HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-08, Page 3A;1N • HURON COGNTY'S FOREMOSTWEEKLY 11; 0 • 4. AMMO. ••••`, NIxilyrs91100ND itZ No'. 0 GO-DERIGIL,9NTARIO0 TITURSDAYi FEBRUARY 801 1940 PAGIC ,8usiness Directory I)EGAL 1111,D,LIA B. '110144114 . Barrister, Etc. 'MOM—Court House, Gederich. . .Telephono 55 ••••••,•••••;;•••••, , NAIllN; ' Barrister and Solicitor Office-.;;' North Street, God,erieb,' EltNDST 31:-14111, - Doubter and Solicitor • Sun Lite Building, A,dehtide and 'Vie- -torlit Streets, Toronto 2' "Telephone Mien MI- . EtubitElt,'11.A. ' Phone ;,33,:-Godeilib; Office:"Ilamilton Street" -44. v.04-ver1ta1:C"4/14TANT.'' ONTHITH Lind -Oharteisett'AecoUntithre 77 ljaiarnie_Weerfe_Str,atter_a .TorentCe` °Meet - 2 Iflir'Sfreet-- A • AtICTION'"----iir Tacig4e,-4114V41.4' (10PIOnc1L • pvs $TooK .4144. UCTIOlI TO1•011940"-#.3' Salem attended oRT14.1;0' .81114, 0447 effert4nade, tg give alit44044, arweri.8410 Ao*.4440144414, jorp,„ ono% imioNsED 111. ...,417O_TPMEERS VOR -00PNTX*4',OCIA1,11,0L' Rates* 'it'Senahlii. .0O409 ..fretorr Service. 1414LI,, 61;911• .DON,".M.G14.141,„,00040,,i. , AAA ICAL • . , roli,s' Erg;TE44. • 149ss,ViliteAT New • York OPlitholnkie ' Aural 'Hestdtall, -...tilstant,'ACItooreileld,',11Ye•gospital an Silgare -.Throat ,,1,1,044,tdit Loo, • 4(44 -England.,„ * " '':10YEig:Trifrain 53 wit:riot): , strafterd: Telephone 261. —,-Next 'Visit.. Bedford *Ileteli Gederleh, ' 'h from 2 \TM. till p.m. - 7 _I REV. M. DALTON HONORED Judge Swanson Honored 011 30th• Huron Old Doys I VALENTINE DAY STILL MEANS SOMETHING TIIER in Annual Meetlifk 0111 i'lzedauly,Alitgietthe Anniversary of Elevation O to Bench - I • DE...1*012,, -On Smulay I pespite the fae„t .that she in the The,following with reference to a 7 distinguisited, Goderich ,Old Boy is from Tbe IcanilooPs W(.) 'Sentinel of Janu, ry ,Ho ring. Judge 4. D. Swanson on the thirtieth anniversary of his asee' sion, to the County Court bench; 4 select ;limp of government,' eivie, court anti Police officials gathered in the Judge's thambere at the -courthouse :this after- noon; ' The brick ceremony, 'began : at, ,U0 (Meek. Participating were actingt MaYor George R. Williams, It, I. Oar - Mon, X.L.A., -Government Agent' and Court Registrar P. 11, - MeCUrreeli, Sheriff 4. It. ColleY,':City 0Ierk A.' W. Joekson.;',X,rarilF, Sell, deputy registrar; D. Dalgleish; eel:lector; It: Braden,. Aid.. 0.P. BrOvx-,t,. wit:her§ Of the bar, L. Morley, c}, W, Black, 3. BQrden„U6Intyre, A. Leslie Robinson' and D. 5. McTavish; Police Magistrate A. Rankin, and Stipendiary 'Magisfrate; D. W. ItoivitindS. t ' The „sonWiiments the assemhlY were conveyed bit -a Isioricyt.,,senior member of the N.amictii4a liar.' 'After thirtY years.Of.-patience, in `Court and Chambers, yeti . may. feel,. sir, that at all times you Aave earl:led out . your ido.ties.; in. the, best. intereits of said, ;Orley. 4: nos Arebibad Aspaekted.,bt,oiscK in these Sentiments 0/'4d; ,spoke :Of the .painetAing, 'care which Judge Swanson brings to all hi tasks. ., His Honor respendect-most He was gratified to receive, these ':representativegathering of the peeple'Cif this, his home to:wn fOrtY4WO. Years. spoke of the in- Ogrity and ebilitY of the members of theirar-In'thiti Vitaf-juridicareaniitY Of -YaIe. He'referred to -;the*- County pelqt 'as, "the poor ,ntan's court,” Where an :endeavor IS ;114.46-7. to Ott:blister the „laWill..aceerdenee. witli-"the law and in the .. substance of the:, eommon-sense Sehod-of justice. • • Was thirty Yearalt g-o-Mondasio-on, 441PrATY4-2f4-1010,,'.4.th 11.0101713ortald" Swanson was'elevated tO:thelieneh to taketheplace of