HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-31, Page 4,,
C& q4tv i alto,/
1 bee0 in 1 'k brsp.„tijt otlint „11
where :
, 4
... not tou pie
Intletwent oh '4) ion will be o
1,e441:0 tht 11
jingwd re ion I ' ate*,
wt It;trtdrae Owl
ryLce fn S. 11
auiniveraiy rvkei t• BOWteen -
It . ttOt our
ly Went*
, 4 an
• e•ga'eat I*yntI in. e
„4,rthor SimpoD
Olosarkt *tat to
d * Chas. t
one tt o
4onsyan ii
,4000 *Mt
rnplete ttieh tnk•
fino w Oro
.unber uf ies%dents long'
pbouein. tbeir.o
4 :W. thhitm., :”
ngatthe hothe
vhetibeh eiTvIng
. --014410
000177410,14t4 litneee
.P4ithriktikti 144.104 bas
h*e.hintat In Watford. -E. okYth
basgone boocloo *here b,
-position as barber. --Wm.
an his returned to blsbome in,
rim of Sat.
a, Mau.,ftet
these parCs.-The wind 81
teit blew Nassau
Wes ho insurance On
sYmP447 (.4 is,rn
itotgnt rhAite bile:114"d °Re
os nod los and
oirth, oodn/ea
npaon rahalb
were o r
Digo, e
bry orchasiog.
ud frorno pleasaiit visit,
4atoto t
;feflowsin-tbe. etteetcar.Jast4:0
etting-atvinsul there ,„ ther-
deeire for notoriety ' or a
to-teatbed , her elan o.ri two at °nett.
:,.;:otteahddid thernther,411
dents11y taugbt the,edertateeke
•oji not to be gotteti,, •
1 rev e
Ciivling4 Jr., ot Exeter-aosist.,
, :Ttlecht,tte of the'hedis.it chetvit,
•bez!e on &rnday. He also rendcredaW
exc4lont whieWV441:0001. eppre.•
, Prati.)11.00teti
tippirqk he* 11
derneia t
porter; forest attendant ,OrOtliae
• servant. VioIaton of -the meisure is
nunislettileibtalltie of frow , to $500,..
The :14*, should become warld.wide.
ipping loot/toot the biggest cutaee �f
•modern: Ofellizati66
By Ott,4eativot. .Hon. Andrew Geo.
4.174.040044:410$: .ttr*al'
• AI a in
Of •-tion and resigned 4'iwltb
eo.„ otheni_411.11e4ville,
hoeenturfeaderof—,_ the,0
the '.0Otati# LOgisliturelhe -p•"
slot eessiiiii, 41yettrkota6 andhas. represented Leeds . county for
years. In 180110, Clitaltarn ren uh.
eoeccestelly • tat the present
inter, nom . Whithe Now, sig.
Oppositioirwill /tee
editor of the Brockville loco
• torlarger 'Provinehtt-gran
scbook lower pr1a-to
teachers.: laet nluned bus beer
' -sured by. ,Whitney :,
their proilding for Norrnal triih
forall toiebils'Iy l'oerentio* the'n
.berof Not sc ,
*tnthe ex
, •
bet, the prices i
"be Iowered conald
ir appetite a trete with
cur 7 tied t
„beide Iva* beant ati
priiyer book. She *ill—attendedhit
r Sister who was also gowned in
** It -0,10111e tbe groinsbrOtbeicf,1444
acted 411 beet Ms% Vben the cere-
mony had, been • t
0 cowpany of Iiitodn
,- n
w e a rnost teuipting and
delicious re WWI ifter
. .
whith a vettpleaseet t, _Pent,
4010 gatoot at-tbit nUtnee0110; e'estly.
And „dainty gilt* vrlitch'INSE4 Presented
' 1 Wear_sue„,,__.”
wAM 4.1 a wt•er aft
tar Tiiesday evening.-Lagrippe is
still, .. quite p1evaent toldat.
