HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-02-14, Page 6,
te lioUk! alw
ry and i1te4 i
baked apj'k 111-igs,
t *01 1111
vtkitfl, oliee
the Niter*
to.A1,400.01,1tott:gtihit 410491
I 1 14tbootict:;41;1frillehl1412#1, t44.11
duct*, Vara ;vile
hat t c
4 tot ar ic1d and we
'),I)P.w.E4 'Iti .• )4 lei ...
s .
can bo *t1tI„ ,..5%* Ibe oi.J9
o- the I: log illis1,51 t
ys1ern the iieat,' I)
l' n.
otlik thn
he littew
ted, futltt
good fan
.oult..4 I
.21viiin re is
. ift4Ssorted illekrtetteo. wLe
table, Ithit ,11),:etilatt
'Weittett *re apt to stuattow
Iignt, th etbctiu,
,4fld aki otysett .free,
tfl :that, Jeti•eiVii01044.•
'4.445.1geS; .4o4+*.,14.
le. Igea,s; trolU'A.
and his, 'patentswere
kate.51'... to
teadfly AorltravOubt bUve
hit'', 'hut he felted. . tell,
.•„: •
ourse It i',0-001
1.1 a 111- 11 rh
irvfls liUle'tlatitetery - In the
o V 1me foit,*shag,:
t to eonvincotat.thei
.hat a weidher prt who ego* t,„latit,'
1,/y ',*.e* ., , oh -. '
*. *Ma 'ot peerillg, 4.104
ys,, •e. .Suh the -p-r4nentil,..3-
in a !ntndio doubt age' git,1 !1ng tha
-1•-,.\Vert, -410r
Tough,lithrietel;-Aviiro etthSett
•trices....;Were 10Illetl„.'.0.11 ** .w1115;
. NV* laust not 1101`,too
rtiuch euy hn the kwe, nor• .Setl0h
Mondard tor1150.'but 441.$141,140
wee, a prfod:5)
• el
83 5544rat
fia, per -
r itwry
In bat -
him.eU wlU
ot ittr g basty
ititrIagek re. the **urea
11000 •40,411111erl.014,
A werritrig is 41,19, give
oniided"'morality*, Thts
in th4b*
g drink,, ati4
*looe oleoce
tOritthatrei greatternpOraflCe *fl
pt the. And 0
01 ou-.11errative nli
th t our last
' A
I t t
Os' el
ts 1.5),
Ora ;pinata*,
e0t001 Mr the,
sr-titer,.to th
• from
titter* ‘,
'le,. 10.4'.
lhe ty4 ftpu
Pear 41
,A11 fltet tlietbe,posUve
then ‘etTettve,t,
w)ter in llo•pista lunwn
of lhe r4aa. retort
WI Nt.Y. Nit
41Ite ther, lando
eat of fertility.
ar otbcrs In fl*
tin h ou
• tjw'
Spreistino_40. 1, Z„ea, $00P-1410
I St IOW); ':°1** 1$4 41.1:11:9
,'WiCkotint% 0!„.
in later tin ear Abe %viola*.
ir the go
ever e
ntly snld to Ihe on t
rnperate so Iti
-0t 11
*4 ,
to., be a year bolo. But
IA 0 tonSiderableextenj
to -night or tonferrOw Mor
ho is likely to )iavc"enge4e.
uld pront
et* a. desre fokhiionquest 41
ge forzna
sinen which WO,(110 land 01 3
eip*l1y.'511 C;a444;41
rEgypt by tell
PIbougbt God .
nds by
410 s .0 '4014initgi
Not 1., tied tho
„only Itt
4*.Ied lib On. lie,
Jed, .11*., zccret. af hi.srest ttrenOth :to*,
'women; and Thlt 1e4 10 hi
.downfoll...,His eneinte4 took, „111•10...i Put
out bis -eyes,. bound: .hirn
nf bra's and Made hixn, ;4'104 in
: -.„
catly to Le suro :whether he nrnst pro
with an ihnb,rellti" or '4 •tur"
fg '1h3 woulil biko to hat*, untitilv
13) thatt zero.pt*lic116t1:'1114416110l,c:
rOtty 11616 4114-:
40411.0110,41$ ,C611101111016 to A11,11 fore-
-Ileffee, Mille ho. has no • '4104iii6 to
tind in Iie vay of thc 44,Yeneewrit. of
, or to impede:the 44)141104,S'ot 014
wattiee„Iritieau, he will eeptoot With
that Whitton of progress widelt
itt1y eOierfni'
*yid' vi.414; ertirriereetisters.