judge.W. ,W, who .had . retired.' • .Since' 'the.ii • q:ndge -Swana0n. baS,40.reSented . the Xing- as venter judge In county of ;rale *44.;',14s14101.eis, hindlinesa.and erst. have gained for him the respect of .alt° these, reSidant on. his circuit, ,whlett extends through thelength:and breadth of the Okanagan Valleyd .qt, Scots:Descent . , .Judge Swanson was born'- at Gode-, rich; Ont., �f Scottish Parents who had ,migrated from . lOrkney. •and,Coithnets Wednesday,Feb. 28t • • - kiaoutpozw,, ' CmROP0T0RD DRUGLESS „titiotolstr Goderich; Phone '341 '-Office hours -7'10.1o: 12 2' to 5 and ;7 to -8 p.m., ,Tuesday, ',Friday' and Saturday., 10 to 12 a;in;- onbron, Wednesday, Monday and Thursday °ZsT. ATKINSON • 01 ;South St. e • A :INiWRANCE, MeKILLOp MUTUAL -FIRE IN- .4oL and. iso- lated town • POOrt.741-nsured• ‘Offiee,raTikomakt. Moylan, President, • fleafortli; Wililam ;Knox,- Viee:Fiesi- ; dent, LondeshOrO;..M. A Xteld; Secre. • taryLTreastirer,Seafer.th;• • Director -Ale*.— 13roadfoot,--7Sew- . forth; James - ShOldiCe, Waltoti;:jaiees • Connolly, Goderieb W. R. .Archihaid•o - SeafOrtli; 'Chris, Leonhardt,:,,Dnolin; Alex. Metiwing,: Myth; Frehli. Mc!, Gregor, Clinton." *, • Agents—E. A. Yee, Itat: li.Gadericlt; Sanieti,Watt, Blyth; ; John E. Pepper, • 10,13rucetield1,41.. McKercher. • ttat.'1,,„.Duhlirt; Chas. P. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Ittrrouth, R.R 1, Born - 'holm„„ 'ean' make all, - pay- ruentti and get their cards melpted itt the Ittiyal. Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outtos Grocery, Kingston -Street,- Goderich; or H. Reid's-General Store, Uttyfiei!L .„_ witATrotto dorititxou, coApit,'Ilaus Dail? 7.40 * attn., 4,4; p.m. -Leaves ,Goilerleh for ,Stratiord, Toronto, - Hamilton,' Buffalo; London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots — Is' Bedford, British and .103'all Hotels; 'Plaine °hotels or BOG for Information. , . • lit.the north of Scotland in the forties (tato enarianrclass 'Mr?. Mien Bur.' 'Toronto Asoei4iun Eie013Zr 3 1°w•5Q h'I'vn• L31twiiI4g f(-)rivaral..0 'ft O. Ferguson: as PreSiderit her birtliday„, and next week she, will • fOr This Year Airs. Burrows lformerly Bilen ToR4NTO, reb. annual and had' settled in the -Huron traer_ of Upper Canada. - He was educatO at 'the High 80100. of Goderie4: under, the mastership a ringh ,Strartga He' continued his educaion in the, artS department of University of Torento, ;taking honors. in cloS'sics. He read his laW at, Osgood° Halt and was Called. to the bar- of ,Ohtario 3$92, In the same Year he came west to, Mantle/ha. to Pradlse.his, Professi911: , Was City Solidtor In 3MT 'eanie to British Columbia and In, 1.808:„'p KantlooPs. Here he was for twelve Years (1,80f4-1010) city solicitor. In 1007, 'carrying the Liberal colors, he unSucee'ssfully opposed -Hon. Fulton, in .the Provincial elections. ° -- ,---13thring:the-Grettt-Warbe-waS-a-milir tirry-Servicei.e peal Judge for a Wide area of the Interior. In .19217 -he, Was, 'elepted graneAttster of 13.0. jurisdle- tlon, Tmlependeht Order of Odd rel- InwS. has been a : member of the order tor„-•forty-elght years, a. member oratitall'or feisty-Awo. - Judge Swatiffion also Is ati, honorary President end a Valued ..meMber of the St. Andrew's and Caledonian ISociety. „His honorary presidency places him In distinguisher conbany: for the -first 4}f that ilk in. the loeal,seciety's • higtory. .wits: the late 'treat Sir Mae- - • .4)a-Churchlbdoli'Canunittkoe Reared a „Presbyterian and an elder Of St. -Andrew's chtircirdUring his first tviti deeades here, Judge Swanson was Meinber Of the -Committee Which 'negotiated the.unlon:Of the three Con- 'adiah- chureites Whieh -eorattitute- the .pregentlInited Oliiirelt -f-Canada.