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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-18, Page 6-
SRI 1410443T.Alt
w.*" je1"tter ToNinb4SHIP COUNCILS
mimic expendi tore ea Tewnship root
peeeeut. The preeitieut, lira. Gordo* beeselletielo. U
4 nr, had, Oar., of the oevotiocuel tour- the leatilerthip
eiaeo, tlie theme of wideh. wee Tha 'Air. end ¥ra.u&47 of .&,yr are visite
World Outlook. of Jeeue" land whiela iug lat tb.e hinue-of eir dieughters lire
were ' opened with the hymn "Joy to the Maitland lienr•Yi.
World,"." followed iby the Scripture les- W.M.S. Meeelosiep-T, he monthly'meet- I eh
son read individually. The roll (WI ing of the WAL13. wee held on 1Veeinee- at
wioi answered with the text word "Joy," day afteruovie with ten preeent, ',Me th
A poem, "'Christ My Lord," by NaraYall• 'devotional program was led by Mrte ti
Thak, the poet saint of Iudia, was read. R. Vincent, with. Witatifred Cempbell at iv
b Airs le,tve Davidson, and the hymn the plane. MTS. Hugh Blair reed the ut
"(Me Wbe Is All Unfit to Count," by 1 Serlpture leeson from, Peeler 15. Mre. by
the same writer, was sung. The offer. it. 'Vincent led in •prayer. Iteadiuga •so
ing was ree.eived 'Mr" ttte-Creed- Tee -were-given by --Mr*. Albert-Waleh, nor -
Pealed. Tile ilnanee committee brought -Wishing," and by 'Mrs, Gordon Suell,, in
in auggcations for the year. A "Cali to on "Another "rear." A piano selo waa
PraSer'' was read' bY Mee. Mary Phil- rendered he Mrs. Enoniersen Rodger, ell
lips, and "A Prayer in, Tbne of Wet" The third eimpter of tbe Study book,
DMUS , 190
from, the Itlyth lestieveetral Society, of
both pissed. which she was secretary' a lamp Irene °
The offer of Mr, Roy Butt to reut ths the W. A. of the United ebub, and *
COLOOHNE TO111e4rosasx' hail for townioldp puree we At, 400 girt from the youee r a'a 'Union,
The Munielpel youuvu, a the Towii- waif eve -tilted. The ow tor *AM WOrk-
111 COlborne met toi per etetUte lug on roads wo;tiw set at 20e per hour
ean„, january title1949. After aud for Warne et 40e.
ens of of the necessery, declare- Titer behedule of expenditure on wade
e *Ign
as begian by the reading of the Abet and Clerk wem inatructed to sign and
ea a December 15th, 1939. Mined Submit 'to the Department of Higitwaye,
N. AleLarty, seconded by A. 'Wet- asking the statute*, grant thereon. •
14etters were read freen the _loth:owe tintirnext meeting. he to receive 1,1/3
n, thet minutes be adepted as read. re:11:..nCtolaleectotoitri'oe),Aatiinivier7,e,:enovexti:uga_oned
g delinquents.
Departritent rO.
ip road exPenditure by-laws. Air. Corey presented a euivey or blue
Department of Highways', re annual print for a drain made by Engineer
,e on road constreepon, rfor, pCreoxveedf t•itute tb0e,A4itfleieveThwe to;,6,4oburniebigi etboe-
mattee up at County Council.
District, Engineer Venom; .w4ii pre-
sent and gave his oPhtiort that it would.
permission to reraeve station spheutegute be,:upesinureessr flifearinttainhe etc,: t,v1Ilireirleatdo
work., In the. pest the Towneltip ha*
glees -the busluess of the yeer duriug 1939 was preeented. The Reeve
. waa read by Nora Sewerby. -Mre. "Moving Millions," was teken by Mrs. conferene
GODERICIT TOWNSIIIP lug , at the home a Mr. andOar- Harwood read "A Message to- .tkil Marvin MeDowell, the chepteee. /Ong County a
oatudd. Teottwginusehletsp to
sunepeitlri jun-
VOreary 21st and 22nd.
