HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-25, Page 6let
theitty ColliCil Backs p
on Reforestation Project
Program. Delayed for the Preie
Warm Dizcussion. on
Police Mattera
hee-ntitture motion to elace $:_fW()
in the
ti 1.•i eAitnahe; ee njou td get
t h e. reforeltation
Sehei.Ue wkaai,`,72: way wa.re deil,ated in.the
ttiii,ntemente of the January evA.oxi
et 1/9/Nin tlemity en VritlaY
attcluoen. The vete, wa$ fifteen, to
nine. Council adjourned to meet again •
on J nue litle
Warden George Zeogan expressed hi$
keen disapPointxuent at thCr ,resalt
.•the ',rote on reforestation, taking, it a$
.ttsetbaek to Lproject which is-,,efose
to his heart owl on wbieh, be had urged,'
aetion lfl his inaugural address.
' Oppenents, of .the Money vote viewed(
it otherwisee-jast .a temporary delay.
klonie urged the action be delayed until
,after the war, ethers that the agrietil7'
tural couunittee„ which bas the scheme
in intuit -should put all its,eards-on. the
- table, d sLelose. what acreage the lots
wereto be and wheretheyare loeated,.
also what the eonon'ittee proposed to
•- PaYfor the'lots,-befere they were prel
pared to vote • - ,
Ifftill others 'Orgued that individual ,
farWera $40a1d Iezicouraged to plant
• trees On waste 1aud t enurter;aere eaelt
l'ears, and' that.they subsidized by
-CtOantY Council tor se doing.
was quite .apparent fre mthe Short
debate that has •firSaken. its
WO", Pa1i.4_?7_..Tilkerebi _0000 Was to be
Spenf-on the reforestatien � 100-iiere
plots, evenlY-divided between the north
90114:111404• •
One of the mot tOporiant committee
reports Of the-iiesSiOn *its'Illat of the
•.oxeentive eoMMIttee, detain#, wi,th Ape
nhal,grants,. • .
.The.follOwhigOante Were aPitrov
. .
Salvation Arni` y,V50-1-OriGirls
ese who k!eip yaw. 'bf
PI) $1,1 P"11ying.1
**ittr 411' rat7ture"4,34.04040*Abf 411*.
.i -ht Wert, tWentrAin'• 14)4
-Mt use of Ahem batihvargattees
ivifl never jtat,r110 Itari f'Wheote 44'447
Iy *
Tate the, trouble a4.in-
agate Ault:ire the
lc*. *0
$10.iethent Of the Immix Thej-4100
"et grit"4:-"'-welken eakii Oast Ale
1114.11e0Lchk. 141,
"1 out of 8
wottiti-* hove
that 1 make
II0Ine# LO11(1011r, and $1;"30 for the ArniYes
war ITrewe work ; ()Mario Cou,serva.tion
anti Reforestation Committee, $.T.1,1;
Huron Plowmen's Associations, $S0
4. 1111 (Tatou .;1'pring, li'air, $100; for
uplteep of hower I,Jetis in Court House
l'ait, S2;1; Gotierielt, tlinton, ,Seafortla
and Wlriallilt, IttINIIi:118, t'aell 8.7e0T.
ag2.4yu1!4tr;t1ret2e-entat1ves odieo, f5jott;
jumor eNtastsion. hind, $:fit191., each
gehool 2121 VI, ontario Agricultural
(1ounell, $5.0..; 04011)011e nt.lrtlirs in the
eonnty,, 8,t.,;r4
No attion :eras taken on the following 1
requests' tor igrants: ilospittil for Sieit
Children, iicesall britneh ,ot. Red cross, :1
North Heron Teaelters'' Institnte. On-
tario Municipal-Astoela.tion, ' ConntY
Connell sectien of the 0.E.A„ medico,
tion of 14onteith & Menteith, tiaditors„
for inerease in remuneration,.. East.
Ituren yiromett's. Institute, Trustees'
and, RatePay.ers' :Association, Assocha.
tion of Rural 'Municipalities, Associa.
tion of ,lianagers of irome for the Aged.'
Hospital Aceounts •
()barging that Alexandra- lioSpital,
Goderich, Was benehtting to an extent
out of proportion to‘Other cOuILty hes.
