HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-02-01, Page 3' 11 • • • 19*-•-••-•• t s • , SlisuiTy..sucoND 103.0,, No. 5 HURON coi,Nrrs FonEmosr WEEKLY ooDERTout ONTARIO, ,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1940 — • -sums. • 1196111*,i7opil • • IP PA.0.6 T Business Directory tECIAL rk1.11)1414.1X1 liOtattNS BarriStqt ,Bte. Office -Court House, Gesierieh- Telephone 58. ' nOVGLAS R. NAIRN" , Banister and Solicitor 011ices-North Street; Goderieb. ' ST M„ LEE, -Barrister and, SOlieitOr ,Sun Life Building, 'Adelaide said Vie- toria Streets, Woront0 2 • TelePhonts Sightfl30.1., J 0 IM*Marjat UTIN TEA SOLIOITOlt„ ETC. Phone 80, Goderie..b; Ont, Office; Hamilton Street, (THAItTERELAIX9' lipTEITIX and IsIONTEITA 'Chartered 'Aceountinfs,° 7t Migrate .StreeteStratford . Toronto ,01liget:/ 302 BO Street sosissaiissoliti;o0:00srossossmonsamrs. !sass! o AUCTIONEEIANG ' of 118110MAS GIIINTDRY, GOD/MICH, a Avs, 8TooK,,dialo:flENERA44 • ' AtIOTIONIMA — Telephone 119 $0,4( 4ittendtid 10X1Where aad aVerr effort lkiadiv to '10*-Calitlatictione, 'KA -inter' sale--dnetee-disoounted, 4 OTT' & GRANIR, LIDIMSED al --akIJOTIOSSERS,AFOIti.W14. • SOOIMTlEsciriliktill(M .„. natio GEO. H ELLIOTT, Clhiton • GORDON M. Oft2SIM.;Ooderisly. Theft Charges Before Magistrate `"•••••••••••••.....? Two Niontlis .31$11- *Sentence in ' O'ne"410,0c--Remantt. foig Another After a,Weeit's enfpreed boiltlaY tlue to „tbe„ Snowstorm, sittings of the County Magistrate's Court were re- soled last Thurstlar,but Oven so some 'cases had to be (Mourned again owing to tIie condition of country reads. Two weeks previous Gerald Fitzger- ald pleaded guiltytothe theft of small sums of Money from homes at, Which he had worked,i'lis "Hay and .Stephen townships. Last..Wiels. Orecharges of a similar Mittite te'lf "leli le pleaded, not -'7-guilty were dismissed -when, no evidence WASsoffered. Fitzgerald was Sentenced two nionths In -Jail , on etteli:ehargeS'Sentences to" nut concur- rently, also eoncurrently with two Months he, received at Stratford o • I)ecember Itith lastfor like offences. - Fitzgerald was Just a plain. sp thief,- the Crown. Attorney 4 'OXPla ed; The amoiliftstef. Money he •-took re, sinall. John E. Keniketly-,----whOSe case -.bad- been Viking -lire torxeeks,. pleaded gnatY, to issuing four Weitilleas cheques for 'small timounta in various parts of the county. A ding addicts he. had. beenin custody for six -weeks under op.re .the physician, whoin'Orown. Attorney Holmes 'quoted As, saying,Kens nedywas now in ophysical shape to be released. Sentence, Was saispended, for one year on each chargo. •"The decent thing to do would be to snake restitution insthese.easer07 -Magistrate_-.Makinsstoldthe-Y,Priatuser.AOS 110 departed. Kennedy agreedsWiths a .nod of the head. sstss,„ ,T00 RigjeoWork?, • 4.411e.„big 2215.,peunder,* with *as We sshoniders,sgaroldS,Itistices.aged.ithirty:', attired:in a blue overeoat,' white alik scarf, and Withssiirlatling ponspadours -Pleaded'guiltY,t0 Iseharge of sistgpney, the specific soffence 'being a .refusal -to saw wood for bis feet at Whighttrii. _101-4,1i justiee smiled aa, the:Magistrate "MSS - s„ liendeii."' hi.InS 4,JA, everybody else; fsr, F. jsr,-..Fp 1j).i He'•hadibeen r in Jill, tor three weeks, • Ni)610,4-1• OAT' - • .7bOid,..ter.Londen. ixdices' who ',do ' not isle* „sflOrgettn; - York 'want him ;no*, .7; - , •j 11 THEIR GOLDEN WEDDItifV 4 4 TCiRONO: riui g9.st'At‘ the home .of ,theirsdhUghter,•Urs. A. --S. MeCart, vesta4Arliel Ansi Mrs.,J. "A..MCv '••1, AND- MRS MeIABEN ateiIiji op0441ticAto• .43.tral;UOSPital, . al- , :Clarence Hicks and Jack Talbot, the sit V at sfiporefield . Eye 'tleapital and tendon- zentliS, arrested on , holding omen Square Throat 33oaPital, Lon, charges of...vagranc. after the Hub ... ' don, England._ , _ , , . --.1 -' EYES TESTED, GLASSES ' SUPPUED , . . 