HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-08, Page 14,1 • C;ornbining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star , , 4's - s'• •-* NlitlEtitY-SIXOND YEAR, No. ^ Music Stotler& Give Fine Program nnUal Itoottal Of IX jOseph!a ‘.P011601 of" MUSie ReVettl0 EX0011e1tt Tt1,104 The annual nuisieale of St., JOSeplits 'Convent School Of Music wag Presented .tite,ove,givig of February 1st, in Me- • Xaytalell,tie a largo and appreciative auaience, , The stege :Was beautifully decorated with laree -floral boaquets gracefully 'arranged in baskets,*bleb, gave 4-oleitsing and Artistieseffeet, he-• ..eldeereating tfert tthe taudiente an • Atmosphere receptive to .beauty atel harmouy. The program displayed a wide variety of artiatie features, each one of excepthmallY high standard as to choice and tiecomplishmeot. butstautling among the -numbers per- . farmed were two Italian grand' opera ' arias "Sulcidio," frora-La Glacoadatt by Puccini, and '"Intermezzo," from Cavalleria Rusticanat by Maseaguis sang by Miss Madeleine Lane. Alis$ titatete rendition of these, also of "La Villanelle," by, del Aqua, evidenced e ex" • c lent nautical and dramatic intent:re-' statteit tag well as- attiterior train*. eamniiiets' "Ave Maria," Sung by Miss Marjery. Hoye, with rtOlin obligate by . Miss Mare A.111, vas exceedingly. well rendered, laud Abetted for bet)i young ladies -decided, promise for future splendid 'musical accomplishment, A vocal trio, ."Niget Hymn at Sea," .by Misses Al. Lane,„M. Buchanan, and fis Taylor, that displayed excellent .hart -limey anti tone totality was • received • with much • -applause. - Miss Eileen . Bogie; who is already well known as . an. exceptional „pianist of talent, came t totexpeetettone of her listeners by tthealelightfultandtdiflidult "Romance," -Ui1EEIL Or E . C. A. liOltERTSON, WI* was carried from his Itintie•in Colt 'borne township when fire broke' out Wedaesday morniog. kr7, „ VALUATORS TOWN , Messrs. IL G. atom ated E. X. -quips late *hose repkt on ate, eaualized, as- sessment of . Huron County was csz. firmed by the County 'Council last year, were in towe this week on their tra,y to Blyth and Ilullett, wherethey, have' been engaged by, the respeetive inuoicis palitieS to revise their •assesements, They repOrted that they had contracted with the United Counties. of Stormont, -Dundas and Glengarry to equalize their assessment at a price of $00Xtts »y ihellus. Miss, Mary Buchanan.- •• - 411fewise a talented pianist, performed singing course of the isablicsand separe 'Xwith Miss 74116e11-11°gie ft tillie-11. presente(1 with ' duo ---Fritz ate schools, . The three numbers, which tartiattietleterpretatAteundt. 4119.§A and:. eth 'esSienr•,:attel,eteltstetetOldettt t'-''''Tgrue.que.- • • " ably to the'varletyt. and 'entichmeni.'* ,(5,1 ',h.., • ()flier eheice idane numberes.weret • the enterfaimitent. e • . ' the qualitettei "Cornish May Dance?" At the close, of the Pregramteertill- stay Eckstein, performed "with unusnat. .eates tandrstatedalst were Areffient.e&-t9 _wader tile publid Health „Atet- was -re- taste by Miss aileen: Bogie, L. Taylor, fortunate •recipients by ;Ref.:: Father ceived"froatthe ProvincialDepb.renent B. Smith, and B. Cutt ; a'solo;-"Gaietv." ,gall.on of ',St. Peter'e ehurch. ,Before tHealth and sent on. to, the setedial• well rendered. by Miss Barbara's0,titt a the di.stribution ,the reverend father • due,. -Good •Schaefer, Pert Made an: appropriate seotnimmentarY formed by Mollie Bisset and Barbaratstadarese to the • follow:Ing whiners -of, --- Henry,. two Vers.. talented ehildren; a tile awards: • sti ' duo, -Dance of the Lolliptips,", by'.Bil.. Certificates- Presented to 'Puoilit bro,:presented by Jimmie Iteynolds and . Sevier, vocal lirettelase hefierSst-Mtes. Donald Scott witht,Nleedid execution; • .. Lane. t , ODERICII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1940 IN THE WANZ or I Blocked Roads Wfli J. C. Sheardown Askg Block Police tourt Damages from To STORK - , ZHi ,Seivades •tg the' yesteryear : Last , etaXbd4rt "DUIllpettrttatterweeend CAttorney ., teitted three eOmplaintst 'groin Mother's k-teown orney Ittilr mes e- , ,. Reratimodatimeiat.sulurnt:nito:riworvi.B.eiclgallie. Of. before Town connon to the effect that their ebildren alai' At the regular meeting a the Town- narrOwlY ''c'e43?