erttivTirt 4- a on
Ina master* :chttst, is 4 01604 who
this .us ef*hes 411.104111.41,5 . defile-
ment.„ This .nuut/Is a. warning agalrist
1.110 inlittettpe of evil 'terompanione;.. These
arGt.Atire to, milt us. down -ationer,' or later4
Evil aeimPatnoti$, llftb *0410114
.trytlayfitt. Vow York kohl
one 1,v.bo cheatz bis neigh aria,who
'ts.; warps *orthyt ,OnO virtue 1411 00
sem :--114e-,-,ok.-11ttle_va1ue :to skeep. :WO.;
'414.112.'-outs,:truin. let blrn
44 ;Lit, • anntlier. Wo inuf.,
of Aro ..re111,0044tvliieii
Perfettlon, of' the whohx
eliertieter. , The, programmc of Christi.
.egity_te.a,ftge man Of *044, flea
ibes.55-thingst- 541-4-tellowilittorT,dgiitoos..1,
Vaiii**i.:419)f love, inUence
Christ Is • .004 ,perteet,. eltatuple. With.,
Ills, spirit. dwelliog. "Oltillo_ us) our 11te_
will be, linimf, our,1014tatters-Onuifettio.•
etti and &bat iidflyin 11ipr6ettoe„ we,
'Abell. be eituriplete.. •
all Orieutas laward the '4,bt decep-
, -This Ise,inis I y torViirit unis
ra th teriftlelly itt tases 14- IN 114111'u. Ilo
•told *11h 00 '010 ciukinkfit,,, or even to
0004 8zLc13)parenfly-worthy ,1) 144.
44°,,Nvith in nieny port:leas,- of. Ilio OId
'AeLthe,:leoret, oLtheIchttt feinn
!-o; ,,The -woo II • S In
eltaratter at thia' theretere,t.iuut
be judged In lite light' of this genera
of Atte early flebrews itt carn.
own with other Onetil,als toward ',the'
itu1iTrtiatel•-WestiOn Invoti,” • •
hitvc offered a substanttut:,reard
discover ' onit,
,:ititettutt:'.,410elitaes* It IsCitieught •: that
the rough havei.latelt:.hroxe*,, the
ithaltith.ta about
ttliVottikottatlitthe-fourth -week of
:.1Slevenibtr...thto were woof on to,
b o. 14pagese
011 its *ti:. -11f614
'Them 00../onger re04,611', why: NN*6
7411INV--0-14; 110r eve*. dIe 1T.10;
talCdocter;,.1%;.- frArsenvid„ wbS
.mit ihet he bn on»d aviirt-to• 0
ktng ether Aytth. his good trign4.1
1/1,4 NeVirliaro. nelr.Idett'brtT11 11 .
4 NAY. Of, the arteries,. whetiee $pting ai.
.3cit1t, end 4L,aso may be prevented or.
.4henti, * le t ' nt. of, ,hig
Jaiehine *tom higlt, power with
which he\:already has ex rintenIett
attAtts.,_ Ole kit ticnt
he'-treatruent-as--em-electrie th, -I eh
cleanses alt. tholarteries- and other or.
gans, and zOstoroS.thetti to Ilwir original
elasticity and The ,doubterssa
0,,M1; tAiNty,IS�S
Brown Saute, lee--4054e-
volooktina-li7erttlitt-bre‘m Melt ittr,
serve. This- • eti *ppm
elated- %Vitt ttops rOasl 141lttollian
ut sPitnialf ontone, sow it
kll catty Some squares at
buttered :toast,,, lay the. oultm oit them
and sprinkle with ' And, A
square ,ot tOost. , atter. 4 .11,ttler'ittrry
powder over the' Oidons when /1014 If
.you like the flavor. Sem very hot..,:-
4 • d y
flonOr Oak. P44441V-Wfish ther00101-+
Vat eiLt_d_•4
it$14‘6111e44 ,Ilja4e1
, ik-tfie-deoy-or-uttatt
the cause ix and, diseases.
Ile organp
t thelleyel Welli
rusiliers In be 601-101141114,14 for *
-rettiatitably dariot.