-7711e f_ryfo.S.V.MOIt-at tiWiintiglirit1104,111-Tor,;': :Onto in June,1925gln hie capacity as a -comtniSsioner. •• - 4udge , PW4i1:$03V!'01;#0. ,100,11 been a, nieMber Of -the' senafelirillitteSitraf !British Oelumbia • holding office from _021.te1038, •• • • rat4arberrY4-;Mant. fert*;otid years ago, to Jean.,Reld, a daughter of: Janis Reid and ]Catlis, Ohm Mackenzie- Reid, pioneers of -true* county, Ontario.' There.are• three children: :Mary,. the Wife , of ' A. Carr Luxnsden; Alex:, a. financier, and 'John, barristei-at:h.rw,..all of . whom reside at ,Yancouvpr.. _ , Valentine's Day, for FebruarY 14th Is complete her eightY4irst year. Sinal lived for many 'years at Port, meeting of the Huron Old Boys' As7 Albert' and later, after her hiarriege, soeiation of Toronto Was held on. Fri - at ISheppardton,' more she .reared a day , ov'eong., January 29th, thq fonii'ly of, four „sons and three dough- m OA povercourt,road with an, at., tors .' Of the sons three' are ."1 . 1, :William, 'of ,StVatfOrd, John and Beg., tendance rePreSientOg everY section of o Goderielx—and one, LindsaY, idled in the old county."' 11nOwlilfireoltmbeeffenecgtasgedof utnhten1,tVuoerltde,rininWor* The -PoPtilar' President, H." jitek- ation ,of the war. The daughters were Edith -(Urs. •1Vebb):- vvbe Passed aweY some years ago in Michigan; Nina (Mrs. Hector 'Hawkins), of Itogere City, Mich,„ .and Annie, wile died in. young girlhood. „ ' `4sxiii--;;BitiroSiSTIOS'been7i feiliteirt- Fef-Goderieh the Jost twenty4lie_years, ,she is enjoying good health and *takes -.a..46en 'Interest in every event ormina .her- home town. .wiShing her an enjoyable sNalentine.birthday and many more to . ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••A••••.•••;•••••W;••4••••••••••••••,•:. Craigkr iNsuRANcrioa- REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile _Rates Pboue4 --GoderIch- ,••••••••.•••••••••• AMON, elson Fire, ACcident and, Motor Car ,ISSIAIXINICE. ' Oflice:—Masonic-TelliP1CtWee 1, ,Street,---Gollerielt----Y --f-Phene 284 • • Goimmou 4111MOMIlk ss Real Estate and Qffite.: East tot oi,'Squitre: Phone'60 •1013.1d6iic4:11 Trafalgar .3t. SAL*-4Iouses otall hinds- eliolee building imrsiness property' iota several: good farnis. Let- me, , you -seines 4,01' hargalis. Stir -new- _ _ a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• ANNUAL„ MEETING Or AlifittEK„ OiLAPTER° DitanY Good Causes ,FurtherefILDnring , ..the Past Year ' The-Aftnittk--ehapter, 1:011 -JA;; -held its annual_ meetingonFriday after- noon,- February 2nd. :106.7-a; ,Dz.,Thorarte, seccetarY,.re ported as follow -`,Since our last an- nual report this :country has had to faee,t-he-calamitz..of 'war and the won- derful -part ,ilib;ect by the woinen of Our Empire in promoting the cause of liberty ,and democracy, upon • whose •foundation our order is built, requires but little comment. The work- per- formed by *lime* Chapter during •1939 •e9mmendab1e. All, of our members_ have associated themselves svith-one'or more of ,the several activi- ties brought forth by the present crisis, showing in the Most tangft Jeanne; their -JOyalty.--artd devotion as true daughters, of the Empire." Donations were eontributed, to the L.O.D.E. ,Peace 'Garden and the Navy League gift 'S were presented to the ,„ • , ,BANtillET LUOICNOW PreSentatiOns to t(ttecessful Cattle - ;Weeders and Ilacehoisimiwner Layoutmreb. 