HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-25, Page 3tgnat
GODERICii, ONTA Ii111t31)AY;fftaN1lARY ‘niths, 1940
' Barrister, Ute.
Olfice--Court, House, GOderleh.
Telephone 60.'
Barrister and Solicitor
,„.Qthee-North Street, 43oclerielk.
-- -Barrister and, Solicitor- -
Sun Lifer:Building, Adelaide and re*
toria Streets, Top,entO .
Telephone .101$1.0,:6301.
flj 11Y 4:
1/4:RRISTIolit SPI401T04, NTO
Pinkie 30, Goderigh, (At, ,.
'Office': 11.40411tkia Street.
TO to :sekttitet•-sp2 't,to..-Atken
, -1"'•
41 -r' „
• ,-".4,ki,TX0010120,''
... atte#,110(V::,! *herd%
UT'," ).xaggiNts
Row' '
4 *Pleb' *
- 0110. 11. OTt
, 4
'Fine rogram , at Co Co' is ComInencenient
. , .1, ii, xtzAr)IN:G_Axp 13,..DIO
•., 0 •- -- ' ' ' • --,A:',' ' ' - ''' 'Children All Ilionle
, cAgLow
, _
. , ,,,,„,,„,,,,,,, by neva ..,41. ,e -s. . coact and ... ; . ., .. . teudlaupo Dan heen (qt. ii4wil v..o1N14,1e.r- '
for Gold0ii Wedding ',, 4,'Atz'A--Av, J'In' -The se1114°1 a'
0,1*retta•• ‘ 'The .. TOynlaker'! - gr. 8eott also pmeiited the .folloW- , - - ' ably all January and' pa3l-loth/4y 110'4 1
Novel reatitre—BoYS GiVe . 1,ngleTei:tetuss';', '1U.euiorilai scholarship 403 .,:olLe iu,' 8Del'u.s'ciNa..141°I)juat.,:tio‘Si(illitasi'io anti: rkir. oraelindtr$0.f TE11044.1. r1)a0ru juglylOrt, y lastr,,14;51g**ereanoittivtlin)usg t. ot:oolt(ilsr riti,i,i_,1;_v$etirorio:: ,
Gym.1iadie Ada
Capacity audiences were in attend.
.. Adainson memorial seholasmbip' in c lub ou Thuralay; January It., ;:k.tui itik -....,,,,,,,;--; •per,i, feurth :awn Colbortie to till this posi.,':
auee, at the' annual -G.4.5.1.. voninience_s vite a a flowaorin witit .t1m, tempera, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,43.4.,,,,,,,, , 41 wa. 44,..:-Ik• was a , utioetu4;.-::41‘frr: trtitil.xliellais.X. lo.otolubigort, :,,Ifor4 \t 1'
second 3- e ar7-11Ilary, Aid,
ment' exercises held on.-..ThUrSday 'ana •- McKim Meinorial seholarshly In third . turo areued.iere there, ,ty,„313 4; ee'ey good h.anny family party- wilieh gathered at awl ]t0 Mr
ur. reagau,
Fricla. Y., '0'ieelagS of faSt iieek 'PI the Year-Aameirlinreoe . ' . .: •attendante. , - ' ' ' the home of Mie.' -and MI'S. Thoznas A..
,. . . Snow and Storm, -There was,no ser-.
Collegiate -auditorium. prineipal,A. It. Adainson, :nienforial ' SehOlarship in- ' The ',first • sneaker was Bev., A. O. 'Doughertyi (91:e6siou 1,"Ashlield toWnr vice at ctorlow on. Sunday, XIS the :made
Calder,. and in U( 111114, a,baelcroulad siii ) .on' Mandl Ja eary lrth t eel Were badly bioeked, and the storm king
Scott acted as chairman. ' fourth year-Anetta Stewart
the use and 'abuse of braltesr the goldleYii welldding ann'iveQrsarye* was raging. A feef venturesome souls
An innovation iii. the term of a three- The :Or. , J. A. Grehate ', shield -for li9r his •subject,
reading, be referred to the changes of Mi. and Mrs. rtougherty. • .: . tried out the 8t1i4;eneeselon but failed
-act operetta, entitled "The Teyntaker„'' character, leatiersialie scholarship and
WAS ;intrQdue0(1 this' year • and4-WAS' attiletics,--:-,Stewart rerguson, throilgai past cep:tulles, from the 'dap; r.Pwenty-three in all were present, in- to win through. liaweeer, the ene.wplow
, in .,4 toynialreeS silo. The
-greete4-wIth mch-enthneieSm -13Y--til ----Atutede,•:_and...silooting. ,A,„,,,..,,,1,,,,, ,.., _when ,,pletnres. were made on the bark eluding eleven. grandchildren. and also