I hi.
t n JO 'lave
p treely • at long.
trig t aloes oo,artIrdbe, Oar.,
tit foment** lit hilt 'uniform, and at'
41110r8 munk lie reprimanded
trot titivate soldiers 00 turtotigh. tor
appotingt`nsloventy tiniform,andlitteat
"owl to report them. to thc. coturtiond.
trfg Moor. Wen' bluejackets did r'not
, 1)0(e,
tually escorted to tit
,Atorgatio, and tent
xi " nnel
e. iro(*at
dftfl tructbrs
tho Inutper
and 4 Upful ot ootd boIId ricer or Intac-
trout Is stirred.in. Tbej add two Well.
bealenIggs, by mixing with Item .the
toihr.4 little at '11100i 10r, fro: of
pan* end stir two dr -three Ininntes, Until
--Almortit lt4ound
Vonds, 4h:1rib:boiled
road 'crumbs.. 2 tray 'Pegs healnl*-
efiP -het .mlikt (sweet) 1 tee poon',,ftriely
,• 04 pepper tilLteete,,--. Pour milk
cwer_Jhli.L.,..m."er ..,,,,,..24au be ver etanjUet
101111-4611-111141.11e0r ilave.:
,b11111011041 and choppedita,... i0s.r4vallrcwi
- ,..
eggs,,tnix' - eaCrumbs.
nd., the -huts opd euonTng, *41,01‘ well'
&tiler , and lona Into smell, ohleng
r011$1_ .410,4014 hoeteri,,,,efitt,, ,n11, 111 _fine,
caetter'crinr—i13epiacei in ti,V-"CORTe
and cook' tor three or- tour ntiriutt4irt
smoking hot Olt,
wnrni WI
, ,
n. a:slows .it.,until Rio water!'It
boorbed .ttuct tite,i, 110' cooked,',.. Which
.10U1 Wei eittlst *04: thein ,,t1a* rice art
well, 'afterwards stir trt one 'plot or
tnitit, *worm, with, .austart *ad.:flavor. 0,,
le44 Put '111t,66 -b1 'butter- onthe top
*ncl.14tko .**.mOdorale'-eVett tor 'itit •
jjik. Serve bet 4r,
abbitge.41sha.lilch should, he ono,
at one, preOred :, a*: :follows.
lake 144d -sited cabbage' and tut Out
the sOme. cold vettl
mix ft.' with end breaderatahs sea,'
bind t Viltth
'tviIy in. the cabbage with stuffing,
tie the'. leaver nitrify together,_ mid boil
tOr hour., Serve 'w1111',Prulnlja pk1n.
.kled over end, ,good.,* v potired
. A Cheap Gingettree aitte-QUintl
WS' required aro one,peund of ilour7v1000
teaspoonful 4..groundk. ginger, the Am*
-.900,13Y-!0LPaktitg--,00svder, one
fit:s 0., tight otincosiof hiIaik
• 4 4, • hilts an ,rectipla
whiro .they nit easily,„ make.*
boof Of strong' manlitte envelopm marked
1 , 'theletters .ot the Alphabet.
AI sciouutic and rocertitS7 -relatingTto
Jones the. Weer 416...lit .tho envelope 3.4
to„,1311iiugs the, buteher.in and so orr;
Or.thokuvelOpe molted May include
tilI ateounit or ,,groOrita, -*Ion the
usekeeper .400. buslittat-,..at--aeveral
cif emelt:y*1$ useli4 for
1 clippinits anitillustritttaiia rest.,
;in Itt_#.1.,Ottert4,- Keep a
h 1 ulteit
kaf uf tho pnd*and
li'eletie0 Oakes, in C., and 00 og,,
el',ppings can be more. readily bandled
attd,Constilted when .paSted on *
izd piece ot paper, end comnients
1. addedon the margin of 1110 POP
lcr, the recipe has, been tested.
- lofted -of_ scrapbook lor -clippings
goleseitte„, hih
alt the dry liiedk'vtsI
rubbing th dii.ping into the flour;
'th mb .
uglily. flske 1r
bi'ohours„ '.14 .1i, litrefsluck into tin'
, ,- .
eke times mit qui ts- dote. -
ltriiit N1ult011.-cut a graI 41ca1,•=of r
tr uterii 01. itglf of uu11on, triove iii
0 i '41,.$ tarp life. Pr ail the,
. t ' It theta., sprinkle oh the :kin s,de
111: 1xt ti, r , d Iterjo. or Nino*
'rl 14, 't, . bil
n .., ( TkIIiI.1 1 Ibat
Is .
tEi.tp.1 ,dbirigly...
