HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-15, Page 3"t•
_ifiusiness Directory
Offiee-CoUrt 'Goderieh.
Telephone 55.
I i Florida Has a Taste 1.:Ifogirjgrtu:g., ,,,„„n,
0ALTP041) 01/N14.(i.Y 00110014 Court Puzzled Over li youR HELp is tiEEDED
gevielf,z, ts.u"VV:rfity:="11`4, ,--.Case- of Exeter -Maul _ • ,
it ' of Frost and Snow ,
„ i 'knee 'Davis of Winnipeg Takeo High-
. All this week eitizenS throughout '
Canada are being asked to contribute Much _ • 0 b Li
tQ tile.p,anadlau Le' gion War Services' " CallaellciLlerD0wIlloirtliheurd, the
, .
appeal for $500.000. ' , ° • . . .
-Au, examination of this non-profit
matting organization, a subSidiarY of Mrs. J. W. Carrie writes loom St.
the •Canadian'IJegion itself, immediately Petersburg, Florida,' February 5th :
impresses one with thenecessitY of en' 'The , weather, here still k*' J)'.. 001
awing it to earrttul• its vitally 1111P"t° andt
' ,he frosts of the lost tis7t; thsys'
ant activities. hot only in, 0AuAda• but, uttoe prove&" ;aisaareas, Ito, "toe iri`Ott.„
also in, 1)ngland and France, '
aottio.0. 0,6 Leoion,$ eiroxts in 1.).toviki,,, million dollars will not reinaburse Mc
Almiera of this newspaper who ar gzifYvver45" .I lave 4*(1131 0141 4411411. two
-lug educational ,facilities for, the men gr...,°!..eir_s alert! tor tbeir itosSes, Whey
so that they may contin.ue thei'r stialies 4".11`.; -44WV•43 UMW" A ,lierY Vrecatri'onS
While on Active service and thus Null) living wt''' tike' be"' ipt VIM"' 7ital'
th.emselves tor their return to ciVil "Inge$ 'two dozeu tou 25 tents and '
. The annual Inisiness meeting, of the
Saltford ,Sunday School was 4104 (YOt.,. Who, "Lift0d.u. over 150 Artioleil
sehool room, during a session-„ of the 1'711 .V9.110‘18 110111ef
Sunday, February .41th, in the Stinday
whoa ..-,‘ • _,,s'st* TWO, T11011018
Tile* secretary's report statwed that* - - ".. . . • •
school was held On forty,twe Sundays' Just why Jahn CollimmOod, titurty-
of last year. The number on the roll.. year-old Ithceter, man, Stole.' or st..1Y by
was 98; average attendance, 48;-...gUest night, over 150 household and other
00t.I, . .
GLA.S ft. NAIRN, speakers gad vi4tors; 20. ;The largest _.
' - liarrniteV and Sox -leiter attendance was 1k, on March.114th.- 42:t.'...lele! ..3.*°•..li''.1'.-.,,..,..,:.,...et,.);:.1.,ilt)rsm...erk!„. h-444:4•Uf..a„gnifi.‘,1
'Qpies•North iStreet, Godericli. , Tvve'specittl 'events of, the Year were-. -1_,E4' 1,-,4-1.,A1•414,4 1"."' '''""'''',14:1'''''''..,
"T!'"•"-.0-."--""`"'"'"-","-:"7- .„.'" the annual.plertlei- On August,14th, .and Holmes almost completely. 1)11ga).0eU lakIZ
ilailE'W,1%; XiDE, "the Christiania ,coneert,' both of which 1.41rursday,„. There wau no evidenee-that
Al 'Bardater and SOlielior were highlT;littfeeesstql• , ' anything had Ween sow bfeelibigwOott
elni Lito Building, Adelaide and 'Vie- The treaSurer's roort. was, as fol. articles ,i.,n-
':'aegje:tilet!.'''7e7:0.nott m"a'rT;ta84`0".4
".. -tar* streetx:„Toro,to, „ 2 . lows: . ..., , -
:______:...„----......,..:—.......—;-,------........... ,Balso,4e0 trom-1038 al -at) wirliOnt enlightening t.ae. court; culling'
' 11E44124.11$ '"'' • ;:- •-. ,,, • • ,Rowever, -atter' seine hesitation and
Teleplaine Elgin .5301.
