HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-29, Page 3• I 11 0, _ NigiiritY-eatt'ONI) 'YEAR, ttere, 9 dr HURON COGNIT'S FOREMOST 1;VE,E4L, , atiate L.iMnes Directory 12, notairis iiarrister, Ontee-Coart llouSe, GOtlerich. Telephone; 55. nouebAs R. NAIRN, . • . tBarretter and Solicitor - Ofeee-North Street; Godericht VItNEST. M. LEE, 1,Barrister and Solieitot Sun 4 fe:Building, Adelaide , andelrie- TelePnone E'lgthe * tort Streetet Toronto 2 KENNETH HUNTER', BARRIST1111 SOLICITOR, BTQ.. ?bone 36, Goderich, pat. ' Othce Hamilton „Street 111111.11111111MINIA*60.- tiHARTRRED ACCOUNTANT • 1111ONTEITII and MONTEITH, mit Chartered Accountants . 77 Dewitie. Street, Stratford • Toronto Office:. 302 ,,Bar 'Steeet • 0 to,Ozo THOMAS,GUNDRYt OODERIOite • firVE STOOK. AND GENERAL AI/OZONE/At ' • • TelepliOnet 1.10 . , Setegt attended ' to Orttnere and •. 'every effore made to gtve ;satisfaction. Farmers' sale WOO "disOctintted. Ilia1tIoTT &.GRANTe LICENSED a " -AUCTIONEERS FOR TijE COUNTYCP TIURONe Courteous Satisfactory Service. r • Retea I:Waal:0101e. 001 H Br...440T, Clinton. GORDON le. GRANT, Goderient ' • moici,m; , - fix F. I. R. -Prznostatt EYE BAR -It • . NOSE, THROAT- ' tt . Late.- House _Surgeon • Nevi -1 tti;rk OpEtntalKieteturreettrale HIPitpital-;e•te- • sistant at Moeretiele Eye Habitat_ and., Golden Square •Throat Hespltal,, Lon- don, England. ; • ETES TESTED, GLASS-ES--- sUITLIED: „ 53 Waterlop Street S., -Stratford. Telephone 267. • • Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, iMarch 27,th; from 2 p.m. till 5 pm.. . • - eset'efeeterrette.meseettesteetet zt, . . DRUGLESS' PRACTITIONER C ;.}ItePA-AIOTO ,IfeekNP----PREGLESS: ' THERATIST - Goderich, Theme 341 • Offiee • hques-10 to leettan., .2 to -5 and 7 to 8 --p.m., Tuesday, rralay and Saturday. , • • ' • • • • tIO to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday, Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON. e. , 51 South 'St. • "-INSURANCE. ,.‘ - • liticKILLOT itt7TUAL FIRE • IN- SURANCE C0. -Farm " and iso- lated tewn property insured. . • OificensaeWillitint Knoees PeeSident, Loncleebore; W. Ite etecbehald, Vice- ertesident, Seaforth ; • tee._ L Reid? Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, eee- forth. • • Ditectors-t-Alex; Broadfiett; Sea - :Rath ; ettetes Cennellyeett.Godertch Chris. Leoneardt, Boreholtet -Alex. Melewtner, 13tath ; --Ertinget,MeGireger; Merton; Teomae. 1111oetatte Seaforttit Hugh Alextineer, Walton e Wm. Knox, Londesboro; W. RtArehibald,- Seaferthe Agents -tee. A. Yee, R.R. 1, Goderiche tunes' Watt, John- E, Pepper, R.R. .1, truceileid4, Meltereher, it.ltel; 'Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, • cardiae; R. G.-earpiuth, R.R. 1, Born- • I:mini. . . • - • Policy -holders Can Make all pay- ments ane get their cards reeelptett nt the Royal Bank; Clinton; Celeiu:Cutt's ttettneeryt•Kingsten Street, ,Goderich,Thr .1e-Helteldis) General Storek Bayfleld" . • . • „.