2.7L%-‘ 4 banquet with .more than -200 men In attendance, spon- sored • by the Lucknow Agricultural SOciety, was held -here in honor of Pronk'.1., Todd and soti;- Thomas Todd, of ,Helens, who have achieved Ate - cess with their Polled Atigns cattle and *On the junior • championship -at-the ()Wage --frife'rnatiOnal, Exposition in Deeember, and also, in Winer of Don- -aid- J,-MeCharles for his -success With his .race horse, Julle0rottan, on Ontario tracks dining' the £t the titferin track at Toronto', JuneGrat- tan won - the junior free-for-all for.the Whninion 11114, Who acted- 'as maiter of eeremeniee,"-•,was introduced -by' Stuart ,.ilttbetlien..iminettate;:past president of .the Agricultural Society; ban- quet Was attended by four agriChltrira representatives, j."' 0, : Shearer, of Iturehl G. Gar, of Brace; S. ,StOthers, ; of , Wellington, and Bain Stuart, et Darcerbi eOnnty,"" as ' well as by : Munietpal.- officers frOm the 'Village and surrounding townships. d t es f th Venin 'were the presentation tcii - Todd and. son of ,it-fniitably engraved silver tray -and ' son, 00egins, -B., 11. MeCreath, graduating nurses 'at Alemndra piternoon, Miss Bernadine seeretary of the nginidg )IU Boys' , and (liris' Viub, was hostv-sto thaltil group in honor or (.%ipt Mil the Rev. M. J, 1)alton. Father.4)alten, son of tile late Mr. and .Mrs: Morgan Dalton of ItingS- bridge, Catholle chaplarn of the Essex iScottish Regiment stationed at 1Vindsor, asal expeets to leave at any time for aetive •duty ',overseas. Sint* his ordination to the priesthood in 1932, Father Dalton' has been in 'Windsor as at Our Lady of Prompt Suceeur Parish, anti lately at St. AlphonSua. son, occupied the chair, and very eh- About 150 members- of the Kluge- Voureging 'reports were, read frem, the bridge Old, Boys' and Girls'Cluh were secretary,' treasurer and auditors, the gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, lase' phoesine a qomfortable balance on J. B, 0,13ough1in, • Lemothe ave., De: hand,On motion all reports were trait, .wben Father DOOM, spirituel adopteIl.adviser of the eittb, was presented with 's toin with ,a;standi ng Yok twa e: __. .nioTollrigi;bi--PMUIC 104)4114?ri president. 1. adopted; tanking the president for bin ,Father. Dalton, in 'Ails response toIt splendid services during the year; also dramatic address by 'Jos. 1. Sullivan* one of .congratulation to ,Mr. J. A. Me- expressed his deep gratitude to the Laren on his. goldenwedding miniver*. members for their 7gerieresitY *Ad' ary, . • _ begged their prayers for the safety and mr,cifilvaratttedriult.i)ensmt.9D4cyjuitte,int:007wnirrmasate:swiviaped0. ttoy:.,_s_p_,Hiriltritt710;,_e-lrapEreitoraf blauf,,e1317zwRs;x8, Dr, 11 P. Belden: _ To Meet in ',Cmyr.xideotlz at I1oo**11 atiooltatinthmeeeHuron at the onOaBet7ws'enAtssEnodd- Au; of 03.6 Y.M.0.A., TOM:dot Ork•m0114aY,eYtningt UnionVerth 'constitlieney, will 'gather y.larndMrs,anrYP9Illmza lit4fkreith to Wend, to here On ll'ebraarY.9 nominate eall- btheir heartiest ,didate for, the,fortheolning Federali• Clecs congratulations on the golden anntters- tion, :it 1144 liedded,,PrIda3r afternoon ary of your wedding, which we under- ,at a meeting of the exOntiviolit-; hx, ,stand is being celebrated ta,night ;1)1E4 - the Town, 10here,- Ontsidering the ,the members hope that You and Ur& condition of t 1 e roads,, the, ,gatiterbg meLaren,.,,ntay he blessed, With -Many was 41,04r, we,11 attended. more years'of halpiness together and The executive enderri resolntien to express ;,t eir deepeskaPPI"e49-7 ciurfidenee In, the a relniStra.tiort o Alen - yeUr many 'WO to 'this Ansoci-7j_ tbeT Hm vf; x.„rinte, ation_and Your interestiextemitng over, ii his Cabinet -and -alsee•._Iror the past forty years that this ,AssoeV , oinaea.ist, its reselution artapre).41P/1 the obtem to You. and adr'ks MAren, bar, W. Goldingi„has rendered- to iliS. 