Pitals .from the payment et decottuts for
indigent patientS, Reeve .'red Watson
-"• $/tenley • township tabled a -list of
What each Municipality had • Paid, for
iudigeiits in 1.0311e. Re claimed rural
bul,rd0Palities. Were ,eaYing ,mere • thon
their, share Under the Present sehente
!by which the inuilicipaliV and the
County .pay sharend share aliker The
011owinn UstshOlita *hat. eaebt Mantel-
• Paidthe County Paid a like
aieount:• -Asbfield "3160.35.-- -Colborne-
-flJ4.25,.Goderieh TovvnShiP, ;140, Grey
$.248,1Tay $43, Itettyjekl$1.4:30, Ilullett the child -under all. circumstances,
4126, §91> • .‘ m
0 ons
31ONTREAL, Jan. 11. --.At the an
neat' nieeting of the Royal Audi Of
Canada today, theelte,-,'Heif.'"-Tt`;fl Ben
nett; 'Cr_abtPe'?"
Of Galt, „Outage, i•were • added _to. the,
beard. of directots.
:jr. llennett • was a direetor of the
Bank force number ofyears, Out retired
in .1928 after hfs-efeetion. as leader Of
the Conservative party in Canada. Now
resident in England, Mr. Bennett will
, JANU'AltY, 25th, 1940 °
lion. it:114 HENNETT, P.C., KC,
act its' chairman of the Loudon cam-
, „
,nAittee of the -boa ---
•• Crabtree has been'ain im-
portant hgure. in Canada's indp. and,
- Pater ifidliStrY Air, over two deqades, ile
is Drekddfta .tbe 'tX4INVArd iOnktb Raper
'Mills Limited, and of Woods Manu-
facturing Company Limited ; chairnian
of the board Of Viaser Companies
Limited; and a director et the -Mentreal
Trust ComPellY; -and. of Adams Paper
of rWcIls River, "Vermont, is
Presently first, vice-president of the
• G. Di)/411E, Gait, Ont.,
Canadian Atanufacturerst Association:
ir.'Oeorgc A. nobble. I§ Preminent
industrialist, partlenlarly well Ice
in the rtextile industry. A resident of
ntAte; €1* iVre.Odeilt Nevi;
1440- ee ‘Diroited, -Staritcer-
Pobbie'DinAtteA, ..0.44a(lUn. Brass Com-
pany Limited, and Gypsuin. Lime &
*Alabastind Limited; vice-president of
the Dominion Life Assurance Company ;
'and 4 director Of 'British AMerlean Oil
Company. Limited, Cocksliutt- •Plow
Company, Liipited, Waterleti,"Trii-St-r&
„ ,
• 4
de everything in the best interests of
$t*fileyittak 'Ster re12,0k V00 •
1'. The following' motions were, dealt
Eat WAWanoidi, 4200; *eat
with on rridav-
s*:tr:121;:i4;182`7240, :444"7,0114:1iotie 6.(1 W4t4t)11-444111strcqlg:' 1;hat th° "ad
'kit"; '42A4.35.? Vittlicheln X191,0‘1,, oomMission .examine the :read from
V45,`gietor"-$2' *AO; $0.terih.$494;" 46.144(ivist 4071. taking 4:,,Ytt 91111 at' IL
t9,„ tiO4Nrie441.440-% • Referred to. road.
, (1904 raa
here WateiNisell$819A-M'4,#a“cg._, mittee '
ness Aevesia, 'cteetere: -7e-..Aireir: That the. road. coin--
,4414(.04tv./41g..Tulti;reraltiP',De4-tity`4,1fee4(k to°,.0*•**Prt40444 rlaisd614Q;Pqra"Gliseirlire'zittert4411 r4r1Petallind 4thr'f-
Goderfeh 44444 quartor-Iniles:to-meet;the,County road
isod W.041810104 defenainf e eTet* 4t,p.peing.,,pantAn_d_west, 0.1,10, report ..Lt
"tegtre:t-Iteetelirartsimi. 'tit tit ..01--e--44.0.1ession. ROad-COM4ittW'
old liek)0101Yr40.„.9000 gopou'aid-.4'selPfr: -That'. the read
sh�ntd lie.fn 'Other' titutlinia Veitnell itteelonsider the straightening (iLL
e son't .t4i1,0eIv-fsernelieazhiL9ttirilI2g10,nontitYcesrrio ,v401'
ruSSele 112.2;;$0 zdyte 4tfs.:;en 4044au Vleh north to" the town line. Of Hay
; •
to the Ide*land IV ofthe Atikeigm„ Jon& comelittec,
MI ,V($id=17."0.a.,11 laWs were Passed to apPOint Rod
00uheil, ' ,lehtisto0 ,cern.borer inaPpetor,,,t0.4intb-
D. " pmertv a**.i, and .$105„009.:fer highway ae-
'•17.1i illioal,41ted prize ,bor.rowlan 41,01N99.9„ for general
• tteei:'.1iiii.liktn power 40'..SOgnim tount,-and to,contrin legislation o,.,rt,he
the" iviees settart-time'''-janitress to
',essi n4 .
