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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-04, Page 4.. -o
::.;,. , NUIS OF AU BURT*-- .. 1Christmas Amill - --
. Amivami Iya. 11. -Kr. Clayton Ler , %tite. who wtte here eitettlaa her eotiente Pines and Lilies. AfteAl4r aijultilb? ellej.tof :t *Ix utoutime
r44.1111MTImMort sad lilt Jou *Mall Mr Munro, lute retutued home 1, „. _ t Auditor/ J. ' Id died 4t Chleakro ou
thltica.911 arta Me week-eimi with Itliee Attu Palle% IteN , of .Ferguii, 6 l . .
,,But at St, Petersburg They Sing f 1 4" zubser 41h Itgtd alvveuV4tbul.
XL mad Mrs. Wea. J. Thossehrou. Other ' eleheue her bincter, eere. I hirAiit . „ .......---............ WAN wita.e..__
leader of leuelteeter, „
visitors with biseesedThoutpoon mai:lane ilte Same Carols as ear '. Be w s
fJ N.‘, aud aboUt twenty-eight year* akto Au AlulauSv fl) Muderwii" ete' L414,s'T.-- MAO litealt leEA.111.1.44 Sled 1.21
Corttleukted from Your Life
Deleald (Vim* Peattlie
uthor .of .71.11nging. I* ,the
twrt tillunt'r Iluile' A gieee Seteeteatiee-liwe)unuentitet .,d0,
of -1-i,1644.00-17rd .ait-rtia4-iii-ititt -t-4-111.iro,,-A,---
•, . , . , ..
work was a kit:Aided enecess. Ihe sum -%
Detroit the leen few Illinktilii iAt 0411'4; .,of $1:2;i wae raised. Farm prothu'e and et , ,,,, ., „ . ,..
boy patellae, Ur. *uu Mrs. Itobt. Seott. e
belie weet., inflow, titt,, varittus aetieles "'Ars, 4'.."' ''''l "D;31'Ir4c.', NV" '9 9PP011ig Iliel'Aid the itmertil took plate that, eig• e le
The -follow tug tea ehe rs ItaVO gone r . ''` - I i 11 1 • -
';beee ete alter eeheeee i Miee Margaret „,„,,t_7,„„ „
, seed. - ,Ilioe, tondry of Go•hvielt w:.1.;$ , V.
. ,Vergwouu to l'arkitiii. Mies Ethel Weeit- '''''''''' '''''" - wie
, ...liteetime.----The W.mee, of 'lee(
,Iltigtoet te Pieton. Miss iteryl wieeek ee; ,„ . .
se,grurtb, m48,., toro,ii/iN uliscin tk, nip., IMPION 1111.111.1 eigqeit heed. their month. w . . 0 , . ,
riting t'ven-wer V.,'StIl• Mr.% viarriPe Johneton ItotIETICP J Winston lertlinr elite I ine
pi.trtI v - 4. me -.• e- ,• le u •tou -to, A,e: Meet ale itt the Ne11.90I room ett :I:Live-I e •• ••• . • - , . 1 . .
• 'thee 1:w. j'4 -Z'(4.( erre. Jae. Wooee, i . . _ ,,.. . „ ,...,„ _ e
-' Ticitborate Victor T','aleoner and Frank. • . 4,,
• • av:-3:
Cerlow, . _ .
' Vt.' a t".31x$, iTall. Allen spent the "*.4'3',Ixt 041,14;:e 'alut..1ed va th,-' clik'Yotional i' "T
weekee Yieitii4; itiends at Fliut, ' Pt'l011 'Mzi• 11' 4:4' W11'.°11' gay(' a ;Cew r,
Alit.h. . 4 •• e. ‘1.. . g - . - thrOugh. life we deny ourselves stimu- t'irlle' 'resi")10141.11
.t.e4,;",o• readinz and Vivian titrangtan Chrit%
ow iug to the vtiry stortuy, Wtqillyi,' on t'-"rea.A.cith a Plame Instrumental. TIT ; Tee Christmas bells from hill to hill 7 'Years, tlied Thiirstlay," danuarY [1)1 1t at '1"thlg f°11°w-81111) hc.caP.AQ' w,e: are! P129- Iseejj•tii.41iZieX
Sunday serviees in R. ,Alarlee Anglietue t°1-.0, .7he• W°rid uutl°°4 of Jesus, 1 • • ' . ' • *ilie, Immo (tier., Edward Irwin, Water- projitt or too afraid to iteibenet. . __, .. . - .
ehurelt and KnoX PreeityterLen,eiturch. Pr(lbateit hY Miss .Margaret Small of i "''Ir'‘Ner e'qeh ut.h4'. t'llmig4 the 'utt'4"..
were tetir:twii, it i, 4,,,x,,e(ated a stu,. yoleeitee _ was read 4y mys,:- jame3! 80 pee eef 'our, party quoted from lott street. . Deceased had been ill the 'Awe 4.4.11 11 i' 1}111141411' h4alked
CagO'$ Streeits our tiptietment ' building 1 Alloamcw,--TIIII .„N11.11QT .
tient " w"terie e•nivtn.::,-ity, Loudon, ' 8V0V1. Mrs. Clete, i....;tranghan, led in i'. Temerseu eg we took our wily fo, tlie; Ina FAN. nzonthS. Until three years ttg0,
IN he4 ile came to I, ve .wit i. hie emu, ,,, ran,:'.out c: '4:0.11L Nili iiIi. came '*-1. 'of Ituron .Countev Com
miesee soak., carter and Betty I miduight serVie0- ill ,gt: Peter's - Epie.
