HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-02-07, Page 4TuuirsOid it, untteht1 teani4 ug IiOviie t..0 J. iltown for over Wilson of '14: ondert * Weis:toy *0, l'ettitO Mrs* ,40,1u0s '4o'ed to 41.ralta.piiik• pea m innia cPhrsoi n *ittended 1' E BO.tOn"ch n'cl el tbe ate •J'. •M. HUn beai ,t in t WW1 onSW VT 4 Oarj• :.14iSs'ISTettle'Vulten idtud.theltItesorWitwer,!, Wee' .Anit 'St*. nt hteri-r, *hie 4 „undo isuttbe .latortni eft • he Me n Yrktot it frteud,, Ji On tho wiy—.Thet 13o*rd of GrndBend q,iv, .1 :tendedlan b 1\cl ,rew'tk.the fourth 'ye4r.. la to * ss turned AV 0040 Mut% night ,iftrspend1ng tbe wktrfn t of t 0-11 140 "rAgveen .tauncIng poi our- issneeetief lee WO AM*:Uterd hu returned .1 to Sbipka for * few wee' b9,114 motley 1 here .shortly.weitzei 1' valuable- hew btet Sato- Ay. sitvery old weather the pastweek. eopleitero4riave4teen-me ing-0 use of the Weighing, hauling loge [atui .w004.-4ohn BrettOtasaeeePtette e nation in, a large witelesale grocery in London. Vo wisb,bim eVery eucceu. -during h it -rev tittonsinsatnet , n' , an I Berlin ', where beIntends to 1 .6 t,ir Orelt, wbo baa been qui bite, le on the r Roio Either ,where she bas 0 , Illiner be. bo!ne T ven10 his 14th birthila blithe wee preae orla bet .,Wa trust he OP.4 joy iglirittiOre i harni lit mite of a giri hatrriired tt the titi 0 Loul Prangi ' e-beste p bin* ate Puri* the even. * doom* 0 Renietriber the concert gj mlEig people of the Luthe, ,Vncet wifl _given in Zirner'it' nd.ie euch ts'will' be fnfly. chited by all Who .attend as , this*OOn 4 *do 40: '*Zegi#10.1101 en ta;;;Aour. 'usiness-rolen--req0 re • criirins-trie-Avitrutireeptite .bcen busy tbp :pest week storing. tbe • sante, '-The qualityit tool and they have pnt in.*, good• impplyi-Rev. A. D. (A sobli-tr at Zurich .pmached,. -in the Evangelical church hereseveral night lost week,asolsting the, Pastor !In ids evangell4ie work. -The contract for lighting,. the ,steeet,lighte :hes ..been awarded to D. IDelkee. he being the only 00, to put, bi a tender; Mt.-Gei. • ei-thntild be able to gLe good An -101k afterthew-, man gave-- tuning 4trt7 to MI r of their friends on 'rIday Fred . Fink liter of redlton spent t Week at' is 0/191e's lace aouth of the villa •He will.. !of- nasprttme or 'owe- n tWeat-Misa M Winken- 0. L'we r.iavlitIng herdau bteis-�t-&ewatier-thit-iveifir; ltMeIlin rtturnedlrod the 1wtei voods one eVenlngjatrl nfter sThreE oaths iibeence,... tr .spe t a few daya with hia brother 0 uegbIs*ii 0.40-anothe r*umof key,wbohai4 et tnOntJi -Visiti 'chip father -and nncles in a around fialtgrove-and oar, _Web. turned hoine,F4Th ittle-004- t • Stone who ..bas• been u 1 h o severe Cold is recovering.. -1401. otmlettended the- funeral of her, tertulttent *ttack. of pluei1s bronehltes„which together with veak- neas f the heart,.was the iwnwdiate 0* . xnet tkt t t alto tt nr ago, en, ehe wa jerkedalT - fa in motion neckede , .0n, ot Otli posed ib tough ',Our lmrg 000 evening ently. with 'a war 'ef ohs :the* purcheseit front Mr. Sanderson:of - .0eignson4tntfrien, ited.bio granoisren Mr 0. Stone last week. o 140 tire voila Op. York. - Fred Kibrer:ot Ltatosiell e ; tit Vit ida bt-,atthehotneo t Jiicob lier,,bed been, at. tending tbe funeral of his athit iten.--Blesets.