ti appobit et caretaker at lite.
to:fleet of Agriculture re ay- been. hiring the geuuty maehines but,
t °tweed:inspectors:. owing to the inereased week by the'
Neunielpalo A.ssociation, ,ty it is almosteloupoesibleeto.have
0,ounell Joel aes .aSSO-eittw, t4ioew- tautinptu. _in4erissyve-wvher, -tureqe,purebaboey
tioii et "'rhea.; and ntOt Yet been4eelded.'
thie-„barida tor -Colleetor--:-and„ The._OnlY.,pioYment was Supermen-
retleweel at, the same anOthtne 0011firil..then adjourned to *FebruArY
ear • • • • • - , 54.1„ at 1.30 p.m.
Gopx.futli TONNWAIIIP4 Jart.,15.
Mr., anti Aar% Oordon Or entertained
ot, few friends on VridaY evening •
hor Or of the Itost's birteday-;
•and Mrs, Iiarvey Fuller enter-
tabled a 'few -.friends at a • Progreseive
eiiehre perty on Vedaevenq
The' ;January meeting of the Dram
*tie Club will he held, ien•PridaY.-even.=-.-
VeY Progres_sive erokluole peelees,e. ,The meeting elosed -with the "Indiate Rural Indians.'' Mrs. 4asper teudents
clod" rl LI led in nray Mrs, It. Vin- Toronto,
be played. hymn "0 'Spirit of ,tite Living te
'We am sorry to report that.Mr. Itobt. 'anti prayer by the letuler.. Lunch, wee cent -gave readba, on Christian The Ca
Sten:wain has 'been veil' ill at 111$ bora°. serVed ex the hostess....,`:;: -.Owing' 't4e_ 00,Nverdehile, "If ' Only Had -the Pan', re
the yxx",, held next Sunday, Oregatlon Unnin On; .ciundaY. The dent, too,. ehe:rge of the'hulainess, as Gaw stat
ere ee. ee ng • ts, ,
evening,in the church. 411 youllg peppio pastor,. Rev. -0, L., Brovvn, >ecti•Pled the pregident wits Unable; to be present „Depot
unieti let h Notes A In t roads, -there was olds a smell Con- UMW'. WI'S.), "Woe. Carter, vice - the west- agent an
are urged to be presolt The Janti„ pulpit, delivering a splendid sermon The Lord'S Preyer was repeated in pointnien
er'S 'meeting Of *the waa e from the text "Por by,thy iwordS thoU malson. The secretary _reported twelve Ontario -
on WednesdaY. afternoon at tiorae t shalt be luietifleel, and by thy words meetingeheld last year. with, an eeerage questieg
of witli•-•nineladiti thou shalt. be condeheneir: Ote Xtre. Ottendahee of tWelitZ. The Society 1140 tion
•,-.- • Ilieer 17,187'); • it,,fornied*into_grouPs. -with leader On. ono
sPoniiiblo for rilleing 45 and eeell Mem. Treasure
froonqhe Globe InderenitY Par vonehee No. 2, 4272.99„ --
for each grouP, eaelo qr011p te, be -re., W40,-,54it
"her to give $1 talent MonOY,',• Mrs: Mar -72: Co. were
11 I ed th 'Meetin with r'• Ittet-1
For mer .11;ead
Arr.1 better cake
Po silloter
° .1444044144444
laTHOD: (1) etwai lit444 4404!..;
-4)44t4sAw bietlisq Wants" 0) eft
glow int* bousivowiwi,40•44.4444altivio4,
• olvIfida#4144m4144,1riatisilkt,oXibigtilia.1«-
1) UN: soslie s• little vim wow of, it
Wood, 4006114in buttimmilk. (4)
Iranilisandboakwil. (5)SikeintatstWoi,
atodente ova. c( 225 &ow. S
ftoisigbawketimissw1444. 0101kke•
MtOrOOVedigi0016,1110 owe.