,_,IcEiNcNima, BUNTERi D.A. ' ' ' --,, ecdlectionslor -19.19„,.-.„.,-..,...t.w - 60- 89:•, -*004, vleadeklutity to sit,,Charges, of •
Colleeted for Bible .Society : 17 00
OhristmaS concert - . . '.*:-. ,, - i.' 75' li,iatileitaila‘114Thw4e4'lsoealitt,e-tutieueandt4)-c.tawcho4) Ictith'as
Bank intereSt .'..;...,,..„.......,. , .. , . . ,; 51 . hat has air been resteve* to its riiiva.
,.. nit • ,,
't .„0„, 0.1 Ors; the court Was informed. it in-
• vorptyronaterompo w ''"'' ' ',-eluded a ton and a-hatf' o.t coal, ' two
mowers ,-.,------;77--.,.. :--..-;:r--7.„,...- s' 3.4 0.i ,;0§ii441,vatsegot.trttepHi..oisis,0Colotsth:, e4sikettprrottears':n" and
'18110011es for sclio01":4, • ' .. 18 35 7,44i1ter,, 0,-- pair of arch supports" table
ISent to. Chinese Fiinit............,: 8 86.
Picnie expenses ... ' :,.4......._ 8 20. i: annaPd'icsir •sorode'°wtah°tthlellileino14'34'eak7e4raatF7st144)9::--
lierthern Messengers, for 1940 , 15 00 .,,-Asked:ovify.he stole, -,0011ingwbod kept
Ount'ert AotOeuSes '744'"a,...40 --,o••• ' ' '1•9 40 "; hiSialence, -1:1e said +nothing, but .0114"
'tent to Bible Reelety• ...; so. 17 00 ;,,,...lbt:toves, Be bad a previousIgebd
,Cleaning school ;i,„222. record 'and ite •eourt•recOd.1 .09110W
Balance on hand .. '''-'"'"'-'...,..Constable John Ferguson and ,Chiet,
------""„ ..„„,„,.„,„ •. Norray .of Exeter liverf,aeS.PoliSible for
. • • - - 4r -JA" I)* ' bringing •CollingWO:od to Justice. ,
THOMAS GUNT#4,4; ,,_. After some discussion._ 44 to the large I ' ' other Cases:
A, LIVIA ST043C:' • .hadeelatotinee ,tofili,shnadildsoirit :•tWoi.1,tshertniettenpeimre:latisitily, ,.. stalu ,.sptouie,s' lawyer ., was absent,
ATelell";Eplione , , , i•„•• '•''. t _L% Slott fund and 45 te.' the Finn,* fund. : itawdet144,nhOlst 'ictililiet;:t?r calis'a.rgree.f4i•faigat-
. Sales ittgided " to atlYWIRIT9 Aug' Th0-4ehool 444, tried je support = a, nretenceS i#V0iVingifilYq dollars 'ad& had
*very. effort -made tirgiiie SatistietiOn., ,?,apprp-x• oneyear, whieh-eost $20, but ;-1114, ease ' renithidetrOxie. Week,
,Formers' gale notes dise.0011e4.• . Phaylag.mis. sed last Year the School de!, ' Ever -since laSt,_ SOPtenlbei, Whei,.a.
.,„,,,,,, eidett''',0",4-04)0., ole amount. . Parents
org•r.,\..e„ 60.0*;,. Lay_ s:,.,..) 'tare aidiecr,.-ctiAoi:e-iiiitt almost eie-'hilt- 'ot;°111-1iiirth.°1:dvrerlfewalimilt,traabig'thletliC5 -11'.11'1Piwoot
ufAt. ,, . 'iPifif,.. . •',4 ,*of ,therecel*,Wiregivelf•toftlie Leper 4,1040,4..haho-or, joekosit_tor_ottas
,• CrO -.....
