HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-15, Page 8Al Feb. It —111*o MatiOrY Arthur,attutt, (if the Stratford Norm, at School, *Pent the week-entl with her Mother Mra. X, Arthur. Miss 'Marsitret Vergtisoni, of Park -11111, Pent the week -end With Mr. and Mrs, A. J. l!'ergUSOn. - Miss violet Sharp is ill at Present with art attaek O Pneumonia. 1‘1188 Clarit Megowan o Blyth 15 supplying at the Continuation Kellool in. Or ab- t3enee. — Miss Evelyn Plaetzer, student of the Stratford. ,Normat SchoOL spent the week -end with her parents. Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer. Miss Susie Blair visited last week witit her sister, Mrs. joint ItObertSon, anti Mr." Robertson, of-"Goderich. Mr. Earl Mugford, a near Daelmow, Was a week, -end, „yisitor with Stewart Fi.',14guSen. The i r u w&1J held their monthly meeting 'Sunday evening vilth Mr. George Itaitliby in charge. Mr. Carl Yunghlut has secured era:- ,vsimaximimasitaigaigima‘er FICTURE WV:AMINO niokout H oii, photos_and_ prints, -and bring them . and have them framed before* the spring 'cleaning. YOtt will then haire sciMe new pietures to bright- en Op your walls -We wfii fratup them at 1,1, reasonable :,priee. '1 SMITH'S ARTA off STORE Phone 19g toderith ploutent at the Road Maehitter fac- tory hiGetterieh, ' W3. ;Jeremiah Taylor is visiting her iiter Mr Tiloyd".Italthby, and Mr. IUtIby Goderielt. Gordon Raithby, oldest son et Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Itaithhy, underwent an, Iteration for removal of ltis tonsils in the Gorierich Hospital on SaturdaY. Rev. IL C. Wilson. of N.110X -United ohurcla conducted the serviee of, the "church o Ile air" 'over 471iNX7Wing- hane, <MIK, ;,tay morning, - assisted by the Westfield male qua - tette, MQS.',T8. Wiiiiarlo. Joint and Alvin .Mel)owell and 'Maitland Henry, with Mrs. Wm, MeDowell asaceopapa 1st I'toy iW.mgIk tve-year-old son of Mr. And Mrs. Albert- Killough, IS- re- , >covering rOra. an, attack of pneumonia. The .inenthly Meeting.. of • the • Wo - Men's Institute' wil be, held in the, Foresters' Hall ou Tuesday, Petirttary 20th, .at -The topic, 41.,egiSiation„7 will be taken hy 'II0Ward Robert- son., The roll call•-=---,Nanag of a„Cahlttet Current.,eventS to be given by Miss Josephine 7rVeir.' *The hestesSes will be Mrs. J. 'Cowan, Mrs: Rollinsoir alid Mrs.: Jas.• Itaitiaby. , Aubtfrn hockey. team -played •their first hockey game at ZueltnoW arena ott lontlay night. --Their opptrnz.-- 1.ents. were the Raphi Cityteam, who, ,won.a close game .by the score of 5-4, ,W M S Megting..-The W.M.Se of I lima' United chmei beld the regular monthly meeting'with Mrs. IL a Wil son:1n the ejtair. The Scripture was read by Mrs. John Aioulden. Mrs. Wm. 1.‘1eI1Walo. led in prayer, Mrs. Thos. jardine s,ang a solo. The sixth chaPo teL of the,§tudy book was takenlY Mrs. II. C..1,Vilson. and Mrs. Ralph INIunro, on "Tite.niristiart Church in India." Mrs. ,Lames Roberton elosed the meet- ing with prayer. _ Farewell -Presentation.-Miss Fran- ces. Huston, youngest daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John -Huston, leaves today for Kitchener, Where she will go into train- ing intiie "Kitchener-Waterloodfospital, Ott Monday evening he Was the guest of honor, at the Ladies' Bridge Caub' at the home of ?Ars, Edgar Lawson. Dur- -lug the _evening she was presented with a handkerchief shower. Misi Josephine Weir 'read an'appropriate-address. ex- pressing gie* goad wishes of her friends. _Frances thanked, thefrie)ids for their kiiidnesg."7144ss Hustorris-a• gradttate Of Goderieh 'Collegiater.a4. ember pf , it i',Irrel -Willi ' ii*ureu mm a tue kixib:. , My ot Limos% The' ,World'o I)ay of Pr4yer wati held 111 no rresiRi- terian elurell o4 Friday afternoon, with a splendid attendance. 2±,irs. John jp.grtqa rkel'hieti. Scripture- re.adliV were given by Mrs. II. kl; IVibien, Mr$, Earl AteNnight 'and Mrs. Thomas Hag - gilt. Prayers were ' offered by Mrs. 'James Roberton, Mrs. Chas. St4ughan, Mrs. Edgar La.wson, Mrs. A. J. Athiilips;, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. Alvin Leather.o Lind and Mrst Wiltaer Nicholson. The Ittirotity Doyle, _ of Torento• 4 41,11tr-, tapi, -Prayia's" was given by Miss tette composed, rtig Ili -S..- CUFtST-XXOWSDIXi Air6t, j Obil Meli,tight, Mrs. Iari. Itaitli- by and Mrs. Wm. 1iag5ltt sati,a a Mira' tier. . • - ,. - • ' • ' ,. ., . ftetf Cress Meethige--7-TlietoAliburn br'ttneli of, the Red c'ross Society ntet In the basenteltt of the Bapti-st church. on Titestlay„ when some forty ladles wert.t present. The 'first .1441 t of ,'tlie afternoon was spent in quilting and Avg quilts were quilted. Afterward's � short business meeting was held-. The "treasurer'S report -was ,glyen by Miss Josephine Weir,' showing,: that .$576.46 Joiti ItOn' raised. so- far, .the expendi- . titre was $.1,35.08, with a balance on -band pf $141.38, The secretary was -,instructed to send 'for more material for sewing. 1.'lle next „meeting Is' to be held -in_ the-oPresbyterian elturch . ioa Tuesday, February. 27th .• A halo will be packed at the home ,Qt ,Mrs. „Fred iROSS',011 Thursday. „• * ' ' Ladies' Guild. --,The Lacings' ,Guild of St, 'rlitrk's, Anglican chureh met, at the home of -Mrs. Ezeittel'Phillips on Wed-, nesday'. The President, Mrs, „Gordon Taylor, :was In the chair. The''Bible reading was taken by Mrs, a, Taylor. and Mrs. X' .M.' Weekes led 10..,prayer.' The treasurer's_ report!' ••fvas • wgiVen bY nrs„.13)..Qs, liaggitt, • it . WaS _decided. to hold a sale of . homemade. baking. A •Lenten reading, ",i3eginning: find, Piii.7,. ,pose.of .I.,ent," was.gi,yed`by Miss,Laura Phillips.- .t.‘, ladies' 'quartette, ;!,Irs..'c. A. Howson; -Airs. 11. J.. Phillips, Alri.A Alfred ,Neshit and Mrs. Gordon*Tayldr, .sang With harp accinitpanitnent. A 'message from ",The Ilotisti of Bishops" was read frOnt,Mrs. Leth.erland, anil a well prttpared topic on What is lime and the Relation of Home to Continuo- ity• Butkline was :ably given by Mrs. S.