terian : (drawl). next '0411l 44. (1.4.1eang ttelnet. XIV'''. II. C. WIISOIX i 'copal ei'lverch on thrfstref18 Flve;:" trbere I ter,. AIL ' Walker heti hi (41 in _East -thmilgh7 11° 'viral" rall-alla thlo.:elOv.atOribelet lu- ;We ,cOulteil,- felleee
will oefuttY the puiptt of the Presby- PraYer•
elos(41 the meeting with 10. 14.4.1 ' I were Christmas ereefe, am1. partiee one Wawall°s117 sv.h1*--he (01111111 t( a larlii gslit)oticrti171.)t *forNeelligullolcir e8d. 4.'. 114)
geitletiotteevre'rs ...7:11uulen'-(1, Tolethrieliiblet7T_7/ter4
_ = Sevei‘al • residents of the villago etre
• ill at present with flip "flu."' ' '1.'`ormer .'itesident Deceased. 4,.. Mr.; itularlY all the. verandafe'ae twe pasgitl, 11011 tile 12th, concession, Mrs. Wttlkeer • y ,. ‘,„ , , , , . „,. a . 9
i . ,,,la .s... door ol elan food milk phottogiaph ' ,eeie ittevounts,, aloote.,es; of *
that eirs. t,ete pa,ette,•sonie,velVed word recently .1 and the' radios Were itealing forth. "'lois Pleciffe4sP{.1 11114) .a), Na.• Lee,. , . -
Witham Patterson .is critieally n't , OA: tue <wain coK JliS 1111114 Ur% It. , J. ._:',S1g,htt", and "Adeste IP/delis" all aloug '120,titin,'(%:::§,s ttieyno, ..%.-ssoort:v.vGgragileci,s',.h.oxiiitalirti.: :,h.e1):Ifil.s:‘,,a;eattlf,7 ;11;1111 ,,.i4evty 11)a,'13,1.11tulleeres4`
We are sorry to 14. 01
I/ , 4,-..-, r 1,1,,,,i 1 tingly urry, of .*,,viperlor, NV Is,' The 'ate Simi the Way. 'We 'had 11441 4. ef.:illeflisotraers, ranged. lit :age :front. 11. to 75. And it
ee.:elodereeie silent New yeaees eeifi; CurrY Nv;.1 8 torilierl Bella Dottie, dough- 1 t1(4.our house and h r &l'ii1,11111t.ill'rwliri,e;/eTio'ilfterle7,gbkilitet.;:i-e11:14:i turned out that the Jttnitor• e01110.. 1)1 13
„Joseph liebie ,eha e„enie ) tittle gift,e, arid lied the teroi singers
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Ilaggitt awl Att. t lei. of the late
eeseiel eartee,... ; . ... -I, Xoletrte".." 'She ' eraslebern - 1.1 ht'. lit awl aerated {them with ieed -lemon grandchildren. , . -,-*_1 . - -_. ..feheutil)t1awn°440.-;strt;ii,-hie 111.,.l0si. at tbe ou'le.
end Delores -epente„,mondave with eer, Wawaposhe on the ' fatin .'-netV oeenitlecIt'Whezt--;W-e 114.14.4(1 41 tie eimiett :, the 1.11k1a3r at the '.1.-rwin4 home, Waterloo
, he „.weilhieve ,. eeet,.1,44 44 tee .., ..., Ijecegs6d i 4.4. 111(11 totd, 110,-tuat everee., seat was .afreet, at 3:-. en., witle lifternient in tbe
Vile ;ellheraletNI:ry111: t.,a,:c:,,:, P14,ee' 4)11 S1t",, Wk:tti that "seme. such -spirit of triendli.,
-added to the rsnti.Sfaction of liy* e In'
nese and 11111111 11 hellifolnces could have .•
i‘ir. ana nes,. yholiu,w4: remee, Doroties• 4.4 1'. ago outhe..3tel 014 4.'. "East_ItI4e,and vitristniasealteen.eurverindit,
anti Mrs.-Vote:et -•Caeteer, of Goderico. - - .
'.' Mr. ,utal Airs. 11 1.11'. peadie ind fon- * ,
.i 4. 4.0.114 ‚4111)011 '.4.11)1)1 $0111Q SIXty years i oeetiPled. but it We did. eot mind sitting ' "',...digaarn
, .i.,,,„ a •
:iiilkt'41'1,bein•tilttrenti&vport :talavr o it
S dantel::co °Yea: . ITNDigRS WANWlED ;
, e
and' ago. She also tnnott nt.Cransford In '!' in the elianeel fherejkere ehairo-there. . e . , .---e-z-• .
Aillvi.LePieNutitull';*ameirrs*Vellelarrrashwl-latillIaMii;imils„, '.4.4. (1(1 toe -temp. .she 1»'.11F4.14.hy i We three elderly ladiee wer6 Yefetilil' * 3'°.814`PU' '41eI)'Ll'Ani----- derailed on the N'evada tleetter;tdlawst.itshuoinut4: ' t 1,Dtriele*Su.,.:Wicl,
., ... . . .
-- - . , • three rchildrete David Jte'net 4'1(1'A:ones choristers' 40 tile eliqiiis in lie•-.,chant.,.ell h ' . ' i ' ' .
_ 0 Tueeday afteinoon the death of '
10"t P11 (ateele' ) ItleI hall evetelan llier' Xle°Ple '''-'04.° 1101 t
041011:eh- '-'ke• - ' • • - • • _ . - . • • "04)1 1141. -,,,_ ' . , , ... • • 114 111 "44;rors-,!or us'. _ys:ej„. bad- -tt .G.,retit,_ tekkes fiariner,, oeerar.1,;ek,lite. ilia speaking -nit aereesothe toutment-began-ofemereyeeeteetie 'el
-- •IMiss' ' 'Mildred Preston oef' '.4., 14.41)11 , c Thampsoneeeeoeros, ee, , ..
A, .euieee bett , t:ItT. sttnas iltViisr,. %It: litti,11)11utull11:1>r, i hool,e_03.1 Ellgiii.-{iVetme. Mr. Me'Ziall.t.t°
ihil)liie liai'e returned' to their home in ' '' _
. Veryl,'.'Wilson. ......„,e e .
