' Cards, -for 1940, License and f4aVe tune; • • ' Box 414 .0.... .•*flioderlele 'Ont. /THE 'ONLY WAY A Maii Can Make Before • He Makes His Money Is By LIFE INSURANOE 11 NL ftda) Insurlirie,e and Real Estate 3 Ilairditoni St.- Tel.- 268W. ..................................... Bilious Attacks Liver Complaint „ Aurnommess is.,3ust another tonna for a clogged or 'Nee* Mama it is * very common complainat bat mos be quirkly remedied, by rating' the flow of bile, This soft** the secutoulated mos, the poisons are toried, out .of the sof/ad, and the liver luta bowels are relieved and toned up. Milbetra'S Lou -Liver Pilleautelant *ad **liven W*1111400" liver, Opea. leg up every chfumel, by taming a free 6ow or bile and thus eleeestag thellver of the elogging Inaanitles. Thoss IN 1010101 *ad t4 Do not grip*, woolcon or oieltea. it* *r. Mama fae, LM4Timessea NOTICF?, TO OWNERS" OF ELEtille- LUX CLEANERS . Before having repairs, or parts sup- plied to ydur'-'Eleetrolux nmehine, be sere the repair man is at, representative of the Electrolux Company and demand Tull Electrolux Credentials. Certain pereons;not.connecthd With -Our COna- PanY have solicited such repair work, charging exorbitant -prices. . 'The Electrolux .Cleaner and Air Puri- fier' does not need greasing., or repairs or service call or write - 332 DUNKER 'BUILDING, 1,Citchener- Telephone .3952. - .10 , IA.RAIRIE NO. '7 OAS AND OIL WEW , OHA.THAat, March 5:a-ThiS well, whiali was . completed at 3285 foot level last weeks showed over .1,000.000 cubic feet of. gas *hen, -tested that day and the oil has risen to within 1500 feet ef the surface. The gas, on contract to the,Domanion Gas 'Co. for the life of the I well, was conheeted to the Gas' Company's pipeline today and the well is being prepared BOW for the pumping iof oil from' same. The price of crude oil now Is $2.17 per bbl, on contract to the Imperial Oil Co., Sarnia, Prairie 7 well is 10 miles southwest of Chatham, Ontario --near Prairie Sid - Ing, Ontario, • • .10 BENMILLER B1l)X1Inir11to UAL 5. --Groups No. 2 and 3 of the Women's Ailsoelation ;are practising for a play, whicirls to put on in the, church. The date has not been set., , The „Women's Association Will meet In the chUrch on *Virednesday. The host - 086S are.Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Will Mug. ford and Mrs. Will Snider. Tlie hn aodekeisfotoYaitnme itts Plaiwe ed bzieda pson; night resulted in a score of 4 to 3 in favor of Saltford. The married people's Bible eine held a social evening irt the church on Fri- day evening. After the business parf, Chinese cheekers Were enjoyed. Mr. said Mr. Verne Gledhill opent the Week.end in Toronto. ' • Group No. 4 of the 'C'Voliert's Anode - tion are Putting on a hot supper In the ehrirch nn March 18, After sapper progrelogiveerOlfinedewill be Astro. TO itEN`k 1‘0111 041,01%) joI RENT. --A. SMALL, WARM APARTMENT near echool end churches. .Box 17, SIGNAVSTAIL .Str NOTICE PRUE ALBUM. -- WITH LIVERY - order of 25e or more you will rea, ceive a, coupon.. Ten of these entitle you to a 'beautiful 741 album absolute- ly free. Develop ,aud priat 0 or $ ex- posures, 25c.• Enclose morwy.avith your order«, ACOURATE PHOTO Sal/VICE., Box 61-Colero.an P.Q., Toronto, 'Oa' 1041X aims"""Iri"7"'""'1"--;"7"1--""."'""""„ AUCTION ifiALES U1PIONS4tLL. , Harry Babb% Household, Efteets, on.Britatolia Road, on WEDNESDAY, •,MARCH 20th, at,1.$0; inelading furniture, piano, stoves, heaps of dishes, and leittchen,ware. TerTaa•a: Cash. See next week's paper- 0.01I/130N. M OBANT) 10 Anotioneer. , • AtteirIoN SALE Or -WM& 1?4Itild - W004 .A.N1,-,IMPLIThiEtirM AND HOUSEUOLD FURNITURE, The undersigned anctioneers have re- ceived instructions teorrer for .isale by publie•auction on • FRIDAY, ,IDHE '29tb. MARCH, 1940, at 12.30 p.m. sham, At Lot 82, Come- Sion,01.,Eaet. Wavealleshe_the-,rolloWint. property of the late 'Wallace Xing; ... 