-'ed 'being 211'1 4I\4 by by ttotintii on ittitlay ,evening la s t; , tiip, , horses and cutters stleaking up oottliere without blosVing. their 'horns, er rather rigging their belles So he ditsted off the rtld statutes and sure enough, the section' Was Still there tequiring that each horse drawing a sleigh or cutter must swear at least, two bells ou the martingale, hips or elsettbete. Ile has asked lithe Signal•ISter, to bring this, to . • the attention Of the •puhlic. writ oVer Maiiitenauee of Clerk submitted a ` Writ servelsupon the Town at the instance a X01111 10, Sheardown, asking •unatated,'cittmageg for injery to hts property front' thei maintenance. -Of a garbage die* 4(1- Jaeent-therete, and, also 'seeking an ha, junction against further Mallltenat4P Of the donfle Me. 4hetirdown._ 1uL re_peatedir coml. Itis year *IMO the old hotel shed .r. plained to.the COuncil about this tbmIP• was U-D°1)41t°114-it' 1148 beetk 'during markedeffeet on the size of the weekly. reer!, court docket, remands bone * The matter was considered Om- - the .pest few weeks. , different spots atolt , inHuroneatutty tedio ty, particularlv at Jelin iSprenle ".pleatledSt"not iiaSe;f:tritalltibrtewihs retfueba,at*teritiot4shaoftueS tleeit'e' 4- Dto...Aho. nAriointige;,,,aavset„tesottireaert aertoe nwa on tockey*Matelt nights. The hostler, aiteze /gad the was, prepared to go on. if • there is ''. any lefL, has. of eoultte.k The Crown was not prepared, so' the takei„..the horse 's to the barn• to be case sVits edit:tamed one weelt;" z • watered and fed._ , , , I The Exeter man. :with the, distin- guished name)fjohn Collingetood, who , last'weelepleatled guilty to two charees of breaking and entering in Exeter, was ready to take, his medicine, but Crown Attorney 'litanies said there Were, itieret chargeso±the Same natifre', to follow. :Tne'police, lie said, had •St, big -Joh- on their' hands,. to (find the owners of a pile of etolen articles -es •heueehold. attic/ea, eariteittere' and gar- dert.toolso etes found ina barn rented by Cellingweocl. The stuff Wassevident- ly stolen. There was even 'a ton • and a -half • of coat, carted away' by head,. „stele:Art.4ot trips beingSmade-in ,oue night, It was explained. SoSanothseis remand waS italten. . Given three, weeks. in Which to make j1() itestitetion toS•Gordon Harrison, whom he was found guilty of defrauds ing, and to pay •the costs of the -court?. Martin Lowdent,appeared to report that asstsatissiotsbeents-Ablesetot-stmakesthe. grade?' His only means of locomotion were his fret -arid I'vith a start:erasing it was 'a tougkjob:gett'ing around, his ceuusettsFranlittDontellyt added., .- Lowden. was given Audi March -7th to make things right and was told thit..• vas his last c hance, ; Harold Sproule, eharged with atria., The present stioWbonnd tondition of the concessions :and sidelines bas county police bo tie" it is readily admitted, although' farmers and -others are not eomplabling.- Partners now park their cara at Auburn end other ceutral plates, and walk in .and Out to their hoineit, but police assYet haven't begun serving eubpoenaett in time 4"Flionrert.1,14,t very • reason several 'cases .hatte been hangleg-fire for some weeks, and generally the storm bas had a ,mtetette•of the whole, and it was ,.decided to leave it instbethandg of the, tPubtte works committee, ,• - An thetmembers of ;Council Were pre- sent. • • , • , • The sexton of Maitland cemetery re. perted six interments in January. • The tax collector•reported collections 'totalling $25,312.95, in January, $20,- 84-6X0of-thie being 1940 taxes prepaid. The Salvation • Army. asked for ,a grant for is rescue work ,at ,London, .and Alexandra Hespital applied for As annual grant. -- These requests were referred to. the Inutnee 'eomMittee. trlord asked permission to put uP A sign at the bowling alley, and J. j. iktggarth asked, permission to remove the sign' in front of his garage on Hamilton street and erect a ne* sign at the. edge ef the sidewalk. Referred to public works committee; _ • The ,Race -A.ssoclation requested the privilege .of'•holding the annual. eille h,oliday meet at Agricultutal Parkt-elsit the useeft_thegrouedt fer.4 week prior t� t theseteer and for one week' efter. Referred to public works •couraittee. The; Canadian Federation of Mayors. lod Munieipaittleststreqapsteassstliet TT,Own's membership , feet $lit, sfor '1940. '.feferred to finance committee. ' - coPy oftreginitilinis recently Made an . interesting "sexte te, 40-ob1ifig Prititary • "hear first-class ;11am:ire-slat perfect tittle and tharinonat PlaYeid*i-bv p'Brien, • . •,-,skrtimarittvoealstaretteatisathotiorst-Sef, • J. Reynolds, D. Seott,,andAttptithatott-stisitys-ts.