: North Bay' lifter visiting the former's, .her ARV,- at .12 Vkloek, when (l 1' i,, bettutifully
, - - -tete,,e,eideewe utotia ,ehlikeh parsonage, i past tett (,.hri,s ntas plornaTirug, we'roundl 1"a'`7-itiOv(tel)rn*tedlig$-Wi`.0i.;blr,,t„11_," j'ainnied, • esc'ePe :imPessible. . for; any! .beine. Tovieehie,
decorated With lilies, rpeee,
, : e.teee,,3c haVihg been- 11(i#• Qlt *A°Yv'......-'".-.?'', 110411. 1111 t!.',1 elves eould.. liberate 'the pas- qBamilead; •wx4 J.
ii,ei: idnit(rt kl*:an.: esks$ $ l',1- °A. ' I es la:si l• w 1•3etrir - (lie Ito' 1. '. ishil 6e d 8, I lila:De:1, •- . Itica edv , 10.9!i'e-4. i'ole8,1i,,t‘e2d
speiet. a etey dayee last week ._ wite ee ese,,t,..pri,,tt$,,, „wodaing was eeeereeereedeet, FikA i eel :knel, ,,,,I,f 4 Ot s ..,,,,. .
V:ferl:, GNI°rr.m.ttitleYd*::::::::si41:), M"4.14ogra. i;g7, 11113:(4i).1:1111;1, o'' .:1:1-11-111,i'g,k8(liiiit ;All., 'ir-lialaof,:1,1% ladrirt,:131:17,;s:1;iiiir Is:t"-ee•O'edoe..4;r: j' :111:di:1:74C:(;;IreQ:''.i!(1-g,eic:_eXa 1-1" '''Tb elle% '"*„.t"'roei.d1; '4.11:141:11A: 1. .181#i.le)=1.),..11,tviii(;:b:a'''':1::a. ii l' I:: 81"Is'vn?'1(3,,nun,,, ' gei's ;:)41.111tha40!4;it')Ja'Alitilueng7 41:11' '1.Lii; tt hb e(:1 .., 4:w.hillu-ik111)1:41A:on.laiii'Ir.
amt ether friends. ' , I haired. reete,e, who, „... 1 ulna anal flAioNvo the lakes_ab. a ,,,,a,lior IIumboldt Itie:i_er,. Slie„...tiAras -hurt, as: .
Mr. Jack AVeii. returned tie Torottlo flitrriage ID Willi4n1 a ThOMPSOn, Of i Was weendetful in his eull'ivefstratittne to or fisherman , ev_er: since. i)uring, the ,Was the - unknown ' man In the- next re- , eeeeleevueeeige
on pueedey .te. resume -hie studees- ,fte the, 1s1 eause'arS;:.Leteld0u,,* son of „Ur, !, wo.m.nled And (Vulg. men nt 1114 (it latter part of 1)1', 1114 be, bem the , berth, - but they talked. end 3oked fled, etieeeeieeee„eieeeme
1?`98.t 1 thele lath, '„apfrits sustained the whole ,
, ,e.haeve,e• Business e °liege, • It itudiIiirs' , Wm. a. Thomosan et .A.uburn. i War, 'and' who, ,all honor te his leooe ,
. •• .. 1 Welsh 111(4 414. is anxious ito--i-;:ifitgaitt, t)f euP3'4egr 9U vuriUus laYe tugs, 4 -
• -Ii'avo. Int 'eeremotey _wae performed be ,Reve - • • .... e . . . • e - . car.
- returned ' front ,_Toeonto, where they -
, - Aire eene.1:, MO. 1)1(4141 L' 74T41,9f , ,-', I) ' I ' Y Alerilunon' • The .bride- looked.' si)Ohee Of : ."Christhlas lir"e-troahlottst neeeasea lad heel/ in Pear 114 11111 el'• i ' Why shottiVieve" Walt' itnitil tieetible
. prhiee, efe alinoet three yeam and had been' eon,- hrikes colortiles.,or .014 on? , ..,_
. ..,, .,.
14)erit. tbe christwas, holidays. --"'""" , lei.ele, in a . frock of green crepe' with times,' hut. the eelgu of the - • ho et of ' he 1 1 e 7 ' - .. • . . , ... . ,
rt-ele--tuwiethieeewteeee- -entr-tjurftr. Hittra..1.1itUder .004 g"1"1 -1 -*4 witll 1g4ir tgl QUIL
ix 11, SigtueleSOart.
- Stetter pieftee irturteetter?,iteematteeere. reavontehke
Ve art. _to leave eetter ettleer-• to eeeeeriee
• Lee t lag relatiye. Tit relllaillS were brought te bIS uutliencea merrily- 'hetet
11'.)41.1'1,14. train on Setur: aide by side for two hours, and not out!
titer at Petersburg, Florida, ane ternoon front Brophey's funerel eitapti o you sole e to t e OW VII 10 neNt
e ANT) 130AITI)
H.raetivels fare,
eleet hope toe have eneeher let tees. to .11.3iiintil cemetery, Rev. V. )1rewil Al° t(i".9r; wer° waruNtwe ertoitehnitii.iitmati,; _
ller durin4 Ley 1 ere eentitteihig, the foner;a isevvice, . The de)' that waruviteartOi_ influence, did „
pailleetrere were -ebeet1(1.Graham not Xurle spea.k. to the sir, 'tiger Naw.t:10'tiut;ii-ete-TILI:ekie 31,1;v1":""fri110,_ i.,4,ftitiNvi, or 1tmazi
it s es easy tteet,hatA. word, a smile,. Plofsv oPeratore OWIlt*r.5 1)0x.e4 T -T for single II:tepee; or thitnee for
would et.* Omit wit boxes Oki not (meter, an r..,IguaMtai
14c.' n100n 18 ,1 he night is 6E111, 1Vils0u: " the etranger ae.enur elbow may iritorfetie. ()wile are reminded 1,11a _
ti DP thaw draws near tbe ith. of -" beeoate an interesting friend. All
Tor emit -boxes reste.
titN COU.'N'TY ROAD zinti dead ea ti
for mink feed
7ielietemem Photo. 608 , r 22,
14 twill be for;
Tuesday,' *re -
,eoteet be sulethee
re1110Ved promptly.