* IL Johnston. MrsJ. TaYllor inYited the Guild to her home for Jaw Ntarch meeting. Mrs. Gordon Taylor closed the Meeting with, pray_er_ and:lunch was served by the hostess.. • -iiiiiiiiiir iffietitig;'-The -tiiiiitliti Ineet-' ing of. Iinox_Presityterian church was held in th,es Church basement en Vi ed... , afternOon,„'nvith 'Itei. ^A. , U„ ,BOyle'lli- :.the'rldtait'C' Iti.:-X: 'C. • Steitz` was secretary. ., Very encouraging re- 'port,S were given by the ,vatious depart- ments, indicating that ra most su,ecess- _ fill" year had Passed.. Wni JVagni, son.. Mrs. Jas. MeN1( hinney presidedhat sion 1.5c. --, vier for the comingoyear ig.Alfred-Rol: - --insan, while thePlat . eollectors are W. Tg-ewinan. . A. iarger number at 0'.k.E'ILLY.--:.At Alexandra ''Iospital, on delegates ,tollie central fcommittee are Lord is . My Sh6Pilerd," .necoMPanied _have charge of the- pr.ogram. . .J. C. Stoltz and W. T. Riddell.-Treas- ratin Deer and J.• C, Stoltz, 'and. th Church triisteee are Joiin Toter, Her.- ; . ..„ . were re'elec(ed• 'Spersell the Prayers. ° Mrs. Arthur , The Arthtir Circle of Knox church , *. e. „Roach. read -the Scripture lesgon. Aliss will meet on Mon4ay, Februitry1.9„-_,at at the piano by MI'S. Leroi .Stingel."An _,i_ ' interesting address Was even by Rev. , : . Peril Alton favored with a selo,. "The 8. o'clock MrS. George MticEwan will •, uoRaN...„. - - •., ...„ , ,.. :tor_ .minu-r„.. feed.; _remov,ed, .. lit oniii,t1;,v : . , ... Llro'rlATI.ON. .Get details and eata;1017-^„rre - 'and dead, cattle: must be suitable ' WitN.11') 1.9.'t....i'Clera.,ent, '11rontretal., ' .4&7, IINiot,k;i0 ut ite.rel)y trtvo,ti to puy ..posi,... RIM ' FAMIL141X *PRODUCTS '570 VOritrfl riG. CREDT,TOR,S. .---;TO BUY Orin HORSEF ..., , 4•the----Vowttemhity- -of - ;Collittiotto•tin.•-the.. sons thavinte.: a t y 'ell' I in iihit the estate of Williarm Straragtan,ltate of Wm. ** Dobie and geo:-Timgbiut, the retiring managers, ,the piano or th.e hymns which litter- • ._ _ • ...... -...._ John IlOnkton and John "Wilson. The PritioEinie) (In073LrBE21-t2.T.rillIO:tRon., 2 ..,C,,i, aPC flii7-1.?,t,li/Ift-Colorl°-.4110,fin,11,tioyt,sf,f,..1:,Titl'ht:e1.4'*1.1:iriltt-it4.1.111;ii:1:11tV(;110%.*:011;7711.1),,FioeettC‘,141r311'lher37:::: 'Ptiblishing committee is composed of -.1:- .„ tended than present laSt year and*. _ February 14th, to: •Mr. aild 1VIrs.• the •Ilie. epidemieprevalling.no doubt, ' Myron -o'Refily,-11 son. i . • . d-. Alfred Rollin-sonu , trd hind - ed a great nianY: ' „. - ..,,,,,,,,, * ' ' • . DILI) , - - - - ' c4f,M'TS-- -- ---WA'NTETTO-' * SET el . , idinfly Vorltled bv,',. d Pvit ra t inD, on or CStoltz an the auditors are Mrs.*.Edgar .Lawson .,, Citizen Bereaved,--Dringannon eiti-. A.NDERStr.K.--Ita Goderich, on. -Men, . — 'Airs. W..-411-ittrbib'''cilli-tIM106“.-nre zelt-eY,Vefid-Syiiirathy tb Wt.-116er Y. '-d'ay, Februar 9thz-Faiinie ,Ite-ina Themt ../kopo, t,3-- 4), -IR , t: A 1;6, (F)Y-Te '11i6-'25iiiritefr . of-riliIMIVy ',.. 1, • li na,..tifster-that fltats, t41,4,--41-v42441440-is .t Scott iknil Ilernian Daer, ,.and -t- i- • ---1; Scottish ' iFeintilizer,- See .(torern- -tile organist for the ,coraing year is c)f, the Wald estrite klT,Ill nrocerd tltrynykn• .,..4. ,..edy,* whn. 64,9;tondaY, evening re-' . 'Walter,. „ wife -Of a.. It -Anderson in '. -to:-47 -11,1S;in,other Mrs'. WM. Eedv .who had OAILLER.--At -Toron,to, .o Sunda,y-- n, • 2 sten, - :,-, ; - • - • 7 , -• . ' -t4 i. I- 13E1i T R. R '' 2 •P'lmer ' - ' - ' . • . testi- etentIon of t bP 9 C,,crt thel'onf. Mrki: John Hous:i'on. ; The 's ri delved the Sad :49;Vits of the :passing of 'oiler -70th Year. • - ' : ' - . , STAN. tel- 5 P , , 4 i . : , ' a, .-, -.,, , ., - .. 'school officers for•the ,coming year are: 'b' Ill only a • few days - Mr and ' ,Februar 11th John Alan' Miller NifAiNTFD 'Ig.'.0 RFN.' T----50. . A' CIO; r jfilliivi7-;77, .''.'''': .71'-''''' '''''''''' . SuperintendentJohn 'J, Wilson ; te6,eh:... grs, wiltpieds, hip„ parents, whose - lrusbanti Of Rub3r-Mai;e-lie Laws in i'' 2:- F 4§,11,11 ' ,*th iione and hqrn by •Dateo la* (led ori en- thtz l'.1th gliay- ers, Rev.. A. M..BoYle, Rev. Dr. J. IL , .. his 71st. year. ..._ .I Febx-merv 00th. State .Priee by year. oFetilettary. . . ' 6.7'for the I. wolititr,... herein. , *Itirriett, Mrs, WeSTOY- 13radnoeh,-,' Miss home . is at- .Millininic, were spending 'Ills 27th year „...„,,,, o ' • , , , Dorothy Wilson and Mis$ IsObel Milli- the winter Withk,t1reir daiirIite* Mrs :-...‘faid:4E01),-Iii Ge-deriali, 011 SI -111611S' .mi' (1'. ESsERY,'..II-R. 4, 1Denfield; Ont IT A..\-'S..:.:_&..._,FT.\,.*.i S... it"; n„itoi i.,..), .yrtnolo. son ; Cradle, Rell superintendent, ,Mrs. Russel Riley, -near 1111liairton.- , Mrs: FehrtittrY llth, Daniel MacLeod, in ' - „ Kintner 'Dawson ; secretary -treasurer, Eedy Wit$ eightyyears of itir,e and this -past-surnmer the couplecelebrated their SMITH. -In West..Watvanosh, on Mon- i "II- 1-1--. ---'-'7"'-iiima""'F'7"" 7-9 Donald -Ross; organist, D6nald-1toSs._ diftitunni u wedding ' annivern'e, and I day, February 12th, William Smith, I. , ....-.:.7., ..7.....e.........0.......... lieglifihng 'With *Niarch, ..the-fithirr- of -also enjoyed it. pleasant vii4,Of a few i in his 84thoyear... CMWS„.4.11_1•14.41:"*"..4$ ......: Sunday schoor-Will be -changed to 9.30 1 . a.m. and; church service .will c - days with'their Son liere in Dungannon: 1 ' -' • _ i :.. IN MEMORIAM I at .1.0.30. a.m. , mence I3esideS the sorroWing husband. there , SPROUT.. --:411 „lovialig memor,i, of ;my ,:iim.."*.....g., DERICH SIGNAL -ST ONGANNON ElatrAitY 194,0, DITNGANNt)N, It'eb. U. -Miss ,Susie 11 lialpatriek, Lueiknow, vkiited on Friday hiteirti.:ttrisa,kt.s. J. Barkley and 'Miss Ellen Maize, Luelinow Iligh 6414.:140,1t viart414,11,y fjfLC14,0re'''.t.0(15.eie/Lt..0,0ealliic'ia.;,(111,1 SelkoOl student, spent the. week -end with 0.8mpmut4,4, Dittlo, sTuitil 1 lier parents, 'Air, and Mrs., Ilarvey ... - .., , . • Maize. „ Last 'week -Mr. Wm: 111ale suffered an o' Col,?Etal4*,„...i$2,$e.,,,,,.‘,4111yw414,tn.eirAT,41:at other slight stroke, affecting la throat. °.r.,1. ''L'Ukr. .414L'''''''' '44'. 4'. We have .sinee learned_that he is grad - lx" wily recOve4ng. .„---- Mrs. I), S. Errington - is 'Confined to Rummage sale, Sattirday, IfebruarY ref.Oterton, dSiA.tIoLuP,..---opCx.OicRoN,rEeaT:4,Qp' Ipl.Nble„--?,61,tbonx - .:-•,--- - ,-- - ,0 -.- Mill. Herbert Stothers. arrived home *t 77ommonsmaasossomitmarrig.0-- aistomairagoom-. , TEIN1)717,.WANTE11) , o.•,..t.--- . hero_hed this Area', xvolorhag the 000.. 