Exeter Advocate., 1907-01-10, Page 7„ Int that jit •, ;wall V•al , tier igiY§' aye' hLt " a • Pal, er ay '00 jitjm_itxt, thqn 'e -ot un oJ w1 ov, ' 4 in., Tiie in1,1-1! th' ,0 that th erftune of the Tuscan 110WOra Ofl 11 f ltad. so aryt brought to trodiriVIiatX nderneSt -ter-1111 d, choked, „sit - probritty wi ..it wilh, a . ukShola.b) , flit collie% inumPS bave robi tiresefilli:,:egalo.s.tiii;:e*,athig 'tiiga1is • song with the pia . . Ono se corV wtth mi.:even better than 'to rde4 eStVI ortitte., ntent. ••• • itear.," .replieS he a tiiWUrtats'S *Yes Atilt searehing the *Ilk% VOtlio VA -Mr l!*1-90 hitt ppeored„ "Or .course you are Otte tho044 1:10;*134:1117V11:11iii:14:4. °a: thottrb r:14:4:441.:4411111I414 a . . due to - A ae-" fectually vij he can neW„ To- en indlittess-r efl buflun-holing inc nakolhe a'out you" he 19 s fond% Of you.," o111nt4 changed link elle. • 414xi - tI11'.1I IV„ 'i drad 1ct. the some exprcssl ye-, toe udtLsl; orally ..besO hos tilt* bortin 0! lion. of'Oar, lize, o they are Ilat-74114$k•----11ovo-,, and banal civilities', jiret.mogloxed them Ur a at '1Alt-vatl itlattle on :erring to, to lit adopt.; "Au rah ii jieafly pre- .e.44tore in taw- s alt silent, ate no* anti again, ,short toger'nuestion, while her emu. anion obviously norratf0W-nal o JIM -himself, lit tlits last'obseriation., orWiti;g what? tells 1.10E41/ as' upon 41/4,inelle, does ilet• appear since :angrily that t,he.re '4:tre more stories than: .Maria,a,n&tho',.1,14.41.04.'via..!betWeeft‘ son; ••;,Why.,,"' betetiSo t .oleticat 110.'1'0004'0.4 In $iitnor:7444 Odin the' 'Ono M the,World; that. ti ts- rea. in the'PreVilictiet, Siatutd.., friend Is relating to her v*ometiling, it' sAlie -great slur droops, the 4.0tItY- triest necessarily be that particular above tlieir heads seems to give, lioinething ,whieh". he. ,dreodsso 1nP,X4 MOS its strong dean firesgibiy; but bo str,tims"hts ear as they Opint*,' The. rest 0! ihte'porti hao fl55 te• eaten noentemle1,vhi401 -mar re, eci swatout of -sight -and hearing bevt,y or confirrohis apprehmslorts. tie n '1114 V0iCiSOfo ogatn has ••nett to straln them Jong.- It is return* ..g4,rins.„14e.en-.„ g* 'it opPeartt, that their 'eagerness she r..vme tthrett;bas,:been,ougi Vitt - Rio:addition' or two rnen,',-; you 1 am zis -sale ns a. church; lr nearer approach reVeois w.,110‘ eltesen Might have -made a great, deal Merl are.BYO leads'14e "Of, nifsehlef In int -day* but 1 never 11% -tug antlitited, # s . 110 iS evidently an, old atipiairi-d,./ uot pretend to' be a PhYslotinOnitsli. 1-130g trO11$ orterttern.111 him- but 1t al(r.sti the first tiroo..1)sew per. - the • tear Is *ought .inetv: that they came Iron .rievonShire." ft tiortlY, elerieayzdred 1 assure you t am as Site as a.ehu.rch uret'whotirt,Iim itt ante recognizes 4 1,045,42egatrAhat tesita- Devonshire Devonshire elet*Intirt1b1.47'hidure 111. tion, alrea t*ttps'Inore Ciay thfil tellw g .ortna on u w out ins, , is into e oi $ an te-ta tbittered and *fidgeted his. Whole, daY-l'nesS ,01 Cecilitea asseverations of..ber ero then is the opperfunity lio -haS ,ONVI) irt1StWarthilleSS. Ile has .aireadY tight brought. to: '1114 very hand.?, And:, openedmouth-10 when- an et his, first (Relit), as he tms 'the com- •utteXpeeted7 interrn 1ion arrest$ tile , ,lack Pa,eing'.besiikv. Cecilia.; Is one Ilist • 11 4. iuent at the RcenneSS ;of 11-P13,, 10..901 "he'lanlY rticl it I whyt1in VI(,N to, .ausi Ic loId ltie anSwes.MA 1,101)449111,Y; is' at the tirand 1.40041 /11X1, .he WPS complaining Of „not being comfortable there, 'mid 1 was. vistng•• 4401 ., to move ,to another 1iOttI, d „he, sad,'1014••no,,:lt .wasItOlo worilt ni he -Nvas • leairing trigreng niorrow.11'- ..• • - .J!rn draws. A long ,breath,e 'and, letine, babfe'InbistornO-Of -the ihterei-ftwintS,, gained titkinfOrntation he sought. it bus coin to;h14.honi thfie 110 ng •Eitlest „ s. • "-So your interruption Was. the more •-pr0vekitti40 tontirotos•JAIlllei her -00140, 'Paton .pulling end ruffling ..its lea.; Ahers-at-the-tVtollettiort-'-of- her' .WronW *us it vas caxr-IttAi;eltartee---Of -Wein thWeirer.ou 11_1_; -0.2_'41Ar miltroat your. 'iRrileirrirdWeiTa • eit .and whit* 'AO %Mid not huve. told Inc only (bat he saw at onee •1' Was Wale: _ 4im 'shivers. lie had only just, ben in time then -only jUst 113 time to stop the 'mouth of ' this blatant . btiehblter 11) revintlA Place be e. ati (he tim Mr, %V. 11. gOrt was Freitf fair p $ as possible In ,PaZ etting fruit. TITO* our 0 30 $00tfs- near pasture* WOOS 1b11, ngrO, tbo groUlt et •42.1 Uie ground ,w ,for, trees lit ,qpening-;* 4Ouble myth, or hay and will be nble to bold • - Dy drWing the teain back in 1,40-'soMeithe manure ,•sproader,- does .,occellent. urrow-Aliinninft-zi-fintrow- out-the,eihert-Werki, -•ptilverite4-lind-'7-maltee-,-- the way and as deep -43,-40$504047----40.re, marthrer'llne and stiv4 time' and was tgen_tunake, the tgrrows stral • Id.' 004 lamer •• 'one. Who odOPL Mallta*Ar MS's* ILCli) AA .A*1,11104,4* _ Some. :Mule must be lierreweitin for rcasozt that they „gannet, puivert40 and Inuke .it Alpe:enough epply all puttntra, in the, spring on my' oung glover/ land have never niissed ro thel •Onest clover,- yleiding.:,frot to tvo. tOnS :per 'ago where I, lop- ed With Miniure.- That ilibero have 101 oirliat4 pays: Vie et a gond ow c , ,:sod,On4 you con gr evrry fernier Will fop-dreo tbito betnyard -mom ., fire- or a-lorger On aKnger row with tmci+orse plow every 14 feet through the dry settsolt. Th1SAsWitere at him curiously. , :"Are you *Old," she ass, "or did a goose 'walk over your grove?Why ato you shiver ?" , Ilo PhliS" • himself together. 1 woS Aivpring,".WaYs, compelling lainiseil to asslune.the Trollying, tone in which he is apt to address the girl Wide him, "at the thoughtof the ..peril I had saved you from„ Aly poor,- Cis,lieve not You ott.d 1 AWN(' enough already at the 1iaroisAtitte.aprc1t2 -She reddens. "Though. 