HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-11, Page 2ibtirtiti a OCALISISIXO TWO GODERW/11 t31O\ TUI1 Ot I el'hiNtrocesee4i-sUi;e. :;;;-istr -rtteitts West Street. 'Ooderidt, (Inhale -see TIIVRSDAY, XIX lith, 1910 It hate been obeerved that tite,re will be no issue before the - electoeS it 4 Vederal genetal election is. held this but -the Great Issilsea deep water - Way seheim will provide a first-clase iesue rt the electore a,re giVelt ate op- tiortunity or voting upouit It should be 'made an, ,lesue-e-not neteesstrily between parties, for Soefar It i$ not a parry question. The railway %inert 4tre, opposed to the project; with the railwayo already in a difficultIOS "tion t they do not 'svish to see them fur-. the r handicapped by a. schenie deleigned ta deprive them: a a considerable part of thas • business.. The -Great Lake,s shiPPing bstereat4eare ot)posed tait, for if the' selteme ives %CIO tlie'piiree$ ism* forsit geeatisgoing VeaselseLevill ‘tekesit 1a=0 Part, a their busineei. The armers of the West are said-6,faver lbecattse ot the loWee grainsearreeing ts, l) ViiirlaBIC • " There is One time when raleing Valey eseueee 4 furrow to come to. the Itrow-of thiS father. " it alwass-happena- Pablishe? a liewsPaPer Leil"nt "g' on Sunday morning, when baying done lend, tanes thijs time, W11071 the United AtOreSrn buret of 'ped on states fil!'4„)wing .'337n1P3tbY A'rrsUr418" prepare te entoee tite,egaini of, the 'Setb- War abbe, to itring fOrVarS14,he Conteus atte 'ft then ' that the United States waa re rates they expeetjto get; but *leen: t ey 'reit:16 thattheleaddleiner, May absorb , , D ion. Dictatorial 'IL. 'large Part tiEthe eXPeeted Sisving, :to reverse that in Di half, Deleon with. your free armssancl lature proclamatione, halfsbaked hal- p,roi.L.riceineflotyug'nrevitli. the news, and. yon ond that ill the long run the fainters 'decree's, remedial regulations, pre -legis- . • of the „country will have. to -pot, the . . = . A , . .... ' .r. ,........,,,, --' kklelnat1011S, iMpossrete ipseasexits, ha.ve I well until Baby sciuirnis; starts to slip . f get about her. All goes greatest ih'are of the cost of the under- , been rather characteristic a the Hey.- s 4 ' * ' • • the lune $iewselneyour mouths,. , . ashes sifill . : . Baby' eries out sharply as the warm' ashes:hit her bare tooteies. :Me& rhil collies running and glares at you after the 'scene of i confusion_ has been straightened out- • t , "Put that pike -down'," slie,Conimana in a tone not to 110 trifled with.' i ;IA gelfe is the only way to describ the, baby's smile as you gently, pat her. 8ponsili1e foreBritain's failure tO Pay Ute war debt. Ile Ought to be dulbed the ,Bungling BeaVerbrools. is • * It . is announced ity the Climax 'tiolyloletinniCorporation of 'Colorado, pr)ducer- of -seventy to eightY-fiese per cent. of the world output a tile steel alley metai, that it will make no Por- tlier sales . to Rusaial Japan :ter many. It Is, estimated,. saY$ 'the dis- patch covering, this' announeentent, that these three natiesas• Wok ainne't half -the' Company'soittput, from: itS mine at, Cliniaretatilerado, in the last five years.