do interior -cleaning *'at th‘..gegistrY •
..on,Thursday zuOrnhig Reeves ItroViri
°Mee' ' - and McNall both;Great War veterana,-
Clblidre&s Ald Soelett sponsored *a motion asking the .eiecw
VikilirdesIOStiliteitdent cf.the
0-,4140ciatri4kePOrt44 that
in lop dealt- with • thirteen new
'eases - calling" ,• for Child proteetion".'
even eases -are -at present under
supervisionDuring4e•year Six child-
ren were,madewArdS 0'-fthe Society.
• At the ,f4d-..of_.'Poe,_ Mbe4.--1940;:lhere4
were fifty-two children under-i-the_'So-
clety'aeore. Ninel1tthese-40ere- -meth&
Sneltet:, one in the hospital, three in
vioggAunneie twentsegve in free homes,
*otteiln*ftrreetional institution, and
the -wheeedbonts of One IS unknown.
.Thirty4tine.o.f - these are wards of
aurou 'County, nine are wards Of other
Societies,, and . four are nen-Wards..
*There were. six new. placements of
Children,' thatis from the Shelter to a
foster home that had been investigated
by the superintendent.
"Under the Unmarried' 'ParentsAct
(said the report) there are at Present
twenty-two open,' eases, but, most of
these are cases where a settlement has
-been reached and the. alleged father is.
still making Paymentstinder his agree -
Merit. Nineteen new cases were opened
during the year." • • • -• '
The executive of .tile SotietY" met
' monthly. throughout ine year and along
:with the superintendent it has tried to
, _
if Your Child Has
Relies*, withostilts. posioshilsowit
Rubchest, throat and nack thor- -
oughly with Vicks Vapoltub at
bedtime. Right away, VaPedtub-
goes to work... two ways at once,.
.VapoRub acts on the skin like
a warming stimulating poultice.
At the SdMe time it gives off inedi--
einal vapours that are:breathed "
directintoirritated air passages.
Tills direct, double action 'anitin-
ues for hours after restful sleep
COMM. Often by morning, most
of the misery is gone.
Wti risk increased discom.
ferts' ; dras- ice(s
tIc "dosing"
externally wi
From All Stations in Eastern Canada
DAILY leED. It MA1411.1'
Return Limit -4 5 Pays.
Tiekets ood In 1
4iX)M1ittS at fares approximately 1 1/8e pet MHO,
TeglitIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately it 3/8e
14M 111\G CARS at fares approximately 11,-5/8e
ptr mile
t ef AcComittodation In Sleeping Cars, Additional „
BAGOAG•E checked4te at Port %rthur Armstrong,
Chicago and West.
lets, Sleeping Car Reeervations and all Information from
say Agent. ' kik for Itartdbill.
committee .to,Aneterise the
Artny gralikowing:to-the'warvicrk
,that organization was deing. An ad-
Jutant from' London had dddreSsed
for a larger hopper ordered after the
first one had -been -„feund. tee- &Milt
.There is some enestien .a8 to whether
ot-00-1.the stoker is doing all that was
claimed for it and a 'eheek-Up on the -
0041 bills is to be.,made, •
The committee VCC`Ononend, ed tkat
separate earetaker be.engaged,'for the
Registry Office at 4 salary net to ex-
Oed 030 'a -Year.- 'COuntil Voted the
proposal down. Caretaker ' Gorge
James *111:eontinne to „de the'lworkl•in
conrnetIoa.with b15 duties Autuo,,T,utirt:
House.. ' The Registry,. Office sho*Oirli
profit Of 0892 this4as the,
thief •aeguMertt used favor, ''separ-
ate janitor;serviee. • •
_ _
• he,lagricultnralleotentittee,---reilortv
Adopted,'-retominended the.'reappoint-
meta of Ross Johnston as tornboter
SPectoefor. 1940.
