HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-11, Page 3-
,NiserSeyseiniCONie -NO, 2
Btisilizess Dire'dory
esaerister, :tete. -
Office -Court llott0e, Goderich.
' Berrister and Solicitor
OilleeesIsTortlis'etreet, Goderleh.
RitNnir Lao,
Bftrrititer and tiolielt,or
Sim Isife 13011ding, Adelaide and "Vie-
- tea* Streets,- -Toronto a •
. Telepboue•eliligin n,0301. '
•-.11 •
A !'
'Phone. 80, Ociderich, Ont.
- • - Oface:-- Hamilton- Street;
• _
• UON'VEIT11 a•nd MONTNITH, •s
77 VOWnie St,reets Stratford
Toronto Office* 302 Bel Street ,
Ciiief Polis,..e Postelethwaite
L s not -taking eilence the eritielsra of
alleged promiscuous- Sloiotilig a dogs
'on the ,oblic Streete.,
admits that four doganestwwpolice
slogs,,'a eollie and, a .1:wand-were disk;
patened, but he $ays that caee
thekillieg was justified •ansl. the eXecte
tioner'a " nworis • wee tlierougli :sand.
humane. , „
Tile Chief seYS-tliat hi's eyeitignt Is
not what it rased to be and therefere
did not attemPt tO n•PYshooting
self. Ile bad..Some trouble getting a
mars to do the job; henVe the delay. ,
, In one eose, he say, collie and a
pollee, dog had taken possession of
Robert Winter,'ss garage and refused to
lot the owner enter.- So hie gathered up
his non:fetal dog eireetitioner, armed with'
12 -gauge double-barrelled shotgun,
aiidwent to the 'scene. Thegarege
donli Were sroMrs open, the pollee dog- , s
rear on its hind legs an bared his -eouse-Manager or the 'first 'store and If
fang* A* tm attuelt; so elation& everything went w11 general eaeueees.
014renee Essex let "hini otb. bar- '61* the' 01103: * •
rase, 011ie .get 'aYvity and ha! not ISo far' s° g°°°` 131° the vate4 vlaS
heft -seen 4)1,0. -that it *mild be necessary for Harrison.
Careful in Shoe ' to take 011t .sa bondlWith. a fidelity cone
ItanY. and that would cost $10. Mar -
Altogether ..the -raiding party made
twelve "run," but the total, kill was ;410E4' after parting with the cash
four. It was`dif4Cult to manoeuvre the never sa* the , Dona or., the ihelleY
canines into shooting position so that, egeln;--slesPlte repeat -a'
the line of vision should be clear 'Of loewden, when, Pleadea
not guilty,
Maintained he -had made the proposi-
obstructions. except the. deg& Other-
Li A: JANt'R1Yi1tJi, .,n
-ases-s.,=•esiel '
d of C DR. MANI
Being Maintained rroboi
y in May or June, Ree's Cow
eervative 'seeder at JA$141011
,LONDON, It. J. Maw'
itifia`-nationgl leader isf the Conservative
party and London's representative. at
ottawa, repeated JAiS predietion of a
spring election here Saturday.
Get.Rich-Quick I Good. Recor • =xenon
Scheme Not So Good;
liotatto Pop" Project Fano to
The follow nes is a secora of the work
aolie theyroderien, Red Cross branch
for VfeOray Court ibmt N0111 OCUY'Lltir 3.4tba 11)39n,, to December
and Pupils Good
11 1lrL1
gn"iblm' paldQs.5 14PrSjillintliicaantiges' Dr. Menion v'ieited this constituency
nfoided in. the Magistrate's ,CoUrt on banuagiius; t;ot their, eleit to •Gode;ich ;Cols "t"et attend a meetiug of the, executive of
TA114041griitt.:t"olkiwriarallif Lewdeent teXre:,, ases beuesseee, 34; pyjamas, 47; leeittfe Institute oit December (ltli and the l'Amden Conservative •Assoetation
Say Inspectors in Report to Board
Ilifork of Teabliers
, Tfirerepoefieof Investors A,nelin and
fe.ntastie geterien-quiels yilsa wit$
den was remanded 'for sentence fin' One
week on his own*bail,-ordeAW nlaxo
restitution and to be prepared to pay
all court costs.
