The Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-22, Page 6*el
skaiii sat
My You'll En
V -AV 4,0
Ihoilothe my be the Sat sits of Kidney
When your back eshees look to
• yrs Doll fail to heed this warns
ints-it is too important. Take prompt aftiou
oktre08fairiclie, wit& 400., Atth. orst
e.loche barn vorkehmtly to, Dodd's-
Kiolasy Pills -far !roc hail a caiuryJb
favonle remedy kr Kidney idasenta.
Daddis Kidney Pilis
• ,KIEPPARDTON, Feb: .20. -..•4 MISS.
Emily MeGrattan of Ihing,annon spent
the week -end with her friend, Xtiss
ISabella. Pollock.
Themany friends of Mrs. Relit.
Bogie.' will be • pleased- to keel* she 14
up and 'downstairs after_ being, ili. bed
for a couple of weeks, °
Mr. and Mrs. Iihrold,Tigertand fani-
jly Saturday evenints at the lithise
of Mr. and -Mrs. :Wm. Hawkins, Port
Albert. t, . •
Mrs. Wm. Foster entertained a few
ladies at a quilting reeet4IY,
• Misses -Helen and Isabella IStelifilan
/vent the week -end in Auburn at the
home of their imele, Mr. ttatidd Bogie,
and Mrs. Bogies
• Mrs. Dan Mel<enzie of Port Albert
',tate& last Friday *1W her Mother,
=i Mrs. Mg**, Bogie.`
, Mrs. Gordon- and MrS., Gilmour. have,
retnrned horass.liffersvending a' couple
7- -
of 1,veet;s with their suter,' Mrs. Baird
of -Brueeileld.
Untended *for last wa,elt)
SIIEPPAItliTO:sr, Fon- 13.Mr!
John Foster spent the wek,ez --end visiting
in GOderieh with her da ghter, Xrs.
W. Bannister.
.,Mrs. Harvey Potter, who Spent the '..
pdstsix: weeks visiting with .her P-itr•
ents, Mr. ,and. ,Robt. Bogie, and !
Other relatives, left on ,Xlonday fOr*lier
home at Langbank, Sask. I
The many frieneSo Xr Leslie ,Tohn.
ston will be sorry to hear 'he was _
rushed to Vroderich. Hospital for an
operation for appendicitis on Saturday.
We W.ISh him a speedy recovery. „
The-neiglibors of M and Mrs ., --0010,-...
Jones net at their home Wednesday
pvening, rehrttary 7, for a Surprise
euehre. party. The Priae-Whiners Were
Miss Alma Dougherty and MrJohl roster and consolation prizes went. to '-
. -
Mrs. Vrooinan and Earl Bogie„: The
ladies served lunch and an enjoyable'
evening 'Was spent
Tho lives of many. young people
are =tide iniadTable, by the breaking
ont-of -Pimples 011 the faco-
, The 'trouble ie not so much pile -
'cal, pain, but it is the mental suffer
ing caused by the embarrassingdis-
gurement• of the, face which very
ofteirintkes -fee sufferer ashamed to
• go out in company.
The quickest Way -to 'get iiror
pimplesis to improve the , eerier -al
,heaIth by,a thorough cleansing of
S„1-tErisb .
'PORT ALBERT, Feb. 20.--sUr. Dave
,Martin went to Detroit .1!ist weeksend ' G • • '
and will a m
•spend onth visiting rela- ,
tifes tbere, , GispEsercse TOWNSHIP, Feu..1e.
fiss Annie ,Quid, Wile' has been Mrand,Mrs. Dave Davidwn, 31fres
working at Wingham the, pi-st year, le Mary Phillips and Lilly Elliott visited
spending this week' visiting at the home last week. with Mr. and Mrs. liner
of her sister, Mrs. Melvin Dickson. Davidson, London.
• The Y.P.U. will hold their regular sfr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stewart and
meeting and social gathering'tliir i -Maxine, of 1Saltsford, vsisited last week
.slay evening at the- home of 31z, and with Mr. and*Mrs. Wm. Fuller- • •
Sirs. Chas, Crawford.. - f • Messrs. George Mellwain and Wm.