The ciroelmittee supported •
Count' resolution ineis%.0
front-onito-twe'dollars In the pretniUne
spread betiview grades 'A" and '1r
The • "
'The rePort -of: the- Pollee 2 cOlmittie
recommended that tneAcomiti• PAY $OO
a `-year to:Orand _Bend, that polite
lag* :and Iiiiinbiou !County to 'vim,. oui-
Yanimmt's toward engaging a full-
tirae, constable for the. sunliaer resort..
-15ut . Conned voted this 'proposal
-.-{1e*ny. refuSing+.tee-ibontribute-40tb
Aalary of * policeman over WhOM it liad
no control:
Counelithe Previens day.. • .Ditscussktri.pf 'Po et EellOrt'
'The Clerk reada letter front et:, With -Reevegedmoild` in the ''.chair,".
"Warden George.11. Elliettnovf-seec-r.: melt *cussed the
tendenti.of, the, CijilAtS;',1101eAYit4gtwo henrs;;;Trathe Officer Orman Lever
that„ Under 'theAoctor'i, care 'Being 'the -stain Centre. -
Clerk be instructed 'to irskiismip ,t(? the
'Clergc-Of 'each Municipa itv,• in '-the.
County A 'Om' of the judgment of the
court appointed' to dc,,a.i n 411 the 4p.
-Veal§ 'Whist the„ County tins,liZfation
PYialif. ' -Carried. ; ...
—PoTrang,0 --PagMtgitet Vtiat, this
gouncii, request; that the work of teiit-
ingeAtie for.reatrieted areas, he carried
.0 ,lote...0i, pessible:sPeeit'altd that
,g0117 ot thit*-*Ption.'be- .14eAt" to, ti1P- 44-
'erai pepartmonc, of 4..gricaitltre. .4ar-
Ch protest to.theXinistert of IlighWaos.-
and -other ma9hinetY.eflatiMeat.
•That to.-. Petition' oX
the „VO*Y- 0-14.104,13a ,refineStink,
StattAerY.1104t§tiallAe,'Pegal. rghtt
Ilenditnre's dnelag'ti)elyar 149 he fey.
1V,p4erltii4tt ,tiliteweliArrwuot ITH4ifavhr1744014iFotic'
,;teollUltvuetnatliOcQn ,-.1*mot ittee altotWSPlinentolliq,AU' aMISOeta,141:
vo0Yiatdon:. 4014 ehaitteali vt,the,!;40#„A-•
t.:47tt.:40:11:er. Tii,__ate,,the,,W:70. and,
' -The report the uouhty 117416 eoM".
Inittee reeeminended'.detend*.the.:.,ap-
Peal---of.:Itothert,Deyell..te the uprerne
W. Clement itnht ,fleennetege,niti,n94-
OierLestate;',--ne judge ppheid -a
000 bequest to • the County .!1,t.eUle. The
cOratiittee Was Oven Power telkItate.
-With Deygli, zaeinbers expressing them -
.selves asnotin favor of expensive 1.41-
1940 'contract ,fer Connty 'printing.
E. IL 'Cleveland was aVartied the
IWO bread contract for the -Jail at
cents per Ph -pound.
