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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1940-01-04, Page 2•1. •
• "...•••
• it
• • sTgLE
4- .*Yeltiett.4,on';:the 7,11irtb: -ot.T.a'paby
••••oll:',1WedliesdaY;:Dedeniber "27th. "
.on:,*;ThtiestlifY,4•with Mrs. Cainpuell's
mother; Mrs: 4iarkley,. of: Dungannon. -
• gr. Jehrt Spell end_
fWindsor1 Vis1te1-": 'recently •,-,with
and Elsie • Snell. ' ,•
• Uise•Annette.„*.,S,tuart of ',,Durigaiiilon
.1.4e1' hilted ,lait•weeirWithhe:r friend. 31/e'JanCamr,be1L' -.a'
• ---•:
..:!MiSs';';'Margaret••,Yincteit of Stratford
:WaB a- rent vlsLU.r at the' home of
her...14.11.telltS•":14.r..,,:',Und John Vin-
7.11r.••.Eili'',McG'111•••tiiitlerweet an:opera-.
•••77-'7t-ten'in"r4fatorrjlasPital on Wednesday
or appendtclthi.. We aro glad to knotv
-Itt:,:i.s:•.itriprOVIng, as well 'as elm
pected. •-
Sch*•"•311fieting:-e•The:annual. School
ineetInglOf.,•:.S.:0,.,6 :Wag:held on Wednea.7
•:eleeteit,,ia the neru§tee... In -PItceQf
'Alberes4Ciimpbell..4ho• had served for
. . , _
telee*?;.years...7.4.:Ee.1.1-.`Wighttnall: and' Llenel Seguss to -Miss Frances Tobin
ItJ. Cook areJhe other trustees.'-of,-..Baliftix';---datigliter 'of, the 'late Me;
,111,1earter:10--r APPOniteA e•a'rettiker-
„C'elltrac4•••• was 'let to .Albert The • bride wore a :'greeti, tallotec- I -dress
CtimpbelVitt.•$2,50:Per cordLot 14 -Inch and, green„ ---..hat,. with -gray and black of :good' rePart.,--:ff *there ho nn' virtue,'
. , , . _ ,
rjan,, Stanley Me-
G.r.atten42-and :sliteer•
`hem- fer • Cltrist.tuas ,and *Stanley:has
one heck tellis job:, at Delhi.
John „Feagaii- tine:•11r, •
Mrs., Keith ,Feagan , spent. ' New '
• •
Year'a at Mr, Geo. Yeagan's, Goderie,h
-townehip. :
. •
Mr. and. • 31ra.. Cerman-,Feagan , and
family 'spent .NOlt•Yeer's ;at Mr. Jake
Fisher's, Colborne: • • •
▪ tr anti7;31rs. :Alex.;_JohnSton-,•,;-iand,
Elmer: Moore, LOS and Sonny: spent
New. Year's at -Mr:. Owen .31oereS;..04)1.,
borne' township:.. '• -•--• , • ••
jehrt Johnston -I, AvheWas 'ailing
the 1. past seasormp , •
.wood, ,Where*:shis-boat• la laid.. tre nrerf,the fee for which was7raised•
spend' the• winterwith-,his:mother,- rs. 'm'$.8'tO415;`-• Robert-31dA11ister was
itIve •-the-:eitr.etakitig at .$39 .and Ross
jie symPtithr-tif the coniniunity is Son:orb/As to sepplr,-the .wood- at.'
extentletl•I'te 7 the Pentlamffft-i-uil-3-7-•-lii-, _per, cerdT, • .. ••••
the loss' -of 'a lo-ving "Molher:4.-7Mrs. Chui•cli. Noteir--Therb wasa
Pentlandied ifxikindon at the home. small congregation' ot,.11iiion.: on Sun
of her' son,' Ha and •thefittieral day, owing to the' storin. The Paster,
1-4-on-;ThesdaY'. of this -Week,: *a•' forceful
• Wedded. -_--The people be'
eleaSed. te'read of the Marriage..Of Mr.
• - • , .
G013E4'011 TdIVNSHII', Jae.. 3:7--
harwood t nemainer ow:Alt
lieW,Xeat's__Dar_iii_. the: halm+ _or tiej.,
Soo1• reopens tod4 •ifier the
pieistirtas...vacatfort.-. 3liss .31ebeedi•
tea elier-411- luinge be', at 7f Union
schpot tine 'week with:11'1es, Mellwale,
observing tind teaehine.. .
'Theanatial• Meeting of:Union Sunday
achoOl. held. -this ,(Wedneaday)•
afternoon. • The-stiperleteudent James
Young, tendered: his resignation to . the
echopt: en Sunday.", • .