, Phone 800, GIdditlehi Onto
01ficio; lianditon, Street.
MONTEITIIi.and* •1
Dovold:.413treet,i. fitgatfOrd.
•.Toront0 43,04:- 802, „
1- AUO*0140,04144.
-snaroirtheltorcoodeff -libaltStsb57----Ns%-sler..1--The--etlior-daY lie-wa-loeatefl-
nish and ,0.41,0610',•tuu0. - . .: .1''' ilait iiikilniq .hrid taken- into-CtistodY.
g_L, ,,..„ _-",Pkon10100,414 IY1,1ki,„„ • L.` Jr. ' Crown ,AtecUne$,•11ohne$: said' 14,1-'hird.,
..(illio. . . ..romOtlOuO''Made'rwere. ,_..; -'x'rou, 4made itor'effoi6 \to pat and the'cOuntry,
'GO ! 1 *DUO.. .,0 ,- ,-, . p.,,,,,,w'-,--ary '10,-'113r2--•,P;imarY---.---Gliti4 ' Me*"• ...hrid." to keep WA- family :' W1481era was
Adapt, .lia*e-Stewarti June !legal*. toig40439, 44/12,`„goiA.-week: • ..:4 ' ,
,\ V?: g.to.the.t rg,,lAiuteir.fttlitlier Xi ,
motions;could 'not. rbe Made. •,- ..
Prima.. '-fOr, -, 'theinerf • :work.- Were •
: j.::iii, *EYE; 4.,4-14; 'iiiiirrided tu'rlIlliy. ,14,10‘.:Peter Walter,.
, J3 isitgii410tigtlaiat*7 - ''...'•,!'f:i.'.LiOnard......,,INAilkii4; • George, ,3Vestlake,
. Late o.lifoopy),„.,8:f7a,jelititli.',/r,lft.. :rinunt§,,A. logo, xtuth-Thriabkr,- union
ophtun,410 i... i .. -.414.! . „,..,2..pekt,i,,,,,...: .WIllianIgh,),,fititiand Montgomery, Aril.
aist,ant litld: , ,, ' i ettl!, , ff.211,),!_3,,Pr11111141. Ilifilfteheri Blaine Lamb' and. Edward,
-„,Goidea• •:. , s. ‘-„Throat 11009itsas :Oritittaft•L-•••,-.-''-' . .' ...., .,
don; Engi*.nd.tlb ear,f-c•t,.,il'a Will ,f,Pi ''''-' ' :;47`rt),10141101" -and senlit, or _ottee.daieo
• ' -EXIiikt- TlOpEikg„,,,,,,GLASSEff. - .. for ga.,5„nriclaYs or MOO: ,
,$c( 0,-A1,404..,42".• -• ' • 1-DIPlenitteorge-,Westlitke..-
',- ThIectlelit Seal--.4.110112todkin: „
•' :' -' -, ---.44:-,--Otiratiatit.
Teleib•onO 267. , . • - •,t,y.,flif.thetylipiws,e7 Seal—Billy,..4, ,,,,,,r,-1tYan.,,;-.13.,. ,. o, ris
, . , r . . r,
. Si*tikTnr: t4EirSt GO a Bisset,
life, who have read of the splmalid gtailefrult xgor or 10 ecui** It is
Work. being doneinonaintainirig morale
'and'eapribilt.,,-corps by Means of enter-
tainment,' and who know of the advice
and guidance that the Legion is giving
the men on all problema arising ,frOin
- .