Calvin Cutt was awarded the .japi
groeeries Contraet.... •
D. M. O'Brien -was -awarded' the meat
contract for the same institution: -
Education 'Committee
The education committee concurred
in resoloitions from' the United counties
of.-Iltirb,ain and Northumberfand-and
the County of -petitioning the On-
tario Department- of Education to pro-
vide :.cheaper textrboolcS-foi, secondary
shrelysit.us'ein the.re.. reos ;
Jvv.o*st fest . leiMined.,effort.te place him .under the
He. therefore ,yy2a-g-unab1e-te make direction direction ZIT the Police committee and
annual• report fix his u
Agricultural RepresetitatiVe
"The yeoe.,3,930-Wes, goca 111§_instruetionS.,frotu the road -coMmie.
sionrat they:fit:Me salary 'and allowance.
year for the formers'Of anion 'CottntY,"
These totalled 2068 m 93 as
srealildrejse..--Crtiatgihveeoi rienrinIC:k4inlitgY taigsr,lveruplvtuerastla ,., -$ _1 9 cern-
; County eons -tables . $1700
Dthairse4Year. The 'Count's' OW; Paid for '''
report. rat:niers are raising more /*cep the traffic pincer's Meter0Yele ($4:00)
begs, and prefiaring to -plant :more field '"iaif year.',-Cedstables' must and did bu
beans. As to - the water . shortage, the their own. , ,,.- . .
formers are only now -",gebting*,.. water it was argued, hoWeter,- that Mk;
thmatrt.lisehye,aerheoraridephoarytodeb4adrittlgasetin.faeltle.me l''..eYerlidetlie-Vhole county to patrol,.
'whereas a .cOixoty twistable has - a
in the'ilirhab.gr of trees being Plated in limited *rea. /De receives 50 cents an
liareu eauntYt - 111,1938 the .110-Mbei hour for nide months, in ebe. year and
was 200;000; 434 1980 It `was, 378?0011 .$60 a month for the -other three months,
Nearly all were Tilanted,by_ privatein-. Pins motorcycle and priva.te Alli
dividaaie. . - maintenance; gosoliner ft.
.- Stiegeisful short con -veterin- , ,Ite UniVersity cf.:Western Ontario
, waS *harply divi,ded., on ' the issue.•
ory science, home nuring, ete., , had .,'
..,The-COMMittee turned 'down a re, reeonunending that erepresentative be
;been held at -Dungannon and-Belgrave, , -•••
„ etieSt'to 'shore the cost of police rolls. .appointed to the University ISenate. We
`Ind7others were planned ifei F101/310.S- at Exeter, . , . reCommend that no representative be
, .
vine, Varna, C-entralla and 'Orand-13.end. .
. Constable A. E
. ennings will no , e 4- .
County- had a. self-sufficieney-, of seed vinelal ‘Constatiles mecoy
j -11 i t b appointed from Huron 'Countpt- .•`'
aud Rather., -Present representative of this County.
,ror the brat time this Year/ nuren transferred to Seaforth, because Pro, " c,, ()linty Clerk J. Al. Roberts is rthe
grain and o- survey was being made ford, under the War -Measures Act, are His terra expires 3.11fle 1st next.
by the DePartment to earmark it. Al-_ subject to inStant eall 0 any place in Reeve -Raymond Redmond, chairman
of tile edupation comiktittee, weenanfed
delegate to the O.E.A. convention in
Toronto lir Easter; ,,
ready ,14,000 ' bushels of Icoarge seed., the Provinee and their removai would
•grainS-had 'been listed, also two -and a*, leave -Goderich mapolieed.
half'tons, elover seed: •Next spring, . The salarieS:, and allowances of
for the Arst tinTe hi -Huron 'county, conn6, 'OonStables Ferguson, Jennings
eerithed seed PetatoeS watild be j)liiflte(1 411141-Ottrditer ivere-raised-t(r•$1200-pluw
'•• $500 .Car,allowance per Year; the 0011-
31r..: Shearer • re4omillehded that a stables to 'pay all ,,,their own expenses,
-sited committee be sent to the interne- lise own,car, pay.gasoline, oil, repairs,
tional plowing match in Digin county insurance, uniforms, etc. The, County
next lull .to further /Won' ContitirilWju Pay telephone, tolls.: The car al -
claims for the. mat& in , ; lowanee lastyear, was 000. "
• District En-gineer rellowes of the De- 0011406 Ilaury,,,Increaseil.
partment-ofdlighways-addressed-Coun- -
-ell'briedY on some changes in the regli- The • longest and most lively discus-
of •°•tlie Session took place -over
hitions'affeeting- the ..t)rovitteittl subsidy.