:.aq,dietice, ,...,
-AR the acts '1',if the operetta ecciirred
backdrop, presented the athletic, and, -sheeting emit ditY Whelei„heekli of all kinds -are
On Friday evening Ur. j. 11,,Itinixead
"''''"° of teees, later Veherf- Writing -had to he -Miser Loillsa. -Do glierty'''O, ' tater' a at. o' has beeu 41'41g 43111 °I"' 'are Plug *gain'
&die on reIls of, parehmeet, to .the ige- hoot Meniberkuof the'fambily are Mr as far As Atibrira, ' Ther,aidereitds' are
--3(' sirs; Idog: e D1)0,°:tigglialg :ailf.'aMnirl^: 'Nevin, has been al'eng the 8th cane"'
quite fell'in „pliees, itiSO Many -lanes.,
So far our Mail: Man, lkir. Alex. Me -
...depleting the.interior of the shop,. With
its' ritireeraus . shelves ': awl. toYki,c! Was, "tilvettrrtlitz;es -Nef'Ulakelellia' t1)..44iat -bfl:ille(411'YC' ::',‘Ilies,,of 'the 'AabfieldeOolhorne hew", 4ion, .every ,,day., vile bread. ,niakt: tits
a'. : VIra lel lir at i lb.' 4te rt Wilt I' be la d ' t11611111C:;': . '
gratniated the athletes 011 the#''.4,11.00•1 translated 140, -*.laglishe ',the ,jaajorltir- ,nr,Y.,,441)7;, irank)4. ,rS. 'Alin A. 3fe16,62ae had .a trying 'v and some - le
paintedliy - the ...selneirs -two feremoSt
- ' of the 'Working :people were unable .to 11nd-family, cenceSsion 15, ..A.shtel.4;:vtr; 'Went short for a day or tWO,
read it for themselves; Today, with and Mrs. Ed.. SoWerby 41'341**ln:ton-
'free etlifeation,**o have a very differ-'
eat Picture, said' the speaker. Ainiost
opened the %Ogren", and ;.13ted ''Ottee
'inile°Qr,:rhite-e. aw*net;rrlitil'e'st"'lith*I'elifir1;411°'n...,egWilli.re°;e' Iv' 7ttills7rao‘-tt',0411iieeS,
Or ilio iinOnk,..of .40 Canada," whIeli
:ehe denbigr which!closedlt,
'greater need to be Well hiforinedr.;-, ' ' 0)14r. :alid-Mrs.,-Dolighertrwere-anar- ..eist folioNsii.,aeopattegeeter -14,-..theirc:oor„
..f.Xg,peniu.4 .x4A441).er was 4 Pert444-, ' The- Speaker inentioned qi.' iiiimber .0f. ,rieti January 15; 1890,_ the ceremony ru*,;, ',Altlunigh 'lite ''roit.t1.0 were -Iiltds.
,enee , et boys' gymnastics, by , seVeral
'bookS that: ' are veil.' ., worth reading, iNtteriziecr,4'4-, t'he' 41(4ile -'0± the qUite Wu -timber Of his ffernier neiglibei's
he e Irma the schooks -physical . training
but Warned Of ' ' the ,danger ,Of'reading hrlde'smparentie ' Mr, - and MAL jaines otten4ed the funeral on'iNitintlaY!Morri-
some of the cliettP!tlitpler type of books :Bientetti fPort Albeit :flo ',nee. altio&
and.magOlites: Thesetaveneliterary:*. Udern011y 'At ,,,zoox pr.e.sbyteruao. -
MertWJaii*.'itre definitely harmful', ':its! eirarch, ,-.Goderloh, .the absence:of:A
.0.04k: destroy the tfiete for good-boe ,eetgell.minister at,St; Alidrewlt: ehurell„
as we !greW' older. ''..: VOkt';Albert, The .bride's Maidenfnatite
]Jr. N. C.- jaeksitin,-111:eneakieg , of was >,,kto))01Aleil?..ennett,
radio, said,it was •Compaeatfeely new, . Artinir'llennett)brether of the bride,
•Seiiior boys' cliampionehlpTreedalitn4 as the flree-radlee-sets for the 'Wine ,n.eier'In'z'Olileago;,,:.'iiiaa'''FIreonismanv. sand
Were nianufaettired 10-19g0; aridItwas miss %Annie ...0.1:410.01., ;:eOnsin ,'"of 'the
ahotit'190 liefere?"theY: eaMO,..nita - .-. ;-beidegrOoreiwboiteaalittglirs44#194
-Veltitl lige-0-140v Wiehavi'ehouttWerity ,Of,''Igeltuky,w,-, and is now deecteed,'-- as
million ,radles°,45n:,...this Continent -alone. "the i)ridiemaid.
