HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-31, Page 6frY - •-• •se 0••••••, a 777,- e-- 09 ‘.1 • C1uIwFLfl XIX, -•. ,... greater ectiert the ,t a, • for• 1m.ifo., quieltly implies that i flfls‘11 eileqSantly. , Jim has 3ent a Mere', tlleagreeebla- Pa , •,thn Uie hours eviiiette follow hie. eoete • .versellett wIt f3yng, 444 -.'whiett • he patisee fn hL bcdrozn, Wilh. lits etbowe gee, oo n of lir chtrater ttat'Pee 13. gang: oboll fristernneAg,'''tbc.Oldreme malinesaof,- her Eletretteine aceetelette aticea Mateleg ie,,ttnekeeet tteet she .Itete emit. any one lo ettPeil.X•thei'Plae0 of 110, ftiends- •ielie•';‘,/etteeeefeteeeltie .00.m'entlrely ' ing7his .0enselenee.,315 • lie hastens:. con-. $triteeleyeasiettee tromethieertenlysee eponieter 4 !--tii4"10O4S-00414-114/1iO4`iiiiesarte'lif (10u4 -.91 kr, , The.convititipee, piicl reitieritetPlOseePtatalgee Ut at the .„. . and at tee a arch. Out 41,toselk,avorearriest, assoma t t flitile unSuices72, • • church of .5,allt* Marie Novella. APJ fu., she .tnasfes one of no group, sho yet, When lhe till clocks, which, hex* lelesuitstder rio'Banksla rose- woe,. ette eee"'-eeeee'-heo uTraVelii3TI y e no gazertOlifeetegteterre at length convey te hie, inattentive eel* misted -valley or kit meted town, Owls to, . What the hourls„ he sterte UP, eheeke4, be found -neither in .hirldele' and contused at US lateness. He ha1 etedent path. .She is not „beneath the meant to h,avo reached the Ville Schee- loggia., ehe is nowhere out of doors. vone In time IS receive Amelia, and now She muse then, in her lorteeneeseihave eba must have In preceded him, and lakekrelege iri the house. Helenas be attributing,. his tarilinese to settle himself Lo sr-eangeitobleAtorene telth-a. eeeee.-atieth-eatiiiikebteand'eleidifiel.eartee.e ceiling, -a reetrivielteot signs '• roinutee, hehas-rearranged-4* lifees,1 went habitation and rec.ent and Jumped into a fiaere. Through the wheel) has .apparently been deserted for Perla Reeattua• and. nil 'betl3een- ttla ea sunset splendors._oo the terrace., siratgittetow of stilt and lnky cypresses, etta see no single occupant.: lie walla ntreeti.-ep- to whent the eillaedoeref_proe - down it eete--eisioeterelihneelfeotetete enisitig so Iltilo apdeperforming ee.xmieh fact of its entire ernptineee. " opens, as so many do, straight,. upon By a singular and inutegountable freak the road. of 'the bididereie the windows - ere- set tvo ••#. .1t il ti i. 0 aThr impp1 lo me 0 • t do not be a h an *Writ lie bleier Mete- tie a Testi -le 'iUfl for hail net have tong, to ;went you seithohe 140, to-413LMM. tonoi row miming, it„youlike. Pome as earl 'oui u t Wart „ to biro a • fw mirwriL. o Myself ;hefeee, 1 ittio any. hetere •2C Mrs, Oyu; will yOur-plearto Wove inerr-".`":4,:-' ' .1.•. • •TM ,v 1+ ' 9 , ' Ct! a P Iiii * , t Slixe-., I an 'L.i,olntoLo, 411 .,,.hcr. r qUt•-• thin'tt huk4teii:„4,14zi Y.:`4-0-1' '- he eiiit;r11'44tIlite. ,-..4, ,.,t'infilli 'W , pviing ps iii,:the world' wife :tOrn7 off r314tiardte' Arv‘lothi 01.4iintit0' u$ril 14et: Ito ws her keying thio, party with Mr4.. laYne, letilei ene as simple, as Colleeittai '4q4 not very 41'0014 • Paler vian usual. - " Ne' .