HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-08, Page 8AUBURN. Vele Weir ot Torquato sowrit the weeleend it I4e. hum* here. Mr. sad Mrs, Goelori Teelor wed Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton vent Stinday at -Petri:bill with Mr. and Mrs. Allieton. Mr. Jan 11ouetou, ef the OC Guelph, ss -as- sW017.-entil Yi3itor with hie perents, enti Mrs, Joha Hone- tou, ' '1 Mae. F. Ross and Douald visited Dun- etutuort friends on Saturday. Mr. Harold Nicholson uSeafertls *peat tae 'week -end witherienere here. Mr. George Ytmablut is attending a eonverition at Woodblock thiseweele Ati,5$ Mae 'Ferguson is visiting her sieter, Aire. Frendin of Clinton. , Miss S. Blair- and 'Nies. Win- Ate- liwaia. visited Mre. David Glavin,' I/un- 6annan, on Monday Mrs, \Girth" 'cele- brated her ulusay-eigleth birthday oie that day. Mr. 1)an Burns, teylee the Rank a mot -tierce here, 'haS been transferred to lionibra, ;tear S,Ainia. Mr. Carl Zurbrigg, ' has lieenstelle,r at Lis- towel for th last three years, 1,s, tat:- ing Burns' place . %be inter eno , ot Prayer will be observed in Ketox epoke with approval of the beeelit the, irresbYterian church on -Friday 'after- r children, of the congregation had re - mien at. 2.30 o'clock. All the ,ladies of „volved 'trona' theeSunday school by Post, 'It' decided- to hold a total attend- _ the community are invited. , aaaldreals'algareleaserson-spentsaateivedayS„.;ence Sunday this sreamer. 'The treas., last week with beg mealier, .Mrs, Wm:: '111;e7;C-thalleiateetatemente-oleeer 'was- - (avert by Charles !Asquith. All money this Year wee raised by voluiatary sub- seription, 'Yhe rector then gave a very eucotiraging report;. There were' 47, Sunday services, with AA average at- Mr. end Mi. WiiImui Robertott eel bratral Ili ii: forty-eighth weddiug eivereiry on Stintley. There was rat sehool iu the Confines atioa *tool for couple of deys tide week owing- - to the ilareee ot the Tretebee, Mire Violet Sheri). , MiE,S 1iel7kWii$01). Seaforthr spent the weeleend et the home a her par- olee, Mr. LL Mal Jobit. Wilson. Baptist Lollies'- : -paptist Ladiee' Alt1 met honie of Mee. Annie Waiver RA raDrOdaY• The PrQ.- sitlentealre.. Chas. liowettre wag in the ebait. The devetienal eaereises Were ethos by Mrs. John Raitlibse and Mrs. la 'J. Phillips, Mrs. Earl italthby, Mre. Ilowaone Readings were given by Aire, „Wm. liagesitt and Mrs. John Raitbby. 1.)ree1s were rendered by Miss Mee Fer- guson and 'Mrs., William Ilaggitt 1.11141 Mrs „Farl Itriithby and Am John Me- n g , paillips on the harp. , • Vestry Meeting..—The anoual vestry meetieg of $t, Alorkis Auglican church was held° ou Thursday es-eaing, with Re R R. M. Nrreelres hi - charge, The nelautes of, the last meete • d b Charles Aequith who THE GO! RIC SIGNAIATAX Mr13. Mliehen Heads! PORT Maple Leaf Chapter Reports Presented at Annual Meeting Reveal Another Year of Activiey At the aunual meeting of the 314)10 Leottf iaiiapter, held on Thurs- day efternoon, Mre. It. J. Mealehen wee laeted weenie Other oateere are: 1 Vet* -regent, Mrs. 1). 1.). Mooney; secre. I tare; Mrs. A. As Nicol; treasurer, MISS Edith. Roberts; ited Cross represeuta- lave, Miss Joau 411.-overi; war convener, Miss Edith ; educational eeeretaree Mrs. J. A. Grahams, press "eeretary,- Otertrude Wilkee; standard-bearer, Mrer A, le Hockley; s'irehoes" eeeretaree, Miss Jpsie Satin - tiers ; eouncillors, Mr$. N. te. Jackson, Falita Te •lor, airs 6 Prevett 'Mre. IL Ford. . • Seeretary's Repertl'' The secretitrY, Mrs. ,A. A. Nicel, pre - seated tae following report for the Past Yeer , Ten regular ,meetiugs Were held mid fin June ise executive' meeting yvas called. • The total paia-apmemberehip for the year was 37,, apt increase of two over last year: The average attendance wa$ K iIt accompatued Mrs. It. J. rs „ _ a PORT AI,131,73aT, Feb. 6.