Mr. Ernest Crawferd, teacher at Fuller have been a the sick liststhet
.Paisley„ and Miss' Zella Coarser. -Wingss.Past -week. *'*
e ied of
RUA= 22nd, 1940,
Rritish War -Office Photo -Crown. Copyright reserved * Courtesy Canadian Pacific
CanUdivii airinen should fief at Itotine seenes, like- this.. It Is a viboiyal. Air Force enm'arignenit Some-
where behind the tines' 'in Franee4hre they are having -one of the coq.dest :win,ters, they have e2tt".
penieneed •'in• many yeaPa.
ham Spent w eelt nd at the omAnother highly esteemresilient
.of Mr.. and Sirs., Will Crawford; the WWII hiP 111 the Person ."'ess-us-rss
• On Wednesday evening of lastset,esk----Mber
a goodly number from the commorssty
gathered •in the 'school -house for a-
Seeials evertingsAfteriasshert-prograM
_ of ' numbers- and contests,
box Oda. was held and provided in,ch
eUjoYment. The remainder of • the
evening was spent in dancing.
PORT MFIAT; Feb. 14.; --The As'h-
field Pateotie Asseelation _held • their
Febrtiary meeting on Tuesday evening
at the Port Albert schoolhouse, With
a good attendances Favorable reports
were. presented, crediting this society
with 45-pairssef -Red Cross aOCka sent
.-n up te the present 'date. The March
meeting' will be held •at the home of
Mrs. „Agnes Foster on Tuesdassseiarch
12th. , The officers , of the Association
take this omr,Wnity;:of_thanking the
Beirdock Blood Bitters. cleanses ladies for their splen wor .
andpu the..hiood 4 --"'Get ridf
c'• . "Why in.ise'yotir hat tothe doctor?"
eieir eeiraplee lsy taking_SP•Bee; "I take off ray hat to any man like hira ;
'Ireesr.stinistssisso., ise„ TereetosOs ,iny wife apes witat ilte„t6us-
lett, was removed by death
the past week: • '
Valentine Party. --The teacher,Miss
•1.itMther.P1.10*,... • af SS.
"14, 6 held a successful valentine party.
Jean occupied the elsair. torsth
program, which consisted of readings
by Pauline.LaSsaline„ Clarice Lassaline,
Edna ,Somersall; sole, •"Little Sir
Echo," by -Vera 'Wilson, anirrnotith
organ selection by ErnitePowell, ocean!.
Panted on the pihno by Kenneth Sower -
by, The `postoftice was conducted by
Dorothea, Tichborne and Harold john -
sten. who distributed the ...valentines to
all. • • -
•$Union Church Notes.e-:On Friday
evening the young people met at the
hoineof Nora ISowerby for their regular
meeting. Forty-three were present. The
-de-Votiokal-exerdises. were -con
Esther MeIlwitin, conveliVr of -the:-
phristian,,cultur4sroup. The Seripture
lesson yells 'tread by the president,
uricesHartvood. • A.A.-artiele, "Where
tY. • •,
Geest 'Thou, .Great Heart?" was read
by Edna SoinerSall, and the toPle,..`Vbe
,Life Aralentine," was read by.
Jean, Bell. The neXt sneeting fwili he
held it the church en iSunday evening,
March 3rd„ with Nora fSowerby's group
in charge . -,After the nieeting, progres-
'sive -erokinole_ Dorotb
Medd, of .Goderichs Wort the lady's fir
Prize and Everett Mellwain the man's.
Completion' prizes went to *Pauline
• Lasseline and Arnold. Bell Rev. C.
L. Brown pail 'fitting., tribute ;to. the
„Memory of the late Baron TWeedsintiir
in --his- seisaun-safsUnion-son-s-Stsnd
'There was a fair-sized congregation.
BroWn spoke on the-snbseet 44Th
Spontaneity of. the OhriStian'' Spirit,"
from the texts' "And'whosoever shall
poner thee to go ,mile, go with him
41-trVaiirr-SIKt7'lerattlier'5°4•TS* .-s-The-
<postpeneer Meeting"of the W.M.S. will
be held en Wednesday afternoen of •
this week iti• the 'home 'of. Mrs. Gordon
•Orr. • - si„
, V
Pout.toor once Settert•Inuotrated-
DESIGNED on modern aeroplane principles NATfilys provides ample power for fine per-.
forrnanee-roinny cornfort"-strength and durability -all the essentials with no Waste..
nor useless gadgets. „
, 41
,Compare These Essential Ffes of More
Expensive Hos Them 'All.