• STRATFORD GoDERICII -COAVECIANES- „Daily - I49 am. 4 45' p ni -.:-.1.0aves dodezieh ler Stratford, Toronto, flapnflton,,-Buffalo, ,Lontion,--Oetroit„ Tavistock and Woodstock, Repots, Redford, British and Royal - notelf4, '-Phone hotels or 805 for information. Hon. J G. Gardiner Speaks at Wingham I Malre0 Vigorous Defellee of Bdcori Agreenient-----CriticS • Answered WINGIIAM. Fele 22 (Letaion Itree Tress repert):telSpeaking in -Wiiighaie erewn Halt tonight in the interest-; of: R. J, Deaeninan, Liberal candidate for tWaren Here; Hon. janaes G. Gireitier, ef Agriculture, for Canada,1 easiaed out • at the critieS ef the Cane adieu baton agreement, anti devoted almost ttfe entire epeeelt to..aiisweringr the. criticism, . "I caenetimegitie any Prepagenett mechine 'working anywhere during the •_war more pereistently and upon false leformeticat, than that, used by those who are trying to pry 'a neee into the agreement,"- declared Mr. •Gardiner. "Mere misitetemente have had to be corrected Abeuttitteinee it wastentered- .Intn then teequt anything elte eonneeted -with the war effort. Those respensiblet feat used the tdanitoba comiiiittee of tile Legislature a-theirniediumtof at- tack and are now using the agricultural cominittee df the Ontario Legislature. Weatever might )'e said about the pick- ers, it is time sonteteing ought to be said about these responsible/or putting out, almost dank; -Wrong inforreettenet Mr. .darilinee went eit to explain, 'the - Supply all farm Produete ether than wheat- marketing isdirectly uncle; the direction and control of the Agrieultue- el 'Supplies Board, of .,rovhich A. et Shaw is tee cheiririen." • Defends Personnel 'Speaking or the personnel ef the Bacon Board, which the critics claimed was made up. mainly of paekere, the Ministertpointed out that the 1 -Jon. 3. G. Taggart, chairman ef the Bacon Board, was born on a Nova Scotia, feemy-grieluatederien the Ontario Agri - Cultural College hs an .agrtettltural- representative, later served on agricul- teteil--poetS-In-Albertit ,endeiS.aeltatehe- wen, and latterly Was lninidter-of agri- tulture" in Saska.telieWan. and owns tt ,farm :of his own." : -; ' • •„'"Antl,” added: Mit -Gardiner, "Ile is more of e farmer, knows more farmers andeepeeseatatinerotortilibint than -:any of the erities..of the bberd.". Mr.•Gardiner pointed .out that of all. farm products those for 'which there is the greatest, demand in wartime are •becon, hams and eats. elle• went on to Point out that Oanada'has at -wartime bacon agreement covering 280,000,600 point -ft per annum •tveth.Greet Britain, and that se •far the country has been. ',supplying only an atrerage.lie 160,000,- 000 pounds per annum. An aggrassive • GODERICK' 91\ITAICIO, TJHJRSDAY, FEBETJARY 29th, 1049 St. Petersburg Hears ome,aght la1&S4i mOareBw, , IT UA• RY, ter WALTERS Retitle:ate ia tiato eittrtet will note • •1 . • PLT;OTS TO TRAIN FOR 28 WEEKS , • OWA.WA, Vel). 27.-..--1Vilots trained under the 1,;ritis1i Commonwealth Air Training Plan will be given -intensive instruCtion extending over a period et twenty-eight. weetis. A siaiall propor- tion. of these ,pliots will be absorbed in tlieit.),C.A.V., but tW Ill.fliority will pro, eeed overseas. Courses tor air dbserv't crs Will last for leventytsix weeks, weile air gunners will be reaay: ter eetien after a twenty our period of training. All pupils are enlisted, in the BoyaleCenedian Air Jere° as airerttfts- Wen, elass, II. All will undergo the earne course of luetruetion for, a perloe of- our weeks tin, tu thtlaI training §chool. From then on, Pilot% air .0b- gervere and 'eir gunners will go to their respeetive' schools for additional in- , ttructioe. advertising campaign. •nada. has -raised-Canadtee preduetio etyteeeentie dive per odute so that the countrteeopeS) to lilt the agreement" this year. Beard Set Price . _ rrrmunarommummoom W. Craigie — INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE • ' Get OUr Automobile Ratea-, Phone 