HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-29, Page 64. V
'mei mai'
1"Tbt. Winnie
14'ane, leaeher,at Belgra.ve, spent Sat-
- urday with her parents., Mr. ankMrS.'
George Lege; • '
Mllert Alton and little (laughter
have returned home from Walkert(in
Ilospital. r.eth, are dein,'" nigely.
Mrs., T. A. Cameron, v. bo underwent;
au aPPendix operation, a month ago in
Wingitam Hospita1,. returne(1 to her
. home oft Thursday ,afterneon. ,
Miss Freda:, Rintoul,faeur ,,Pordiee; is
'spending a couple Of weeks with° her
sister. Mrs. Ralph Cameron. •
The now whieli fell 1iday night
, blocked all thoncession' or cars. '
Mrs,. Cyril. ,CamPbell spent a couple
Of dayrecently With her father, Mr.
,,,,Johnson Itoulston; wh, „o we are sorry
' V.*" hear,' i's uotrimprOving- -
MrS. David Hackett, - of Lucknow,
spent Iast week with, her daughter', Mrs.
Stewart ae1kay°
M. Walter Alton attended the fun-
eral of his unele; Mr. Thomas Webster,
near Seaforth. on Tuesday,
Terribly wearing on the system is
the cough f,hat domes on at ....night
andprovents sleep. -
Sometimes it le the constant cough,'
cough that mit be quieted.
• Soraetimes it is a; chOked-up, stuffed -
up feeling . that -makes breathing
difficult..• `,
- Dr:Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is •
the remedy -you 'need to give yolk -
relief, -for the tenon that this prem.'
- ',ration contains the .henling 'virtues
. the Noway pine tree with which
is combined wild cherry bark, and'
the:SOpt-Mne, hdlatug and expectorant
RxIbLertal!safother expellent balsams,
Tho T. Milburn Co., 'Ltd. Toronto,
pecializtilion in
flospitals of Huron
C(Tiiiatinn-i4 from pap 3)
only five p6r cent. of people
laospitalt; eomparcd witb, 1.TtodaY.,
tbe i'.3anaii period birtim Iflace
J' hospitals Lod risen from two per
cent. to 47.5. .
It ivas beeause people were living
`longer that chronic diseases of aged.
people were' increasing and iv,ere likely
to inerease,* said Dr, Me.(1111,0. There-
forki a, suitable type of hospital Mast be
found where these people coald be
fiVCILsynapathetie attention and. ,good
nursing care. There should be sPediril
hospitals for this type,of patients.
CtIre of T.O. Patients
Gal;I),1,141VII 'r ;in, Feb. 20.— Thirty-nine "T.B!" I)Ltients from
Iiuron county are now being; treated in
Ernest !Johnston elitertaine(14 a ,aulnaber (Mtario's tnbeaTulosis institutions •at•
of 'their neigiabors- Ira honor of I!. . an ,expen.se, lit 1030, of $1,0,300, ThiS
-("onserviitive,c candidate for expense, ,the speaker said, was. borne
North Huron. ' entirely by the-GOT,ernuient.' The Oa -
,The regplar kie'etinof;tbc. junier sou whY the Government bad taken
, Red Cross ,80elety Was TelirOn 'Friday over 100 per cent. of this outlay was
at Union 'school. Pauline tossalin:e oe.,the dilatariness of municipal olUeltals in
I enDled the ehair for the program, which reporting such, cases ;or -fear op.. sad-
;•eensiSted of readings,"Goodnight, Lit-, tiling the municipality with expense and
'tle:Star," by Dorothea Vieb.botne; "Our the reluetance o1 patientS''te enter the
;Lady Of the ISnow8," bY Pauline Las- institution. , Now, clinics had been
; "johnnie 'and', the Germ," by 'established to ferret eut the eit4es:
jean Bell; Jokes by Edna poraergan; Dr. McGlaie praised the Liens Club
"Wynken, Blynken, and Nod," by forits work among/crippled children.
old rJohnston.,, T -he members had the satiSfaction of
United 'Church` Notes. ---The much- appreciating, What it means to make
CM -Wednesday evening,. 1.gr. and Aire.