'xpreteltig` I'lle*boiethutathe-Assee, .1a -r- _constituency. - , ... .. ttiiiienutd.lrinittehre.esthitnoiare4doz;it.fholfswelyhivestp to- Little - *too* _.$.4411,t-',0.3zi dntiy;,41042- :all'ohbauroxkltest",-.- lard as she sat on Mother's- -0Meers,-Elotteo knee before the fire. XresentlY she for htehelbelnlos:itiingg yoelfiarce:As eleetecY ,klied:fixer; why 4,14 .;04 marry:.d,a4:1-72 , • Honorary. *presidents -Hon. S.: „G. -mother looked at hr .wiy- and (4E! ral-lik'Be-r'D.Tu'll*Aca. 4,E,1113•°11.0.-'7.41* a.tVIL:41414 r•Denr: sig‘"hSetil.Yo'u've' begun: wonder, too'. G. P. Belden. * have you?" Honorary .vice-president-Ategdowes Campbell, D. D. Wilton, G. 14. ;Pergrt- G. Belden, W. A. Buchanan, W. A. ation direct the secretary- to forward *of the services which the sit ing_lne14- to Mr. MeCharles of -sa blanket for 'L *ngle 'Moon D Thompson, 0..R. Dane T. Musthrd. ' ,••• Life membersieldamee. McCreath, JOS. Beek, R liolmesi - "June Grattan."' , • ex'. Andrew Was presented With a fo r -piece ,silver tea suttee 'which- Is - known as the Albert, Seim Harrington tchhardt_denatieu_an_d Is awarded -the exhibitor 4seoring the 'highest num- ber -of pcints-441astfes specified,. • ---7,Short speeches were given hi, a large number and were 'interspersed by num- herS_On„lhe_:hagPipek_by__Allan McKim, .guitaff-nuMber by Alex. Hackett, vocal numbers by Harvey -McGee, cOraeclian, violin selection by Raymond Redmond, and _ selections by the "3,1e0harles, or- chestra. ' The speakers included: NelSon Bush- nell, Reeve - of Lucknolv ; George Feagan, Wardenof Huron DM - son, Warden of Bruce; Thomas Web- ster, Reeve of West Wawanosh; Rich- ard Elliott, Reeve ,of Kinloss;.Joseph MeInnis,Reeve of/Cull:foss; Men Logan, Reeve of Huron township; Raymonfl Redmond, Reeve of Ea t Wawanosh; Alex.. McDonald, Rev , of Ashfield; George MeNall, Reeve of Blyth. , 4)110.1 and bookt as pri'zes to the Public jpoLicE ACTION :0 School 'children a wreath was..ploced ' • ne-tbe-Renotaph-an.--IN: membranes-- ay, Ond--4100.,was paid into the.endoWntent fond of the 'ehapter'e item at Ihe,itos- pital., Tea was held for the evacuated "children in England and 'the mini' 'of .$42.03 realiZed. Total receipts for the -year' Were '.$242.35 and expefiditures $226:21.* ' • ' report of the nominating,. com- mittee was brought -in by Mrs. 'W. F. "Gallow ioid4,fficers for the. coming year were elected' as fellows 4, Regent, Mrs. •D. J. Lane; vice-regents, Mrs. IL C. Dunlop, Miss Iii,..,,Bnchanan;. secret:ell, Mrs. -X.; D., Thomas '; treasurer,. Mrs. 'A: L. •Cole; etondard-bearer„. Miss Belle Mac's/ Icor; courieillors;•_4irs, A. Mactwano Mrs. W. F. Onllow,.. Mrs. W. A. Coultiturst„ 'Mrs. L. ' I. Knox, Mrs. R. Phelan, Mrs. '0. MeL Ittrgi W. G. MaeDwon, 'Mrs. C. K. Saun- ders, Miss M. Campbell. AT THE, ........ • PHON• E - "" 47 NowHrrisefilao-Latie awl:James ht otrite Roaring tiventics" MON,, TUES.,.-alul *Eh)! Wrilhtun -Gorgon,. Irene IterieY,— g Mani Dinehark "Derdlly Arnold .and El Erendel. ' 4ylvtery .fatts will have a' grand itime with this , bacis-stage shud- der-sihoeker. There's 'a _ gentle stirinkling of COntedy and 'a iletof plot; 4, ouse Fear" • • TIIIiii8DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY' , d'ACICIE COOPER, kftEDDIE IIAIVPIIOLOIEW„ ANI)Y DEVINE, HENRY 10114 TIM 1161/P and JACKIE MORA _ _An cariby Aneievere- of camaraderie, irepew ana *crificeS 'tanaortg _ grOUp 'ho* grout inilltry Ischoot -"SPIRIT OF CILIILVIEIt" • Corkting-431* eta, "Fifth Avenue Girl,: with .1017atitei Cotmolly. ; biatittoos Wed., and