HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-03-07, Page 7Mske snap to auau eke- if yxoar ~Netevio fa'bout
The , favorite among
women Who desire
beautiful well kept`
furniture;, 'Itegre of
practical expedience
by, Canadian house
wives have proven
the %due' of using
this well.knuareo
10Pu1ar Peg*. Qi_
atIlelgrave held aa.: ,sial evening at
the home of Mr.. Cyrus Scott. ' Ther,e
were takeout, 'thirty presOtt. The even-
ing vv;as , spent in playing Mies , and'
eomrra unity singing, The members of.
the sewing clubserved lunch.:•
`Several of the ladies attended the
Red ••,Cross quilting at Auburn lth;t
Tuesday afternoon; after which a pot-,
lick supper was .served+
On Friday , evening 'a number at-
tended 'the Major Bowes ,concert .;at
Aubui>rra. " Messrs. Ned' Thempsonand
t -Edgar Howatt. were Succes4ful • in re-
ceiving one of the prizes,
Mrs, 4. B. Me1)owe11 visited on sat«'
urday with„he7r .daughter, Mrs. Gordon
tSmitli . of, Goderich, ,
+Messrs. William, Alva sand,;' Norman.
McDowell were in Toronto ' tor a 'fe:w
days, haying shipped! two carloads. _of
catty tet Toronto .on 'Saturday.
'Young people's Mectwg.- he 3i: :
,held; their meeting on Wednesday even-
ing, . with about thirty present. The.
eueeting Was Jed by Winnifred Caine-
bell. Graeme., McDowell preside -'at
the piano. - The Scripture lesson, Psalm
100, was read by Amia Merieveell. A
violin. selection: by Ilarvey'McDowell
Was accompanied., by Jean McDowell.
The topic, "Through Channels to' God,
WAS ,given by Miss Bea.coi1. •' A read
ing, "Mizpah,” was given by lIelen
Vincent. The meeting elosodd with the.
Mizpah benediction, after which games
were played. -,under the leneicr+slxip of
,:ezn:e;'Mason and Sohn' Gear. •
WESTFIELD, March 4.'-:vlr; A, E.
Cook was`a Stratford -visitor on Tliurs-
Mrs% Mae Mason ° spent a few days
with Mr and Mrs. ,Earl Watson of
Morris township.
D1 d r. an•Mrs. A.ibert Campbell visited
in Goderieli on .Tuesday.
Mies Ruth Wilson and' Master . John.
Wilson of Aaburn. spent the week -end
lair. Lorne the noires • of.Mr. M•x. anda Mrs.. R. �'
t. `.
Stonehouse is spending
some tinge with Toronto friends. '
Mr, and- Mrs., _Jason Ellis and child-
ren, of Seaforth, -spent the weep -end
.with Mrs. -3, E. Ellis.
Several members ;off :the sewing club
. - • - • !, •
Quickly Rdlleved
1t.. is
lard to 'keep the children
fiom taking cold; they will.run o
of doors not properly. clad; have o
too much clothing and getwoverheated
• and cool of too suddenly; thou get
their feet •wet; -.kick off the bed
clothes at night. The mother cannot
watch them all the time, �so• what_ is
'she going to dol
- Mothers should never weed _the' ...
<-child,s cough or cold,` but on . its in-
ception should procure a bottle of
Dr.' Wood's Norway''Pme Syrup.` It .
eo pleasant to the taste the
youilgsters>< , take "it without any fuss.
The .411iburn Co„ Ltd., Toronto, Ont. -"
Dies. m Illanitebaa.- 11Vord was re'-
eeived recently, of the death. at Horde -
field, Manitoba, of Rob P,t'aek,: __well
known in this eontinunity..f°"1VIi'. Black
was born on the Gth• concession of East
Waw_ anosli,
_ and was tl?e; son of the
late Mr. awed Mrs. 'ThomfaS Black.- He -
went ,West when he was -a young man,.
and tool; up land,on t'4hich he continued,
to . reside until pneunnonza-elairhled hint
as its victim. He is survived by his
wite and a grown family, together with
four' sisters •-laths; Wm, ' Bennett, of
Bah Mrs,. Fred W. Cook, .concession:
'a,•'E'ttete'i' aireritesheeMrs:'`': 1€cttie~ P:ibh't^
man pf Edmonton,: and Mrs. Fanny
Charter; of. i ontepa;,'ea1so five bro-•
h rs - arvey , af-D;ast_Wewsinosh
t l and Charlie, in
John, Percy; *Harry
the West. One Sister,. Lelia,' died some
fears ago. ,
y Ifeatheriette B leer
Winter and early ;gprbig give 4 new
Impetus to hospitality. • This is the
eason 'whorl enterV aini>;ag' really gets
under Way. Perhaps it's , became the
tangy pair quickens, appetites, and offeree
•morn opportunitiEes for get•togetliers.