-----8 ilall(V WAS held on Wesinesrlay tweeting of 'LOA Nveek in the sehool-liouse iu aid or the lted Vroesa There wee a gaod attend - twee. Musie was supplied by -Brown brothere. The reeeipts for ,the evening' Born iii Gederieli ilosleital, onVehrur , The Woinell's c-Inf4ltute Is baying a tevailtio.t0iLutgohMte:: uloondolgkirrastititaiteponasr.d. "500"eand euchre la the Ositifellows'„. Hall, on Friday evening, February 91%. ireaktruaneepteteby,er, eeera,,,,sTee play ....,a0 Admiesion 25 eeets ; proceedesin aid of svae preeented he Vie the'lted' basement' of the Anglican churell on - ' ' Tuesday eveuing, *with a. very -good -at, The annual -Inthiness meeting a the teureeree, Tee east eenswfea Of five Children% A-1(1- Serie:W*111- iwileitleorr Poster, lk,londay, February 121he at 8 pane at, men and four women ineludbag Ralph v4eanor xA:peutnxii:p jolieattry.4 .;.4.(2,seetelri, \I:'. R. the .-, Court House. All interested- in child 'Welfare are'itavited to attend. and Woedro.w, Hoy. The PlaY being a . , , Petrie; Harold -Adams, ' Fred ,Crawford - ' eoniedY"', 'and. well presented under the lioine .aud School Club Will be held at ' The rebruarY Meeting of Central the school onethe eveuing of TuescleY • ,. 1 ebruary 1, , the,play thos'e taking part meteat the „ tuldiellea g°t'xuanY g°°'11 4icitglu' 'After ports will be read,snew ()Meer's will lie liortio o1 Mrs. /toy retile.,, whom on et Installed ta4d a iTecial program in eon' layabie time was smut by all. Al4y0 e nection With Folatider!S*DaY given.. Tea , loaing, „xor 0. good tiiree,ott ploy is will be served, invited to get in Witch wttie any ef the , The seveeiteentle birthdaY PartY Of la ers a th ' f • ANTED TO The trustee board of KS. No. 6, Gode-, xich tawnehip, bee acett tatiethe tender of Mr. Robert MeAllister as caretaker, ior the bok.laneo of' the c.riti14' at *at'. , direction of Urs 'Walter Tigert, 1$0 when the annual re - LOST LOST. ' PRICE1 ' 1,100K. A. M., Smith & Co. Finder please leave at Ileciford UoteL ACriENTS WANTelia----BECOME , • jito •lUalepentient exelaeive. .Handle two hundred neces- sitiee—Tea, ,°Oolfee, l'ood Products, Medielnee, ,Tellet "Arileiees eta. _ Start. flow Under our ThirtY Day Trial Offer Without' rieleke, Free Catalogne end in- -formatiour JITO PRODWYS, 1,135 Montreal. 0.0 " amEN, .itialliTi1,18 'ABLE. • Tea, Coffee, 250 House- holei Nevessities. Parallaxes, Monthly :Bargains wake eelling eaey. Dealeire make Fifty Dollars. weekly:, Write lin- niediatelyeaarrange for big year's, buel- new. ClresSY CoimPaay,1536B,aDmolas West,. Toeditto. ' 4-6 •resoles -as Day Ing weie r a y P y Selater of Seaforth. • • Mies )(Vele)). of qederich was a recent visitor with, Mrs. Marry Goviea Thomas S. Joheston and Keith Ar- thur returned on Friday from Toronto, iwhereelrearattenclea.a garageraen's con- tentlance of 46. The election of the :yefitieri. 