HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-25, Page 5TRU A *, J*.NVA" 1940 After Fifty Years r. BINGHAM ?Visits Codench Again... Services in .MacKay ft;i1 Thur... --7.0O PM. )1118lea1 and Picterlai-Subjeeti Alan an Anhiaal ,101 volution or A Divine Design? 8.00 p.M. A Heart -to -Heart talk on ,Valth. FrL -3.00 p.m.' Hew to Receive the Benediction. Musical and, Pletorhili Subject4ehitti .and. JOY in a Christian lielidaY, where 2000. spend it, and-W1).V.:7-11114-, is a beautiful, naturally colored film of one of the most colorful %rota- in Ontario. 8.00 p.m ifeartstO-Heart Talk on Faith. SILJNI4Y . 4.04 lp.M. '`,Baptist 84.5 pans 1ViaelfatY Hill. Musical' and -Pictorials- Cameras • ConfirelatiOn Of the Infallibilityof Christ.. on. -7.00 pars Farewell 'Iileethigw, Subject : Round the World with 'Gott • " - , Special 11111814:bY BRIGHT SINOIN‘i - A Wide Range ' Mrand liXrs.',AndreW Chisholm of Bookst. Pamphlets,s and 'Tracts on -otits,Book Tables VERYBOD WLCGLE. r. TUE GODERICR SIGNAI4tTAR English Youngsters 01.4 • 1, .1 , , er Canadian Troops roiled .by .Ced•or Courtomilf Careitilse , — With the first Canadian division: Own .to liova worklflEnglaM rentAkmaialing Is layIfli no man part% In the tra,htisieS�b4ui�. Thti IlInstrationSahriste 0110 Of **Canadian $0ottillihattaliOnsetivinging . the arailea -.44-40nht- belnit.'-',406:40'0.0, Warmth Of ,Entlieb. *0106%0, and it.oticopfliottg.thseveni4g-tviii . . sonithodkted......,in_neighborintL•Abkoki with considerable fluangial saving- to the. -ratepayers in. _these sections. Ae provision 113 made for transporting the. children to the Alter. se, ools, no hard- ship is imposed on them by the dosing of their sehe,e1St-- The-attendanee in thotchools.durnig the yearwas well maintained, al- though the percentage of 90,02 was sslightlY, below the Previous year. - A aumber-of very:Stormy days during lase 'Winter was a 'contributing factor tothe -deerease- as far at the, rural schools' Were pen -cornea. Tisborne Township. ' gain had the hest attendance, -91.54 --Per tent., for the •varal schools, while" Exeter s with - 94.21 ..per cent vaftt the leader ensoug 'the erhan, 'selitoles :TOO' iniieh eiriphasis'Npois--regulatity 'cif at- tendance ' cornet • be -placed, .as ' meat et:Left:Of Pupils, haviagto repeat grades - at school can he direetles'attributedSto, irregular attendance; In A pozriNI• .of instances this ;year-y..4M iftsittance !id the tehool 'aftendande officers - sv.sk re- . quired to, enferce the, attemiance of certain. mipils, •a•Condition that -should not be necessary -Elf parents were .censs siderbigs ' the' hest SintefestClik their. children; The necessity for aPpointing ihic ut,erestrng teport Submitted, to •County Council -Inned0ritet0VM"--- • , the_ineeting of the County last week *the followingsrepert, virtle atA. Jnitteki by ...Mr. 0.:13eAeoln, .inspector of publie-Sehoels- tor -so -nth- Hvou -ited4clake with usual practice, I , beg te.•: subrait .thi* following ' arterial • report. for your informations wIth re- gard to the condition. 7cir the schools coraprising the inspeetorates of South, Huron, for the year 1039. • In ,the•iiiispecterate.. during .the a.utunneterin, there, were 78 rural';',.eral five ' urban school s in operation,iii ila_tette..,,regnIaiiI,:em • ployed, 87 in the rurarand 31 In the: , urban sehooles- Of these --teachers 80 'Or' 73perbents-noW--hold-first-class scer- : tificates, which is .eensiderably, above - the - Provincial average. The----*umbe of teachers holding. this grade of cer- tificate • shoWs a steady 'increase: and is due to the fact that second-class .certtetates. are no longer -issued at the .Normal Schools and also to the 'fact that .certain teachers Who hold second - Class certificates are each year-eornplet-: nig the requirements for: the higher grade of eerticate. A. great manysteaelis • ;ars, iusfeetspraeticaily all Whif do not