war duty, must surely. be, encouraged,
In .,making their' donations generously
and Without. delay. r
We in Canada, who are so far .re-
moved from war z.ortes,!'are perhaps in-
ilu'ented to some' extent by a 'false Der-
Spective of the struggle that lies -ahead,
We MI' to , grasp; -the 'full signilicanee;
of 'the sacrifices oui dightlig 'men Will
- called., upon to "make. pub it
bluntly, We lack.a war..stpirit It wUt
take but One ,etitattrOphe •inVOlving our
.forces, make-Os:realize :that •we are
at war—a, war that from all hidicatioris
will be one -tilf the.Most•desperate ton-
g/eta fal .4140rY4 -
• The Welfare. needs.. of our. •fighthig
VOA 'will be Many and it ;would: be. un-
fair of us to eiepeet that. the Mint
authorities should • assume the ,ad
responsibility . these
needs._ • This resPon#bllity, can be car-
ried out most, na,tinfaretOrilY hY• orgaly"
tietrand-officialir endoreeditaxiies_71
Imbued_ with' the. conviction 'that its
enorts uniat primarily be! directed lit
such -A way as to contribute fa -military
' efficiency„. and thus .help- to --Win, this
rawitawma, 1,i
' ••• -"The Sufi- wil"be iiiiiiii. on • half
sides of the fence by May 2nds-and.`4
will give you, Midi thin lb P.A.'i' W.
Magistrate' told . Fred Belli' up under -
the Master 'and' Servants*et for fail- PuMlbli°'mc ibUtilidin"10.' ',11"114,,here.,- mTheany
CIttl: Ualtult
ure to pay William , Smith 8i wages, is • jaite ani„inipoSing, place, and, the
OWirtg. , 44.094% hiie'..men' an:less-Oh eau', court- Mose is -a , grand affair. - 1
seyour wayclear , to pay thein," Bell
was advised: •• -• ,---, : thbik - they hame-near!ly as. :, many,
judges 'as- ppaieemen here, :' They. have
Albert Vanstone laelted the -`.‘rie'ces- .
'costs, SO° he' ti'ioirten4lay's in jail.. e
.sary" to Pat two linea totalliag 02- an
ilivareerY' irrlea:::1417eicice, .:11111'i):;tigla rigf)66:411d43414*"1141t:'°f,ld:
-451aS-- Contleftlit it AlltAW4eatAn---an' &Lag,
NextOtiSit 1$0dford'AlOW90400A!,
sWedneadayi: Feb. .28th,„-- porn -2-
t4! 5 Pf,,P;i2,;•‘c•r..,
,-114144,04 '1' • _
; Ia..' PhOU0114:,, .L..... ,
4::, , . -..,110,44Oaa.044:4,,. •4,,,,
" - TuSsdaYi;- Friday ' and
and ._ Ara.i. , , ,
, : - •
' Saturdi0.4-' '.•'' ' ..
• , . ,.,'__,-. • 'only - r, 1--• 1 Wednesday,
. ' it to- 12-.. aan. • 1 __
' .--111Onday and Thursday a . MitOrsalL--
- . A.....41, ATKINSON., -
`,'•'' 51 South St:
/ I
rot Marks and Wins Several hilted(
Tile Winnipeg Fro e PreSS of Feign-
ary ;.ird has A • portrait of 1). 'Bruce
Davis, a young man of *that eity who
obtained the highest marks in all Can;
Ada Ti the went examinations held Of 1
the University of Manitoba on behalf
of the Institute of Chartered „Amu)* '
ants,• and therebY WOil the Dominion \-
Association gold medal and a Prize of 1
$50.-talso the War Memorial gold -Medal
endowed by the late T. Thirty 'Webb'
and the Manitoba- Institute prize l Of
$100, -.-- - - - ' -
Mr. trrTeshet, is,wy, 14moutin.ngloeomanott_Lls(ouftilase4.14.2onsaior_mef ;!ro‘r., tosioata
nOthing ileSs than a calamity, , Tbe the foriner,-141sa Mitl)el Thurlaw, wtta.
rbitiounitbrdisithavTuae4difteled;:,0:utuattw„ by. ot44huie _Isci;109:Cor,d0,64_,u'rni3OC,,,as,itil- _aw.Faos.,...A, ,reshient,o!0,t•t) er_kehSetme year
Covered with stiOw. and - there' is. a
great deal. of saffering,,, • '-''
SnoW, w,PnrOsItY '
Last week. a -largo motor -baps .'eatae,'
in Tiitii tour inehos ,Qt %%ow- on 4t5
•roof, au/ it effettte& (Vito at sk-Usatkuu.