„usefut...„Ail,,,IW.,iiii*, bi,..,,ot.60thei-4.07,133i ,IT#1,8-ago'Vere.„ 4116**I'ee4*08'le44t.„h117
L-A-littrttrem-ritli4 in the....horee, it is The tilde - , and .bridegreeen of fifty
iTransatiantic eel% -ariimadeY by radio, 'eopgratulatorY ,;ineSsages...' ..A.' . voixer
ship t's:i .01fere,.-irea.;Pelic&-Calls, the:last seliemeof -geld-and Ipiiite was .carried
having made a marked--impicoreinelat in , Mit*, in -; the decorations, .with arthree-
Pellee ' Wort ,.-,-Thei there 18-tli0.401ele "story wedding :eake.vviiieb...ceirtredi•-rhe
trangralYsion' fit •xievis to ' the neWS.4 table beingtrinmied lit the Sainef.tolors)
papers; -7tignkS are 'brought to :USIria,t- ;..aanong-the 'gifts', were..a -7-thOnottet, •Of
as&theY ife,'.abAppenint lizi, a WaY, that .' Talisman roSesiifrowethe: Port 'Albert
from : t lie . 'grandehildren eud, a ,'Inktal-, kogetlier-oheards' the -‘%111i, SO: -gates :4),i
'!-t7iViee,SIISCI:e.eltf4frIlltie'uthCleeloainnitl;T- fri' .de ns 'Etn,' ;:eig ' ... .
...._ Obld." .,-
forme.tlion; end: t_he new facOralle de- :heartiest CettgrAiniatif41$ UPOn the,o4,-
'Vice, ,Whieli .40! able -to transmit .news 'tslsiort,' and liiisii, mint. jxith,,ixr:., and:
illeanor '2titd,„ iteaCtiug"' WA3 the topic for,tho rp4ular (leorge -Veawoa, upon kiiosen ,
f Margaret 1.4ittle." ,
Vietarria 1,14hue Wartien et:Huron-County. lie is tile
Men 1140X, -don, ggnd. f,
- •
PX.S: TAlOitt-Olp
. Wate_rjoo.,„
TO),ephate gq;
'/IeirCvSt"'Sedierd Hotel,
IS•ona. „. •
, •
- , t/01/34.11ST '
-iiloder*.'Phorken•.$41 •
Ofllce hottrw4,10 to to
and.' to Tuesday, Friday and
77-±gat#443k.,,,,, , ,
10 -12 „ on. '-7W`eaneapay,
Monday and .ThurSdar 4fitottell:
• ' N. *A.TIONSON •
' 151:, taMith
, . •
. • ,
rtistsi Thomas Hogan and Allan Bow-, ' Maxine $tilr4Y, the only erie
The seenery.'ionk on 4 /remark.. 'Winner of a county championship this
Able appearance a reality, Year, was presented a goid,niedal
EfleenT.;,,,,oe was the ja,pee :revanist Or in acknowledgment of her sehleveniont.,
all of e- songs of the -operetta nufr tell -Waring trOPhieSjjAnd medals.
. ,
Wei-preented, to winners of the local
meet: ;
Senior girls' championship, medal and
Purity Men! shield--Peari %Parrant.
319441 ler 1-up---Patiline lohn.
on. -
Intermediate eliampionOMP,
Medal a.u4 -V.,14,,Hibbere ehleld-Voro-
thY Glen- Medal for rUnner-np•-•Itlean-4
-31,inior girls' -ehananienshin, medal
and Frank DonnetlY
'Sturdy. -iliedal 40r runnerlip-up-2Denna
,,, -ie.-A tanner re-
eossloi 3, 243ligheertitYetho,f"wr•PrfotitP,,,_:SD•-1-*It sbolderiLit tfeedt°W' Ii6tvvettliiy/f: n711110'4! .1.11!.ot eC?It'
•Wbo. had not liAele-hame -tioderich-on Friday last, in the person'
years,. 1 Wife lilt& fOrm..iv .50+ sxfx-is- bere, be
ehildren were inot *Dwelt lint -senttou anTiOtilre 'bitereAt distriet
eto nowera tor Oe meastan* " faits and Or SyMpathY-44 'Cite
813,‘,'iiiitier'± the 'direction' of their in -
meter,. Mr. tt, ,Twp.Inie.y..,,i.A. insplay
' ihosif. go 'kat' wow: a' given by
e, toftl*Dig14. 'tosaallne, 'T. :.*bon,
•'ilOW*titii' 0:-OilAgreli,-R-.`!-Dedh-
. Hill, 1): ditiii)oftsan,
Wilson; ,tr: • rteeMart, Ve",""Eanaieriy,
Dre*,' IL Dier,l'etBairei; It,' teat -tie,:
F. Ilawthorner•R,- Webster,' II. Bliek, R. . nY4.4....10.4.i.eid!O.Y; 13arns;e4e1
',..yeesitiali+6..and.,B,...Thernelee:::-.,',,'.".,...-,-. ..
..;(seyirair,,•ditittot , pyramid, stets, ',i;y: fer:ritilifer4ied Chapman.