VssosstsiteINALMII Of DINA‘1,0'
zeozheosios,,Wwisoolor 0110010a01
-' ••l•.. ele;eeet-e-
Best for all yourBakinq
11.45 A.M. 2.
A.Bf. -
11.00 A.M. KO)
Ellis was. a WinghaM vieitor on Prle- . -- • .- ----- - - - - aved by A. -Watson and Wm, _Thein# '
Wrenn-M,Ps 40.. 1 -6. --.Ws. 4:•:.11; prayer. . ,
' Mr. John Picket; of -MaPie 'area, -',."011,-rea l' All privates, 1 pAvosor ,WithLnti---Vdrairto,vellect these taxes.
,- 1314tynt—* _
. . that ell' outstanding taxes of 1939 must- H
Reeve Rayinond Redmond ii4rittend-..., ,- The farmer told his Visitor that Moat Mere '# 1040. L_ , •
Mg • Cauaty Connell 4 Ooderieb: thIS of the men working in, a field were 6,-x- ' Moved by Mt" 'Th"l' 4-11(1'. 3#Ines
7,.eOrt' _• - •-- ' soldiers..._., .. , • - Chitshelm, that tOolleetior receive $4100
Alberta, 'le ',visiting with his. nephew,. owen...,att,, .4,... matter of fact oey, _ The Collector reported that - out Of
Air. John Buchanani and Other friends. aren't," said the farmer. “There are diet etwenty-odd 'Porusand -dellare'Lof
Owing to the inclement weather 'en '.00ie or tyve 'PriVates. , OneofThem was taxes- on _.,..the re),17* little,o,e !,8,000
, 'Sunday, the attendanee at charch *al* a corporal. There's a majerv and ..-a wakeutstaionOk-s","_ __.":.„, '' • ..
not as large as usual:. Rev. 11. V. Wil- colonel."' ' , • - .., •,, , , , T.,4,T011ector 84tinie • was extended,
n e'en gave- a splendid address on Vray- "Dear me! 'All good men'?" ..4ne Month and „11(k• A.; .$omersall WAS
er;" taking bis text from Luke 1.1„;1- "Well, the privates are pretty gre# • appointed bailiff; ' ' -
-"One of lite dieeiplee ''said unto, him, on the whole and the corporal istret too APPlieitions- were received from the
Lord, teach joe to . pray, as john also bad. : The eaaitnee eojeeese „. e.--- following for exemption of wood..loes:'
taught his disciples?. ' : . -"_. •' 'And the, eeleuar. • _„„• Ezra Fisher, 10 acres; Roy Linklathr,
n Mrs. A. Lovett , of $t, Catharines The fartiVechesitated: "I'm not going 18 fletea..; Reg. Glen„ 6 acres. -
visited recently- reeentit' ritir her sister, " Up.. tory.nnything against' re -man -who has Moved by ,'N'.' Meletrty • and, win:
Percy Vincent,' . . =_. . 7 .‘,, .'bete a colonel' in .the allot; but 'I've Thoro, that Assessor examine these lots,.
' Among: those taking the short, 0140" !'nutde up bly Mind that, •whoitever hap, and act according to *W. .,„
1 at Belgrave are Anna, McDowell, ilitae .
pens,- v I'm :. not ' going .to hire -Any Moved by . Wm,,:),11144p,iind- X..... 01i18 -
Frisby, Harvey Harvey McDov!ell, Johipi Gear, generals." * • holm, that.the 'Counell_ineet the first
Bruce.$cott. ;,.'• ' ' • • • , , , -
•Tuesday each month.? , J
. The-ILP.U.--Met: on sday-evela A hunter was showing Aete teeil,e-onee. The usual 'number ef by-ltrive,. were
_Ing With twelve. Present. „„...the-meetiW. '-tion•Of treplites to &group of -visitors. rend and 7•Piiii34 Atielleintrnete Mitt '1,0'.*
Was 'led by • jim Walahe' with OrtteMe' Be was rapturously explaining hew he appointing' the tellowMg: Assessor,
lesSein-WerWatiThY' tietefeteto'lteetiV ;Gordbn Jewell; collector, Wm. Watson;
,Ate:DowelLaAlhe Pia 0., - ,The Scripture .sehord;littenfielige.„9„,;, 4,..-.„11c,9!.04.1;
. was given ;by ell arveY McDOWell. "A: auditors, • II. ,' Long, , Jeeitn','Gardner;4•11.C.Vilion Ted) prayer. The topic
reading "Was given by Doreen Vincent, fence -viewers, „ lierace,,gortOrt, Thos.