holidaYm at 3 PA. • It 11:ORSIER. ASIICifELD MAN Collingwood, Feb. 6„—The I3oard -of Education at;its inaugural meeting re, elected Finlay Cook- to the chairman- ShiP for 1040. Mr. Cook, who is com.', isnetteitaritissfourth year is a meMber_ • the hoard, a native ,of Huron* comity wile% roided on the 4th. conces- sion A,Slifield until .ineving to Ool- lingwooci some ,ten "years, ago. pentist :ire people who here you te tettrs. • • 4' • 21, MOE! Clear Caid.clogged Head This Quick Way Clear that tormenting Stuffiness— . breathe more 'freelyl just a .feW drops, of Vieks Va-tro-not.--that'S ,what'you deteitzfeel it go right to work • --.'-bring real Comfort. This treatment -is successfill' because Va-tm-itol is a active medicationcontailiing sev- eral essemialleliettgiving agents plus '.,ephedritte-----expressly -designed for nose and upper 'throat. Neat time Itli 04P YOillt Ito don't wait tot a void to let bead mart. 'Used at first sniffle 'or amerte# Vit.trownel hell* krcp a told from domicil** ITIGIZED otheEthtor of The Sign 1 -Star.- • Sir,—Referring to the account in your -lasesisSuenst- the taking ofk,pier tures at the barber, may -I be grante- permissum-,•to,yeice- my- objeettorto the-- treatmene.itilat Mr, Partlett received af the handsof the pollee. - If the report as (riven in, your paper 18 correeti.and The given noted. Lor the reliahilitY . of Os news, then ani.ptiksled ns to why the negatives were kept from Mr. Partiett,in.view of the„foct that the pollee were satidied that he had no sinister intentions. If the pollee were satisfied, then why did. theykeep the negatives whieh Were the perSonal 'property of Mr. Partlett? I might go further antLask, Did the .Police pay Mr: Partlett the Cost of the Surely -here.• -is anAttatake-o- Undemocratic, principles at'work when a visitor ;menet. take a few pictures Without,eXperieecieg unpleasantnesS, to say the least,. at • -the hands of the authoritative -polite. As the absenee• of the guards at harbor implies that the danger of sabotage' Is leSsened„ then is the taking 02 pletures still proniblted? If So,, then proper warning Signs .should placed in4).‘eraineht places at Lthe harbor to prevent another occurrence such as, the one in guesstion, as the *apprehending of _vieltor toking feW pictures ris .not in line with the advertising of Goderich ak an ideal Plate which to spend 11 vacation'_m,_T 146, nranA Visitors will sow:t- he:A(4g. As a 'froedenaoVing citizen I feel urged .to Write Mr; P.artlett and apob)gi, 21)1 the inconvenience -he SUP- fered ainUto stress the tot that the citizens ' of Gcodericit `treat visitors as hospitably and as courteous-, ly as , theY themselves to be treated,. even though the police,don't. Goderiels Feb. 5. • An English motorist,• who hatl it fifty - ,gallon tank of ga.'soline in reserve when rationing was introduced,. Consulted. a 'friend, as to what to do about it, "Bury It, ray dear fellow," was the reply. , . . Accordingly, be gave bis gardener in- 'structious next day -to •dig a .bole for it In a secluded spat. , 4 . •After 41nie the gardener leturned. "INT baled the gasoline," he said, What do you want (lane With the tankY" I"With what weapon did Samson slay the thousand Philistines, TotinnY?" asked the Sunday flebool teacher. !,'The axe Of the Apostles," replied the chil4i? after,11, long pause. Y' • ast Presiclent---Mr.:11:41-: jaclison. Pregidetft--4/r4J. G.. ‘FergusOP. " Vice-presidents R, Brooks, w: ;B: Hanna, W; P. Oantelon,.A.:• G. Sfflith, 0; Ne. Chesney, Dr.: B: camPbell, M. Scar- -let,- A. iklegitarrie.