---• • „ also a duo, fiGountrty-Dititee,"•-by:Eekt Elementary troctit_honerS'-.V, ,Baeels• st,,,etein,„settarmhigly reutlered. Itileses ler; • •• - -• M. Daechler and Ar assaline. • Elementary • , ,zuntor,tytithvi forrot$-4.4 The violin selections, -Were .of eta:este .Primary piano; honerst-tB,-Cett. , tuility,antl offered with exeellent taste. ,Prinlary. piano, honors -13. 'Robert Bisset tdisplayed unusual talent tEleinentarY •Plart-e, first-class boners in his renditietr-tefttf'Andantinot"---by• tetar. Diseett. - • Lemare, a's die Miss -Mary ,A.b1 In her , Elementary piano, •first-class honors "Mazurka-S:01)y Henry, • These' two. per- Henry.• • • . formers 06,4 offered a twee, "Serenade Bleneeittary piano, .bonorat'-'D. Stott, by. VonB1911,-Witit excel." '1%. ThiYIS, J. Graham, • M. J. Strachan. lent taste. • Violin ensembles, "Country ' Junior ylelins. first-class thonors-M. „Gardens," and "Canada's Omit". by • tt,hl. • Beyer, also ,:.'Valsette" and "Follow the- Junior violin, honors -R. -Bisset. . Flag," performed by Ittehert,BIssett V. , Primary violin,: honors -V. Smith, J. Smith, S. Graf,. M. Ahl and Lt- Taylo,r, Graham.. Ambrose Brophey, Of ,near $t, Aalgtiat title, speedingsat holiday, in 00(1o:telt after 121-tellIg. '8°411'1'9u:0'in hisline new home, for thme week*. •Ile ..tells Of an exeitiog runaway 'On; the county road out oftStuburn'laSt 'rhursibryt--,-A horse drivels by 'William Craig, mailman on .1.t.R.2, Auburn, took.frightsat a -pestl- ing snowplow, became umnanageable, upset. the cutter . and scattered *gis Majesty's malt the snow over a con- siderable distanceonhe road when -the cutter upset., •Fte mad -Matter wt.1.4;re-, covered with much effort and patience, but the mail was late that , ,Turning, -over tpay sheets in this •A1e-,. the other :days •Countst Ectineer T 11 Patterson cOmmented Oat -the January -storm, hnti cost .110r04,, County '$4;500' fortgoittyplowtograndstitatsttlilettigtif, ma not in -etude depreciation 011 t1e six plows w4feii .w:orc +in 'contaititsloti. Ile said .the last important' county, road, Arthern--,tet-91-intoet ladslieeeprewed- out Itiondeje, 'ditty seventeen of the , , -'385 maps- of county - roads remained committee. • • • • ' unopened one these were little travels A edmmunicatiot from. the secretary lee. Roads had been ptoWed•en town= of the Blue Water Highway, Aseocia- s,„ ship roads for quite a .nUmber of fan - tion enclosed the-ltudget't; fer'lutse eitals and. for this, lho ehayge had been; caning: for" $300 from Gederieb. and made, ,Nor had a • oho/re been made adjacent townehipet This Was sent to for 0-bening townshio--roads arouo, the sPectal committee. • • thtsee :sides. of the proposed airport site •. • .Committee Reports: ' • The '" finance t'earainittee • recta& teended-the--issuing--of-note*lo..teaverli. .the balance due on the .fire .pumping - unit -recentlYpareliased' for tire pro- tection . this harbor -$600 'due •Febru- ers.,,IttAtl, and, 08.rt trebritarysles 1942. Another recommendation „ was. that Miss MaciCaYt the Clerk's office, ,be. paid *a:Le week. Aecounta-,pafised. • included relief accounts amounting. to lt5R16e9cci.m'm:e' inlet -ions' tee' Of 7;re ublie works ememittee inrelnited the foliate- Itig,:ahat 11: D. raiser he giventtere rattSion to erect -a' Sign, in front of his Store on West streetsween the neces- sary . bond of indemnity is provided; that the membership fee the sent- to the-sOntario Good Roads tAspeciation and, that a delegate attend the 'convent • were enthusiaatical1y received' lin eorY, rSke aSS titit • 4064 that -the matter of •r'epturing •and •1 The 8E. Joseph's School . choir gave .Italle. • --', ',- - ,., ' ' 'i reneWing. the flooring in the skating rink , .i,two, very • pleasing'. offerings -"Ave MetlAlis .I.Presented, by St. Joseph's Csiv. be left , -with the chairman of this cora4 Maria,ii bY 1Prne, and "Trees," ' by ; s - Vent Sehoor of Musk. Mitteel 'Mitt 'Geo; Beacon be paid $30- aoyce Kilmer -with fine. bane. and ex-. - Geldmedal for first-classhonorsIn Ter, week, he to provide the team and • pression. : Also; the s juniorsinging ssenior voc41-4110 Madeleine Uwe. ' all 'etiltiPment for felt time The Om- • class 'gave , the selections "Grams .. -Gold medal ' for -Orstselass 'henOttritT mittee reported ' :that the •Town lots mother's -Darice"-an otd. folk, song- violin -Miss' Mary Ahl. . - .. , south of Victoria 'salmi- he'd been and, ItlenuOttr'''•bY Mozart, with. fine* •. -Silver