17 do not -p-rer' -a-41015-27 Istk44.14stniiiiVe1esf subject, 1 LIM* you ,:have wornthat old .10ke- nearly off its legs." - ' • But, during the rest of the drive she tellivr, lament ovZfe her. 1 ' el(hrgyman. • •, .cre be -continued), - flow 11 Is Taught lo Abe Children .01 A writer in the Paris Malin tell's (1 some interesting' discoveries in French bisto as it is taught in ,Ilitssiert from biebench, and thrust himself Ron- ' -reM0n1owr,1y4Atween-the-two4n cutors. resin o er ga ewp y sine' an see .1 e •WLS rl t 10 fleflosAruardo vine; and ot lie ntiw brusquely addressing the girl; "you; stile* witit a shock or sum* that were riot Ahem with' us when we were, . • tirtr,t1 Ott' ben St liberty "te conver!se upon wbat.. maintaining the ,other .day 1 a• 06V ,.„ '0i,#VOr $MINR6t, may best recommend Itself haS to scent; come and smell itr o them. Ile is • absolutely powcr1a4 -to f "lV Is Initalnlhat", tecitiLprotests that' u.L.aifycheck upoiltheirl ralki, and "yet slielias„alreeilY seen .quito tis Much • of Iliis very -tidirterft ho may:1.43liefrtil;•. trifatviii,heg-lhatIsh -to her that story' , which Kit own neer. denied thepotency of Its perfume; mty 104 jurblotiv-htin to overbear. That her legs are giVing 'away beneath hePesse absorbed her .iroin fallow *Irmo bes her .re- , AWAYor dots de PI/ Alen see Burgoyne and iiis d."Ntrs.• riyng left ego, end Mr. 6rieni ' thither itt any *lenient ! a. thit' fondness !hat inight xnce ltyfarer to flavennet- is to the of his Florence., 'The second les:',Vorees are lower pitched, and their therefore les& earl 'to- sseerialo, thr re evident!' 'agreeable one. - Wag agreeable, ;hem -A$.110 of i,beir Wog, by their &tibia esr and eye, of the, nature 'he dreads., "fhey also ere so abrothcd in 'ti‘seh, other to baktet10-,ett ' to spere for , quiet silent peri�n saltng on Rio stone too .utor4.1 tho-optr tadiee; Ito . SWAY from ilia villa, leaving tlie•clergyt, ,ttuin taking off' bit," %It hot, with bottled and offended air of fmzw1L lie- istotiatioes- lint% „-Ceeill* Jo • llin be.' , . _ Hy0u rather CUt Your own Ibroat,r ploys, in tin affronted 'Oleo', "when you, interrupted roe and Mr, Burton se lisle. It; he was on the'petot. of telling rue something Very intereiding about your dear friends the Le Marchetrite; he know -about'Itiont; be ever sinet*he wee a -Even otiose Jirel$ 1.4 tilere come:A.*. 'dIktaste, al The f Alms nitine-thst even f� htniself he anly tutocitmeett ori his beerl's knees ih Ginty J13(,'0 pro • -Vvi IVIIC• of * hall iletiy keit) .he may erci&e- some Ahatta Wer ''reprat$'. 'Wee her life .Stititting .rogot pi.sitk1;t of her Ioverli,,,en4 turning ($ti itsfOtionalk h Anti ie 1U tota youdoug, very Interesting. *bout her •''"“Atiti; tit iiklItotrIeturOS Pithly;fte.bett'uot ItiOcc lust beginning *hen you riAh * bull in e cIlinathOP.* key tortNotsisivo ()ably ..riever as 'log le mailer the Mission language: fr-A-*--bistery-used--4 . ublie schools, edited by the nationel echo art.. essor • Y414 , • aLthe lotiowing vassage: • LOULS III. was a,good and peneefitt tter-trionrn anuiterreign- , . flVI choice' of mirdster o1. finance, be- died ,quietly.. in Paris, beloved by all his peo- ple. His death Iwo§ caused by a bent. The .succmset of Louts XVI. was .14 on, :Lauls-SVIL Diiting his reign the. hrave reyararmy, cotornaoded by Gen.' cePtured c0ntiniztfot Rio-Fteitell 'crown: - But --rho faithless. Napoleort-thowe& 'tendencies