postponed meeting of ,the wa8..
iteld-on • Friday afternoon at'-ithei-herae-
of Mrs'. 'Gordon Orr, with seven, ladies
in attendance. ,MiS: M07, Phillips Was
leader of the devotiOnalperiod, an(1.
used the, service for the World Day of hospitals iO3 "temples ef medical
Prayer, the theme of which, was "In science," of great value to cemmunities
quietness and- in confidence shall be in which they wee located.The -pre-
n' t
the life of others it little more. Wort,h
-wh---,---1•10-.-oitlfned-the--work-of Abe-
;)tatistial branch of the Department,
which was proving ofsuchgreat,value
in planning fiiture policy. He described
Your strength.,' The meeting opened pence of- a-4-hespitai was an iniportan
witlf4:11y-inn,,-followed- by prayer/hy,...the factor wit.h. PcoP),e_a.eeking to inove. to
leader. The !Scripture lesson (St. John or retire to /towns. IralSo was a big
15 iI-4) was read b ra.. G. raleOner,, factor with industrie's seeking a• place
St. John -15 :541 by Mrs. J. B. Orr, and. to 'locate.-7&.---bospitai made -ffnportifrit
St: John 15:13-16 by Mrs. R. MeAllister. purelutses and brought, strangers to a
Prayers were read by Nora SowerbY, town to see their friends and relatives.
Mrs. Gordon. Orr and Mrs. A. 'Tich- Its services were manifold. In a war
l • g t lk on th t inin ecei doctors and
)(ane. Mrs # ave., a 0, ra gr v y
"Projer;' . The 'meeting closed with nurses in hospitals led to acts requiring
the hymn "The Day Thim GaVest, Lord, courage, acts' ,of dauntless heroism,
Is EndeC and the. benedictien. Lunch self-sacriiice and dtkellh-tf humanity
'WOE serves). by the hostess....: Owing' to under mosttrying ponditions. Hospital
the roads ,filling in again on ' P.riday should not be criticized for what they
rught, there was only a small tarn-ont lack but should be praised for what
at Union on [Sunday. The pastor,, Rev. , they already provide the generous
O. L. Brown, delivered another Splendid care -of :the sick. - ---- - _,
sermon on f'The • !Gospel of Release,”- -7_ Growth _of Ale -oath -a Hospital
from the text, "Now the Laa
Lod is .that In moving .Notel'cif thanks, Mr. 'G
p in .
. irit: and vvhore , the Spirit of 'the ' L. Parsons, clifiitman of the board of
LOrd Is, there is liberty": (2,:arintlitans , governors • of Alexandra Hospital,
3 AT )..,-; ... ..The regular raeeting of the traced the growth of the hospital from
IE,P.U. will be held in tlie church net its 'small beginning ••'on. Seuth, street to
Sunday,evening at -43.15. Nora Sower - the -present forty-ave-becl institution on
by's group will be in., charge, - , ,,,) Napier street. It WLVS,-6teatilly growing,
he said, now having -41 staff ot tofteen.
"'Mir %TA rmiffecrYinlelifren. iff Tricz„ "Phte-girdvVtli'lrhirlie:eir We'atirffe'Ve'
portant, as ,our will powerby gifts of $28,000 in the last two years.
Greater Covera
Finer Finis
TI*HARrf wax
-- Protects better
- • --Saves your thne
-e-Saves your strength
- --Saves your money
' -Save; your 'worry,
These bequests demonstrafek that
.'-fernier pa.tientslnid con -II -deuce In the
institution to ,eairy. On its nerk In. the
service of the commUnty.
, .
NILE, Feb. JohnlePhee
and son 'Clifford and Miss Mottle Me-
liwain of Nile attended the golden.
wedding anniversary of Mr, and 111rs.
Robt 'Hoover at their. home -near Brits:.
sels (m Monday, February19M
McPhee and Miss wawa' ...and also
Mr.- Andrew Malayan were present at
the wedding of Mr. and MrS. Hover
fifty' years ago.