EivesPasseriger capacity in -Sedan ;Three- natural pi'? Sieering wheel Steering -post
passenger capicity. in Coupe • All -steel ' gearshift (n De Luxe models) s; 'Nov -
body • Safety glass throughout • Stream- qble front seat Anipleluggage space s
line beatity ..-7flead lamps in fenders • Full standard tread • Smooth ,pisWerfirl
. Oversize hydraulic brakes • Two, siloke, 'engine • Greatdurability.
. '
-."...--1001.000.,MILE GUARANTEE
* Ask the 1/11illys'idealeir. about the 100,000 -mile guarantee on 0111940 „
Willys ears and truckt.-ifts,a greater guarantee by far than Is oriered
on any other passenger car -proving the Factory's Confidencein the'
ability .Of the Willya togiveciong.atitiscattory service. •
Steers Easier Parks Easier,.. Manoeuvres Quicker (turns in 17 -ft.
" radius)... Nets Great Top Gear Performance. ,.. Costa Less to Buy and
Less to Service . 'Uses Leas' Fut i and Oil. ,; . Gives Longer If /re if
comfortablesafe, speedy, reliable., and economy. that SaVeS nfotiey fot other
- inotoriag in a smart, 011 -sized 'ear bat -desirable things of life. You will be
for the owner who -wants .thWdurabilW proud of your Willys whereveryou- dri0.
• ,•'•,;.;
j. W. MeGEE, G clench, Ont.
ST, FITELliN)S, Feb. 10.. -The regular
meeting of the YAW. was htki with* crows, we shall Welcome spring. s .
Mrs. 'Es W. Rice -in the chairs The ._, Mrs. John. Buchanan Silent several
Scripture lesson, the story- of the Prodi- daar:y, s 'ovvritthhe_herotthatheeor,nceMssrionFrldf. C_Beaoski
Siochre sang "Where Is My Wandering smr.-.Tohn_Plekett,-aft, er-sPeod-in
of it, was given by Mrs. Ball. Mr.
gar Sop,. followed by- brier exwAition
Mr. Cooklishilsveir poorteultle--- -
-W,awanosh. - We' are sorry to hear that
Boy TO -night?" ThiTO--pre-,--"We--Itead eral weeks visiting friends in this vie-.
---:Why and What?" was ably ,presente inity,'-hlisTgones to Myth- smiselinto
by 'Airs. P1117.11_11 1341,1liPs,---s- for a visit before4eturning to his home.
The service in the tiniteaschurch on in. tile. wsst.1.__,..s_. ,, , . ,
Sunday Mornirtelotor thefOrra sof a ** 7. :L's_
memorial service 'for the late LorZi BENMILtEll
Tweedsmuir. The hymns sung and the .
WESTFIELD, ,Feb. 19 -4&!s 'Elva
Carter of Clinton spent Sunday with
her parents, AirssasuLAirs. John Carte:.
Sim Wm. Welders returned home on
'Monday after spending a couple sif
-Weeks With her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Berlseprn- of IS teffa. •
Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. McDowell. 1/./(r.
and Mrs. flank 9amPbell and Afr. Ray-
mond Reditond attend.ed the golden
wedding anniversary on MOnday of Mr.
..who forinerly °resided on the'larm_now
Owned by Mr. Walter Cook,
The y.P.U. held. a valentine social
on 'Wednesday evening.with about
twenty -fire. present. ,Rev. ,H. -O. Wil-
Teerlecisinstrsingsong. -Valentinegameis
'wereplayedunder the leadership of
Mae Mason. Lunch was served. -
.Miss Margaret- Vincent of „Stratford
was a recent visitor, at the home .,dt
her parents, Mr: and Mrs. John
cent.. • .
Spring must be just around the cor-
ner, as the crows are back in this vicin-
ity. 1.4thoisgh we do not weleome the
_Helps P,Feve_iit the Development of Colds, too
NOW, it'., eaey 0 relieve head Cold VoAto-nol at once -it lw1p5 to pre,
' discomfort. dm:t 1-44 a fOW. t1rO1)5"Of tfOat 'Many colda frona„tievelopWg.