Among the number who bave bera.,
*uttering 11,0104oz vff
. Mrs,. A Voolitilio nos -,1
re around egs.10,,'
has been visiting
Mr e, 'Dolan, for souie t
en 4 visit t� ,friebtli* III
Gtanton.—A number of
V8. S. U.ivls,
ate that they
ar daughter,
44 gene
*r Yuan •
• t-'4--Ws`ure great Y
regretted by alt. Gowned In a" band -
some ts'ev‘ilinggoWn the bride; with'
,hgr.hAineta lett outhe evening' train
;tot a trip to Londen Detroit and oth-
pointe, after w lett the'', will reterb
rior to leiving for thaiii,future,- home
0 the SVrst. The best ,wishes Of the
r4").10,104401. %wed.: to Mr., and
rs. Uonnesstiy and may tha07 futurebe fflled with .
;newton -a preeperitY.
'At Memo' t Mooresville .to.mght,
Ore'clay4--oire:baire '•experien.e.'
he past few depot .tind with ...sslittte
Ore snow we ,wo4114 have good sleigh.
bein , • ,
;ary .services of theM 's • • lat-clai
et* ao447-andAlloni,
.T.Ite„Tpulpit,WASOccuPlistoOltie. :
etitopsOled Was pre.
Seot,ett.'kilth,-4]bnodsoin d
OiblrethAsslor,or ;• toss,
er..TaNed, Iserviees; 1,41nras
soniethlng etw
far -Winnipeg 'T :Edna:
'N'eelande is vistt, ng, rein re* in Toro
,t0 404 .Georgetown. -4. W. Ott:wain
404 wife visitedfAende in Zurieb-}lon.
.40417,Alest, WArener apent
Sunday In M.
suiptwo.,01Irrolkom Dino
tie-;;O:Sti4r01111 !embere over Sunday
ed 4 lti4t Rev.Pear of Pateter who' Preach.
interesting-sermene, while the choir
furnished excellent thiritic., The Mon-
thly evenideo antertainmentcons sod
of an oyster -04 Ppet And s Pro rant•
The supper reflected great e
e-pregratir--tetws br
one, co•isisting, of apeaches the
flealganctAW-1%, 8;-.1:116
recitations by -Miss KateElHott and
'fed litict41B/dret«-Theratte
very 1 e atttl the proceedi:
r inFtnitt
of the natie,'prov. sus of theeducittfoo-
I law, the geirernMeht "ir114 In $44r,..
tion to ret*ntng the ortrierant,
as fore,:make an ttnriemdttionsd.
grant of $180ersointito,tetettch- sectionr
r eau pment aij *ucnmmodatlonan
ettlashities ilkhottile
t t1
proWnee *Hi reci'4ve $390,000 tbts yea
-sit again
W. Robert Robinao
octor'a out% being lit of ta,
'Thome* Coward- isitledill, fro
liarne distaste-A.number
exits' attended,the olitti- -*reedit*:
Zion on Priday...4804frot 0114 you•
•-*___:.Lints_pfr_firot in -14r
• night to the o
eritertainett uttilier;
v tt pgar.ago.— sses
Mattel and o
about rortrtriehtis 'Thursday evening,'
Mise-Zellett -English-1d
att Itiktm.„tviende
• vep�rt it go -• -Rb. Ridly
Gernutte 1404 Rijfus
M�Pbexsotr, who have been-
are recorerittga.e.Tbe Patti:ears', ;natl.'
ture Meeting Will beheld:tit 0,„I1,. WO.
ofabjLr on - Fab,1642 4'4110- 1:044
*bile thelndienstill hold their meet.
ing in Vtrilt4n,* Bali ati.44:4.,:aalpit .4014r0Mrs Pr-ioe will *ddroae the ladies -an;
has placed,* phone I/04:400i*
h Eogiand i•
of 1 n,
very liiti'resting phonograph cat' t'
in lisectictbii14 Thwand elle Were
ilt4igbt"tl Witt tire -1114.4f,nd,,s•trtgo.
TAllene attAnd 0410ity Citatttlii
iutft31, oniidtriviraleaset. Wet-tsit tits)). ebitte,itntY 'itolteethvoi.,
Cootiell it tnimber, otyenrii and ,well
eves, this exidted honor. -..A 1*
ei»itygavejae. R. VVItion it' it *
,10•4 with peanful aceident trildoy
* netted Vuteheived h yog
botee And Was .loidtnie..,It along tha
- r-ni4 but 1u' -n i Short dittt-tittleotrt
OE 11 Wilsons the sultrool In settle WaY'
lulled Mr. Kirk Over the buk of tbe
ogitY.,,bt.eakhig his eoline' hobo; •
Han 'tetegtatibitt•for andori
.bilierrivat that • Ihjered,tuan's -wounds
Were qutckly eftertded-to •and lie was
11 14,14,1.,.