Whatever the reason; be prepared thin
seQason with sonic new sake recipes to
please your %nests. . don't forget your
own family too. ,Especially the men
folk. Ws just so easy to make them
toe With a perfect cake.
Vo you wonder how you eau he sure
that every time you open, your overt
dopa perfect • dream. of a ea2te will
Moist,' come out? A delicate, tender
cake with a crust• tha,'t's a golden brown
and daintily crisp?, cake So high,
and beautifully .light and lovely to look
at, even before it is frosted? .A •cake
!with .suela delicate tempting 'favor and
appeal that your family and friends,
will "o -o -o -h" and " p4oa=abs"' till the last
crumb is. gone? •
It isn't a matter Of luck or long ex
perience. • it's • easy, 1' premise --if yen.
flutterseote r Perak Cake
Two eup3 it ted cake flour; « tea-
spoons double seting bnitlbg 'power; J/:�
teaspoon salt; 2,3 ealp butter or other
:shortening; 1 cup sugar; 3 eggs, un-
beaten ; . 1.3 cup milk; 1 teasPo ni
v anili a. •
• 14ift flour once,' ineasure, :add baling
powder runt. salt, and sit together three
times. (;'ream butter thoroughly, ardd
sugar gradually, and cream together
until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at
a time, beating thoroughly after each.
Add flour, alternately with milk, a
small amount at a time, beating after
each addition until snaooth. Add v'ui
ilia. Bake in two greased J -inch layer
Pena in moderate Oven (375 degrees F.)
to,30 minutes. Spread Butterscotch
Fudge Frosting between layers and on -
top and Rides of . cake, Decorate sides
of; ealre with chopped pecans.
Rutters ;otch Fudge Frosting
Two cups light brown ,;$ngar, farrnly
packed 1f eup butter ;1% cups > raanu'
late(' sugar ; /i eu!p ` top ' n lk ; 'cup
sugar. ;
Add brown sugar to abutter• and coop
over low flame, stirring constantly, un -
mmarsx,z, BOUBE £ OFFEE
PEA ; "'standard Quality
Golden wheat is truly the staff
of life. Rota► the soil and the'sun
it draws its 'goodne sss..And how
you do . en4oy this goodness in
Cubs they't whoiewheat made
more enticing still with mellow,
,malt, They're.crispyyfresh, toast -
:ed' a golden.brown•.
Just try about thirty Cubs with
hot or cold milk for ,breakfast.
See how enjoyable they are ---and
how. satisfying! They're the
whole wheat, with itsnatural
minerals, its 'bran, its valuable,,
wheat :germ. Ser., Cubs for
breakfast tomorro.
a �
-_ .
A 'AProduetof The Caneadi=n
Shredded Wheat Company Id' Ifed
Mlle: • Color a delicate ebel'1-pink bye
adding a very small amount of red
colouring, and , favour to taste with
•of -Pej mitit-;(-only--aefeweeirops are
.necessary l«— aI kat, until t11 k enough•
to spread.
-Sex Sick
It.'.'rvas ..Murphy's. 'trip across the At
justgo 'about �
connect the fact of his Bels,; on the
briny ocean for the first time with his
agony. The doctor came to him aa he,
tossed about in his erth, _
v "Cheer • ups man," _ he said Ugarttlyr
"1 know you're feeling bad, but yotere
not going, to
Murphy -opened "borrined eyes.
"Not going, to die?".lie willed, "Faith
and I thought I was That was. tlie
Janie, and he fele,awful, .11.e failed to only thing that kept me alive!"
right!' So, nest -tune !til ,mixture .•darkens slightly (about' ei
ou : tackle a; lulling nowt earl epoonei to iuit aites�) •Iteniove froni'fire and.
hare few simple new ideas,---tlie'; addaddgrauulitted sugar, Milli and water.
•latest sleep -by -step methottS 1p sure bak- , return.` to: fire adds boil, 'without stir
i +ala su °' cess -I've -learned from real , ring, until small amount unou of mixture
baring experts : 116rnei a very Boit ball 'in cold water -
1. Plan yonr bakingbefore you start. ' (232 degree 'F.). •`Iterra.ove from fire.
'Choose • your recipe:, ,Read it care -1, Coca to :lukewarm. (110 degrees-• 1 ).
fully and understant it clearly, step- I beat until of right • consistency ., oto
,,•-beestepee,Theneeset.. outeai11e-the in- sere e e •It a eS ..e ougi eefeas .Ytfi
'gradients named'and all theeutensils eover tops and , sides sof. twoMuch,
needed.: -- __ layers. .