Much „ „County T. R. P. atterson's_salary. This
- Too lk Detail? finally Was raised from, $2700 to $3200
Item 'Xt. J. 136Winan' of 13russe1s, a 'year. A motiort-to fix It ot $3000 a
an -ex-Wardettr-pointed•--out to Council
year was defeated on a recorded vote
that Pages 10 to .107 in thoNoveMber
minutes were taken up -with the publi. o 22-7. The inereaseis reallya restore
ion Of salary eats (luring the„ domes -
cation of picayune voucher , fteebunts-
._. Sion ;- the toil. ligure,being 13600.
inOneys J48141- to formers fer,road worie„SOMe rural reeveS.,,OpPosed" the, in -
etc. Ile said these --'accounts - Were
crease in the Engineer's salory, or :kny1
=thorough& eheclied by...the road co111. one's. salory, Airing war time wbeii
mittee and that aityone desiring de-
tailed Information _614dr_,zrfrt it from-th
treasurer, One hundred dollars a year
eould be saved by the 'Minty by not
printing' it. *, Similar information was
not printed by ans? other Countse' he
eatir; • . • •
"Some people jtejt :Want to see how
much their neighbors On' the baek, eon-,
06:4.102.18° get. If -1-•Cen get support .1.
;will move to do away with the inme.
tice," said Reeve Bowman.
Xtut he didn't get 'support elncl,
Wil hdrew his motion after 4 number 0
reeves had spoken.- •.
Reeve J. It. Scott agreed, telt Reeves
Stegall, Grain and Itedniend vigoreasly
opposed the suggestion, bh the ground
that the public. was ,entitled to the in-
formation and that -there was a keen
demand in their townships for the
books and the information they cert.
telited, Reeves (i'amble, Itethe,rington
and others also opposed the suggestion.
"If WO, dhl anything like that we
would leave ourselves open to a lot of
prig -Jetfoil," Said Reeve lietherington.
"It would present an opportunity to
i'over steeounts. The ratepayereluty
Ili" bills and 'they ehotild know where
their Money goes," sold Itteve •Whit-
RiliOrts of Committees
The property committee 'held up an
seemint, of $400 on the furnace, stoke
installed hoot year, al4lo one for $28.10
-Real- Smart -
Teacher: `Who was the smartest in-
Pupil,: !Thomas A'. Edison. • 1/e „in-
vented the relon„ograph and radio so
people would stay uti all night aur1180
his eleetric light4hulhs." •
• Husband.: •,"This Is a remarkable
"It97tierfr'er 11-03v-inativeldus, h'dw
stupendous is nature. Whenever /
read 'something like thisi I realize how,
lOwly and insignificant man -Is." •
Wife:. "A, woman doesn't have to
wade through four, hundred pages to
learn that,"
TherNeigidnirs! 'View
'wo-gossips, were •watehing ' a neigh-
bor entering her house aftera shop-
ping expendition, Says a London paper.
"A.,10 remarked one, "XV* only swank
thonsands of-;Ctanadian • soldiers.1*set. about like that --with
giving their servicek, for a .mere pit-
tance ; but on the other band it was
argued that rersteratiott of salary cut4
• had repeatedly been promised Mr. Pat-
terson, withno action. TiOre was a
aliggestiOn that- the County" of Huron
.lose 'his invaluable serviees-if
some- consideration were not given him
The road committee of Reev3eott,
Grain atet Armstrong supported the
lacre ISO In fact•#'4110St recommended
full restoration to $3000. Warden Pea.
gars ehairmart of the road committee in
3030, opposed a salary over $3000.
This. matter• wag discussed In caucus
before, Connell 'Met. A motion tee' go
into comnittee of the whole on TInirs-
414ty 'afternoon found little support.
Reeves George 31eNall and Robert
Bowman strenuoUsly such
her arm in testing. and her eye hantl.
aged.. OP."
„ .
"Wank„?" Aueried the other., .
"Yes," was the emphatic pronounce.
meet 'IVA just to nrakepeePle believe
thathete husband has pone back.", •
*Pimples Kill
any a Romance
Tho lives ef many youni' people
ere made Mitierabl6 byqbe breaking
Out of pimples on the face.
'rho trouble is net so raull
"; any
move. , col pain,. but it is the mental suffer.
` "There is too much of this eonnitittee iflg621" by the 026,herteeeing tliao
of the whole business going on," 801 ligament of the face width very,..