•ed.-flev.ct Mrs. Rutiel1
ttlialrA two
old frienda were
ph co heat then* Agelh.;,,The s
'8atoek and Itottaetkil4 erect* of the:bite
Itifkleitot* was Ottid by publicaut.
two Thutsdey Wiltien,Avery
thing brought, gond. t ce*, The farm.
wnepureineiteit by 1,Viti.AV6Iteoltio. for
i*2,14,411Ner v tot 1,ls friends.
the anhiyerini aervice* At. Efillsgreen
bite. of Ailatt•Oraig te
Moiiday Vv•Poing in the -rink -.. WM;
enccess both linartelAlly and otherwise'
Tite ire was in eicellent cOhditioo an
•• • -
activealso irn • .010._
. Waaeztsn. to
faIrnIly 404 ltrge di
!1ibOWed 1?, it uUght
was deztrly beloved7
nyr,44444 winnlngdispoal.
Many hearts are h .
de.eplotle of SOL:dleara :cent:4001On,
•ictreen-reetiter• four a„ re. A
• elth*-16'lleflr on.
On -Wednesday berviee was hold
in Pretbyterian thurch,Which,
it Otittitri-ReltrStfiRK
.oMehting after-whieh the Tet04104
relaid tores ,
tieeve•Ilawkehew hns turned vim'
,att-#0...ding ,Vounty,‘. . ticit.-..Wil iftm'
'Pettey has gone Ii)... Winnipeg, ,. where,
be will travel for the. Mooney. Ilisettit
'00.„,4$41Ceese V?
ccs norm
:bad's lino that hatehed,ottt Aa chick .00,
o" be ha
'011,4"414$00.• ea
datio,.21, -
for Totot1tO . .
r ex,, a a 0 4,4putto44.
ad,J. It, McCemble residence, -Joe
McKinnoopened 'n ; biitcher
"y1iasquit the job..—
eUng Or our Couhell
t • itillage,
is 1rPipez.s feurth,
0 8.9 en
r-4yertb _
has tendered liti_resigontion wbicti
e act . •ties ay, re g,
the newly- Appointed -moot, taking
"trier the position. Mr. Maguire -bee°,
alcepted•A position in Olintonohdwill
move there in the nearfuture While
,bere he made many friends and,
,• reiltea' einATANLA.
,votage Cottnelliersirt it test.
, A A
arm 144: •. •-.. , - a'ed-...o• 4APPUe4,- liPPti,--- -ea.
:.1)11.A. on. Alt points in the o ion; 'Orket-Tititain . and 'OM*
• ,
StatesTiht t, and !old, at loWest rates n 14xebange•r- •
ADVANOES wide to Partners, StoolK Dealers and ..)3uoiriese Men itt
to est rates itit(1. 06,most,UvoraMe.totosi . .. •
DE,e0.$ , Ipts.1,0*,.0.0 a04.bigbei4t current rateloeihterett
. , .
oseit4t.iso aeitteeirof h Pornitil00 C40:veri.)Mcnt."
' au h WI On :sit 'initint ' lumit,i4ii St, intt optvirtto Teceit.04,-- •Intei4t in.
nts at
Saving Lk ,- g a won '',Paitiesehititostir Ott *Tided' to %Mod
. —$04,1*ottibostSlot.
• ,,u1)., I
VA* nderson, tit cop.,: *till,
.47'rivIdi -41**,44 th-ve6roihr---thevtAltliltdt1104i7r, 111,4"tsountb;
12th on. -Dna in regent vritel.
a kriu .,tt",..e • e
eri711fer,n0.* badthe;,
side r •- Daft. -
P1404 mown o ----Poles are all set to
West McGillikorafand the wire Is now
,hetog,Struog on the new tetephone line'
from Moray to 'West MeCtillivray.
Mrs. 111°4,43 Reeder And Aire, Wily ter
porra More reeererin from
mene 107,-V-4 ockey .niti•teh"lietweett,,:
;Solar -tit -,and-tlertealt was
)4*ta.ln. the rink- here_ $4414417'. ,re.,
0,t4t2....1)ttrint the'recent'wto4.-
iit;oroc: OtioWn, smoke' Alta* fell spa..