- I-lass-any:Cana-dime ,compaiiis ma.0 any compara.bie sacrifiee? - At -folic time we werFlifetlifea-to re- gard AttorneY-GeneraIsConant as a (lis ,creet and capable lawyer and but of late we hav fettral.iteneceSSarY, At'ter quick he the wash !..istein„ a. :hastier rtthwith„the towel, said, a ofeeeitY trip to gather UP the necessary article* of comfort, you ssett yourself in thei rocking chair in front of the Isissedrear ranese. .A.bsentonitadedly, you tiotiree that Lie pride of -the °household is being bathed.. IlLoweesete you're too, intuit. engrossed itt your comfort pre- paratioits to )I3 fl attention. With a Pilie smoking' at iti;' r.p7;weetest „stockinged feet on the damper glaesvs adjueted at juet the pfroper level.. yint, lean back to enjoy paper. War on this rinnieirtront . 4 rriee of ,1tOgS to go higher . . . Aecident Que-- fsie-Ssi •:eites •the felessed comfeet of , Sunday Morning ,and the paper. Then.down on' your bosom is Plunked thirteen pounds of.pbalt and white baby MINESWEEPERS -1Vilen. the t reat War e Ntetteeefitskrisiteltineesaan officers -Sind Meet liaploye swelling Now it hati alreatV. of eshipe 'engaged in this wor 1 etat e for Use extettod serisotori. 1 to znatintata and , and thitt the state 4-,s• strengthen its military power at MS expenee or iteightiorbek states-- tido Prueeiatt epirite incarnate in-Ithanarcit, determined the nature a the new Ger- many. ..Suelt matters, Bismarek said, i foundationeemos of 8:04.1a11.27 and Wee e. ,14,41,iii of promise, eVeu though they' oaw reason , to erli lethe Jewett a the un- nieeieettel famine of 193;2,3, the MUSS :rag.eily Itt; old wet valved ia .colleetivizing the, rwriAl ,in • , ;ll 111 of fifty yea.rs, tenet the number increasee ' daily. e.ite erttft freedom. elfouk the alt , o nt 'Socialists. But in 1935, there, was a moment when thee° was TeaSidt. tiehope that the regiatie vitae now ,eutlielentlY itseif and • the , economic esnets,in peape.,teme, by. traneforination suflipiently advanced to trained to the I serving -instructional period; itt.the na- u1"/“' real Pregress telwarus freedela quently, these 'fine Reamen have a.°°sre: '1;."°Tsslie°1eece31(1 Reiied 'began with' -the Val mineoweeping, - flotillao, ialized knowledge a; the tasli upon T-3a",rder a ItYPY tind 8 tali4's deel8lea ;:ie.1,111,uni:oolsi.ivt‘Ni?,11-ie,iiiiienahgr.et:earla:fat:;6-acleiNe•.ert':),:talillttniej'nea.gew:nbtof:0,1; nitQeill'i(i)se'erle**t'S'"1).f;telliiclut.tisevlielratlelu,elltertelldafrotYr political dififerences or failures. 'Ishe sea_in,inea ana sea mining, Alia laa of purges, dyeing 1939 and 1.037 beePlue licer or man is sent to -a -,,Minesweeper fanatiCal;; and. the ",milrders of leaders until lie is falls,* competent to de deity a tb.e it.ea An'As 'arta a l'a4nY °f thli ranr.,e from units 44 the Mi -weepIng continued represeion of all intellectual Serviee proper to lre.wiei , drifters, eSiluctiletf4t'vetttulitlegia.411.11:1(1121jewletr%TSbsr6o11,14mtinIelt. eweeping craft are largely r rawn, roan men of ' oar 'fishing tieets,S who Were •• ' - . in her. , And he has, quite a lot to tried and sineeris"reVolutionarie$ wore, learn. e Proof of ,nothiag but, Stalin's talmost ineane fear of opPesition, . Then lieers , and' men learn all about dePth cathe the SPahish War. Whatever linking their course of schoolbag of- „ ,,, , staines -policy WitS at born0,. it seered. charges anti eame-laySne as well aS. clear that lie paS a genuine opeto ent minesweeping, ,e,atineee vela be laid at A of Irttecisra in Unrope, 1?;41.ile.h was the greatesV . danger to democracer ' and predetermined height above th'e sea bed and made. to rise •tolheir Abating _sits, civilization in the 'West. Hitler was taftee at a predetermined time. , Tinder clearly' Conteraple.ting the domination, of -Fittrope, end •Goebbels