- -- -. -- Honeary secretarY—E. Fleetly. Secretary—R77S-,Sheppard. / .Financial secretary-olan Moon. Treasurer—Dr. H. I. Hodgins. ,, - -Chaplain—Rev. IL O. AteDermid. Auditors—FL 1. Morrish, G. E. Fergu- son. Conveners of cemmittees—Reeeption; 'av- i Mr.- J, G's FergitSon; refresiiment, • Mrs. D. - Thompson ; program, S. M. 'Wick- ens; publicitY, E.. Floody 4 visiting, Mrs, L' H. Brown:. chairman of district cam- mittee&---Ooderich, B, 11. MeCreatitf Clinten, E. Fioody; •Settforth, Dr. 11. J. Iledgins; Vinghom, -R. Brooks; Brus- sels, L. M. Pringle ; Blyth, .0.1.,,Moon; Wioketer and Gorrie,' Geo. Beswether ick; • Bavfield-i- J, A. Cameron ; Exeter,: D.r. Byx_on _Canlikel..1- ....- . • - - Nita- ,- - ' '''''''- ' , • ,. -D-r-r--'07 *Ferguson, the new viva ---- dent, is a native og Morris tOwnship. 6 is. popular in the medical profession and will be -a -go-ahead president. ,- . Mr. H. M.. Jackson, the retiring pre. .sident, received a special resohitien of thanks for hie splendid services during the ..past _year. Mr. W. 13.. gonna, vice-president, is Principal of Humberside:Oillegiate In- stitute. ,eMr. Ge0.„13eSwethericlr, ehairman of ithe Mowick conniiftee,, CArries• en a Millinery business isi Danforth avenCe. • W. F. Contelon, .Olintort Old Boy, a West .Endodruggist, was one of' the Original meritheri of :the Association.: orgenized in 1000. - ' ' re-Was-genersl.reer - t at the un- timely passing of-the-late-AltornfOil. •llutitard, prinerpal of the Normal Selviol. . , , Igr. 3. A. McLaren was absent 'while attending his Olden ',wedding annivers- ary,- buf- the members -did not forget him. , 40. Ferguson told of the apple -par - Ing bees of thirty years ago, and. Geo.. Love .batited MalKillop against • Ilullott In the matter of speed. ' Th -p. WilsOn recalled the daYs when he was a small boy, and "Brown!' Jack - Son trained ' the youth. in besehall and hockey-eand did It welh s , The annual Pienie will be held., an Wednesday, ;Nue .10tit; either in the tx.hibition -Groinitis -or .a.t Centre Is- land. It all depend& on -the movements of„ the troops. lf the:troops are -moved te the front, the pieille will,he in the oame area as last year, if not at Confre. Island. Mrs., W. D. Sprinks is a netv addi- tlinfte the reeention 'committee. She is a Myth old Giri, daughter of Marie's llantilton. - •, ... ' ' ' mr,Quit FOR COLILINGWOOD • nnowood .Shipvards, Ltd., has boon cOrditNGW(10:0, Feb. 2.--lbe Col - awarded Govemment-tontraets for the. construction of several navrtl vessels of the ,"whaler type," according • to. an of- ficial announcement received ixeretoday - The news 'Wag received- with entlms- lama by hundreds of Collingwood ship- builders, who will akow be assured of •steady employment; ‘4.---,,,,, --- I• It is ailderstood that between_six and eight ships', averaging about 100 feet in length, will be built. '• • 1 It is estimattA each vcssel will cost about $400,000. -10 , - - - BIG TOVRIST =ASO- :IN ' PROW:SOT 701 , 1,00 tilemi,:raHhi Zglwithierressisoa"-Water In a 'letter received at 1*st meeting of, the, TO-rin 'Connell segrotary of the Blue Water' Afisocbtion at Sarnia, Mr, said enqUirleis 'were tarea4 eelvedcOritpurkit. kifterictelii; , "There, is no donht,"-Ite.tsald,, this year wilthreak all,reCOrds, Wimps , PA irgitte,..1114, ,l'e are_11.__tting '14,111, the 'brightest, spots in tillnada to , ,large portion •Of,the bniffineso -12 go atter Was we should. . . . Cfres- stanees tide year are very /aye American tourists acot of, the War, very 'few p,ople, 'will be ing to Vrirope aft .