1,7th, at .1 km.011 MaeRay Hall spent. ..P., ice4 'Of a ,-disciiii..7.:-.:, .---- . .,..,;_, ....„.... sored by Alineeek oha•Pter. 1 .,,,43,1G1,1,A/.),„,,s14.R_. .4._ from Goderielt IleSpital on Wednesday Mizses JAielT.initton atv4 in Toronto 're RENT FNDERS W„ANTED. ,,, severely, -burned with,, steam, During .,„.-, ritatiw, ,19th to. ..and„ . 7 0 ,III21,2,;,2:._,:ircittlziaistrunii. oia ITN. t• itt(rimAdel)rI:olieligtIltilitt)11:tt-tsinotwIlitilile":leliaeeeeririo:v2:042:19ttilift, 'VI' bo.ftentat,,,totr heitet, atfitreoraz ofwe.h..wich,dokb.8v,,dtreaerron, 4,,,,H.,tlylvo,„.xallmiatery svyl.os,„ Store closed per absence Airs. Allan Reed- haS been Yv`h9n Yin' lai "'Y'Qtti eall f" Virbibel.' Ursa Stethers ' is ;much improved, ..but for late Winter ,period. II. Baxter's tioi.;.,tp4?iiiyatungoilailroehrg. ati,Ni;et titarevigriatintoe improews. iihnon,, $31,,ii shell •Serviee StatliOn14 tltof. VUBNISUUI) M°1113 :71tralaYll :-:(1o7b,leillet•T°LoW:eltisit:itle.:1'Citile:14:11leett'.- have your baitery removed and stored T, iit) 04:t ed , Apply .. siToN Alc.t. sawn . 7x. „intone System. Dettle$ ' tO 'commence she still has a very sore throat. ..- , Allan Linaeld- ' ' . ,., riPQ aWNT,-APARTIVII.)NT OP POUR' otionis and, lorth, on main floor, miAjs.' l'-'• WISE, ; neeessarily aeceptede. Win be irxittitcoi st. Apply allone 561w. -, sece•Trease.R.R.'Ne. 3, Clinton, old resident; shows .signs ..of improve- 'A: aueottur of 'the W.C.T.Uo ' anent, ,' or at least 4110, 1* intich better lield next TItteSday of tertrroort at 3 , tthh:nt ,ahreewmatvyt,,,aelt-tts4ttot.b'e0suin'twilrisyheriSlaarri: o'olotelt, .at the - lhoralet... of Mrs r -1)-:- Nv. ter, Mrs. 'Thos. McPhee. At time of or Curl..ele, Ilritgatuia:..read., Another death : this week' is that a well-IntoWn -tigotre at Nile, Ur. .Wni, ,Smith, who passed lAway ilk his eighty= fourth year, at the home of his dattalto: writing funeral. arrangements wereriot toonMePqlsestieodn., I,: Ijiri.sWsomi; '. Smith on the 4t.h Sympathy is extended '„..to. another who, has been. :bereaved of a ,relative. Mr. A. E. ;Anderson received word the b-egbining eg the week that his bro-1 tiler's wife, ,..Mrs. Rose Anderson of Goderich, had passed -away. . • i. 'A Sudden Call.-:Witb. deep, regret the-nows,waS i..eceived of tho-death.-Of 7,, . . Miss Violet Twantley, daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. Win. TwanileY; Ashtfield, on Bear „GYPSY SM,ITII at 'N'tetlerht -Monday night. - She had not been., in strieet church on March. 3.rd and 4th. the. best of health for the Past year, but her Condition of late had not been. Owing to the death of. HIS.. 'Ex- .sal-arMingoald the end mtatf' 11.8 a great" eeillenley, Lord. ,Tweedsmair, 1'116' Mole shock torelativesand friends. The Leaf Chaptei*-, I.O.D.E4 Tills enneelflea# funeral IS being meld oh 'Thursday the keno patrty planned, for Pri1a5,, afternoon. with service , at '1.1ackett's , February 16-."-_ 4', date will he_ an church, where Miss Twaintey had been nouncetl later. - --. a -faithful wo.rker and had. given liher- 7 - - - . ,.. NSTANTED,SIX4,TY" -20-FT,- r_LIDIATI., ally of her musical talent. . • .,... - . -1)111ONE POLES, 6 Iii. or over at siVe serVice' was held in the United The. rebruary meeting of the W.X.Se t , 'lin — '-liei -JP; * OtInaaighit., ' sound, trimmed World Day--pf- PraYer-An----An impres- ' - ' -fleet-ion -wit-1r the. --World--OttY-.0f;-PraYer, a Knox church, will be beld.in the lee- .,crose. At $1.40 per pole, delivered. at , ituuraeryro2oomt47 Tuesday afternoon, reholetairloW. 00MORtN,E . TELE,PRONE-7,vtoorwolifiii(i' othatill:edetio.kilrla'c'tict)11111'i ''womn ,,xgt:rodtcdforub:., . , c burgh last Friday afternoon in Con- wia .hasv_cti7:417gliolfrs.thM,cP,Iliheaeitrpastfroup 7. ArSiIISITia. , M....,.., WM: ..._j-, ._ or4,AIRK, . . _ ,iii,,w.hich, lite, .Presltytex,ians _an$Liing,li- - rtlie `29M dav or February, 1040; ao on. • . , e -cans of the village were invited to join „ ' , . :„ , ''• , iyil '13/N- rty,ANTEw-A101 'XO1.1 THE. end af tell tliat date ,the..-exeetrtnix, of :qrs. Arthur -Elliott; president of the. • ;roe Lathes, orangeLodgeS all over ; MAi\i? Yon: can have a .solid beT;',- the ,sald esfiite shall -proceed to .nthke ...United _,:ehurch "W.M.S., presPetioi and the Dombooe are endeavoring .to, buy iness estahlished---within 'ogee moothte, distribution of the asset's thereoltr *led in. the •prayers and responSiVe read- an ambulance ,or Red -*Cross 'work. , ,If you. ate : tired-. of w6ettoug to ..elt_rn ifOrillig, regard only -to the ektians lupd:.• . . big& :othm, who ()toted* spedo. pray- Th-ti-yo-ea-t,16dgerig.,htd'tuirtea:-etrrct-*trrtr-LFF,jfffts_zars•vckvrok:.e.,t:e..-oivy yarf it —:1)44t11,447 aciatvutaa--144:g.--1411-11,,,(I'aY - of ers were Mt's, R. J. Durnin;_Mrs,-Robt.- on Wednesday, February -21.st,...inklie BUSINEISS'ifitid -eiiitoY: iirUitiliog; ............. -rebr"111-17% 1‘10ore, Mt.'s. ;T. °Blake, Miss I. Carr,- rooms over' the A. & P. store to raise Ov,any 'HAYS & II' A YS. Gederich °MATO, liour ielling-'200 on6ranteed- lie- 51rs. Melvin Reed and 'Mrs. R. Dilvid- -funds-. - li:', veryibody welcome, , Admii- ' • • ,. '-' --. -,,,,e. „ . -Ronlileitors for the. Exo:ntrix heroin. eessities-used in every home. Nu kp.J.) . . . 14•0.W . --A 1,1ItAX3( PONtIlitANIA,N FORMS' WILL, vo,t4; 40-43wero to igroady 1;14 tar) * (1.4er.) naiaop Inay iliarnmi on. • F ler leo.rve wWild at .seettred tst eeurs' lb° 14(4" alle44 sziaNtkipswit. terward. , wanted ta see.a saw; $01a nito. j get one Of your own for the Onnilltiresi. -• Tot eentsi UM SIONAIrSTO, „ fflHALE.• 4541'. Mrs. David Girvin, ninety -eight -year - _Godi4;1011c stor, 'iinifilet new Dahn-'.1 anuounc'es a t LEARANICU ,SALB.:ott ELECTRIC 'CAMiNETS, ELECTRIC PORIVADLE and VAIWEGY TREADLE , ed .;.jdachines, „at iterY„ PriCc.§, In aid nopteg wa ox church, with ichtidoeie 130,x guud ,herelik given to all pertionh. eant I a: at of the Red Cross-Vhe AVAiviTutp,......axwilparwom war) NOTI01:44,7,9 • Missionary:Club Will present the* Indian s tor hecesewox.k; in 000,41,bry xis - on Friday', February -23rd, at '8 ,s7.11A,R, . ,„ baying ,any Claintoagalnst the estate • o of . John KneX. .51aherson, Tate orffie Adults 250•elilldren 15e. avoiod--,-his?fyirife,, the lovelY eMinnelhalita; .thls ikoomity.. Thatwaittut.