3,-*vatorloo -Street _ii14.,,,-Str.,# .9,4 , . . TelePlkolie 267,- ' 4 * :, --t • Next, visit: Bedford ' Hotel, .Giitir...3,ehe • Wednesday, Feb. 28th, fiem." 2 , p.m. till '5 14,1t7 -• --- ratutiLitstil. riAtVi*Ntit CmR°113.4grEE EAPIST Godericli, Phone 541 Offlc hours -49- to 12 a.m., 2 to -5 and 7 to 8 p.m.., Tuesday, .FridaY and fitaturday., 1.0 to 12 alit': only On WedngaaY. Monday and Thursday at " 7„6-TICIXSO$ 51 So -nth St: SURANCE idc,KILLOP MUTUAL FIRE DT. 'OURANCE CO. -Farm and Iso- lated town property insured. ' _ Officers--kThomas Moylan, . President, rseaforaWV11,1lara -Rnoz-,----Vice-Presi-- - • dent; Londesborol. M. A. Reid, Sem- „• tarytareasurer,‘ Sea -forth. ., - • Direetors--=Alex. Broadfoot, ' Sea - forth; James Sholdiee, Walton; James Connolly, Goderfch;,...'W; R. -Archibald, -Setifoith; Chris. 'Leonhard, Dublin; Alex. Idetwing, Blytb; )3Vank Me- , Gregor,,Clinton. • • Agents -E. Yeo, Gode.ricir; ' James Watt, Blyth ;' john E. Pepper, R.R. 1, 'Bruceilekt ; R., P. McKereheri .1:t.R. 1, Dublin; Chas: V. Hewitt, 1C1n- eardine;'R. G. Xartouthi R.R. 1, BO - • ,Polley-hiriders can make all Pair- - 41lienta and get their earc,is reeeipted at •the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin .OUttts Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or 17,-HI-ItekVik-Generat-Storei•aayfiel&— Laren, -365 Spadina road, are today eelebratingsstheir.sgolden-sweddings an- niversary. - - The celebration was attended by midi .meMberS of the "Just a corn- binatiOn -Wedding anniversary -and , fam- ily Mr: MeLaren deelare'd.' , They Were married. In .London, 'On- tario, in which dr/ mtas.-14`eUiten was born. '4,1y. MeLaren. was, born in Gode- rialf, and Is now past President, of the IissisisOld 'Boys' Association. To onto: Afteistlicir, niarriage ,they moved tolHa tfin,"'Where they lived for tivki ,Mr. McLaren president of Me- •Laren's„ Limiteds aanslitonsand McLaren; Linilted, Toronto.' He is a bw-time,president,Of the Ontario Club,, a- past master of the Huron and Bruce Ma -Sonic Lodge_and'a chairman of the beard -of, nagnagement of tileor street United church, of vvideli he has been a member since coming to Toronto; . At the .reception Were three daugh- ters and one .sOrk, 'together with rela- tives ef 'both Mr. and ' Ws, •10Laren, Among the Many who called to pay their respeas was a committee of the Huron, Old -Boys' ,A4sochition, *frho-Pre- .sented MrssireLarezi with a beautiful benquet. One of the telegrams „received by Mr. McLaren west:Math appreciated;,' It was lavitation from the "ging" years, forty-eight Mrs-MunriPatavern,,Piper's Dam, ,years ages-- !inviting him to a:,.celebration. • Loyal Canadians at St. Petersburgi _ Pil4e0 *hell Speaker Suggcste Oanada. Pomo under the At* StriPc.i, ,Writes from St itetersburg, Jannary 23rd; . We -~"were ":41i grelttlY interested eonple of .MteeicS (tgo by 'the!' eliaSing"or the " Gerrean boat ,:tirdua, t*ott 15:14EW TROO. A. =MON Old RallwaYtaan Who Ran Iletwedo Fort Erie and ‘Godertelt ° „sciA.ItNIA, Jan. 29.