-Mrs. Leslie Pefitland attended the
funeral of 'relatives at ,Thedford last
week. . ,
Congratulations, to Mr. and Mrs.,
Carman Brindles,. , on the arrival of a
baby by on Febrnary 25th. .
Wec.arevglad to report that Mrs, Roy
Girvin is horae,again, •although not as
well as her many friends would wish
to see,. ,•*
'T The people_ ef.Nile were 'somewhat
surprisek to hear of the sudden pass,
Ing of Mrs. David Girvin that grand
old lady of Dungannon and a one-time
resident •of Nile, although ft was known
c, •
n.d.,here ....1,,,$10.00 deposit '
for this young- Brow p ptatts the
third generation of Browns' at
the Bank of Montreal:"
— Ask -fat', detai14* °font vasions sa.vingqilafts
Lor all purposes '.. :e'diteation,.traiels,home-
'udd1ng,irtvestment, insurance, for emer
geticjies and opportunities. '
AR* BANAlt WIIERE BM4*I;r4 Agpolstt,Ta ARE WE1400MZ"!
• Goderich Branch: A., A. NICOL, Manaier '
, ..40.•••••• • •44.•
• No, MOther...elothei won't rnel(e
them warm, That Warmth must come,
from inside, and little bodies need
;the right kind -Of- nourishment -to -
supply plonty of healthy glow, Then
'the temperature won't matter.
Serve Cubs for breakfast, and rest
• assured that your family, young and
old alike, ara. getting just the right
• kind. of nourishment in a form. that
is easily digested. Cubs are crispy
little spoon -sized bundles of tasty, -
whole wheat, toasted to a golden
brown;andinellOwed with malt. 'All
Of the wheat is there, the natural
niinerals the bran and the.- wheat.
germ. Ask your grocer for Cubs and
• give the family a treat for breakfast.
A Product of The Canadian
Shredded Wheat Company Limited.
itx Liol, 100
To_urists, Get 'Full ValueL1?4t2 i4 .3,
fOr Their Wiley
ere urged by R J IA, Taylor ofOt
wa to do everything in their..power..,
to develop the touriot industry.
it 19 lutecess of Can-,
inla'p; war elfortas It bears upon, Alto
foreign ,enchange feature of Cantlateil:
inttirnational payments, that Canadians
should do everything within their
power to (14,Fe1op the tourist business,"
said Mr. Taylor,' associated with the
conunerelal section of the Ferel-:-sa. 1,1x-
eliange,•Control Board.
.„"Tourist expenditures constitute one
o 00.1au.st effective export items ,iii
ettnadiC§ trade, had last year this trade
represented about thirty per cent. of the
dollar Volume Of all exPOrts,,,-- In no
other way ctin,Canadians 'easily- pro-
ilue7k1 foreign eteliange in such ameunt.
Regulations o the -board are ' de-
signedto 'encourage, the expansion
tho,touri,§t industry in Canada.
"Even thoughOttnada is participat-
ing in a war 'Or ":the destruction of.
and tlieresurrection of world
decency, thereare no irepedimentS to
free travel in ganacla.,---
"IlecauSe ot the importance of this
.trade to 'Canada, the board has, rifled;
aria that Is the law, tha;t any person.
.ftecepting 'United State's curreney for,
goolle or services or for exchange, into
Canadian -dollars niusi -pay-the- ofricial
rate. -
. "It will not be necesiary for; the tour-
ist to have,lati-United States currency,
changed into Canadian dollars at -the
border or eren.4n the larger centres."
,F4ORT. ALBERT, Veb.,27.--:grgy a"as-
McKenziesPentlast-weeleend in Kitch
ener visiting relatives there. -
We are. sorry to say that Mrs. J.
Campbell, who has been in poor health,
was taken to Goderich Hospital last
where °she is. undergoing treat-
,' social Evening.=.. -A social gathering
under the auspices of the Y.P.U. was
held in the basement of the 'United
church on Wednesday evening of last
'Week. The .evening was spent in Play-
ing Chinese c'heekers, the winners being
Mrs. A. roster:and agr, Fred Crawford.