Dlesnjil 'Citleage...;.;.It..-,Wits :With: deep
regret that* the news;ef of. the •death-af
31r. Andrew J. Caulfield; at ChiFige waif
receLredi • The .f uner.a 1 took ' piece • • at
Gedericli.-.tin• Saturday; afternoon:: to'
Maitland •cemetery,-;-. with Iter.' L.
Brown' ; The •SyinpathY., of
the.. coniniuulty -is extendeit,to;•Mrs.•, put:- 'Out. trecently,..• the • N.Y.'. State
13 Ernest. Johnston Mrs Ofiamber COMmerce4n ‘Whielkrecom-
yilentartjj olipstoh and Art. mendation••is Jnitde "."11.• tithi-PartiSati
:Scheel Neeting:r4rne•, amival. meet- Ls:miming: and engineering survey-, of the
ing•of.tlie.ratePaYers'.0f.'8.8. Was entire. St ,Lawrence.,ProJect before' any
held Tinton .scheoi WedneadaY internitlemaj.agreentent is ..coneluded.",
last with a k9od representation., Geerge - • 'The New V York, Chamber- wants,
wee tippoleted` chairnian for .sfuq*.iof- 'eeonomic 'effects,. of cnn
the ..meeting.•.and_receive4„the,•repOtes,; -thteLrailwaycand,an.-.SP:-..
reit hell' Was appointed-. trustee in .0i praise ‘Les to,""il'hether : the costof , th.4
aCe.Of:_Ernest_Johnston,-: ret.ired Chiral .woeld,•iie 4ustilledln. the -light of the , Ontario 7)1Siilfo-E OCtrle'PoWer Crom-'
after Moving:2.014'9f • tile Section..: The proTific-tW' f the WitterwaY.;:if.Sei -mission,-„zeouy1-:net,•mike••-ltS.T.comailt-
and -„etliek-;fa 'or.loreigut.grain-PiUY:7.7.,geli,t!...WIt bent: n'ejghing• the:relative-cost-
Ger on- Orr , -who wel-tet secretary •eea-would 40- bier befieliciaries: , ..-atiti/ 'advantage 'of •Ihe:St'
• It-iilso_utgtudy..Of the eConotalc.:' coMpared.:41th•other. alternate simrees
,Pios.- and coil the diinget -of making
steani,Power. '• ••;,•. • ' • .•• a serious, :tilLeteke, a St 'Lawrence
• '
proper ;studr:ef.• he , economic aspects danger • of :;;.venturing:'• into r -an nnece-'',,
•St. • Law ceSeaway,,' os ..nomit St 'Lawrence seawnY- project:
• , It is f)n,tario's need" for more , poWer •
priitsat:hae .ever been: ,.7that isbringitig the St4Jawreneelref4f
„nititle by •: Canada or: the ' true. ....bui•deri in to, focus.. .That -_,the', Province- m est
sermon on •"The,,Bunimhig up," from eta adv4nia0"- f the seWliy as, i quleklyseek t • new"soneeeft_of--pckWer'la
the ext ‘_‘FiOnlly; brethren,' whatsoever . na viga t pr t Western , .fariners • unquestieried. ." But taxpayees,-7.:retlY
, • -
things', are .trueoy4fitijoeve-r" things are have traditimia 'favored its coniple-: • : rightly asFWlnrw1fl be the cost of
-hotteet,-,,ivh4tso6ter things are juat;•tion (es they«d *.the•.•11tidsOn'e •Bay• Ab1a4deve1epitient:t6 them,' iiirterins of
•WhatkoeveethingS-are,pure,'What•sodVer w uld•-• national: transportation. pollek. •
things -are lovely,'Whatsoever thingsiare • -- - ••- ••••
ArAvivIt •
• ..
'ewe:A:vet eheisjrom
treat); 'isIneere.r cousueinut
(MY tnna In, the pattive 4
is same, preepeet.of a pact
before the -iirrii.Of the,f•Yee
-step ,would -134. ratinuatlop
State iicnutc. t. ;,.