-41 knew young Tont' Edison When be was. the best 'brass pounder' Ma the old Buftalo and iiuron ' :Railway," John Lauder, eislity-nine.yeassold retired railway conduotor, told a reporter here. Mr. Lauder; wbo is one of the oltlest retired railwaymen in Ontario,, •will be „One Of the guests of boos' at the premiere a the Motion, pieture °Yoting Tom Edison." , Port'llurou February, 16„ 14 the BritiSh "battles/11P 'Born at PortsColborne on DeceMber EVerglades Orion, Till's battleship was *riding at anchor' here *st season for ten days, Just Outside the harbor, and Captain, Kerrigan and the officers sent.an- in- Sitation to. the, members of the Can- adian Club to come, out one ifternoon, , and„visit them. They provided trans-. portation for us and gave, us teas The Captain.. told us he WAS born in thillibi. CI.I4,4 AU MeMbers-Of Forces May Vote, Regardless of Ake , OTTAWA, Jan. 28. -s -Canadian lass,/ will ,go the on gar& 26 to led the Dominion's nineteenth Par- liament, but '1i:withers Of • the,arnied reataurant fireat Grand, rend, • were -forces in • England Will 'start vdthsg -011 -released for lice in Lontionsswhere they are w ted more .serious ehargess ,• Grand ,,Bend -charge • r s. sintairesreferencess, s -John - /Collingssood, a !'shaggy;.,•711F kempt yonng, mart. ,of •fixed . abode, - .entATroin Gummy)* 0.0AOlu =ES Rally . 7.40' a.m., 4,45 pan.-Aoioes. •.Goderielt for Stratford,. Toronto,liamiltok..Rutfalep .Detteit *Tavistock and Woodstock. Depots - 'Redford British . and Ito al Itoteis. -t-ithone otelsk..0' 305 for am*** I- rargie.„ ' INSURANCE, and RtAt EStATE Oet, OW Aninincibile Rates. Phone 24 "^ ' , itoderieh., 7, r Nelson .11.4mor Fire, Accident' and Meter Car INSURANCg. Office :---Olasonic Temple, *Weet Street, Goderieh Phone 230 , GODERICI1 4.0...../... -****•••••*•44 RYAN Real Estate and. InSurance 010: EasLiiile of Square:- Phone 633. Residence, 11 Trafalgar st. roTt Oct, P4-14,61,1ses4 all kinds, choice_ bypding . bUsiness • in'OPerty „alio several gOod, farms. !Let Me show you some real bargains; Buy now. on ,the first Saturday after nominations \sinds,elasissthesssamesstiraes,,ass,iu'S-the, overseas division. * ;This Means thatin England the vote Will be taken liens Thursday, March 14, to Mareh.-23,sinclusive; exceptfor, holidayss and Canada, rem Mareb, 16 to 28. - s , Mareb-14. and-those-stilisin'Canada„ - start 011 March 16. All members the fortes may vote regardless of age. NoininationsIn all ridings will be on iMarch. 11, two weeks before the polllng .date, in order to insure tb,lat allsOldiers will have an opportunitY. to,' vote -tor the candidate their.ehoice, in, their home districts.' - • „ • ° Otd. 41ohn-Thompson„S.C;. of Ottawas former Dorainion,franchise commission- er, has .been appointed supervisorof the soldier-- vote overseas . and leaves at once for London, where his - head- quarters will be in 'Canada Souse. Provision haw been made whereby' soldiers oniactive serviee, may register 'votes for ,Iiar candidates and have them counted within eight days of the official polling' day' in Canada. Four Voting Districts , For the active 'service. ;vote there will be four ',divisions of the territory .in Which the soldier vote may be .S.a.at. They are Nova Scotia', New Brunswick and Prince EdWard'Island, with head- quarters Halifax; 'Quebee,' `Ontario and' Manitoba, with headquarters , in Ottawa; Saskatchewan, Alberta, ,Bri- tish Columbia And the Yukon Territory, with' bea.dquattera sin Vdmonton, and Vbiliiefreeed*ess • A service' *voter will go ;before. a -com- mi.ssiened SiffieeiSassigned, to that duty and intake a' declaration.of his :quail& cationS, includIng the address of his normal domielle prior to erilistment. This inforination ,will be -placed in- an, envelope whielf:the voter -and etheer Will both .signs The.. voter, will then be given a: blaniA ballot and ..