There Was ,a good attendance; seven
tables being played. Lunch was served.,
Everyone...reported' a good time and it
was --dedided to hold' a • siniilar, social
evening at which crokinole Will be
• Played the coming Wednesday evening:
Young.People's Meeting.—The Y.P.D.
hearth .-etrregtfyfrilltketilirigarniarf;
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ohas: Orawkerd.,- The meeting :013e/lefl
with a hymn, fOltowedby prayer by
Elmer grahaln."'.. The Scripture was
read try Marjorie McKenzie, .followed
by a misSionary- topie by Newton
Fowler entitled, "Supposing There
Were NeMissienaries,' 1» the
ness period "plans were made for :the
young people .to prePare, a play,' It.
was also decided to hold a. crokinole
party In the 'basenient of the church, on
Wednesday evening. 'A paper was read
by Fred Crawford entitled "Embarrass-
ing Moments." The Meeting -was closed,
-,with a hyiun and the Mizpah benedic-
tion. ,The remainder of. the evening
was Spent In playing games, lunch .being
-served •
- _
that she was not 1» the best of health
lately:- ,The sympathy of the.commun.:
ity• is extended to -the -family -of this
grand .dfd lady.' :
Mr. ankiArp.-Carman Kerr, of near
London, 'visited' his sister,' Mrs..
Mathew, recently.
..Mr. Geo. Rutledge received 'word ,on
'Monday. morning of the passing of his
sister-in-law, Mrs'. Gordon, Rutledge Of
Schumacher. Mrs. Rutledge under-
went an operation in Toronto, but it
was too late to be successful and all
that.. could be done was t� await the
end, which came on Sunday night. Mr:
Gorden Rutledge will be remembered
by: many in- 'Goderieh,where he once
clerked in 1VIi1lar's .Scotch store for a
number. of years. : • _
IVIceting.--:-The 'Wonien's
A -Skid -Alen 'Met etr:Tuesdan7Febrnar
20th: ift_the_home of Mrs. iLeslie.'Pent-:.
land, with 'an attendance- of twenty -
jive. The meeting Was, led by Mrs.
Henry Mathews. After ° the opening
'hymn Hilda Finnigan led hi prayer.
Miss Winnie Watson gave an interest-
ing reading, after which krs. Ernest
bogie gave a reading prepared by Mrs:
McGratten. ',The roll call vas answered
by a. eontribution of ;quilt patch 'pat-
terns, some Of which will lieused for
making. (Pints (luring " the yeri'r:. The
President then took-aharge of the Meet -
lug. - It Was decided that the-Womett'S
Association and the Young People's
ion would hold a St. Patrick's social
'On_,ThiirScitty evening, March 1,4th, the
young 'People to haveteharle7Of--the
program .and the Guild to have charge
the . surer. After a :social ,hour
lundli Was served by the hosteSSes, Mrs.
Pentland, Mrs. David MeDiarnaid and
Mrs: Rutledge.
Luelinow won Mc championship of
group 12, 0.II.A. Intermediate 1 .y
cleating' Paisley in Imo straight
game at Paisley rt to 3, and took the
'owl -one to 4 before a ,crowd of
of the 'WebSter family gt'tthered to do'
honor to their mother, )1rs. Alton.
Those who were prvsent were Mr. and
Afro, W. G. Webster And three children,
Jack Webster, Mr. and !Arm NV. T.
Oardner and IlEarold;' Alt% Joe Helm,
Mr. and -Mrs. 'W. G. Reed, Eunice, NVill
and Howard. Tile evening WarS Spa
it4i;111V1USeell3atantidona t the an-
nual at-home of the Lueknow 'Weraen's
Institute the Lucknow Pire Company
presented.fonntain pens to raeinbers of '
'the tath ank100thr.-Ilatteries from
Luelcnow and° iriginity. These number ,
In all nineteen, and the Majority' of
them were present. , These reeehing
pens were R., W. .A.ralre* fink -Harry i
Middleton of .the 1001:11 IlatterY. ard •
Dlliott, George and Jim Webter, ;Ken,
Petit Cameron, Irareld 'Stewart. ,George,
Ted and sta Whitby, Dave Milne;, Don -
aid McDonald, Nell, .Tohnule" 'and
George 'McInnes. jolumie Carter, Don*
aid !Stinson, Ceeil Dunford and Harold
PurveS, all of the 07th. Battery. ' An
address to , the soldier, 'boys, was lead
by Fire *Chief Austin Solomon,. and the
Pens, each ,engraved with the. name, of
be recipient,. werelWesented Harry
Nixon. Major Dixon, who accompanied:
the; boys, replied briefly hi th,eir
(Regina' Leader -Pest) •
You: don't have to bea grandpa to
,remember sulphur 'n', molasses. Boys
and girls ill iiver'the eountry Were tak-
big' it every spring as.reeently as 1010.