.Meeting young liarriS90, on a 'Satur-
day night last -August, .LoWdene accord-
ing to the evidence, told the boy be was
starting a chain a “potato pow' stores
in which to sell a new spud confection
which he Was 4raporting from the
United Atates Harrison` was to bes,
'see ,cor., ant.1 to Visit with friends here.
livlete4Y 4)f .:dara*Ilz11) t?:41;rd°1;;' .11111.1. bandkevel!li4s' q;'3515"Vair; breeecue:eCeoll:e:IsbY:$110°1 early june," Dr. •Manion sant I do
being maintaineds" 14e)'s the rePerto not see how the present Government'
"Mr. Scott 10 uew well estanlished nsav- avoid ealling an election. The
prineilsal and semis to ,haven won 00 Go V emment cartnot tooth:Ina withottt I
corifideuce of the Board, the coeoPeras asking for an exteusion of time and Mr.
tion of. the stag and the respeet of tile King bee stated tbat he will not ask
puplisc He has effected tteserse setts-- eee.est eeseetessee said.
factory organization and keeps the` However, Dr. Manion aid not diseuss
daily program running SulOthlY. tneaSoseible lesues election which
"None of the, are new to the he eees newish* norsoffer any .commealt
school and 'all are devoting themselvea tile state of the nation or the war,
faithfutly ea_ their teatlilug 101(1 JAW effort"'
,endeavoring to preMote the welfare of The tionSe 0Ounnone 'Oen On
'their' pupils.. Tile pupils OA' their iniA jannerse 25 'and In the oPlitiOn 4""Dr.
dieplayeile cdinneendable interest Afruildu Me:Will the a busy bet .net an
the scnool well as in the Werie overstengthr sesSion; • , •.
-11e-eXplaineti that eiait London,
was entirely informal and thatslie"ditt
not "eare disettse what s might be
"natiOnal issuesn.at the Present time, in-
dieating that he neltese to seYesleiS eojne
Meat' until the /lease of...CODAMOZI.Ifetkt
eion, or perhaps the eampaigus
„ have plenty to say,- when the
timescomee," he paid, • ;
'I tninis there will be an election
,icarves, 44; w istlets,.4:te pairs gloves,- legiate Board. -
Ison, lecal teen-ege youth, of, $10. lows
e pair; sweatere, • before summer, probably in May or
TelePhene 119 "
- Sales - attended , to turywitere and.
,Farmertit 'sale notes „ cot:tilted.
• _
•, reenCTION1141t-SsROIt
Courteolis •SatisfeeterY Service,
• -Rates Reasonable. ss,
H. ELLIOTT,' Clinton. "*
• ,s •
0 a
lien in good faith pa
wise the e"ibag" s wottld baof wa
se been d. that the advent
greater. eeeve see s . _ .. •s. • n, ,. 'e roand "Chang'ett'tariff regalia s
The Chief Ways that •be.,..came.ititA Irad , spoiled • bis plans. Re ; had :, oa
his, farm and was .ronning a sertice
more than fiftysileggeWitholt fauizlestor
,eeess eleasao some genetic eAtmeet10 'Station and refreshment_ .booth at
.nto the reporter.. esees1 -. . • olutes*Ille.sWhen the 'etkain-.'stere idea
hit hingklafter a -visieto 'Cleveland.- .
"11 to0,--am a dog lover. I--esVii it-, \dog
STnettrial'veitessfeaturedsbY a shoutingl
residsI, take care of him, feed nine and '
buy- him a -tag each nyear. .- 'pit theee. •witness, - and 331rauls_,DonnellYs defence
poor neglected animaissine betterout'
.Saf the way,":.saidthe Chief; '-' ' .' 4 - couneete it became "So -'net that tie
Xagistrate, 'Crown Attorney 7ana*Piiii&
He said that; hornelpee, ownerless 'hAds to intervenes Honors were•abeut
dos had been 'a Sbugbear - withsliimefet
TOM,' , ,It was eas.etrangoevomihentarres ",,,,T,,,,,„. •:Sse°,,,-.--,' -., ses-7„,,,,,seses s' ss .,.,_
that: of .- perhaps 400, sdog-ovviiers in- --Lite. l'ule4kv`-''istevng!eu---'Teel‘-'tge''
„he...swessfegatilty ',Of -false, Aseetendee.. He
Geslerich-eettlys eiglitystwo bad Seee--,sss-
eage for thool, if, the humane, tintiig like.to.seo- this boy get hismoneyslinaeks'
-rto, other purpOse, he said,lt was hoped 1 4.14°w•fien"44;r414Y 11."- •I'C'ek. in' Jail' .1
Materials 'Wed. dUring 1939: Ilan-
nelette, 010% Yerde ; gauze, 1100 yerde;
hatter cloth, 300 yards; factory 'eetten,
009 .1/3 yards; thread, epoolel
twill gotten, 4e5 yards.; woolette, 37
Verde; eiderdown, 354/1. yerdsreanton,
gantlet, irlikiiiiast wool, 418. ib. -
The Bed -Cross, rooms Will be open
for work on Viteisdays and 'I'hurSdase
only. 'Saturday afternoons the' rooms
will be open"for receiving and giving
out of wool: and materlalS, inspeetiore
Itud packing: .