4 following churell'eflicers, followea.;-Reer, Jas. Medd ;•' Peeples Mrs, Earl McKnight and Doris, jaek t°r's warden, warden,. Gordoe Taylor; seleet vestry, e _ . and Garth spent the week -end in Blyth, e_keetor, the Wardens, the lay dele- the guests of Mr., and Meer, Isaae-Suell. Miss, S. Blaita•is visiting, he. sieter, gate, treasurer, president of Lada Guild "and, fred Nesbit; vestry clerk ' Mes. John Reberesone end 41r. Robert- , and treasur, r, Charles E. Asquitle; son of Goderich. . auditors, ' Bobert OS Phillips seere;er;aseamaisarr—errea-e--seier"rirrm•ua Ephriara Ban rafidesmen, Alfred Nesbit,: Robt. Phillips, Thomas Haggitt and George Beadle; lay. • delegate to Spate, Charles E, Asquith; substitute, William J. Stewart. A letter was, read from Bishop Seeger regarding :the:obligation _ of the A.nglican Church at the present 4."8- time dowers were time. seat to the patients at -the b,cepital arid Death- of Wallace. . xtt King —This -eo - a „ tpri- 'the 'ft was eent115 the Ina r Children's Shelter- • . • The Chapter 'Continued their'iliterest inatlie"Ray Fiftgen dole lars- was spent at' Obrietmited•tnne -for gifts and a rhythm belie s4or the „ It's Service Byand - Chick Time mcKs 'AVAIIABLE &MOUNT aNnimu Both pure breeds an ' Hatches twice weekly . See yam. focal salesmen .RYANIILSON, PRODOE'''' • . • Phone 345—Res. 334 SERUM BRAND pep and vigor' e are Ilse result of a Orel% year breeding prograne -WATERLOO COt/NTY HATCH- , . ERN New PallibUrg, 'Ont • XrP4111610.11Y-ILIP-OWter-P41,W.k.A,- Very saccessfulayear, Two multiage sales, one in" the, spring, and one in the fall, were held, and $118.79" was realized trent this source. - In 'July a evenly_ ettetee was given in the ,arterr reifies, the , proceeds from this project ampunting to $153.52. The r annual Christroas. hamper vMS raffled. The value of •the hamper and turkeys amounted to appreximately $50 and 184AI: was realized from the sale of •ti-erk.lcegil...t.he self-denial fund in. Novem- ber the elm of $14.80 was raised for use. Purchasing Material for war work. .„ The sum of $50 was given to the hospitaltohelp Pay Lor the gagema- chine. Gifts Of sterilizers were made raduat cless amounting to , s , ey ere, open oi. engage- Victoria", llome and School Association: - ' —TQ 0 .11-X OLP,JIPRSEts ments tili the cows begin to tome-liome. will be bele in tee kindergarten room, ' and dead cattle; mugt be suitable" , Congregational, Meetings -vise -annual on Thursday eveniagellehruarY 15th, at for mink ' feed ; removed , proptatly. sengregational meeting Was beid in the ,8 p,m. 'The new- -officerswill be; les Fit= GILBERT, It.R. 2, Baytieel United church on Thursday afternoon stelled aud a musical Program pria.'„ 'Phone 008 r 22, ,. Clialon. Calls paid- last.- Splendid reports of tbe year's vided. ' ' --- ' - -for. . • la' liatf 'Sic fiVitirea- *WeregiVelaTbaartheaelifferente - . ' — se a --..--seeaseea. ess e•-. se se.a. - organizations of the church work. ,The The regular meeting ref the Goderich claurelt treasurer, l'eti{:' joint McKenzie, Township Hospital Auxiliary will be vvas able 40 meet 1$. balance peellaad -held it: the-beine of Mrs. go,§,Whitely, to • begin' the noW year, After having 'Nelsen _Street; on Thursday, 'February Paid oft a good" part. of the financial 15tle. et 2.45 P.m. - • . obligations to the year with the 'aid of the Woman' e ASeeeiation. . rl'he.,ininis- Rummage sale; Saturday, .Februarre ter, Rea. W. Newniau, thanked the ef- r17th, at -1 p.m., in ikia*gisay.,..1164, spOn'• lima of the varithis organizatious .and sored by Alieseek diapter. ' fold., was appointed to 411 the vaceitcy. ' .e ' , ‘' — . . • -7'7-al- -- . the ,nleMbers r. of the cengragation gen- _ evilly forstiteirainin terest the churcle Regerve °Tbareclaer Ys arch letle i for Imoittreat. - work, 'Mr. John McKenzie resigned. as high__ tea sponsored by , Knox: -church, ---- • ` • Church treasurer and Mr. irert.Craw- „Laeiesi Aides' • :. A vete of thattILS Was giVeil to the re- When you ley up your etto for winter, tiringtreasurer for hi work dirieg *phone- 535, Shell Seralce Station., to S"414-MT-'--g414igT8V.,NLVII00-:--4*.1141tr , 10ENT living el1ing ,200 iramilee every' day neeessitiee. •aeuarantee.ca quality. e Low _ ono. _ Fautilex sale -amen riveTwithethis agertey: Com- •PareY'e:,sueeees' dePende oxt• saileeraters. Twelveyeuir4 of ilecreaeea' amiane.seet Pri°7°X lgearne; VAIIILFIX, rere. ile VOInsT1).