-Itione Own sAiiitiren might still be tak-
ing. it ; ninny another "tyviteh
doctor cure' sulphur 'a' molasses has
practically vanished from, - the an-
adian scene. Why? -g-, Simply 'because
your local pharmacist, backed by mod-
ern medieal and ' Pharmaceutical
Science, has found' better, safer and
-more effective ways to 'keep You well—.
not only in the spring but all the year
round -• •
Maybe you think of your drug store
principally as a plaee to buy ice cream
SodasOr a magazine; - Have you ever
stepped te.reallie' that if yonf
dst..were suddenlY, to disappear your
physician would4be dangerously
capped? He'd be se busy making his
own pills he'd have ne Anne to 'care for
you properlyor to keep abreast ,.of
madigal 'researeh.
TttitkrtlAntr thealitlf2ifirfIrltitre
,packaged b.ealth products on: :your
drugstore shelves! Alf& scienti-
prepared by 'skilled 'chemists in
SpetiesS'IabOratories,= Working- under
the direction of medical specialists.
Creams that help keep Your, skin dear
and unblemished, salves to guard You
against sunburn and Scalds, ,headaehe
earreative13, tooth pastes, mouth. Washes,
Simple, Safe; effective remedies' for
;#1eep1essness, asthma and a, beat of
petty aches and pains:, `.And all of them
.Manufactured, packaged and labelled
according to goverment standar& by
Atrins'whosellibbraterieS are known the
world over. • •, ;
- -Because you turn 'instinctively to
yenr.lecai phatinacist for these nation-
ally advertised Products. yourhealthls
better throughout the year. -*Yeur fain-
Harvey spent • the week -end in
Blyth witli his uncle, Mr. D Stilib. '
Mr. Harold Nixtorf o'f. Kitchener pail
a, short visit to his home on Sunday.
Mr. Les. Johnston, we are pleasedto
report, has returned -to his home from
the haspital., - •
•Air. Wm. Hawkins visir for a 'few
days last week. 'at the ome of his
(laughter, Mrs . -R. MeNee, Dungannon.
, Mr, 'Ralph 'Foster had the latsfor-
'tune to have. one of 'his team die last
week, .
"Boy (.'`Do you know, dad, that in
some parts of Afrita * man -doesn't
knetw'his wife:Amtil be miories ler?"
Dad : "*Why,single.p.I.at Africa ?"
KINGSDRIDGE,-, Feb.. 27. kiss
Alnia Tylan has returned to Toronto
after visiting friends in the neighbor-
hood. • .
- .
Mrk Martha 'O'Neill'-ba,s, remained in
Jackson to • spend a while with her
sister there.
Ues,srs. Gerald Dalton. John .1(elilv
and Michael. Martin were engaged last
Iveek,„at, Avoadsawing on J. J. TtObertr.
son'ti firm at -
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Baectler of Gode-
rich visited . on Sunday with -',their
friends - here.
'The hockey Match played in Lucknow
on Wednesday night of last week be-
tween Zion antl Kifigthridgeteams re-
-,sulted An a tie the seere being 3-3.
Red Cross 'netnonstration.-4,Red
Cross demonstration i.:WaS;giVen by the
WOMen's InstitUte last, Friday at the
home Of Mrs. Dick McDonald, Itintail.