Reeve 3teNa1l. "1 amnot afraid to often makes tLe sufferer aohemea to
go out in tompany.
The qttiekest way to get TM of
pimples is to improve the genersl
health by a thorough devoting of
tho blood. of its impurities',
• Ilardoek Blood liitters cleensee
and puriles the blood- (let ria of
yew pimples by taking Balt.
Ilosti. Os., I1,'boos* Ont.,
day what 1 think in publie niid, 1 am
prepared to take the eonscetiences.
People who etinnot stand on their own
feet AhOtild et out M publie-life."
Reeve Bowman said people had emu"
for miles to .hear the debate and it
Would be unfair to'exeltide them. TaX.
payers had a right to know.
Whitmore - Pagemore: •That the
Alacar(411 nindred Trotiucto
Staearoni, 'spaghetti, noodles and
veixnlcilli 'irre elose reiatives,iin the food
famil,y. They differ in appearance but
•are similar in . composition, all being
mule from coarsely ground hard wheat -
tiourto which 1.4 14141011 a email 'quantity
of boiling water. Stechanleally the
tof.V.tral:C. it3 thoroughly - blended, 11811
Lu 1(11(1, and iu1 tlly emerges froM
perforatea plate in tne forms which are
under different namew -tet r pins
In the centre of each hole in the plate -
give the tubes of macaroni their hollow
form. ' •Spaghetti is• pressed through
smaller holes without pins, •and vermi.
i)ur wilitry weather Increases the'
celli through very 'small holes. Noodles beautifying„ .so here 'are.
or ribbon varieties..pass threugli flat somelimely pointers that will helpyou
openings in place of holes,- 'while some to defY the ravages, of cold, and fret
;fiat fancy -shapes are cut from thin 111141 Wind.
'First the nose, because it is so proM.
Meat At odd -moments, pineli your
nose from tip to bridge, then start over
-again. If It is still inelined to be too
red, ,buthe. it occasionally with a five -
percent •SolUtion of' Aim and Water,
De Your lips:- get-chaPPed? Ilse a
salvo under vonr liPstiek and, at night,.
smooth, 111 a; spot of three-pu
ereani., Avoid biting, your iiiWor 'Wet-
ting -them with your -tongue.' --
Hands cause- pupil discomfort .14
wintertime„ Wash 'Wm inlukewarm
water; never hot or cold. Be sure to.
use a bland olive oil soap, hecanee it O. -
" 404,044.0,K #130. gentle 'to the skim, ',A
your; boos roughen eatillY> add a feq
drops of tdYeerine to the water, and
alt auflOte for elivipPed betide mb
thenL occasionally with a ItitSte vaoe
line, and line Oatmeal., °
If you are •vierriett by poor clrcula-
(a, tre4WA, t. If4lurter-gSP\Sein„t) -
.sPet ot exercise oitoty day; uud 'ea.
eonvenient), sprinkle eaude-Colagne
YOU'r hand's and Feb yourself down
• INett4.yoii per.
smut "beauty.- problems, and'Ivill-
•;.'11401r- ,eat:11,-,letter:,11ersonallY.",111*11600
.Cook macaroni in, boilingfour for a 001)3'. salted ;Water • Clare.
until tender..!:-prain: r,paC0***BrAt
Ina:Caren/ In • seelt•buttered ubititirOr dieb: Ages,
ifix-lintteroinistard; salt, chee-se,i4iimo, ito15, Station B.
(40 4041,05.0enai'.4144inkle enaenreni e;
*AR; cheese -04t4re, t,
lnlxture :id'''reiletit 'Until., Atte
A:wont' ';Uitke• Ifirmodenato.!dven••„fki.
ditiMes X.) „initit.littearordz-riabsokihti"
rnos of the WW1
'.ehoPee'd intrait#;+efOre• 9004"
...0t'Z'.0113te.nrieOeited gnat -Leta,
tablespeerratUtter 1014)401er:fit
1 ' .
*heets of the dough. Noodles, sold, as
egg noodles, contain eggs In addition to
the hour. ,
These flour products are popular fare
in Canadian homes, especially during
the told 'months of the Year. • florred
alone they would be toe bland for most.
tastes, but 00M -bitted with liighly sea-
soned sauces, or with:Pk nant flavoured
food .sueh as Cheese, thek diehek,
'hard to exeel-in.,palatabilitv:'''"- •
-Coaling macaroni and similar
foods, boiling salted Water should be
used lit sufficient quantity to allow or
the amount which will be absorbed.