Alaimlite„.gtliti, 0.nrotvur, i''Otii:ctithtliej_tucell40114-veir.tretiibe..rez
have never, seen' any; mew but . the-
'otrill*beervvithl;'161,7:'' altid'7,4*:•:diu'll'::404.1vastr ::
liglittx1 at being the .!`oh,Servett' of 'all.
Said,- to, -her., f huband "Dbesn't ,, it
• ilinA14§likifill, Feb. 1,4.7.--ReVt, 7444
Mrs. 11 Aldworth and Ian, of Staffa,
were guests of Mr, and ,Mrs. Charles
Pearce on TuendaY. `
-. Mrs. 11. Bennet, Goderich, was *
week -end . visitor with ,triends In the
village. - . o' ..,,:..4 . ,
Mrs, N. W. Trewartha,' of ainitin,0
Who . recently. returned frora a two
weeks' visit with lier'sliter, Mrs. Alex-
-ander, in Tennessee called. on friends
Make Ykon hoiries- I fto' Ste the Enotw" here Saturday, . .
and Ticket' ' 'reef '.-ttifie,,,rather , canatle an- Mrs. George Sheppard 'has disposed,
miter" -.IitoRdiestek! :Wait Eon*, X am of her honi0 to Mr. CharlieIVilson,
gid 41104.yeskik rwrgo :-,,a 0-0a... *owl who expects to take possession, this
four feet ete snow evert:Mora** sat sliringt. The friends and neighbers'vtill
10---lbelow., „Not what * youNi) notice. miss Mrs. Sheppard, as she has lived isu -
lid rather be hoe." X think he liolged„ this locality' a good many seat* and. we,
,. . . .
oak Eyes
Soo who aotke the moat at
good paicolo are eon** Oa
[avoid 1103 frowzas mad isrhAtios
„ for ,which eyeaoraitt alagros-
44e. - vezneeting errOth 40(
vilekka di$Paii 'ILO& •iitt4ion. ore
valved thes'eliy•
Make„ -apotoistasent early
by phoning USX
E�r Kingston SC an The
r. got*, 011114en,
-few.weeksirith.his ther
don, sr., left or the'Veat
the.4Servtli0.0$ .011,1tireefebt „ithOusik- l-
am Sure nano, of, us :wen% -iike tXt• browp-skilied with 'rthe Ifrot.
flint We sh0.00 nevor. aga.01:10ee .10)e • Wile erowdo here 'keep Sing
ttneen auksi#1,104icffmned Toth mow. -evetr, day and we. :sep, Carg....2.t.10„V„
after,-a-snOWfttO*M.'"' Ssrigo0abi-etwt64, ' Qiiebe-ct Neva
.Seottia :parked on the main streets.'
sPirkett twould,..macb.prefenttPhls.-$0., They OM ano, the peak is not reached.
of weather JO po -to:,,,itho.stAde. It Jo' until-.Vareh it. -
Jike corlsr:$Vbeenher .at. Wow., • , have the.' shim, -"Mr.. (Rod-
Piboy •.%exellettal *TieoNr 6eirvete; here -now aucli great. CIPONST46
Ille•-..14Ittia.:1,111g—toAl*tillging. • ' Tikertr
iire volitie4 lemoaitins:
Klueted, 4tOO.e, 'Sott -there sonietbing'
for everiOne'S 4t44-40.•
watt,. as„spooalto.roo,„.possuge,„.pbeiLe birthday„.atere
is niso -looking 'to -that 'day when Petteelbankl•haidalt ;.'4,,i0eat place for cele -
'is declared and otti men ,return to ,re: hratpag birthelank- „„ '
sitme ' their places as :citizens,- With ';`' it" ' ' Fine rablic Buildings,
that in mind. the .Leglefi'llas under way
the-nfost remarkable education scheme
ever designed for Canadians under war-
time conditions.
