HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-02-14, Page 2Att, •-,tintold ag. front • e4I'Y MOntits the. tot Vot t #4444/tilli 1 Wooti.•: :prtrcheil-r. ineurabifby dhe- r say: "bAnifered toe d.rheitmeliltn, Wined' 1IEIttL in toy .-systentt wu "bier to, attend...tit ,:-but at ;nights'•t te4 pain. f at one • v. bandt. beat:Suf. ..„_0_10.11„stelhe.4 _doctors', tild me the ittoubta Woi Qnday AdlIked, tot. try •WIlliante Pink Pills, decided, tOdo Lo. Preeently Tho . pains were not tO severe; and 1 .galt- to fee.1 myself `gritulng,„Shortly' after was able lo go 'ttlteut, and in -less t;tban three months, was Pe.FttAY wolt* For tins condition in thanks ere. • "Mend - Dr Williams' Pink 'Pills., -red Mrs. Morrill - by ,driving the thetunatle poison ;hew bluod. Tliey don't act ,on the bow.„ el _Theydni r,,With mere - Ms. They go rightfto the root of .411,0 trMihte n the4t1004.4 'That is why they it es. heti ties and bitekach kkffley trouble...thdgestIon, ttet(ra ervogsness andthe far ihflntS o r)s, and wonten whose,. blood .stiPPY totnelt-wesiqweentynor, by all 'medicine dealers or by 18411 at a box 'er-sit boxeS for 1140 tr Dr, Williams' Medicine COV4roc10 'Wild, fttioa. • , Art- t %mit 05. Ttie torir, prelates ft1 L Lrieids:ari1 ketiasionelly tatto At inlloltinkIttn at eacit-otherv, some uttio um* -*go. trio 'wet° an a leasure toitr itt Italy-, and one Of them becamb eloquently enthusiastic ';'-ort•-•-the subject °foto-Lein architeetura' beauti •'1whiehlie,Iiiuktted out tet,bbc 041#pAutuu.: Toe other, who was itet so inteeest •stirettitecture, said ,.._ 414 ell very rule, no doubt, but 1 ' should tell you that a rich Old.' fragrant 446t0 4$911••••,kicii•kt n. eau b tro %Ira Idnthe flLV( eW of hcbavefl , 0! , potott, ".. , Th.paIh‘ Of ItoPP,t some4d niies,8;00„% - • ..,- : It I) tim 4 yeerittt. Pile‘e,,fi.? MU& .,:hiejsiintly, task, together:, ..- • ' - • . : . ,.'• ^ - 1',,-(ittdoit w-o1liff".45 4 Do:of- -titIntert :whew 1l.AS."att--111Ye$ *tient ottlyl, ,' .,. • tritelir,-!,*et Is', 43I'.., .tuziotett4. IVO' lot.610‘ by too . 4010. Phtto 01.,114170ner.s. . . . . ..... . 'rhe toi1ahic0 at 't in, tt "y4er141,,, .. il , , t ' of c for 4t11$ ft st t :IJ1 tomo,tto toto.4t,000,Q00, 0;NJr 1enuig• ott- A „ United gingdel ' Tbil ot Irilstlo tradt mot heti t ty a *mita, e's crown Unding I s not. in the mildew' $4,alwaysigotty! Phi Ands, one 'In lbei sTAigtt or dpon „ 4, he only way to g rcfoflc.to for, gv and forget -1s to lend them a dollar. Nothing:wortit-iseeing =rots_ forn tho' lit et,1now3 nothing of the un. A Mf$14,1Eft'S RUDE' , . aottto't'Cs otatobl . 010006s in , seelog-Itet tittro -ones itriglItt- ViOyfutorid. healthy. The well eitild. Is a .1)1!tming tho 41110, but the sick cfnld' is 4 tar, little tyrant. A Ow doses of ' wen4ab1ettgwitE4ttee •ly chi d well, or'''.an oecOlorial deSewill prevent sickness. --,Thlite .1s ,unthing to Ual---thewTableta 1r-' molt and/bowel todb1es They Make 'teething_ ,easy,..._ break• up -oold e -wifients and cure. simple fey, ers, -WOWS Own. Tablets; are sold under the gear - of e -ftnti -not to, 00 418 484 r,artIcie 02 • never do7harm ;1. 