-feeni • babyhood to man- _ . -vvaANctowtz .roo:.t0INI:sivelaieiciLi),euri; gen. ,e. _:ret,rier.: ,atxneutatereor:sritoowfthtio!:4;ineeraaieco:01.igonnie:th:edunC4puvenetryt:::', ._. • ‘"•*al. saiesvirork, In , . • . - --, . , , day of January,,,.A..t.). .tu40, to gender' ' litg-''Patidimothe'r, .614 Nolmit8; 'iS'ago, 'IsIrrY, but teatilsfactory trefereinees-Atud " the goe-at thOoter, . with. Other braves laml 'sgaaw$, . are .hoping to. meet ran' on Friday,,,EVbruary-2.11x11, at the nod , CTOAS entertalfiragitti giv'en - .15Y :the Boys' IMissiontatry Club *of Knox (tura. by, deciara.tion, on or before the 23rd: !Ward rettnitred. Willi pay 4',Successful ;dory ot 1,,or,a4ry, A,D. iNot ,as 434 and0000 altig!itanth .'sPeelali PaY `ivilile' itmwtillalg' titter, -that l' da,e the Execbter ,of the Poi. Anteloriew apply' ait _ G011),DON said estate will. proceed to diStribute- WA'S' residence, Past St; Al.sk. . for the asse,fs,tliereof, having reroard only Mu,. .T.Ttairlbeff. 7x ' to theFelaims filed. ,, • . . , - WONT'S' • WANTED,-I3PCOME A Jito Independent Dealer--LDistrict egerusive, liandle two hundred neces- sities ---Tea; ' Coffee, Food 1-'roduets,' _Medicines, Toilet Articles, ere, Start new undOr cur Thirty Day Trial Offer 'without risk. Free Cataloeue and in- formation, ..11TO__ PRODUCTS, „1.435 Montcalm, Montreal. . 69 • . Dated al:Goderieh. third•rday . - February, A.D, 1940. ---- HANS and-IIAYS, Goderieli, Ontario, Solicitors for* the above named executor; • ER,Y,PICE TO CREDITORS. • • Nikiee is ilorethy olveli to. fury" Our.. sons Iiavliig. ally era tin .:ttilinst, the estate la JoSepli Brophi*iy, of the .Town .of..(1rOderistb in the C-onnty of Heron undertaker, Wit0 '61t., or • dia*Y 0 of Fehrmair, 1040, survive . two daughters, Mrs. Russel de * 1 1 ' d `Will' pi. ins Ian _, . lam 1,SIDT41411. Mi1,2 ' ., 1 J01 N Alaii.,N 31Jr.kr,E,R wish to IEITFAMILY OF TILE LATE MR. -,Riley and Mrs. Melville Scholzhauer, 1 pawed away lecotruarv 18loo7. ' Jo st a thought of. sweet re'ineurivra,ntr.o, itt;t1filnill:.- an:13-111d- flail: ..t11‘1'.:1:)e cwwiell;%1 s's°-exillinti'r°111i''atot „Milverton,,and three sons, Victor Eedyi , and il lost a Takanorv .s,a41 rood -true; • _ ; tributes and 'who loaned eairo !fOrAlle Rostock ,, Lorne Eedy, ' Stratford, , Just the love and, siiPeet devotion . rfuneral'is being- held on Thursday, with I Of. twh -anal, TS tl "ri 1- iIf ,:o funeral. Heber 4...,--14- Eedy; Dungannon. Thee; interment. at Milverton cemet&-v,„....„-- T,,, ______,--xmein,--,,,,,,,$,,,,c1 ir:1-ng.' -twri'''''1%.0.' iirl°fu-.-„ -E. W1119;,.. ii --•--'19.- :111'4:TEND ..04:cn • ,Wedded Fifty-eight Sears., --:-Mr, and ,t7 ' • :-- - ' v ' ., L.' - - thanks and ;Knee:to -'''tappreetatitte for Mrs. Abram. Culbert ,of, Ashfield the ktodtrestotrtakm'o, 'otges *.ttfilK.,,,,, Tuesday (St. Vaffine's Day) telt, Rielial Cong-ram, at TIolyroOd., BYtice' PalillY rtveiVed 110111 fri°n69 .111 In" ' 'brated the fifty-eigiith- anniversary of i* county, After their marriage Mr. and recylt Tx'reaement-' We - cal''). with: t'`) s ' Place February 14th, 18S2, at The home ..ith concession of Ashtieur which they I thar cars, ' i thank. those Who 1So kindly Ryaned I their marriage. The Wedding took Mrs. Culbert settled on a.farni sm the of the bride's parents, 'kr. and lqrs. i ' • • ' . t• -5IRS.. WM. STRAUGUAN---trird-1 i coureited into one of the most attract- ,.. ;....A&P CUT 20-m. 3 This 25c. AYLMER Red Pitted BARTLtirli` • The Salvation Airhay Plan ,to hold 014 National War and. 1,1onie : Campaign Marei,7 11-20, Plai. to do your_ utmost. „ The need is urgent and great., Vigorous and Winey • . • BOIL= • 1.-1b4. AvIg- and 8 O'CL.00K 1-11). .Rich yuut: Ee _ (mum ;iv •*-7',."--,f;'.'.;',--;•:7--i.i.,,Lvit7777:•('‘ .Cloverleaf . SAPV1OX 1-1b. Tin 37e SOAP 2 Oakez ii Palmolive COCOA, %ICED 01 UNSLICE0 'WHOLV, MICIEED .WEIEAT 24-07... WRAP. health' i'L°1147 COOMES:... 2 .14,, LOAF SPICE CAKE' 13c • . 'r Let 'y6urvidow bless the day Yok gave.hdr pTateetion • through a 7 Confederation -Polley Instnsance and Real Estate 3' him. iiton. SI Tel 208% • \, ' 0 .411115/112/46°1611314-6"'""2, Royal Rousehoid FLOUR 24.1b. bag 896 - Ogilvie , OATS - 48 oz pkg. 196 Lb. Till 27O Ogilvie's' Blended Cowan's Perfection lijLAICES 2 pkgi,.. ige 'AND • ' Nizt EiPeRil$I1Ate :244M111r:Invalid ear ; Servite PUNTAtAti .11014$ .17:1Vipatreal St,. Phone 399 4`,Pourteviss8ervi0*,Alyouts4):' 10)J11( 111 in the township of Ashlield. r 11 U - • I years, until sfone twenty-nine . years age, when they -purchased the thirty- .; Herd 'they re.sided for almost- 'thirty !. I tive-cacre farm adjoining 1)1111ga111204 they have since TeSided. The 1 union was blesSed -With tWo sons and , one (1111 hitt Artinir tinlbert,,4„, piolio at present resides on the old --11-Nne-, stead on the 5th concessiott of. kb Id 1 imssed ' away nearly two ye tIrS Bar- )arti Culbert, WhO passed )j,w4iy-thirty- two years ap;o, There are 11'. (ie very The family -s4 Mr.- aka, Mrs. ..0y. unibert.. Mr, •and Mrs.,•,Vulbert ; have been, fine eXamples or 'prosperous ' and thrifty il,irmers; and 'have won far thelitseives the es.teeni of the eopto -man itv ih - -which they have. beeic re-' „ I sidents for 'so many yearS. O•f" fine at,,stficftte tastes, fluor well -kept limit& and Surrounding always?' present ari 1.1111ae1 1ve appearance. They are.nitnn-, .; bets• of the United ,Chureli and as .„ gong A,S. thi.ir health -perniitted regular attendards.--Mto 'and lgrst G111, bort Were therecipients on, their' ttio, itiversar,oigt. many 1.1t1,14511.tges of feltelta ' , • . Smite fell:seat to make them thin, And some to notice 'them fat ; .* Ilut 1&at all the food T ,ean, And stay`just where I'm at. 100: GET 'YOUR • 1040 Autp Itictrkers • . A Iti-D • Drivers' Permits FROM J.- W. MatVICAR At Geo. MiteVicar's Shoe Store. . Kindly Fill 111.1939 Registration Cards for 1940 License and save LME G0 Aylmer Choice Lar e ° COiN ATOMATOES g 26 -oz. Tins * Wads CA11I3AGE CALIFORNIA OltAliGES NAvEts Also s WI line, 6i ontartogkowit,Apiiies,, (14tart baike,is No. tand Domestie grade4 . YES SIR It's Service Brand Chick Time AVAILADLE ZNANY AMOUNT ANVTITMO Roth pure breeds and hybrids Ilatehes Woo vveeltir fieoyOUr .10eat salesmen RYAN & SON. PRODUCE Go eh, Obt. litarnliton Strot Phon6 345-1444. 