4eiitt,doitio _ ,,,recetieti„u btt...htuid,tron. -, Interniefliate-..--'..boys!,..*-:elitimplon_ship,.
medal ana -Roy ,patteysen •ohlefd..--tuar-
i;Ivite,': jail; dol,riAttee0.0: , (,'T.:,h,p.04.eSerif:'''xilayetlilittPam, :Oiling,. .94,4j4.,gsilhrtovH!tte.(.01c;.:,:,!dri,,,,,41.,,...k,,f,,,,r,,,,,7,,u4n,,n,”e.,67,.-,..,uP.::R,,..e..ross
, tiettivvioeis.,, R. ,Iteid,, Sttedor .boys' championship, -31neeal
W. attho it: Riantr.:0;,: atienf,and, .alaileo.klip,sem,:d1wo.,()st;c'irshitldp4,-011,101.0.1%MtioeaSlitti,
16,•• , !Ar
1 'IkAW4r44..* .,,r.,1113-bri :04 Gordon .Sitteliffe.',
„ .
On Tlitli-6-dor.,,,ov4iiiitio pipitvitt.:E. .'' The A i WO sheeting.. tviettrds',Were 'as
Ked'EP ' es0Afe-11--; the' -ao-n--,---deirni„-_,_...e---awards
' "(1,-,: fini'eketitl-'441-CilifraJA0iy...14,..111,,,*Eh toevilT. tilleritiken". ':' ,r_ ;- ' -
: I'D,C.,Ils ' A,..raedal for best shot in Cadet
nid,761*te* 'AIrrardS'' r -r''' PliAl“?.vw`i , .-',,StratlicOna' inedal. for Marksmanship
ilith;‘-r(attieriiiii. 'Barton, '''•*700'senne' _.-D.: Stonehouse • ' ' • , : '
Bit 'den, lillifilieth' *fleet,- Irene': l;',,Co*..- ... Dr. H. 11. Hall stleid-'-D. Stonefieuse,
:Man, r111405f4nrilli;-'•141011) 01144;11a T. Plenniken" (tie). ' . • ' ' .
'.'0&rig,'44,101,,,:,.1);*, ,17)*,_;,0*,11,1aL,A'6114.2,,,i‘,4:4,,` D. ', I. ,liill -. trophy, !for ,..best„ shot* In
1,,,..,iteed- JrOrins„,,, ,...,ron;° ,y,„_,Prne,,I,,,.,..‘,0,Tti...a, '''''.4,,,y„„r .firet ear—F. Hawthorne.
211401111a:""4114t;53J1!1!Iri '443P4.Lk 74:11:17.: ' ' Vitist-dass medal --'--D. Stonehouse.
'Clirfstbie'ldOrilion, arY telf.Vr'''?vi-'4, . ,seecind-clitsS -inedal,e-rW., ;Burns. S.
4'Webialie,. i G*Ce- Mgr, :Ernest rerguson,„ NV, Reid, H. ore, R. Black,
akkeldt Irte&peott,,POnatd4Oen4,°*11; 'stone, W. ,Flennikeni. :C;' :McNeal, -E,
ifettii-Steietti4.4140:-T-lehttortiff.Y.-. 'Nefikeerdani!*,L..! Rodger, It. Hawthorne,
'Toff, 4-Ititlf oTy1401,41Prank` , Vins, .
,sfitirif,..1wiasaii.,2_,,,,.... ., .,„, , .,... _ . , .. he:--olm,o. Campbell,ix110:11L1:111:nvngte4,. -,i..- K;,,,o.,,;,-.-:„wOhitilst.-
,'gounnerdat- , Diplomas -7-;_ii" r a nt c es
• frousti*',.lrehla 'Plante, son • W 'Iiill • K Parrish F. ittiwthorne,
Ailletliday i0eeetIngs,--Ilir. Allan Wn-
sottlitlkiii e-otelfiratecliiis
llfrthday,SestnidteY,--ZatitfittY',,"al*, t'At
bis .hoine,i410104157keeAY,Ifr., '1V4111sen
,iissboriticiu.kilitlgoWgeotlaiOs Ifl 185,
afid.wheira yOititg!-inetrinnieltottaithAra
and settled in ' Torento,...'2 Where 'he
worked as a builder for several years.
Utter JohkeCtile riyoulgialAblie
ginfe73,4'40,Ciettladt are
MuteltOkii.".,q4Iftywit yedrs. :06
--aidWilrefillge-feiiiiii;r*Off&ehildreff,- -
seven -sons,and-lite,tittrighters, who are'.
all living. 41.1'.''-'40'itali-L'itiOVed to 0d1
lsorith tOwnsthilt) 19.13.-taiingiboUght
the;MeDbiientli. ;faille:At ,Oarl6WAiseter
two of -the Sons took over thelarniiintd,
lie fifit,'PlAre,' WilserCretitell7lo ;their;
• present: Amy rluette, Where' oliti•'1*St
congregation-, n ,bouquet .of ;daffodils -
'wisMo follow thenraal jeurneroti
silltAtoE CO. -Parra - and ISO-
:. lated totvn-preperty, iiiitireds„: .7* ,
' Ofireers7-4bomaajlitoylani4"sesident:
Seatorth Kno-i-,TVicearrest,
dent, Lendeaboral, M. A. Reid, Secre-
tary -Treasurer, Seatortha'
• DirectorslAjelt., Broadfoot, Seaforthi James Sholdice; 'Walton; jaw
• Connolly, :Goderieh; W. R. Archibald
•".,--..Settforthi Ohris• Leogintrat, Dublin
Alex. ,i4iyth; Me
•. Gregor, 'plinten. • •
.• .A40110,4-14.