2 Ilaylleid
nintea. paideee
„ 18-.t.
and other business requir
tention of the CotiiiCil sliou
kende Of the .10ounty Cler
than J41111017 13tIl,
3*. XellOalrateTS;,:iCou
1-2 00(34
11111.2.414)1113 e ;muse vex ewe
g ,the at ILY wish to 41* 011
Ite in 'the axta lieloators for
114)t later' them their reeet
--- • ,'•5fete the beautiful t
, .OntArio F-Elscgorti p
'thank ble fri
so kindle ieeve
him t(tehe first on
(1hristinas Campai
4 DE 41,-417C,T4VED
nnnziNsilolz4 -NIturty _
It 1, ,i9,19,'fete
.actornsee' These:4,Mo,,
Joint' .0anu'e,
T yo -1 peo :1<irjt,a- goi(i tylinroing. .Afteee t,he eerelleony tte, Y'o, tie 111$ t t
. Illne,es -did not dampen' Ida -ardor 1°117 cani travel, if YOU like, eiteed-14 eeeevieViese:ieee'eieereee'. eeeeer." eseieseee'
-Tuesdayeeveninge.„- Mr. ieennetee,einniie, Lontlett The young pea. foe he Red ross,
144111 tonduCted _ ,eeeet'ee,_,iitereeeteeeLereepereoi. !Pertt:lt brief boneemoon at tile lionie tife tbe•many • yeteete,•11, lieve
kno • ,I „have. /lever-
antilt118, Bettf'-eitt.14-111.x(reliarge ef the thi' z-5
games. Touleu_wag',sersred,. -1 'DieS at' -OttaWit:--e•Ilree -F. 11o'.', i( tehing for tetYself., but n.
y.epIN!ed: 'word On ".1:011(14.4. 01 the deatir .voll for .iho- Ilvd''rross•
'-Gatles--eStiet•asser etif SOnringe , . 4 j 'fi61
1 11-171zrnIelYss'f'Srliteer t
e ea vement
U4. 4' WI-Sjfl1S
le and relatives who,
eunk;" enablinge.,
taietin the Jinilor
REPAN, with wirelabeels ;, in
good 'condition'. EBIIIITT`, Tra-
Laigar 51., 752-2
----4t7.-Te-ee-e.."1 •
11 bittek trim. In
Box JO,
white em -?1
gOod eondlilon. W
110141 Oeial, evening wedding Was.served at the lIotei- ) • nt,.'" made neearnest-np- •
, 4 11 • t - 7 'e , •• Itoweira-, • aira- bcre-rieNwici:the eold •artnox _of -ptlyacy,Bat _hat • " 4111(1 4)1. the._;St!g;•*„._netiritis pain t
th ,tt .great deal
i'.1 4(1 for nny--4 illter-e?,t10-10znen. ton 1 ;X' Zi haven ,p ii the tope for; .at •aesi
s mite rec
eve. reenmai to 111'. (011(1111014 became more Serious last 11 t)41. PJ" a Kto 4 4,M1 • ••tt• •jae :feat,
iitimoiweek • 111(1 114 eank eapidly -until' histin 11414)] 111 lit '111111W 14.1 14\ .ritEgt1
(leath Oireefr:e4eallaY•LiTiEw-ifee.-fernierbel !The- siniP4wAman.--444ipeiffq-:,befi-es4-The--.,lan---
seefirlge ttll aria*, "''' 1
herr.roff,-,t4e -1000,17. teeheriherl _ "a/et: , On ...hurt., self. • ftevity t.treeYeetlibe -1)a."-; •- YOU,. e .1 dier .• t • stiffei
747:mor±tawa„--,- noTne-7e• I 'tenni,.
OtYPAR-1/2 ,auss the Inutie "
Air& MeV.) `'N womierfu.i.
•••,,,aufvur ye, ,R. T). -Ottewa.„' 7bie deeedgedd • on the '.2.413' heme .fr
eeeeeree. . ewe gersepete woman, :eviio W4lA C.44
••ergee was formerly Aurae Allen; „and, 'spoke of the joys. of. a C.
Dividend Rettuirmeente_e0003,' met .les• 'was/born Peterboro She bad Rio Sureste:sie'n'ene
- •
-''''.it-.1::;-Fie '•1111r1411:11111'•?6itnIttr43'itirtOid: Ib's‘httPti.lell4Ljel'ir ull't.le,jra.ISPIe Ll'h.:11/11i..:tcrattli,.'t0414m.:r.1,!11441g[114?f'etZL12:14h-1.1e1;44'lielali9Jmeer'v4en4inge.''°1-b'Al;ifl 'J'Iba4'11:etall'a::•.-7131.114g*:-:'N4414o irt14-otrialr:at''4a
t,_..,t,le-7,71i‘e..4.1),_ellse!; th T.e2 1 i• ; 4 :N*_ trinUllear•httti :007v-Gt,i°ed:1:1.11,e131.1 Stit:alikvei,Yoeia*.c- e I _.15611..c..011111, til. ,J)114!dr•INT-g.r," t ' el6Irat****-ihtStla'a.,•oef the iiiii.- ,ruettlier'partieuleire I. e.--e-oet .p.oe(i,,, ,041,3
om cuureo., we kt: tlooii,..),e itfampsur..n,40hiel:,,,.hoti.. rivityffiZ'ai.ter',;;IlloAllf tilinted.Liethq shuhle hoY a -Ye IhOreet,hart.: ete.t•- e;tte le et.,• .., ......,..,...,..-t, • ., ' 'i i.s,tiantro.Stiaf'440:;vimit
. c TIN e s; yott ar eitterestedlie, • ' ' ' ' '
atilladnis'; '1i:I'lli4Yjil:-.;.1trive: ''.11Tlie". litterinebt
- „me. tee -42,,,,,e,2..421,,- 1,1f, 1114 0. 0.1)pcirtMlitle, ), v:-A.11116§t 1111 r , yile Ailleal VilaPter,..1;-•;0.I),Iile Will are' obtained,
LA .3,taii....auci. • ,
l'ing old, ;when_ eemeterse, . •!"- '''' ' . 1, of us. ...getr.,i4to al tilt, '1( 111., Sahl'o held' thole reeneer 'meeting at the Pub- *Veel go0d' . Be
• ... -. - , • .