....;;But. the .witirdiawiil
Ontario's .teremiekLlephurn
the Pawning - taetor-in•
r•'-/(Finenchil• POit)
, . .
cheapen the `:post' -of moving'? grainJO
oliow. little. aif no interest
9e -4!... -Luer° 'whether, these. benefits are to be
ing bought tee llIgh4"0.14---..-•=,...:* • '.••
The next In . transportation, ProJect ouch. as
by the, tian• f 'the.; I,Iu4son's • Hay, -Railway or*the •St,
-the',Unitedi LaWrenco.:: seaway:- there , are •:.elways
••••••: • many. people' who can -visualiza reatpr
positio'n op_zeiliadya/itiges. .11nt taxpayers
large are handicapped, in 'getting the
-'Presenti .other,eide of !the storyronce politicians
negotiationsr ;that_ all get. :ill, their .teeth'•zlhe afan
tlic-:'-ini•otty-• • have eyewedlY.•:•greht 'national development
Plagued the --St; LaW•renc'e' development suc1i;e4"the .8t. Lawrence seaway. .
tor a Sciiii7of years 4414:-,becil'mira'eut,:- '1 For -eitaini)16;-: nieliflon. has • scarcely
'ously sotired.:• 'leen inatle: of -the -feet that if the. St
--yThe Montreal Gezettd, refers editOrl;-,Lawrence ,deepened ,to•-tWelityzseVen
ally.' to , smile •, a.uti-seawit-y propaganda .feettillsmtinielpalitt.;:,-- liordering.. along
-the000:4i1le•rtiutel.--vilin demand-. at
'once thee-xfieritliture.,Of ptibile.fetide to
Aredge. their'llarbOta to the new depth
'The' cost' 'of •this One -Red "might •-well
be',eeveral hundreds•Of 'nillliona Of dol-
lars:, : This would• be ift'-'41teet ' drain:on
-the public purse unless accompanied by
proper and adequate • tolls and,,leviesi
In the realm 'o(pewer;',.it is. presumed
that -e. competent Or anizatien,such' as
wood,-,11eward....camphell, to _SONY the accessories.- . Congratulations aree,t, and -• if - there' be -any-. praise , -think ---•oh
dar_i4ti,$2,90 per cord. ::,•-:- , .s.' ' tended toothe young. couple.. :._.„. - . these things' •( philipplans 4 :8),.:...../
'.. Btr-:.7;. and Mrs. Thomes 'Itiedine".--and- :-... The' New Chopping M1.11.-14There. was 'The' eaceament. of • .the „Lord's .SuPllee
She :veere -.:Toronto;•visitors-Llast 2W4ek--ignite-•-•,•a:7! gather/0g,, areund , Nile : on will dispensed. at -Union next • Sun-
- 1%11aSeia:"Minnie and 'EfeTe-7-4-7-611,-; hare December,g8tIlle'rsee the new:ehopphig day. 'I-- All7ineniberif end , _friends .of the
,., , „ . .
tie: to; London: Wheit, :they: 1111--,inake' mill 'begin: oplciatiourk.; Two men-treiti: Congregation tarecordiallrInvited
their• :
home,. ea 'Miss • Elsie , faterels•talc,-.Saynta-- were ' there Ig 'see -t hut . every. attend it •:'• this • time ----The7.-enneet
•-•.-31riValter Mison , eLsirtra-. tire . sister. 'had- the .0rst -.'grist .grOtind...and ' on Sat- held in the church on. TuesdaY, alter-
b--e-J-McKay, of -the C.A.F. • 1-•-•-•-• ,
, ,
' ' a' coMmerelat ,eettkee., .,_• „..... .,,. ..*, , thing -Went all: rigli'kA..-Geo,.• I IciRedge. :meeting -of -the ,eongregation,:.W-I-11---
dhoL6lidina‘Yllas_ec; .,5-LEUBUrtN.'"tins,2.-.31_ ,_ , _r.:- and • Mrs:
irai.•.W.-Rath a Harrow last 'week: ,.. urday the min was running. until .after noon,„ Jaimaiy 10th,`, at n2-30 Pin: A -.k-e- tiziiTeosiA.Tnonrao-Ct6).1.8air)olotttset-haen, . .- •,,
Death of .Mriii.: fflf;' McVittle.-arhi.s.....:ffark...peapte-TreietingLfzite_all_direetioia.s. :ineating...of-the.•.-trustee..-1-eiiirti...will:-. 7 theirie jiorrni..p....._e` hetez...: :' 7,i, -4,.......,..; c".............--:, - ',tn.. ' . -F-iankl.i/c. :1;0'r..1-. '0114.,..jtuiLjuthw... vein
, ,--. Air. ‘"1.1 tun • ztewart.'• oi. . uraug'el I'M 7Exeter„spent: the New Yeaes . • heliday
Flval-sr•aezirair.lrearna- The _mill- Is run by -a -Diesel- engiee and -3 held One; hour lifeviOugly. _ _ . . . ..
• spent the week -end with' his' brother, -with`the, Zorn:fees „Parents -here.
'iltif eVenine:br•the-,itudden-death of its has plentyr of nower.•,. Mr....Sprag is - --,-- _ . , • _ •_,
-.Oldest pioneer ladY.1, in th6PePsoli or Alts.t.faverably known.. and., Should secure 'IIimecessa ' ' ,.. ,•,„•-,-.,, .,‘...•-•- Mr::David-S,tewart
boye were discuseing the it.1)11-
_•. -.