lame*" Watt,,,Blyth; 'John POPer
ikrucelleld; IL F. -Ka:ember,
' :Dublin; Ilewitt,
eardine;_41t. jarmUtir, R.R. 1, Born-
holm.• •
.P011ey-hekiderti'T:tan•,. make
mitts' and *et- their cards receipted-at.
the Royal flank, Ciintp; CaivilLSIatt's
Grocery, Xingoten. Street, Coderich, or
..ikeeiOnt, and -gofer .Car
Office :-Mitionie teMple, Weet
Street, Goderibli,
-Phone 230 '
-4 •
DroW: •
' -."The loymakeir",..' • ,
The operetta told' the Story -of a poor
teYniaker who, *litr-be,' wasn't, being'
harangued .by his lazy mother, dreamed,
of a princess, *whom he had seen pass-
ing his Window one 414y, and .witiff
whoin he-- had. faxien, in • love. The
Princess in, her turn luid -fallen in love
with the toYmaker, whom' site had seen
lit the w.indo*, but phe. lied forgotten
,-where lie lived.
; One day the Emperox, issued an edict
saying, that he would gfve fertiine to,
theteyniaker who 'please his son
the Prince with a toY, of seine 'kind. •
The Princess, proteked-liecalise Vie
eptiki not,find the toyeniker wil'O'nr she
loved; deterinbaed to splash '411 the toya-
i :the land, so that no other toyinaker,
would receive the fortune. ,
•'AS" .flie•Prineep„set, Out, to break' all
-the toys, in the toYintikerriraliOn- theY7,
,-Came to!iife,..siirrennded_her and loek.
lien.JA a 'closet: where 8110 could do- no
farther, hatrth. ` ; • ,
When the toymaker came home- he
heard the .Princess''., cries from the
'eloSet. Ile . 'Opened the l door 'and they,
inimediately recOgniietteadkother. The
resolyed to help the toyinaker
-,inalc&tht -best toy in the land so that
could :win the fortune and Marry - her.
the Prince ,eanie to the toy -
then to inspect the toys he Chose the
ene-armed. :Wooden soldier, thonghe„byi
the other toys as the le; likely;
be 'chosen, and the toyina
jrwriinnneterss. .0,, .,-!oefome4-- and the
quartets und-shigIng-bv
the, entire chorus of toys Were a
'cleverly. interWihien: 'in the -story.' ,The•
entii'.Qv ,east was *exCeptionally well
' oseir.—Etteleora • '
or her, charaeter perfectly.
-The- operetta -was artanNed.:' ;and
directed by ' Miss'
misled InstrnetreS's at the CellOgiate,
• , At the-cdnilusion of the oPer'etta 011
Friday evening,' Miss Vane WAS pre-.
sewed with a 'beantifuT bouquet of
roses, by the .east, reeognition of the
effort which she had pet forth in mak-
' ing 'the performance 4 sitccess.. ,
The caSt ef "The Topa:taker" tvas as
Best Doll ----Claire Bisset -
Clown -;--Basil Bradley
Wooden 'Soldier -Dan 'Walter
Voyinalier-tiiaroTd Shore
Old Mother-dElva 'Worthy
Herald -11111y Sanderson''
PrIncesS-Joati Buchanan
Prince -Grant JolinSton - - -
;SalloreMary Gallow, Eileen AstelS
,Soldier$,,,-4)orothy ,MacDonald, Donna
'1'O1): :ie'; ----wrAd'i; Benjamin, Hazel Boyce
Peasants-Mario`rie, Gillespie; Maxine
SturdY,' Lorraine. Allen •
Chinese,. Doli-ikfary Veagen -
Littie Girl Poll -Irma Thonnts-
Teddpillear 1)411 . --:.Evelyn Donaldson
Ilunny-Gwendolyn ;tuck__
Jaek-ht-the.-Box.-,--Kathleen Rundle
Dutch Doll-Matrgaret Bundle -
.seems, Wino -at •iiieredtb e;'. "-
' *416.10 -War
In vartiin radlo will control trOOn.
Inaviaters will supply in -
Weak Eyes
Do, Ai(tt lAttke The ikkiltitatite nit
belleving (n4 son* tio) thOtt eal7
ramie wilt) u9e tht ir clew; toe close
work streiu thew. Ineyegoet
'eyes are, otraluoti Jimi•1,1ffr4Z
Makes your uppointakaeakt early
by pboabagg Iffirk4,
or.,11ingoton St. .The Sows
The fo11owlDiS
aiwitikoot, -2‘;!