24 Goderich mmain.memmimWmiii T'- -N"elkin ill Fire, Accident' and Motor .Car INSURANCE Ofilce:-MaSonic Temple, Weet Street, Qerich ghat" 230 ---GODERICH --okommammuimmommow j: RYAN Rea Estate anti Insurance Ofilce,:' East side of Square. Phone -663. - Residence, 11 Tratalgar St- .letttitt • SALE-eHouses of all kinds, eholee---budlding-tots, business- OriolsertY and Several good far,ins, Let mo e.TioW you some real hamar,* -ThiY. now _ ME CAPITAL THPHONE EATRE 47 NOW -Tyrone rower as "JESSE tIA1%LES4 with Henry Fonda and Teehideolor. liett., UES & wzD. - _ ;1irtR-- -1; ‘,.IE -4 with JOAN ELONDELL Ahttof.,:the, roar and confusion. of a, great Metrotielitati notepaper plant tomes a-smaelidde yentart story sprinkled with laughs - and tense situations "OFF TEFE 'RECOltO'' pores., RI & SAT,, srri.t,pp*t FRAC NANOX ItELLY',-:. CEDRIC- DAUM/VICKIE RICHARD GREENE - WAILItER IlltENNAN and IIENRY HULL , great adventure en the Afeleati Veldt Is :tom the skill and resourees, of Darryl F Zanuek. Magnificent landscapes .are \I a feature of the masterful produation. "• STANLEY ANL) :141.8rINOTOle" Matinee* Wed., Mat, and holidays at 8 p.m. "Before the war started we were getting. $9 shillings a long hundred- weight (112 pounds) of bacon," de- •Cleted Mr. Gardieer, "but "Mee Sinew negotiated the price MI to 102 shillings ,per long, huiteeeetweigee and 50 encour- aged Oanailien-fermers to increase like - Auction. A bacon 'beard' was set PP with .men representing- producers from all acrese ()amide. ,. At their -first meet - Jug they set, thd Price they Would pay to the packers for beton and hams de- livered at eastern seaboard points et e18.01 with ,e17.20 pale to the peekers and leaving 72-ceets per ewe. to ee set 'aside in a field. '' Ft= this fund we intendtotbat the Miner gets two cents a Pound, moretAIK ilia ilOga_4(3.Xt summer. It cats the farniek two cents e pound more to produce negt ill 'tem, July and August beeautelhe negt Uwe which broil Is 'protluced (luring the )eummerentetths mattebeefeettneNeYe ber, Jamlary and,December.e ..Mr, Gardiner -pointed out that 4ist blast 'frem- the opponents of the agrqe- ment 'Said that the agreement was Made in December and was brought ' into 'effeeteletTeMarel9;eitatelettltheelete Nettreuiber, .wiatch meant that for two montes hog preeltiete were being pieced on tee British market made from hogs fillrehaSed Oil a lower basis, whereas the British Geverement paid the 102 shillings. The: statetnent was made that extra money went to the packers and was net pasted on to the producers • Did Not Go • to Packers ., "That money diet not go to the pack- ers," declared Mk. , Gardiner. • "The Government took 300,000, which is twe seillings a long hundredweight, 11.4 this -was placed in the Lund to pay ,t 'e additional two cents a Pound for -po 'tk r.oduCts-during-thet-stimmei-m • 'Tersely Mr Gardiner described .bow farmers will be encouraged to -produce hogs for delivery in the summer tniontht. "Where that cannot be done the ;beam will be held over in storage In order that underethe agreement ,Cari- adatean make, regular xve:ekly shipments to Great- Britain ' during, the Whole twelve months"t . t"L'repagandiete chargee" the speaker said; 'that we did not set the priee to the farmer We set the price to the farmer on the basis of what the packets 1- were receiving at the seaboard. We had the price all .set to ko into effect as soon as the agreement started to operate.. Experienee suggested