4this good. Mr.. U. M. Kemp, -Carleton- Place, Ont..; ettlrs: PI have 'Oen Ilab ,to 1.0 (fljt sin w $ aWeek,eild, and .have font) `*-0101",4 cine. - At elven months he---ereltzttet over 1Wititti,s1X-Wte.U7. *are Sold b drirggists, or by mail ittt zi,e0 Cents's, b x from The Dr. 777 " ;AAA, A 4,444 „ may 1 so* he :firs1;4' there'., net * :donkey- in tIlp whole of. 'ItelY-thet4'uld not agree w4Ut 'yowl* , .09Ns. • mint "Teacher,. w114.„does *winch - safe' Mean - '‘ • • ettelierlaett -give; Te-tiamy.,, Now„ Amit-,-.You-n1444,41P--,-ti-sentenco-usin ' .ttrerd correetlyr Tomnly--,"Surt. *1 ‘4roue4aatee1--13111y a poke In de stats: *Where does this road go4,41o, got: "Dont know, Mister; it's always - Ott when I come this .wey.f' ' 4 a BROAD STATEMENT0 Leephardt's 11014410W Will Cara any 'dsitse Of " .statement es made without 4PY goal &allots. It. is in theformof 4 IWO.. A 7 ,4SAZ$5:47.47; tto (Ni.0.0t• • Owing 1.4 the, EPCIAT440)14•thet0.ftt 0,0 $011t4 Afrtearaii war, it In tile oI(o qodoot .0$0,44,,,ettto trade of tho tog, few :$e*E4. ha,LQ .'1.047,)3,•ood Show ir 1.40. irt(a34,5#444:4144:04ite'si ',WOOS .440,$,000400, Oltports 4407",q4 1,0405 'total £ti2,OOO,OOO $4(10 ri havoc am,ong th, ir for the Apattests he titeJtoii and t� -da mor Abe. area Of iapatt There are. only twenty 'Whole country. 'rhe elude locir --(ho 1 And banal) the, s aiperrif-dr:da , rnu mkt 110 pOrthern, pine. enturiea. a good care of •. thena t till ender forest strivrAij in anese fo piCtil • Stomach ad Coisstip 14.•Purefir VetritaW Po ro Orke 50 C#11 11 •, -They Advertise.. T Maly they. .were Coffered to ,parmeities Vegetable 'PHIS I, *doe because, of Atte good lead() fr hen), eiv s. h Iromedfl "Itef.ub11 4-i: •o they rt, - &' grown and they now rank Nirnong the first medicines for use lit attacks of 44spepSia and- hiliousness„torn lefois cf the liver and kidneys, thinly, tist ;few-, and ague . and "- the , Innutne Ileations_to. which.....thette aUn 50. , rv esgn Of •beptismr asked ledi•'of her Sunday wi school tisse, There was a silence for . ro in 'triumphantly with-4Pleaseordas_, it's Itis'• impossible to. Imre 'an istablii& ed CO14 of Piles with 'ointments, stippesim ,iprie4, injections or: outward eppliefters..-; A $1,000,,,,,gutu-antee 'With eyery. pack- ag of Dr, beciniterat's tO"con;ffs'i,,, ow; • a3 JN pummrs. me Odd. Presents That lInve teen ,Olven _te Iltilerel 4,1 Ilm e-4 • A very p ty-eemp pliki,br . . Atisitot, ef OW *a `1**4* 1011 tiovit Sad dsWI4Id ia tik#, fcti uteerfovea"le'tho, ba to*ie tr://t, ,• .4 -Never get cold feet especiallytnp - Avoid late hours 4:•• w n • tho • 4, .cli s f. one of obi1t' safet, best and rno.t rellabe companies. A trust orth , wanted.' for tIiis ooco 4o • Box 413 Toronto.0- h ergot, know A ult-groWn elephant ureiglis':--Wit-ari trrttifo 1401)1E, much as six, hors's, , , • . . , • The ' never /ening -medicine, way's Corn Cure, re:Moves 'fa 'dna of terns, Watts" eit.;, even the moist 01111,' cannot, withstand thi wonderfulremedi, Itl‘r rts, 1,0101004;146/1 411/V° 5°' i"))° 4°441 thet btOteng', ti n uniiss iovod,aI. on v.trol 7 ioc ittg: .