-Ton, intitam and beet 'Wolfe of Orediton, 4114' on ends here Sunday. Tbereto _ a ,• bet*,... -Our „geoid' and y obliging" morehent Wtn, 10 be. **1(;'-fai-er this Cause? A -"milline "it cattnIr10 (I' 'stetbim n hie arduousduties bete , be *aye i she -keeps bel- lisaltb 0 going -01 permentterCon- gratuI*ns Bak *110 has conducted be hardware business -here for Abe- past year, toltd out butt week to Daviii. Ti6titaa. Mr. Tiernan' Is One of the young taco of our village$ is well acquainted . in the eommunity,..* stood- ithreird 'business Man, and shoold.do well at the 1)061 - .We -bespeak for him a good KW* Mrs. Jame* &Hooke, who has bern Iterellorpoist roontbrvisidog ("ha* retitroedtti LOOden. nottebrotb, tro'Zrertotittb attataPaitie4 ter 'on at] tittack..here, areleftto•-ineurn th loss -of a kind ititti •ettristian,toether..si: eltildren**11ntittietn, are*.rOwn i iIr rentaine,WpWaiidto--:„' ;fieid.copiet•ettott We400008.7 wilt • they ,were " followed by a large . ao. .course ot friend., The hereavedfrienits Iitv the sylnpathYof the conimunity. :in this their hour cif Robt; Hi�k Igo connues very 111. -1.4014-Abouv,ILIPOlittlY.Aliht.0 Those who eold *totem timber to tb buyers who' visited this eentro,unitys few days; ago, are taking ticlvitutap o he sleighing in 'tenting it to to tT*-- htte, Jr.. is in;-.th • •• tbis 'yenr. halting piirc • 7engliged ..0 Mitt rig eaw-.-Bichnrd .oultis7h**7.0o . • • Times are joking up; euppoe pike was getting too Wm. Oonitis hitersotoo4froete weeleo _OP", It to friend* in London -Mr. and Mrs JoGeph.-Andrew and fiontly left tbeir 'bone in ':flatitiots,, MA04 Wed- liecnntbii beer* I rn. • lt:to Exeter, -Mrs. Ytrng hint :is on a visit 10 Goderich friend Dr. (limn, of Clinton was in to*n Fri Billingelini,bgertiOdrufi , to wet:4 with gilp.-Mrs. R. Bunt re- ivedword n. few days ago that !+?'4 lc err . ba beeu 411 of asc,tk.be ex kW& -.Sato, ite, who, 'iteerbeen 111 In Unite -Oen beenttal for: tome Owe.' expresseta whit to see his friends °nee mOris* 00 i[Friday bis brother went to, ,brinithhn .hornebut they bad-onir teacifedoott-Anti wben amine° o waaheld on Sun. ,Prinolind of AL10341‘ mberg the It-b-orne-of- anct rem y chair o.itionlnCIin- servicea In - -- :tog; ,Qn Monday evenIng An Old-faelt. lonedlea waitserved-and-,*gnod Musf ,aIprograrn 'rend e Rev* .3. L. Stnall, B.A. .tbe • ul it 1. _ . Miss viands wil •ldn mei* " from, her recent itioees.-41t Fox 11,-; on, an extended Irian, to his broths' tCk taut returned ;o Forest after atleasent Visit with .:Miss Carrie Thomas and fe.ndir left •Tburit. ;day for their new 'berms at Wardle/111es .The hest wishes otallaceorupany them. lilies Self of : Ett; ;do, tatter a three, weeks! visit vtith her saster, companied hy- Master ChaL Martin,-' Dr. W. T Blniting n Oppoin rinitee -80.14,rd hy.thet000ti coloo,en to suc- ceed Rev,. Thema-The-eposg±_roont of Iiisejentite liodgins to Aft. w 14. Dignewof -thii--Plece-learinouneetiatat he*pddinit arran t!) takepie_econ, WtWil - abd Su a -Our ho tome.Jvt o averunp.'- was' *root at: the htikast brie. ,Deltrith Monday evening. - number of tiur young people -Vent ' pleasant -eventing last week 4„,a,t th home of* Wtiu tleAronn, " lohn Uppert lest bis' vaivabIe mare "Patit!.* foot days _41( Watt her w e refuee „them berryPetoi 'scrlbc nchitik, u trust *villa e blackstnit istile busiest - inatt shoples has about a dozen men cut- ting 10001404 wood and several WM* IsAutto' ler-after-trade-4,-X -r.firottltie--, *pent ' cou • le of figs with hit daughter* MI. ,of. Anshan:I* • „. , of Oranton Is hvieitinw his. daughter, - ;The funeral took 0%41_1 Mt*. 