it was unwise to do so. We found :that the packers were •peying, mere ' than the agreement callee for. We found the teeson la the feet that hogs mere sell- ing hi the United' States £tt 2'1i; to *3e a pound less than in Canada. The agreement made itpossible to pav from 2e'to ee a. pound more for hogs at -Win- nipeg than they are in Chicago. Az...a- :result of this and beetle& under oeir triide agreement with the United ,States tea duty on .pork,airoductt coining 'into .Canada 1i4 only 11/4c a pound, the pack- ers are able to iteporeporee jet° Canada le -spite of exchange at leastl%ebelow what the agreement with Britain pro- vides for. They therefore have been importing from the 'United States a preportioit of their -requirements for tome consuniption and shipping oier bacon to Great 'Britain and they are using thb profits from -the TheitedtStates pork products to reduce.the erreed in 0a -nada, between the priee the pecker reeehres and the price `the farmer re- ceives_" , • ' -- '-• , ' Mk. Gardiner said that as letter es the paekem, paya reas'onable Price 10°0 What they are supposed, to pay "the evernment. did not intend interfering with thtir importalleeeefrom thettnited States, because -the transaction benefith tthe Canadian, )fatmer:" He declared that the charge that ,,the packers were getting a drawback of the dirty Was false and that the'. have not had draw- back sincethe agreement was :nacle, taitho4;h- they had tt for year; before.; Itir. Gardiner 5:11(1"arecent eheclatui en the importations of pork products. eonvinces us, howeverethat.the British agrdenient'and the resulting better ret *1 11 g ackache-Kidneysi Cry for Help I Most people tail to recognize:the serioniness of a..bad beek. - The stitches, twifehet, and twinges i , are bad thOngh and cause great Suf- fering, but back of the backache arid the ettill* Of it all is the die - Ordered kidneys crying out a warn. lug, through the back. ,A pais in the back is the idducys° 0,rylor help; Go to ,their assistance., -Get 6, box of DOOM mailer. rifle. A rented/ forbackooke- and sitat Iddneja. ' iittoanoall 06 'put up in ank *WV grey box with our Ira& • k ar. lo Leaf t* on tho •: t wok - • e — re"ret the otithion, pan5ing, in New Art American Doctor from. China • . orleaus fill 1310E1.183:17 2nd, a Mr.. Albert Gives Ni$ Audience Some alters, e4est: sou o 811.-alltlairr#f; W411ters,.,Ith conect"sion 4)f Col- • borne. ',Mr. Walters W4IG bOJCIL cat Jana - Mrs. p: W. 'Carrie sends 'another of ary 8, teel, in the farm, home which her, interesting letters from St Veers- is still ece01)led by hu Parents- ' He burg; Florida.' This One is dated Feb- attended school in .111enna11ier and. at Colborne- No. 8, where be petted I nail - X41 -3/7 23114' and she says liant student ,He was lencodrag'ed by Washington's hirtlidaY, and they are hie last teacher,' Mrs.,. 8. 13. Gardner, eelebratieg. Bank hellc1iy,* most of the, whose farm. ,Ixdjotble the 'Walters •farna, stori„,g ell'Aed. They ma Lar more ado to coutlaue.bis education, evitieh he did than over Lincoixest 'Lincoln 'is still by itteedieg the Chatham .Businesa coneidetee dictator by tile Seutheett- teollege. Upontgraduatiert he reeeived or,, Hitler and Mutgolint In the same al1 to Amberstburg, 'where lie was class. They are very careful what they en-Ai/Wye& Lr a:,yearand,a half as bookt say- about Washiegton, They never..) teeettert lie left temherstittieg to 'accept pention the . tea party in whieh 'he a