medal for highest .etailding in rented. to -Wilfrid *Glousher Or the year • choral rendition.; , ,.. - .. ' . ' junior vocal -Mips 'Evefent.O'Brien. A • number: a the pupils •• of Ste t • Silver medal for highest standing 'for 4 10, , •-. ' s • • • - Th „. e. special eontloilitee ireetintesende& •Joseph's : Junior ttelocation---chtsait orPlaritr-tOt'-1048-Ittartateerallett „ •_..., that time eepy , of the .19.40, edition of rayed • in picturesque quaint costumes, - , Silver medal for highest standing', tn Make's; ' Handbook be ordered, • and recited With 'pleasing 'expression and piano, for .1.939 -:-Mollie llisset. •"' ---., - that the -inventory from the .Goderielt • appropriate --dramatic ' ,geStures.. "The , ; Gold' medal presented by. Stratford Musical • Society of, equipment ,and sue- -, Knight's-- Toast," and received Warm Musical Festivalte-Miss,lrfollie Bisset.,. Pliea 'on .hand be placed on, file. t'aPPlaUSet These performers also 'neg. :. Inver medal 'pr.egented .ht . the 10411,' •. These reports were adopted. ' with taste "Smilint-ThroUgh;" ' by adian. .3/fuslea1 FeativalteMlass.,111e..4 , Deputy IteattttsErdien, chairman of .upils sang' a -very pretty -pert.,..atIneitl' : , . -Silver meei;Presented*bYtfttratford. Arthur Penn, Seven -, young vocal- -3:11sset.. , • L ' ' -"' (be • flintecescommittee,' asked ' that all .-spendingt boards,,, such••as the wheel • "Nasturtiiims,"' by H. Nicholls,- also a 'Festival-Wsise ,Elieen 'toilet ,._, b -oar" .anci boun library board, ..be re.,f • unison -song, "Lullaby," ' by Bury.. t' .. Thet, musicale concluded With" .tne- quested to submit their estimateS for Perhaps the Most attractive number • singing. ef itGed Sive the /tine -• - .1040 as soon as Possible. Was. that Pretteuted. by the little folks. The whole program was Of 'refined . ' What About the Town Band? ft had an especial -appeal because eftitet -high standard, „bud Showed the excel' . Reeve Turner said ' it Should* be de., ii6j, , ,youthftdnegs of the PerfOrniersr their lent training Which the. performers had teidedt'Valiat:Wits tb'Ise "dvlielthinir the - IF appreciation Of rhythm, and'the beauty ,,reeervntintder the guidance of Mother town band this year:" if the town,,WaS.. -of their eoetentest The children were M. 1VIOJellat superior and directress Of to have a band this coming sulimer it jauntily . arrayed . in white and rose, music of st,' 4*eph,Ef .-00nyent. • Its wo Aline It was getting into shape. •with the exception of their:four-mit.: eucceestwas thie in a major 'degree toGann. auckins recalled , his. term , of . old leader, Allem:. Phelan, who was hertPresteMinen 't-mnsicianaltht• drain eWiglirp-toMerobandete-wethz,4rent-thte_he said, distinguished by her blue mantle and. and artistic interpretation and teaching it includedslIftyttmelil— helinet, and by the force with • w4ibb ability.- Vliose---Who were sotfortattate.. ingstoft one of the finest 'coneere bands •". she Wielded slier baton. 4,Iiit'ebildien es, to enjoy the program will a..wa* in Western, Ontario." i Ile was sorts It. gtiv0 . a- dramatie- recitation, , "The' with Items antielpation future`Preseutee had dwiedleil,to its present proportions. Crust,' by Bertha' Tamblyn,T also two done of the .like high standard from A, tirsttelass, hand's he said, .*as thes fk; actionsongtt Trent , the. boolesentitledsthe--pupilssof;ttSts-sjoseptres-,ehoottof finest attraction 4-1Mirge`-tOMi .eould tiRs- "Stnging. Period," which is used In the Alusie. --st • . . have. but such a 'ban" conic'. not be ing in a manner. dangerous to the pub-, lie; bad his ease dismissed. HeSeet a curve too sharp just south of the C.P.A. overhead bridge on. the Sanford -Hill .. 0,11. tie„ cianned:esalrippeeedul'ehintto. 1)11..034'4v 8I:t 7s,Wlaaris ,a:. 13ortaij;:wPaartett, liAiltb4ev:rti;b.,,O:d,e.,rio_ri,'.7 trate MakinS thought pen shment di- TABI? °ROSS ..1:EP013.t• ready absorbed was, sttliteent. „t„., • ' t . ,t,-, 7 '•' - -,..._..•., ' Several other . traffic ehergeg were: • arned, aecosed-failletatP:shit, W 411•17 1 ta• tarkifteS,i'lltroitt.tSilteadPSikkquan4e'l,seojr FebP' rttary 3isl, 1040! Hespitalttgowns,: 36 ; triangular bandages, 24; Haropton bed Pilot Offied E. -Lynto Davies the pads, ; '‘tte" baridageg, 12 ; Pileumonia. • Son' of "a• Foimer GoderiehttGiel - jaeltets,421-hettwater bottle eoverss24; Goderich 'readers will be interested 'pyjamas, 24; .sox, 120; sweaters, pt.; scarves, 39; wristlets, 80; also 199 articles of clothing for the evacuated 'c4Tikihreeno.uts'ide units of the Goderielt Red Cross bran'ch are credited with the following work: ' Ashfield-L-iScix, 27 pair. . ,Carlow--11ospital gowns, 12; sox, 11 Pair; triangular- bandages, 12 "T" bandages, 12. • Benmiller--.Pyiamas, .12; • abdominal bandagee,' 12; sox; i2 pair. • • ,Saltford-AbdOminal btindages, 24; triangular- bandages,- 36;. pillowcases, 18; soxt-Tpair. . • .. Goderich _Township -Sox, t2S pair; scarves,. 