1. (1 Va4r0-1:101:11pea01,110Stril atd Va.tro.nol-is GyeefaNwit, medics,.
1ac1,the-,t4Igle 1.-t , tion-mremly de*-idzat'er the noso
latInglin00,1eation reauce5 the swol. and tipper throat where nimt cold,G *'ata.:(,:vi)t);7:0:171:cy tt: ntort. Used in thne,. it ti 111t4
. elor,iw:i• mucus, helps to I:oep the .
- , elib'•it°:ght oft
RFAT TIMF, dm -et wo,it 'until youti , '.11n1::4atiAttrElYec::-a; 4c°1°:1:(1:VeinCr3
• 0
Gilld--Ieto voa- breothe tesir,aln.
111.,a,6 is --an sttMe4 up. At thon first or to throw o
", arniittl ' tlaCt0,2L. or use, ant-ses. - - VR"I eiti.etilePet,
their en.kly.........,,-,- pa".
Good Lao
LaWyer '(for ehop-lifter),---Miredical
witnesses would testify in this :court -
,thatmy unfortunate client is suffering
groin kleptomania. Xour Honor" rov
knor what thVis
a." '
Judge --"Yes, diSease are people
pay me to mire."
„ • s •
A man appeared at, the gate. of a•
nudist colony, rang the bell and Waited.
From inside: "What do •you• want?"
"I want to. Joie." ,
can't. jeinwitla that blue suit
on." s
-"That isn't a blue suit, sir, I am just.,
There is a right way to make up, So
perhaps yen will find these hints timely
now: that party end deneellighte are
It IS important to tlio-roughly eleinee•
YOUr skin, SO eusure-thla by always
,washing With it:bland olive oil soap.
;And fer.your make-up, do use the new
"Six minute 1116kc•-nii" method, using
three -purpose cream and powdersxouge
and. lipstiek' to mateh:: •
Cleanse Pores and 'skin thoroughly
if all foreign matter' by , messaging
the creansin gently: Itemove all, the
eream..*Ith a:dtinsp. Warm cloth! Then:
Stripture lessons•read-were those used „
----------- v......... 13
at his -funeral-, and in •his address Rev. BENM.ILLER,yeb, 220,4 rhe -0.0.I.---
G.'A. Barnard paid high. tribute to the and Trail Rangers he a social even
big in the church on Irriday evening
„beloved Governor -Genera. Of Canada.
8tht,t5iMierh.atDa .RAiroleirtaiso:iTtiaonntaot.lenmtrina.
trills raany,friend_s,Were Sorry te. learn. and report a...very enjoyable time, •
fileuwghdeazsioWiyirthood . and Anderson is a visitor vvith•her sort -Tor-
rance -and iiirs. Anderson- in Toronto.
Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo was
a_ wxterele-exnedit'venzisitr watehbebr.ishozeenhdefte.e, a - Mrs Walters
mayd spent
a day
,111, Albert
. at Holnieseille.
Mx. and Mrs. Will Long and Mr. and
list week with Mrand Mrs Les Jekvis
in Toil:Me:is
Mrs. 'Frank Alibi sPent the Week -end
day with,Mr2 and Mrs. G. Grigg, near
Mr. and Mrs. It:Good visited..enSP. us
• '4.
Mr. Wallace Miller attended the an, • Mrs. J. Allin has oilernual Convention of the Ontario Assoc', talon for goitre in London and we are
• ation of AgricnlVeral 'Societies held in .glad to...know-it was Suceisstial. '-
Toronto last *eat as a delegate' from The' Y.P.U. net tta Usual on Sunday
the Lucknow Agricaltural Societyevening and'also held a valentine social
oris..Wd of Zion is a visitor sbniary14.
• -' . - . . ..
_ • ,
smooth on es little more eream and wipe
This leaves on your skin a tines thin
film .of cream that eete as a_ powder
tiface •geiibly With a damp, old cloth.
base without clogging your pores.,
If you use eyeshatiet,
next. Use very little, and strelse it
lightly over -eyelid:- to outward corner'
,of eye. „ '
Nois lightlyssr000th rouge over your,
„,fseess,OhstugerAiieiesitiK.Wittke• Penu-,31
tion cream and mime in .
.. • .