We, felt that. • * ' PeObre, talkiig..,,„41)out ,Ahe stew Old 4,te.Li'brtire-;F"riday, Jan ' ..5th, at 4 Pen: nouritie P;alit:-agf,
artli s•Oaeueicel ,-......
'MR,S'f',-' 4. 1t'\1 - things with them, ,Talks -with strung- ! . ,. • ,e . . ' - , • - 1. (mt.,. dal' r„„,11,0
frosty day; nett.. .e..s teo result ot,,an illness with .wiita, ere, esPeelellet etil.:Oee. .04 1. sietteteet' walk „! ,,ticferieue (.,J.,(itigiti :-,:e._ainniowerilont licdp ,,•vott.,.-',.,. „,..,.
'n't -11,, 5114)4.4.111 L11 sidle - .Was 5111(1 (.11 ., last ' week, ATa'irlilt,:ec'"ea.:re-9e..en' 114.7:'lilet;01 11,$: 1.`ttIllil (i61::.,-;,.,,r134..9-ie,I. ei; -71, '(.6•011egfititte etude lune Thursday i, 11( 411(1 -(iiiir 1..",
. A to ..• ••
et Intd a.„Sleigie leaurieeGluseette virife.of 1110/eaelet her-
glit; never-thad neee traritT.ftridge and 'buildingfoteee: :)11e1I- ea.tetr.te.. ' gas° stPlmisi. w°30P. ”.061:1(1,--r.i4aIT4'1ftrix14-1.Y .*:',•.anji 19' ' t;18 --''''E.4111:4'4- 1)412:
e depidecleliewee, waif ..,,,dr, the Leiideii_ oivislon;:4,a9ed Proud of thetr babieS -have all deepened
0(1 ono of'those 'it-ii:.air in Ale-iiindra, Hoepital, en - - - .. ----- ,
for ene that heart-wa e
"e • . eleieheides., eee..e.,'n,eiere p,,,,......i.... - ' • . ' ' . ; t1W-;:vi,•'.0r1WIS„rielifi,.:.%_4nnitozteiVoy irtter-!', _When Y0.11 layl'TN.p-paur vile foe W-41.tle/!. . 1-11.Titch46,71)FeSellt:IWitr is simply-, '
see or„,,,eeeteeeeteel e•Aeary.,- eteheeott .,Nras born in ..,e,heeite eetingpeOple.i . ''', . . ,e, r.e.!--•„....e..._ ., ...' One, 535, -Slie'lle?,ervi -Stiat1011, • ti; -:111(1- 1)112.4114.' negative.. It le- tit put. Ull .
'et ,Earion
. ivii,biette a14?4o1dde,V'ene1e14-
ing-41t7q1'tc,ra:y. d eleequee, 'Peeet,
deett '.A.„ G., -I te 41.'t0 141(1: '.7.4e.-- •
, :el, ain ple;evetil te'fielvist that' tile
' 29th veer of ottreompany latte`edutinued
lived Itt Brandotie_ellan., and 1)1'1111C- 'WO' begin to reininiSee.1
*Atop, was at• ..eirhee,,,-eeetter,---there nets no sound 'oil e
Al= tiuff (lied_ twelve $ears- ,ago::. AS the sleiglibelle, Olt a
,entielie-was, her Otaly de.ugliter. • • The the Child \idiot novel, lw
funeral teolf on'.-Tetescitere, witk kite pett$1.)ii her
interment 1nF171.6t-etieSro'citeetery, eqee. ri(le oil a ilioeillighteni
.Dr. A. (,-r• b."tirr, of „St, I'tral'e Presby" a rilal gocel tlifieVbtit.ey
,ea.t a .ix-ofttel-de '1)1'. " 4.4 1t11 eales, h P h 11)010; h f e:ie.P-r.v.. that en ttll 111( 11111)
• 4 •• • .
fun-inciease tivee the' previoits 1 *tenon ei
land net teirninge sufileitett, I(}• , _
. _ wbuld give rtS 1111)1111 1(1
dividend ea1ertieemeneS.7." -1•• • --0.34SEIrVANC•E OF TREATIES 'Or .‘niteriee...2„,e-
trent rhenniatie
111114 1411)11)10 itiexIten-
• Get a paeltage of-7T-
I1.1210.N. frene ., Your
et within" 48- hourseee.
';ly • this: liepecriptien:
itliout ritetrinlitleor
...k."!oeta Mil.'.' a feW
'07 baelt if it 'etbes net
•"....1eltieSktitIPTION is
• tilin'entled by. CAlelle;.
TORE, 1-3
.11 this-tonneetion it ise-I thitnt., nec- -that 'we are down here in the. bright Itor 1114
• . xe..;41,tioeli„ 'it la, teticeietreeeeyourele.etter, ' eet-allel--Htof , '44.71111trlrirtr4renT7',
exCelit for ' five Yer
as SPent bot they are stint 11411).,adventures, in -. for whitee 1411 1 11
:Threteri, 14'.o 0111(1. f doing.
11'. 1114' we 8110111d get. 114.' 44. from sAlifsliiii% with 4.11(1• azalea,. e;:et eTjavoros,„ine, N.‘,3r„,ein her early child.1114111 111
;-' , . , ' *
- * . ,...,r . .