334 SlEitirlieE DRAW) pep sna vigor are the remit of a twelve, yom breeding prestone WATERLOO COUNTV.IIAlt Tei ERN Nerit Hamburg, Ont, Bo rest, day Or night, /or those afflicted with that smiled akin ease, &mins, or salt rheum m it is 4. commonly cella Mho Wan* burning, itching saa smarting., eopecially- at night, or when the afteotifa part is aimed to strong heat, or hot water, are almost unbearable, ad relief is gladly. woloomoci. *To got, thl o iamtvit nAces- say to Urin the b1o4a &OW by ths, ase of thoroughly reliable blood modieino took as Dnxdoek, Blood Bitters whith during tho past , 00 yeati hos met with great *116600 1* relieving wok diseases brit* bboa deansh4r- and ,ilsititying properties. Ms T. moon TWOS* OM. MIMI/ Lbs. 25c "'Zeit* Bag I.Plalirt or OK Large Crisp .Radio. Service . . : Any: make Radio repaired; free tube test in Your home. Lowest Tates or service. Esti', mates on request. , .All work, guaranteed.. A complete stock of Radio r arts and Tubs kept on hand. 'Por qui& otiurteous • seryiee e,all or pholfici:, ' , . , RR: MUNDY , , phone 598 - -7 :Widder St.'- . . . .. Mr. And Mrs. Albert- Killough, IS- re- , >covering rOra. an, attack of pneumonia. The .inenthly Meeting.. of • the • Wo - Men's Institute' wil be, held in the, Foresters' Hall ou Tuesday, Petirttary 20th, .at -The topic, 41.,egiSiation„7 will be taken hy 'II0Ward Robert- son., The roll call•-=---,Nanag of a„Cahlttet Current.,eventS to be given by Miss Josephine 7rVeir.' *The hestesSes will be Mrs. J. 'Cowan, Mrs: Rollinsoir alid Mrs.: Jas.• Itaitiaby. , Aubtfrn hockey. team -played •their first hockey game at ZueltnoW arena ott lontlay night. --Their opptrnz.-- 1.ents. were the Raphi Cityteam, who, ,won.a close game .by the score of 5-4, ,W M S Megting..-The W.M.Se of I lima' United chmei beld the regular monthly meeting'with Mrs. IL a Wil son:1n the ejtair. The Scripture was read by Mrs. John Aioulden. Mrs. Wm. 1.‘1eI1Walo. led in prayer, Mrs. Thos. jardine s,ang a solo. The sixth chaPo teL of the,§tudy book was takenlY Mrs. II. C..1,Vilson. and Mrs. Ralph INIunro, on "Tite.niristiart Church in India." Mrs. ,Lames Roberton elosed the meet- ing with prayer. _ Farewell -Presentation.-Miss Fran- ces. Huston, youngest daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John -Huston, leaves today for Kitchener, Where she will go into train- ing intiie "Kitchener-Waterloodfospital, Ott Monday evening he Was the guest of honor, at the Ladies' Bridge Caub' at the home of ?Ars, Edgar Lawson. Dur- -lug the _evening she was presented with a handkerchief shower. Misi Josephine Weir 'read an'appropriate-address. ex- pressing gie* goad wishes of her friends. _Frances thanked, thefrie)ids for their kiiidnesg."7144ss Hustorris-a• gradttate Of Goderieh 'Collegiater.a4. ember pf , it i',Irrel -Willi ' ii*ureu mm a tue kixib:. , My ot Limos% The' ,World'o I)ay of Pr4yer wati held 111 no rresiRi- terian elurell o4 Friday afternoon, with a splendid attendance. 2±,irs. John jp.grtqa rkel'hieti. Scripture- re.adliV were given by Mrs. II. kl; IVibien, Mr$, Earl AteNnight 'and Mrs. Thomas Hag - gilt. Prayers were ' offered by Mrs. 'James Roberton, Mrs. Chas. St4ughan, Mrs. Edgar La.wson, Mrs. A. J. Athiilips;, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. Alvin Leather.o Lind and Mrst Wiltaer Nicholson. The Ittirotity Doyle, _ of Torento• 4 41,11tr-, tapi, -Prayia's" was given by Miss tette composed, rtig Ili -S..- CUFtST-XXOWSDIXi Air6t, j Obil Meli,tight, Mrs. Iari. Itaitli- by and Mrs. Wm. 1iag5ltt sati,a a Mira' tier. . • - ,. - • ' • ' ,. ., . ftetf Cress Meethige--7-TlietoAliburn br'ttneli of, the Red c'ross Society ntet In the basenteltt of the Bapti-st church. on Titestlay„ when some forty ladles wert.t present. The 'first .1441 t of ,'tlie afternoon was spent in quilting and Avg quilts were quilted. Afterward's � short business meeting was held-. The "treasurer'S report -was ,glyen by Miss Josephine Weir,' showing,: that .$576.46 Joiti ItOn' raised. so- far, .the expendi- . titre was $.1,35.08, with a balance on -band pf $141.38, The secretary was -,instructed to send 'for more material for sewing. 1.'lle next „meeting Is' to be held -in_ the-oPresbyterian elturch . ioa Tuesday, February. 27th .• A halo will be packed at the home ,Qt ,Mrs. „Fred iROSS',011 Thursday. „• * ' ' Ladies' Guild. --,The Lacings' ,Guild of St, 'rlitrk's, Anglican chureh met, at the home of -Mrs. Ezeittel'Phillips on Wed-, nesday'. The President, Mrs, „Gordon Taylor, :was In the chair. The''Bible reading was taken by Mrs, a, Taylor. and Mrs. X' .M.' Weekes led 10..,prayer.' The treasurer's_ report!' ••fvas • wgiVen bY nrs„.13)..Qs, liaggitt, • it . WaS _decided. to hold a sale of . homemade. baking. A •Lenten reading, ",i3eginning: find, Piii.7,. ,pose.of .I.,ent," was.gi,yed`by Miss,Laura Phillips.- .t.‘, ladies' 'quartette, ;!,Irs..'c. A. Howson; -Airs. 11. J.. Phillips, Alri.A Alfred ,Neshit and Mrs. Gordon*Tayldr, .sang With harp accinitpanitnent. A 'message from ",The Ilotisti of Bishops" was read frOnt,Mrs. Leth.erland, anil a well prttpared topic on What is lime and the Relation of Home to Continuo- ity• Butkline was :ably given by Mrs. S.* IL Johnston. MrsJ. TaYllor inYited the Guild to her home for Jaw Ntarch meeting. Mrs. Gordon Taylor closed the Meeting with, pray_er_ and:lunch was served by the hostess.. • -iiiiiiiiiir iffietitig;'-The -tiiiiitliti Ineet-' ing of. Iinox_Presityterian church was held in th,es Church basement en Vi ed... , afternOon,„'nvith 'Itei. ^A. , U„ ,BOyle'lli- :.the'rldtait'C' Iti.:-X: 'C. • Steitz` was secretary. ., Very encouraging re- 'port,S were given by the ,vatious depart- ments, indicating that ra most su,ecess- _ fill" year had Passed.. Wni JVagni, son.. Mrs. Jas. MeN1( hinney presidedhat sion 1.5c. --, vier for the comingoyear ig.Alfred-Rol: - --insan, while thePlat . eollectors are W. Tg-ewinan. . A. iarger number at 0'.k.E'ILLY.--:.At Alexandra ''Iospital, on delegates ,tollie central fcommittee are Lord is . My Sh6Pilerd," .necoMPanied _have charge of the- pr.ogram. . .J. C. Stoltz and W. T. Riddell.-Treas- ratin Deer and J.• C, Stoltz, 'and. th Church triisteee are Joiin Toter, Her.- ; . ..