•Mr. Rena McGregor 18 in charge of
this wok. Many fine hand-rnade gar-
Ments for the Soldiers WereAltinlaYed:
Refreshments were Served. A.
ment. of the work done leaves.Luelotow
oh the 20th..,
"Some men thirst atter tante, some
after love, and some atter money."
-41 know something they all thirst .
"What:0 that7,40`
"Sttlted peantits,"
,Youi Next VISI to
_Located on Wide Spadina7lve.
• --at College -Si.
Easy. Parking Facilitleit
Convenient to 'Highways "
Hates $2.5110 ILO
Four to Room, I5.111,10 SDI
Close to the University,
Perri a ment Buildings,
Maple Leaf Gardens.
Th 'Satre*, Hospitals,
Wholesale Houses, and
, the raehionable Ratall‘
Shopping District.
A. M. POWELL, PRESfortit
• .1wareh 8-9 ,
GODE1/011 to
TORONTO $ 3.20
Belleville • - 6.10
Hamilton 5
Itingaton $ 7.39
Owen 'Sound $ 825
Peterboro - $
Sniith Pals •$8,46
sitdbury 9.85 ,
sand many intermediate poinio.
Vor train service.' limits, ete.
Consult Agent-.
IftOure handbill
0. E. SME031, Uptown APIA:
Canadian Pacifia.
1-.00K- OUT FOR
YOUR Livta
It raay be the cause of your troubles.
Buck It up the right way, With .
Fruita-tives. Feel grand.
Your liver is the largest organ in your body -
and most irnporlant to your health. lt pouri Out,
'We to digestfood, gets rid of waste, *tan
energy, allows the proper nourishment to reach
your blood. When your liver gets out of order .
food decomposes in your lute -stifles. You IL0-
coins constipated, stornach and kidneys eaffi" -
vrOrkiiroperly. You feel "rotten"-headiahl,—
bicker*, dizzy; dragged out all: tia-time.
° Relieve yourself oI thesemiseries, as thou-
...../areltlarvilh2 Fmk -44m. or 35 years
„Canada's, largest selling firer remedy. Fruit -a-
' tires stimulate your liver, bring prompt relief
-make you feel like a new person. Get
Fruit-i.tives at your druggist's today, 25c, 50c.
a s
*imemailiimeraion.m.mork.00 woo awasou
xeluovWwomptiy and efficiently:,
Simply phone "COLLECT",1*
401.r 12 Clinton"
ily has fewer golds, infectlens and fl-
eses ailments, once eammen,
are fast' disappearing and your , physi-
clan, has more time to'help those who
are siek.
Country SchaVt ,
in the use ,
ren" site 'Said; "what Is the opposite
:Of sorrow24---- ,
‘`‘Joy," shrieked the class in Wilson.
"And What is the, opposite of 'Woe?'
Student "I'm handling this -prane
pretty well.?' Instructor: "Yell, just
keep it up."
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all-lionrs
- day or -night * •
Phones: ,Store . 120. Res. 217'
J. R. Wheeler., *
Funeral .Director and Embalmer
All calla ‘promPtly attended to '
- day or night
-,-,AmBuLA,Nen SERVICE --
Phones: Store 335. •nee. 355W. .
BaMilton Street, ctoderieh •
Rubber Goods, " Sundries, etc.', -maned
Postpaid in plilin,-SealedAvrapper. 86%
less than retail. Write ,for mull -Order .
catalogue. NOWECUB13011
Ilinnhlton, Ont.° 8-10
ots of Heat -0 -
The .Delavvare & itudsOn Hard Coal
Ootti Vbat 1s cone.-cfea.nededoes net clinker tancr. IsvorYlolltlu
_ _
Punt/ Q1�o' A Coke that is 'very poptilar..and; very high in
Our ,fotir,peinted treated 1'OCA110/41TAS. Thpf, grade of ipoal
has become ,, very. popular.
XISEL!"-r... •
,The Red- Jacket Domestic Coal
for your' range, heater, furnace or boilet "Celt in coal yard,
„ $8,00 per ton, or ,$8.75,delivered in GodcrIcit. -
Chas. C. Lee
00ALTARD sna HARDwAsz STORE At the Harbor
- libt10411 112