Studied .frent all angles, the services
being rendered ..by thio:.arrganization
cannot fail to make a great Centrilm.-,,
tfon to *Canada's, 'war effort and the-
rehabilitaflon ,,,pf our men: 'when., the
is ovem-c-kralltweare-lutAggeuRiefl-
.sault, pleading gailtY.with .visions of, What ISWking
, - ' plaee
sPlikl*,l'on the laWn, and I noticed the
' ' * ' today, It would be well.to peer -a little -,,b, •aa, In Old -.Englioh ilettem :..
' IIVEDDE14- 56 vilzkida — - - ' - - - - ;- - - - -'-. , - . .. - _., , _ ..
.. .., 1.-1.-,-, . • .., „farther into the ft -Aura and, make our “.x.,et,.not this diY• be cOunted, lost "
aiumber of friends and neighbOrspreparations now 7for . the new. peace , , typo _17,60, .1boii**telitid_;.ph..., ieraci,;,,,
wiestaxiip laurfilkii nun ,
U1 SURANCE C0.-Farma and iso-
lated town- property Insured. . :•••
iicers-Ahomas Moylan President,
Seaforth; ir..no4, Vice-Preal;
dent, ‘Londesboro; M. .6,4 Reid, Secre.
Seaforth. '
Directors -Alex. TifoadfoOt, - Sew.:
forth; James' Slioldiee, `Walton; lames
,Connolly, Gederich • W. R. Archibald,
• , Seiferth; Leenhardt, 'Dublin;
Alex. Mckwing, ; Myth; -.kriink
Me -
•Gregor, Clinton. • - • • - _
Agents -U. A. Yee, R.R. Gederieli;.
James Watt, Blyth John -1U. Pepper,•
R.R. 4, Brucefield '171t.7 MeKercher;
. R.R.
eardine ;• R. G. jarmuth,
„holin. .
kolicys•iholders'Xan make, all, pay-
ments andgettheir cards reeelDted itt
the'itoyai Bank, Clinton ;Ctilvin Oatt's
Grocery,, Ittrigston Street, kioderich, or
Reure *General Store, '
• 0_0A011 LINES
Daily *140. 'tkau,„ t'45 pau,-LeaVes
Goderlch" for Stratford, Toronto
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, petiole,
Tavistock and ,li'Voddstoeli., ,Depots -
Bedford, British and Itoiat Hotels.
_ _
.-ritono'hotelti Or 605 for infOrmation.
1 SU
Get Out Automotije..
Phone 24 Gosierleh
Nelson 'till
Accident Motor :Car
ered::44the-4toine-Of-4.ir,-L-andr,Ur4k. ' •-..ta•-•follow;',- ' .4...„, ,, ,,-.... . . . ' ,*• . :' . -4-ii-dr., ,, ,„ „ay-. of, , 2s • PIP4)**
: : ••• : •
PIX4Pleff COOP,A4St ttregts:. An • ..Vridat. IliVeS!fm- int in:40fAtuaigajk:..T4Pgion .1.4 inrYstterY...'4TioditY, k-imittOi nVmollt
**ening 'last i tii,40-prig.e.jhpnt,"on,t1* r*.fir:!$erViet":81,.,iS'a" sound investment In set between!. ,.• aa.
fifty -Sixth- anniversary of their fivedding,:i -democracy, _, _ _.' ' ' - - r tstepposo . If Wa.:441:,lirott-'44iteght"4!''hielp"e°,00014111ft:
1•Refreshmenti :Were served: 'by 4i.ilsir ' -- — , .. ..
inma.;,Copp after a 7ileljghtful evening ' scime English garden. - We saw a
had been. spent in -games- and contests. Saf6.#4,c, Org. iiebi.
. i
.• t• $500 it q4faort . ;t'alli1414'.1"17C:''''''It°h°.a*-1?11:rliPtinn''
Was: . . .. .