,llainliten ,•ibed
):4614dagefis la;
002:Pair; Men,
,-pgati,,,...00.eatem 11
-in ome-,
Bed Orb* Wft
ionetoits;, ;WIC
January gist at'S p.
to • . ,
. .
ealolleicifil. ith°0*-114,Nellcilulii,.r4et, a. 4'sil.Wodii:diaeltifreuf •=31,ar$E;Y: '''D'in(113g°F0h,,e4t,:rat, S'Il '314P, P. ,Y:'''Ina, q.t.°, , ;.°.'101,3.61i.a*VlettlI14,e' j,ltenre*-0°-;:--7Ititi.:3;7,4.0 at
15 *n�ijjU$' 51
lieliY, aii--riC(':Other machine .Can' Cat 'in Me. • - • •.. ' . , • ':- -, . --,. • In
except Ake- one to whieh it is tuned. : - . : , - - Coniit 4 the sterinY-.Weatifer ..antl 'Etao
4lis‘Tute"Mur"11-0,--ot!--trallca•ftie::,'Cl'cfp-7potIA"41"ttutatiest,' - ,-,. •.' I, : . • .„ ••Ii..---, ,. • -...**44.-••.",,, •••'-, ..' -',,,:, Tni4.. litlieslabg';,1;e'rrOnlir 0,71:4'llea, _tahm,o' ill4r":115 '4 111 51E0. Doez'.
' U*4* ' - LU(J104- Ow . • Am s ' - ..
'to, ` hear • good -syMphenr_.,:prehestras„ `114iss 'Belle .Robertsen is 'spett,ding, the - --e-o --i. 6/..not,oudeutilut,1 bten ja id iiii with 1)4(1 eolds
grand SingerS,. One actors, all of,which
should exicout40,4,10-"or.lood niniie ,Nixtntiesrs_l_nwonhitnhifg ilentITDoroOuta.,13...N.„4 ,las, itiwthim._svsickuegikty.LK hut.:014tiptionrgo,.....arviiighe4ovi,iiisty.t. _, ,.,
and the'-finer-"thiligs-Ili-fh - yeariferto-Itirkland Da-keltft-er a--visi nie:etii4 of the ,-,vfmn6n,:s missionary -6:7:fi*iii: ..a.44 prayer. 1 ,daLuty
large eities radio is used in the :schools -T., ,were
and ,„,marly, silectal,subjects ; are. taken of three weeks with her . parents Mr ,
Soeiety.for11940 Wak*held On.Thursday, *as served;,-Tfie-ulnaib'?
not be taken in anyotherwaY.,,.., ,` ', heMenrsdbelLarirv:dir 7Crbygl):ttehOri":t1L'eii.ttik'h'11.(l:r,
i h'hnesr: . January' i$th',- at the home of--lir,',:-And: glad to _have. Mrs. ,Frhtilg., ,
$ .
up os, ototAndtp4 toolets.1010 could a,i.i, d Mrs. E. T. Douglas.,
Radio, from a politicar-standkint, ,31rs..lerrenee tfunter, withit'good at- sent at their nieethl; '114t9leir r
his been One of the greatest forces -4n
... father, George Shirley, whiph occnreed .ctseht onai .11 ti li.a:ey coila li. 6,11thet iht th P: i t.:4 et ethiattlhaewra as wassh1ar;iillness,tttt.vt3 t . : a?nodt, i alsoerot:h. Lan a4an
$ akv.„;1"4..it;r
changing the aline* .a..., the worbt. in at,ChriStie_Street hospital, .Toronto:4,The
,toner,Ai fti.e.,e 1920. in dio,n,toi: etnn., funeral took 7 SO.Ce'' at , Toronto, -with opening...by/lin "Joy to the votio,, the
withbut *it Hitler and Stalin sit -mild .
„interment in the war veterans, 1 t. in
Prospect: cenietery, ' • • . , ,
•.- .:... in prayer';.'The editorial 141 the .lannarY.,
tris , it':-.4S.,,nationally, eontrolled, Auld 117°- '----- 'Lord Is Come," 'Miss Edith 'Horton led
Ilet.er have corrvincea thor_te,oliie 00 ,....Word has been received hereby demn messenger was . read. . ,R#etertg were
'wrong; was ,riglit. • . They heat It day .1.y.LaeDonald' of •the serious Illness ' in given by the secretary,-treaania ' 4 -
"after daY,.4nd are not altOwed- to 118ton London of his ..Sister, :'Mrs. Elizabeth. supply. secretary, . and a statiMbit "
to ',anything that would show them the
other:, s to. . . , _ . Barbour,c nl,s,a,f :arum:1:i rresoltdextneto. fuLobueerknot 13waic......