9. , - the bridge. and .11500" party* in the Red •CroaserootiaseensItteduestiay of-latt week was most gficcestfel. The sem of $14.10 was realized. The commit Is desirous of thanking the ladies who donated prizes and cookies. • Ie -cutting Equipment floats Way in the 'Lake“ on an Ice.floe Operations .of thmint`Itywharvest 'orciJake. nuron, _south 441116 harbor . - came to an abrupt endingtErtday morn - tote -When. twenty odd Workmen engaged .1": IL Graham's .iceteutting oper- ations reported for work at 8 o'lock sthere was no icettatie no gasoline en- gine, pike•poles, shovels, tonsa or other eqUipment to be Sive. And abeve all there was no ice.' During the night a stiff" northeasterty gale had broken. the lee away :from the shore line, sMashed it up and driven it out Into .the lake for a tlIstattee of tWo :Something -had lo_ be done, and d SIttartlY, So a rowboat wasrequisitioned and earried over the lee between the • plat " to the outer breakwater and; ;launched in opett 'water. In ••it were Douglas Grahent, Bruce Volland. rrank ',Allen and (tenon. Hoy. They sterted. • rowing for "peek" thelake which. Tooked like a gasoline engine. The temperatiire Wail five above zero and a bitter cold iwitid was hievving. Pros, gress wilt slow, ae the men at point had to brt sk the ice with pikepoles. lialf 4our after tbe departure of the quartette Bert McDonald was told' ef the exPeilitiori. Ile ecatelde.red four men in A rowboat under the existing conditions a bit too risky.. 'SO he ittunelied another beat attd with niiivey, Johnston. set out to join the 'others. Finally they pulled up alongside the block of 1e0. holdirig the lee -cutting equipment. They ehopPed it down in size to a:bout twenty -live feet square, threw a nee over the gasoline engine, froxen, in Melee, and made for shore. it WAS 11 •tough job rowing against the, wind with a heavy tow. They were, borne oft their course' and landed four miles -down, show. Later In' the daY 4 team picked tip the equipment and two rowboats and brought them to the harbor. The men in the roW- boats were chilled to the marrow, and took hours to thaw out, Mr. Graham, was greatly pleased and considered himself forttitiate to get his equipment, valued at nearly *750, bai k. iee-eutting has been resumed in- side the breakwater. . /lett McDonald says It the first time such an Incident has happened here, Ais far back AS,Iw 'an remember. at $400 a. lyear.,. kite bandmaster and pIayers were.' not. receiving the encouragement they •ehoult1 have, 'and he Wiped -tee -Council. woind give the matter serious consideration. The Reeve said' it f.was to() bad there. was not W1:66 'organization b1iiiitl the band,' 'instead of to, being left to the Council to look 'after It,' 'the,. matter was referred to the speeial coininittee. , • NO• QUORUM PRIE$ENT Vbe second*attempt to hold the an- nual Meeting Of the Goderich Agricul- turd Societtt failed on Friday after - 11,0011. President Hugh Hill wag not present and there were not elloUgh members on hand to forth a quorum., Secretary Groves Is eating another meeting for next Tuesday In tut effort to ',Pet somethiug (10110 WEATIIIER The temperatures for the past week and for the corresponding 'week lakt -ear were as 1940 1030 .1t,tax. 'MAX, Min. Thttrs., Feb. 1 -.II 20 28 reb. 5 '38 27 k'eb...4, 34 22 30 23 Sun., Feb. 4 34 10 " '25 20 !Wm.,. Feb r.. .. '27; , 34 17 Tues. Feb. 0 34 30, • 371 30 Wed,: Fob. 7 .4-33 28 • 35 • 27 • ' Jii knowing that a son of Mr. and airs. T. E. Dayieet of Port. Colborne, the latter fermerly 'Miss Beatrice -Harrison of this town, iS sin England with the Royal Air Force. - Pilot Officer E. Lyn - ten Davies is •only twenty years of 'age,. hilt is a full-fledged pilot officer -of the force and is receiving advanced light- ing and bombing training somewhere ont the east etatst of -Eta-gland, The Port Colborne youth Sailed front Montreal on July 14th, expecting to take" a three or four -Year course -0P training. The outbreak of War, how- ever;- changed his' `plans. . made tis .