had.litaele it plain, that the Nasi PhilosoPhY wa$ girl: smelling e or Baq* •- _ • ,- . isiesitagtee-. ecrteeseittlon, all mineg'nre 4 ,Thex,e nOW, suppdsed squirming littO, position,. autoratitienify to become safe you„eeeeepeind the babY aSals'reild Your 'oted_against all the princ Pies Of truly were, to quote the title of a notors When., the)? "weak _Sedrift. Ours , ere so Paper at the' -s4 'fil'-tiiii-e`-'1Y -caTefa.1 arranged hiat they ifo;---Bni Ike- aer.; dire - she . doesn't „slip oft 'YOUr 14)1; , „inns, „,bteee,,,,enele 1110e_'',-.,-.4eractiaes Of: ',017._8,_19it,"eet.thytt,t,.'elessiaatigtat!,11atnalli:ifie t%Qrilnagelltiotintatail sIT°1111:t13.1P-Petiltr-)41,1SeF4nloiTgeir -iinsuteel)PinvIn'tallalit;” „:.Iini. Whieli are -et theroot Of our civills;' lenge to the; 13ritis, le L-Supire 'and it -was- ' After playing .fOr it llicl,inell04ii-TvVd, 111 L11 seVotifig the- elfain-whicir.pulls e_ ation and which are, the'basis, theoretic-, .openly ma(*. - German Ofdcers fetatkit with the srailing baby, you ' disPosesAt. . OtiCtlie 'deteitator and makes a min the minding part 1)Y taking a sort of 'n'art-S- inleassewhert • it breaks -adrift. Txxe result of 'this tarobering with ally at letiets -Of tied philosophy Of gm, drank to "the. day" When Britain Would the chain* munisme• We might feel' thatthere- Suffer the' fate -of France. The sequel , • voltition .hael gone wrong ,in many. res, not PUll Out the, detonatOree,-And- tbP I slieets•in liassiar lint it still appeared mine 110at awaY 'with 'its, tleakuctiY. fo he a Power without 61,ipansionist am- -„seseesSotkeessepartIOUSS-4taa re"' ,ssolutionse haste %bier% ands and lee proeeeded "i'Veld. Germany together by making three W3tii ill seven years, the wars With. Denmark, Austria, and Franees The, putcome •vvas Reich in which Prussia and the Prussian. spirit absorbed the More free -minded, less militarist Geleitans of tile. Rhineland. and the South. Bat ,Bientarels knew where tii etep, lie -was content teriscep. Germane, safely at peace by festering quareels between here rivals. But in the s'erY triumph a his earlier policy lay the seeds -of it fi undoing. /The imagintatien of the German 'people had inevitably heen, indented by the event§ of 187041; They were" "drunk with vietory," it was paid. 'They fhad be- came so easily a Great-Potytt. Wee it much' more eliffteult to eChecoroe the GreeteetSgewer? 1y the ,end et' the nineteenth century .:.!4the :Prussian masters of the Reich, bo,,d made up their Minds_ that the twentieth century ihould.... belong 'TO G'rorinany..,-,411er old heritage or'Sniislei- poetry, and pltpos sepliy, her new prestige in theworld of learning, the letaleng place she had als ready 'wog in industry and trade -all that was not enough, ,and .soon the ex- travagantidee was taking root that the Only itlternatite$ for fitesfuture of qo- . In Vilna form, the /Aston' the tirst pre -we period late been repeat in the isecond. Again. denweraey had a chance In tee toy, At one time it seetued not iniPN$ible Pr the Weimar Itepublie to grow int° a great ,Rheral state. But once more those forces in tlermany which. Shared in tite tommon lifeeprsof elreetreff:- Chiuzslualres'Avvre- overborne by thefedd ereed Of WOW fetid iron. .And in. far more 'intense tont brutal shape now, and far more swift,. ' 1Y, the old German threat to this: imam, and freedom of Europe was renewed.' The sequence of events Vas rouph the same. llitsti the oncentiatioll of the whole national. life on Prelgtration for war, and then, the creation of a greater Reich than Biemarcit bad achieved, not indeed by three wars, but by three a of .foree which were only not acts war heeause they were not resisted. It was es cleer now as in 1914 that German' dream o2. eonaraest. was not limited to Enrope. "The rare Paoment has comp," pr. goehbeis eeid, "for the world' te he aPportioned anew." „A, marching', song ef the, Hitler Youth rails: "Today Gerraany belongs to us; tomorrow the whole World.".