,-.1.?tOkg,;„•,,,,PAV0140-4eibile potting tiP':itr
new one it telt and br�ke. It Went
thrOtigh •the root of the ;e0glite , Nom,
*Oita witi'eemiott pot of the poet of9,',.
'Bei with the Melt bag . he slipped and
fell, et ti kingbitiftteeitp;ttinst theatte'ri
and eitttiOR it eomestrhott
tilltinee: hco-lvAtt '14d,t4fdsity for everal
)44 '
Wm.. Sidle er and bride haws re,
tinned treat Michigan And have • now
tettled•down.:to the sterner realities of
Maid Mrs. Ste
-et Pineetrat
,P4Itie.-who hsbeen..the
unto fer,the Zerie
htlition and his fele
Of'her beet, door Witt 0vtreitittle°ly it
'weak_ *pelt And tell. She WM-At V/nce
assisted to t:tee bed and has oboe r•beeu
Atontile, to Teitie it, We trust b
may be s Hudion 1*
-, 'frontanattackM
G. Smdi
In tomtit;
'40c(tunt of ill hesltb
Aloud He Is succiedi
haws Annie an
'have **turned to
*tay herea-Peter
.weelt At float-11kb
W4ilter Ai
row South River. -
who tetchily underw
4tt the .bespitel
nicely from its
Avila and fir
he tartit tittring the present yote, Wilt
leo gettile fittietit of the seaaott'a•
lathettf e40eitt1y eelebratedntthe tith:
anniversary of their *titling dsy, . A.
gethet,ing tir-to pittleok -of 4, '.011100tiia'
Otilt/Itt t
Tattn- Oht4
Molest, tote.
for Andra.,
resign his post.
Oolio Zottio„,
."mrua ffeldem*Lo.
roitafter * brie
'iltiont 4pent last
ttetiding ,t_tou
has returned
ent An Operation
•rtdon,le **hover.
rt. a_v
itter.1 keit nianyfr
tithe with, her in it
Is0- here from
rt spent Senday:
Whit of Galt
st W. 1
k rit7,..Our curle
to-ParkbIll to attendthp Bo .
nil place for' ti
ird but-- won the Onnsnlatlo
,lze belngtiler pleeiht of cutgliu
Ostitig to 111 beaIth-Mr. Pit 0. Wrenlitet week.
oh Vs Nand
hnell; recent
thel4th tonoessiert,
ears of la
1.41V tetim
ereet ben
the Spring
contInet*d the
11111sgreets Stitldit
brother's terw.
reerotir. diepose
-pm' on; IFtf,:ifttlberN°
are highly esteemed by their 'friends,
WHO clectirdeinonctrAted by the bani.
• tsetthe*Leeeeletdr•elOir-Prldar
itt tbiTttion Hall, AtIsatrale, *before
Megistrete Smith, Anthooy Rowe. of
elected- etttumary 40
.toot)lellettilt Rht°tthbelitilifttortinaf:tdhn,Agforawol•
Of Those' A, Lcwis.,' 4th gond' on_the_
ter; w re-
,0Coni,g1rtlienre:4414ty CoObtii /le MAgttire
.teetch tecttc.noto 4114 the' Magisttste
ordered -the itentedia te, „return oV. he
‘s,it:oletitriferis *ad' JO' tea, #4 floe .of
M. Me1dfnster
Iskg ',end
Leo Charles.
21=A rliZZI
L'311/111 ILL art
berlesivorth who'
bis bit ware
n tkei
' lit
midst of We,' we
*th." Seldom het this been
Moe v4411140 it WO thie
en the disteeieln* nevot wits
VI' the Wire trent, London that,
third daughter of ti* loft
I liter hid died in Stal
neat! ns
16141" 111
1)011 and Witeni
tirttit 'Ott *60 '
of hit leg, • Hisuian
'pleet,tel to ktievot
40 well *woo "he 00);
trita here et, the
Lento foneter epithet Gledmatt ,81k
it go*ot taw.rota
wherAi lodge Holt
tirtiiieo,nt the time,- intor
004 d,.1Med hy too onot',, to lay