-Clotting for -the evacuated kiddies in
England -ha's been , made out of the
tuttings. of the Material -us . the
ordinary Work.
Mrs, EValiS le'displaying a sample or
the articles made by the Goderlds Red
,Cross 10 the window of•tise Babette
Gift Shop.
IV,. 414: R. VOUS leYE,
r• 111 • NOSB, T OAT. - •
Late ess.s..,Bousis Surgeons New Yerks
-0tUrWi Fille-T-nassa eeesate-flosirtits
-aistant Moorefield Pye'lleistpital and
Golden .Squares Throat IlOspital,, Lone
* "
53 Waterloo 'Streets. S., ..Stretford:
-Telephone.-267. s_en s - • _es
Next v edM d ,Hotel, -rec
,-,-Wednesdays Jens '24th, frettre2 , pan.
-till 54.m.
enough about their dogs in 19,39 to buy. never intexided-to-get a bone. 1 stiM.14
of font' h.Oroselees, hungry dogs served et9-4,.:Magietrate Makins-
week.n,and every lay he stays there the
it Would awaken citisens, to a sense of
. • prospeetessof-----Harrison's getting his
tboir duty
money' backsserdws dimmer: and, dim-
mer answered Mr. Donnelly.
Lowden was theteapeu given this
liberty for ft week and; an oppOrtunity
• . • •
to raise the Money.'
•- The liingsbridge lEleddiires
Lecte%Ar men, Pleviiededi
PUBLIC itoung2s:F0t, 19401
• WithNetfeare past,, the public
'holidays Of 94(eare as follows: ,
Frida ,-larch 22.
Victoria Day -4-F
Poruinion Pay -I -Monday, July _
Oivic Holiday--Mondayi.August 5. to armed -robbery at Kingsbridge on•
ine • DAy=probabV-. -Mon- one 'week .fee: eentertge, to permitthe
day,-October n7. .• eourt .asseertainliat:- sentences ' the
-Remembrance Day-M,onsiaY, Novena-. aceused had received at North Bay for
b-' -11. _an dinner ,offenee :and at•Kitchener for
Christmas iraf="Areftesdays Deems the theft Ofa an ono
her ' s- The two young men witn a third, an
- lutreni%, Edwarf Martin, gaso-
'; Goderiene Phone 341
• Office hours --;-10 to 12 sian., 2 to 0
tand 7 to 8 -p.m., Tuesday, Friday -,and
-18-tittieda*, '
-10 to12 a.m. only- on WednCSda7.
Monday and Thursday at
- S. .A .T*t14f0-7_
". di 'south. tit.
ciaLTAil :muTi14.1,.- FIRE nit;
- StitANCE 00. -Farm- And
lated fewn:piopeny-tasured.-
OilicersTkomas Moylan, President,
'Seaforth; William Knox,. Viee-Presl-
defit, Londesbor'q M. A.; Reid, Secre-
6 " tury,TreasureT, Seaforth.
• Directors -Alex. Bros.dfoot, Sea-
forpk; James .Sholdite, Walten° James
Gede0e11; W. R. ArChibalft
Seaforth; Leenhardt, Dublin;
Alex. „11,16Ewing, Blyth; , Prank Me -
Gregor, , •
A. Yee, R.R. 1, uoderielt;
James_ Watt, Blyth; John E. Vepper„
--B.ILAI.,,Rrneelleuu,,B,.° liteKereher,
R.B. 1, Dublin; Chas. t`;..-IfewittiTIC111.-.
eardhiej R. 0.131,temuth, 141;1, Bern-
•, Policy,,hetders.', &in -1Piram,4':Itt.114:,.
ments and get their 'careuvreceiPted'it
'the Royal. rtalvin cute*.