-an hia-vote will 'write Secretly mai the ballot the luifrie of, his choice of eandida,tei in the electoral diSt,rlet`in Which, ills .deciared• -hoMe .addreSa loCated ;And. seal the_ ballot in; the -inirnarked: envelope. : • 'The, -Niter hand-SI:WA '-sealed bailot to the officer, whor inthe.voter's pros - epee, plaves i1 in the larger envelope bearing the voters ...declaration and -signature MI the biteli. This is sealed and returned to the elector, who posts it at the nearest mailing point to the special retUrning cer*of his division. , Those envelopes must be in. the hands ofthe special. returning officer by p.m. -on March 26, .• • • 29, 1850, Mr. Lauder took an early Ili- trres4itwinberraellbreouil4intirgepagnadge4,Wenats,tea Strt-brake- man oristhe Buffalo asiAd Lake Union. That line was later acquired 'by the Grand' Tin)* Railway system, Which later became the Canadian National Railways. Fast. Operator am sure it Was 4‘ptall and grief' to ",lt Witii in 4871 when. young To the gallant Irishman that the Germans eanke up -to Stratford, then our divisien- Could, not stand.,and tight When he ' al headquarters, and sot a - Ur, was here he seen:to:I to be "spoiling for La#4er said. "Our line which. 'ran tram a 'fight." The 'tourists in Port Ever. Fort Erie ts) Stratford .and Goderich glades- would' rather the 'Ataxia was a ,Pretty `Iiiisy railway' centres scanewhere else too. -Edisons.st ,4uiet sort -of -fellow, wow 'An International Incident -140,t911Q1A LarMeur, divisionatanperin- ',We, were very much amused at 'leou,,.vieneededentthe4ogt and said 1/-4-tvid-ile:ellegarapierellla ,little•occurrence.in Williams Park last b week.' Theehairman whoswatinclined and be seemed to be Just the .righ to be facetious; eal of.liands--)row many Canadians? Tbere raust'have been several hundred in a 'gathering of 5,000. He said, "We are glad to have you all.' Xou are ft fine elass Of PeOple, and we hope, some time, Weak Eyes There is it tremi-otious, mon ,of work by many sii,i11(4 portion* flitted in the produetion a pair of glaso-4.". Nothing that mildew an tiqual service toots NO Utile. Make our appointment ‘earil by phoning 5554, ,Vor. Kinston St. on The Square 6oderieb Anoints OPTOMETRIST Wednesday at Lueleoow I SETTLED AT „.„ temet.Pr7:410 001,140, OtHuron ave; . late 0001litt'AePrethas., led for. a stowing fellow. 4et- eoUld 'pound the braea-, :the .pikvnent PsO_ XV1-1. of (operate.thetelegrapb key) faster than titMent ot all I • .11.1 any of the* ether, bilerators and they u$Swork: t?Wlyt., 11"he Itcontd"goci,-sOwafteasbt. that the Operators at the other end of the inthe'neariuture we shall all bounder wire, couldn't take 00 the message. 'ltbeSbne ilagsthe Stars and Stripes."' --. - "Se was there, for a number of years .