• '" ' hett ' ti ede - -• ' ' 0 "- , MI - • ,. flg WIT MOTOR Ti4O1ott. th , Aloe nes . Althotigh Lh iinporterate ot!ho eommereedsvebeehteetie--4-trielt- 'Waned, litieterele-TIRTtWe mach no.41,000010 of, being "(pulled,- 14 the. Pees thseportable power plant as Weil 64 the tractor and euten3obile veliteltle has ,been held bolerotho Industry for eevertit years, surprisingly litile has .4eetin cOinnliehod in the way or gatiaying what, siseeektiousledgedeeo- beeer growing- de- ; 8ays the ictOtor-,-WOM-In'-the great Northwest there Is econsiderable liao Of ireettan engine.e Mo. massive type, yet e in mans ways they are oo eumbeteorne or too expensive to be ot-eUectivteeterviceeeeffenee thiseeie pain for the lighter • and more • Mobile gaso- lene. vehIcle is an etineetatly Preinesieg ,.orte0 Moreover Me:le-One 18 whietteihie treatersof gasolene-protielled vehicles of other types -win tutu their attete7 tiroxteT Wont Wester!), Canada' agricultural enzenteere*„&etre:rectierting.,neseto----4 demand, positively expressed, foolt gee,- lene-ereettottiteitthteheeanel for ploughing, threshing and statienory uses .as well as tractiore The demand for it,„suikable machine for ploughing Is especially strong, and Itis- stated Mal, any magliine which 18 dependable for this for a The day has ehanged its ravishing high lit the wall that each has had to tette gaiety for a pensive cieudy gloom, have oelittleeriesed ities,..trectel.betore and The guests at the' itttla are walft lig it to enable the in Imes to look °orator - about without any aunshades. They $• y otit, Upon each-small_.plattorm an a , • theeotirealneesweetieepasses-o ritirelie nett* U1Wdpery- atlrring � ItL1tt, tied.' examining more cletely, sees the tail of 4 well-known .getere-ot thateegown which has met vtith his neateetg 'approach to approval liatteetherseiciattylesiete -2frelhebettffttlfettth'Ittffeettefefiitdsf Okt-Italtan bromide.- . lt-is-the- work of aettecoite to sweep, the latter aside,tind diecover his poor ilancee all alone, and- crouching desolately in e low arm-ehair. • There is something so Unlike• her. in the attitude, aomethleg *o different from her usual undortiplain- ing, unpretending fortitude, something o disproporlioned to tee cause -his own careless but not- criminal delay, es be stipposeseein the des air eyidenoed by w.$4- `14.V0 IT, ed an. angry. In a seeoncl tie too, has stepped up. on the tittle nlatform beikle her. • . • "Amelia!" he erie-s\,.. '-"Ailia! What are yoir4oing pp here?, whom_two you playing hide and eeekr erewords---ttridelier-sralles-are-apt- eeeprompt enough. Heaven knows, to spring out, Answering his leaet_ hinte but now she neither speaks nor moves ix -muscle ot lier face. She:scareelY starts at till at his dudden apparition and ad- dress,• and no light comes across. her features -those features which, now Met he looks at them -More closely, he to; 4" 41;,. 1 ! .• • comparieonetoetheltanksia-easea.onet -----eatiteretvalle -over- whictreetooregrea • _evistaria--put in, as the, host with a Just pride relates, only ease year -le hanging - end bundence,- - Ante- , seen above. -its clusters,,„and above Mir -•wail that a view' ram this raised ta-thiI . Arnellae-and yetete-cennot-e-htiose-bu slop to look at it -from Galitetes tower en ,She right, to where, far dawn jhe • plain of the Arno, Carrara loses itself' In Mist. It is -all dark at first„aullen, ptirple-grey, without variation or stir- ;sity, Duotno Arno. Fiesole, and all .her thaln.,of eiser-hiltse-one universal frown ,over every.slope, and Jag, over street and spire, over Campanti witit its marbles, 'and Santa ,C0roco -with ite dead; But 0 ginning -of light, a faint pale Unt at first, --but eTtiek-reebroeVerefig atteeteltiellrnese Moot, *while the whet* huge cloud . ca.