--FOUNTAIN YIN, ON TONI 'SQUARE` Goderich. Owner ltave same throggh identity aud paying, for taie ,at SIGNAleSTAlle , .F011 Sag -la sae Olt LIALE.—COlt.NET; IN 0•00D condition. Price reasonable. Box, 14, iSIONALJSTAlt. POE' SAtar.—PLOOR xornor4pr,xo. .1- "mei WASHER.' !Cannot be told from new. lteduced $40.00. WORSI1LL'S HARDIVAitlreSTORE. ANNOUN6iMiNT COVIE5 . QV TEO :11`.010S, ,NY.'444 of Dr., (Tiger) 1.)unlort may be secured fer2 Outer 'You 'have Obeu,. wanted, to, 4;ce a eoPY; yoll. Mal now get one of your own for ,the small Sum:, ef 25 cents, at THE SIGNIAL-MAIRe' 45stt. , eeeleeeseeleaseeasseeseesseseisaemetaerreesee' Tgx_pwa,,,wggrt ,lizo.ravxm to February lSth, 1940, for the wiring for electridityaof. No. 'Or Hullett •Sehool '(Auburn Selitiol,) Low.' est' or any tender not necessarily' ace cepted. Plans may be seensat the'hopies of the•undersigned.:' •• HARRY L. STURDY, ,NO. 1, Auburn, „Ont. t. Clenient, TENDERS IVANTtr),.. %a -veer -eat, bargainS h.eautifill I _ Can be bought by the pieee, or the set, any way you like—Get started now. rYou -swill be eur- prised how quickly you will emit- -Wet° .it—for your friends Will' often. give you a piece. SMITHS ART fib GIFT STORE . • The. Rome of English Chhia - - _CLOVERLEAF' 1 TIN „ FANCY .5,4 oz. 'IN 15c 5. BARS_ 1 .The Child Life magazine was again peeseated-to theeGOderichr Public •,Libs iary kVii1eldiirs'ifew-fZer:3.r):1fiz munity Mourns the lose of a highly .eateemed/resident, in the perscar''of, WallacesB. King, who paSsed away at his hofneataro miles east of Auburn 'ear1y-Spada:3a Morning. The deceased; who, had been in poor health for some time, owing to a heart,,,condition, was the Son, of the late Williana King .and Margaret Wilson and .was . hi his seventieth ,yearale was born on the exesetteathasecktirrecleaand araere he spent alsrentire lifetimeHia "PaSSIllgis keenlyfelt In the -he--bus-always—been delegate torthe eat:wet:alien.= Hamilton - kind friena. an -helpful neighb'or., Ile . • ,- local 'sehooisi, book was. again Awarded to the pfl in each of, the Public Schools having the highest 'marailn the entrance elasses. A doria: tent of fruit and vegetables was given to the relief soeiety. ' • -The Girl Vaicles and BroWnies ander. the leadership of Miss Taylor ifird Miss' renew continued hi -their work- Tb,lety dellare_was -Paid-by -the Chapter for *1:e34-19-rart4erir iow rearara— --Iiialritreute'therRetreOrosede-The130Y have your battery removed and stored for the 'Winter •period. IL 13axtee, Allan /Angela. 41tf The -Ladies' Aid. of Zion church, Taylor'S Corner, will Meet' at the home of Mrs, Robert Rodges on.WedneSdaY, Febeuary 14t1t, at -2 p.m •-The • roll call will be answered by rhe -Scriptural use of the, -word "Cross." , Assistant- hest- essesaare Mrs.. A, Oke and rs. eo ,Glen, Rea. Cross work • will he done it th*eiteetetig,„„ Since the declaration 'sof war in, .1\lissiOnary Club -will present•the September our Chairter has' helped 'fin- pageant "Hiawatha'," .at Knox :church, wittily as much aspesrible. $10.0 was on Friday, -February, 23rd, at 8 p.m. given for purchesiag ` lVa'ukets •and Adults 25e, children 1-5e.. s ' Warm 'clothing for, the evacuees in Engr • land; $25 was voted to the local Red. Cross fund and $6.60 wes silent in huy- . ing woollen gloves for the, bees'in the came-. at-Lisa:eve), Magaeines were also collected forthecamp'there: . Other small contributions were sent Co the usual fads, $10 was sent to the Navy •League pinta- and -$10 to the Childreare e-War-elemorlal kleeleital don: . Miss Saunders • was the 'Chapter's -.Ver-ae: identified ith 'the' United , church. He is survived by two sisters, Aire. Thomas DaYlee(Arruie), of Auburn, ined Miss Margaret -King,. resided -with Jeer brother on the homestead ; also by six nieces and two nephews. A brother, Albert King of •Goderich, passed away just tourmontbs-ago. The funeral was held -from hie, late residence on Tues- day afternooh. and was conducted by Wilsoii' of , church, Warp, spoke words' of comfort to tae ,eorrowing •ones. During the service Mr. Harvey McGee sang, "When I Come to the End of, the...Road," • The beautiful _fiend tributes, received, from "The Sisters," Mrs. Alhert King and family, Me. and Mrs. Daniels, Ham Xing, Me. and Mrs; Joe Scott end 'Miss Bertha .King, and Mr. Jack Tuberville • 5 ROSES 1411117'r: AT maim • HAtanus KIPPER SNACKS PINK SALMON LIGHT MEAT TUNA 1,13311' SOUPS .1i 6c CATELLI Spaghetti ' 2/4 _oz.., Tins, pita - AltLAVER' ropil & - tBAZIT:te. 21 oz. 3 tins .250 and ,brought back.en interesting report. This Year the 'annual party 'took the• form of a plenia IAA. Mooney kindly offered her emitter home le -the meta. -bers, and a most, enjoyable time was :spent. • - , FinancialStateMent • Miss Edith Roberts presented, her re- port as treasurer.; ' RECEIPTS • Nee _am.. . .. , .: .. ........— . . .. . . ......-.....$, 1219a -04.( Bank interest • ' 178 , 4FiC,calehnod4r,1335. r,s . Rebates- ' , 8 54 Rummage sales , . Penny party„ • , . 232 31' Prize,. Maple -Leaf Float , ,2 )10 Christmas hamper - ; 12025 "Self -Sacrifice" fad 14 80 were.' carried by Stew in& --LO.D.E. hedges 0 0 0 • 2 45 East, Gordon P1iiktil Louis Dade - • The casket was'borne to 1±s last resting places in •BaIrs cemetetyaby, six neighs' Balance from 1938 ....... . . . . .... ' 162 -92 ircijs Of.. the decreased, Harry. . • $ 547 30 Sidney Stoltz, Jack ,Tuberville, -Percy -Walden,- and WIlfredelriunket. Ainoag the friends- present frOnt iidittitnee--- were Mris,„ Daniels of Ingersoll, Mr, , and -Mes. Harr, Anderson of Lucknow, Mr., and •Mrs, Wm. Maire and Erma Maire a Londesboro, Ursa Mears and , Mr. ItoWaed , Brutulson of • Orintoie . Mr. Temple.Cjerk of lezekilowe,Mr. Oliver -Clark, Mee Frank Woods, "Mess Albert 'King and 'NliSs Margaret- ,King of Gode- riela _ semeaseesemseeeme,' eeresseas000000. eiessee •Ititurat, mum 44h. p11.97,„ . TEA BROWN LABEL 1.4 lb. plcg%-oityelan S.4 rtio. or 20 -- The Salvation Army plan to lold their National _War_ and 'Rome Campaign 'March 11-20. Plan- to ..do your utmost. The need, is urgent and gkeati Toter.. receiptg $ are'EXPENDITORES • Menthe& feeS Officers!' fees ,25 00 700 1.0.0:11 badges • 420 -Calendars .. .e. 40 10 DJ1'eonveetione OrtnAlton 10 70 teirl Guide rent . -0 30 00 "Echoes" . " ' 14 15 ,Stsitionery, stamps, ,cards „ .. . . . 10 58 ' Christmas ftoWers, and gifts .. 8 8,5 ,Chrietztas .1tamper, .. •.. 