--, Suck an outery Arose. -"IsTO,,no, Neths and X can **Member when -Ned MOW, ;04,inutiA"_:.,; 711 -Star with the the- Union Joe. Jtle--,--riar altvs.'anund.dDtwiviritatunxlif-eliabb,-wOra 1 -After the 'fitninult and - the shonting, 'AlarvP1.4t the WAY li-*:6014-ivetXuAlle died," the chainnaii-lauglied and said, veteran railroader .eontinuerls-"We alls ROYet, VIM 0.,At Yaikr 440;E. mcattA .141.1444 ,:,tlio,-P.900* un:aS;PAIlei:e.4blifs'ive:lobitht405 7.f,',142999' institution.: )* vreviona.:17,111 frleaded 'befog antered, tbA74,-.301104- la.3.04wisstOlues,10eneAw:geew%Y. 4411:9,7:10PUghL t5 0.-0.*, :131, glitt,**491d3*..„„, and la* of teatajaelgfkr$,'Pl_wereolf% Me. testator, V110.01,W44:0101-11M0Pa, but ,carlY,..tisitEXtentlt• he appealed ths `tuftw00410-MerAtOP,P$10-.0141i4„ The, ease.,Was diSeitsocd.At,00-. arY.'06$40X4,Aa'Voox05.9.0,11,1.04:44 . the Countysliome eenlialtkee: gated: tosmake-,the polst sottit. could. rather ,014,4 e4k, 11 Six seintineers, in each special returning., officer's headquarters there Will be, six scrutin- •eerS, two appointed by the Liberal party, two by _the Conservative Parts and two appointed on joint recem- niendations of other politieal groups -.Staving oi more members- in the „House of 00411110ns, in the last Parlia- Most, in this ease the Social Credit and .'quartera in , • •• : the • overseas territory,. with -head-1(340-:°41.6tiTivueesnipellicia. retitull-rn2eingdereamteeit in each--ditrict lia.v,e 243 ballot , -A special returning officer and chief * , boxes, locked and sealed, one for every Dominion electoral 'riding. (There are 245 inembers to be -yelected,.....but two ridings' electtwo menibers each.) ' • •'As..the ballots are received theyi:Will be deposited In whichever box is in - (Mated by the domicile of the voter as shown - on, the back of the envelope', which shall not be opened. At 6 pan. on- March 26 the boxes will be .opened, theenvelopes removed, and the Nixes agaii locked and sealed. A complete will be made of the ,Soidler voters as shown on the en- velopes- in , each box, then the inner sealed., euvelope-,eontaliiing the. ballot 11,-bosplaced.backsinLthesbuzsto-rshiels. it belongs, „, When this has been done in the ease of each **box," they -wilt' all be opened again. thesvetes counted in the ordin.. •ary Way, and the -number Of voted checked, against the total number that should be' hi each box' actiording to -the lit of voters' names. Counting-Must:be coinpleted for, all electoral district s on the Monday fol- lowing election day, When the result :are to. be 6,birimunieated to the chief -elelifetal lOilIcer In, Ottawa, wile 'Will admireslxvukt3., ,mure than anything tbhuotughhet..14„,trasawfo,a pryetItyurmetartIfedlionowsi else,in the world. My tWO. graildfatlaers 14r6'64*lifidtvir1114:711441"7-116v:Ipur.ct regili*huit do kir that twttts "kale there 1E1 no liner .fiag'in the **rid: Everybody -applauded this and peace best teIegraPlier rever saw,”. was restored. •, Old. Railwayman Good Reeling Among -All -.3e1m4auder hecothe.•a, combs • It LS Wonderfulthe good feeling that 1874; lust a year after, the Grand Trunk Prevails down here. , No one seems 'to sYStem took,over -the Buffalo and ',Lake' „pensive litigation. • This has now be 'hunting for trouble," as we used to rill:rut:1,gs biest‘woenr,cGoded-ro-ellth ananYdtr°11sisurt, '417,7„1„risi:feit7 say at school. A wonderfully well,be- ' We ihaVer Canadian'/Ited Crag 'tfo, haves1 Class of people. • . Erler'obefintotexidtawkinztrog °mover the r SttoruatfrtOieene: ,11,.,sr'.;;Iidsb"lip;Friloyeenitsnmand wax imot to organized - here, and gOod' work is being years. 'worked 'en the . be bandied: witk`a sort sOf ,talste.