- • • se -The .Itound Table (London) .takings theirs enthusiasm Or the ,pro,. • A ieet. if it exists, may evaporate. I In*,kaVor of the same are, a few eitieSL-Toronto, Windsor, .,„Fort William -wadi seebettehts_in it for them ; the -engineers, the -prOntOters and-the.con- Oats who expect to,nraleessemething o t of ,and Feilhaps some laustrialt, * A" gaaaki ''s/ istsvoiy y cOnsider it the easiest funded. debt, on January Way of $oiVing their poesersprobleraste- 1st? ex,r -01*iudingDetain-kin, Pros &f 1hv taxoyer.- Llyseirie, eninvitat•,•••gino-71,61*,. •burn, 'Government ancliits lega. epar raent headed by Mr, Conant.-liount Forest Confederate. - If „We- get the drift of this, we suspect that The Confederate doesn't think much At igr,h Conant and. ,his doings., - he_,...tAtetes_t„ _lipzever is that villein and ninnicipaLucighggiess,), is eoUntrY. Who have0P-imMensd" _ e _ • • ject' -1:„The: ,PeOPle-101 _ , • ''Canada sineild knew by thte. time:that istiMates for a big ',projeet like this 13611±' uo relation to the ultimate 'costs. For ei#aple, the Transcontinental Railway 'andethe Welland Canal, And ontettle of the direct cog 'Of the .eas therge,willebe deMa.nds, involving many naillitais-e./fO-r the deep- .cnin ot'-wores-of treat Lakes _harbors so , that o. thet Inv acconaraoda e . 'OiCan-going' ,Eurtherc.thore.* ne, eileweT. to, *the. „ bill te `pay before the ','Cost of, the pr ObS'eation that Canada is asked to spend „ to uppeess, arty -ideas ,she may be -they should maintain station' aeenrate- , ing, with to -further. disturb, your read -One gets ahead, of the, other ing period. . there is a dangerIthar Tbe story grows n'°re ititeestIag ill the !LeSeseep" neaST slide in loon 4 ,earell.ilme......Whoupswls...;a11P-W,ZEM stiseerearmostsehles,:andeclastrozeit.e,Datly, 4/nate sizable ain•Culltetl#,Sid figures out tteIla.by again, tolling' out of ygur „ . se, rom nearly all our;eeeport.s number -at', about- $.700 -Der heed-, of the Popula- I arms, and. In the resulting serarable youf Of minesWeepere pnt to so..ett -dawn. ee • • ‘1 of man put your.' toot throtigh the section. o Ouce- thPY*, are elear;ef the harbor -et signal .flutters _front stree .mtiSflield, , the -leading vessel: In response to it the ociddentimbered vessels let out a a.stern on it line,. The ship next -Astern noses up alongside, picks 1111 the float and hauling away the line; bruigs is that the links brea,k, tlie chain does ealsaeitY,OnimPeoreil." , batons and lirepared 'help, againat does not need re -telling. The war came and engulfed the woeldeogainststhe will �f the vast majority of its inhabitants. . Of coUrse, 111 the sense in which •Ditinesweeliini-fs aeneiti VOswraYs• ,the Ifitler, menace.- Tnerefore in the individual crimes are the -outcome of ". b rd th r was the opt - Either.. tvVo., sbiPs haul' A WYMP.I! ' !" thirdperiod, the 'Labor partY fay° e soda). cerelit, one, e wa Position bY ititee that the svil'eePer eau the. Governments of the Western' Voir- speak, its negative &Anse,. for which out a !fitivoob” whi.911 is- kePts-1.e_Sur §11°4' s.'