2Use:good •tools, Good tools make any ,mint Cake +
ob easiere-Use�good tools for leaking • Chocolate Peppe
a d .you'll measure snore accurately Two eups' ':sifted cake 'lou ; 1 tea -
,an quickly. d e ,�SPoon ^•soda x/2 y teaspoon • salt ,1-3 cup •
3. Use good ingredients. Use quality ' butter or other , shortening; 11/.i cups
egg's' fresh sweet shorteniing • Ilse sugar ; 1 'egg, unbeaten ; •.3„. squames un-
To win from all
The highest praise
On baking days � y
S.T. IIELENS,'Marcli 4. -The weekly--
meting of .the IR.U.� was held with the
president, E. W. Rice, in the•,chair. The:
r topic; "Christ • to Men' by. Brush: and.
Pen," was taken by Mrs. Stanley:Todd.,
Next Sunday night Rev. G. A. Barnard
;is to give a lantern lecture ori-Ohina,
where he was a missionary for ai,'num;
ber-of years. ' Everyone is welcome,
Mr., John Aitchison is a visitor with
friends at Bronte,
Y.P.U. Banquet. -Brightly lighted
and "prettily decorated with streamers
of 'green, pinkd yellow crepe paper,
and hung .evit1, ' ily colored balloons,
the basement of th United church pre--
Electricity -Means-- to-
H �c�e��
never has a vacation.. It works for you 24 hours 'o
every day, 365 days of .every.' year.:
ELECTRICdITY---as we know it•
works for you'siiexr y a
�l ..nd eciently. It -sews, washes -
and irons your clothes; it.preservesand •cooks your
;- it . '-dra eries and up-
flood • cleans your• rugs, floors; -draperies
hours safely,' and
• holstery, it• lights your darkened
A it cools and ventilates your holm it en-
acic�,uately' ,
. and ,your -guests; it accurately
�tertaius your.family ,•
• of ever s of, the day and
night.. records the passing «, "Work -Less"
An. Electric home is ahome.
line,anulated sugar unless the sweetened, chocolate, ' melted ;
recipe et
calls for some other kind.thiek-„your cream ,; 3/ cup sweet milk
,,its - .
-"CAVALCADE, of -DRAMA!'Ev.. ossa'.
,'�, Atom, Wed., and
sented a lovely setting for the annual
banquet of the Young People's Thelon.
The -same color scheme was used' on
;the tab1 , decerations,ineluding the
.place cards, serviettes, streamers and
potted plants: After all, had done;
justice "to the supper a progr!am was
enjoyed with neve G. A. Barnard. as
master ' of ceremonies.- Coraimunity
singing was followed ° by the toast to
the King, --proposed- by Rev: Mr. Barn
The -National Anthem.% Other toasts in-
cluded that to 'Our Country,'?- ;Which
was proposed -by 'Stanley Todd and re-
ponded tonin" Phillips, that -to-
" Gur Young 'People and the Church,"
proposed by,Dick Weatherhead and re--
Sponded . to by° Ted 'Rice, 'ani.- that' to'
Y`The Ladies, Sub.iCh. Mr. Torn Wilson
proposed and • to which • Mrs. Stanley
Todd replied -Greetings froth the mon
don, Conference were • brought 'by Mr.
Clarence Mcglenaghen otVi'hitechurch,
who is a member of the .._Conference
executive as Well as ;being president of
the ;Huron -Presbytery Young People's
• Union, . Miss . Hazel Wilson of Wing--.
haul, 'secretary. of the Duron' Presby-
tery YP.U., extended greetings from
the Presbytery. net. 3: I'• Anderson at
Wingham Unitedchurch was the vest.
•spec kers IA . an 'address -well inter-
spersed with humgr on the subject '"The
Task Of Making' a Home,,, Mr-' Ander-.
s#onelertMuch food. for thought for bath.
old-arnl young.--friss-Genevieve Watt
'of Whitechurch' favored"` -"with several
readings. The speeches' and addresses
were 'interspersed with music 11 '.'num=
hers, including solos by .Mrs. Andrew
'Gaunt, Mrs. ...Ake and Mr.. Mochre,
duets by Vera and Murray Taylor and
by Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Rice. The sing -
Ing - "B1est be the tie Ahat binds"
.brought a pleasant as -*ell as inspiring
evening to• a close. `
. A parlor in 'Wilmette Ulinots,
A beauty par o , 1
iias a nuelber of •young• patronesses, who
;bring their dolls for a permanent or
water wave. Almuist any day, one. to
halt a dozen dolls may be Been : sitting°
under the drying machine.
Remember that the kind of baking
yoit get de -Pends on the kind of Rolm,
baking powder and other ingredients.
4. Measure accurately'. Most 'recipe
-measurements are level. Make yours
1evell Use standard measuring CUPS
:n.economical and dependoble' servant. It works
f •
a only u e
eC few eas a day, It is the eheapcst,'Yet
most 'valued` service for farm or nrbau home.
and spoons to •. be sure of the exact
5. Mix carefully. .Follow exactly the
mixing directions in. each .recipe. The
wily you combine and.handle• ingred
`"lents: must be fightfor best' results.