KINTAIL ..? bilities 'of their. mothers,[who swere.:e.c..
• • tive club members7 , % , _. . _, ._
...The Late B. irs. „mitt Ross.- .70n, iti...• 1, ' i ‘•My Mother can talk on any!-L,
day,. •December -.22mt ,'3frs. Flora Ross on: lad„ declared proudly. • -;_.:.
• • , •
AS1IFIELD, Jan. 2: -Guests at 'the
116We-of-Mr: -J-ohn.., McKay, lest week
were Mrs: M. Fleteher_aol•Mr. Duncan
-McKay,' eoderichi -and- Sli.,--:Donald
anti presented t.111 .Phylliti Jewell with
a. handkerchief s , wera_prior to her
entering Godericir ()vital aii a nUrse-
in7training. - Miss Ina---31aske11-; was
hostess. -----
• ;
,701403 Meyittie,• whe, after hrief • • • • " ' '31r: -Veorge Bilden' or Meritreal, Waa
‘7• neon .passed awar at the home' of lier.
sonei , her 'zilpety-firat year.
In spite7ef her advanced years She en..,
jeYed fairly -.good health until, Christ-
• .r J.:- • • heme• a7;letv -days: '• .
--'7311Ssea) lethel•:-',..Mackenzie-- and 'Anna
MacGregor of Toronto were horlie • for
• .
, er, my ino er Mr. Ch.aries 31iteGregor2of-Kitchener
zniuti, when- she toek' seriously lit She w r or e
:daughter.. the late i Henry and 3.1rti:t at- the: hoine ..-of-her. brother, Dan Mac- can talk • witlicint.-;_nny subject at
is :visiting- lila ,brotheer-Mr:',Rod Mac-
ives formerly ". ',Sarah Jane-110dd, ...
a passed_avt-av, in her eighty-eighth year -i-•••• '
Medd., 'She -Wee-born with "vilionFehe _ had -t4egor. • • . • ,
it•the'agelnf. four -ears ettme with her re -aided. - or the' last .ferty--tlye... years, ----
f Guests at the,IrOnie•of Mr. John:Mee,
perenta7•:tii,hitliett township: ',"•-•.She „ivaa daughter -of -teal -rife Donald- .Rae of Toronto:find:31r. and Mrs'.4Ian
Rae last' week were Miss Jessie Mac--
• married: •seYenty=ene 'years': ;Igo to (141-Iiii...DOtitild4 Xechonald and Cath-
'Woks-- MeVittle.. -Fer: some: bine . they ine'MaeKenzie, Wei thorn .at !Kintail '
.-11.-Ted;,:ia...mei.rie2town-aki;•,.••65,-,4iied. Oe •Deeember .19th, -1854•711i'.1678:--She • .
. alsOt.itt7Leetfurri _end-. Towassan and *66.illed 1.thelatQ.-gr'W'It6:44; '3illii will "
later:at 'Westfield, .where she 'hes lived be 7 -remembered as a. talen o 8
.7,for ,aome'. fifty,' Yeafs.... Mr: ,ildeVittie Plivr, and -for some years they made -
-,Paised:ftWeY twentyline ears ileo. him. thelr-f-hoine*-7-inr-British4Columbin-.J/i -•
..,,Meirittle•VtaS iLinenib6r, of 'lliewes,b,. ISM -31, Hoeg. ,dled at‘Natiaiiiii and
-'•-ch4sie- ltati,....Ifet. '-dniet;71sym:-, t1.1•0010.‘itinar -.Xra, Moss ,t arrurased-
etie manner -She Won theleive-Of a to Kinta11, her' brother's - honie.n-•-,
..; heat •ee frienda,:hy-i„-orearehe 1.4 dee/Ay Spite :.Of - ker.:advanced years . sgeT-h40
73iiiiiiiitieit-7sii is surilved byher three enjoyed good health of-inincLant.1..b0Yi
Sons,.', John -,andl•William of ' Westfield, Only •••two. weeks ' pelor -to ' her 'death
.... . •. . . • .
,:•w w om 8 e'resided,--..end Henry -o -f she -•attended "church and 'pert of 'the
ith • h .