• Soviet .13;tiii:,9theytigh it waS iciear_ that ..interuational_ society. That wait, so to go round : a' Minefield in- ncingii thesearae tween. them, or a single ship tieto,wns 04er,:e:ic‘ra,0cteildfr:n6tv'e'reV,, hvvicirhu4Wgie;:ctionpeolind: 'ciaoimL emlo:o_a4no,loiiinPser...fdet organiSations- of _way as:a reaping machine goes round -4, with „Russia's,' -711tieve•fer, - the danger responsible. but fr;-..6;0'smit°1-Vr: .e6.4ie'''elle'osat ' *flea of' grain. When two ships are froinGermanyeevas so acute that Cone the greatest injurY, that had so far 4, "tiserkhie' together it is 1111P°rtant that servatiVes like. Mr. klhurehdi .were 'as. '-' ireted On mankind, watt -the -sub' . • 4ake 'Money during • Ithe FaU ' utalodt, y7lenatrad-rortarriin:NthurS beltselloienittz, for loeil IItendsOutis free-outit-- :Jbcel0IvOt.e_rriteiry, • eLairgog .7-ef„, pruit ,and Ornainei4al. Stock, etc,, groWn in parade'. -"Now leetneethne to order. tor Spring piantipg, TWO1,1Eri. :rilDiretsitsieN:1.01:1Tr-sO'N The Old 'Reliable Coxitbiil Nurs ..lOstablisbed .1837 . tent° 2, :bin; - „ insistent as. the' Labor Party on the ..teeed„tee, an,.Atiglo-4Soviet pact. It WaS clear..-tliaff 7NtitiOntil' ,Governaient tinallY,ConSidered such a pact .lonly, as. ,tbe resulteeeLthe neesstlre of publiee, Then earn& the foiliTCperiod: of t, ,Retssian-Gereciap enlminating :in the ,invasioneof, IsInfluide The Pus- sian revoiritien. has,: p,alssed, into: the, "NaPoleonie stage. -T11 NeW,, Statesman L_and Na.tion (London., . tton, wife'anit 10 chfidrsenourse, takes no reckoning of what the family _ owes to the hatcher, th9 :baker and ' the ch-ndlestiek-maker; We are 'a -debt- - the newepaper with the funnies or else elies 'Story you've peen; reading. <Wins yotteseape.the-wittchfuleye of the huts_ehe .glauees zuSpiCiously ztt ,the tortiepaper „aneleggcs hack' -into-tile. ridden people,,,butbetter. off than al- the undivitirecilieoples who never heardi interested,' the ,,i)ahy sarth a viain f-tit&mre ,,,an- cry. From tiler p,uaiiit9ryi3,..,y,ItIoriiSr. 158411011.1SdU (1.01..A.S .at all. , •She' e" tired a lyingedown there." 0 .e. -- ir - —Si) Sip she goes -on your shoulder, akte\neto the hospital wIth \bye •hullets tweY. elf0bY 'an-S-Y4tittg"-6., J14114111,;::.*.ell.-ea — . . , At Windsor the other day it Dian was princiPICS:'. This time it'S reall.yeseta itry. t s harder. NI get back 6:Reading, this' et ing g-, et. a ,3114t anY other PeoPle on eartii..-esesScePt ; time. But just as you 'menage to' g iid rd. the 1:!Y it . get. the ,paPer adjusted so that • inefeit liody. after .11,emg.thased 'by. a -8111i44. ttlikv, uverige,. a ever3! 4 third. of the year during , constable -tv.leo*:Ared eeverstlelhots at evereenovirig leitby -doesn't ob,struct Millions' on a• Projeet,that . he 1r.p,for, _ ygen oonoone4 in th?., thottetg.ann'iritoe 1:secotals; • , . wax 1.11110 tlie st...4tawrgneliti_Ttivwetr ithe,hue,The penaltv, if the eiharg,„..ef, ,4311.aleTeleititiligaPht,olifer41:.,g4,butsu: '71-VoiFi'VW*IqffirV- trefelir frirrkivee'vkitatrivelTaPs-be fott-4,-airre _ e7-9 - the sWeen wire Aboard. :Each 'palt of Vessels -Open's out to "sweeping dis- tance'vessels op :04tnettileart,, takinreafe: ,-to_malu.. tab). - the Seniorsofficer's!ship, ands-theekites, Svleielieeeeti the SWeep vvire at the right ets-hbreeSS.thabe_Saifeesbe.of the water, .ed aSterat-eof- every.