„first flight on his tfirst day in England; makle his first solo flight within a week, and had his dying -license ,within a month. In: thaii-iii,'Tinotiths-U received his wings as a -Pilot officer. 'rho kotiogsmante grandinether; S; t. Harrison, was a well-known resident Goderich for platy. years, • bettIinew-tegiding at Port Colborne. 01110U14114314 SIM afit CALLOW .TO OTTAWA. RoltEltTS' organizer of Shattliarbor Airport, appehatett Pilot ()Oleos " stile& Robert's On Tiles - day received. a telegram fiont-R,C.A.F. hetadquarters attOttawa tef•ortniiiklaiet That. he- had beere;tteeePfed into the ..Canaditin,, air force wItli` the rank Of officer and-erdering hiSA to report to ittttaWa. at once. . • Soon after war was; dee.lateal jr.* ItUiterteeptittiiipplieataerteand at last Neyeineestst session of Oran, Couiieil ete was granted leave: 'Or abteuce frein his civil poeitlotetin-the event of lis.atmlicatiOn being.aeeePted, In 'the -Great War of 1914-18 -Roberts saw ACtilile Service as, an officer With on artillery unit•of-the C.E.P., in -Itralice. Late in --the' war he trans-. House Sprayed by Water frOm Standpipe Soffit Encased in Ice, oij • ::-.4FIRE • eg A. Robertson Carried from TitoiSe-:- Neighbors ,Form 'Bucket Brigade, Fires which broke out in the home of C. A'. Robertson M.P.P.t inteelborne •township yester-dtorning at • o'cloek forced the removal of the 'ailing legislator fent). 'hiattlted_ to a, place. of sta,fetts---While volunteer ere -tight -Os fought the flataes Which had • broken out under the 'floor of his bedroten. Mr. Roberts.ons was later.- removetI2,to the 'home of his, brother-inand physi- cian, Dr. B. C. Weir, flat ,Auburn. • Dr. Weir was at411;$ Patient's bedside whaapthe fire alarm was given. People driVtEg had" riotleed snioke- emerg- ing from under. the eaves and hurried' to tell the titunates of the home. • .A., Smouldering:are apparently twas 19eated betyteen the living -room ceiling and „the floor of the upper story and the luiusef• emu:began to tall with smoke. Dr. Weir, with the aid of AIM Wil- liam GaUley, the ,housekeepos-And- her. son Albert, quiekty wrapped r'ikir. Robertson in -,blankets and carried hen. downstairs to the kitchent pr. Weir later driving him. to Auburn._ The fire alarm over the rural tele- phone quickly, brought help, forty or fifty neighbors responding.. ifoards were ripped front the Ilea of the bed- room. A Inacket brigade was formed and with the aid of an electric puMpit, constant tatpply of water was pOlired on the joists until alindanger had passed. - „Although the'imme was made partial., ly uninhabitable, the damage -mostly by'*ater-----Is not ,heavy. The cause of the tilre WaS not determined, but 18 thought, to be' defective wiring. Re- pairs are already under way. ° "Mt Robertson is not very well," was the response given to a. telephone Inquiry as to the Meths ber'm eondition. Nis bad a lengthy ,Illriess following a paralytie stroke in 1934. but has been able to carry on until a few weeks ago. • sidetorlittheuse on Januar?produced Many lietistra'l sights aboet towtetwhile, it W14 with us and new February bids - twell to; slutilicate or 'even ovesshadow .pre- decespor in this., resPeetti., Last Friday inorning passersby wete Albert '-eatireet cenipletely covered with.' a ferred to the air,tbrancli of the service and when tfie armistice -came he. had over'lwo huhere'd .fiying: hours to his credit: _ :1 •, .4* • A dying:CTIthuslaSt Of the first watery .Pilot °Meer .Roberts played A lead ' road' in the' eettiblialintOt Raid Malta once of. Sky , airport, an(was waS the mainsprieg Of an orga ,ation `Which is seeking to liavet, a' raining t„rtttee;ieforg-ttnatlers 'Empire sehethe ...established fa, if on. -county, thick ,Coating-of,lee,---Winde**---;-doors and steps alike were coated over. , A tree on the side lawn had also re.. caved its share • of the .ice and Was hent ,and intekeii under its burden. Sev- eralteleetric light wires had .stiapped under_the Weight of the lee and the d'post supporting the,. rest of the thickly coated Wires letmed at something Jets than an eighty -degree angle with t the. ground., ,* • • - - -The kghail • almost coMPletelY formed over„."'a wire fence, so that the fence looked soxnewhat like a glass' wall. SmuII bushesstete-bortie-totthe ground, probably never to riSe again. The (511180 of .0.11 thiS Wag an overflow from the tovvn Eitandpipe.during TItUrs- day night 'and early Friday morning. The, automatic shut-off had failedto operate properly (Luring the night and 4t, a result