-GrocersvithiStitA);713treet,,(1oderlcli, or
. J. O. Itedd*s General Store, Bayiteld.
_ r
the ides -Weems -They are' ataniring
• ST. GEORGE'S • - • •
,,4The reboular -monthly meeting of the
W.A.. or St. George's -chapels was held.
in the, Guild rem 'on Tuesday after-
neeh, Mrs. Calder presiding. There
was a goad attendance. The meeting
opened with the Bibleeretoling by Miss.
I3urritt, from Rev, 21, 22,s follewedsbY
prayer by the President. Mrs. H. M.
Tichborneas secretary and' Miss Violet
Taylor as treasurer gave splendiere-
perteS,T,-, Violet, ,Taylor was ap-
Perted" Dorcas convener. It Was -ars
.ra, ged to bold a meeting in the Guild
room, on Tilesda-- afternoons Sanuaiv
3-.9fle-, for the' pitrieese.- or ~outing:,,,it
is hosier there -will be a good attend-
!mtge. 4Mrs. Calder gain, a short read•
ng, Retitled"Our Ideals,"n winch. _wets,
interesting and inspiring:. The meeting
was closed with prayer,. after Which
hose present enjoyed A social cup-: or
tea.' . •
• 1 114 i
,INSURAN'ci ',rid 'REAL
Get. Our Automobile itsktes,
one 34
• • ••
Daily 7.40 4.45 p.M.-Leaves,
---zklodorklr-rori'"-Strsts Toronto,'
Sirditon, litiftsifor
• Tehitack and Woodstock. Depots
Bedford, British and Royal ' Hotels.
Iiitode hotels or SS for infotinatIonv
e son
Accident 0#44..4V.foter Cat
'Onleese-itaionic Temple, liveet
e Street, ,Goderieli
rhsne,no GimE44.0
- Real Estate and Insurance
(Mee.: . East side of, Square.
Itesidenee, 11 Trafalgar St.
'pcot,.'SACLE-litikoies -of alt kinds; •
dole* hullaiog lots, business
prekierty and Severul goodifaienee.
essIft_iineseneeseireatAtelltme r I
• line, pamP attendant, t Kingsbridge
-said- coveredliffitr-Troifinfirfli
, drove away in -a 'stolen , car with its
tank full of gasoline not pant for:,
Takes Jagjilentence ,
Jas. Drennan; Ashfield young mat,
pleaded guilty to being in possession Of
. illidt Uglier and also, of a deer Cereass.
He -was fined $100 and costs ort three
.. months on the liquor charge and $20
and costs or thirty .days on the game
eogenteeethesgentencesstos ron,,,...eonenr,
rently. He chose the jail 'alternative.
- iat is sometimes'au advantage to: be
senerged with an offence that absorbs
the penalty 'in'another " His Worship
. S .
commented. , , , ,..
It seems that Gerald Fitzgerald, of -
near Exeter, has been making- a habit
of visiting around among friends end James Carman, younger eon ef Mr. and
acquaintances and stealing small stims Mrs. Robert-liazleworol of KirktiM. The
of Dabney from buffet drawers and other bride 'wore a dress of olive green crepe
biding. places. ". Be pleaded guilty to trimmed with white -lace -Ad gold --band-
Stealing $5 from the home of. Henry ing and a corsage a red roses. Miss
kagieson and $2.50.from that of Geerge Mien ' Haziewood, Of Stratford, sister
rlynie both of Stephen township, He of tne„groonr, attended the bride. She
Pleadeil net guilty to taking -02 from wore a.' dross of navy blue with iteals
the- isegidellees of dvverd Spier, Hay blue 'trimming and a :corsage 02pink
tOWnShiP, and. $4...froia,,the., ramie of loses, ' The groont was attended by:.
Lloyd.Eaglesiin, Stephen township. Ile Lawrence Cunninngliam of Atwood, bro-
was remanded -for- sentence .tirt two of ther Of the ,bride. Rev; R. G. Haack,.
the cherges-and,:asweek's adjournment wcieel, brother- of the greorn,,sefficlitted.