'eemetery,- Werextendaur .v.lupattiy• •trieinit Attended the sale of Mow; to the bereaved-onee....The onnalins ot thalaVAIr.---tiotta-Who'Aird-in 4-4174:, west tsfrAtter- tiii*titini.-4he remains:of the Iate, Joe., son"of filtia,TTemperattee e ugblin, arrived -.here Saturday* Diceinied patted away Pritlity in Sim!. 'paw, where be has .reelded 'tn. ;tome ears. -.The dee • of Itfrit. Setif,widow FY qu suddtintY'on Stturcisrniorning at the, •, a rrt riirrirr :1: regilfA Inov'el iroving man who bass olvii * Wade his -horooilth- higsletteic bad .been 41111)/C 4te sonte-anut4inCtilifisiiitb, was unex- • ted« Be was highly, respected *),nd ., . rot,t e or soot 1; . Improved to 4a great Oiteat and was 'walkiiii around s. • zentl wdll five 'minutes- n elk ourvived by si sone- siid two .dco h. . - ' eireult lworth League toriven. . ton Priday wite brought, bere,Itfonday teem every standpoint. 'The attend. eernetert,i under Itfaiiininatuiplecet.-. attee was Luise at both sessions* In Sunday wilt be our League anniver- the afternoonsubjeetstelative to Up. soy. .116ir. _04 llAtedct-voill be the worth League walk were discussed, preacher for -the clay. Dr. Danle4**11 while at the public weetinz tri the ere4 lecture On 4.iiinetottrned Kings!' on titiniteld-,On-- • uestlay k4uceese andlaid: tarinitin„ the :Benoit link ening addresees wore deitfored by Rods. S. L. Toll of HenMll and fear of gxetet. mottle wits furnished by the Sunebine cboir. • tv/In 1J 4 Mra R. Hitks. baa left forSt. "lobos -14 'pointed tontsger ot Malloy's round.: Lidiet• of St. ;folios,: Ont., was *-fatiraresk-fittemling the fenerat of the late Wire Lansport,o-ldrit..11.0. Maks spent- Mendel .In tntninne'r- 0141'001ra and: fistold '10oplai attended the vinittodritut seeletat .,the rectory,. Etitlay.eveninifina tiltiort it Pleasent, to Bil teen frleurlftlies Verna ,oveninw.lifre, (*bran* 10'0114 Vilit ,1§48tarjr Obieagg 11114 pleASAnt vialter At the boost Of her 000.000 Nth*: Vet* notitaq_.--Mrs. (4010 Baker, after' it foia-ropitite". 1 -.0t -snit etehz-xt- has returned to AIlea tee A:, Itt1WW Olitte Ann Pe0010 alten .04,mi* es vilieit0 Thur tet weck for ykotonr ed the "At Ho at dal e'venlng. ;leo S)I?lI(1I41 Utne.ISome of Otte tftrik in tht CarnivaI At Exeter *thitift. het& is.f. Jamie triidst and its a 600ivegethee tiinvsrecnflhlnrd IO their homes..- '4at;ir1 ty was 0,;;;Illeatat Day -4 -the dmv "tilt supposeiloto, conie, out 64, riltrotma, . of . deciding whether he w11 enritintte ter unittnitu t,t4ptche-tliffe44,401.1,-do 14.6itiy'Clothes atul -teanr'igbbor ,$)iatp.p.nTbitbear..141,44 alit of 4 sul,e„O Vt04/ 13 tion,ev oteNino tiftivr4iqi "11 *it 114,0te4orn lAtfo.Lorfcle iOtt l‘fOriday eVerting. A good Progilim, . being prepared. The Zorteh guArtgette bat also been enkst‘ed to take pert**, *kis* Tho. Peart 'vent Otitnrilay wtth- her-sister, Mrs; Irshall at Ki freidareottitiirt teamteitit10- _ Crafgta'pbiy the tom matehAliere. '.1ebeite ±_i_titlif)0M;44-t ourjun- IPV!' went Over ,t0!.Etiiifortft *nit played. of'fit•TikeilifiVrThirlier; er boviri. They tieetnetl ttit bo toot on the Settfortit-ke Amt IN' :Were 'beaten. Score 114),.;;;;.0r. and- Mrs. ,Oilders of Goderieh Are villItkiltitt Ioe Ewe.— ikrks. 0, .mmins tow rot rued from Wal- kerton.