tiosition as aecountant with the Rees, !figured ,to,. largely. However, we feel Seott Company, New Orleans, Ita,, eX- quite delighted at. the turn eyeitte are porter' of manogany. On ills second' tailing. Wilen 'English sailors gen go visit Maite, '.he married Anee jean, co a foreign boat, end gather out the •Sliorthill of Georgetown, wno returned prisonerereuld when they ecan fix- bud- with him to New Orleans whete ..theY nett and board the, ships )0f the "great- made their home felt over 'est nation in the World," it looks as If At the ttnie of his death,' Mr. Wattere it etill is true, as an Englisheidge Whit Is eisiting here reraarlted, "lereitannia still rules." "the-bitily wavesteWlittt •-• etre speak of tnese things et the Can - adieu, Club meetingswe are very care - 401 what we say be pubilc. They are 'careful of our, feelings; and, we ought net to -be -outdone- - A. nit* pellet ef, law hes 'come up, teo, whrcb 'is Creating a good deal:44 amuse- ment Tile company for " whom the :A.raueate eargo of. Oil. N1r4 intended, suing theeivaiets fortbreach of contract It =Jae up in court here, and tbe Chief justice, decided 'that even the Supreme Court Of . the United states had no „juristlictiOn la this matter---ttitultit not adjudicate between two foreign nations Ceptain Kinehan of the Orion has -sent teem Word to ceme and get their cargo, but added, ',lite -11 take it from you whee. you :are coming-out. Glad to do eirteafitatd-the-Captitiet •finde Itfe realer dull jute w.aithigtartnmd. 1 think everyone liere-is-la sympathy with: the Alhes Atte meeting east Week'a speaker who was trying to stir. up trouble hegaii peeking "about Beg- land'e tekeraty." . A 'eotuplee of voteee „shouted f '‘`tou leave England- ,elohe. TellettuseteatettiteteettfifitlethlreCietatr saloviki:hau!c"Tgeneclehairmaii spoke to him udh the subject:, •, In 'China fee Tiiiirtyatine tears t We -had a Wonderful speaker here a Xv'eek ago ---4 doctor who has been eead of a hospital in China for thirty-nine Years.He said he • would net tell all et the horrors or of the, suffering in China. Wounded people, men, women ane' children, being" brought into the hospitals by the caetload. The.,more a the nursee; doctors and IiiistIoneries wile a dreP In the ocean -to alleviate sttffereig. •He was so .earnest and spoke so convincingly triat he as lI • ed tit witle-the greatete atteetio „think they were rather surprised when he said eNow 1"- am an 'American three generations .back, and proud of it; but I want to tell ,yqe• right -here that the American nation is behaving in ,a,most. disgraceful manner. -Eighty pee -cent. of the .ammunition with whiCh the japanese are destroteng these people contes froth the United States of Ana erica. The war would he over ..long ago if you did not provide' .the scrap e am going tO *eels. ottt „here if it is the lila thing I ever to. I see rn theaudienee a judge of the Supreme Court, a Senator, and a bank.president, -good friends of mine, splendid fellows t-aind there are men here from every ,State in the. Union,. men who • have made this- country what it is. Nowt if I halie sale anything thatisnot true I, am open to convietren. NC.INV is tbe time to speale." I thought efehe couplet; "There. was silence deep is death*. And' the ,boldest held hi § breath -For -a time," • 1171e, canktd4A-$-./elt-,rather As If eve, tlege firietid-oe the Itite-Dit-Emmerson was Junior -partner of the Rees, Scott Company .and the leepet Petetin