The funeral,,,,,,of Miss, jean EVelll 'Ugric, Bogie -led -in `tifec,l31001.;reaflinft:
the supply allocation ,waS gilt*: ai1
- .Soinetnnes . we, -,grumble 'abeut, theepsalik-101),-,,,,,,-, 'The -meeting closed with:
kind of::,Programs we hear, but the. rem- hour and Airs. Barbour 'of Toreffto, , ,, . , , , . , ... - .....,„ ,„ „_,,
.ctiy- is. m. our own hands.' 'Public opin- foole place at ,Greenhill 'cemetery, 'Luck- 4.0.1100,............ • .-e.
len, ,is A. powerfu fitter, and .II 0,....ouo nuonwit,ed,wh.ceirnier-elthe, v.:coltncl. 1,1,‘Ciel..4,14,,.e gtiirtiri
lignDie °Wet- c). Pertain* Ones. nr Pro- service. ... Kiss Barbour tang* se)iool,
'gthvealilt(tia!Pitaanfigelyas-witlis, w:i°°tfltte)jie-eninear(*al i';' -at. ler-a :f.e.Steal's T)14'hail beell:fuil Invalid --
for tiie .last seyenteen years;
,lie,- are , responsible, and it's up- to us, A -TOO Brolten:-,-Wittethe. dischargo,.
said -the speaker. ' - ' ,
._„, musical rrogrant ,. .• of Sid 'Whitby from: the 97th, Battery
. .
An ineresting Musicarprograerebn-
iirot trio t • 1)00411154'c1)00411154'„,o f ,desfecilv hearint-„Pieknew's
of Irotbers.:tn enlist has been
aisting of a' violin solo by Mrs. Sehnts,
a yeeal solo by Miss e. Barrett, and 'a broken. ' 'SI(Es' hearing waS ImPaired /V
injurlea' reeelied in a ear Xgeident a.
'duet Jpy • ,Misses M. Mackay and 'a few years ago. --.., , ., , i,., .
Mast, was nifich enjoyed; ” ----ss Ail ,lq-
--- -,:' Pulgle Scheel S'oard.At-tlie-inaug-•'
Snider and Mr, irraneellzwere the ac.., iirat meeting of the:Publie School Board
companist8.: Mrs. lkilinnis gave . a '.fuie , for I040; Thomas W. Smith, Was tip,
paper on the, "Peace .Garclen," which pointed chairman for the year. : The
was dedicated iu 192 to Celebrate one,
.c.. other' mem'berg of the board are George
indred years Of. peoe, . between 4nkJ. Dceiglas,.William MeKenZi“ir.„; W.
•add and .,the tufted States. ,, ,..... - V. ildhlistOie Temple ciaik. *Ar; B. Mc-.
' 'A short business 4aessidnt. was gen., Min and Larold Alan, Donald. ilen-
tleptictse:15.1ihthetrrattleeis1?':g3141;W°::111Sks9nrae: (1, ,ezorsi°enst7'4'efanietetatorbIa.:tfeltarbr;t'Ha. al
an ablicov"011itta werhc,„1.e,e Pakip.'6.4_:':410flqihemt4 nollam....."."'.. biirtinffgekt:s.touilw.Luckicniontasnd,cewilielrgi.V7aterfrteedr
'4.6ti; teli4Oe'r a 4alance.°e $27.!3.2t' ' The ' 'a former reSident Of ilolyreed, 'died ' On
affiliation fee Of -!0.1o,.46E sixty-one ., ..
Januaesr 10th .:tit Boston, 21111.,, in hi$
meniberS had been Sea to Toronto, and
., ninety-lifth Year. Ther.6thains Were
ations vonaraiWee and, ttte'tillikers;.will, ra Service in St. Peters Anglican Church
1).(Ultrt41lled at the rebruarY oteethtx, -lame, Rev'. A. A. Maloney officiating,:
',Retorts of the -year's • wprk • .will be Mrs. Hamilton ,predeceased her bus -
given by, the eonveiters, followed by the band, aini -surviving are three married
birthday party • - „. ' . daug,hters, all living in Manitoba, and
"A hearty vote of thanks vva e tendered ,a son, Robert, of 'VVingham. ' . .. T ,
to ail Who ' 1111(1taken. Part in the pro. 1 Jaen • Wedding Celebrated;....7 Air.
gram *and the meeting closed with the ..•
and 'Ilra. Thomas ,A. • MeIceith, , of
singing of the -National Anthem . ilazeninore Sask., o -recently ceie.,
. • •, , _ , brated their Wh
t .goldddine,
en we- anniverar
, . . ;try, are. former resi0entS of Ashfieid,
./ ,
ANS.0ASA-D4-41.AirES uteingrivi„.--wermaraged. .
, ..i . : .. ' ' Ashgod..oxvjantiary 1st, 1800, and went
- . MONTREAL, .' .1011; ' 23,-Trans-ICtire. :to Saskatchewan in 1012. ',Viieli, fam-
ada .Alr Lines pitsSengers are showing 'lly eonsists of five children': Ewart D.,
great appreciation of the new service -7.‘iciteitle et Vancouver, B.C.; Robert:
whiCiFenables them to send telegrams of Itidgedale, .Sask,-;, T. 'T., .of Ifazeti•-•
from the -'air to the earth, aceording to more ;, •Mr'-. joe Steptoe, of tdroore,
"1".C.A. oiliciala hereiMessages handed Sisk, '1181 Mi It. •61:•* -Blake, of. Ilazen-•
to the ,s•tewardess, are radioed by the more. There are Ofteen :grandchildren
&,;t ,,officer to the ilearest Around-sta.- and one great•grandson. .,The.,„ -golden.