„ dens. The .canadian Club his a goo "aniglie and. Bruce" 'braneh. and WAS,. .secOeY; they ought 0, be 041,1 membershiii too. . - the eondoetsn. who : took the first bas-' 'onisss in the rare moments of perfect s We are having squite cool weather here now; a little -frost -big night; Some thektowera weresnipped.....They, hadEnot. .hati-ssuclis -cool 1,7411er fo Iner.e'than, ten ,years. The le here from Alabama- and Tennessee are feel- ing the worst about it; but we North- erners do .not 'mind So 'midi. When we hear from home about blocked roads and blizzards we are quite reconciled t'ohaving to wear heavy (wraps did furs least the sidewalks are cleat. There something -going, on here all the time. The churches provide concerts, lectures, dinners and, travel- ogues. One feels sorry sometimes that' one cannot, be two places at once. There- are three new large hotels built since last season, and several new ' restaurants, all doing a rushing busts I 4111. I assistant will be assigned, to each of these Mt -visions, and .the ; returning, eV: ,liters-willsstipplr ballots and instrat- tions to the corematiding'officer preach' As soon, as possible after nominations are closed en 'March 11 11.. Printed list of-'scandidates, theirsatldiesses and soon 'collations, will be posted •on notice boardsintaeh unit or detaChniont. Cables will be used to faeilitate getting this information overseas. „ • On the .ThurstlaYs folloWing Doming- , Jicsia. (lay, polls will open In the over- seas 'divisiofl.. ancl-steting.rnay proceed _,M„tils0J.m., of -the Saturday preceding, polling day inTanada. In Canada serviee voting will - AT-- itit THE to I 47 NOW rwriN7Opl-' Conrad Veldt lu ,the sensational "C.Iloat 29" mpict Tuts., & wzri. Produced and shown as -A • 1W Cross ,Renellt The oyal isit" A: beautiful authentie version of the KING'S T0114 featuring Malty intimate and intereath18 intidents. kitis James ("airy . Lane 'Humphrey llogart-GladYs George yLynn and `Frank Meltugh The rearing twenties -the (Its - slot details, in oat lifetoly-a growing moire and more liaered- Ade with the passing year --a feast Of action -diva -la olud, fun. "The Roaring 7 wenties" at W.Ifoit." nd 11 aya at 8 . *I "For Love or X pleaded guiltY to two charges of break- ing and entering at Exeter -the melts ises of the Exeter Bowling Club where • he stole goods Valued at $2,5 ,and the residente of sMrs., Elizabeth -1.z 'Rohde, 'where articlea valued at; $04.25 were taken.: Collingwood_ was arrested- by County Constable, jelin Ferguson and Chief Array of Exeter PosSesSiOn; ota-large qinuitity of articles, cillegedseinsinitinictite the tetals for eashcan. Ty- Stolen; 'osSiters for some of . it not Mate to the appropriate returning' of- havings been found. yet.,t,1 So -Colling- ;Seers in the ridings 'concerned. , wood was remanded to Ian for one Appointed Under Bennett Government Week bending further Investigation. • Col. J. `Thonipson, has el -pert .knosv- •'001,10,'"rominssossississississess ledge Of election machinery and 'eke - Coot Weather 740, 'row Next 'Ideit_to_. ',TORONTO ,Try HOTEL WAVERLEY 400sted on„Wids Sp'adina Ave t allege St. Easy Parking Paeilities Convenient to ilionw,ayit .-------- Vs1.$1.50 to MI Rates nodoo St.