-ery-evesse . ,seeeetTcoTIMRT:asiidStietic,--e7V"EUTO Exert 'Parr *then ttirn$ 'oil to siFeep the But it was essentiaLthat they. shenld iiatOA 7allotted to it for patrol; -well woos, in unisoti; and; when, the .divided knowing. that-4-liseee:ilaSse-ework .Will be „Gerradn'people, • Potentiallyethe,. strong - 11 , en, ,ientg.tutanai:6-Ingha8:1..wiAss,1:::if,iiiitt't-itsils'er:i.:: est„peOPle. on: the Cbiltinenti,""swere In - always the d.anger . ODA stveepings craft gpired by, the principle. of itatipiteiftf- im.mping_a ming -and being blown up. ' - ,•-,,s-The Times (Londoll_be_st'ate, theyetailed to 'establish it .otte-a: . , - :to -it -Kite themSelvesiin‘a;•Single national ' -- t ,4erelalr. ra'tlde-birdElbeerHiess4 ,telliteth' t'4:sir4aitstulielialb- I :Since tke, last war- die- oPiniOns of more ha. rdsheadetkiess doctrinaire drill of ple*ts---EngliSh-Sbeialjste -about ;Soviet &ore ptadtleal,' they, niigfit-have held nied Rillis...oia have gone ,tbee-uo. our ~mat. their Own *against the forces of rearetfon: our p ,ases. up-sto 1936, they felt that t e As it was, the: Prussian spirit, still liv. 1 Revolution represented the '0mm:wipe- lag in the dead 'peg of its hero, Fred-, ein7...• tion Of the Russian people from an. in- eriek the Great, still believing that the .14,oteritbielyranny, that it, had laid theps6Ple eXiatecr.for .,theaatti.test. lielsetlie . _. .. n , `,..•• *....................., .,., . . , .. .. .. . . .. , . .. ...,... ..,,.. n...*,........„ • (104111 jfetien a the 'German people to 'the triThseorretylstit:r.ylfe.dwrbsima;iiilairicilpy,„:11..teea'irwe'uttun: we fondlk ii,oped. that "the i railitary IlrbralinetTStirsstil'PrOssisislesetacibeen. and finally ....destroyed. .-/t, eneogh to Paint sitit 40,W closely, though IIISTORY REPEA'riNG ITSELF The 'cause of both the trs4.edies ginates, as .far back as the. 'Middle:1U last,.centnry. 1$O it wag' at least -ahle -that- and na. th.,6 twin forces, Vorn, of 'the American- and French , evott de-eueceeelein building up a new . 'T2 'OtrliOtel""kt. Convenient :eEccirioni1C etess$taglo' 0. I. up geodel Weelde Monthly tater *rite - it 0 e 1 by ok e4e, lie cenntry isto,peizq to men§ iet the cola. swings Past nose and then dis .1;][illittez, gt:'ilew method oe,odeesuing rY. 11 bek gages' it:self:11'6in Your other ear to .mon was on feet When -11e- ',mai shot:" wa Or which hap b.,Y^ this titne for raeth-S .(/r* P Vie aonAabie should_ Jee_calielesterenelf, front. t,he melting of the 7 **Pife _business: r -fear or • montha Of the year. stable.rss s mg. -e Pans • ..ere slithering devSrreinto your lap. feelse ftoight traffic, it win have tu-ru'un; 'anythm` g is •PrOved again" st • Tene_pa4er descends. to iii -the pool tain at,• -the: -..same time . the pee:sent • VA: are tOld thaet Coati, 1, must con- nersreeltsereSOUreeS prospect of' ,.. long Ware yet here- is- a project that overteetttire tire -extents -We employment Of Men and money. to "carry it throttglie to look for an issue for the l'ortheentiag„ electione-•• 'tDITORILAL NPTES w forethee,..-January-theeve, , •-sses tt "--- The ' retrett o oseow may make aS , blg a page inelitetoey as the famous "retreat .from Vaseaw." - * account for thus taking the law it rubbers, and you. manage to retri the glasses with', a 'stew, groWls Of ids own hands, or,rather, exceeding the pi et -attire- ' • 'mw, for ' -jiZ1gQ' - ' -iiid-ciieinn---a- •• .,,th ' leave the paper dewil," Mrs. ............e... _....