hold'perinartent eektilleates, are each Year iniiprovingl their qualificationsby attending summer courses given by the • Department of Education or by the . Ontario Universities- AS these courses take soMe five Weeks of the-suraraer vacation, great-eredit Is due these teachers for s -their efforts 'to obtain *higher itandlegss , The number cif :teachers ayallable for ... . . . , „„. ,pie;sent time is very small, there being practiCally unemS' , • Inoretrtenclier4'inc-the-diatiat, As the nn*ber., ef • stutl(pAtth et the igernsal Schools this year is little' niCkre than, last. Year, itwould teens that 'there will be difficulty le -Securing teachers for all schools next terms As °the sal- aries of tettehers ,are deterrnivat; As In 'other fields; largely by the law of•tsup- ply and demand, it Was but naturaiill year„on, account of tile,smalIer nutaher of teachers' seeking positions, that sal- aries should She* a tuttben....inerease oser,thetormer year. -The average ary-in-the rural schools thie year -is $.7.50 sr_ssee.,- UM:ease of $32 over -1938; the: lowest, -salary beingpaidthe raraisSehoolssiSrs$650s-and-thessidgheet• $1050. For thesurban sehoolassothe average -,s0,11yr is $975., ',mach- Is prac- tically_ the _sante: as 7the. former yea It is a.ntieipated that salaries will show's,. increase in ,,thes-litrals-sehoo this. year, .as it..isielt that hoards will require to pay' a ssalary ''of ----from $750 to $800 to secarethe -sertribes of coms • petent teathers.es,s`s7r". . Onsaceount of the ehange'111 inspeet- oral, districts last year; it Is not possible to give eomparatite,figares. regarding enrolment this year. The May enrols ment in the Sotith Huron schools Test; Year was 2904, of whom 1870 siriPile were. In .the rural schools. and 1034 in the urban schools. The largest rural. -school- hist' term had an .enrolment of .39 pupils and thesmallest eight pupils,. WM-being-six schools with less than ten pupils enrolled. ,,Last Midsummer trio Scl.grOls, No, 4 lituilett and ,No. 13 Stanley, where4the enrolment was but four and five Pupils respectively, were. closed and the children are being ac - SUPERIOR STORES Y:TILL, SAYE 'YOU 'MONEY! EDDys $11VADit TefIES SUNLIGIIT SQAP ER RCIIERRIES gyirdisfiletie.R0rTR_:__ '1ASTRyrigi BUIE SOY TI 14 `litz ""ll 411144411111111111N111101111111111114M 12 oz., ‘) TINS - 41.4'). 59e %- MACK:0BL 1,4 CPUV ORN org ,THE colat OLD DUTCH CLEANSER' --AVLIVIERINPANT'S OO QUAIER 200 SHEETS KLEENEX 2 for a5c MAPLE LEAP SALMON. SPREADS OR SLICES DERBY 01IiESE AYLMER, PUMPKIN 11111S11 OATMEAL CORN SYRUP EkESH1jr GROUND COFFEE ''uNl PANCAKE FLOUR (IPM ENTRATED SUPER SUDS TIN VI"- 25C TIN 10c Pkg. 10e 500 SII'RETS 20c Ya lb. Tin 23c % lb, Pkg..1:0c.,, Zge T1,n/ 100 's' 25c 9ci '41,)&39c* 1 lb. RAG me rita 15c LGE PliO. 19c J. ALVIN CUTT PHONE 116 J. J. MeEW PHONE 46 ° ch rote is, as sa, Matter of fact, already In i3patr°alfrom0trt.',TY Wonieuasict94eftrits festiSalS operation, namely from liensailou No. last year, at :Exeter an d Clinton. 441 horigehpwAyn- btoet4' Cglinte donlesyoemaeftrwomentaa uyeonr. gtth in three ,sessions were neceSsary In Acne reutessarelentirely feasible. One will and peintenortliste,the Olinton Cpl.: each 'Case to penult all pupils -taking Jeglate-• Institute* eaCh ,dair.'lirthIS- : leard. The oisleet of sess etante,- the pa.rAnt,s pay the entire cost festivals Is to Permit the ratepa,rera of the transportation, • ,brit it ,Nvould -.Ana Parents to see -the Work that Is Seem good buainees to have the scheme being alone. in music In the schools and taken,over by the sehaol sections and se. ta istimulath interest in the subject. he eligible tO _recelye the 6,0 Per ectit. All sessions' Were ,well attended and tran.spertatson grant, iltsis anticipated the elugleg of the Children was-warinlv that this Movement will gain impetus ssannieralielty Quantz, super - itch -year and that eventually asaumb,er visor ofmusic for the Lendon_-selesols, of these ronte•r;iv-111 be established,:aswhose .Serviees beens-seettred as -mores-Stud more parents 4 in tho. rural adandieator for the festival. s areas are, e.r.Oufanding for their 'children; The 'High .School'entranee exam:Ina- -the itchianta.geg-.11-v-Eftgly esee:ss sales, • lion Ni-nts-heId. 