the Water rose over the rig of the ebe-hundred.foot-hi,gh stand- pipe anti tvas tithipped by 4t etrehg, nerth.east .wind down an to the •house, trees and wires below, where it froze; The'oWner of the ;house, Mr, Thomas' Itutikb*, not having, a phone of his ONVII, roused a -neighbor at. 3 o'clock in the morning and a, call was put in to ,the powerhouse to tell what WAS. littP- PeillEig. The Pewee. was • Inuitittliately ti•toitont0 rite,sd44eilan. d the overflow: of water busy eheenting the leo nw,0 from big .The nekt morning Mr. Ottlikilig WAS back door and fence. ire will have to wait for the heat of spring to melt the lee front tt berirMai '"i1;ork. men eut the-iee from the eleetric lighf Wires and repaired the ,brOken °nee on Friday „afternoon., 'a project nib* hae etter tharean events once o mee ine/w su Warden 0-earge-Fewgan has ealled Meeting of the Warden's committee to deal With the:TS1tuation. caused by Mr: Roberts' joining/the colors. Either a temporary clerk will be appointed o the duties will be delegated to'Treas- urer A. II. ErskIne;'cwho may be given power to engage necessary clerical help. On . the 'eoromittee besides the Warden are Reeves R. J. Bowman of Brussels, N. WSs_Trewartaa of Clinton, W. J. Gamble of Howlek, Francis Duncan of 1.16rris and BoV Rat7 of' 'Stephen 1 • THE LIONS/CARNIVAL ' -It is texpectecl that over twenty-five members of the Stratford •Sketing Club will. participate ih the Gocieriela. Liens skating carnival bein,g held at -the West • street_ arena On Fettlay nights: . The memberehiP Of the Stratford ,qatb,ia...teadettiP,-eftaltaters fyom Tavi- stock, Goderleh and.St. Marys, as. well as performers from,Stratford. The two „itienthete from 'Gcrderiehttere, Ernest Breckenridge and Peter 4iinraerman, both of whom have been ,peeorming with the club' all this season. Antony; the special. features the skating :performance will ite waltzes, and other, eance numbers, A'noveity on ' V,OlfLOWing the figure seating perfornitt nee will be a *retitle 0.15,A,ItoekeY game between the ,Goderich ,Cubs :and Exeter. • These teams are . evenly matehed-and both .a're fighting to :get into the group playoffs: This game Is .4 important one. •-s Annual • North Reports Presented, Moen Meatall and Plana for 11411 Dimmed The annual tneetias of the eosins ir • tion of North atreet United church Was the Sunday echool rem ot eltureh on Wedneaday evening, '.14.nuouzy :a. There vies a large attendant* sad satiefactory reports were ,stosiit by the preekled And Air. W. Hein aeted svae(rlittetttaar:srganittations. Rev. W. La - nom Paretotr'S report sere the chureli membership aa 547, repreeentins 211. f,analliess Eighteen deathe stud eishit haptituot wexe recorded the pest yaw. ,Tiet eleetton " of stewsrds reoulted all follows: Et Turner, C. Wors41, A. Z. Scott, L. C. Olutpumne litalkom tot Webster. J. Warren watreleeted to - complete the term of the late J. 14. Taylor. • Wt Hodge ttroposed the 'fotanathelt a a trients erganizatierfand after euSsion 4-ttrOMMittee waScritlibtilitted Itt consider.the matter. It WAS detided. te _have a titterer Suntley, the. date to be deelded union later. ,Febrattry' 26' was decided upea for the annualsepper,for • the Sunday Scheel, North streettelairele has ailoitted this, idea of reeent Yettra ientertain the school Member*, Matted proved Mere pOpplar :With the *meg- of a piettle In the sinning); time. It hag seasoo. stets, who van Anent" tittles a The tollections for ciarteuttexPenses the „ pastt' year We):',0" -*approximately .'$4,209. Important undertttkings. Were . the pitrelaiSireg Of -Storm •Stladtearte,44 steel,' frames at AA apprognitAte; , et* _ of t40Kt. ,antl the . replacement Of. atatssonage etift„Minett, whittle r a severe storni e.itriy,"lasts'Ate . -ifTretie°ainit5isAvsille.an-tter'sy btergruriationa re- I mitted-to the- Preebyteriar treasurer the; .sum of $9222 Tlietrecelitts of the •Witt `111.111.1*:fri:Ats)A4IP(41:,.:NilPre. . ...11Selieironndole.44,009eLs. Hi$2040::*;40:601-leciriotiona., fe",' The „reports, were given' htt t toter' lewings The official, hoard,. Ws erns- , that session fled ebony stt, • rts • son ; tWomates Asseplation, Miss •111t. 9amitheliSs.W.Alt'Set Mrs. -Jots lakmarti -and.Mtse.I. ,Sharnaitat; Beetling Aux- iliary, Mrs.. It. ,Stonehouse; SUntiatt, echool; George johnstores:Misaiontiteral, Eleanor jehnston ; benevolent fund, W., .. Miss Josie Sauttdernt'. "CeptraillOwer fund, Miss -M. CaMP11017, . 