„. , .., tealinaeonto- • Phil --s-afa, -emergingefrora etherpantry, "eurely you Carr neitid the baby for a es eres• , 'few minutes One day of the Weele.". Following witlekthe weeelasaie gooa ':, A' decade is any Period of ten years; , mid gtirgles from your .knee, and -You, $, Secretary of State CordellliuW es disclaims any ambitions' tor the)?res sideney. Perhaps :this, will eonlinend the more strongly tolls People. 'IShe.re ellissa few casee-iii.hietery Or the , offt'ee seeking,tbe leait. ire losses in Oniaria in' 1039 were tie tOtieeet in the histort.of the, Pro- vinee, ateordingto the report of the ,Provirielat' VIM leteraltett 1 It.too ieeett to iiOPo.itivii this wilt result in a redttOtitot of tire itte4tranee rates? This Men' ttbii told the World fa ▪ often about the s excellenee of the anani -boileited, what' he was Haying. • The proof of the Padding 'certainly /rats In the etttingeeetrehange. • .And it is' a rank dish of eter that in eating fa -tem), (InP. -to- • • While Gertnart tellpeclieee and 31111103 o that New Year's_Day in.eny7eat may -,b mi',4 To begin a decade But when e a newspaper tvrtter„ says that "With ,the entrance' 0-1940 we move into a_new laboring unifei 0 misaPPrellension. Thtiiightiessly, many peOple .belleved' that Ianue.ty° 1st, l000:,, 'began a -new Century. The 'first day" ef the twentieth Century, however, was January 1$t, .1001. The man , who' !Says, a deeade ended itieember„ 31et, loao*, Woulti not say that nine cents make a dime. Xt takesstert petits to make a dime, and ' tenth year of the present decade is' 1940; the qteve "d&id0W wIfl begin januarY' 1st 1941. Wfl BillorALO M. taiga: ..... alternateTY smile ..cve'd.kly and try to ,read th,story in the paper from.wliere it 10 lying `on the toot:se:So you see fatherhood s,also, has • its etri,als, and tribulations . *especially after the baby's bath on SenidaY•morningl AGUE -ED . irtearditie News),...s -- In his campaign ker election its reeve of Tara, C.' R. YanDusen, who "edits .The Tara Leader, cited spending money for ,advertising of :Tara -as a suMnier , Tourist ton a Waste of the ,pgyere",mextey: "laving been in Tara in surnnwr, r‘Wii"agree. ammo' niarraupmiriousettrma. OPadina Ave.; atcollege A. let..Feekell • President -- ' . IV1611-111n Twenty' per cent, disceunf on present4tocik for tali- new., of season.' • " WILLIAMS '&1 SCN GRANITE- WORKS • 44:100st card will 1)11.11g to your 'home. Niew:glesigns7-4"nd, new granite, 1Pres- transportation to . Oar -10'fifee. • •• 447 St. ratrWkik, Phone -921W fiVBATFOlto that (Letlibrido.,,nerald)`_, , There is good deal' of raisundere standing about '*the' killing of `Wain- wright Park buffalo. 'Ste jot of people are greatly exercleed overewhat they believe to be wanton "slatigliter of the' bfg herd; eleeeendants*of, the Pablo hut - tato herd moved fro* Montana- to Wainwright by the lateolftneeeelsirmele, Oliver When lie was DOViiiterr-Alinister a the Interior more than thirty years - , It might have been if,S.Ins.the first announeeoaent, the Government ot OttaWa had been a bit more deAnite and; eeplattatorYee'What -happened -was- 600 or 700 head of Pablo beitio alak a reff,.,shiPF3 "et/ -'-Weeir:' we are had. grown to a herd 'of some 7,000 at To ansWer life'secommands, told that nearly tine thousand eargro Wainwright together vvith a 00111)10 of 1 Ilow lightened. flees our burden SOeM Alpo rove, lit and out of libeftiela Portis ttiottsandt E at; Wand Park, anifseev- If someone untleretands. let a Week, 'The enemy is hardly, mak. eral