'under the sreviseer re -gulls tioir. ,„ troos last years in, acterdance with ." 'The'ritteaiiiirs...0.,f• all towris1rip_6en,- which' the 4thu4fier of-PaPera to be. Writ - ells. has beers disa.-Wii to :another ,apeelid 1114 inatet1441I decreased;TI* iata .by the .r)fyiunt,. fotir papers neW.writtelf,-helVeve, were 3116it :Of -4101111611. itaitiely •1.00. per: ,talitnirnTa0 lst:0:jba%ti rn -S.fliliiliieih ientT:ie.`4,'evii4ebo'enitfiof ieViCe -schOoisseeelensesrell2eiris.,'wheir t*ol or: mere seetions cm -aril& uadersone_board„ Pflie erenaidates ahd not only rairiimied- ,Itfolisi stVilli";:r6h.' the PrIPII4 but 419 Well deereased the cost ..of • conducting the scheols te tinder the xansination.S. There vvere 40 candid - i „board; as • IL le not possible- to shave ''''t1'44 lAst* Y"e4r' .'d•r '295'er 88 per -botirds-'o.operate'to Luiy ;Teat de , -.0ent. were. suedessful. • 'Of the Success- peroeutage being preetiesUg the toges rie under the former ragglialileggiat worthy of note that a greater then ever of the oucesseetui twiddle** are coutinuing their educetion at a wonders,' 'school or la fifth clause, only r4 puptie out of Z.01, or 18 per eent, heir* reported art stoesase school. This is the (smallest pereentage stopplug 44 WMPli I have record in, this .r* .t anti OUt tbv afeserrion pre -1 tienislY Made that parents are now. noire conePrned than (sver with their salairsu stwurixig aassinsea elsasst„ Lien. ' Now vir.t.414tious, governing setio61 fairs, Wert° jalt kat° eitef1; -hist year colnalinateri 'Work row.being ilfiale j t,40 Scd,tiMAS with 1i*'. .1 fair program. An Objection to the fish's previeut,31y 'had been that Puldts sfnue' Were said to ri!ceive assistanee, at ironic ; this has now been Oversetass by- limiting, the prize list tesprOdate actually groWnHn theiroMe fann, afi grains, vegt-aaldes, flowers, -fralts, live stoves poultry; ete. ; and eliarinat; hag Sach classes a$ baking; sewing, and Manuararts. To replace these Classes,' each 'school was, reentired tosmake display of the Work -done In the .s'ehool by:: the pupils; these displays were exs eellents'in most eases and (hers' much. 'favorable temirTnt, In :4flitioll to fite two . fairs terse:01yheld at "laeneall and VanadRetaits theskioderieh, Township kair Was revived last year, With!all ten, 'sehoOls in the toWriehirt participating. All fairs *Ore, well attended ,and good interest Was taken in them both by the pupils and the Pahlie getteesrlly; It is felt = that the new regulations trav,e greatly IMPrOved the ;selrocl. fair, and that their'edueational vaine bass:never been as great as 1st year. It IS hoped - to organize -one or more additional fairs in the'distriet dUringsthe present 'vert. The teaelrers' doavention last, year was organized on a somewhat d 'erent basis, than previously. For r le the Seuthlanron teaelaers j s ed with ten other dletriete in a g up '&40- e -flee 'at sLondon at isvhi over 1500 teachers were present nd where ad- dresseswere given by ronsinent lead- ers In the „field of education. For the, teeend day,. I met the teachers 11 sinall groups and ...disctissieris Were, held res lative to the iniprevenient of the ins structisur7-Ine th..,-sehoolsess-s-SsAt- sstlrese. , meetings pa -teacher was required to Partleipateand It is believea that reueh streactical value' • resulted trent., the fernt viewpoints ' • . , . Junior Red OrosSSociefit- have, ter: Inan:r ears been orgassiZed in a major- - itv,ef 'the sehooft, ssetrillse$ being 61 branehes in the distriet.. z -These soeletilat the frresent tbrie.'Prosidesan otipertu it- for ' the - dhildtea ' in the --Selfoolt to Make* some contribution,to the wort of the Canadian; Red Ortssa and thus play some small part in ,,nreise- seuting the present" Wat to a gueeeasfal esetelesiore. In 'Manystehools, both boYS. ,and gitir are knitting ,artleleS for ,the _. . ._ ful candidates 17p of ti per Cent, were as attenclanee officers m.en who will-under',present arrangemen. ts- Again, 41ve PrePersattention to their duties i.s the size of the Sections vari's to su( hI) /Os ed 012siecenlinerelation without. the dfaivn to the' notiee of all township' an eXteitte that ratePayers in the* small. nec-essity Of Wriiellg. the -Departmental „ . ,greater school -,tax than those in the larger. Sections,. for the same services. '.-Space does 'not permit the listlirg Of the -many bene.htS'w the -larger school areas s councils ; in Some townships, new' aP- pointMeats aresbattly needed: ' A slight change in the Seisis-iin.whicli the -Legislative' grants are paids-was Made effective this* year, the -change sheIngsaansincresese-ifi-Waanolustse ,sittenda nee grant: • Whileformerly*is rartesranged from -1.50 to $3.00 per pupil •in -.average al-tendanee during the echoolyear, depending on the relation- hip---between--thessaize--of ---the--•settion and the, attendance, -these figura now var,as from._ $1.75 to. $5.00 per -pupil* in average attendance. This,inis. resulted in greater grants to- the sehocds....with' aarge enrolment's. Osving. to Insufficient funds being apportioned last year by ;the Legislative A.ssembls. to pay the:, .gPante:*in full, it. was twin& necessary by the *'-Departitient , of Education .!to. -make a reductionof ten /per cent in . the- general 'grant -This id.S- the first "- • general reductionthat has been made .since 1930,.the grants teethe past,two yearshaving been paid sin full. an _sante- of the reductionmades the total general:Leeds/gave and County. erantet reeeksed by allSsehools la.st. year showitl an increase Of 41300 over the former year, being $23,249.54; so that. actually More rnone;e. net lees, was furnished to the schools' by the central authority last years- The:erantintidAysthe Coun- ty on equippaent and, accommodations was • $2511.41S'-beinessoM6 $100.00 less than the previous Year :chi -.account of ,the ten per cent. 'reduction vvhicts- ap- plied to this grant as well. The special grants for ',agriculture, music, fifth classes, Manual tralninss and home. economies werepaidas usual_ anid furnish.* Stilistantiali. 'assistance to boardif iii prihiding for instructions in these subjeets-or classes. 'in September last:Instruc- tion In manual training and home ecore clinics is now being ,given to the pupils of grades VH and VIII in the Clinton .1ind Exeter., schools.- This; "instruction is giver in the',High Schools bi- the .special teachers in -charge of these gub- ,jects..,„Itsis a pleasure to report that 'this' work is itove,'si feature of all the urban' schools ,in'iny district :with the Tretliair-rn-Ordiflan, t e Zurich ',Public: Sehool has Completely equipped two roping for t,seaehing _these subjects' and two rural'schools;, No. $ and No. 8 Trielsrersmiltiere-esending their -senior pupils Or the Seir4forth legiate Institute ,each Week for train-. sing In these ,practical sebieetss It will be apparent that it is being endeavored to make the best possible use'..of the equipment provided during the last year, or two in the secondary, schoohi for teaChiags....manual. training , andhome economies and It Is hoped that more rural sehoora Will take advantage of these facilities eaele,year. The grants paid by the Department At rducation cover the erist of the inatrtietion given Sri thete-subjeetS, Iii thelease --Of the rural school, is that the only expense Involved for rural School boards is that of ,transPorting their pupils to the sec- ondary schosile each Iveek for this work.' .Iit--viewsof this fad.," there would seem to be