When tender, drain in a: colander and
Pour cold•water over the cooked tood.,
_The.follewing..spgkestions for,supper ,
dishes are given by the Horne Edoneni:'
.isti,;DominiOn Department of .A.gricult,
tUre: ,
Balled Macaroni •
1VVIAPirtinc-Oriked MacarMil.
'? tehleOrteene,Ingter
1.° teaspoon salt'
1- tup grated oheese
2 ceos...ketlamilk
Pinch otiyentie
thoPPeIt litirefey
14, ,
1.40 .ztitele4111,„:01,10k bi; 1 I
C4jialt4Wry. ••'-4
S tables/46ns *lie
neutia;tomatir juice •
'Salt itAfp0p4-
1,..eup4grated ,cheese s. •
Cook 'pag]itt1 itt toI1ing*salted, Water,:
Whiertei1derg_drain., .2..'„Voek tion
celery Wiii4itedrlat• 444 tour . and
*If ;until flOtir'.15"brOned.' tnen.add-
tonna* ittic..f.Stir„Otil'sfinge'tniekens
Add WOredotorshire sane -and.'seatiOn
'to thste with kW and 'Ile Per. roo
sauce over*aglietti and »rInkje
grated cheese.
Note. --.One Cup .chopped 'n48000111s.
or chicken'llyers Is .a tasty addition to
'the .sauce:,
Oxtail Noodles
Ir)ttItlielissPeenti 1,11.rd• b•
2 cups ,caimed_ teniatoes °
estanTaisells:eltienonrc,.eeinhiyo'p,Peohli: ivea,
top uncooked -noodles
wan ,LEADIp.
• 1.:44.:1,,-;4:
,tok.***c:0ii:03,1.0 at ail .honra
'•dai or night
. Res.: 217
as'promptJy 'attended 'to
. day or ,
JEitionefti Store 35. Res. ,06117.
r1am1ltort.4fr oodorielt-
Wash: and., cut Oxtails In, .three-ineh
pidees. Brown In lard, 1Sprinkle With -
salt, pepper and. cayenne. Add baY
leaf, water, parsley, eelety, onion.
tomatoo. Coyer tightly and ItimMer
about -three Lours or until tender. Cook
noodles in bpi 1,1Lig 'salted -water, Drain.
Place on hot platter; Pour over noodles
the oxtails and safice.
e ,
proud father walked Into a -store
ihe other day aid eat' to the salesgirl:
“One dozen Of your .ver3r best' diapers."
The lady, handing „him the Paelkage>.
sald 'That will be one dollar. Also
three.onts for tax." The father re.
•Plied1+--mWe n§e•-KtfetF:1".,Pitla
house* ,
WE 11A1141,--Jtrtai1N'kX
8T,A71330, 611.A. NVW
that-parantes heat in 90'
Por promptileseeratInd"cemte'rt in,
invaigi, Oar 9ero,
11 Montreal St.
out,pisArt.ep., pgAp .
removed promptly and nificlently..-
-- Simpli'y pimple "COLLECT" to
uminto ;
P1.1000 21 INGERSOLL ;
Phone 214 Goderleiti Ont.
_ -
Rubber. Omulc .gundrles, etc., mailed
postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80%
legs than retail. Write for mail-order •
'catalogue. NOV-RUDDElt O0 Box 01,
Hamilton, Ont.." 8-10 •
r ots of H�
Tie Delaware & :Hudson Hard Coal
A (1,o' al that is cone -cleaned, .does not elinker and is very low in ash.:
FORD' COREA Coke that is very Popular and very high in
heat units.
Our folirpointed treated POCAMONTAS. • Tuts grade of COal
ltas become very -Poptilar.
_ The Ited -14-eket 1)oin.es' tio Coal
for ythir range, heater, furnace or holler. Cost irt -OM yard,
-18.00 per ton, or $8:75 delivered In GoderielL
11111INO, ,11tATVOAND
Phones—Stoll. ts
Naas 112
• bor