thousand -head more in the Port -W. G. Palmer An -Toronto Star. us es dent , in jaeitaitse immense ". Studth eountry inetlie Nortliveest Terri- si, Toronto 'preaeher advocates, the elle with the wood buffalo whieb had Itairifil-Boils, 'Elk Island Park are relatively' tre 0 6, 6 troneher 'and othen like. lilm, 'who WSJ°, which 'have crossed successfully When boils sttirt to brthic 00 04 ,SOMEONE tNDERSTANDS-: When troubled times. With _doubts and fears .. OS's es -see - Cast shadow0. atourfeet, When at the dawn . you cannot smile ,The .coming day . to' greet, 'When with te, heavy 'heart You go - •The way your path 'demands, sethere-netcomfortif_YoveliateAv That someone understands? If someone Understands, .comes then A. cottrab born anew , ' Which keep YOU eVer preesing on Till skies again are bine. • • , .sonleone understands, there cokes . that'S btarlettown seee----;:- - When to yoit,eallSset-velee that eit You , journey not alone. • To 'etreryontY there "come the days When eares seem all.too great, And, as _we shbulder them, It sedin§ We'd weary with their 'weight Yet Nirlien we face our many trials' -4,11*Asha..114wIsk=cto: pro Otations on Or make offerings ,..of all issues of Dominion, of Canada Tondo, tortes on Allierta'a northern fringee to *******esseuesa -weeeeliss .osoresisenisraine sionreek of ehipping. which area they Were transpoeted a few • pee * * years trot to see if `they te-ould retlitti!tion of the tiension age to sixty. inhabited that ;arm sinee before the inding Uwe money to pay them'? I I five years or under.Bad Bi 'at* 'Calls why flit, tive white Man etune. The entailer herd in • ever/hot* a perodon and give tide -from tubereulosise and the northern anittite for sigre pensious. the len ee with the wood buffalo, are also healthy. different pots of the body it, is Vitt ,Ileft, unfortitnately, the WainWright evidence theft, the MOO 1315 , Ott e up , herd had become shot through with -With imparitieo. • * ,41. ,t1 bereulosie end that 18 one of the oust iyhen-,yan oink Ion nie INV ocereennont blis to bate e.„,44,,.. i A...i for killing the butralo,,,t1t,,, ,,,.. ..„., ....,.., .....3 ....,,,,Iong It toir misery. ono, loather crop* mi to tos.a. its Th. Toronto .8tar Flays' that, „. while i uotiu reaSon4 for killing them -it -"- I no needleme elatighter. Canada lee been IS"""'" 'suss m4" .1111nar7 r""1"" t-'3 meet '' 'el•tra' killing off, a touple of thousand head . All the living 'ma ponitiellig 7E51 ordinary etpenle% 'ittt this timeit'd each year for some year at Wain. auty Ao will notntop More tomb% elbould be *Penrod Iti Setae other way wrielit beettnee the perk grass, was not why eot gl.vo ibnt old, reliable, henithy rut m tboa by by inertia,* in the amett tom , silificient 'to inaintaina the herd. The% mood otitifiring - m* no aw,b,* )kotvi." saya Th. Pitor, with *hin lu ewe bchers to be sold to the pu ) e st: build ithart"aaas ha." uNti. it 1". , we& nteelot snti rosons, !flhol. killing of the thks VerPose duthlit th*Psat Yvan. • • • trnifsio. therefore, IA not different from1 TR sk• B,B.. Ana get via of **bad trio, Janine of renee "Me every (Ise at tiolya *id tue bon* -too. threbtook, rho canatin 0%- .. ...... . _, onr porting Pinntl, sn4 oloes rtot war, % . i__lir, ushikr* oe,,, iAt. 'Amos._ _ -- ' - -Nen Abusee" *be -sew t rsnt teor• and rerrirsinstions, , ...... ... - "That wotst of *0 tares is already toot II/11141 are petrt ( larr Blood Bitter* tk &mita to bells& the .11,411ttelletoroltb,