ii n
e• ,. '. ,d-•_•••7'1.4114tr e1t.41„41„ , that rem.aIinefl,e „
the illeekal-teel sentimental distinetion1)10(unitie; all areuntla.dfielaof Rana hooeeetermareTingshelivedin.00)„the onth*evItereth7verythe British and FrenerigVernn.ewnetei
Is -en( Jacloll to deligt fileeve• b tler7-ill places etit Vestlwhere n g i:did their testee-Or worst-etdeevldbetweell.velietary•anddictated.treaties. p eel.asan. . ' Ofrlir(a Ot11iTheGermangov&nnient,ferexentPoEvery sort 01. (111114 proin1912 moved to 0oderlebWhere she a1°Ile.t11etLeii steangersiteno 01ey:Eaice,4,1iiting114,illi1)57ntalcitigconcesons r'
ete IIitlerein, the
claim ',,t'liTat-GOrinatee Was not: defeated r4.1e1e(1 for the lottrists Christirias after- had resided,. ever senee, -leh"e' urg,s,' --i): 1)1°1"0 114,P11 ••e1v.1- to-, "1)( 11 *Ifenl- you
' - '•e. _ -„ , „"„--ee--'"'_..rf-' h
0,1 5
71'• X1 . 0f- f Ul•
-'mie-. ..ja'4.-li.oPe-.of APP„e
nlsibg him.rii:i:dit'mas this
n 11>14...111thameIlineChtime topebut the Move"4 11011. tlevouteClatlioliia .foenlay years e)thethei 5 eiel Saatrothelee--Scil7ifl:Pttl!jutt1f:'u'ffa
11' 11 thTty 011elsalliVa1M-eltete-A(100 of the=n-Fe"tliririglaiiiewas a Membr 1)2 1111. CetholicWeeneitsbefotr tE6.1oieass14 i1.tta;(11j)1(
NTe,i:ar 4.'. 11 uovf
sed upon,•-by
•a'l,llikP:la,tibi4o-t.41PP41'.-.-A.Ali-,P--:f,it„ovii..-c„Agwfti'--._'l' - t , ..,,, beeettee.-:,eve,„dt=d;not:PAP.._-„,thei--ris-of
py!a10yalility.-TheAT4t3X)4141t 3pt qii tinritriratTaiiIiia'erMyozzAlaW421nr-01*Ufn'ti'4 ,4' air
1_ifii_Cariie,votednt(er-c)r-erTlOtlee4a P• Wat littinte=.1,•;,.•Vbfis-iiiton*
linieef Judea time totravelling lie the lait.few-yerie,-d-the.oerte Litrirr ineGeorgia7111 elhivellwillwet T Ylrsias.41t4rYPerialist war mettle pereof theAllies. „7
1. 1'l:1s1)L0lT)1yItittitani-that_theyewereito 14 1041411114' oi Bethie
deceivedinto relinquishingthe ri t doctorwho had
- • - - ' . -
...a..- r„e .„..
'I• Su-0.r'-e0v;*hciave-'einegte
i-'ed`nes h
,f e_.r,b
, thetr7,o•i•tlth,.e' ou..e .etehi, es e
e,pa'ellke•ia' '.• n' - s
u-- 0 e-.
ii''.i••t.e'i.'ae1nntl.l3st•,igte"t'ea *)at,V.b.:W.
li3t-lti:' ninT"i-*wn--' w' e.ieneGin'.t.lE#.ihe
tlhh,ut.,.heal.•ert• k ,„I
il"ti'tci.ihSom,.pes,r'd_,ea,T,.ddeP-1-ose.'1ren.lse8iv-fit-ipi,ipett.bleoe rlpeSesl's Osua•fsaws toiIaoohknrene
......... ef fool.daughtereMeeLorne 11.,Barlete stragerskah exiiressi011of the hellef rtythat claimed a Monopoyoini
r-18-ri* oldest piae)0EBuringtourNi*, 3Marethatanmenare ereateet/rl•eape equal.A.NDERSON.--At AlexendraHosPitaWpeelalistu 111 (10)14 inoretefeamagethe
t nr°t°1e°l8a11eS1111e sti7eisful teclnei1004ertehr711-Dec6rnber 1St;11WtO141ei•itte11Elnpreiiiti;tiikiitseiiestige
adstiabledtheir DReima(Peggy),of'1eroninntiby„,,,$eigTf "W•.i4,..*rs licalrand Mrs,NinNafAuderson, Gode-etiu11Iyiin!vlotts,go,tiiineiitlnhls
ir conteniPt.fOrfre-I0War(1 Xi(I)orotify);ofGoremesented to Queen glizabotlfhe would reeeasohtorv Sor itis 6TitpitaIist war Psni
It has been richanel ,soe 17Wardof Lomlonjust1".hch14111 1°ger171heoltlMD zee 111(1a bigbusine:e i)eT4lauttind
04. 15 1. 5112.1410 Two other SOrts'lerdeeeasedherAFrank1111Whltaiall'8f4111flaurt-Iiehltt--Ali:q111e9'haveb°Pilr?rs°111etiIniltrtt
brothei,Ip}1F3r4,,,?ofDetroit,aisc1rsee7ytt:se:hwtheygoethlrsey: C.NE7-Ii Gderieb-onTtl;StaYpe111st Thes,haeaev0cate?iieIxee
W1101( 6011411e4 811E11;qtu4lloaftrtheybeewnefauou.tt14:aI2)14'54°Atililel?Iine'at.a:ivPri%-eiAt,1)11(4 of
setvleewill tettePlace On hat e°11te1111611111esteitilY.thattle14e:;Wite4111elltel'aarir'saeriliei1:1Nalgitisz I:Tereliin
t5Clla1ge4114rlldariin7ilig4"tret!trisC11:althaditbefo%wlilleeust.liengtheiu._n:34aur1110'.4. 111 to dominatthegreteer
4.4.11)1 1)144
it-C'eee-'seives.al4;b_itejivdtomaketimn;,xitty,neeembtrgamIwPart of th: EirOpeen eontinen--lie
ms,thrcugtter9 imoilsThey knew thelanguage OeMafia Olin&'.4.1(10'.'. a the-late/°/111eattSthey ut their claineiestSor
hlli1n1nitil'', .iLLladwin Pentland.' what they believe to bther Cla
Christian Ilfe:1$4" 4.1 mzA1,T1411. 4.4)41 il1:4boiltgoliviI*NV°"7Til'tghfie41Wsteres63,beore 1110 1. of theedten
11'. --.fAf3:14() ,tion:up,tok(i)sttangersaethig„Timrsd4yiiefmber28th1trtThey htive feared that war c - 1 b,1"td-,. nigeteeid49seeiaie1!aeeeasit
The Tritiell advecatesof appeaemen,t.--
were obligedtoeliangeetheir'policymomofargsdrthotel„ 1noticed'a"'ins8tart11;g‘Il1libV eVrt-
reit:ifiatIYCaiibtfaiwllbWCIRve-rrn3t'All;l9hllst;":'r11easZ(!fasine)eebly-dreSSed etemah,eeateine eeetritielt Gnide(;11OwiigI'Igeesof insurefPT;bieOplitiofidstliaiii
shortest ocean trips.
ocupy„and dientereber GtAyinanYtte o v d.1Ieteed usabout the ' 114 1)011, weevils111(1 '.4.4)11141114)17 It's " hasbeenthata,1ritishQtysTrintient
'.,.. 'e, •ieee,. '.',e,
4i','-,,•,...- --'
.e ;•-. :-',
.i, t
. s,e-
-'o' pe
1xi3147cf te Gerrnattegigue re inChurehf the "4. 1114.