'Missionary, and ,nittintetiabeet fund, A.. l. Robertsoh; treasurers report,. .Robertson; auditor's • 'repart,'.0.tst. Robertson. : A-cellection-Was:taken„ for the flower Allildeatrteurtting. to -40.-445tss-s-, )111113Thir C'So'tirsEext:veen°oinNSinEaatinVg4,TcoinV-'vEe' tion for the Ilurcar.Perth riding wilt be beltesitsflensall trirWsetilay, February latit. A• sSecialitour foIliwed and -member* of the Woman's .Association served lunch. • . LIBERAL ACTIVITIES . • • '• _ North Huron Executive ExpreSSeS vela- .-lidenee in Prime Minister Kin At meeting of • the Liberal execrts titre of •North Iluront held attiVinghatot on Thursday last, was 'decided t• hold the riding convention at NCI:Agit:am on Monday afternoon next' at 1.40 " o'cloeletsarlieri a• candidate Will bit ' chosen for the eleetionstok,Marchsgoth. • The tollowing resolution WAS PASSed: .„ "Be it ,rdsolved, that the. executive of North Huron Liberal ,..Associatiters „ places itself -on record as- being in com- plete aceord With the Measures already taken by - Prime "Minister Afackensie and his Administration in the _ proaeqution of the war, and We hewer , re-affirril our "CenlitlerWstre-the .of Prime Minister King and the -come tr. :Pete/lees-of -his --(levet:smolt; 10 adopt till necessaryand adequate measurer hi eteoperattonwith the British erhment to bring. about •the stleeessf4.7 eoperusiort of the struggle in W11101 we are now engaged.". ' • R.* 3. Deachntan, *lio. represented North Heron nit the ,last 1,3Arliqueatit- has arrived in .therlding front Ottawa and was in Goderich (711 Tuesday. It ia understood 'be will seek reuoMinatiOnt • • -local -Liberals Goderieh Liberals. Met at MONA,. Hall on Monday night and appointed a deiegtarantfor next Monday's nom. inationtmeeting ' at Wirighanr. 0.•14, Parponetteatiteleeted clittirmthr of 'the local organization, 'With Mrs, .St Howrie as viceehairmansoad-V.-PrItehe • ard AS SO rot fy' 'Other tmetaberetat • the executive are W. U. TtObertS014 74, L. :Knox, D. M. O'Brien, D,..11. Nair* J. W. Ctraigie, Mrs. j. A. Chisholm and ' Mr:. D. Sproul. '• • Soldier, at Toronto Appreciates - Comfort: of Gotten& it Sock9 following letter reeeive(1 by, Alr's: 1). Sproul of town from an enlitfed Wan at Toronto texPlairts itself: Dear M. Sproul, --The writer ,was fortunate erteugie tri_regetvie pAirtOf socks at the "Sally-Anne.(Salvattort- Armr (anteen) and I tvits agreeably Surptised to find the note tickling nlY big toe Soul to Ietirit who the lady waS who so Itinely gave hertnne,and labor to knitting them. • At the outset 1 Must tell you that they are 011 my feet thig. minute :and tb,ey 'attend feel better than ay., army iseite or any pair I put:dieted in- the city cut of my $1.30 per day, 1 take a No. 0 boot and the sticks you knitted are 'eertatnly meant for a man Wearing that size, shoe. They are really very comfortable atid do not bind the toes in any Way and Are nice, and 'sat on the feet, - I suppose • yea would like to knote what battalion r belong to. Wen, I enlisted 'SepteMber. 4t11 with the 48th itighlandera Toronto, And 1 ant Wearing 4 -kilt of the-Davitleon tertan. Davidgon or Mulligan, yott eatt take it from me that mY, knees get 'old Just the ame, but my feet are "okey dokey" right now, God h1ei ,ou 1 was ift the 15tly General 'hospital anftVrins froth 4 leg injitry and was left beithut when mr regiment left for ,Englaud. 11.0/W on the military Pollee at titettt- Iey Itarraeks, and will be leaving wit* the neitt, draft -for oversease4bw eettle • pill say. •tlloweversramatter 'NV tittanstioglitiadetlArettetesetet -- 1 win atwars, remember the name ot Sproul and know that- Yolt- and good wemeri -like you are right' behind AtiO ana wishing us luek, and 1 eau itStAil*. you,that the work yoU are ,dolitg sartt predated by the soldiers. Why, I wike as ,proud of tiaose seeks in' my poeket, whenomemY watt liaek to barraeks so Ida with a new toy gun, and 1 lost no time In bathiug ray feet and gettime into tthern. * I want to thank you Again and hope ' you reeeive this 'hurried letter. If tVotild like ttery met% to have. -11 pair' of socks to mateh the brAOS you knitted, se that when •I rhattge my soekit feet would'still ,be as eoatitortable, von could send me t pair 1 would ter. tairdy be ever grateful to you1 kg: st4.- dreaa la: )373163 rte. Waiter 'row** A _Co, 48tix Highlanders, Stanley _ m14. 'Toronto. It IS hArdli lifefAS4r7 to etlid that Mrs. Plpreed At emee met to weak too eomply_witis rte. tletirtate Imam* *pi • another pelt of seeks No AIM*/ keg. /011t to MIL t„. v