Com- pany, stationers and printers. He was a member of the Napotate avenue Pres- byterian -church, on whose official board he served..., • . The fiiiterat was from the NapOleen. • avenue- eheren, en February 3r -de )inter; mentin Hope Mausoleum .beside his wife, who prettettased him by a year end a half. He leaves one ciiikl; Pliza- beth Jane Sliorthfit, who will reetaen in New Orleans untiteune, when she will recetve,her-- Master's degree front. Tilt hare -University. Besides bis daughter, he leaves his patentee Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Walters. of Celbeene; three bro- thers, ifienrY, Osmond, and ,Lloyd, also 02 colborne,, and three ' sisters, Mrs. Arthur apragge of Nile, Mrs. Win. Geed of Auburn, and Mrs. Fred Rayison of Detroit. - Mr: Waltets 'made frequent Wefts borne, trenewingtfriendShips, delighting itethdientariceectinteyside,--te-whieh vas alweysfaithful, never having re- nounced,..his citizenship. He often el - pressed' his intention of retiring to his old home and.Was, indeed;, anticipating a long vacation in Canada thit4tpentert„ rliTirir°"o'rbTillTifiirit.T'eTiee't, of . wide and successful,business interests he ever .remained Sincere and of staple tastes. lie was-potsessed from, his boy- hood of a loving kindnoss of spirit which was noted -.by all who came In eentactwith him and his loss will be greatly regrettedby his many friends in Goderich and Colborne. • ammunition, and history has a nasty trick of repeating itgelf.” • . More Plain: Speaking - Another thing he said:: 'Your sem- pathiee are all with Englaud, 1 am s e.. Well, it -wi e more an sympathy to ge onewith this - war, If itiettand and "ranee fail to hold that irne...end that moron Hitler and his horde of bestial Germans, are allowed to „overrun Europe, :What -will become of otir civilizatiori hearci a spealser qn the platform yesterday. say, :Me are thegreateet nation he the world andthe nation does not exist that teen defeat us.' Now is your opportunity to show it. You -a.re forgetting that you are your brother's keeper anti you are play- ing the fiddle while Rome is burning. We are a wonderful people and I ant proud of being an Americen,, end if I have offended any ef you by my plain speaking 1 hope you wilt forgive Me. I. ate going iback*to China and I will, I tdatesay, never return." They c ertainly were a wonderful& well-bred audience.I noticed a lure, - bet of • the leen' atene' tip and shook heeds with him afterward. The, chair man said, "1 am afraid the geed doctor is right." • 'A Oanadiau doctor frein. Belleville (who, by the way, wasei col - were listening to a family row, and were rather uncothfortable. The repre- sentativeseot tia?. efeat Amerigan nation ,had not a word to, say; at leatt they'd' not say ahytbing. • The speaker wit on to say: "A great many of you have gat your sons in the Great War. I lost botleef mine;You have never 'get, over 'Wand youtnever will. „Those line sons df NA7hom you were -ea proud were shot with yrou'e own remarked on his way out: "Tbitt men is e wonderful. speaker : abusing the Americans .one minute. :and placating hem the next. Mark Antony fe, not in it with hime.' I never saw an audience Of six Or seven thousand disperse so quickly. 