- * nop:y is drawn. aside nee a curtain, and,. .-great bright eye from under bent the _teetering sine sends .arr oteradianee over palm, and, river, and treeetell of a ;midden theeet Is a verti- alereitieofedazzlinge-whiter-rays-- ott- t plain, and the. olive shadows, merged, all the allernoqn In the universal grey, fall long and soft upon the blinding 1 green' ofelhe young corn. He has for.- '" gotten Amelia. Olt, that that other, • that ctealure herself made out ot sun- sees to be set in a much more pinched teis and sweet raineerope, were be*" t Ilor- than even- th w t 1 n tieWeeek of a tlereeeseef-orry tan accoun urelYeeleatebteeteetes:--eulte-e-herseehi ` . .1.10.._-.97_40.7.0. • •• # . • 10.11 I .0 • • o at' this heavenly spectacle. Sone° one' toueliers, him ibti the ashoul. The sting of leritatioe which, mixed -dere -and he starts -violently_ _Ilort_teet Itegenuineealarm e-hadebesieged efines _e4te-ensay,-nt-Itts-ehtvetealleete,ealled--herertinteeeteettletliitirtirettemcrente spirit out of her light bodte, .end ts ed and unnatural. attitudee meet -entire- ly supereedes any other feeling., •-la-ette aecklental-defay of half an hour, en hour rely even and hour and, a half, enough 1ST - „ "Is it possibie,"ehe inquirurein lielette f old drepteastitz "that I antio -e • 00,0 I' •••*c..•••000tm!itlus** ?Tel*. • I e 'rho. fuel question has a Jriotel'impor- -taut bearing on tho wetter then might at first be supposed; eseiegittliv in -locale ttes where ceistoin threshing and plough- ing is done.- In isuch ceses it is tee rule for the teenier te furnish the fuel for the steam engines 'which are common*, used. This demands the constant work of one, or two men asideefrom these acttvely --ettgaged operattng the Machine, and as the farmer himself 'Mist ;raw 1h,rt--btaYd considerable Where, a great amount of work -is 40110 -- With It eiteeolerie machine it is point-. ed out-that'a single atteodarit can .look after the erttire Woe on fuel enough ter a day's work in, aefevir nett- sies it 6.11Mit P 'nieclialiisni• in good running condWorr. _This also means a corisiderable saving itt. wages to the owner Plant, tafelly apart from Me -addedeeconettivot -th gasolene trtachinere, so that. from. an points of view the -introduction of the gasolene motor to the work would be attended with marked advantages. • As lei, the probable cost. of ploughing are *gene power, it has_been_eatte. e Indeed beside kimr "What a lead conscience you IMO* III1,1013. Did you think that f was a 'bate • lif ereee Te'yellgeiettegettette, Afite.ltal'"Ito tt.514, eat the memory of Byrig's annum- " nicatioh. abeut nuititeff-heltig- '1 - fresh in his mind to Make it -possible' , tette .upsrettes stato or things_40 my • tar him tit answer her In eller own' mil being apcidentally late It %yes a -there ing key. "What have you done,with ,liecident; Lt Ls not like you to make a, Amelia?" •- eceee. I -do .not reteghtee you; mei "What 'a 'Stand-end-deltvet" tone." verr sorry that 1 was tate, and that I says she. laughing still, but looking not haVeetnade you angry."' •• • . • unnaturally surprised. "Well, where Is The chillereproach