Wanted bad faith, 3411(1 that 411 41403' Itad lnOVrof the 14401)14.' wherethethatthb Grnitswere gall*to rePudi. the eeield wa'-bori,I
WAR!, AN SAVES1MN 1144' itthey 4.2.0111(1 haye impoSetra greet cht)reli en the w id. I 'Ilea' inore le the iWey- Ofeinnileditee-byehirSOlittininedaus htretcheracteand 111)1.113' Who nresefferinfit)on Gerinany than -they lid• (11)11('15 iii it to eliow theprep:td to tlevottall or ptrtof gm! Aieattempls to discriminate .bet*een 1-111?(liiiistianroigion,,itit* 'daringJalallttto?tn'"al0Y AreatieS whth are to be 1101402.410(1 ilkrenovated Slif4erlitidittthe forthcoming - ,H - binngand 414084?' which -are not are for altthe toirists toPOMINION0,*'CA,N4}k'WAR 141)111)13' atteeks upen„the whelecode )- 17fielittien'in a worldi„tolt- inteenetioeal honor and -(141041111'y, and- raga;eritcitsvalivis,Itzwritiutst:ivng,3,,.civuizeistdby_tlte (1141144,91141c7xwht10g.,„t111mos
:M1)r( 4. 4):(ti:l)atloiiVtt..i:ic,sar1711,ki:$O!tirilaSNiiiii'teeeeiirf:of Christirnfoperelitm end 414.144111 1.41 Txuifin tion.ctorntoi.,,.. :heaeot228ien:1s'Ile central pilar of thee '%Yell, Thars. Different It uift,e 1Crstomer: "Lok 1102.41, butcher, you.e
riet our Family.-
.,_ .
,•- .
krov lime for
-,,,e.,, v‘a
sb* 1
-,a•ga,s..n..s,d ,ey•
are Avingt16'a-brliiR?eTif-bne. Wil 1st day Or two, O.the bathing0aSwneethedeath of MiCath-serangeeyou1,beomeue-tie.Speak
11fttas high ait iI tlort;f e 144 1(11111 4 desertettstilerfellme_e11110, ,Kelee occtlrret,up-if your spirit Isright0111 heart
that b°116tbere.have.been.36001014rtpeopie,regend 11reGeore.,e Jolineon,won't iet yoti Make slip
Britchere"l'm not' glyhigeit to you,istered atehe*-Chamber' Ofietititerce-qt4414'tl(ts18ltl/7/Rr'bllhaeOne rainy dayas I eat -4n the -Writing
1111144. ('2.Y paYingefee it.? (11:01n tide timeNet e Th(4re 44.2.41
. The diner- asked fox* a -steak, weir
;dont": In a •fevr-IzZinuteq.•-theivniter
served the. 'steak, but it *as nearlY was a greet reader,"*ept. ,abreast of. Zino to her, weeboth felt, wo hiiibeen,
years. ,Though she had .not been In ,sheeame over toy nie and„
L'4141 best of* health , sinee coming•,to saluo "Iiero.'04 _solneS,W4g.' ev.erYbod.V
"warm durine her comparative- I
floderielz,,,s* 'drew-- to herself manY to read ' maY 4,‘..Shoye it to you?"
aceepted with ,tlianks,--,afid' with
ls: jhort period'nf residence here. She ,lieterest. When I returned the maga-
raw - c,Well done, waiter!". exelfililled- world,event,antl,diseussed•such thingk
introduceti -bY" our colnanin -ertibyttrent
the patron..„ Well done! 'Weil
dime!" ;.The waiter beamed with de-
light: ',Thank you very much, Sir,'4„
he retitled. "Thatts the first tinie in,
inontlie itbaterVe. been complimented4",
Lord •Wellitigton' received .his first coin- to., the faebethatthey' liad been duped
• e •
inteelon. - , • by the promise of itettqe_for,our,rnne "
, '.18,merlieart Tottrist (suddenly andthey determined'to .,put an end to
•ested)e Allow lunch 4.2.118 it.?"
coiiiieSelons to Ritiereeeee Ther'rIS no
erithuslaSzo for the War lit England or '
. .• rrance, but tbkie is a iiirm, deternc!ina-
in. ,, of the eeeaye. ' Only.then did jibe tellepie from 'his firet look be: Just had to k9eolc tion , to carry it throtzgli,:.'to victory..
_ , .