$0 Is at* fear fa uotim, 0,1111 close to the • University, Parliament Bulldinoe, Marie Leaf Garden*, Theatres;-' Hospithle. ,Wholeeale Holmesand the Fashionable MAAR' ShOppirti District. A. M. remiss. sissobor Q tion• Thompson, whe , Was 'a Conservative slle is as son of 'the late Sir John prime .mlitister of Canada-ksthe nine- ties. As '1)0Ininion fraochise commis- sionerhe had -charge of -the preparation of svoreis' . lists 'for tile 1935 general, election. As franehise eonkinisSioner, Cols Thompson was an oftleer of Parliament rather than au appointee ,of the Gels. ernment. The motion"' nambig laim to that Post was moved by. the then'Prime Slinister, RtslIen. X8 tentiett, and seconded by, Liberal Leader Maekenzie. Zing indleating he bad the seiiiidence of both, Major ' biltiliVE4S, nurn visitet1 his banker the Other (lay and asked: "Are you. Worried about whether 1 eau xneet my note next snontlito 'Tog,1 am," cat- fessed fli bankers "Good," sahl the, client. 'Vhat's What I'm paying you six per t...etit. fen": „_. .„,• 'What do we lire,sfor if It Is nit to Make life less diffieult for each other? ----(kOrge nes?: SIIEPPARDTON SlIbPPABDTON, Jan. Gordon and Mrs...G.11)hour are visiting %Vith their sister, Mrs..13Aird, at Bruce - field. , Misso Kay ,Niitorf and Mabel Bos- maiLoZgoattekAiotett4,, with theiformer'S mother, Mrs, G. Hag- gitt Mrs.' Whitley, Dougherty,s who, , has spent the. last month visiting hispar Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dougherty, and ,other relatives .-and friends, 'left on Monday for. bis home at DafoeSask ;- Mr. John Mooibeck spent taturday 111 London. Mrs. Art,. Murr0 ISaltford and Miss hose 4.1Kurrap of tort Albert „ , , "fix7mairomporm.,• senger train, into ,NiTiarton. In rqq,ent confidence. historical Story ' of that memorable ' phase in the development of the Bruce peninsula, gr., Lauder% fireman was ferredTOT-41-0-7e:Ofily: surFivtak-nik**-, her of the ere* of that train: Mr 'Lauder .is still active ' despite the fact that he is -in his ninetieth year. , visited-resently With Mr. and s, „Pied McCabe. - • ..Te"acher take the -"Misses Margaret Fester, ofsgaltford, and point -out ,-,Anstralbi---At.,mmicir*- 9.hd„.„1144.0h, Goderich, spent the (Pointing)i: There ,it is., Teacher; week -end, at the home of their Parents, ISte!ii;' aebnnY, who. ,tliStevered Aus- Mr. and Mrs. W. roster. Jelinny'S•TelinnY ogoneyrniati, t„It !.t„ b ere' Jai.* • 01e4r1--bitidW:' "Is . there any difference 'Aetweets- .themr.ss )(es, madam; . the ilist is 41,10'1W • °nit• 4. , wai unti ar before buying tliat. new Dining, Room ,or Bed Room Suite: Get it now, before. prices advance. - STOVES - LINOtEIIMS W. a ; • MATTRESSES . - "THE BROAD -WAY OF GODBRIell' Oigatta"s Tobaccos Confectioners Phone 240- We Deliver It SUPERIOR STORES 4. -ALL IT* ON-SALE..1,'OR ONE WEEK :VER. lst to 8th.** iTZWPOET 111UPFS 16=i)s, iricgwith tumbler 25o OROIOE SLIM ROSE *,10a 2 lbs. 17o. GRAPENUTS . ' pkg, 1.60 LARGE MEATY PRUXES- - 2 lbs., 25e -z Kellog's 60ENFLAICES pereatl bowl free 3 pkga 25o BRUNSWXCK SARDINES "' 2 tins 110 WOOPBURY'S.P.A01.4. SOAP 4 bars 24c PEARL SOAP 6 be,rs 25o Keene's- ,V41b.:27c 1/21b.: 49e i 'HaWeS LMONOitu- 12�z btl Fre-Slily ground 1-113. Bag Ilabi.tant PEA SOUP :Red 1411.1. 38.6141b. 40e OVALTINE v Beverage med. 38o, 58e 98o , "St. '1Willianes' That Good Ratpberry Jam ge 2 lb;-- Jai 25e "Garden ratelP Golden' Corn 247 oz. Tins 17e Aylmer. z ',, - . 3 Star I)Juldtbet A Orange eostie - Pork and Serino Pluxt I Butter 97;6137:41 Mittanklade , '. Floor Wax . . .240 Ox Tins 190 24oz jai 230- -60-to polind 15c- ' 2 lit, la. 2$0 lib. tin,:ato 0•1001.111000.111.wiiiiii•1000011061alloilk J. CALVIN NTT PHONE 116 likEWEN PHONE 46 ,