Was' taken on the,othera to permit the.; Afteis a -Wedding supper served at the
- anee,stlie--happy couple left for Tor-
• onto, where the -groom is atteeding We-
n eerie Collegesstudyleg forte ministry.
right habit s of conduct in halls and
classrooms, they showed due reepeet
-for their teachers, courtesy towards
their -visitors, and Consideration for
fellow -students. •
"We discussed watt' the principal: and
Mr. Beituttiout plans for the further
development of 'the commercial' depart-
nient.' They areenrepared, if sufficient
select the'optiore to establish
fear -Year high sehodi course in whieh
the third, and fourth Years would be
spent. mostly at comniercial work and
welch would lead to a graduation di-
. •-• --
Other excerpts from ntne. report tresis
follows: '
"The Stag is a capable one anasseve
'oral -of 'the lessees" whieli we observed:
conld be describea excelleut. There
swasetio teaching:te:eeseeseses seese
"The reading and Writing of . h
- • It
;arst-Year sttideete sis. e good, average,
Wit their spelling• below,- average,
Thcy need the further practice in • all
three which theinew edursea provide.
The art work of the, same, pupils is
satisfactory in. amount and of, a 'fair'
quality. The science notebooks. exams'
NEE ritolVt--110SrITAL
HO I in_ ed- were satisfactory. Those he geo-
-Mr. William Tait, who has been .a graphy. place- more: stress on
Patient in Victoria Hospitals, n o
for .the last seven. weeks; *after' under-
, a o ration, was -broug t to
Goderich on ° •Sunday
Jas. ,Maweu.,and, lesnow on a- fair' weY
b recovery.' . "
NSIILLISR; 34anenseeltris and Mrs.
Ninga,- man,
'School re -opened today, AIrs; Snider
of supplying Xfq. Miss G.
seell-labelled,Maps sand less on written,
notes. -It should not, be neceSsarys to
dictate y notes.
"The!ptipits' 'Work in business prac-
tice beokkeePing is •in good form
and neatly ;Ong: . - '
e'0 rai.ing is 7aigeagtii:M. • The
gips swear- wseitable uniform far th
work it siiggested that thejioys- be-
d' ref, do, likewisee'stnee freedom of
- -Movement is considerably hampered by
ordinary clothing." , s
atten'danee was -noted at' boys
1 2 irl
-home' with neuritis. We hope to see • '
You pet * now aesekno Uwe
wbees nut aoun es.40/ toregetoi
the many pisasuess
*ad online* freedom from dm
mazer sonsoeo,neee you nasseerty
experieues4. `..feud thio experience
*nomad evatinue thineuhout kW.
,Make row sopolaitasiest
.by Oohing NUL
or. Kingston St. ori Tbo 80111r.
or. j: •
'001,1731**IIIPS Jan, .
Mr. and Mrs. Vein. Periser-snii Wss.
of airat.lr towns14, :visited on Sunasy
atinehonie of MrePorter's brothers.
The Weatiser OKA inside sure that
teacnereshistfaining who Were at raga
schools during the 044 week -
none of the-Jo:est- of the Vitra' teethe
Mr. Tho s; 1Varrener 'bad the iraisforg-
blue to lose horse on Monday. TV*
horse dropped eieehe road wnile Assailant
home front tewn..
IIBLENS, J'an, a -Miss Nornia ing , of the junieelteals Cross- Societe
'Weatherttead has retnreed, to the Nor- Was benison, reidey at:Union se
- , . ,,,
With the president, Pauline -X,44Saulkoti-
rit1.-aohe;-4414gs,a_ii:41,01glIstolihruOgtrhitnie ,s4,e ootonsisattdepp •
by Petite -14041111e; "TAO ?Wad New --
Year7S by -Harold johnston-; 44Prereste ,,,,,,„
tion of IcasAceidents," by Jean 'Pell:
"The. Ribble -rat_ty,o.' 'by' Isauline 148 -
saline; "4, Visitor frow.Seotland;Talirs,--
. faliiiii61'sV'by-Edna Somestalle"Bustisss,
i'ness First/' by -BrueCSowerby, and as,
,piano solo byeberis ' SoWerhYen '' The:
raeiting ,elosed 'with. the National
"Ilavieg a Grant' Time! was taken, tiY 'thein. -. '') ' `17
mr. ,;.,,yv% Ric.7and ansinteresting, IS4 . The many'. friends Of Aits$'
cessixes was led by Stanley Todd, As a SowerhY will . be pleatied to learn 02
-result of the-discussion:05 coin -midge- her saiipointment• at -thes.Toronto , BIWA .