The-nieetin eased .-with.:tbe Mizpah Chisholm, Oar. Waite* 41tred Moore
J. ' 4';`:•::14)bert,San„ , and B.-..W..kts.f3heir;
poundkeepers, •Frank ''SMbleyi Alden
Alli,,Jdnathart .rislier„ Les. JoheStbn
Warr. !Slisfew; ' Steck' valuators, Wm
Valk,: George Pulford, M. Straughan
George Million -,,, ..sanitary inspectors
Wirm...Marsh,. Job Bicknell.; Member 0
+1 1 •Bga;f1 of l'ealths:-Mr. -Allan, Willow;
weed inspector, Win.SallOWS. °. , ,, •
-- The -road. vouchers and the follovem
,- accounts were ordered 'paid.: Boa
"foirchers, $40:80 ;,'T: 11. Wilson,, bonds
- • 12 50
`day. From rioi# t� Worse
be yr on or, hefere ,the day,ES ' •
Under an order4n-in passed at
Toronto, the legisla,tion requiring
pasteurization of Milk will -.come into
effect In 'Myth,. on Marcii_Ist next:
Miss Josie Woodcock hes been ,elected
president _fo the local Red gross Sol
tiety, and Aletcoilf eeeretaride • •
reeent..„.. wed -
'cling of interest =Avaie that of ,IIazeI
Marguerite, daughter' of Mr, and Mrse
George Cowan,' Blyth, Edgar:Leslie.
•Dalgliesh, :son of Mrs; A. Dalgllesh,
Orangeville, and the late Metvalglesh.
The cereniony .was performed by Rev;.
,A.:,Sincleir Blyth UniteUchtireh, The
' bride, given in marriage by her father,
wee tharming in a _costume rose
crepe, ,with Queen Anne collar of vvhite
lace, White' gloves, blitele_euede shots
and corsage -of Butterfly Ophelia roses:
After -elle.geremopythe vveddipg dinner
-eerie -perved et . the Mine, of the bricie'e
iihrenth'; 'Mt -and -Wr0.-Dalz.
gliesh left by -motor for aeliert honey-
moon -trip. ,They Wilt -reside at -orange.
' ; • • .
• Saying VictinVell,r-The Member's o
lile'Blyth telepliiineithir were enter-
tained at'dinner 'at -the homeof Mr.
and, Mrs, Charles' Bell, the , guest of
honor being Miss. Gladys Fawcett, who,
'after twelve years' service With- the
state: Is taking a position, at Toronto..
During the evening MiSs , Fawcett 'was
presented With a -clock, the -presentation
being, made by Miss While Naylor,
' 'while•-•Miss-Wadeline' Bell read an ad
dress. Prior to her„.'depa;tUrO from
• J• 31Ytil 3,111g'S, Fawcett received several
ether parting gifts, ..including` a pen
A.'Progressive„ poliey for 19*, de --
signed to help the termer adapt lohn-
self to changing war -time ceuditione#
bee been announce(' by the AutillY
Herald. and Weekly Star, of Montreal,
Throughout 1040, Family Herald
"deo, weittew -11--,steff editoroo- 1 - --
co-operation with, leading agricultural
expertee'will 'Show how the farmer may
plen to avoid, loeses through changing
markets — how he can take advant-
age of new opPortunitie0 that are likely
to present theraselvee as a result- of
thei war.
acquired the „various exhibits: -
shist-et injuY,prOaroae.r
"iktk. goodness," mtirintred the stir -
prised • young lady:. "Haw did it get
-7 -I-
fretnZtobtakt4,641, 1)youie_tpalhomered;i.