7;-.7.--..-77..•*Ge•derich, and •one daughter, Mrs. --W= day_:,-•Lon--Which_..she_ivas .stricken ,she
spent knitting.- ..- Beeides,,
TaYler of „1,3.11" li. The funeral seriiice,
Whieli-Waa-priVate,-wailieliniirFridity •Dan,--43'he :leaves. to mourn, her -I -passing
- aftentoon -.from the. honie of her- son 'her niece;Miss Annie May 5tacDOnald,
and two nephews, -; Harry and --Bain
MacDonald. • Mrs. Ross, was a. member
of.Ashfield :Presbyterian' churchand
the funeral iertice on Tuesday, Deeeni-
her- 20t117'.•=frhich wait very, -largely at-
tendedi_ was_ Conducted- by • theliitst
ReV. 11:7-taler,' assisted by Rev. R. Mc-
Connell. The pallbearers_ were Messrs.
Tom;Alex.; Dan A. and-Aobert Mac-
Donald,' 31urdoch .1jaeLeod.-and ,Colin
MacGregor: Interment_, in
Kintall cemetery : •
and' WM; conducted • by the
,,-,7-........4-51astoriAtev.._,11. C. Wilson, who took
_ the text ixf-his discourse from 1st Gorin
thiatts -,15 :54--;-"DeathA is • swallowed - AID
Tiir-Dallbearers were
nepbews,'"-Cled. Moon, Simon •,McVittle
:and Geo.MaVittle-bt:Lpndesbore.-atid
grAndsons,..•.• Elliett" ' . Melbourne
lifeVit tie of:-Godericit-ankt7110y Mc
Vittle of Westfield: 11r..aridMrs. Win.
MeD..deVell_rendered a duet, 'Face to
raCe,, with Winnifred-Canipbell at the
••;-4:organi.". ;Relatives -and -friends present
'from Voreznan,
.7•41gar_.__Forettinn,nre'and., Mrs. Brad;
' • ford of Listowel, _Mr. 'John Iledd .of
Clinton. Mr: and. Mrs. Henry' McVittie
-of Gedetich, Floreece, Edna; Melbourne
--aid Mr. and Mrs. Elliott' 31eVittie of
▪ Credericii,.3ffs;7Wm.' Taylor:of Blyth,
.../416.Cliester'_Taylor-and son Murray of
St.',Helene, and -otheiS inapt Liiiidesboto
nd Wtistflehr1110r1:11 as made in
-Blyth :Union •. cemetery.- •
Kfiney iver Pins
' Miss Ila rilett'llertonTU:skending-11:
-few days with.Lifer 'sister at: Listowel:
'tho---atilitial:schooi meeting of 'S.S.
No.,,9,, held /het Week„Mr:-3fareShaws
was appointed. school trustee in. place 'of
Ilamilton•Clutton,•whose term had
explred;;, • • - . •
'.- Mise -Delights: returned,' to our, burg
• - • -.,
on- Tuesday- after: spending Christmas
iinlidays- at her .11(, Kin_ora.••••-•---7.
-..3.1iss_••; linth•._ Sixiti._,retuined - to.' her
;school thities at Toientrro-n\TuesdaY,'
; 31aeltee of,:Strathroy.: . • A, . • --' On Sunday, the ,We.ather -- being so•.
' '7,:. 311sa Lotilse' MactIonald-6f4lainiltezi blustery,-: there -was' no • church'Serylee;
-11.11'..d.-Mi§s 'Selina ' 31tied_veri_.ali_l_of -Winds° .
•• their father -althougll -the-, pastor; Rev.- Q.' :Hazel-
W hope -for better weather, ne4s:auti-
:1::.aLa n,c1' a i: :.....t.-.1risitian:,..,:aill11; „co .33.7, o.,.u,t to
the service: ---- __
. ,..Pairrck-antl.Micliael were..forced ape
evening fO- share .the, same foam in a
hofel„:7--In,-, tlie.-Miii:ning.:Michael en -
citified; "$ay:, 'Patrick, did ye. hear the
thunder- last night?" '• ' --..---•-•
TIN'o,•.73111(e. • ',Did -it. really thunder?"
` ;...1.t...tlleedeiett_ils...X.fhelleavelP1
and'earth wo ld \ come 'together."- , , -
know I can't ape \when -it -thunders t"
'Well, wily idn't; ye ,wake me? 'Ire
Mr. D. A.. Macdonald, Jnst ;week. -
, • Miss 31argaret Simpspn -of, St-•
... - 'Thotri4s holidayifig .athet home.
. , f.,•,'.-- • ,.--P• - here ----- - - • - • - •- •• ---• -
D0',YOU•knOirthat.the great,:,' . ...Mr. George,,,IlacqtelwriLluTine from
est waste in connection with ..:. 31an1t n. , -, . ..,,, . • ' .-
-lome heating is what heating, ---..-••• • ";---'311- Jean:Tking..711p-efit-ilie--4-egr-elid
'• perts call _"Chimney -.Losse -.7- In Etetroit.---,J-_,-; :t .-, . --,"..
heat wasted up the chimney? • '_ • : .31,1is Muriel Farcialt -of Rtratford
It is a simple /natter to reduce ,. iospital-wak; home for the; week:end.-
this loss to an absolute minimum- Mr,aed lIrs. Donald Martin of 4(;on-
btusing a'little are in adjusting don were guests at the home of 3fr. D.