WaSsappointed and arrangements- Were College, .beginning,, Witt the Newslearsis
inane for a SIeignride on Monday even- Union• -Clitrreit ' Notes. -The„ ,Y.P.o.
ing, ,WherrabouetsVenty-eve rating pee- ' will meet at the . pine Of Mr. and Mrs, -
-pie engaged in a ride arotead thei'elock- ;Geo. Mellwain± it 2rrittay,_ evening, at .„,.
with Bart Durnin and Wallace Millo 8.15. The •ele-e on iitfn offieere for the - '-
::a--i"--drt.v. n. e at :the ensuing year will-Nbesheld, Ali. youn
home or Recr,.. arteafra. G. A. Barnard, peopre-aUe toronriffijt-t-aW-Of
where fames, contests ana lu,neh 'ended' invited....e e'ja.tattarY meet:tug et taki.
. , - W.M.S.: i ,held at de, home of
. ,,Woinen's Ifistnatteees-The January . rs. , ess.. wit..-------
eeting ot the-WOlhereS"Institute *as afternoon of thli weele....[...-Ilteletaroks •
held•he the „Combltiiiify.*Ifttlis with Ursa, meat 'est the 'lord's_ -Stiriners *AS d*
Allan Durniu-presidings 'Vile' toll: call, t-Pere.est at --Union on. Suridass.-Tne, pee
-siSoistetRing-eaty--GessandintiMer-To '. ......0eitneoafilesidetiketod_i:1:
Mal School* Stratford, after spending
a week in observationsand teaching at
the-S-chool here.:
_Mr. James- Ramage is boree_from the
• ,-Young People the regular
meeting of the Y.P.TT. the Scripture less
Donald. s'illeienMeladiiald-read a 'poem
and aSsIteeal trio was contributed by
Miss Dorothy.
'Rice .and Gordon Miller. The tockon
• • MI
• 1"'"1"
her back soen,„ • °
The postponed meeting of the W.A. A large number ,of nieMbers of the
will be neld on Wednesday in the, W.M.5„ gathered in North street United*
entirely basement. - church for their regular meetings 'Mrs.
s The y.P.X.--beld a very suceessfalG.Lnethe-ritigtou ir,es-ided ,for 'the, de.
social evening in the church en NiondaY
II •
• ,
'oeveningf -, • . Lottrioodnuttle.ecIetrb%1!eos. .)4;i:f.03'rap..19,461:1o.wati4rdd,•
The congregation at Church on. gun -
Rev: W. P. Lane instaired. them. The
,dal..-watr-not as large!' an Usual, owing
to the Wealfiel-'stufd-readli.-'
-11azleve-ood-Cuieungtiam.--eA, pretty
solernmed' on -Tuesday,
January 2, at the -Bettraillern xurffse
when Rosamond Jean, dmighter of the
late Mr, and Mrs. ilugh-Cunninghara og.
Wue- united- in marriage to
reCeised a.fair reapenie. - committee ramentar sernunisf reausthe text, "Arian
was apPogia ta arrange for two at- and eattf*.nedan,se,, tbe journey
homes.this month and it was deCided) to great for thee" (3- Vines
donate -0.9„±0_,tiie:%1e4gros....-,:T0 1 annual-Cangregatienal meeting will be
and, baudkerehlefs to be; sewn for tne Janir
Red Cross Were given' out. Thiesea-fas -Pane, A. oniet'irtg
Grandmothers' Day, in charge oteaers.. board.ef 'stewards* will be held at 1.
E. 3. Thonr,ang...mrs. r: pr. -road. itrs.,
Thom . read -a paper entitled \'' WOMEN'S JNSTITTYPE-
Granelmothere.1" "Thoughts for the, s The Women's- Institute.beld their
New Year" was the title of a poem re •anuarseeneefing 1»'MaeKayHalioe
by airs. Banniater, and 11.0. Charles "ThltradaYleet, when the president, Ifro.'
McDonald read' one on *4!T1ies-Feirthere IL Tichborne, had eliaftle of an 'Wei,-
Mrs. 310, Airs. D, -Todd and estirt, g program. The von 'call, an'
merriment. Mrs. 0;' Bisset -Ore
'demonstration on jellied meat*, 11
AL E. Salkeld d'iscuSsedieurrentebit,
and Mrs. A: Shore condneted a
of community: singing.
new -presidente-alise-Vs-11.- Clarke4-c011e--eam-_,E,,....3esneonesiveroludgefor7,the
ducted the businegs period Lend. called candy *C test • and ,awarded first' prize
to Mrs. Ewart elePherson and, second
to Mrs W A Miller • Lunch was
ser Vede hy the . hostestes, Mrs., W. L
,Miller, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. T. I.'