8t 'lily 'to
3twsfr1, ', *
ill's, a (ilium
ttiougli the filiCa4 VAS
tOt1lttir5 z.Uifd i1- afld Ilandi n
gravy.sitatuti4ted r4ctor
This will pobabli appear
•TIMV jr0".4t '10 Itetlititlfy,inas!rtt
ritilatuft. WA5.11, three
itorottgitly: and olaCe 8 In
olis tlje lid Cglitly
4,41Y bdu
jhelenvOloi $ •one is
tentive-coltectioti tadottl
v.*, book Zor-enve
n Lhr one or mineerot trove
enve1cp would, be Inilielloit - for-
Aides;'scientes Mt aloft
Med of; art. Ole 1111106 c.
1h# anLid, or the *thus M. cuk
in-tiede ar1,crs on Millais, 414
saine day; according
rirtd11 hataute,.; 1101u
•{Vitri Ilistrkot, Wog'lirst 440004,04 .by, 11
• Of hlt01.6[*Vtil, of age, „told. itt„po-
th ottehilen cit Pion ItallIeCiStisatik
, 4011.014 10 .4110 04* was
64U641,10 \itt 'mis,ntan',, ;assisted by 4.
brOlier and Iwo, others,. potted,
rnity Sakrt
y --were.
t the 0111641- proelettoutiou,
Offeriu% the rewnrcl,: Which stiYs.,. that the
tinder iteeit.ouly*:present
h13-rdIseOverY, alleti•XTrt It'ittinteut of tho
Ittipt4,affer-lto has-exploth*-114- 7,741 -In
Ade_ tbe...441 • _itheut re
AbCreni, iptit-oi
la...that-be was sent,
TeProttilies by "Phateog
t to deceive the kings
ally n „. ' ouhtl,:15,1 also,
onetlerit'llt i.Which he had played
o prominent st• _
„ol---Comp. Mord Studio* 011 the lcs-
st, ,,,tt for February .
liutth-Thie .95111 ie.
t t,4te
'and„ almost barren tablelaitil affoulirrg
cly scant, „pasturoz, Aindis 4.0C1
Alir0111, rielt-,Ile bad ,been
some sato place and thcn rcprtie
_horrible smut 1. Tito d'efulfY,04Yor . et
th-o.Villitge considered, it' highly ,dan er
US . to 164V6
tot/0_114MT_ t; '
rtatni,Vittit become -
'gugrd to another WOWAriA loll64*...)114',1
illsbtjry poUe3b0.. _ bis tascinntntg
• ' : '..*
01081 1i
Who- was.
pot krngT
ds vI f41$4 ;kw)
bigamLst in Attie
to ba_a_ro, hirn1Z b
the name of an English, peer. Row U1T)y
w1V00 he has inarried 1s4.-epparently M-
eta datarminat but only: a 1#,W thoflths
40 1110 4.portratise„or. iialt440aoh:pt Jo% •
wives; were publishcd In the pipets, fr•
tho adtes.bud,. so to Oetilt, _peeled thelr.
dote now' an had -fxmd a sort of
thn Whi
Idea in,he C
a Me
iVas the late
'one time In
111 Via* like
olicity of taste,es n
einar4ied hi first-wiro-Whe-State„
„(Jeorgia, &fKL w1en-, Olt Pea
*ter, he uent-till'ei.”
lave With
111 the N
4 Levi I :116;gers, who at
his 'lire lived ill. 010414444.
1istiguishcd for cath-
fcr nearly eacbiOf hi,
eat' W011140
it .1,
ti hiie
; pasakila :tio.4:30OollaYneYrot,ilstra-co. ‘.1171141141,40110,` ir,t141n4,4success171an...rr
14.$100. • -Atiilout 2.30 In tiix evuutout clotea, pprovedt
Ithree inert ttanch )16 .4xlg0a nttstics stitto that marrwi
)E 11A mtho, wiIh 1
plode(1 and, tvvelve-,m** were
triedialely., !two *ethers died 'soon af-
terwards ,anit 4 "greiit 'number. Were in:
-tate of the, victims of .111e labo war is,
$1111 growing. Vhe, total; morlatitY- on
the lapancso ide Is now officially reelk.r.