20 00 Tiekets and turkeys, 16 .75 ,Penny party 84 63 „Prize books . CHURCH 'VOTES - The annual dongregational, meeting of Knox Presbyterian ehureh, will he held. on •Wednesday evening, February — • , 14th. DERICKTOATNISITIP . • GODERIOH TOWNSHIP Feh..d.c-- ., Mr -'and Mrs. traStriedierrot- Stratford 'd a visit to their $11331M61' cottage 12.14. • „ on Suaday. They lett their car at -- Harvey Fuller's and snowshoed back to . . the lake. • ' The February ineetiag of the Dra- matic, 'Club. was held, on Friday even- ing at the home of 1VIr. And vey . Fuller, with ethirter-ones.merabers, 13 -resent. Pregcessive crokinole vats pier -eta: with -Mrs. Aat'Vitaiberne-seeur- -lug. the -lady's prize' and Reg. Faller the gent's. Consolation prizee were priced house • good Condition; cash if suitable. Send particulars to Box 15, ,SIGNAleSTAlte WANTED—EY() RENTes-50 4011.11 F.A.111M, With' house° ar4a barn, by Februaer 20th. Statee,Prige by year. ,GEO. ESSER-Y, R. e„4, -Denfield, Ont.0 04 APPlicatione heerectived„ by'ehe - .tuidereigneel untit•February 20th, 1040i.. lor thh position of' lineman for the Goderich ,Township Municipale -Tele- tihone SyStem, Duties' to octant:wilco- • •March lst.- Lowest or any tender not neeersarily accepted. CHAS: E. WISE, See.-Treas., .1111. k Clinton: CARD- KS , WISH TO EXTEND. OUR, sheri'Efeitethanki,,anre for the iets7ofslifiduese, meesagesof 'Sernipathy and, beautiful floral offerings Lereived from the blank friends of , our dear Tu-s5Fircl""Iiiffrirartiter. Wish. t� thank theee who go kleadig 'wined ° their' -ears: MRS. JOS: BROPHIly, AND PEGGY' -6 • BORN 1113M4RS. —7 At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, 0.12 February 2nd, to pr. and Mrs..t. Myers, son. • MeGER.—At-Alexandra /lOspital,•Orode- rieh, onr February 2nd, to aff.--and s -n.. , , Me0ORMICK.‘,--At Alexandroellospleal, . Godericb, 'on Februar- 3rd: to Mr. aiid Ms. . 13. J. MeCormieI, 'Wilson Street; a daughter. QUAID.—At Alexandra Hospital, Gocle- rich; on February let. t�. Mr. and Mrs.. HOward R.R. tiode4 rich, a daughter. . ' • 16464 , MEW' BROPHEY —In (.4oderich on Sunday Februart 4.7.14t..49.001, his48;th year COOK,—In. • &utile 'Ventral Hospital, TuesOase-Februarre-Gelsucie Rob.' ertson Cook, -wife ofthe -late Th0100, H. Cook, aged, sixty-oine years. , 100, pigs, ,iteepICTOK STREET STABLES, OD . MONIMIT!' PEIDIttiAAIN n,th Coni,Metteingeatf. 1.30 sharp.• brood' :sawsevith.elitterse-2--brootaesseeiviedueser= eatrly; ' 34- elinulca '3(75 to 425; lbs.);e 45 weanlings, 'weeks old; good well-bred, healthy lee:cif-pigs raised in •Aelineld township: Guaranteed as , reareseeted.. at time of sale.- . Terror,' cash.. 7KELLY, Rat. 3, Gode- rich, proprietor. • T. ,G,UNDRY, & SON; 'Auctioneers.. given to -Nora §,owerbY aud llruce .Funeral will the held from. tab Sowerhy. Lunch was served by the residence of ,her daughter, Mrs..Frank, hostess. Cowan, .Lak4 Huron Reach,..on. Thurf,-. The news of the 'death of Mr.. J. day, February 8. Private service at ,.Brophey was' received with real concern the home at 1.30 p.m., thence to St. by everyone in this community. There 'George's Anglican 'Church for public. is scarcely a home in which .the late service at 2 p.m. Interment in Lake - Mr. Brophey had not officiatedin his view eemeterk, Sarnia. quietandsympathetic manner. Junior Red Cross.—The regular meet- ing of the Junior Red Cross Society was held an Friday at :Union 5ohool. Color was added to the Program by having-sit'broadeast Vein araintrireiVii, microphone. Harold Johnston was the announeer. Miss aleilwain conducted ‘quiz program on "Health in the • Homer' The newscast was given by Jean Bell. Stories were told by Edna Powell, Clarice aSsalide and Arthur 'tell. "Sports Newe", was given by. Pauline Lassaline and "Jokes" by Edna '3' 75• Ruxiimage'estles .(2). 4.4,,,.... 