1 heart a ceeple-oe tee men say, "Ohl the Allies- can hold the line all right," and "Germany Witt DA„,s,viug foe peace in another montletr:•_.. The Canaelent Red Cross is working hete here. I beer tharthe American tura to peodueers is being endangered railways hatre offered' a tranvoFt-the ita the indiseriminatereimportatied a spites up to eientreal-free-ef-ehargee pork prod-II:eta into°, till& canary under We Canadians nearly all meae baeget-- the pretection of en agteenient which te distinguish us from the "hol pellet." makes abnormal profits possible to the ie We sey, • iiiporter Without. any return reaching -the- prodheer either-ineGanaditeer, the States. Titta-is• a type Of pro- fiteering which miait be preeented and we are introducing e. fornt of emitting which will prevent this not 'oh& up to (late but for the future.' ' The speaker concluded 'by sityleg "tbose wiro wieh to waist the farmer in his production -and marketing would be well a.dvlsed to •get the facts -awl then stay., with theth. ' To do what some Aug-, gest would result in 'the whole Can- adian lnarket for cattle in the United 11,e- etates being sacrificed." Answers Abilion Deaetiman attacked br,....1.1anion for his Staienientstit-Biandati find the Government had appropriated $188,000,- 000 •for defence purposes betweeu its aceetsion to power in 1035 and the out, tbreak of tee war, and supposeely spent on /1„eteuce.„, and, that preparation for the inevitable oabbreak of War was shainefully,- neglected., The meeker. polited out that $311000,000 of thiseum was vOted in 1931 by_:the Conservative party., The first three years of Liberal. administration saw military expondi. tures of $04,00000. Met year's ((teal rear saw h miiitary expenditure of $03,000,000e Adding to this tne, $31,- 000,000 Silent by the Conservatives Mentioned, and yon hav.e. the doctor's 'total of $1.88,000,000... 'Ile, must condemn 6S-use1ess the mows( voted and spent by his omirt part or withdraic his Charge "against Specialization in liospitals of Huron; Plan Acivahood by Dr B Tp XeGbie, of Provincial Healtit Department plan, whereby specialization Would be praett-3ed in each of 'term (lounttee four •hof;'1)itals---4Godericii, Clinton;.Sea- forth "and Whigliani-So as to bring greater Olden:0y May:economy in the treatment and care og the hit*, wee advoeated by Dr. B. T. 3Ief1nie, Deputy Minister of iiealth, before a largely.. 'attended meeting of the Lions Club on kriday evening. If adopted,' the plan would have far-reaching significance in the future development Of the County's Lour hospitals. For ,Itistence: After stating, every fourth bed ia 'Huron's four hospitals was occupied by a. chronically 111, aged person, Mr. MeGhle proposed, that this . type of Patient,he confined solely to one f,-theTfobr----hespitals,----Suell- a -move, would .greatly improve ,general condi- tens under which the patient was being cared for and would lessen the cot of maintenance. 7 -Likewise, 'such would .be the', case with- expensive X-ray and • surgical equiptient, facilities for freptueal treat- :einacanomt, eentc.t-17aistr ttohullittyre.,m4fain,setraviteecat_tliate 'One .hospital, its -eat being shared bv, all teer inttitu.tions. With the advance of susill hetmPletadriecalf10 101-nSeueregige04-a,isdeleitnteet with inereaSing cost Again, one hospital would be set aside lexediagnettie purposes. With modern means . of transportation .it Watinneli ed President -Nelson Hill' presided over the ,mcher.,eiartp,thtexr oT,toxa:hxtrIn,Igok•t,shoet patient hre . to the patient • ' whose subject. was ',Inlet :a Jiospital Means to a, COmmunity." Lion. equipment than to take the-teetrieeneet, speaker, using some interesting figure,s.: In the last 150 iderSkter-W-SP.atee , Thiichart, gave years,,, he said, the span of natV increased by twentsetertegearstand this, 11.:tge' tiltnireatinee'. 