wedding dinner was served at the home
Umlaut' from there go to their destina-
tion .by Canadian National Telegraphs. of, J. T. MeXeifli, 'Where twenty at
No charge ii, made for the radio, service down. ,Numerousgifts and tongratula-
and the T.(1.A. eolleets no revenue, tory messages' were received by the
The htiSiness Man ;who leaves home hi youple. 1.tr. and Mtg. MelCelth ireeeiNi.41 .
ri hurry is ewe to eomplote, uedetehed at their Ma hOnte, where many Mends.,
work, to issue instructions, to make ate and neighbors gathered to wish them
pointments. Other travellers -send . out Maw?' WO haPler- year: of -, Married
IrWord of their approaett or even a dia. life. , ...
ducat* thanks for hospitality., .3
11.0,8. 104'1411AL MEETING The feast of 8t, Patrick vi7ill-he---olt.;
The ,annual meeting of ' the Unroll 'served this year in the Roman Catholie
Old Boys' Assoeiation of '146ronto will 'fleck,* of London on .April 3rd, instead
be helkl af, the West Bud le.it.t.O.A., Cot• of March 17th, aecording to announce.
ment by Mgr. A. P. :tfalioney, rektor of •
11-t, Peter's rSeininalTv' LadOn. ThO
change is made because Mareh 17 fall9 •
on Palm Sunday, the\ Sunday before
Vaster Numbly. OtherIeasts and fasts
of the churn follewhig .this date take
Mrs. Uaze1wocone dar1st wee'
at, Ate 'xigh in',
,aiff, later returning
-Tliere wasno
Villtedehntelf di.tyvNvf,
se'jterta",'S '• 4
We are so
11;,l'ivaitterS' is -no
4' Baxter -
teacher the tenitillter
abseute -4 • ,•..14jsiti late
who has been
Quite *4 •tuumber 'ate
slauTrouw,... Goonnoll.
'cloAcat LINES.
Bally 7.40 a.m., , 4.45 pan. --Leaves
Goderlelb for Striiford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Butfalo, .london, Detroit,
'Tavistock and Woodstock. Depot
Bedford, 'British and Royal Motels.
Pbo*. 'hotels or. 805 for infornialion.,
9d1, ee Eafitr, si.de of Pcivare.
PiOne• 003. ;- •,•
Residenctr. 11-,Tratalgar-.-S •
sA.E7-1i1ove4 tfl kinds
chot :44E40i, taw, ',btoiess
%moor -Li andsevera1 good farms.
• Let me: shdtv, y11''some real ••'
,bargalns Bu3 now..
NOW -Margaret Sydney's story, lblve Little Peppers'
Bickford In "Roman te of the. Redwoods.", .
Molt" TUES. ,sc *En,
rrel"&. Alareb-..yirginia Bruce
'Carroll and
Man Mowbray
Bnight toorgantle coniedy situa-
tions .feature the faAest, funni-
. est tuihiij Of the year,
ratM,13.0 PRI 4$ EIAZ
UUAT 1140A1;
44111ERE GOES •
Conrad irtidt 'Valerie flobon
MY HEART'? and June Haprez
a smoothly unifolded and timely •
Rheiinetlito is often caused by uric *cid in •
the Hood. 114 Mood imixitNY shoild be
extracted by& kidneys. ititidney.fall,iatt....'
ex.ten uric 'acid rentensilt initiate, the
netedesandjointe mons exensi**igyehte.,
Ptah to pre:root theumatisoilf keeping
your `Mango in goad reskthtioa. Take
Jeri!** Dead's Kidney -P111a--4ar loaf a
teobtry the favorite hickey teat*. , 106
. Dodd's
,The favorite emOng
women who desire
be*utiful well loipt-
furnituie,,Ne.ext of
i,r4cticat exPedisSo
by Counlian:bousof.
wives. :hive proven
the value of using
this .wiqt.knolka,
popular palish.
ituitoN cO•,, JUNIOR ASSOCIATIONI lege street and Dovereourt road, on
, The Huron County junior Assoe1a.1 AfoluloY evening, January 29th, at 8,30
tion • of Toronto Is holding a bridge On. All formnr 1-iturolliteN ,ar cor-
party at Haddon Hall, 310 illoor Street dially Invited NI he present. o
west, on Friday, February 2n4. A.. good'-,. - •-.-.
attendanee is looked for and a soeltbl"
e , Alt Your friend totuluotolY
time expeeted. Huron eotinty people ' front Idc broken leg?"
ctre cerdielly invited. Farther partiert- - .,..., "No. ConiPlieaktions set in." .
lars may be obtained from any Moniker , u•Itow mo?"
Of the executive emiimittee. • "Ile married his nurse."' '
precedenee' over (St. Patrikles Day in
• I
the, liturgy of the ehtirelf. When ferktt
days'fall on Sunday, it is not untonar
to postpone their observoneo.
That-iirixthat we supply, from a- toaster to wiring your house
" factory of. fitiMil Mgt
Brillg your electric problems to„us.