towart't misusiri I his •°wet ari1 was suspec nrf iring d Wiriest v.:Wines- tigairlat tpLe' legitimate ruler. With the help of Ilia MaiestY The Emperor and AUlocit ofsilt ;the Bus. .slas, his plans were frustrated, and be. was deprived of all his possessions,' honors, and rights,..tO a pension., 111,e. WI r • WO rind tied, a it,' PO!: ;distances along 1130 nG to xIIaIk .Ilio, distance we wished the trees 10 stand aPtirt in the 'NW's.' -11/2010.11ne.,w to another row a son as the As- soon, as these Preparations wero complete' we' cOMMented setling trees taking 2.5, or 20 at a 'Untoin 0 wheel borrow Insueli a wttk• 11? to keel' 01° roots covered, to prevent their urYloU mite One •Inan took etiaroor the hall row arik1. held each tree in place, also. Arad dewri the earth ee_the other Men!' battle& it- in with hoe,: LlsuaIJy !he 'trench was deep enough. OS Rio pIOW left it and wide enough, but net; Wei ittereasedihemdepth.terwidthrait-the so folding the 'tree- also 'Measured •the•411S. top from Die line so that when the Ow ..,Was all. set the trees' were in perrebt• line. T, Imes w re all hen :b ek either 10 n vhip or,,very nearly, otid broken and bilis",••Crepts ota eft:pravil irtitriefft;-, ng bis .land EiyfirnrT*ho won ( do, ;this, sliould sccure a spreader.- . Our bee/wail all the elements. o. plant .t0d, *lila:are necessary. tor any erop.... • -• * alarm* on :wheat land the ' &iOfl as alter .the Wheat J$ own in The felt .and. leave it as a Toulch,. t•il.nd .1 tan get (ramliveto, ten bushels per-- acre more Wheat' where' 1 topAress.-• For corn; I take all the Mo. oure out frOilf Tour tai A(X rtionthi 'ahead -of the plow; andwhen you. cre.-4,ta ,hurvest, 'the crop,. .you can reinillY sec 'where youhad, muietied the land. -AttaPPe ate1 WaS la !c to -breathe Oran.", thO pipo untiLdiilt • , , ' An • extratirdintiW accfflettt hoiipeni4 in Dublin in ISlovember, 1902! 'One, ottatt, during a thiel • fog a- cat?•, viAth:'/Ont ON - pie in • it 'drove strelpiit over the taw 1sde into the Alexandra • Basin. 1y ozL 0?=:miratIe The vehlaW eU_Tight • the mooring rope 01 a hip, the rt e ethe horse en Uia Thlsuidoei.f.ittiued cab. from sikin were 1! In Itis aki on tho ilte eon': •and tw.• _ 'hair* ser 'Skate . . n. Ally or ***beset at. ever -Itir Meet eun rel from • peaonal,-- eriee some 'desperately narrow -4 tatpV, ,004 'kr, commencing loh•Serettile.sTwx: Me:: can i.sel: 'o:seSa0Ure In0:::: .01:001t1h: Did 110t lose ever 1 per tent. on alt et yet escaped: . Xing. Edward; himself bus could ifiiiS-.set..Z00 or 300 ',Feet -a day„ :stood lit 'the very shadow' of, death and .that- spring-- Vo 130t-'--Peai'sl-4)1,11mstpitore-lban---onee-.-beenin -desperate_ din - +guile% (pAncesand ,c . - r. ped ma . num was apPited at the time or se ting. . was 'from thetil1ib1i-X1 )170.74t1toralgs x ,We sot currant -bushes between.-eneh ,s,iptdo . and again*.nboard ' Sir 'themes two trees alt.,0yer.the pi - ' '• ' , • fleelln •'••-.!