Radio Servic:e
Loweet..retes for terviee.• Esti,
Maim On ***tett Alt.,' work
1:°Plosernrvarai r.r*te0Ar,r:j!v'Piuuic•,si(PTrUbie:t;:t"!tS4Sitt°t;)kt:
It R. MUND472,'"
AVIdder St,
Phone- 598
rii Bank o Canada is, aiithorige—il the Minister receive
• iubscripti.cini for a loan issued for casit'itr-the-pliowing ter -Ms i
edeenied Illy- Annual Drawings by
. •
20% 4- the 14,1'itert ire 1044
-0% .Februitrily 190 -fit„zoo.60
4 , .Febrttairy 4-,19$0 at 100.00.,
" - rebtWUY i, :1052 at z 101.60
side 100%' and neernettlinterfot.
' rikeediNvill"be-used.hytW -6.'v"ETjitnifefit't6:ti*ee;,exivlidftlirf,o' tor war PdPogeo.
„Payment is to be made in -full against delivery of interim certificat,eS *on or. after
Februark 1, 1946. ,
Principal and interest Will be ti.401516. lii la:Wig iiienelOrdatada.,—Iiiterest Vrilitbe, --
payable tvfityout charge ser*annualii at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.
t . . .,; ,
The BondS'will be' dated Februdry 1, 1940. ,
Denoinination. of , ,Xlearern.,,gonds; $5(), . $1.0000:
The Ministerof Finance mar, at his discretion, authorize, the Dank , of Canada, to
,accept apPlications to convert 1:)ominion of Canada a% 'Bonds maturing March 1, 1940,
• into an equal par value of additional, bonds of' the above issue. The 3%,)3onds accepted
for conversion will be valued at 100.ifilp and accrued interest to date of delivery'.
Cash sUbScriptions and conversion, application's may be made tothe, Dank of Canada, °
Ottawas through any braneh in Canada of any chartered bank or through any approved
investMent dealer or stock broker from, whom copies of the official prospectuii con-
taining coMpleto details of the issue May be obtained.,
Tbe Minister '6f Filianee reserves the right to allot h subscriptions in full
or in part.
Subscription lists will open gt 9 a.m., B' .S.24., on Januarit 1.0A ?Id win rowan
Open, thereafter for /tot ?owlet. than tWo weeks, but may be closed at any, time at th4
discretiort of the Minister of Firtance,.--,with or without notice.
12,, 11440
• • •
• ••fo
fbr Treasurer and Collector,. ;
. Sallows;! vital -istatistics,
Bank: n -of lIbb'treal,e'taxee--colleetede
2:85; Ros•Ttil 7.-)oik, taxes -eollected,..
A$7utiorfna' ne24.31a5 ;4; 13C'Etannaka;•eaf;.'„°°, Pthlaalnere"....91
Wm. Watson,
Valence et account, eleteher '104135.
Febrearyreths'at 2 .p.m. •
WM. .s.A.T..;hovs, Clerk.
. The Township ,Council beid its in-
augural meeting, at 11 ain.on January
8. Ex-Iteeve Iltureke was present and
extendedd--his best vviShea_to the plea.:
-hers of -this Year's-MA.1mM .The mem-
bers in turn madeehert,epeeehes.''and
aSi are deeirous not combining efliefeney-
end-economy: ' • - •
,The auditors report front the.Depart-
ment of Highways ,piiroad expenditure
was exaniined and found satisfactory.
T. 1.1. It Brock solicited the authting
-or accounts. Monteith and Alonteithihad
_already been, engaged; no action. Com-
municatiees- 'tiora Ontario ..4.tuutelpal,
toociatiOn, and regarding -relief fuel for
mothers' 'allowance eases were reed and
filed. -*Department of Agriculture, re
As lo Rotietieliak„, ,
-L,- -weed-inepechnlIarris was re-
of otpt,q of them are .cevered,-- Air.
'Ace; only cattle,: sheep or the young TOintliST P:AttE .
appohated, Department of
defieing Dog Tax and Sheep 'ProteetiOn.
Howard Clarks, re error_ in tai sale;
o•n Appticattercip .ohy A$191.14 -
Mr,'` C. 'A, Whitely; Treasurer, was In,:
_retrueted to iuteryiew tee Counti-Titas-
, ..e.torer and have 4 nneorrectioir,inede.