- Where se been visiting. friends for three lete *, ir1tbniztto*Bittl.0-Tbe IMMO of Vitm. 0414weilt YonsvilleiwAs. the -scene of s Very .hAppy *Vent ,yesterday At high -neon', when Ills ilan biter, AIlce was .inade the hePtey „.hrlde of our entaturi* Ibit cilia** Oeorge Joynt. At the 00* pointed hour the the otor leaningon the arm ot her t*tb- er while illsof Mont& Joynt of Luck - now played the *art march. The bt4d.e who was bati41100 creanI crelle-40-obitte. ittifttl* hy tie Mite, SIrsi ' Otk in the about fifty gneata After tLxorusua eongroittillitione dowr to a dainty dejeuner. Aboi*t mw o'clock the *04 i "fronted, when t et' the Ave o''' PL�ndon 1 Torontoreturr f the h . , ke - v.._ ltirar DiAxne.-00 trueodAys .Tsn: 2Qtb. ra. NOY Arniitteng, rellot af late "lobo- Armstrong,aged 78 yeara, away of boom' trouble of whlcb gibe .s,n1frred for-'• shoot s.$ent. The de.; had on too &mations guttered' wrijkes of pM•sil *blob lieft* her itt we#kened tton and to a kV* vig- ortiu ,ettnetit,ution would heiVe been of the peineer settlet* nr tbo Vital some Monti)* sgo,* She was, on. moving tes when the •townshIP lorse Wilneettess. She leaves .eviia1 sons and deo htirst to.monen 14,61.140 of A -�FflQEUOURS tee- ak:'osituttAt. Kra #0$Te01004ROtli to r collepted. Foms su applicatton. FTS�na11 pinte)1y-11mDoininion,- -:rTfaiii • Buitizess Mi 'e• we ,4roratemii anEndStioonlomt,sesitt:sifuarettvaoviainatilece, utitiehint4:881:.1P•4.,rreale: rititlite of utet:604owed. , en • s ying Book eepartmillt:-,ordelgat.1..44tA,acided to • Agents e.,t Exeter for tbel)omittlen Government. ," N. D. TITTRIXrtiry' •therc9znfortibIe hornet° p*rtic- Ipate ek,t3i0 rtedolln'g'feStivittore, rnany r9fir.Rairqt igSeartiftk. rothet,wo lleosell' egd- Exeter. the dining roOm a long deeorated carnations WO epetd Ali an AlinnilanCe --OrLdellefoo An -3' it* in a sand orinueirer •not.Im: bestow thote_sy. •Sided the re alit; The Lable linen and kdishee Iv bleb, :a" orn • t o ta e iverethe sante that, were Presented to the brideori her wedding day; an evi.. Alene0 of the titre ondvaiue theim citwitave received.during .tbe past twetity years. remit:3Q tw :30 p. 111 r !MINNOW! toff*, May -and Ernest 1111Yers, looked.,,,efter the wants of the. PABADSES We have just received ilimirtbzotkimint.T. I1 CiSI 1141 1014 . 4 ;I e Atter t he linter MAU VA been fully' Astirlti41.1be_tAblia. were cleared and: the4-onir ; niler-of thit eVenifig Walla nto• Iv swot iii-mitate and, game. WiUis with hi Mon ph;'i.giiiL And '.-contritatted lunch to 1110etreolosest eritertalument. • i ning-wrtu coetly and numerous, com. rising several plecoi erws re sodchins, alio windOOthe‘ dinner eot fli)01 Ottheiefold. nelgbbota and ft tondo. There is not one .who knows Jr. and Mrs. Weer* lait'w111 plty ttib..te 14 their worth, And wit wisttittent happy rettiens oi .*biranniversati ttOd hearty *14011o:tent of them* fluetrig.the evening- itrev 'AVOlogegate(00k Illseeithen Mr an pivot* were rektnarri and ',1st 'which %Vilna POWeilltiMe $ e ..w le - 'does its we no styl oil go val kjkid :14 hand10 enEiows ' aid havejust rftevied a ' earof.weJkin ing and gan by this re b 8 Agent for tbe ' es er and Perrin PloW Com digeation 'w Perk,b111 T took ill at threebin Tbe doctor y and *II that medical.kWooitld dc o'reliet Until death took piace 0 day. The decesed was born an of h NorthBouncLu 0.0 IpieknoeY.r ds$ Of to V,'