kik kite tairopean War"-Wah iceM, fo.,someboily.- .-_: .; --- -,,, -,-,Iiitier -Undoubtedly ' -wants peace -on
,telligettee., Quebec, 1-liei. '1141:ilea-a Nii'omalt who': baS beell.-,-a. '' Lonely, liepeftil,"itiertal, the',spirit Of big Awn,lerillS, tilt r 111A; earvittieed ,
!the daughier ,Of gr. and Airs. lames.; sti'Oh,g influent!„.e ,Ill her co-rem/lite'. 4 Man inhabits a- bielion bodies,; and iti that the 'Eritish and French people4 ea,
Robert Nei's°, elie 4neivedelater with her i , Iek,.. tto 11411'(l to ttpproach a 168011 'file' dark joilrhes And orashingeeatas, will tolerate no peace neeetiations with -- ID
parents' --tu -Ware, New IttniPsitire,.1:vvlie has ,a- friendly" senile ine 11114 .431414', troplimttfellfe -it lineeS-fter-felloWehlp,' Germany -until ttermaitylias teen beat-----__.:
where Site ilved for soine years. Early but 'why-iiiit` be itie first to Amite? \Ire nil are strangers to each oOter, tin- en and- redueed to imPuterlee• " ' ' -
in the century ishp,inovea,to.Kcisoff in Vlach a xnerry,look eget from face to tli one' of us puts out 11114-114111(1- 011(1-Itoltert 1)elt in The NatiOn (Ne've
NokliertielentariO, where Ifeie,-orothere ftice W,lien a 114.11)1)3' person. goes-tilthar, tualtes a friend. `-7--- - Tort:). ee
FOR 4.949 TAX
ki Jam Feb. 1 to Feb. 15
9.76 $ 9.80
48.60 49,00
ilgt ,n(lorsed a
c0ST 139"
Mar. 1 to Mar. 15 ittpr. 1 to 4pr. 15 M
$A84 $ 9,89
49.20 49.46
98;40 - 98.00
present6t1 along with 1940 Tax ills during
..-...A.leXtillakitC40, WirS"V;1710/.1,1;er Milling int" 1118 iliC4t°410171utleItiArtigl,.11:4;01)‘masasuPsy. ,wure0a6r.
feW show ' ..
,'. beneigiiit;."V:;1'niuttel.:11,10Qr4iiieeirat°!."4/plciiiiiTew,iitv.74::03asks :that . teadete.e.harden With . the
there 'Mies' ICeleo .helped Worganize the 43'e31rs'''''3" " '- ,.",..' '
,. Woineuss...Iitetittite 02 K-114'0,, of 'whieli i ' Magy,of us' reel that We haven't Much
.1",-iiMi_12.751,..a.mtile.:.1M4Predde_nt.--.--:.She 11144-1'''6,-Tet."00 L4.1(rteatel4'#Vit,l1e,X00-tiere.
: 7is1t14.1-VP 41186 lit tiarell work, 4.1)4 we--4"k:s:494e41-14.1'aelft -Or 1
, *cbair organist -and ii8undaY echtio,l; alle,3111 ' NV -6' 11105 "e°gulize Un 'tjuloUs
tea . . .1 (4111'14t1011 in, their g18414'41. 5011141t11114'$ I
titierale'siervice wae held atl speak to strangers buse ecaI think they
the home of Alt. arid Ure.'Johneton on 1111137110e(1 something te, me. I wouldn't
of the Gederielt 13 Ptilet.eliurele'ollielet:tsilenee the' 14.011141)1 (IYIngt
'. '1'11('14(1114.'lifteritOlit, Rev; A. .11 Milligan.) g°1'gh*° 111::"ell!' It I had paitS'Itteh°rartline,_
a fav.„.„ road station, the boy .with the iniser-
lag. - "The .. Old isugged Cross,"
, °rite ,listhiri4iit tlfe deceased, was sung' ubie 0'080 the 'foreigner ont'fised 111., a
bStrange 'land. • • . ' '
'y Ur% 0., II I ianber and Airs. Robert-
' Wilsen.'-.4.1he dy emas theft, eonveyed :-.A. woman I 1cnotv got .Off her west -
ST, ,'- • to Kelso for. bi tit& beside that of 'her
Item.d Train wh'en it pauSed 411 41 desert
brOther, who i led il 1017. The pall -
':401): 031 east -hound trainthad also
to 15 beakers here. w le Arehie, Doughts vu,i-Iflrifi'i'fititi,
(.1-111“)1 4181alfINI;1)a::18111tligliegilgt.0111Wtaerrlidlili'llgeiredl'i*'
instantly ehtnved her. a kludred epirit.
"-au° MitriaY nether:* 1. n.01.1)1 who: e wise and .humou
orS lace
d'have,your flu) ey earning 1,3% interest.
e4 this year by pureliaaiug a" receipt eaelt
.... ,,
Site fell into casual talk with him end
eIdeieeLeup• -r „-- -d.- t -he e'
to'getherthey %qeedfriendly strangers
p& lihtlyllIteliqhe filh/ whiStlee blew lie° re
gmarked: ..
_'.1‘,..tell, T. suppose' we'll never Mew *AIMS
, iiite, saw, me(e again?: - They parted -only to get lime .
'on the (quite train:, ., , MIT Clint
Y.9ft On 14) :IWIV tOr, Int' Alt„ im a .1)8,41 leer yeare afterward they eorrespontl. 11111 Mit II
iin- A111." ed,• fit death ielosed tite tile. Neither M I I ell ELL
"Well. I44 . whatA-4' WrOng Stath was looking for romance; 1)0111 were swot **SIN
eott?" elteetett
eeeklue..the_rtreelotie stuff of Ittintan fel- 044/4t
"Stale Al, Met -o: floating, kidney; loyeehhe
Alt Imo , tetth. ' 1
Mk yottreelf how ninny of your floe- n• ow
"Iltit Iltett se" replied the minister, est friends were ever formally intro- it
*I otret proy f phrdrid thitvg4 iiikl. , 41114 't1 to you'. I reeall thet 1 pilked up PIC111
hot I,' 1 pray for virttnal italder oit the 4teaelt; he wiff.4 WarlItilc
thinly'," - OW I1A t 1VA* wading in. _ T mot miloprt
"Yost ali , pray for * floating i itt 11 Neve York reetaurant ; he 107/14
mate you *H !reading the hook ofbont whieh 1 wit*
rinrwl ipst tAay for the Tom* then excited. I met Gordon ttt the
/Trevor Orand leItHeou ; AA be turned away
-NOW-ShIrley Teniple in r sensation, "Tht LIttlo
, Princess,"
10 'SAT,'
Sillidi 6006
IOU dS11111014111
11.11,Ppitid. I kr-sof
COMP .A141 141.411.4martir
• Vtirifft40014.1%.*661
Age to Moro 114111, torwl
%bib Aiwa &bars •
Obi lb. • Hole bit lohlk Walegir
a) dt $ p.m.
8611 -Divi amok.
tmetwi Wad.. Sat. and
(leseller-Jsemils Heads demi ki