"I take '.ino notice of the hours ''
Real Estate and .14111ilante
. • • „;_
()eke; East Side -of Square. "
Residence, 11, Trafalgar St. .
' eliofce building ,
tapeperty and: isevernI„ good for*.
Let .ane 101044 on 601114 • root
bargaIns Buy
Playing -,-Maureen _OtStdlivan. with Jlenry..Fenda, in'Let 15s
Live" - .s•
-1VT04., 11)10, & NVEto•
IN4TER BOGERS,Walter Comud1Y-4airievplison .and
Tim Holt
Another 41110 -grained perforlild1100. ter ;the versatile Ginger. This
time delightful saltine, bristling mirth laughs iand, bright
situatiOns,aiNj about a ftrilniln-ailleitt lobiderletlAr
•T10111434Pitt & 0,4LT•
Ann Sheridan -Richard Carlson and 'Robert Armstrong
Thia IdtptiVating Tomo* comedy Icatignea the Dartnioulb Winter
00004 as a nowt and retfrefting,lialekgt,ound tO saY nOthing of
the &alma's latest :"toompbt" star Ann Oheridani
Matinees red., Oat attd Im#14tlyt At It
Barbara Illiutotal...., Mrssektur_altzles.4,44LMrs.itusetyart;t reamerr_ofitce. Entered, _anct_ an .iga,v „mien. :tile so,. is shining],
.. ... -
, i -.T.4.,„.,.. .... ...
Air. J. E. liarnwell, Miss Annie Bisset.The Canadian;,caubL lied :41. oleniz
. Eighth -year ' Seal - 'Sandy Bisset; .. Expert ,.. Sob 'pone.:,, , ' out to-CoultpoInt yesterday, and we
Peter Walter: - ", , ,' ' Vlitittin: ' Visited. ' ,notice4 an the Way. out that a =eat
Ninth -year 'Seal -Dan Walter. - ' , _____ nuMber of tthe pain', trees have tamed
.' " Officers Elected , - The oftlee of the-,Seaforth. Creamery,
.0flicerselected for 1940 are as fol- was enterdd. early last Saturday morn -
lows : Honorary preSid,entrairs.- Sande- .
ing and $506 carried away after the
son.; superintendent,, J. E. 1Iarnwel4
safe had been cracked open with nitro -
assistant superintendent, Mrs, J. Heth-
erington; teachers-A,1l,ible class of 18
g ycer.
bers 1. E. Harnwell,;‘ senior girls*
class' of 18-inembers; Mrs, R. ' Walter;
senior, boyS". class Of-1$ineMbets, Mrs.
'0;=-BiSset.;,Stinior class of 13 members,
Ws: W. Bisset or Mrs. J. Bisset, is-
sisted by 'Airs; Dodkin ; senior primary
of 12 members, ' Miss P. Westlake;
junior priniary.of 19 members, Miss K.
Williams; aSitstanrtachers; Mrs. nod- ,
kin, Mrs, •Fowler, Mrs, McCabe, Mrs,
Montgomery, ,Mrs., N,Ivins; • secretary,
Jim (flatten; treasurer. .Miss, ii.•,, 'wil-
- .
lianis;., pianist, Mrs. .Crordeu,,Bisset;
'asSistant, 'Mrs. Ntrilson ; Paper distrib-
utor, Lawrence iVilliams. .
Copiesof the GosPel: of St. -John
'were distributed to -the two primary
elaSties,, arid of St. Matthew's Gebel :to
the rest of the classes for memory, work
for lop, . „ . •
With much regret the school noted
•the passing of -its: beloved honorary
president, Mrs. St Bisset. She, took
,much. interest -An the Sunday school
and ',her very , presence • seemed to In-
vite „Strength, courage' aid: spiritual
life into the work. Her example,stands
-out as a beacon light . , ....._ • •
, The superintendent in reviewing the
work - Of the .year noted the splendid
_fir_OgreSa.andliertrtily_thanked the vent,
speakers .who so willingly Offered their
assistance. He also."'appreeiated the
line co-operation 'of teachers, officers,
scholars and. parents, which contributed
tof,the indreased Saccess of •the SilndaY
sChool. . ... t.