171184:arrr atin—brEtslentse 1.te°a.ur.labere,: :arterial troubles and oth-e7. diseases among people In 'advanced years. 'We have practically tstampedeout Poor Visioa **Witte iovrocido. tion and: rea44:'-arch learnied, that diot, 00 diet 11; altic:e the *toe of imperfect 4,1--ct% the tiose: ot mem defecto. Make your appointment eat* by owning SOX. Cor. Kingston St. on The Square 0041erith Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Wednesday at IAidanow cominunicaible diseases, but peolo =WA it 'Of-Sontething,A.t,the. -pekei_ served. 13eatia1 from lteart diseases, had Ji creased from 13.0 jier thousand at the' turn Of the century to. Z9.8 ui 1033; cancer from 3,( to 3.2,1. Accidents bad - doubted, from 3.5 to 04, of all deatbo- Orr theether hand, deaths from *W- ren.% diseases had deereased from 7.3 in- 1000 to AA Sn 1.038.- In The same time deaths of people over.aixty _had risen from 8.4 to 114. , **01Lbtelso;{(;gverrt efellta ostoafub !pareeowte 100:),wteltree coming.raore hospitatininded., In 1900 oit t . ica SerViee: AIRY* nuke ROJO raistireAl; free tube. test in yow boise. Lowest rates for - serv inotes on request, M1 work guaranteed.; tenfold. )3 a Radio Farts and Tubes kept - on band. PO „qui* ceurtoeua , service', can er phone ,,. • • /1. :ft. MUNDA Phone 598 Widdor °nit wait un before,10.3iing that new Diiiinz koii** .or :tea Boom uite eGt1t n6V;before ;pikes advance.. STOVES LINOLPUMS* 0 he !beta's," delated Mr. Deiteliman, Ito anbatlintes. Get MOM* 0.4 1;44, Nowa, 001. f Whitt ft man, Manion." Tile* was a record attendance at he Wingliain Town Mill. 111110111111: frequent COLDS 110"For relfetingdis- • comforts of chest colds and night coughs,, rub 'Vapoltub on throat:, clicit,and back attiedtime.VapoRtinpoul. tiee-vapor action relieves conges- tion of upper air passages -eases soreness of chest and back mus. cles-helps the youngster Wait into healing steep._ Fork coughing and irritated throat emoted by colds, put Vapoltub on the child's tongue to relieve the irritation. Then massage VapoRub ort throat and chest. ror,Nritffies" and misery of heocl cottiN melt Vapoltub int bowl of boding water. Have the child breathe in the steaming vapors. Thi S loosens phlegm, dears nit passages, makes breath - n got Iteffe Iftst IA:ens:10)0%er% tlt:tgehrMieharontime.Rsuofb , tested treav•vic iS • mei*" 'VA.* US la MATTRESSES 4`TIIE BROADWAY OF OODERTOW • Cigarettes Cigars 'tobaccos Phone 240 - Confectionery , -We Deliver - „ SUPERIOR ST DFO "Libby's" TOMATO JUICE ". COOKED • DEEP BROWN IEANS RES 9".28 -oz: 40' MS •TINS' 1#.02; TINS - 9! TCllUP UER ERA EPAUED L PICKLJ & ' LGE 12 -oz.. BOTTLE LE ¶UNj • IY JAR , LGE TIN se Vegetable or Tomato. 3. riro • -'FRUIT COCKTAIL a Pineapple Juice 10c 1;23g. ASTR FLOUR RG 1.8e,ti:* ; RAG .iittLeinEsT" 2 lbs. snorrraliso 2 lbs. Mc GARDEN PATCH • CORN 17.oz. Tin 10o ANMERR ' 2 lb. ..IA'R RASP. or STRAW. g0o r., rrr nr Al AI 44 .11! .1 h, ae k IME,.2 lb. pkg. 25e 3 CARES • 'Thu lie ttED RIVER, .•CERF.AAL LUX TO/1AT SOAP 1311,INSWICIC, . smanns ELL MUM VANILLA. LAE EXTRACT , Stl. 10e , A. R. ' PII/M DROPS lb. 15e ROYAL TOUR ttlaek or Mixed ‘,14.1b. ?kgR6VALI VORK ' COPRAZ e4ib Tin49c AtetwiREN'S' 5 MOS. '313LX:St pOVAMS 250 DrittrAlt P104. CORN. STARCH 10e - J. CALVIN COTT, puoivf: , MeEWE MOM 46 „,„