1. bar horse, 10 years old; 1 gray horse, 9. years old; 2 'aged hors•et; cows freshened since January a 3. caw bred Aug.. '20;• 1";pow bred Sept, I; fx CQW,bred,.04..;.,3; 1 cow bred Nov. 20; 4 baby bet; 2 steers rising 2 years; 4 yearling heifers; 4 *Ives; 4 January calves.; 28 pig's near marketafble age, (if not previously marketed) ;' 05 Rock Imps; Massey4larris Binder, • 7' ft, cut (nearly new); Manure spreader; Massey-Ilitrris Fertilizer bee; Hayloader ; Deering hay rake; Mower; Cultivator -13 tooth; Steel land roller; Riding plow; Quebec Sulky;;Maguey- Harris walking- Plow No. 7; 'Fleury !Walking ePlow; waking scuffier; 4 sectiOn harrow; Turnip, drill; Harness, team, low an ggy ; Buggy; Cutter; 2 Wagon ek with sliding plat- . form ; 1$1 ; .12 plate dise-TVanning mill; 2 weigh scales.; DeLaval cream separatot-Tehryder Aritanobl16; -Ditch- ing tools, carpenter's tools, ,chains, saws, 2 cant hooks, sugar kettle;iblocle andtable, slings, hay fork* and :rope, slush .scraper, forks, twee and numerous other articles; 20 tons hay ;,..„4 tons spring *heart-80,11ms; barley; 660 bus. mixed grain; 700 bus. eats; quantity yellow blossom sweet clever •seed; tur- nips; mangolds; Cobbler.Potatoes ; Din- ing room furniture; 3 bedreom_suites; Kitchen furnishings Parlor furniture; 6 rugs; 2 lounges; Hall rack; 2 roek- ing chairs; 6 small ichairs; Washing machine , and wringer; Cook. stove; Dishes and numerous Other household • articles.. . : Lot 32, . Concession 1, . Wawanosh, consisting of.„*200 acres of choice 'clay loam, watered by a never filling spring creek,Aredged deep -enough ' for good drainage, Artesian vell sUpplYingWater to, basins In barn. On said lands there is said to be erected a first-class brick house with frame kitehen, 2 first -00S • barns 600X70' and 36'X(10' bath with stabling underneath, and good garage, , 25 Acres timber, , gores fall•"wheaf sown, 62 acres fall plowed, and rest of farm seeded to leis, .and pasture, • Terms a ---Farm Stock, implements and , household furniture cash. Farm offered • 10% on date of sale and balanee in 30 days, subject to a •reserve bid and . other conditions of * sole. Chattels avithoae reserve. - T. .GUNDRY"&iSONT"-- FOR SALE. ---ONE • ROYAL PAIN - 'front, and wanling closet; good condi' tion. Reason for sale, Installing elee- trie. Phone 505. --!Itig ..„ _ i SALE.e-0116I011 1.00-AORII FARM, 'good ifuildings, 10 =es bush; juke reasonable; • small down payment; balance on easy terms, • jAS. E. JOHNSTON, Rat, 4, Clinton, Phone 12 on 800. .•,• TIIVINDAY, MARCH ?tie 2940 " LOOT (*RAP AND CLIP FRU* _am afauaialeiee, hinder pleas.. oue NO, iv, Reward, 10 ANNOIUNCFAIZNT CESS PAT kiten range; hot water 0 1041X Wolf i4ax4-110U.4E4 ,AT • BRIDGE, 'Formerly. occupied bY . the late MiSses Doyle. -Vox, further in- Tormation apply to , T. LANNAN, Rao Lucknow. 10-12/ MR BRAY AGENT WILL HEW _7" you with your chiek Order. Bray March chicks will get into production for the good egg markets. Beal' Profits witb,large eggs and lots of them. I'm - Mediate shipment. Capons and 24 'Week °Melts to order. Turkeys. Z. H. iSOMERSALL, R.R. 2, Goderieh. _40 •••••••isinumiamm•••••iiii NOTICE To .CREDIT0,118 ° NOTICE TO COEDITORS, 1%TeticeAs, hereby_giveri_to-all_persons having Any claim agaanst,the estate or •Olara tlarrick,_widOw, late of the Town ,of Goderieh, who died en,. or about. the 22n4 day of December, 1939, to Send same to the undersigned, duly verified by declaration, on or bef,ore the 22114 day of March, 1940i as on, and after that date the Administrator of the said -eetate-shalFproceeci-to-make distribu- tion a the assets thereof, having re gard only to the elaims