It was the neatest job 1 have seen in
along time. i1/410 a pane -of
broken, 1.7.1he offiCe, Scarcely a paper
disturbed," was • the way Provincial
-Consttible-rMcCOY,' inTcharv•-of loveSti-
gation, deseribed_the robbery.
- *asintimatedthat the robbery
was presentably accomplished by , the
same gang of expert safe -trackers that
has been: working in Huron county for
'over two years.: The gang- are known
to Police. Their wliereabonts is i dif-
ferent matter. '
p iice•of Canada Packers at Clinton
also was entered the Lsartie morning,
but nothing .secured. Byer since a
robbery there tour months agothe
manager has- been, Mb:eying-the cash
at nights, leaving the safe olcior Open.
• The Mission Band of ,Victoria, street.
'United church met en Monday pith a
e - •
nod attenclance.,.. Ituth Allison con -
fleeted the worship. and business.. -The
MISSion Band creed, prayer, and S'fmg
were learned. Scrapbook 's and button."
cards were donated for school hotagS„
and. pictures ,Orfildia for a project
map are being Collected. , CorreSPowit
erica:40'th another Mission Band was
mad by Margaret -Craig. •-A chfidren's
hyma was sung by, Joanne Allison and
Joyce Breekow. A committee was
chosen to plan for a party- for Monday
at 4 o'clock. .
-The choir of Vietoria street United
ehuren were entertained, at.a delightful
.valentine party 4n the-thureh on. Vri-
day evening by th'e Eureka class. The
schoolroom, beautifully decorated in
valentine fashion, created' ut gaY Party
mokinhere, 'Over thirty guests signed
the Valentine tegister and Proceeded
*to 'enjoy the unique and entertainin
games and contests, skilfully direeti,
by Mrs 3 E muteh and Mrs. J. Main.,
All were then Invited to the tastefully
decorated table for refreshments. The
appreelation of the choir, voleed by
.Mr. Larder and Mr. Schwantz, brought
'the very huppisening -to a 010c. -
--The York 'Bible lass, which has-been
conducted with great success at Tor-
onto for the last fifteen years, Ittin Just
been celebrating another "birthday.,"
and along with the anniVernary an-
nonneement WA4 a Word of eougratula.
tion to l'raser eWe11, "who_ ha* At-
tended every ,clasa gervice during the
fifteen of York Bible elitIs bte
tory." Fraser la the *On • a Mr. and
Mrs, John T. Novell, of Vrenta, It(41
known. to ittAny of our Geflerleh
Manager --"Can YOUVirtqlke one
reakon Why '1 Onicht te OtatifaSe'
got no grandparents 'to, Nary, sit."
Ile got the lob.
Too often, we audit' Maw .1r,"• *lair
own standard of -experiencet
linwe bitjiiit "tilt .2r* DO* 30041, or ma
Get no,ivr; beforelniOea
• wo.1..;
41111E Bit,DADwAY
- Phone 246
Oita= Tobaccos
1":1'I • .3-.3.4 p•-•
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flrliAlIt,41,1417r4 *.**"
t. • .4' re,;:ki
c1:11114.,,ati.1.4"4 4.
You should. not feel the slightest embarrassment in
--611ing4rr-the-inanager of,..ovr:narest,branch and tell-
ing' him of your need to b'orro*Making personal
loans is.a. daily-pgt of out regular assistance
to thrift 4Citiiens,thriJugh,ouv Canada. Snell. trans-
, .
actions are strictly 'confidential...and out terms -are- -
convetifitirand reasonable: Repay. in '12 triontkily-
instalin&its; cost P.65 per 4100. No other Charge.
-ESTABLISaccoas,411ED 812
Gbderich Bian44: A. A. Ni