no reaebn "'why many -"hoards_ alronhisnot give their pupils the bene- fits of 'this priretleal Instruetion, will be of great sante to them in adult life. , g • sectionsare having to pay* a inuch higii schoel eisifia.nce- examination, this • Tor SATIMAT SIONDAY Boys' Witipeoid BREECHES Full vitt, double sett and llama -1 1,r eotton isaeeri. • Oizee 28 to 32 Peoial 1.29 Robins Ltd. °Aim* for Tip Tep TallOrs" Phone $84 • aotassememeseeneememesestreeeetean' / Red Crristi; hi...ether% money has been , raised la various ways. The 'able of :carts-las:son this work In every claim - room has been stressed and 1 have no doubt t there will be few schools where the eh! • ten will not he given an opportunity to, ariticiptteln some way itt. the 04,9tan bOing 'given by our people to the otherland In this the time of her gre t need. -e fo ing, will indissate, 'the Year, te been one of real pro- gress- in the schools. Looking to the future, with its uncertainties, trust that it will not .-be found neeessaary to •Curtafl in any slay* the work of ! the schools but that it will be at least pee- sible to maintain -Oar present standards - and even make some advanees. LYTit 14;'744 TtOSS Thil614,,E100. �f Mr, and WS. Thitelt of Myth, whir has been working• paatssCer test7: :.')31,scicclaV .etore.°tsme: i11 the Air :Force' at Toronto- anI is ',eligible to he for trainings and'Urt;-/41..fV.,Staniey former „repents of :Brussels, ,have- 'moved to :4.. iUytIi. Mr. Steniq...isf-astistant Dens% 1 ion frult,.sinds,vegetable stesPectOr for • Iluroti county=,, and at presentisinters -04ted,inthe t-ornip waXing'illant which , 'tislIrztnievws, shiPPing._ years- ' . i,".0.1.,T0,14110ewed.'.Veur:S"eritlitiol? Or, , 4. 11 11 strative--pur ,hoped' that this matter will receive the .sTerlOne study. of all tcrwnsjilp councils this-Y4arr:- Istrust-I may havethe- portunity of discussing- the .question witlisstomessof the tOWnship: cuttneM a/tiring the coming months.. • Appreciation 'of -the Support given by ' latesyear's Ceti4ty Cssuneil to the res forestation 'Projectl'.as 'applied to the schools, I feel, .should be exPreased.: Tliis supportstook the,form uf the pay. 'meat of,a grant of one-half the cost, of a . plot of lead purehased by ailY school section for reforestration pur- poses up ,t(ia maximum ' grant of $25.00.; All stesenstrIP's annals Ire -the Iistrict also .agreed Se pay one-quarter of the east, of the land, so thationly- the.,,res , 'Training 25' per eents would remain to be borne by the section: While not - many sections have taken .rip this mat- ter, yet a beginning has '.1seen, made. S.S. Ne. 3 Hullett' (leinburn) secured land last Spring ane have their trees. already planted,. While two Other sig. ,tion, No. 11 goderich and; U. No. 15 Ilan and, Stephen, have purchased_ plots had -will set them out in forest . trees. this Year. No denbt,*thespretent situatIon-,,wilr;rntedere With 4,1eewe:Ras. of this project, but it is intended to keep before 'the school boards of the digtrict and to Urge that action be taken as soon as feasible; To secure interest in the planting of trees and also - to commemorate ' the. 'visit of Their ,Majegties; the King and Queen, to our canary, each pupil in the rural 'schools was last May .supplied 'vvitik.iiie treesfor planting at 'home. These trees were brought froth Saint WilliaMs,"through tire Co-operation . of the agricultural advisory poniniittee, by isonntystruekt and ,delivered to town- ship centres 'where they were secured by the individual schook-sectiont, -thug s avoidins' any ,expense, to the ,schools 'in Obtaining the treea:sszAME_Simpleisee_Ans. t e-t-erOolrfiriFtWiTnilicate that the pupils planted- the trees and in most meet are. gialing them reesonablecare, so that aii_interest An----reMfegfiTtfon hand bilicuicated, in some ..ineaStire at least, among the growing generation. If- this canbe obtithied, the future of reforestation in Ms County need od4 &Oen no jn1sgIvings; The great majority sot the trustee boards are now realizing the necessity for keeping the dehOol property, good conditisne anti are witilmee-toscarry- nett the iriggeatiOneThuidesfor irebroreni3Ofes As an indleation" of this fad, st.