11 IS Memorial Peace -Garden 1,00 }Gas Machine, Hospital „ .50 00 Endowment* fund..e... —25 09 Life,"" "Animartlf.e" ,6 15 Graduating ,tatireees gifts 8 00 Coronation bursary, ....a -ea- 5 00 Provincial eductitiOnal fund e..ar 2.00 Memorial llospitel 10 0 - -Small Loaf ANGEL FOOD CAICE -FataottS tigot -(13 EGO) riaith O Iteelpe Goblet 1*.loott CAKE lb. 19c Vigorous and Wane/ BORAS' 14h. ,qga Rag tir-n, Mild and Mellow 8 O'CLOCK , fegaae Dag fati‘d Rich and Full Bodied RED -CIRCLE-- ---14b..4)0,„. Pig kot, BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER, Like ,new, only used it few moat*, cart be had.for balanee of payment by reliable 'parti..-- Tering if desire0. PLZO-11194NT01311: No. I-4 qt. Basket Me APznonz—wrsik Seedless XC$BZRG gm LETTUCE rirm Crisp ttitads 2 or 110,,, S Ms. tor 20o 'through the years lit v70,0, depressions and epidemics, your Lite Insurance is Sae. 11. M. FORD mid Real FOAM Tel„ tORIV. Memorial wreath, $.1etv: 11 b Cluncit. of Women - 4 y Lake Sebool, Christmas Navy League. .... .. . .... 10, 00 Self-eecrrtice fund"' ' 7 40 Mittens for soldiers 6 Go. Clothing, blankets feeyefugeese---- 100 00 -Red Cross .... . 25 00 0 °II A duet, "My Jesus, 1 Love Thee," was 14 65 1 e sileelY Sung by Esther and Everett Mc - Herein. Ta,e . topic, ''''Whe .Shepherd's Nam," was read 'by Esther elellwains Dueing the besiness -period,'It was •de - tided to hold the next meetiag on Feb- ruary 16, at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Geo MeI1valii, when soctal tate' Somersall. -Union' Church Notesers.There was a fair tern -oat at *Union on Sunday, when the pastor, Rev. C. IL. Brown, de- livered a helpful sermonon the sab- jecteseyhe Nate of ,Urgeney In the Christian 'Gospel," from'tiletext, "riratch therefore: for -ye know not what hour your Lord cloth tome" (St. Matthew _ 2442)..........The meethigs rtif the Y,P.Tra-was held 'oh Sunday evenr Ing, wlth tevelire members present. The president; Maurice Harwood, eotalucted the 'tnwting, with Mrs. llitrwood Pre-, aiding at the organ. Nora Sowerby read the (Scripture lesson, (Pealiat 28). •Total. expeiaSes" ...Balance reb. I, 19401, Mies Verne Barbour is in Toronto this meek Attending the Prossaed Oorsetiere trait:deg ,school. Trooper Ian.1:lap-rift, oftheIstlIuse smug, -London,' visited with his family here last week -end. , Private' J. Walker Hart, of the Perth Regiment, was a week -ed visitor, at° the home -of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrenee, Huron road.' Exeter Times -Advocate: Mae Rea. Ellis, who has been distributor in Ex- eter " for the Imperial, 011 Co., has been. transferred -Ale Goderich and has -as- sumed_ his new duties. Mr. Ellis will continue to service the. 'dealers in the district, with. Goderich as centretor. distribution: 'VT, and. Mrs. Bills and family will move to •GoAerieh as soon as 'a home cen be secured. Uxeter will egret_to lasesthe reer Mrs. Mary • ey, of 'Toronte Is spending' the whiter 'at the 'British Et- ehange Iloeel. . A native' of Godeviele she is enjoying visits With -former sclioolniates and, friends. „ Would follow the regular rcteeetii*g, to be ca conducted (by the: JOPir14141.1.---:101tAlte.: 179 8S grOlil), tlie eMifelier o1whichEsther I .Meilwain. A pools entitled "Winning" e I was read by Maurice Meilwain and a The Special endowment rund for the - prayer in time of war Was read: by ehildren's room -at the hespitaleanouate staniey mottog viossd Au $31(97. §11EPPARDTON-- stiEPPAIII)1014, Feb. 6. 'All .bleckielsithads are open now exeept the eoutity.highWay betereen, Nile and Shop- pardtort. Harold './ohnetort broke the aXle of hie car in feont of ,Slieppardton eehool, coming from tOr'rri last FrldaY- MrsTivins, Mr. Pave lohrteton and West Fielder are ort the elelt jist Mrg. Vrooniau4aied Mre. A. roster had a quilting bee reeently. Mir andThree Bogie and Mrs. Itarvey Potter vimited with Mr. and Mre. W. Gledhill a Bent/Mier reeently. iNitiss Mabel roster *net Mr. Jsek JMt� Mad° attended the, Stratford Xormal at.home Friday evening. Mrs. Itobt. Bogle ts-not M welfaa her Pointed treasurer and Iatnes Young many friends would like-. was Appointed seeretaty. The job of caretaking wag glrott to Mr, Itarwood O , The Mild 14 ruled ,by at $25. with a hymn and the Mizpah benedier ,tion it Was Witha great deal Of areiferthartlie-ifeWS-Of the'deatli 'of Iter. 3. Clayton MoorehouSe was re- ceived itt the covenantally. Ile was the twin brother ef our •former pastor, :Rev. A. IV' Warehouse, now residing in Forest, The 'congiagetion eau reeall the Unique experienee of hitving twln brothers occupy the pulpit for the an- nivereary ° service. Tlie sympathy of all Is extended to Itev., ,A. E. Moor. house Tile Postponed amoral meet, - Ing of the Sunday sehool will be held next `fifflidity After the regular AerViees„ Election, of officers for 1940 Will- is* held.......,,At the meeting of the Trifette Board of' Union church, held on Mon- day evening at the home of Forest Clure, Everett Mellwain WAS reap. tr40041'°;IXIOVIICkilre • ' 'Negice IS' hereby gfven, aiEpersons eying any claim _againatathe_eatate . - of Joati Knox .Macpherson, late of the. , Town of GoderichanaSathe .County Huron, winedied on or poet the tenthe day of 'January, Alb, 1940, to Send: same:te the undersigned, duly yerifieda by deelaration, on or before the 2ard day of February, AD: 1940, AS on: and after that •date the Executor 'df the ealdeeitateewill -proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard, only to the claims tied. — --DifterarGirderich this thirddayor. ' February, A.D.. 1940. ••• • • • ' RAYSetud HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, • Solicitors for the -above named eirecutor. ' 618% LEMON JUICE RECIPE oireogs RHEUMATIC , PAIN QUICKLY If you stiffer* from rheumatic or neuritis„pain try this Simple' Inexpen- sive ,home recipe. -Get a package of RU -EX "_pRESCIRePTION-e7frienrayinir ruggieteellix itaivitheetrearuart--aote • water, asidthe juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at .411—andapleasaint. You need only 2 tablespooneful, two tinaba'at 'day. Often within 48 hearse-- ' eometime oyernight-esplendid „results . nre oletained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if - you do not feel. heftere- RU -EX nttso.nuniorwill -cost-!son„ nothing to try as it Is sold by your. 'druggist 'under an absotate.. guarantee, of Money beck,' if it does net 'help you. .1t1X PRIOSORIP- 'TIM Is for sale and reconextended‘bY CAMPBELL'S zituG STORE. - • • „LENTEN SERVICES . Throngliout the season et, Lent,. Week -Day 'serirleeS will be held in St. George' Churelt as tolloWftea - • On NV'eeltiesdaas-1-/Oly,'„Communion at am, In the ehurche Even- song and Sermon at 4 p„m,:1,1 church. • . On PrIclays—tvefisotig at 4.1.5 p.m. in the chavol.', ANip Drivers' Permit's J. W. Mac VICAR Ati3eo:-IViaalear's Shoe 'Store.: Kindly Fill In1.939,1teilstration , Cards for 1940 license' and %Ye till1Co • Box 414 Goderieb, .Ont, A MEETING OF TIM LIBERALS OF? THE FEDERAL RIDING OF Nonni IIERON WILL RE MEW IN THE Town Hall, Wingham Monday, February 12th, 1944 - AT uo won enogr PERPOSE or NomINATING A CANDMATE IN ME moat iNTramsr A TIIE PORTIICOMING EXACTION TO TIIE HOUSE OF COIMONft OP 0 ' NELSON HILL, &ergot's. - IIETHERiNCITON, Fre,. GOO ft4pt Tits WNW