*,ni - cars and,•,_their 25,016 -pro:Winn -of-a •least t this eountr4 'which ',wilt be Adjilte0,1 traction forthose desiring'te al ,voCation hey_et.,',i, ' '' "We', have. the ..irocilile -0' the- Ister of Highwaytt thou h Our 1 ut 'ber,-.06C.424414: 'Water highway it th , lti: 'paved ctit14 year if i'lio ink", itaPPeps in the, next feet we' eft0 get the vetrip..344 and Grand Bend Completed, Ive have a pavement., from Sarnia to ,t6elil, ,Wicilehl$ a ' mJghtyst*rt lhe-way." ' - a A4A, :--beforelaityink-that it'ew Wit now, 'beforeiiiicea! „advance. STOVES-. %A. LA, ac A "TUB BROADWAY OF CtODERICB" Cigarettes, • Cigars — Tobaccos Phone 240' 41% or; =miss S. 0 'Clonfectione We Delbre3 - • . SUPERIOR STORES' 1ylmer LIVIER PEAS i7 •TIM 0. 4 A YLIVIER,CORAr KtRNEL YLMER PEACIIES • YLMEli PIE C1-1Eltla • YLIVIER CA- 11P-- Bmr,4 Bei corpra,„, „ 1.1b, Bag IIEXNZTOItIt and BEANS 2 med. ;Ili HIff,t”CREST SII0liTEN/NO 27c COWAN' COCOA % ib. Tin 16c-- 1-1.b. Tin 27c MAGIC BAKING,POWDER oz.Tin 20c-," 16z.TinOc ItOYAL TEA Orange Pau* gnality 1,4,2,1b. Pkg. 37e McCormick's BUTTER SODAS 1 lb. Bags 15c StfiiLtall‘T SOAP- 4 Bars 23c uttzsr's SPAGHETTI oz. 1 DOME A CRUNCHIE PICKLES ROSE QUEEN 'mos AYLMER SPINACH ASPAEAGUS TIPS - ELIOAlla SWEET EtiCIYITS OLD ENGLISH WAX NO RUBBING WAX ZEBRA --STOVE POLISH 1(kt 27 oz. Jar 21$c Zge. 17% Jar• -27e 13 es. Tin 1,0c 12 es. *tin 21d lb. 17c 1 lb. Tin. 53* • Pts. 4k mite tire Tin. .14. pUNIN MITT PHONE 116 PHONE 46 7A -A • Weak Ey.s, *We , &ne 4of a Komi ire eyeweler 'be. rout 'whileit to (tome. But !IIIIAT, is on ineidentair iliegh Vice, and cows after the real object of an stuntriation hats be realbed. Make ,y,eur , by Cor. Kingston The Sqpius T Armstrong ilv . ., , , - - - BIG TOVRIST =ASO- :IN ' PROW:SOT 701 , 1,00 tilemi,:raHhi Zglwithierressisoa"-Water In a 'letter received at 1*st meeting of, the, TO-rin 'Connell segrotary of the Blue Water' Afisocbtion at Sarnia, Mr, said enqUirleis 'were tarea4 eelvedcOritpurkit. kifterictelii; , "There, is no donht,"-Ite.tsald,, this year wilthreak all,reCOrds, Wimps , PA irgitte,..1114, ,l'e are_11.__tting '14,111, the 'brightest, spots in tillnada to , ,large portion •Of,the bniffineso -12 go atter Was we should. . . . Cfres- stanees tide year are very /aye American tourists acot of, the War, very 'few p,ople, 'will be ing to Vrirope aft .*,ni - cars and,•,_their 25,016 -pro:Winn -of-a •least t this eountr4 'which ',wilt be Adjilte0,1 traction forthose desiring'te al ,voCation hey_et.,',i, ' '' "We', have. the ..irocilile -0' the- Ister of Highwaytt thou h Our 1 ut 'ber,-.06C.424414: 'Water highway it th , lti: 'paved ctit14 year if i'lio ink", itaPPeps in the, next feet we' eft0 get the vetrip..344 and Grand Bend Completed, Ive have a pavement., from Sarnia to ,t6elil, ,Wicilehl$ a ' mJghtyst*rt lhe-way." ' - a A4A, :--beforelaityink-that it'ew Wit now, 'beforeiiiicea! „advance. STOVES-. %A. LA, ac A "TUB BROADWAY OF CtODERICB" Cigarettes, • Cigars — Tobaccos Phone 240' 41% or; =miss S. 0 'Clonfectione We Delbre3 - • . SUPERIOR STORES' 1ylmer LIVIER PEAS i7 •TIM 0. 4 A YLIVIER,CORAr KtRNEL YLMER PEACIIES • YLMEli PIE C1-1Eltla • YLIVIER CA- 11P-- Bmr,4 Bei corpra,„, „ 1.1b, Bag IIEXNZTOItIt and BEANS 2 med. ;Ili HIff,t”CREST SII0liTEN/NO 27c COWAN' COCOA % ib. Tin 16c-- 1-1.b. Tin 27c MAGIC BAKING,POWDER oz.Tin 20c-," 16z.TinOc ItOYAL TEA Orange Pau* gnality 1,4,2,1b. Pkg. 37e McCormick's BUTTER SODAS 1 lb. Bags 15c StfiiLtall‘T SOAP- 4 Bars 23c uttzsr's SPAGHETTI oz. 1 DOME A CRUNCHIE PICKLES ROSE QUEEN 'mos AYLMER SPINACH ASPAEAGUS TIPS - ELIOAlla SWEET EtiCIYITS OLD ENGLISH WAX NO RUBBING WAX ZEBRA --STOVE POLISH 1(kt 27 oz. Jar 21$c Zge. 17% Jar• -27e 13 es. Tin 1,0c 12 es. *tin 21d lb. 17c 1 lb. Tin. 53* • Pts. 4k mite tire Tin. .14. pUNIN MITT PHONE 116 PHONE 46 7A -A •