then, Med. Dated at Goderich this 4th day of March, A.D. 1940. • - • ' HAYS AND HAYS, Goderich, Ontario.. .10-19 " Solicitors for, the Estate. NOTIM TO .1:MEDIT0AS • • 414. TAKE NO'010131 that all persons hav- ing claimsagainst the .estate of.Ellisha .Walker, late' of the Town of Goderieh In the Gminty of Huron .and formerly or the Township of East Wawanosh, -gentleman; deceased, who died on or about the • 4thday of January, A.D. 1940, are hereby notified to send their' •oclaims, duly Verified -IV' declaration, to the undersignedsolieitor for the execu- tors on or before' the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1940. • FURTHER mediately after the said date the assets 0! the estate will be distrilnited having regard only to claims which have been properly Wed: • - - DATED at Wingham, Oritarki;-this _4th day of March, 1940. • ••-'-'• R. S. RETFIERINGTO(1‘1;1C41, WIP014nkt QAtlerio; 10-12 • . Saki -to* for the Executer. 8.10100141mmmosuromiouselomaka• +O. , -Trooper Ian Ilaggitt and- Trooper Arthur 11 -Clarke, of the lst Hussars, London, • *visited, at the former's home last week -end. • '` • — 0.0 (lonn4 OF THU Ir4VOIT8 WILL of Dr. (Tiger) nay secured tor 25 cents. You have often wanted to See a 00P7; you may now „. get one of your Own for the oleo oust of 25, cents, at THB SWeNALIITAillr. 45-4f. ; TENDERS WANTED .$27t,11.,0efor ;tnode4reselogluneldaune:lerp1ying 1000 ::,wauitenr1rds11;;:oe: MONDAY,„MAllOil 18th, 11' , E. Tovvnshire roads.. Marked ehectue for crushed gravel -and delivering same on any tender nue:V.3411110y trac,coetterirk,.. 11, 1111.1i)31tEo an? S'1(314 Tr 1 nE iteR HA Nde , ' , • 44 ' Lneltnow, A.B.'7, ont,., WANTEI),-TO 13UY Old) HousEki and egad cattier must he suitable for • mina, feed; remoVed. promptia.' PRED GthBEItT, R.R. 2, Bellew, Phone 008 r 22, Clinton. Calls paid Cor. 18-tr. , - ART\1E4BRi TQ DO GENORAL - housework. Phone 951 or ,Writel P.a. BOX 424,.,Goderieh.- WANTEb.e.-GIRL :FOR GENERAL housework 111' /family with one child. Call SIGNAL -STAR. ' -10 FARMS OR SAE .31§ .F0CEt'.isA144. • : • - '-'Tveo farms, consisting' ot log „aeie)s each, .being lot 3,sconeession 5, and lot 4, concession 6, Eastern. Divieion Town* . ship- of Qaboree, Baron County. On the one Corm -there is !mine house and Iv -garage,' no The.lane is good, • and is partly s down. The other farm is d • swamp land,witkeonsiderOle timber. • It Is sultable7`for" pastirre. A never-, - filling spring creek flows •through each farm., Will be, aota fasetber ft1y Ap1y to H. foNG or MRS. LUCY* MCMILLANTExecutoWor: Maria' reagan Estate; Goderith,.:pnt. .TheeSalvatfen Artily. plan ,to • , 11°1(1 -their ° National ' .War and -11onle;,,CaMpaign March 11-20. Plan to do your utinosi... The. eed•ts urgent and great,: " • - Auctioneers. --jateb 0 Ital .te7-ittrarinistrato-rEstate- of Wallace Mike King, Deceased • - 9-12 BAYFIELD ROAD, SERVICE • STA'110N - • he Barker serviee station' mad ma- chine shop on Bayfield road has been. taken over by W. H. goalie of town: Mr. Chas. Barker, Who has ediedueted the station for mare Years, has not settled upon his plans for the future, but for the Present' he. Is having a -change and .te rest . • e. • l'enders.and Bodiei Straightened and Painted. kOars Polished. and Simonized : _ Broil -lady _ , ,r Sha . ... .. 84 EAST STREET --; ' (Former Knitting Factory Minding) H. 0. MaoPhee—t. P. ,W:aisOn: Proprietors . • • 1100.1.111111...i1MINIONIIIII.0111.1.1.11i111.111.10 0 ,orman IYICLa Dominion ' Minister of Labor — and R. J.Deachinap • Ltberal. Candidate for North- Huron' MialKAT HALL,-.GODERICII FRIDAY; ,MARCH 15th Tbis is your opportunity to hear the issues clearly explidned. KBEP, THE DOE Fizz Everyone ,'Welcome NORTH lltatON LthszAt ASSOOTATIOlif GOD OM Tit KINI4 ; R. . IMACIIMAV o: •