•010,11r that Intports- locreo, t$41000,000) and• expos 40,20004 (40,0,000,000).' total in,. Or,e44%a vas 440410,000-(*iti000.,Qt1h); A•strilting e'samPlet of how the obsetite of 'a tariff impedes' British trade Is fur - by h u-' 0,001&"'"0:-Ttiii11.611 .; -ear -'.port$ 0410 irlOrf.Aseil-anly os,tolia vs in ,tho. :104,:,thr4O•ye4iy ' ,(14tW500, , $4t Onflie. 4tio.:1,1Opo pnvfs kw' rt‘ euermiiits. (*fent '1A10());-• 1 1006, ,X103'41,,E4 • NO. 1OQM AT.TO ittlarosoil welt never !Wen ed at -lazy neapstiould reach .the J00- 0* o ader."• • • • i(e'i4eron: "1 supioe MA. There% pIftCO there for itat to it dowiWi' , -FOLK 1.011K.' that".frilk. 'arum like fotk ai fol should like folkir for If -folk lik lot JOI1-131follTd. to11, wou folk as well as 'folk ever lilted' folk ain' ,1011t Were tette" you area suffererjrom colds. Oct I tile L....of 1,111eitle's Anti -Consumptive ,Syrop-tind tot its finalities. It will lie' ,kurie that, no praise bestowed. 'Oil' It 13 too hi It, it dot ell thet.is chinned for 113d doos 11 thoraughlY, bo not take _end d1 Lt1takdd ec.-1he throat r 411 tsar, 'Mother- mon "ohs' night, &Ms ni • s* ebthi&14, • O. tt1.41 0001* ema Aitorelfititoiti 4140 iscL *.,.:71 or,* * 140 .k4-0 , •sL -114; tsti _ ' -.10.41t4x114-:,!;01. 4,41,huut. th det.eatlam0 medicine for troubl ,the world as p It on land. It 25 tt never -tailing OooD FOR OLD ANto, you - _1441145 W -487` other''Are.4(111en "Sh01.1141 be:*treatet witit Wont .cOoteropt. -Remember that care ;killed a at, girkil .the roan4-,Whit` has 'inct ••more tban'-nine iivea.tatet ttiford to Worry, • '"-- ose.bleetHs..-frequently ca. mt Cora Or,.cWngjhpuhe the neares drtig ttore. er i trap upon 1 1011 0 JIS ...• - .`l. -PIWE,44V3-k-BOOL4-4- - ... — .•... , town' of Metin. • To widen tho street the • • -houio 1n'Whicli11ie,Prtvidcot.,Nos.1).0.!u'-iNtithero -Imbo. have '41aught(13 lust 04 Ind been pulleil 4own somo years ago 11107--zeitiarbo ' efirthil- nverNtehlett the "Wharie-as-10- Mier—Tho'poopie of or ...passes nto tita utter life of -T-4,0,1- 4. k 7 • o *Army, or 1;0000 mo tban In tba, paniSk; They Clearmst„the Sy4em Thorouilh17. tritietees Vegetable Pitts- tlIettrIlie shamitelf andistWelt..at:Nliens. matter* eause the excretory ,vessels to throw MPU lett rota 10 `b4Wil.s. ud ,eictiet the 41eletcriouir MasS' jorn .Jite rt (10 Ui *11, n; pain or iWurivertience .foi the 'patient,' .who .speedily- realizes Mei? 