Generously pat powder all-over your
face, not forgetting under Tour:chin,'
along jaw -line and down the melt,. •
Birgain —
Western Canada
PikiLY FEB. 17 TO IVEAR,4 f
Faciirsion tickets good Ton
RsieePOriv4ingS-iftecar aeket71,9itti`°00111-niviev*rt.,
.41110101,1._OPt•/.,_ ...01ger dal, or ,Saalt
Ste. Marie, -returning gone Mae
and line only. , Generous ..optisMal
• '•
STOPOVERS -w111. be allowed at' any
point in Canada on. the going or !ft.,
tunn , both; Within final
of tieket Oa applietetion sto the Con...,
dMetorri; also at Chieago, Ill., SanitiStes
Marie, •Mieh., and ',the west in Wore -
dance with. tariffs) Of Visited States
lInes.- •
ruelspe'rticulare from any agent.
. Canadian Pacific .
1 .
with -her sisters -Mrs. Charles MeDon:-
Mr. 'Con. Foran retUrnedfrom the
Wingham Hospital on Satued-ay. ,
, On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Durnin
Phillips motored to, Toronto, where Mr.
Phillips vviir attend a inimielpal con-
vention a a' delegate. from the Town':
ship of WestsWawanosh.
• .• p
PowEit'S HIM 20 -Mr and
Mrs. Ernie Bell have moved froth. the
Hill to a house -on the Out line owned
Y '
• We are sorry- to report Mrs. Weston
.Apply eyelash cosmetic next, if you
use it. aPplyslipstiek, not only
on the outside but also a little Weide
the -lipsf Preas. yew, 1.1PsS tightly, to -
'other ;Yourlipstiols will look' even.
and smooth;on both' 1.100,
' Write for confidential beauty advice,
elSeleSingsfelir one -dent stamps tor •fas-
einating .new• -booklet . on Beauty ,Oare.
Address: Barbara Lynn, Box 76, Sta,-
Iretli"Mlikertreais' Qtte:
The eiplorer, bowing low, approached
savage chief. . . • Ts-
"fron±the. Great White 1,itigss.'>•-•#7.
"Tell - nte,'; Interrupted the
"why 'don't you guys do--solnethhig-
Vint- the punk radio programs .you
send over here?"
111 h a ht 1,1
at the ltOme of. er a ug e rs
. .LEEBURN Allen Betties. We hope. she wilt soon
be well again.' • , ...
. . • .s. -s.,— • , . ,- .Mis Leechwho has nradestie home
: LEDBURN; Feb. 20.-Sits.„A.Clutton with Reg; r eller, sees ;totes- sesvette:.
was eitllealway to KiPpen last week
to -herstretierdn-lives. who was seri-
ously ill. , • •
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
J. keWhirtneY, who -#12
her daughter, Mrs*. Alex Bogie, felr in
the house and sprained her -Itireesfund
'oasis consequence will be laid Up for -a
time. She is getting up in: years- and
the, injury will be more f
, serious or
her than for a' younger -person.
Mrs. Terenee Hunter spent the week-
end With her brother„and sister in,
Detroit. •'
„Sir. Horace - Horton. 'motored to
Exeter On Friday last to spend a few
days 'with his son and brother there.
l3rennais whorl= been living I
with her daughter, Mr.:. W. J. ChisholMS
has been feeling poorly- with heart
troubles She is•now in bed for a week
or- -ten days at the home of her other
daughter, Mrs. Ca GibbonS, Goderieh.
ich hospital 'last, week $Uffering frora
a. severe •
• On Sunday, Rev. -Its -M: Gale vvas
sufficiently ' recovered -from his reeent
illness to take charge of •theo service
at Grace church. It is rather disCon,r,,
aging tse-see so_ few present, tut • We
truSt better road conditiorks and more
pleasant' weather , will fill the - pews
*again. ;
ICINGSBRiDGE, reb; 26. - Mgs
'Marcella O'Connor, left last week
'for, lbiron !Stinitariutfit, Lendoll. where,
She is nursing;
Mrs. ,O'Neill •and 'Tom. Mrs. Robert
Howard, Sir. Ed. Sennett and on Jim
motored last 'week ,re' visit friends at
Jackson. Mich.