• 'adopted. • -The Treasurer; was Oven a
Bylipv No. 1, setting:041016a, -was
raise :of $25; the remainder .the Saone. T
Bylaw ,. No. appointed,_ officials as J: 'elsealaei‘lealeegi(eeiee.N.deomekesor,11"iliri
talkies t- Clerks 11-G, ThomPsole; Trees=
• , ard *Indy; Assessor, 11, 'AlcOartnen• F Et. sEnysce
met, Chas. A. Whitely; Collector; Hew;
• school attendance Oilleere GlIddon,
Sr. rittee-viewerrweee re:Ire/Minted , Oth; DISABLED OR DEAD
Enjoy glorious sunshine–,
California', offers the Witrt
:visitot-eveiything in Summer
On the way ,to and from
California you can readily
arrangejo visit the ma) estic
Canadian itoCkies-Arancouver
and Victoria in Canada's
.EITrgreen Playground.,
potsit knit. Ia.
tolk4itito tos imilesi"
rophey Bros.
, •
Anabultince .serviee 44.*
Phone*: .Store.: 'Res, 217
.40DERIOtt. • •
Funeral Metter' and Embalmer
iltomptly) a ttended:. to '
or'night-• •
'St,ore Res, t 355W.,
intilfon Street boderldi
Wl eAvu,
11E4TER, - •
. In our
that guarantees, heat in 09
-*Nona% •
VorP.TOMPtneSS. and-eonifort'in,
- Invalid -Oar Service
except that' Air. Russet Neal Was al)..
Ilointect„ixotead ot 'Councillor It G.
re -appointed. rt_nlovelti, promptly ctild officio. intly#,•• .
r, Smith, The sante •poundkeepere, *were,
. ylaw Nee Si to borrownIZaley from ••simply phorEsotoLLECTo fp
the.-11.4yal Think for -current 'exOendl-. , -
irramsrimeriomow ILLiAt4 STONE SOP1S :
ture, and Bylaw. No. 4, to provide.. for
r. ...„tliottitubDaibtra.' '11111° ;tin' LS'IlgAlrOideriVi% rae,,PItter,t7a8-110e:41 PliCiapjl714°2"1 ' - ' ' G4lerl' INGERCh'S°°"114.
. :eatalOgUN 1>Z0V-Iti„,)n1Wit'CO,, Box 91#
less".than„.retail.•'• Write for mai14rder. -seemeesemeeeieeseseeis,
-•( • Hamilton,' Ont." 340
. .
- • '""t%
'HO IRUSItallitid
Simply pow a lint*
Hawes' Now Ow am
tit cloth tit
For Lots o
USE— ,
-17 mon-treat s
Phone 39
0 that Tickling
e roat
, -
That tickling in the ,throat is Inost
dittressing, and is, caused by.a cola .
eettiTliiiiegary414,'hthare'dteobru°gath° 'not only keep')
you-ln misery all day long, but alto,
prevents you getting a good night' '
• 1-.'Whaf you need to. relieve this
• fielding tough it Dr. Wood's NoWiii
Pine Syrup. This valuable proper:1..
.tion is composed of t,he most sixth* '`•
Int and healing expectorant barke
and herbs with which is combined t
the virtues of the world-tunoun
°: Norway pine tree. . I
'' Wh..estiG634yoUtilltgetlitt 'tttr. W°°a'S"Il
"s" '14'11111)"11 Pe*. r444 Torozto,Ont.
The Delaware & Jtudson flaiC�ai
.that ,Is'eone.eleaned, does not clinker and IS very low in aeh.
EORT) cony. 4 -Coke that Is very popular one very high ;in
heat unite.
Our four -pointed treated. POiliIIONTAS,, This' grade of Coal(
Mae beeome /very popalar.
7 '
The RJ
ed acket Domestic Coal .
for your range, heater,,f women or boiler. Cost In eoal yard,
SSA* per too or $8175 deiIvrd In Goderith.
Chas; C. Lee „
00,ALYARD end ItAitDWARZ STOR11 At the HarbOr
Phones—Store 22
Rowe 112