'good Once* ma as theylesgtri to take effect. Tit?. bte strorig recommendations from * DitmEitENT ttiEitG104214%. . :One ?it the; thot vaLuabtepotst -Zs-m.114k, 010 -'14i -bat latto,ls--this-varb• g, ely- Of Uses to wAtith it can be applied. Mrs. A. tiveiniais, or 131 Sydenham St., Toronto, says: "1 have. lised Zuni. s -o • - on when subbed we 1 in i gevexmost • --stent`.'reliet to Ilic-4tightness,-,and-fatift. •. toss.' One0 dtte..1 slipped_kbett •eicending the stairs and felt ha_ the hot; m. My right 'arm was terriblf,,dis. ....trifored_enit swot/elf awl bectintettitec, stiff, As I Atilt had a supply ift Zartt.• , tit 1 rubbkit some on the bruisedlim and it We$,Treolly surprlitng bow quick. 'Jy it retnoved 1he distci1oraton, cittvd aOd, restored,' the, arm to 'Ite *optic- form. Sint* that -them 1' have - had oe(eAti. to _use. Ze 144. fot. ritetet -statism, and 1 have 'fsnd it equally • 4,,,, •,, titLeir • istinguished ifellow-citizen erriveds, itrotene,,hia_ delightottAinding_ani_.ex c t rnrfiduction of his old tome in papier in tette t 411 was Perfect, --dhithrth: t vei .-Itill*tre, Part of itrIllet,f had been collected frotn the country around afid, pert reprodttced in facsimile, The Prest.. . _ , ,,,,,, • , . ,.. , ,, They nitike rielt, red blood, ittii strength. 41.1.1d _ invigoratd .the .internitt_,Orgatts 'involved In the greaCchauge. ,Alts.T. fl eic.tle,-,-0 - mue4tare, --Toronte?.-says; ..'vy:daugbi .e. Elsie. (t3)„ WM feeling feeth' w froII thist"winler. 'Site torn- Plained of.lreguent headache and was ir wicr. , - .44 • BEAL, LOSS., .tkleighbore,.. ...tlitente4icturvte.$114411. You ;nail Columbia Otis titeetting.". 0 u i tit asn Cre; it -mut- the 'rook.* , -1`1.*r* 41 ota-isch ibto 4, torraisor. troi84.0 'cosi front to,. wary* minima ch 4041, 111101 0* Emig 1141164%* (Ott" OW tror0 0.141a 41.1*ta,44.111111iati.* iirtiftlyltekets, ALI-1.16 jh to7 teikwii,- the- pook,:, • No 04 1404 to boy the mere et oils trvoork suitrizot hosed •• • aad KEPI CLS 11 yaw' vnt A'1.1110 . - • vedta.,0*; * 'eta- 'Tito .world W, tuff 'ef---suPerstillotts peofile-otheriviieIherf-vi.'ottirbe—feWee heir restores Oft, the, Market. I balms, eseentes, and tikes known medical- ,science, Compounded 'vend ' refined in irspeeial and. Peeplier way. ft tuis wF high germ.ldiling powr two. Is un.sntled 4S1 an atifteepile. Its ligaljng virtue is very great.. andaS 7,010-11ult 415 tv unfitte. : It Is a mare etir4:146r--thn • etch,. b rx)iNK chronto SOes4 fiDgwartg,; childictles rashes sprite* 14-41so dUre3 cuts. ,OurTt3, bpaa$t • ped-44ands, enlarged, veins.' piles', _and siireseased :or injured eottilitions.-of the' and •storet OltAW. S- fteo. frorkftteZatn.iltdr'Co.„;Torontoz , pi**, boxo, .fent'l for $.1.5o. tie cent fat li*Inty trt d exettei taieettla .410e? nee tight 'wing s:n roan he eorner '•t, 1,1te rig, ti" 1'1tsni vou 11.1 ftft:: 44 took 11,o,'. Atistiti* hen with emotion, and Warp* netuittly tite-elteeks-a4L11olinialtig hi's little. speech., • __ . V.ite-, late -French : :Profdent, M. Lettbet0 was 'once the recipient of rin.litteroling •present. • It tonsisted-of an MOW_ Albtint filled with -.11i0ueentis of .Press, \thin/Vs.:relating to 'Ids irk:3ts:10 Italy to Ersglnntl. 