-is done': - - • -•-• • .` ' - . •
_ .plate -like -damper. inside the sraoke • •
-:- Damper 1/16th of an inch leWard
- -,-the-Turn. Damper---ithat disc -or-- - - MacLean:lest week. :- '-'----.1:----------:
move the handle -of the. Turn I.
pipe).2.-,--Let_me explain how this: -.
. The net time Yon_fix the fire,
_ _, , _ , hainl.
--th - lo d u --
. right:position..
If the fire -con-
- .....tinties to burn-
- freely, turn' it
143tar find: ell OA: staff (1•••Veryi
•alid preipeii?nS"Ne.w. Year.
Th 1Vonien1.8 Associatioze-Wilf,mect
itt the Iturell.biseinetif:ea_WecinesdaY,-
.1anuar.. 3. -. !••••!,-- ' litt22•-•, • • -.:'• .: _:.. , •
,,, Me: it iii,"„Mrs: equrtlifftdKerr .spent
, - another 8 ix., Two..0.4.• I. Sa.1!_rir• .. Friday.- illi31F.'•ii.ed-,31e.s: Cunningham-
....;teenth Of .1.h ': •, .• - *-------( " - - . at Help: ‘-ti.. ;•'•,---,'.i.'..• • ..;• - • - .:-....,_.-:, '
• inch.-.-illepeat, this opt 'ration Until., .Mrit. L. ne; Of lieterbOiongh, is spend-
- •'''• ' : PORT, ALBERT, ,,,- . . you iipd:theTideatadjtis-tmenttititt--•,-; 'Ing some.s.tlina• With • Rei:/ Cr. "and Mrs.-
- • . . .... . • .. will 'grie you the greateet simotint -:.. Ilazelwood :at the-tpfirsondge. • - :‘ . -• •
. ''''''• of -ii -s- eful-heatIvi -theirniininium--: -.--,--.1fr•-nwi:,•41etc-4111-•Long, spent .Sim. -i
• i.piti, ALBERT; Jan. 1:-1-31ey 1940 .-. of chimney' loss. -,Then-:-tike;-aL:'- •day with,51r..'111.1•;Mis. Frank Atha, in
. _., .
he a 'bnimy and prosPerous year to :- piece of .chalkand inark this 'Pest- - Clinion.': • :, k = : ,.....,„ „•:.., •• ... 7., .-. ,
tre?yy. . - . . . . tion on the smoke pipe and 'leave '.. Mr. '31eKet',I, of :Toronte.. visited- Mr:
...SChOol. Meeting. -The -annual school -the damper there.- -. •L..._LL.___,.. 7,---.• ' and :Sirs. A. Svaugharroti Monda-,..
meetinA...was held in Jhe' school. room Remember, the nearer the Turn . Mb:8%11(46u fi-ltratighen.,...R.N., Of Glalt,
Weditesddy''.of•-last week, ...Ovripg,-to 111 • Damper is to the closed ',position vkittad with hparelifs- last 1--tveek.: ',.'
health .Dav1d7,,..31artin resigned , • as •the smaller the chimney loss.-... (7), - ..Tfie."Cr.G.I.T girls :, gathered 'atz.the
trustee and II,oward Barger was elected itonie of 3118e Ina. 31as1se117: on Friday
Inlhia 'place.. R.4.,I1oy, :whose term as
trustee bad -expired, was re-elecfaq
atiother ; Term.. Mr.. My' hes been on
the' school board._ for twenty-elve years
'exceptzfor..ene4erni. Walter- Tigert is
the -ether trustee. • W: 13. Hawkins is '
ecretary-treasnrer.• --Mrs., Jane -Martin
-is caretaker. The-Jadies -are - to have
the-sehool for any patriotic 'purposes.,
7.--ciiN"Vp0-wrrutour !rim*: . i
'. .(paojtst..-,maria:s.tar).,-
_.,:,...pajamas %wits . not '• be' lioi,thlar ;tie' a
street -costome or pica .until, provided
ivith,pockets.l' ' b • .knife, ,key -
ring, fountain . eld,the ,
twelve-rlde,. ter's
liebrole; -and' tUll '
. kisttiffel
• r I .