•0. Use pens called .for. • Matte sure your
pans are, the type and size specified.
Prepare pans 'before mixing,,, •
7. Make sure oven -temperature is ight
Don't-guessabout it. If your stove
. don't an oven`regiln .to x, use=a
portable • thermometer. It tells yen
when the „„baking temperature is
right! ° ' , -
8.'Cool cakes .properly. Handle all
cakes carefully •a'fterbaking. Cool
butter takes in pan for about 5- Mil-
utes. . Let sponge cake cool in pan.
()nick! Tie' on your aprons; let's
make a perfect one together re `Every
one Of these 'grand new recipes las
been • ctarefullyi 1 tested and. retested.
livery •'one, Is -a beauty and a ` perfeet
1 teaspoon vanilla. -
.,site flour •once,: ,reefed .re rAa.soda.
and salt, and sift° three times. Cream
butterjhoroughly, •add-stigar gradually,
and ,cream well. Beat in , egg, then
chocolate, Add about cup of flour
and, beat well; then sour creafii. ; Add
remaining flour, alternately with -milk,
in small 'amounts,- beating after . each
addition., Add vanilla. Bake in. three
grpsed fl -inch" layer ,puns in Moderate
oven (3' 0 'degrees F.) 30 .mninutes.
Spread -.with Peppermint ,-frosting..
When cold but soft, sprinkle, border of
•cliocolate •flakes around top. For flakes,
scrape unsweetened chocolate with
harp knife, scraping down..
PETER 'PAN" No. $ Sieve
P •
�,CORN" Finest Red Cohoe
--�R1Y 5�r • `�JNY .:_ � Win . •
5BIR$ 25c
-PPepper auitTFrosting •
Two egg whites, : unbeaten; 11/ cape'
sugar; 5 tablespoons water;"1x/.2 tea
"spoons light ;,scorn syrup ; 1. tetqlaeon.-
vanilla. • '
C mbine eggwhites, ' sugar, water
and coxae �b�un top
Q g in . of double`boiler,-
beating -with rotary egg heater `until
thoroughly mixed. • Place over__d1y
boiling water, beat comitfiitly with ro-
tary egg beater, and nook' •7 minutes,
or until frosting v<ill' stand: iii peaks.
Remove froln boiling- water, add van
is axa.,sing` the -Standard of living. It removes .oves the
back -breaking burdens from the ' shoulders of the
Homemaker.. Health, Edileation, Leisure, Comfort
and Convenience are , at your. command ftt.tthe ;flip. of
a stvitc'h..., ( °s..
And at the head .ofliie parade is WESTTTGHOUSE
the naive that nicans' : Everything Electric.
.Q, y
• ,.
i1S- Sf. V.B a s . l.,14c
,4 .b
T iAbE 1: 1b. 13rr.
IO �Q� coc0ANUT , /z
7 ;tt u' 1 1iM .— a .Aldi/ , may (
• 21bs:27c
���vA,N's 29c DATES �,at.
CA1 E FLOUR pkg'�. 1 T.TJ U .. Lge: 8 -oz.
�L ' • • x , tTRAOrT' :. .5!c
C+AiYtD1iI Tin 10e • , ,
MOLASSES ', Ti . _ "v'�'W Ch
,We 1 commend ",STTll'FlattO „' ,
..oz� Tin 14c 7'18 ozr -Tili-23O
' M.ACdC ; ; • . 8-nzr.16-oz. pitt.
Uaknig SODA 5a 10e
Cl'BE ,' Large 17n 'cal- R4.6,T�(14A. '" , ,T TB1
RLI C ' ' Jar' Z'7c:. TOO'I'I PATE , 2043'
'ulCit iM silt„ BftA:a D .1. oz. 2 itt 1 ',SOB' i , POLIS ' ;12c
'SPINACH • . . Tin 1°0 �"AYu "AY -MDR" 141/ oz, Bot,
% GRAPE J'10: ` • ' ' 170
i*t, V O�ESE 'i1vr'f 15c.' • a';RtimOL�l�a' "
OOO1 iNG PIGS , ; 21bs« 236
,,.Qt Al CW' '
OO1tN FLA EB pkgs'.15c
"A,YI'J.1tl+ t`° itaM it
PUMPKIN °"3 16c
,.al I'LINZ"' 037,11 N. - 1Y+lI) •
:Baked BEANS 2 Tins
N' �.
CURRANTS 'lb.. 14c
COCONUT 14 lb. Tin 100
BAR R'S uNsvilErilviNED
CHOCOLATE %A's pkg. 210-
Green . �tyyollrWatt BEANS 10e,v
B 1tain pO1'iN
HUMBUGSibd., 9c