Mrs. Jim Wallace, who visited.for
the nast.several weeks in Detroit, re-
turned home last week end
Mrand mrs. Thos. Joy and non Lee,
of Detroit, were visitors here last Fri.
day And iSattirday.
Mr. john Kelly 'and sons, Dan and
IOC, Made a intsineSs trip to London
on SaturdaY, •
Mr. and 'Sirs, Wed VaSselleu and
.family motored to cillyth last Sunday.
Vasselleu•will remain for a while
In illyti. with her Meter.
Mr. Jake Moerbeek and Mr. and Mr8,
Johnny Morriwk ere visiting In
Xitehener at premit.
-,40$1 Up
Council inet,f-on February 0th, wit'h
all the members' Present. Minutes of
last meeting were and approved.
Centinuziication from Mcpride & Mc-
Gibbon, barristers, Waterloo, re recent
"equalization of the -County, received
and, read. Accounts ofstlie L.O.L. and
F.,~ Ileigrave, for rent of 'halls for.
the "agrieultural short course- held in
January Were presented •and ordered
paid. Mr. Monteith, of Stratford,
addressed the Council regarding audit
of 1930 township .aceOtints;
however, could net- see themselves clear
to Oak. the cost of an audit AS outlinett
by Mr. Alonteith, and later appointed
Geo.-laylor and Frank Thomson,
former auditor, to audit above accounts
and to present their report' On same -to
Council at the Mareh meeting. _
,The 'following accOunts were paid:
The Dominion' Bank; colleeting taxes,
$3.40 ; hall rent, agrieultural
short course, $9.50; ha.11
agrieultural short course, $25.1 The
Dlyth 'Standard; °printing tnanelid
statements, $2.2.75; the, Blyth Tele-
phone System, telephone iiReessmentS,
$1273.00 t Meturneys, road superin-
temlent, salarr' and telephone, $9.00.
Next meeting of Council willhe held
011 liVetineRday, Mareh Gth.
A. 1'()RTE1t1II43.11, Clerk,
Chest Wheezing
Means ' _nohitis
The principal symptom of bron-
chitis is a' dry, harsh, hacking cough, accompanied with a rapid wheezing
and feeling. of tightness aProas the.
chest. *
. There is ti‘rising,of phlegm, espe-
daily in the -morning. This phlegm
is at first of a light color, but as.
,lowish or greenish, and is sometimes ,„
streaked with 'blood. . •
You will End. in Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine -Syrup a remedy to stimu-
late the ea•kened bronchial organs,
subdue the inflo,mniatiou, soothe the '
Irritated 'parte, loosen the phlegm
and miens, and,help miture to easily
dislodge the morbid aceumulation.
Vilb T.IsMuto. 0o.; DA, TaiOntO$
Bropliey Bros.
• •
- .
;Ambulance service at all hours
, daY Or night
rbenis: Stotet 120. Res. 2ii;
Poremaa: "Do you think you're fit
for reallx hard labor?'
Applicant: "Well, some of the best
judges In the country bave thought so."
removed promptly and offjOentiy.
"Sin* phofle HCOLLECV10--.
- LotArrop
rhino) 206 Ont;
Funeral Director and Embalmer
All- eallS promptly attended' to
day or night-
.L:Aivii*LAricE gatvicri,A47
Phoneo: Store 331 Res., `355W,
Hamilton Street, -doderieh
Rubber Goods, Sundries, ete., znalled-
postpaid in plain, ficealed wraimer. 80% :
less than fatal. Write for mail-order •
eatalokue. NOV-ItUI3DED, CO:, Box 01,
Hamilton, Ont. 8.10
or Lots of
The Delaware & Hudson Hard Coal,'
A 40a that IdOne-oletoied, does not clinker low in ash.•
‘. FORD COKE. A Coke that Is verrikOPUlar and very high in
beat i
;US: btf'ste.:ti:e.lorttus.po‘einvtc.redy tborearuttr.POCAI, 101SITAS.
Mils grade of. Coal
The Red Jacket Domestic Coal%
• for your range, heater; furnace or boiler. Cost In cOal yard;
$8.00 4)er ton, or $835 delivered in Goderich.
POE/L.- • • ,
Chas.' C. Lee'
00Allt.ARD and, 1:1A1IAVA1IS Evroitz At the Harbor
'Phones—Store 22
Hotta. 112