°Tied at 120,001, Of .%111400-41',99,3d,ied-ot
. man*
' 'He '
wi H.
Men live 1
f01111deil out the late , 0 - 1
Years; h , ' ate- to:100 *a.,
Viso ''''. . ',., -
wit Ida* or n
• ,Itc046,1rpt
through niarrlege,45vat Ibili 014-ti,14,,Zotaa ,
omen% who, at the' age Of eljahly-riMe,:L
Madeins twelfth- Ittartiegei AG 4 girl of.
t t . en _Ay 13,0_,:_
it itiMkl
-1.747.41117.e. P
leseen. kir rehria
re:troves his step t
comes unto the Otos w
been - at the Wooing; the
etre *3 arrival IWPaleatise,
4., Called On the name of 1.0 .
kning. to AbralnIt' habitual
ItthiglattWalt4'-' '
• itx;:atigitit0n h.114311411o1:h11(11:111114.ittIVa 0;0te
tett raw terqUently eaua 114Pho
he briny deep, in 00
Nut the' 1,1011., 1040)10h oYatStat.tresli fro
Itietice.of Lhe tonstimere demanittho
Iht, .blvitye be goodto his sight -et wel
rverted taste, 4r4 $1411400
'Ttutt flrst wifc heiiiiirniei when Ite Wa$,
*trirttti ut she 4iad a Year later. 11OL'”.
a0Ort ruarriek tgain. tad, aeOompanied;
h!). his rsidond wik„ he wosatrue tweriti,
people who .tharterot a Vessel. 'eta -sailed
-rOtitut ,Cape llorn'to4ho Coast in
luelt In ilut. gold fever
Wept over-' ColitornietIn' °the-,
orlotta days ot Ilia ..witdid in
at States, so he took ,i to 1401$0
helpniate, with whom be went
Bast to New Yrk, be mamnlrd
eunugh t #u1iifl 1111 whole'n n
01 '!- oonibtnrd fsnttlies *Olt their
nmnercIua. 1 4 Till* *Al-
' OUtfit**e-prc3*1ly trueafler the pctiod
f. figninkt -blob tlie .country
djlt.,t, pit p,„ 600,12.10)., ,
1., A Strife' Potwitert the,terdittien-.4
$1 natural: 04urrenoe wlith pasture
fcr 1Je 1,et4.$ **0 lift0reti. ...., ..
TlieCanitaftile, art4 tit ,
Teatittiten tIrs
t 1141es:hoe it
, .ie1it5116°ao
tecalp„, .1z41.
1reuent1y itt 1rti
b1chLtbiin, 11Xit3it owlflg to 1114.
.11114 16W .1114 ler Streit/is'
ariure, that -oyster sbtarbatia orkh.
'water that -it *wars, plump and that,lts
igekstivofhttellons aro retarded- by.the
tuttittal Vindittons, any 'booth', In I
water shaffitor rapidly inultiply„ thtii
Infeetinglhe oyster.
liTtlifted-to4di Often iltippt.4,
l1eahLh of 11010 t.pralli0111116f. This prac.
e of Lkaldng end taltetting 1ho oys
dioreged by
urriVldI In*
,•.t1 heWen -A:at--
in -4g to had ” oitiputtt.hik"-toefortiveuttrr,
Aflotber American, OK 44irtftliicho3ti5
Venn, rote 'bug *go` Married Ids thirteenth Wifs, • .
1110 AM.:,01 litNe,,,IV41.171'..;...
Ile ia the 4tithoixtt 4 hook oal-Wthe
Annak 01 an -AdvonttiraiS '1,41fal,' .,jn
wlik,lt he ha teiatedAhe story- of Ma
iu*InirnOniai_Xperlenos,„.and.,- under the..
few *people woad
Iff-le -;
t _and
ig1itr *041 h"latede
ntliit4;:ltet4 ed
t4 pi, clam' c 1
'4, this will
$tooke hkit soapy.
c dro
ti Inky t . ,,,.. T
S° 0
,, ggs 4(0
tj i t*i-hkh
Olt t of•
• y.,thalt
h ,
t Pa
tp.tl 1
Iin t follc
table th
IS 1111
$ 10.tOttil
y, Nebo hallt eight hui,,,
now* in ti 1 oat
t ,ttmler the Oro se,