„ . were re'elec(ed• 'Spersell the Prayers. ° Mrs. Arthur , The Arthtir Circle of Knox church , *. e. „Roach. read -the Scripture lesgon. Aliss will meet on Mon4ay, Februitry1.9„-_,at at the piano by MI'S. Leroi .Stingel."An _,i_ ' interesting address Was even by Rev. , : . Peril Alton favored with a selo,. "The 8. o'clock MrS. George MticEwan will •, uoRaN...„. - - •., ...„ , ,.. :tor_ .minu-r„.. feed.; _remov,ed, .. lit oniii,t1;,v : . , ... Llro'rlATI.ON. .Get details and eata;1017-^„rre - 'and dead, cattle: must be suitable ' WitN.11') 1.9.'t....i'Clera.,ent, '11rontretal., ' .4&7, IINiot,k;i0 ut ite.rel)y trtvo,ti to puy ..posi,... RIM ' FAMIL141X *PRODUCTS '570 VOritrfl riG. CREDT,TOR,S. .---;TO BUY Orin HORSEF ..., , 4•the----Vowttemhity- -of - ;Collittiotto•tin.•-the.. sons thavinte.: a t y 'ell' I in iihit the estate of Williarm Straragtan,ltate of Wm. ** Dobie and geo:-Timgbiut, the retiring managers, ,the piano or th.e hymns which litter- • ._ _ • ...... -...._ John IlOnkton and John "Wilson. The PritioEinie) (In073LrBE21-t2.T.rillIO:tRon., 2 ..,C,,i, aPC flii7-1.?,t,li/Ift-Colorl°-.4110,fin,11,tioyt,sf,f,..1:,Titl'ht:e1.4'*1.1:iriltt-it4.1.111;ii:1:11tV(;110%.*:011;7711.1),,FioeettC‘,141r311'lher37:::: 'Ptiblishing committee is composed of -.1:- .„ tended than present laSt year and*. _ February 14th, to: •Mr. aild 1VIrs.• the •Ilie. epidemieprevalling.no doubt, ' Myron -o'Refily,-11 son. i . • . d-. Alfred Rollin-sonu , trd hind - ed a great nianY: ' „. - ..,,,,,,,,, * ' ' • . DILI) , - - - - ' c4f,M'TS-- -- ---WA'NTETTO-' * SET el . , idinfly Vorltled bv,',. d Pvit ra t inD, on or CStoltz an the auditors are Mrs.*.Edgar .Lawson .,, Citizen Bereaved,--Dringannon eiti-. A.NDERStr.K.--Ita Goderich, on. -Men, . — 'Airs. W..-411-ittrbib'''cilli-tIM106“.-nre zelt-eY,Vefid-Syiiirathy tb Wt.-116er Y. '-d'ay, Februar 9thz-Faiinie ,Ite-ina Themt ../kopo, t,3-- 4), -IR , t: A 1;6, (F)Y-Te '11i6-'25iiiritefr . of-riliIMIVy ',.. 1, • li na,..tifster-that fltats, t41,4,--41-v42441440-is .t Scott iknil Ilernian Daer, ,.and -t- i- • ---1; Scottish ' iFeintilizer,- See .(torern- -tile organist for the ,coraing year is c)f, the Wald estrite klT,Ill nrocerd tltrynykn• .,..4. ,..edy,* whn. 64,9;tondaY, evening re-' . 'Walter,. „ wife -Of a.. It -Anderson in '. -to:-47 -11,1S;in,other Mrs'. WM. Eedv .who had OAILLER.--At -Toron,to, .o Sunda,y-- n, • 2 sten, - :,-, ; - • - • 7 , -• . ' -t4 i. I- 13E1i T R. R '' 2 •P'lmer ' - ' - ' . • . testi- etentIon of t bP 9 C,,crt thel'onf. Mrki: John Hous:i'on. ; The 's ri delved the Sad :49;Vits of the :passing of 'oiler -70th Year. • - ' : ' - . , STAN. tel- 5 P , , 4 i . : , ' a, .-, -.,, , ., - .. 'school officers for•the ,coming year are: 'b' Ill only a • few days - Mr and ' ,Februar 11th John Alan' Miller NifAiNTFD 'Ig.'.0 RFN.' T----50. . A' CIO; r jfilliivi7-;77, .''.'''': .71'-''''' '''''''''' . SuperintendentJohn 'J, Wilson ; te6,eh:... grs, wiltpieds, hip„ parents, whose - lrusbanti Of Rub3r-Mai;e-lie Laws in i'' 2:- F 4§,11,11 ' ,*th iione and hqrn by •Dateo la* (led ori en- thtz l'.1th gliay- ers, Rev.. A. M..BoYle, Rev. Dr. J. IL , .. his 71st. year. ..._ .I Febx-merv 00th. State .Priee by year. oFetilettary. . . ' 6.7'for the I. wolititr,... herein. , *Itirriett, Mrs, WeSTOY- 13radnoeh,-,' Miss home . is at- .Millininic, were spending 'Ills 27th year „...„,,,, o ' • , , , Dorothy Wilson and Mis$ IsObel Milli- the winter Withk,t1reir daiirIite* Mrs :-...‘faid:4E01),-Iii Ge-deriali, 011 SI -111611S' .mi' (1'. ESsERY,'..II-R. 4, 1Denfield; Ont IT A..\-'S..:.:_&..._,FT.\,.*.i S... it"; n„itoi i.,..), .yrtnolo. son ; Cradle, Rell superintendent, ,Mrs. Russel Riley, -near 1111liairton.- , Mrs: FehrtittrY llth, Daniel MacLeod, in ' - „ Kintner 'Dawson ; secretary -treasurer, Eedy Wit$ eightyyears of itir,e and this -past-surnmer the couplecelebrated their SMITH. -In West..Watvanosh, on Mon- i "II- 1-1--. ---'-'7"'-iiima""'F'7"" 7-9 Donald -Ross; organist, D6nald-1toSs._ diftitunni u wedding ' annivern'e, and I day, February 12th, William Smith, I. , ....-.:.7., ..7.....e.........0.......... lieglifihng 'With *Niarch, ..the-fithirr- of -also enjoyed it. pleasant vii4,Of a few i in his 84thoyear... CMWS„.4.11_1•14.41:"*"..4$ ......: Sunday schoor-Will be -changed to 9.30 1 . a.m. and; church service .will c - days with'their Son liere in Dungannon: 1 ' -' • _ i :.. IN MEMORIAM I at .1.0.30. a.m. , mence I3esideS the sorroWing husband. there , SPROUT.. --:411 „lovialig memor,i, of ;my ,:iim.."*.....g., DERICH SIGNAL -ST ONGANNON ElatrAitY 194,0, DITNGANNt)N, It'eb. U. -Miss ,Susie 11 lialpatriek, Lueiknow, vkiited on Friday hiteirti.:ttrisa,kt.s. J. Barkley and 'Miss Ellen Maize, Luelinow Iligh 6414.:140,1t viart414,11,y fjfLC14,0re'''.t.0(15.eie/Lt..0,0ealliic'ia.;,(111,1 SelkoOl student, spent the. week -end with 0.8mpmut4,4, Dittlo, sTuitil 1 lier parents, 'Air, and Mrs., Ilarvey ... - .., , . • Maize. „ Last 'week -Mr. Wm: 111ale suffered an o' Col,?Etal4*,„...i$2,$e.,,,,,.‘,4111yw414,tn.eirAT,41:at other slight stroke, affecting la throat. °.r.,1. ''L'Ukr. .414L'''''''' '44'. 4'. We have .sinee learned_that he is grad - lx" wily recOve4ng. .„---- Mrs. I), S. Errington - is 'Confined to Rummage sale, Sattirday, IfebruarY ref.Oterton, dSiA.tIoLuP,..---opCx.OicRoN,rEeaT:4,Qp' Ipl.Nble„--?,61,tbonx - .:-•,--- - ,-- - ,0 -.- Mill. Herbert Stothers. arrived home *t 77ommonsmaasossomitmarrig.0-- aistomairagoom-. , TEIN1)717,.WANTE11) , o.•,..t.--- . hero_hed this Area', xvolorhag the 000.. 1,7th, at .1 km.011 MaeRay Hall spent. ..P., ice4 'Of a ,-disciiii..7.:-.:, .---- . .,..,;_, ....„.... sored by Alineeek oha•Pter. 1 .,,,43,1G1,1,A/.),„,,s14.R_. .4._ from Goderielt IleSpital on Wednesday Mizses JAielT.initton atv4 in Toronto 're RENT FNDERS W„ANTED. ,,, severely, -burned with,, steam, During .,„.-, ritatiw, ,19th to. ..and„ . 7 0 ,III21,2,;,2:._,:ircittlziaistrunii. oia ITN. t• itt(rimAdel)rI:olieligtIltilitt)11:tt-tsinotwIlitilile":leliaeeeeririo:v2:042:19ttilift, 'VI' bo.ftentat,,,totr heitet, atfitreoraz ofwe.h..wich,dokb.8v,,dtreaerron, 4,,,,H.,tlylvo,„.xallmiatery svyl.os,„ Store closed per absence Airs. Allan Reed- haS been Yv`h9n Yin' lai "'Y'Qtti eall f" Virbibel.' Ursa Stethers ' is ;much improved, ..but for late Winter ,period. II. Baxter's tioi.;.,tp4?iiiyatungoilailroehrg. ati,Ni;et titarevigriatintoe improews. iihnon,, $31,,ii shell •Serviee StatliOn14 tltof. VUBNISUUI) M°1113 :71tralaYll :-:(1o7b,leillet•T°LoW:eltisit:itle.:1'Citile:14:11leett'.