. • • -,••
• • •
• .hIlitree,
things *
:Ass*-..e..With, FlWng
-Monograms designed,. :for • Line,n3.-
Stationery, :and, Silv.erwareL...• :.:: •
-Hand-umetre Greeting •,0aTds for alt
occasions.- ‘•.":1
41.1,11111g Cluds, 'Place. Cads,
1ddresS(4-1161id-..lettered -and•.111urnin•
- , -
1..61;•§3ns_4n Let-'
tering. and Sculpture'. • • 1 - ,
Book s• Mended and Rebound.
Part-time Bookkeeping and .Auelting:
Sandwiches of,411.• Sorts. •
Any.„make of Oar driven anywhere
• 4 St. Vincent St..
et„; Neyeteber • meetleg,-read and ••
• ,Tho tol1ovIpg auCaccountawere.
Ordered.'pale On notion of Le.rne.--Jbhn-
ston:and Cecil. Johnston t• RObt. Andrew,
tirushieg tind jerectinv.,-snOw 'fence,
$5.00 ;• Jacob hunter," ;ditching and„
eeeeting: Snow ", fence, $10.25 ;-
Ilackett, erecting snow i-.feneet- $5.130
Adani Jobt5ne,erecting snow." fence,'
$3.50`; James -Webster, brushinand
erecting snow fence:414,75 ;-. Itoy Mey-
ers, ditching-,and'•erecting • snow -fence,
$7,•2,0 ;.-Albert, hicq6e,grading antLcut-.
ling..Weeds, $0.30 ;'-..Toliff 136iiitett.brash..:
ing and .jreeting.snow.stence;•• .$12.00;
Herl?:,pentland,• renairingnct.erecting
snow;:ience,i $4.35 ; James•Johneten,
ditehing and erecting snow fecce•-:$220;1 drifts on sideroedsand • brought' -thit.•
GO' 'H John ..(2nald; , grading, $9 '''sneivplough Into aetIn rhe autos aro
6gs1:v.fenee1:.04BneemcAihpt; usual
wire, $1.�0-.; .
herb Curren; Men-erreeting. • Mr. Ai•nold:.--)Ceelrg,•.'aud • Ins'
anew. fencer $3;06, V'W. .Croiler; ereet-. •F.'rauk Clark; of •Gedeticli; left on Tues.
snow fence, -$5.60; 000.'.3:Drennan, atty.:for witilthe lattees sister,
erecting,:snow:ifence;'70.-.75-; ace) -Cur. Mrs. Mr.t.11untait:.:nuis-• •
ran, salary, .$.30 40 ; Bank of MOntreft); vIJIe Kentifeky"..-:7;t0 •••••••"--;* • •
excise --stamps, -$10.50 ;' "AL sint1434' ••••,11ore;warilno See -Vice in Zither of the
stampa,'.$9,69; • Elwood Drenean;'dite.h!, ,e.hurehes--on-Saia417.4 ...Owing,. to the
in_g- and repairittg,L$4.70 ,eterm • the;;conditituf: , the roads:, .
ton; tii-c:ting:lifi-ow • fenee,. $t.iUTFfank kJssLObr1Un Roberts -On, of. the:
Ilarnilton cuttleg .weeds endshow staffof the' Whl.thr,•Ofitario, HosPltal•
tfence; $12.09 ; Herold -Stewart' -ditching 'epent the ,Week-iind- With her fetiter,,.0..
and $9.85; ..John,..,8..•,Maiton., A. Robertsotiv•M:PZ.:.•'• • -
bnishIngd snow tertee -$4.651-Wm: • ,:rehool.:. •Meeting. -.-The ineetlng of
-Clara:: brushing :"--and ,dite iiirg;7$5:00T. -iatepayenf tvf: school, seCtiiin -,was •
Alex.. McDonitleit balance - salary ,$45,. held • ort -1,76dife,qd.ity;', December: 27.
extras ',9.„FraYne;,:,ba1anee .After.„...the .; i•ePorts:••r Were read and
salary, $3 00, L. Johnston,;': bale -nee', Turton; Whose term
salary,,.$33.00; Fred.Andeison, ;balance; -fa trtisteeliati expired,: was re-elected.:
'salary,335.00.;:,CecIV.Johnston, balance, ,The'other .itrusteeile* • Robert 'Been
alcltoereantLi2alt. 3 Clark Mr Win Wat.son 13
coupe!! room, $5•R.00 it07
-OeceetstrY4reasurer.-1-:_:---, • "
chool'atteedance (Aker:410.00 ; Clerk; • • - ••••••
Sa1ary_455,111.-0.11,$5, postage
I1intne1al--itetenientii"$8.35,7!old. age - pen.
sins $16-4-$92.80 Simpson,. salary,
8150.00 ; W sP.'•Iteetl'imit't sal-
ary, $100.00: • G. C., Treleaven.; bilen&.
jp38 salary $2.;;, extra mileage $22; Tim*
salary-- '4100;
$160.25; IL'. Phillips, salary, as weed
sali,.•Dliislon Court' clerk and .