Teed. '
On the different secretaries to give their
reports for .1939.: Miss Sho.rxnany the
treasurer„ reported $149.51 as the total
,amount raised, an *baerease over last
yetTiTh7giVings. 'The strangers' secre-
tary,' Mrs, T. R. Wallis, Made 329 cans,
and Mrs. .Jas. Howard, sePPle ,Secre-
tary, informed the meeting of two bales
vented at $129.50 berng, sent. to the
.needy, -
Grous-e3stufdefthe leadership of Mrs.
D. Da Mooney presided, over ;the pro-
gram, induding a.beantiful and appro-
priate elo, "Shepherd, Snow:Ste How
to: go," by Mrs: %Mudge, a guest of Airs.
W. F 2.staftel, Miss Minnie Campbell.
introduced the Witty' book for thiinew
yeras'entitled "Moving •Millions"
mast as
yrrtru,r1, t
Property auidried
All kinds of Wfuildn'g ati-d, ironing done promptly..
That woof work listidled`aat-tim
uron Laminar!,
Mouth St.
proguction -a witnesses. e •
' Remanded for Sentence
E. 3. eamfesseasstossee
$5 froni the 'Tacker Timaspeet Co.,
Exeter, by fraude-sa worthless ;Cheque.
'A charge of forgery 'against him. was
Witlidtarvit s -nes -ss s es ee ,• sole •
"This mare 'did not even have an ac-
count at' the bank," CroWn Attorney
Holmes explained.-_"Weare 'twee
gating two other eharges.!'
Kennedy, wise' said he had -pot been
in trouble for sixteen. years, Was re-
inauded /or 'sentence. - -
When it wile explained that George
Leitch had been e0ininitted to the Ons
s • e gt4t-'..IfirAsiMiitt:47.1r,Wttlarag
WAS adjourned sine die. Leitch is al-
leged to 'nave picked 11» tWo yourtg
Goderich boys," hitch-hikerse on., high-
way 8 and driven the truck at a ter-
eilic speed: toward Clinton, wreekhig it
and injuring one of the hitch -hikers.
Until the ;other (lay Police:;.had not
set eyes on John ?rouse since July
-.the W.Mi
.,g. of Vctoria Street .United
VieT4Iftisi ST. •
tharch -heid. its firstjneetiug -02- the
Year at the home of Mrs, W. Larder,
The -meeting was oPened. With a nylon.
'Airs'. Res:Wilson offered prayer. Tbe
Seriptore lesson was read by Mrs. W.
Roope, Mrs, 'Phillipe and Mrs. E. Craig,*
sMrs. Phillip's gave it short talli7on
temperancer-, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs.
Avii-on -gave a talk -on the -study book.
'Miss G. Worthy %offered prayer. The
leiVerref illiq,Nflias given' by Miss
;Postelethistaltee Mr. Charles Young
gave ner reports showing an inerease
•--oirefv-••••.-,:x7.out-rtkrog P
ever last year, and fisv! meniber8
a sodal half-hour 'spent:.
We shalt tuake-m1,0,takes this week;
bat they should not be.tlie Sable as we
madeslat week, ,n •
• ,
BitiOus Attacks
Liver Compjaint
Biliousttess is just another Herne
for a clogged or sluggish liver. It
very counnon complaint, but (':in
be quiekly remeeliea by stimulating
the flow of bile. This softens the
,stesaineda,ted mass, the poimeuti tot
earried out ef the system, and the
liver awl bowels are relieved and
toned up. .
MMturn'e toateLiver rille quicken ,
and enliven. the eloggieli liver, open-
ing up every &met, by teueing ft
fret now of bile itta thaft. eleszsing
the liver of the Cloggieg imparitiee,
ney aro mai sna "411 to tikes
Do not gripe, weaken, or, sicken.
irks tr„ slam* tic, 10. torero, Ccota
ritalStatisties for 1939
Show All.rotind Increa,se, over 1938
Vital statistics for 1939compiled at (or Anne) were the Meet siiiPtilaiMe-re
the Town Clerk's oiRce snow art ell -
viand increase oferthe'llgures of 1938,
Birtneregistered in 1939 numbered 128,
eoraParedSwith 10210 1938; marriages
were -40, eomnared with 34 in 1938, and
deetlis were 87, again p,t 89 in 1938.