of his words stele; slier glancing round. "She, WAS - here There iszuch a meek upbraiding in her 'five 'Minutes ego • with Willie,. Poor natural one. to the humble and -unex- Amelia!" „lowering ties, eofee, * more IkCjingoono which is habituel to here. coniTtleolial key. al, am #e glad • you . "Angrylu she repeats: "angry with you o being, bite? Oh, yoti_aee_quite int xeet-eiit tratifing into; which you have t'eett angry. with your -hatteegot-bere-but eitinke-that,leetteesaie\--There-is-autiteereneelteupraldhegirrtwr beginning to look- a little anxious." Acne that his ilbhumor gives way to a "And 1 think that you 'have been giv- rune.- apprehension. _ ink the reins to, your imagination. 84 •"Then what Is it?" he eriee brtiequeeye ustiiii," replies he, walking off in a ttuft, "whal -is It all about? t think 1 /Op There, is another delightful garden et ta tight to ask iou,thate since 1 sow goo tee *huh of the villa, and there,' 'having last something teakit have 'happened to to find her -in- the Arse. pot__ nowvoti. to produce eels extraordinary with growing irritabon at, her, for not, eliattge." he.ng • inoro immediately conspicuous,. iShe heaves a long dragging- sigh. frartelite- It is evehelleredeleieuve-e-e-e4Sereettifiegetras,heeiliefied-- te - • y peradise, where white rase -trees, with something hal happenedi" *editions of bursting bode, are eareer- eButeivitate-whet kind of a tormenting? Ing over ethe walle,elt leafy luxurianee, -le have a rightefe, know -t insist tipon " licrie,doutee -wellitkeverseehkioey, wariknoivingre telt 04e -should. call them, it brott COtlia ;has egtasie4 WA her kande, efoineet any watiike Idea with this Eden ,t,'whose uoristurst ottife;.s he feels even° petro-4-stoeks Ira ra' • ritittnigh.ber 'falter J1140E100 Uits'. $144 1q I ,t 1 0t have come tit last; elle Ls patience pere 4 A tow re flowering as ,eve ,Dritiiins never strange and Mean a thing is human aee them licetycr in our chary fele, saver n4tUre that teen al liete'tnottient it flash - hi , pletee of a Gatdeners' Chronicle. ea 110068 Win, •with 'Il Stlt.t.4, 01.61100 litillty-Actilt . hni1y'btoesoni. Il. fuJi, In- vreare. I r, I , tuitn wbo bad been named- as her ,with them lonke:',Lr., & nypaill3n,--11siige- tura' H net even her eceialiii rids qutrllj '6.Arii'i,i, but with one of 411e pretty lounge- 01 wet tea you, Ilier atigliters of the' haute that he Is tlac,', 60„ leieisting. I should h tea the istraeglit wee( in lively dritiogue. hotel ut ee-not here ,glanting tiervouily - e - b - ' Jim Admits 'ttEs formally:' frayed, theArbpped curtains,:-anot ram!" . *1 tintkrtood trilt '511Es Wilsoiv tvss'f, 1.'Why net here?, Why' nat taw!" • "with' you? -Do you. happen to knave, tter fa:6 quittra, , - a • wiiere sh4, tr .'• 01 0,;. mt," 'sitte \says piteously. " Syng sto tri his ietsur acti- rotq i to kiloweehinte.A s.hall get -. - ea . • 1 - 1s nbt trouhl liratu_a _ 110 questiiin old you any. 90099-111,9 $ re where it tIL not lustier , ,more guttty ar Sbm was tiex'e-Ile start'sfiteign "five mkuteaWhey,. can she htteOr' II 1iihtY '1 '. eked wdh, dipeared srth. $ is .buttoo obrk,us that Itare,y4 in'gonemluf, ' t ' or .to* ,tein -' tLefr-ninitreusA wt taking -,iileaf u ,t book? 1 `; $ti -414 -wit deap up n , I* ystificatian, 'I ay ' • to believe ' t ,Agaht tt�r>.4140 'coatrsc witk, i"- t teeploughse.wit • VI 0 .1 • 4 turn r two and a halt acre; every hour, o n vo, Acres re_ a • _ay of ten bourse But to be liberal there stioulte_S-eeidievid:34,„einiteettetientjtur time for tureeentrig around ete the esids.eited hers -loss -In ttme othe,rwese, whic1(701 cut the number of *three ploughed to twenty instead .ot twertly-five. The. Met consumption.efor tilts work gasolene, which will coste at 15 cents a lotion eree,,25e,,a1.-teLzentst ate,011011; -$70 Add. to Ibis two metes wagtie,-at eit.50 each,and Uo actuel cost,* with gasoletie at -is -cents_ a gallon, is $8.25 for plougli-f lug wordy, nem, or 41 cent,* an tete.' It gasolene eO cents a -gallon, the cot will be $10, oreieteeetits an acre. ' Chi the ether hand, it will keep 'one min and a team busy to pIoup Awe and 4 half Rens in ten- hours. 24 team and Men areerated as worth $3 eda) every- witeke.°,, Consequiently it "will cost ./iLeei t) liteae up an tier° of land with non teititiestioleseeeteents einesere.seeth -iteegaseoltetiettraetunretrigineeeeee_ "pang- tq, • ' ..04.(41c.A 1.0TIM APCOUNTS0 "fp,* nundker, of poultry arie May-. , '4ilffmtit n , teen- other I 4 lcitl4,0-andi . 3,01 1 what .1 want 1 -fiitiy;,not teenge 'as. May 44'ev..0.1e..4. up/1mM ItStfitiltry iiotst frap zi On the phteeele knOwO by bet,. ;deem; it 'very lineortent,IQ ,e40 retkee :now thee valuo of ..:.ettelt hen, ;Itratis',arti 'run ffl)rnanuary1 1e .June :and 40"Tro Oetober°, 1 1Ilnuary Raring .the twit; :menths of June, -.14126 August and .September 1 06, not 'keep; reatieris ,ter 'OW are leve7feede Firs lewaittettielnetfireetieletria my ciaid weether layers, as there is ;mire money te 'winter eggs ittan-tflotie;ot sunaner , • ,age-Irg-to:4 o krng in tram during hot, wee- . I do not tare so niteceettow Many eggs tee hens ,lay in a year, as how, many they lay doting etlie„miniths when ilia ,p'ricC's are the best. Almost any old hen will lay during warns wee- ther,- I hrepd,-oply.troni tet,laYers. : . , , • ee, III I it! • • • ‘109;:, • • s. _ - .04:.••• , • , NOT A. lifANfiriATE11. ..„ , Coloared Cedger-"Will you please. fli. ree something to eatt" tietisetetife (threateningly) --"111 fetch My etsband it-eri" --colored Cadger-aikladan. pray do not trouble. My race has given UP •eaeltt' • biglita.29 ',ggileitttontlr, _ • . ..„. My, recent sheet,- vvhich le. a Part C.t • mY---s„PiehOt bookkacping, ,,telt,s_ the in the Illanttre 18 .yards where -the alo Vartely: fiteeatie Pene- -number 'date, 'number of hen, dile% of etterith !9urkve.Vehttovettie4thefielaidt ol'eletIM.thebet-ontot-eggrel,nookliter, h ret nth shaP0 • and 6120 of egg, color of hen's eye.. style eifecoeth, sizteeof hen,- color et legs, eutteether remarks which may 0.: a guide in selecting' the cream a His negleetsof matters. deesn't one year'. birds for ,next years always come, from carelessness. Mg. Each month's -accouide, toee-show theetand be not too hilly, With hills tl� 111.1Mber IM13111177101ki •__wastkter_there_oen„ be re, nuMber that laid ditriii the Month .! eise.a_baunagsesa tanner° to te bereilletItheilotelaretreseu- latideineefeleriv er. ,x count .of broodthess or- other CallSetr show et serious or even significant Joss elicit as sale or removal . from the pen., ,of ammonia by reason of exposure. The This , part of the bookkeeping re -cores feine,' after the sp•reeding of- the -the dealings wittt, the hens. • They- are, ntanure, will take teernitregen into, the car ernpktyeae, and we keep a record soli. The Manure .witt decay_ rion&no4osses7eitzlittierinineral.-3 ewe 'kopek, theyeetre.__unproutaute. thee orenttregeru-will- take -place, - nee dieposedepf as netrket poultry; 01117 It is leery deplorable that farmers and those are retained that prove of value their families should ,sacrigoe health and as layers. --, .` lite, whicieby right is theies theelegie ;Mete from7this individual record sheet est degree, by neglecting Ma most keep a pen' 'record, telling -the number common rules of .health. 'wield be of eggs laid. eaeh day in each pee, and profitable to have more general,promul- the, total number ot eggs laid on the gatlin of sanitary. laws and the result have been 'fed. • ` Neglect of little -things means many ---extrat-stevforthe ---farineteeeen4e-the kese of many ti'niekele But the 'fernier has so wetly, duties and se much lie tilinkent, that it is difiletillt to. look -afiete oil the little things as lie goes along. I • Jr' .4 IC4 440.101 1.4400,000104110 p.401,1 I 999,,..09 ,Tortstantir_ontive-.: .0.09.990.9.9•4• Emi nept---Notmotsimse,1.1- - gent Street in fleouy Ampere", 0e It. is one of. thee privileges tit ,being great tiiitteeitieetetiojerteltavie-earee- pies of by -gone repaste on. oreeseivaitt. coat, writes -Alm eohn, Lane -hi an. artiete on "The Tyranny. of getites," eti the January Fortnigh4. • ‘. The-Len-glishineere-stieettoyseers-noteonly. le- as $theosie 01 the perfeetiy-dr-eesextr-'------ -- but, lie can reach a. • egree .0 A a which. is phenomenal. Not the poor and obscure, but the rich and usually Itte great. Who has not seen- the great shebli and spotty to eedegreel 04,40,L, ,44 era l*Ing: irririgttlettt-r' .siiiiliblt4spottiest kind -of -old -gentleman- - in Regent 'Street, who _ %vas .ehuilling along iti company of an aged,- greeny- be/awn umbrella. Ile booked "as if a shilling.charitably bestowed would have been a godsend, I took &hasty Invert,. . Wry of his,. epee his draggled...neektie, • his frayed waistbands, his downetrocleten /arm.: Thes record, fot.itietanee., shows et violating the same. Farm life is an boots, aod telt rathersuperipr. . that pens'a Nos. 1 and 2 contain a in's; generally regarded as the .ernbodlment . on was, therefore, erne a- stare tear 1 cellane00,9 lot of . hens, unmated .-eidde- of, all ebat, .00ute1ee,tee to - health and -beard a very famous nanieeitideedi 'fled s. peed en_ Me eestubire. 7bieeti,letiOtrese_heleeete.401,Peseteeteteettl04).8e":"„ _IottnelemetselLstiaking, theelitneeetitteile44-„,.-T,, mg peniir tra'.'12-Untariir. Crgtirtniffiniellit-Ortalif'MW''''U-03ridoteett,r-W*-.it-r;vt-riiinallizeritifOltetiaiHe liWilift --1—`; pallets; Nos. ti, 5. and 6, White Wyatt- average farmer. • We seetele etetelY,34 .,:i1O-S- --tleeply,::::indi impressed, but ,2tillik;,:, • - Tee-liet—ts; eiriCsd en..-Thrs -book also:, forauepleentitt.eilediehtlierne, or typholtrgteshed though he was. he 'could not records -the number otteitys,,eittring Hue fever to enforce these, eimpte rules of „Gem's the 641 .reason. I 'watched Mee Winter lhe fowls' ,beee been confined to lteglene• and sanitation., - •_. -''' ,, beetnieg. down 1:Iteg,ent0. Street the threed. their iscratchirig sheds . on aoremet of - e • -barer egorto of ,itts coat boastfully rout- heriereffeettelee --which ehow -7- - - TAW .01i1e,ItL,Atlie , W,VICU. . lining lee bent back, a it streek me .-- taitt-eis-hee, snow or etornese-ellesides these. I have a Mitch ie doe, elm number and variety - ' • - .. . .., n r-vg . , . elimbed the bus that .pasees Me jialaee in , . hatched. •___, . Vehick*.'. How' The- Runousit-illighland-, Regiment . , ___ 'whichelie-livese ,, 'The 'cash litiA;k4 Shows' the 'receipts -tor 1 • Was Taken .to England. - a mean umbrella, a threttebare coat., and "It over o Man was -tyrannized over by - — home • has spraya of iris .coniposed et The removal of the Saots dreys ' has frayed trenserse-the kind pat hitch tip_ the. purelieseme else amountii paid-. for a tragic preeedent in the removal -el bgein -that was the 0300." . feed, labor , and _supplies, generally, as the Black Watch froto'Scotland, to Lon - alai ti_!ti, rbitidtm At the end i3t eachrovements -and reden in 1143-threeyears after they had - u nr-- 'etEeto __reitteeteetenteeeteet -----..,..e„.....---....... well as cost of imp- . i itheiirdizeil the pie -To -if -that-TCrirg' —utineTtwii-.- liffee, -Mk:7 "DEG -'00-0-, -- -- te• Jos_ ta determine. thee:prone 4. •rt-. - •-="-lriTiVrr-r - whitti /shows tlie Value of till stock on ' ileallurctior td di& WaS tnitkAIS to gralify-1 is nd at the be, ginning of the year,. and arrival in London that, the King. ewhe Little cousin Jack listened 1h-surpr18e el velum. Of Meteor' .hand at 'end; total 3/4cast jat,liciattor, was anxious to sect tlienie had leftthe for a few minutes, thenegoing over te ' .e_•a.# .. . , 4 4 I II •44 4-4 Or .4•1 0 i." • 1.%•.;..1 .1 .011.44•••4111•0041,91.4 el,a,1114 ...11...LI,104.,:i00• Mabel, a girl of sateen, cormi ng aloud, received fter all eggs and • birds sold, -1"rtarif:41 tereteetteW dawned upon themthat they were the 'Le next is five." - Thus* as I end tip each year rknow not . victims of a trick to reduce the number • .ot the figeting supporters of the Stuarls „ ancletheeindividinti worth of theeiterese,-ared !Jew" trawl - flayed at the dirty. conditiote of her boles• ooly how much Money l' !lave matte, •Aaftpx....9.99r. VIVANT OFFICER ANIO-VS-KING. Orders Royer' Grarekhildren 10 Ile Sent to' School. \\ The. Duke Fife and -the Priiicees Royal- ilve--ite-lieveree_Altiteeelemi-hatiket fashion when they are at their' resieence t thlehester Terreet. in Brighten. • hildren-a.to vat ikilb their governess, ane, b'eing, very simplystnet neatly dressed, cannot; be distinghlslied. from Other bairns of less exalted They were -out as usual otie morrti 'lest "week,. wheti s very -dtlletous echo. insiwtor, -whosetAiiity it was to *et that no youngsters 6caped the clutches of (he Engboh grandnioinerly Mutation, approitcha.11ie thildrn and4I,4 4Jn1 , On bein-g•Ilitortned•that, „they welt being educated at home, lie.ingUired hi whom, .titTcaporr-ih$5.-.Getrour-gfyirtortww was with theft said that she. was tote log thmt. - • „. • "You. are leaching them, indeed I re- snt.1 Ito urr.iea1ju. rtIjjeer of edu. cation. ""Why, ou can't even ...speak Unglisfi pro Shortly al h Nike of Fire was ed with. .*1 san the 1*1 king due Te eft 14 :iiit,6inidnad..ofitThityeeirtizst: ablate. tv; but also the value of the riguiery estate, ,t,t4111.37fineectlilintiwitinoteerportanseras vewre,t, imittirwinuch an= tang accounis. of customers as well es they elem.' ,passed Northampton mi their Walt' ‘'How 4:1" Y614 "tine get eredits-d- Mi-bibers-.----ttave-privito-latn4'-`'mortliwarii-journey befere-therivereltr- dirt,01-414,-Angrib!--nsked---- boy pulled It off my head In, the .street. - fly customers whet PO &tell Muth- AS' tereepted and compelled to surrender to a rule, the servants *e Sent for the egg*Hsupertor forces, The,trtain body of the. and threw it in the mud,"_ "That's not / so, Ina; he threw 'the top in the Mud or to order. poultry., and each month a itglitant was embarked for service te btu is, torlefirdete.it,theAlotiliof.eitee4171:716floo,„3...two.„tiondrett..„,..p.rivatenion 11141* .61.4er. a eettY letter tebent right. - I use luus, e and teireeeewere tried .by. court, - leaf binder's tor (he Math reason: leatHuntrital. mid shot,on..Toever Mile Their A story- is lokt of It Judge -who had t alt closed eczema% are -readily remov- veeetaree was regarded -.ea murder by notortons_zeundrei he -fore him. In ..cd, getting rid or ill dead matter. their kinsmen Al, the • Highlands, and the couti,' or Itivexamthation his. Ikm— While I da lict-*-elahn-peefectlea- torwhentw,o years tRteetho.Whito Cackad.e or asked: "What hal hceartie Ot your the- OM on, I tin very Otthilred was donned at Ofenfinnan,..the store f assoziatee in your early. life elf edifier* Met Le le 11. simple and yet acieerate_ the entertyrikun of. Ito three_teoleetere of "They'vealt hanged," seer tee-.ierisfiteettc Tia:Werrage ttm Intnrn"-' 114- wta Win -L -4n w..'ha clansmen. Tile pride ter the Highelane 110157:i,- .._cte.s*kirir„t 174-11- lustrafed;,-by otto taken Tiri during the not.- 41141 -w-lott--..0 story ,of -two••privtites. Whet the le. of. „strongest men that ever •••14 lir Per these -01:inte. Iti*.e4 ItOtin good family -were selected for banish, -"Well* Fin a bq't :ain't Jr due me. Ittehnrit 1 knaw Islet haw the quest of eieorge II. were sent to St. pa?" Pailtereeelehat mattes you tezi'k husine..'4 is paying. This data, gather. edeezteh day, requires very little -gime. tut at the end of iltit month atid of -the year Iteve a complete work on poultry. - ' LIVE stoat Notr,s, --frreiritiMing-ttorsw,itit---hOT Ise tised• by met fartnets. It is a waste of hay tine exhauets• the digeellve sysieut .04-resulte-io.seating coats labored reathingi,-„, When starting to keep-iliers,"11 ,be ritit to corninence with, too insny-tab onies. A half &ten in WO arranged hivos would be sufficient. Learn '46 'llandie then". Al 1010*i-edge Is -gainNiri, ploy can. be, onlarged:td. a profit- , eette b.-„tittae very fet4Trit% con: diming *inter, it tc4 101 .119,1 they -Witreotr,iiiiie,f±the-Aaieeorifelfitee t to produeki'stroliet vigeretot To 'Meet *Oh ant MI it is net ,00tt begin- With the' geese", Itlit tiiatang preparations for the prhug. ,s.1111, oft tho prain and put' them on 'bulky AA, such' %as cut eloyier, iiirnips, or chopped ezthlrage. but and gieheitea small pro at V # 044 4 f101t inUi *b C1*5e the fOOL aid. (1 tfl1 r 10 . Janie& 'Palace, where. they showed some Met question, trriladiiintgUetigilh"obtv lloillittil- tie the national sword exerelsee. On 01 was Nat Leaving they were Oven a &ilea altireee bridge:levee the Rhine, - but these privateeeoldlete asthey stradee ter• nnerthnr II *relit to OK. 1 1414 t al, the door. -• neuter reedit brit pm cause lie isn't ebee be make good. e •tiie.wcakti ar you itt- tBe aviCng, gra OTC n • 11 It- -WO tit 1 :