$10.30; County -Treasurer,' • collecting
talkes;_$12.46; Lucia:IOW Sentinel, pkint=,,
Treitifirer; Geatetileri•
.supplies balattee _,, „machine tm
$100-,4112,814 E. P. ...'COmmisaion;
Hydro- .tax; co11ected,T$335.08';'• ' Harold.
Gardner,- ;sheep. shim;$10.00'iL; john
Switzer,i.Sheep_claira;-$17John Far-
bell; sheep ebi1m:.$15.00:;,-Wm• Lannon,.
Slieop claim; $100.00; • Andrew Martin,
sheep., claint; -$25.00; Reread :Stewart
sheep Claim, $8..00; Eliner'rAlton, sheep'
-(2. reParta); 44.00 ;. -: McKenzie,
'valuer,- 2.00;$-10:1Patricli;
(5. repertii)-..T$10.00T3alCB:*Jehnstoni
*abler; ; ..Thos; -Garvey; ruiner,'
$2.00; County Huron; hospital aecoulit,
$135.60 ;•Dr.z.johtistOn; patignh
$30.00 ;•. jolinateile"-ting. McKenzie, am!
salaty.telief..ofileer, $35.00; LOeal•Beard
of, Ilealth, •Deceinber. .meeting,: $11.00;
*goods, $1500; Itath-
well'auditeedrrelieftocide, $6.54; 'Mrs.
McKeezra re11ef7.goods,p,01.-
A4ohnston, refund' dog- laii;\%2.00.9......•
,unell. then. adjoniii0.onliiieklon-of-
dersdirIeed--C: '.10hifSton,(to %#,Ieet
0•E; cD:ONAG'14... 1'74
' - • •-
a e
tiibe o
LoWest • ratos, to (tartlet.
of' Radio Pik Tub
9117 -hand; --:-For Irk eon •
service 'call, or ne.
.• Wrdder:S.t; Phone 698
, f
i • •
;,.0A.ItLOW;•Jan:';',.i.1-'-lIappy-lit,w,.Yca.t:' •
to'the'.state-and readers of The
.....•!,Tit.e-new,'-year-.,wes,tiOhered in •hy.:•a •
blizzardfl• ,which,. 7 piled. up..
c so-ka
, 1-obacco„ta
he girt uSSystcrn.
Worry, ovretirciatcb:uu,
. ,* iiidutotie,:viutyd.dn
' tiRty, •tlie., de
teritture aro
. ' valicatfition:of.w
• nervous SySteln.
• If you aro
• , tut: hystedey"wmeo,ar_rriee.d7w:hby
., u you
. nhatreneetdlp thgthp unteona: eto"
.. essential elemen
• r
41L? ro e
*the 111.44
1- 1411
*atorisivir., typo- hood, providing'
essiei and"' complete. secede , to ;.the
engine "wove Rii/st the
new, easily o 'rated,fron_t4eat
jua$4»ent,ha ' '
. ,
ess ps,....boaschol4
ock, ,the casttnec
tho -foolish at-
elc-otiformal life.
ours,' feverish' mi., -
for sensatienal
eknducive tbe
-Ind:tear. enthe. •
Wen, nervy -tie, ,
ot giye Mlburn's
PiUs a ehanee to ,
your -feetvagaiii.' •
e -containing, the
--for.•the 'nervoes
11PN.4nttua D
imi;u1anse- ei6rvie
•_ • • ,
day or
. .
on: Store--
ate alli.041eure•-•
- •
.--Ai- riBuLAACe.
honee:-. Store 33
• -.7. Hamilt-o-•
ERVI-Ci•-- •
Res: 355W.
Godeleb •-• , •
that guaran
For giromptn
• Ct-A
17 Montreal S
TER -,
tie. • •
heat in .94?
tad eathfort bn '
ir Service
Phone 399
. • „
•OLD,`DISAliLED.0 DEAD • 4...
H 0 RASES,71) RA. C TTLEi''ved promptly and
„ ••
MPIY-Pho!..4'10.N. Crtis
• 4•••••
The De1aware.
- - • FORD7-COKE: -A-,Coko Via
, ---"' heat units. . ' " *.. -:- • i,
17 ' *-- - -•
:-. ' Our four -pointed treated'
.bas become 'very populat.,".
Red: .atc e
7. for; yOur hge';' honLcr,fnrni
$8.00 perton, or .88.75. dell*
tidscitti. ,:c9a
Felitike-r-end is very itlytV'in `ash':
8 Very .pdlit;lar and 'Very, high in
'rltist,grati of Co.a1
In, Godelich. •
• ...