' tariugOicerteeeIsaited,..bere-elarings e.....
the -year -eiereslartlfrIETtla', ..4Aiti444- It*IxTr,-,45e''''' 477-7-, _ :I. -7- --
planation is, that a number ofetoinnee • Among the boys' ratites 'WiltirtnavIs
who took out their. licenses here were usually at the top or, thereabouts, and
married elee'eshere, ' • so it was among 'get year's regtetra-
The ttirthainclude quite a number of tions, t*re,:beitig,,ten potentiar"ItMe."!
babies born* la" the hospital here tel. Tbaninost powder' name for TbesYs, how -
parents whose homes are, in, the town- eveJ
r, .was anses,, Which waa-the 01101(0
hips, Isixtysfour :of the. 1939 nbabl'es in thirteeil eases, ,No other lAttAle was
were .boYS, r,p .were girls, and five did -near these two, the next best favorites
not lives -* ' , , ' , ' being john and Vtiward, WitipliveInakh,
Favored Names - .? ' There wasn't 4 single George,. Charles
A everels, ' through the names be- appeareasierthe list fear times and
stoweiCaparCiliF young )Si't-riVals re- Charlie once. Titer°, were four --Don.
vestled nothing 'ithateli but. the diversitY aide, three Roberts, three kineraide, three
of nam(1s. ror girls tlizabeth and ,Ami 'lionalds, threes Paul;, -three Murraise,
----sese---------*--- and three Normans. °titer names were
engaged insfintiengs in a restattrant, All Allan, Alan and • Allee eaelt appeared
eete tests eseee be /wag must to haierhosen not oftener than twice, altheugh
that time ten triSorderify charge has, 11611 Oil&!, -, .
, ' ' there .'were-luoil.-thau, twice ae maw
amid Sproule, tle- •naoaes as babitee; Nearie ' all the
otor ear in col -1 youngsterg were givc.11 twO namesa, hut
minor dangerous' here and there was one with three, a,nd
djourned, onelyounts hopeful stepped out in life
Many people never **eon tee get seta
nigig's rest. They turn and teet-lie awake
count sheep.' 0,kten they Marne WO
"Tierce • when. it not be their Worse-
fkitivednyeysto;fillotelyandiseitefail'i:oasoisons. the.,
- eche, backache often fellow. If yew don't '
:est4.tipay -wth;:yinrstern. Dod jind:ilee:ittleovne:gies:rwisf b:::
half a 'century the favorite reineilY.
beinr, seven. of each, followed cleselyt by
Margaret - with 81.14, .leyee' Was the
ehoice for four girls, Shirley fOr three,
Jean for tnree, There were •only, two
MarYs, but three Merles, ,threeoMaYst...
three Mations, and three Marilyns.
,-Other-girls!„,nalines- reere.„-eiteeen, _On
outstanding. Anotle r week'e adjourn- It 10 to be re.menthered, of eouree, that
nient was taken.
Aleo the ease a
cued of driviug a
borne townsiiip in a
to the public,
Bvidenee was not sudieient to eon- with four given natnee-siosnpli Girard
vitt Jobe C. Reid, co mereial traveller, Leonard &fare. On the _ether hand,
of a careless driving,ienarge, stlaich 'wee one little girl hae to be eatistied With
dismissed. • ,, '" one----tinda.
asoo littruin wasfiod $10 and costs 'Finally, it is to be remarked that the
for being 1ntoxkat�4 In a public place parents (if the!,7,e Cioderiek infants are ,
. '1°. . - I evidently A prettii enensibie let, liidging
otikiPtter"lai°lrullAllotit,i t week 5 ever' the l',11'01.1,1 the mines they have ()boson or
: Christraas awl , 'Year's holidays, 1heir children'ir for there is mit ('Ino3 106
"ftuheav$ _one, OC-' fancifni or PXOtle to, be tarried eom.,
fortatly through life.
the docket was
timing *event
very n 7
That is wheat we supply, from a toaster toWiring:your hoists
factory or ratio buildings
Bring yourreleotrio prolamin to us.
K MeA1T:11U1t,
OW. 116
P t,"
at tresses *noleti
7.1 you, need anything iri piur honie to make it more oo*tiort.
able, yott shOuld get it as the dap; ire slip' pin alont
W. *
"THE BROADWA.Y or Gonitzwil-
contettionery Honie,w,s4le Xce Orem Cigarettes
Totaeoot Ginisr Ale
Phone 240 /INN Doitoft