'he ottiomj Whieh of enerntoits: elle-and rienly''' bounsl, -,con- tain. not only photographs ettit,iltusttations of all kireht...„...it forms; Indeed, a complete ,clittnlete of his IIte eit,leat by 'many difterertt people,end in, nictio,tbutt Attly.isn Awier,IL t pofeiThre coroliliment to be pr€ien1ed with Otte spechnens of wild btass, "a "tISVPItIY tAtil • King Ed- iward and 'the thio 171,1741ales have been the' recipients- *ot-ntany gsWs 01 this de- serription. Outwhen, one $kiii dny, two splendid Algers arrived unexpect sandringhetni king Edward was driven r'remertsirate. lion," he saki, ,-"for iforsee, dog, cows, eats, mice, and even rats, buJ 1 must. draw- 1110 line at tigers," • .• - Art odd gut wasJecoNed-by tho Crown Prince Prince -of Getinatty upon his -editing of rfor an n nzrius-ittot --rrognttl •ieeke.upitti the. surfort'.fotNbtch wOrked in ,ettet • ttveir. grpetiog4 to littut*. tudotovh, •- late,Peinee Bismarck once ree6vtd from Ottte linnet% in Wastphella a" lust of himself carved Ili' lal and it is Said vby hlsn hat in 1IIO41 gm ut a luei- suite ,waspelil to, an ,acto • en*, tt‘' 'at a, little ;Mining: •fovfl III4 '14tic1. H1'1et',,r1voifie11ewas tl-•• $10 ly ,tiansof's :ticipng lhit;t106 p • tt:towing pri...4,erttf.tuon it liti.'eeetators fit.* Silattiti. t!gli‘,. 00:1Jurly -,Mitter,'Itat,einif nothing, es teindy.: Iturle&s,' lunipo1 got' pte. 's td''oeiori-e trAire, on it . 1 1 ' • aplitnent j'lthe Sift4at Ohned iitogett fwUIotit energy - stOuth. Each Morning her , tongoe . was caleitintri-her--aPpe-tite-fiattod was sonletitue$ to. dizzy that on "tit0071x4c Ing she almostiellyand, shwas -41,6 Imubled a greet deal with oostroatiotr. Ono bog 'at ilitettna mode it World oTdjf(erence In her, and so f corttirtiled Io\gis- her this- reinedy, Within *Teti i4tici liter bulit• her up wortiderfoily an they „tiro keeping her' In the .best heelth.' fluleans rdse,ettre, anemia, green sick - ries, relek ..herideelte, eonstipa. 1 tht. 'One' -41,4p. Me' Sp.tat *ad enable it to ott ;04144, zettilts. et. AO drug. gists and-atereS sefl ilileans at the, "* ntlibtairto.hh,' (Mtn ritte Oilcan; Co.i'l'ortO., for price.' boxes tient tor' -; nn tin:vise doviti in Itt t Mier tinnizi There; tealting.he Umbrella 1 t,rruwet does net, rettui the* tin of anY gative medicine 1 omplete' tho-otte. Giv* it * trial Ind be convinced• " 4. gardiog ',the physical steal§ in, at . tha pi* etnonny,nd. a 'es isp Its abode in—a, nan And it Fs .somelitnodiffiettit to ejttet IL Dr. ThOtiVIS*-Eeleetef,a•Vil will 'drive It nut in shod, order. Pain canoot stay Where ft L used; but Illuttotillitelf &re IMproved:s)igtitly. rolling learn.L.,gro hey, stbundault goTtd-home; rms. and p Irbody. Send for list.... • .4: