HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-31, Page 5• b(4,44144.,tiv,ii,111C.‘4311;"fil.f..tt(Itirr61.414ttts:i4i' j)untp ?4 has btgin oted` tiirti)e 10441,0';' gent at Lucas. lie tot* tqteti 'tf-thetntetitro---Mtiodey?,,,,, ' r, ettoVeritift he 14eolt (trio grippe4 01"1- Cos-4er, leimotitts e iteide a„dtlye tfetie,$ • .isyouug n schciol eduestknitind In e t o '. With Ja few tiriell"will re, 1eat MoOt ' " ic)., e EIVII•al 4t11414b„"411211/C8 1.ri-ituor - Mitebelit. hL Mt old f tzta beeo Thlirsde Orth: 1tr Campbell*, wo k ot COrnmeree steif, krt. to .1)4vittoeen traosfeeret1 t r A ea Fla�ehere lett:. The- .fift.Ymaere. 10 **lodgingtit fieo.,-43 Volorodo, uniLt present oeciipled Martin 3quire, hea- been 4014„ to W ir for so Owlaere in the iieizbh • !eawk"to learu that she is rapidi go Victorria 0111 has On, ' t 1)ElAtu Aqui Amor,e' Wt. oat_ WI getting betters It illireper c to rak Jetzt !loess -Ault. ekti 4,1 Leavitt, has 13:4ttd. tile board lore it itiog IJ' 1144Lw4 r44 late' P.,Itotr,„ urid atthe Mid (tee of Amos'. teWer • ec esti 104Y 444 tettOhed th nt e4rs-aisdis• totlitthei Uough dtatb.Vree the.reseit of old age It Wee hastened ecinsidtrablr by.a.teeeltt -kte" g4arlet'4 •Mlote.1%ie.-0" ter Artust'000 the bvansoti'.1.100 *W110 for -the two titre ,h4chterttenehlOg in Se 001 s ctioji No.1, Morrie, was given a pleas rt -from her former. pupils' a Vealltit Ke-PletetintOrailvivrhert aceompanied,by in addrese, Ba lieldt Jae.- Attwood de were 0 v-11114• - ceased h(td been employed In tree. ford and arrived home ill *bout ten .weeks ago. .Typhoid (ever developed nd be lingered'between lifeind deeth for the ten weeks stated.' Tho-fOner- t4rutookapyiattee to Ihrfield ceitetee C!inton -A--wedding t-tenit-y quiet and loteticittat only by the: members of the fawily was thatof Miss Your housel , not complete shedif• o itrnot- eithee rg • and see our etc& and get ourprieetr. -- a essential with us, Every - ng in the construction of Our "eeesfashaped-vrithise • view.- They -are made to keep, -time and give, goodt.eetisfac. Te't er after knO edge,Awl. bovo all, poteeased ofswonderfully • . In 1843 she married Isaac Pinkham° builder And_real erttate eperatm eta „thefr early married.flfe wa Marked by. rosperit and happlitess. They Thad • - 'effend-ex-4fielth • In those gothl—o141--fash1000---daYsit - • •was comancet for mothers to task°their, own hem° medicines from roots ond herbs, natures own remedies -calling in a phyaleian only -in specially urgent eases. By tradition tael experience many of diem gained a wonderful ,knowledge of ., the curative properties of the various roots and berm. Um. rinkhato took n great' interest in the Ishtar o root e andixer their ehat- , Ps as na are so • 4.40 fully prOvides in the, harvest -fields and -* ea, if we biittake the isms to find them, In the reotatuid herbs of the field there are remedies- expressly designed to cure the verities_ ills and -weaknesses Of the -body, andit was pleasure lorscarch ..theee nut, arid_prepare simple aisi effec- tivo Anedieinea tor -her own family friends. ./ Chief of these was a rare , I cf the choicest -medicinal roots and herbs I found .best itdapted • for. the cure the and up -f Ma and wealtneeees reuliar to the female - SOX, and Lydia .E.„- nkliam's friends and neighbors -learned that her compound . . „airt-iffltectsuict-Jr_h_testme p,4 rAtmo 2 - All this so „Iiirwas done,freel withoutE. ey Are e s -a e Anus low prfe Oall and inspet our gen ---- • TER, pxtrxitao ,Roottotapouni. groat Uterine Toeleottid tila* etsictaat meethir Itegalatoronsvekthiroaeinoan twee -441. sold In tette Of ittrenete-No. "4- etj, Oeineeistronter ea: Mkcheil:NerinairSobaule who fot hau-endtied good le,theMitchell.banel, was made tlfrrecipient of A handsome pipe case iooking,,companion by the band on Att-ketlay • evening, previous to his leaving town. , • Jolifehellt The, 'dealt' Occurred on ditir44.tdri-ry E. Levy, wt re:trce, in her . twenty-seventh year. ,$he had been Ailing for *boot two weelts„ but little hopes were -Weld out, for her recovery at any tithe. She bed been it -ported nnly it year And it flettitiol her has end she leaves_ fia*-T.,••• iJIaudboy It )1' E4aery returned to her a.Oredlltoti Atter a oleasant vis thri honig 1.14r. `10. 13town. cr.mCniiwo s t 'Sun ay CVCDIflQ .nu set 14)4 011141. 41., ?lite el.- Alit'filtidoit will.organiz. thee. Hp-. Orth toeitgue in the S. etbodi*t ehutth et. .104,1,sy evening. es 31r. "Ana Mr, ihnere entertained 0, nortilmr of theft *ettiltY Moodier eventott.,t-Mr. Landis - rough %,df 64irdlen9, N. IX, it visiting lendsatotind the Mi'ag- gie fittitef9 tote bsen donilnied. to the bottle far A few 43.0 owing to * ore vdd.,11.1 3nn- ri - t.'46 *ken is tee° veri Whet 411V(th It near 1ont 011 iIt' It'04,-.-.11101 K. 0: T. M. Lodge .s.ettlet intend giving tr ditece as Tinteshey everile tn*r f.,'tito here eattgo tho.Tfl )tvir -tie-herd 1'011'0014 by ,in oyi p' oufty oreutoz. k4tootiteeturnt14. nt *lilt ,vithltiehd mit toe Ottiet held in. to on tot' sthodist chitreh* tollo o ove. • ielengthned 'everity much for the large real estate interests of the Pinkhem faintly, as this elates of Miaow iniffered most from fearful de. preesion, so when -the Centennial year daa ed it found the • ro Lty awe t The rinkhame- -had no metier, and e cr�diL Theirfirst la.. tEn,whereroots.nl ler, - teepd on the etove, gretleslir fihil bottlek Theo -came the quetion f eelling it, for alwaye before they had evert it away freely,. They .Itired a lob tinter to rensaff wine pamPhletli *Abbe Orth' the menle of the medicine, new es11.0..1441e.:_&...killkheitejt_Veetahle., wero the Pinkham sons, in Boston, . iCW York, and 'Brooklyn. • kind d.41 tA '11 IA MOtin au1Ttcite1 by tbe eosiuip- tio*-uft1we 'in • the, rtmei by suuift as Mit* AVelthati hasp*, ,iie4,1410-4,4 .0. 31on. iu Ibe Jeftevuutn ,hente .de • • Theredied Itt,kii P /01 . Uenr, 0 t n I w iVer'heSiteett lattst $eiting for aevers1i;fe.0 oe,,,, Brenner .141 .1; Wel- curative prOperitte the medicine were, to 4' great extent, 41v*Wfinig, for wliceeterterectlic• Mx -evicted it to others, and the,dennto graduafly hiereased. - In MTh by combinpl 'efforts the family had • Saved, -enough Money' to commence eamaper advertising and from' that tinu wth;aod *moats of the enter • tei, rating" rs.4. cobtftr- t bride on Wedoesder, Rev. Joiliffe WO. hicIfvecintecl- at -the home -5 orthe tsen„..oLLashbarre Seiko_ iteelleld: Geo. Meet has disposed, of hislivery stable and °lithe; hiedwel. /tog ho WM Of ftfty ariftr on the • ndon rood 'a the• 1.mina iTair•VinI1IU'S ilermseirrs k d her Vegetable havithecome_litieseNTC w • ere1 11 many tons of roots and herbi are osed annually in Jot menufiteture. • eee- the greitEittreeCti-Of this work.She tober reward earsggo but not estassottau ing:herork aa e „ea -oho -mid IT -- During her long and ;001,11141 exieri. ence she was m'rer methodical in her work and she -was -always careful to pre,. serve a record of every etise that came to her 'a.ttentien. The. ease of every sick woman who. applied- to her for advice - and - there 'were'thousands-received =dui OttlaY and the details, including symptom -is, treatment and results were reco ge ier on o - tteinsande made since, are available to -tlie - -sent se Vast collaboration of inforneitiOir reevanling the treatment of won1an's ills, which for suthkitieity and accuracy can be intraIed in any library In the - With Lydia E". Pinkharn worked -het g • - . onvent r: to ,be. found. A‘.`---- int ..:Lydhirlfilk 'Vegetable wile Mode knewn kith. world. The thxee soni and tl*dauhter, wit]; Downie:. One Of the oldest reeldents of Perth County, in the person 'of R. Chotren, died atthe family homestead VV'ednesday. Deceased had been ail. fog for a few mord* past, but it was not until orate retentl, forced to take to his Nov 21,t t4Oliglittiting 'to this emintry, .eettling stanio., 4n4814s, 'Ptrm'wherft-141- .1134/4'ia'W'!' riitintiffOn4 Imes:arm y-,73,219 her-liardswon-losowledge,-sind for years she milked her in her vast corres. prdenee. To bee hands natnrallifell .the dfrecs tion of the work when its i originator • n th--eWoikisho-- ws whirr -the *Lydia Pliikhimi dro.• her . i and the ciunneuw r,,,,tnydesudej9erneinteseelithoesed,Htove*_etteitivoiall: Joseece o viOnely. -, 13.rentiOr. ' also s), -0"13 • . i ' vhit'ha n- el_ n t - ' ite prevalent in Oar ,tetter life *sided itome ',boor, - rniis luts returned to tOVirWesLa. gilt , ,thathe had - *tied fool th's to* '- been y1r9(14' LOndon• ,ante ' h la quitecoldal04 00 'examinetiort.'revOels' r., '800theett • , tee his Itrife, one ,wektog ' notice -d, -. he wee ' I . Otsit-ugailii.t . L .•.. other- to c t n ' ,.., e 'I ie -meal , 40,, _. ne day- worai , Ortega Abl1I-for-0 tweeted to )e, pre0a10,t At the 'Summer th;r•oeouteed ' 11.1 0°01 here he coining summe .-Ther ea .infant son of Mr. and Mra; Ieicy Mol - lard of Brewster. The little one tons traded a Old fronithe effecteor.which It dted. The remains were laid- to reat in ,Grand Bend cemetery on Seta y, filliir Nolo?, the Latter Day Saint+of. eating. Qur sympathy goes out to be bereaved.pareote„.- imeeesdoe, celelifitted their silver _ 410$70n,erearf-0. lest. About 100 guest') Were witted, meetly of the older generation, and .sll-enjoyed-tjatostleeLVip&sjmhlyi,An Ttowreetttilejlottl cough cebutgthlrtoi r.br4up trcol In e f�ftowin *blebcan be ohteineif .O'fany Jr' 4• *caption .drAggitt. at smaU cost, is that wilt be required:5-Vitgin OiI ot Pine (Pure), onchalf °Oman Otreet%,.. • .• ine, two ounces; good Whither, a totif Tpuintt.das*re4Stekveetizelnii_fillte:nuptit 1_40,hitoltir1490nt'tti:tsitertileite:.: ed u- --the-ingredienttestriAnire.-.17 therefore better to .parchette, 'the in* , • gredientv%suwgeealat:_telvviargoldn_liiItxtermfr etittbss,: mixtti(Pure) eiti6744 be purchased in -1g1naishititnuv a a - which. dr' t -vviai,Is- eecurelykeealed tnit• round Witeden coo, which-Oroteetsthe OIL froni expos'ir*• , 479-ellent Etuppor Was erv . "on& a Iratht:-----Xfoilifa'-fhe7woottFii-ifil:447-10,7 p gratil rendered, p,Tins-Wmaihttiri an -engraved Wre . per with the. Orcheotra elabited.-Materielly- :_tbe Ina (Pitte).',-,iilaitilr--1 evening's enjornIent; 'host an printed there° . 'There ate MAO' frets 01..po.,4,1•1111VAr 41.....ft31441•441;X1414,111.f.111•XtIlltill4.41414444,44,.*••••411 thatefftizetbsired oent e. • e OrtrY1607“ • • IIMT:1 precietedan he'sriie er ' leature.;- To . wan' has Already t nt4tseas lt..4104411-alitiAia-ve-t .eoritreet of, taking the mella from post ofilee'to the station for the Teat: Staeiley,L4Irs„..,Virlo..Zeis,Sr.,_aged . „ 0'. ' Irttitille. lielliehr140:4')',. Line. u Monday at er home 11 had been '01%1_ 1, ••"4.P.,..1tM C • n ' 4.1andcrn:onaay evening passed•feeepfully atistY:to„he at rest,foesiver. She leaves to ;mourn heir toss; one son, Rufus, Keys of the abylon Line. -rand one daughter, Mrs, aumel Peebles, McKillop; On , Wednesday evening aninteresting event was celebrated at fi home of Mr. and Mrs.,Telfer. near Alton, when their datightet, wats united in merrhige, „ toles. .Far- tpilmon, os erous farmer of this trosPott of Seaforth. . The important ceremony • 101-rfetwated.LtyAlev..-A.--,Mcbliabh, PArlthillt Web, Welch, who drepap. peered from town shoat two yeere age and or -whom his friends +eve- stove had nn e:rord, dropped off the three nieleek-ftsilir on Iforida?, Weedloss to LV hyr appearance causert:considt4 trpieser-es ell effiots to4oe intl.ffd7heew-_,nimileeessfol. tle he. •-rift the emit andsouthern Statek - I - St.. Marys: John Jickling watt -calls -ed-away on Saturday after an illness !netting a fere week*. The late Mr. ackling_wasimirp-tWO milee.....eaat of t ocrnpied toy bis-RonJohnthe year 1844 and resided there contin• ra. - sun now •e r o a Inge. am y, too z up t „ e mune 0 , 0w e<, en iankily_OinciiitfLi0.01.1,14L141,090; A. 00# #.0•ALOA ip.b111-12* 4 telt the preaent Ini. Finkham contixwce_ e er liesmatILious, greatwork, and probith ° sold his farm on the 8th con., toh a office of no other nelsonhave so tosur -neignber, John, Bay. -The farin con. women . been advised how to ivtaln t health. Vick women, this advide tams 100 acres, has on It fairle good and the Price is snid to be "'oursfor HealEh" freely given If you hoildititts .,400. Mr. „ Iti his home tem Such- is the history •hini-the owner of 350 scree of as 'good Vegetable Insdelitire ittottes tam be found in Caned*. Me, aimple roots and her . the one Hannah intende moving to Lbe-Nortb- rnedkine for wonien'.shnents, and the • west in the spring. , "1E1 ' 1itekeremithr5i1e4Perdoe itIte die; posed of hts' farels on the 8th ' con., which he piirehased a yeer or maga vtorytteifroefogntitfrom Thos. M„ Grieve, to jett:Ileto AROUND ABOUT US, tore*, hes on it, a wind brick house and Intik hirri.' -It is* firatehies farm end AtAgaii‘11/1"61621k WOO 0014 tor. ' Mr. -Ilerrtc gets at he was. • ,posiesslon *bind theist -el Marc . Mr. e WKS horn "into!): MrsllaiI.h*4:tbefliisfor. Gordon hes tuirehseed Wm. Tornees itaVI-Sincere regret is felt here At the untimely deeth of one of Ilabornee $4 phisgoat* idlitylgItter 'Enteti-tithie-i7IttretrIL it- -Us 011$1-111-artha- Ikretta. Ta Inv erv •;.• c n. e "TW(1411*-ereht -Kee at thMiiittOfd hOepltelzsehere she w as taking a course in niirsing. She wa 22.yeere, 0 months and 20 days old, Miss Taylor was in -a rather rim -down condition when she CAMP home for Christmas niter a bard year's work And shortly -after bee return-. to Stratford she Was taken ill of fever. Her condition was not conaidered, ser- ious, --hut death eatne very 00ddenik Tuesday. • The remains have been ght......tri_theAmarer tuLhont,se. froiil ht1iflff1tpbxce• - day. at 2 o'clock to the Zion cemeter ettitninOidtr-elftelidWri pally 10 the bereaved fainily, °PPBP.' 60ES, INOANE. ,,Totonto', Jart..2.1.--COnsiderahte '-- v_,itetnesit was -eatuied -Eaton'iketore- - thelrWerth 4411,10eSt- last evening, when, a Well-dressed wo- man' become suddenly imam- end ha to r en- n e arge- e. po wheresihe4aver-herlieineits-Eriiily-IL Avery, 'of Seaford), She could not tell -where she wee staying, hue Said she bad been here for two or three days. tr. nick ,Afferover fifteyeata of "succsa they ore prone. 1111 .L.411*..0.+ III _LW 11E1'*tttl'IWLVIL ere 4e1r etn.-• iteasal freerni moues vestravasete.wisasse.oise lbt mot mit* IMAM ° 1115rWiat • imuotAW" " OW' WWI* It ta prarr. tree:ilk Penhale of the Bivoldn •4041,041,,m,„,ce,noletrer,44,014,44 iessistenteteirsta„ UOrr 0011610 Of toiVO't thOjt place on Taos'. Ails* Prof gr, The:death occurred owthe est of rehtunty. • day. eiornieg At St.. Columbia elepoth.. ber hoof*: Monday, . of, Mrs. A.adro_nr Clinton: Charles liellyee while Dublin., The...bride, who :PAIS given ' town . st the age of 44 155tott14 watching s.,ganot of hockey tile ottoit Awslcilv 'NO father, waie ottitod .in tenetd had been etsoubled with her eeemig received a severe with on the white silk, with bat 1.0 aviteho nridWns heart for tonne time Mit' had not heerr shin by being bit by the pock. assisted by milot fileCoi sister or Aerloosly ill until duriAg tbit 0-itilkttbree _Amman; " or tour week& • ShO-WYttrjiaitilghteV 9 h nit ritlY went !min' here to New tlortotf Mach; el Jordon. 'while WOW AMA n 41.4tr 4,44.44444441, P4414_14. • 11 - tot -Y7stlett ,Liskeard, arts 0Pettinta a branch :resold*. Or(1113) Set flowr girl atsretwarirougapewae ae: II" 644 teacher. ml"r" Stanley: john and ' Held - marr!ed to Mr'. "*6 In 1883'; nses411' Ar-chitsed the fWIIIIatm arm of Mathew tee a family of' taxi She fit intnittied _ _ „ her JAI -sot& ;:_tt.ttr!t.,.„.r_t,,,netjteelrj_.teeeyy'•t•-.e,„lteplem, • - • eivetioavvinvAorneitnikx5..wefulTcrw ,-enlotirbroberaPnetti •by it Tei ineettngWes . tit deckled ea- . he ptoteed* *mount. in to Her* ThOelae hiaf.irewell setinori in St.. JArnet church Sonditi !Otto rt. IMOremelt. on.' Aft a mark' of,their a 0 Worth and the high . Inowhieft-bele.heldthy the - , tion. he lege preitei SO , labor in.Wstaiiioille Farquhar. A'rt. StYettett.eeThe 'notelet nnller the tiiisPices oft Oaiirt f«, held In their kill tate on Way night, bt.st **6 & tuoit delighttot the Money. • • • forth: L.Langittoth.met *Kb A palatul Actiaerit At the: furnituiss. fed, * few tleys, .ego, when he biol. Ivoth thotabii.,Int, the top of one belog taken or. ys LondonRospttal on 1ridar of daughteeo oot�, St- title, .After an zltneu : • will gM4li ab diet ve telt rdllatr soft. eiMPIyirgit4 Uktinsiralict it° tollowiti 0#10irtio your- Otocess Ft0 a TO gotondvillet, Mies Addiiitranghtic .ot Donald fltoltetitkon4 fortnetly thlit iiulnge, hut now !lying in Drought*, Manitoba, lied vetMtly, She Wit k few :menthe. MitcheU: -Carl amigo. tit' “Ounnte' , Al he WA* famllkrlv kilOWti around 1 Le p r v nn Wss n1iitt1, r� ^stnging, rta11ngs