- have your baitery removed and stored T, iit) 04:t ed , Apply .. siToN Alc.t. sawn . 7x. „intone System. Dettle$ ' tO 'commence she still has a very sore throat. ..- , Allan Linaeld- ' ' . ,., riPQ aWNT,-APARTIVII.)NT OP POUR' otionis and, lorth, on main floor, miAjs.' l'-'• WISE, ; neeessarily aeceptede. Win be irxittitcoi st. Apply allone 561w. -, sece•Trease.R.R.'Ne. 3, Clinton, old resident; shows .signs ..of improve- 'A: aueottur of 'the W.C.T.Uo ' anent, ,' or at least 4110, 1* intich better lield next TItteSday of tertrroort at 3 , tthh:nt ,ahreewmatvyt,,,aelt-tts4ttot.b'e0suin'twilrisyheriSlaarri: o'olotelt, .at the - lhoralet... of Mrs r -1)-:- Nv. ter, Mrs. 'Thos. McPhee. At time of or Curl..ele, Ilritgatuia:..read., Another death : this week' is that a well-IntoWn -tigotre at Nile, Ur. .Wni, ,Smith, who passed lAway ilk his eighty= fourth year, at the home of his dattalto: writing funeral. arrangements wereriot toonMePqlsestieodn., I,: Ijiri.sWsomi; '. Smith on the 4t.h Sympathy is extended '„..to. another who, has been. :bereaved of a ,relative. Mr. A. E. ;Anderson received word the b-egbining eg the week that his bro-1 tiler's wife, ,..Mrs. Rose Anderson of Goderich, had passed -away. . • i. 'A Sudden Call.-:Witb. deep, regret the-nows,waS i..eceived of tho-death.-Of 7,, . . Miss Violet Twantley, daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. Win. TwanileY; Ashtfield, on Bear „GYPSY SM,ITII at 'N'tetlerht -Monday night. - She had not been., in strieet church on March. 3.rd and 4th. the. best of health for the Past year, but her Condition of late had not been. Owing to the death of. HIS.. 'Ex- .sal-arMingoald the end mtatf' 11.8 a great" eeillenley, Lord. ,Tweedsmair, 1'116' Mole shock torelativesand friends. The Leaf Chaptei*-, I.O.D.E4 Tills enneelflea# funeral IS being meld oh 'Thursday the keno patrty planned, for Pri1a5,, afternoon. with service , at '1.1ackett's , February 16-."-_ 4', date will he_ an church, where Miss Twaintey had been nouncetl later. - --. a -faithful wo.rker and had. given liher- 7 - - - . ,.. NSTANTED,SIX4,TY" -20-FT,- r_LIDIATI., ally of her musical talent. . • .,... - . -1)111ONE POLES, 6 Iii. or over at siVe serVice' was held in the United The. rebruary meeting of the W.X.Se t , 'lin — '-liei -JP; * OtInaaighit., ' sound, trimmed World Day--pf- PraYer-An----An impres- ' - ' -fleet-ion -wit-1r the. --World--OttY-.0f;-PraYer, a Knox church, will be beld.in the lee- .,crose. At $1.40 per pole, delivered. at , ituuraeryro2oomt47 Tuesday afternoon, reholetairloW. 00MORtN,E . TELE,PRONE-7,vtoorwolifiii(i' othatill:edetio.kilrla'c'tict)11111'i ''womn ,,xgt:rodtcdforub:., . , c burgh last Friday afternoon in Con- wia .hasv_cti7:417gliolfrs.thM,cP,Iliheaeitrpastfroup 7. ArSiIISITia. , M....,.., WM: ..._j-, ._ or4,AIRK, . . _ ,iii,,w.hich, lite, .Presltytex,ians _an$Liing,li- - rtlie `29M dav or February, 1040; ao on. • . , e -cans of the village were invited to join „ ' , . :„ , ''• , iyil '13/N- rty,ANTEw-A101 'XO1.1 THE. end af tell tliat date ,the..-exeetrtnix, of :qrs. Arthur -Elliott; president of the. • ;roe Lathes, orangeLodgeS all over ; MAi\i? Yon: can have a .solid beT;',- the ,sald esfiite shall -proceed to .nthke ...United _,:ehurch "W.M.S., presPetioi and the Dombooe are endeavoring .to, buy iness estahlished---within 'ogee moothte, distribution of the asset's thereoltr *led in. the •prayers and responSiVe read- an ambulance ,or Red -*Cross 'work. , ,If you. ate : tired-. of w6ettoug to ..elt_rn ifOrillig, regard only -to the ektians lupd:.• . . big& :othm, who ()toted* spedo. pray- Th-ti-yo-ea-t,16dgerig.,htd'tuirtea:-etrrct-*trrtr-LFF,jfffts_zars•vckvrok:.e.,t:e..-oivy yarf it —:1)44t11,447 aciatvutaa--144:g.--1411-11,,,(I'aY - of ers were Mt's, R. J. Durnin;_Mrs,-Robt.- on Wednesday, February -21.st,...inklie BUSINEISS'ifitid -eiiitoY: iirUitiliog; ............. -rebr"111-17% 1‘10ore, Mt.'s. ;T. °Blake, Miss I. Carr,- rooms over' the A. & P. store to raise Ov,any 'HAYS & II' A YS. Gederich °MATO, liour ielling-'200 on6ranteed- lie- 51rs. Melvin Reed and 'Mrs. R. Dilvid- -funds-. - li:', veryibody welcome, , Admii- ' • • ,. '-' --. -,,,,e. „ . -Ronlileitors for the. Exo:ntrix heroin. eessities-used in every home. Nu kp.J.) . . . 14•0.W . --A 1,1ItAX3( PONtIlitANIA,N FORMS' WILL, vo,t4; 40-43wero to igroady 1;14 tar) * (1.4er.) naiaop Inay iliarnmi on. • F ler leo.rve wWild at .seettred tst eeurs' lb° 14(4" alle44 sziaNtkipswit. terward. , wanted ta see.a saw; $01a nito. j get one Of your own for the Onnilltiresi. -• Tot eentsi UM SIONAIrSTO, „ fflHALE.• 4541'. Mrs. David Girvin, ninety -eight -year - _Godi4;1011c stor, 'iinifilet new Dahn-'.1 anuounc'es a t LEARANICU ,SALB.:ott ELECTRIC 'CAMiNETS, ELECTRIC PORIVADLE and VAIWEGY TREADLE , ed .;.jdachines, „at iterY„ PriCc.§, In aid nopteg wa ox church, with ichtidoeie 130,x guud ,herelik given to all pertionh. eant I a: at of the Red Cross-Vhe AVAiviTutp,......axwilparwom war) NOTI01:44,7,9 • Missionary:Club Will present the* Indian s tor hecesewox.k; in 000,41,bry xis - on Friday', February -23rd, at '8 ,s7.11A,R, . ,„ baying ,any Claintoagalnst the estate • o of . John KneX. .51aherson, Tate orffie Adults 250•elilldren 15e. avoiod--,-his?fyirife,, the lovelY eMinnelhalita; .thls ikoomity.. Thatwaittut.-feeni • babyhood to man- _ . -vvaANctowtz .roo:.t0INI:sivelaieiciLi),euri; gen. ,e. _:ret,rier.: ,atxneutatereor:sritoowfthtio!:4;ineeraaieco:01.igonnie:th:edunC4puvenetryt:::', ._. • ‘"•*al. saiesvirork, In , . • . - --, . , , day of January,,,.A..t.). .tu40, to gender' ' litg-''Patidimothe'r, .614 Nolmit8; 'iS'ago, 'IsIrrY, but teatilsfactory trefereinees-Atud " the goe-at thOoter, . with. Other braves laml 'sgaaw$, . are .hoping to. meet ran' on Friday,,,EVbruary-2.11x11, at the nod , CTOAS entertalfiragitti giv'en - .15Y :the Boys' IMissiontatry Club *of Knox (tura. by, deciara.tion, on or before the 23rd: !Ward rettnitred. Willi pay 4',Successful ;dory ot 1,,or,a4ry, A,D. iNot ,as 434 and0000 altig!itanth .'sPeelali PaY `ivilile' itmwtillalg' titter, -that l' da,e the Execbter ,of the Poi. Anteloriew apply' ait _ G011),DON said estate will. proceed to diStribute- WA'S' residence, Past St; Al.sk. . for the asse,fs,tliereof, having reroard only Mu,. .T.Ttairlbeff. 7x ' to theFelaims filed. ,, • . . , - WONT'S' • WANTED,-I3PCOME A Jito Independent Dealer--LDistrict egerusive, liandle two hundred neces- sities ---Tea; ' Coffee, Food 1-'roduets,' _Medicines, Toilet Articles, ere, Start new undOr cur Thirty Day Trial Offer 'without risk. Free Cataloeue and in- formation, ..11TO__ PRODUCTS, „1.435 Montcalm, Montreal. . 69 • . Dated al:Goderieh. third•rday . - February, A.D, 1940. ---- HANS and-IIAYS, Goderieli, Ontario, Solicitors for* the above named executor; • ER,Y,PICE TO CREDITORS. • • Nikiee is ilorethy olveli to. fury" Our.. sons Iiavliig. ally era tin .:ttilinst, the estate la JoSepli Brophi*iy, of the .Town .of..(1rOderistb in the C-onnty of Heron undertaker, Wit0 '61t., or • dia*Y 0 of Fehrmair, 1040, survive . two daughters, Mrs. Russel de * 1 1 ' d `Will' pi. ins Ian _, . lam 1,SIDT41411. Mi1,2 ' ., 1 J01 N Alaii.,N 31Jr.kr,E,R wish to IEITFAMILY OF TILE LATE MR. -,Riley and Mrs. Melville Scholzhauer, 1 pawed away lecotruarv 18loo7. ' Jo st a thought of. sweet re'ineurivra,ntr.o, itt;t1filnill:.- an:13-111d- flail: ..t11‘1'.:1:)e cwwiell;%1 s's°-exillinti'r°111i''atot „Milverton,,and three sons, Victor Eedyi , and il lost a Takanorv .s,a41 rood -true; • _ ; tributes and 'who loaned eairo !fOrAlle Rostock ,, Lorne Eedy, ' Stratford, , Just the love and, siiPeet devotion . rfuneral'is being- held on Thursday, with I Of. twh -anal, TS tl "ri 1- iIf ,:o funeral. Heber 4...,--14- Eedy; Dungannon. Thee; interment. at Milverton cemet&-v,„....„-- T,,, ______,--xmein,--,,,,,,,$,,,,c1 ir:1-ng.' -twri'''''1%.0.' iirl°fu-.-„ -E. W1119;,.. ii --•--'19.- :111'4:TEND ..04:cn • ,Wedded Fifty-eight Sears., --:-Mr, and ,t7 ' • :-- - ' v ' ., L.' - - thanks and ;Knee:to -'''tappreetatitte for Mrs. Abram. Culbert ,of, Ashfield the ktodtrestotrtakm'o, 'otges *.ttfilK.,,,,, Tuesday (St. Vaffine's Day) telt, Rielial Cong-ram, at TIolyroOd., BYtice' PalillY rtveiVed 110111 fri°n69 .111 In" ' 'brated the fifty-eigiith- anniversary of i* county, After their marriage Mr. and recylt Tx'reaement-' We - cal''). with: t'`) s ' Place February 14th, 18S2, at The home ..ith concession of Ashtieur which they I thar cars, ' i thank. those Who 1So kindly Ryaned I their marriage. The Wedding took Mrs. Culbert settled on a.farni sm the of the bride's parents, 'kr. and lqrs. i ' • • ' . t• -5IRS.. WM. STRAUGUAN---trird-1 i coureited into one of the most attract- ,.. ;....A&P CUT 20-m. 3 This 25c. AYLMER Red Pitted BARTLtirli` • The Salvation Airhay Plan ,to hold 014 National War and. 1,1onie : Campaign Marei,7 11-20, Plai. to do your_ utmost. „ The need is urgent and great., Vigorous and Winey • . • BOIL= • 1.-1b4. AvIg- and 8 O'CL.00K 1-11). .Rich yuut: Ee _ (mum ;iv •*-7',."--,f;'.'.;',--;•:7--i.i.,,Lvit7777:•('‘ .Cloverleaf . SAPV1OX 1-1b. Tin 37e SOAP 2 Oakez ii Palmolive COCOA, %ICED 01 UNSLICE0 'WHOLV, MICIEED .WEIEAT 24-07... WRAP. health' i'L°1147 COOMES:... 2 .14,, LOAF SPICE CAKE' 13c • . 'r Let 'y6urvidow bless the day Yok gave.hdr pTateetion • through a 7 Confederation -Polley Instnsance and Real Estate 3' him. iiton. SI Tel 208% • \, ' 0 .411115/112/46°1611314-6"'""2, Royal Rousehoid FLOUR 24.1b. bag 896 - Ogilvie , OATS - 48 oz pkg. 196 Lb. Till 27O Ogilvie's' Blended Cowan's Perfection lijLAICES 2 pkgi,.. ige 'AND • ' Nizt EiPeRil$I1Ate :244M111r:Invalid ear ; Servite PUNTAtAti .11014$ .17:1Vipatreal St,. Phone 399 4`,Pourteviss8ervi0*,Alyouts4):' 10)J11( 111 in the township of Ashlield. r 11 U - • I years, until sfone twenty-nine . years age, when they -purchased the thirty- .; Herd 'they re.sided for almost- 'thirty !. I tive-cacre farm adjoining 1)1111ga111204 they have since TeSided. The 1 union was blesSed -With tWo sons and , one (1111 hitt Artinir tinlbert,,4„, piolio at present resides on the old --11-Nne-, stead on the 5th concessiott of. kb Id 1 imssed ' away nearly two ye tIrS Bar- )arti Culbert, WhO passed )j,w4iy-thirty- two years ap;o, There are 11'. (ie very The family -s4 Mr.- aka, Mrs. ..0y. unibert.. Mr, •and Mrs.,•,Vulbert ; have been, fine eXamples or 'prosperous ' and thrifty il,irmers; and 'have won far thelitseives the es.teeni of the eopto -man itv ih - -which they have. beeic re-' „ I sidents for 'so many yearS. O•f" fine at,,stficftte tastes, fluor well -kept limit& and Surrounding always?' present ari 1.1111ae1 1ve appearance. They are.nitnn-, .; bets• of the United ,Chureli and as .„ gong A,S. thi.ir health -perniitted regular attendards.--Mto 'and lgrst G111, bort Were therecipients on, their' ttio, itiversar,oigt. many 1.1t1,14511.tges of feltelta ' , • . Smite fell:seat to make them thin, And some to notice 'them fat ; .* Ilut 1&at all the food T ,ean, And stay`just where I'm at. 100: GET 'YOUR • 1040 Autp Itictrkers • . A Iti-D • Drivers' Permits FROM J.- W. MatVICAR At Geo. MiteVicar's Shoe Store. . Kindly Fill 111.1939 Registration Cards for 1940 License and save LME G0 Aylmer Choice Lar e ° COiN ATOMATOES g 26 -oz. Tins * Wads CA11I3AGE CALIFORNIA OltAliGES NAvEts Also s WI line, 6i ontartogkowit,Apiiies,, (14tart baike,is No. tand Domestie grade4 . YES SIR It's Service Brand Chick Time AVAILADLE ZNANY AMOUNT ANVTITMO Roth pure breeds and hybrids Ilatehes Woo vveeltir fieoyOUr .10eat salesmen RYAN & SON. PRODUCE Go eh, Obt. litarnliton Strot Phon6 345-1444. 334 SlEitirlieE DRAW) pep sna vigor are the remit of a twelve, yom breeding prestone WATERLOO COUNTV.IIAlt Tei ERN Nerit Hamburg, Ont, Bo rest, day Or night, /or those afflicted with that smiled akin ease, &mins, or salt rheum m it is 4. commonly cella Mho Wan* burning, itching saa smarting., eopecially- at night, or when the afteotifa part is aimed to strong heat, or hot water, are almost unbearable, ad relief is gladly. woloomoci. *To got, thl o iamtvit nAces- say to Urin the b1o4a &OW by ths, ase of thoroughly reliable blood modieino took as Dnxdoek, Blood Bitters whith during tho past , 00 yeati hos met with great *116600 1* relieving wok diseases brit* bboa deansh4r- and ,ilsititying properties. Ms T. moon TWOS* OM. MIMI/ Lbs. 25c "'Zeit* Bag I.Plalirt or OK Large Crisp