\7 sehoels, four being in Ilullett township; had Inside toilets inStalled during last. year ; two others; gee -being. the 'Zurich school and the ether'No. 7 Ushorue, had modern Bush toilet SYstenta Installed. It. May be of intereet to know, that of the 78rural schools In operation 54 , now have inside toilets of. 1111 aPPreVed ' type. A new stearnleating oystem \yes hiStalled In the Dashwood ,Sehool last summer at a cost Of approximately $2500, putting the accommodations in this sehool in excellent conditiot. The interiers of ten rural schools were paintee, new wells were dtig inseveral' instance., ligh t beitailed hi a number of eases, and in general a commendable aniount 0± Maintenance and repair work earried oat- The urban board; too deserve ,ctedit for providing better accommodation fel' their pupils each. 'years atitl in the case of Getierieli and Clinton Public Sehoels the matter of xecuring Individual de1.41,:k1 received epeelal attention last year. Attention sto the teaehing of ` vocal mimic, in the,sseirooi ,eeirtietoss to be Weir •and this sub:leet is now a regular feature of the work o'f all selmole. In all but a kw 'schools, special music supervisors are employed and Ili gen., tral good re,141ilt$ arebeing obtained: The hopioventenit In the ,9IngIng 111inaa a . , lio(l'it)ttirsdititIerriervilgilet.iiiire,,teratt`.1(1,arspbeeartnisrlietwitne .the PePartirrent iit Education, ',SVirere two or 'More rural echool hoards, ' celil- pupils to' et Iiigh School (a. (lellegiate eonneetiou; Stnno pereon 19 hired to tstke reeently ,in vaiiiiiis parte ofstlie district per cent of the eost Of the transporta- tion, the remainiug 40 per cent -to. lie in a transportatisin grunt 110V,ir, paid by bine" in yroviding trantportation i!or Institute;-. 9:his grant amount; to 110 , paid by the eections esineerned. - Irr this bring thein Tame ins the evening, so the pupllislo the tattoo1 each daysand that the children are not away.' trent 1 week as is, now the case in many in. etancee. There are several areas in - the InspN,,tornte...' where, tineb transporta-, 4 TAKE 'ADVANTAGE or THIS SALE OPPORTUNITY BEPORE PRICE ADVANCE ' BEYOND'Oxill PRESENT REGULAI6410ES Boys'% 11 001 lover: Sweaters- , HEAVY PLAIN' INIT—BRUSREDWOOL ZIPPER FASTENER AT NECK Worth $1.25 at our purchase -price and each iluotgtion going,Itigher. Colors Royal and Mixoon., -Pull range of sizes. -"1 GAINS IN ASSORTIENTIOF 'ODDS AND 25.„C Uittiil "lind Househol ale of S.tapes for POPULAR jrENGUIN. Unbleac 18k36.. A non -prof' will ,bleach and4hic giving, you a tOWel• . price paid. • - , • Get yours for • oz. 100% NEW COTTON 1 out to sae 72x90 SNOW WII1T,E Size 72x90 o*els. bargain. Youdo or -three -washing en Ithem natfirs,11y,.. worth twice 'the, „ c gac 7 11 L. giton EACH • EAUE • Terry- Towels I •-Whit';-41t4--- colored -stripes3.,,.,14" \ centre and border, ' Imported English Towel 18x32. Cream ground with colored stripe. YOUR CHOICE 5c--2 for 27c _ _ WELL NAPPED . STANDARD QIIALVY tittle ett 36. in0h . . - . . ..,. . . . . . . . . 18c yd. - 10 yards for $1!50 15c pi: MANY USES ,....,1'.'.. i 4 „ 4 • )1 4 4 • 4 4 . 4 . . 10,ards for $1.40 , 27 inch .......... .......12e yd. 10 yards for $1,10 FACTORY COTTON A GOOD *STUli,DY QVAL1 It PO 4' 4 Listen Tea Towels 18%00 and 1.81: 2 Two nunabims to choose from. . PAire.,linezils getting exceedingly acute , and two luolty to have those to offer at the old priee. SEE OUR 4 'PLY OLD ENGLISH 'PINGER,ING WOOL POR HEAVY SWZATE S AND OTII. GARMENTS ....... . - . . ... - , .1 -Oz. 110,11s 42 for 25c SALE STARTS SANITARY 26th:ENDS FEBRUARY 10tb. each ene rou olla VARVATY F 441