_toi soon . as the tree seltirig ,wes On. before a •stifir -h 0eze-tho 15(4147- to • Itorstal.Syst.tin „ :444,:convicts. , limit, young criminalsare;noiv 'befog , - • -dun-atmos tre--of-41i WSW Pri$,•eit5--•:14,*--IneraVs'e311 iOfl, 111 wThr\1 .with ',la' spect Of a thrc:liff--"'t-lettrre bet re them, has mot' sitawn very 'g.tr: 'Evelyn ItttgglesiOrtee, nuifl f tho Prison „Cormiussfen. • ..svelyn InisS•roxiijal*,;tpuy,',v,diat, lsyst,..tn," frni belrig tisedini..11orstal Prwn and which is -applicable only to offend4s; between the ages ot 16 -and 21, .111O, in Official language, are .known. .-as " Inmate adult." ;Moro than„40‘. per cent. 01- Rio indietabh):,erffno Vri.loint$ be .holt14„ • s connultted by .3til-1/2g 'PerA - sons between 16 and 21, Y0r$ 4104. *41101* -betwc.en al and ,al per cent. et tile "..1.101.-`, turd criminals -uticiergoingAraprisort.:. vadualwihroutth a series ,titshort -senLxl:43- - For .the 4iene11t..414,.thPse4 s ..(tirs physical training ha$ 'been -141A) 4.1u4ed -into the -prisons In hat -g‘ Special arrangeinerits • are -made lures,ire given 011; moral soli -eels. A very ,elica i the Van.; to, Is choir ,practice Iwo far three times a week., The terAf. Of Imprisonment hat been_ divided. Into', three s!aws-Ilie penal, the-. ordinary. -and L(_1)?Cia1. A se11eme-01--intulmfor--- ..denLeanor has been Introduced at. • 16wi'ng Rio defender to gra U� 0 roin one sidge, to that ahoy,. . lei,istead-Itt 1ii e. 4 inning. urrows t e between. ted forcrop and we r‘y,IaootaniIr,titye$raiienrigtiri4,erddst onr,,gtkeeping.egropOfwhomtetigwatote3 4-voythinft4 0 4 ',Itev,1%."30from any,Among,oclebrities*110;14,4:10, arer ane tree's, Vo zot a rotor Of Cuthberts and than Charles Dickens, Ile was ,011 one, Shaffer raspberrieS between each two Ids reeding 'Ours and seated -in .11. rows of ireat. -These were friiited-sev. SPeels1 glsts'-trunit'd tour** just behind :ttra17.-Miretitttik*cr,thmtobt. Atie„1,1**11.tkotr':LIMIne------*Iieri--fbere-was--4,-,4errifict needed all the ground, when the.rasii:,Cririll, tOrrtea. 'wet*, rein° 'vett Alter - this -we' t/iruul#14be*-windot-*Lnd pferced the continued ' to knit ,the ,.tiirrantoi two woodWO,,lit just above. the grta1 novelists .yeers longer,. When, they else: Were re. head, - The driving wheel ,ef the eugine 'Inoved..,, Sloe* nothing' .lut:the trees, bed broken to fro 4., 711rollted-1#1?-1 1 Pd OtlitIVAtkot 1Cdont, slble each apying„ Then we cros* tiyatc willi aowle-.L Whet little -ground is lett we 'bOut-tylee.-Ilttrinr theree sow,. The berSe'Woeft is goneaver tiVery 'week ,Whert the,Werither is dry; 11 rainYt not so *item Thus we 'keel), all 'growth down- tilt about August :1 when St' thing else° badges, each or. w . alt-11--ertork, ratuity .on discharge. 'A. °special" er is enabled le mix gk' stntendo tali an - th tortiendatiort of the 'Borstal tonsist:wg.. of enthusiastic .101114 'barristers, the prison: .• .1nontidy,,,Anittialtejlitntstitta,a ed withthe Priteriersrt ts.only.whon There isa ***tenable presproV • 'vier • proving .'bhnsell -A useful Ahat rttn..136104 1,61 SePte.IXO is recozn. MIRYte v ' reek' yet'-e,t":.tilie Idmet .initO. Up, t. roelatmlng50 per cent„.., e* Media thtir char citThe bus obtained fuis,led the Pr'. loners to APP1Y, to sit :the the eountry- a lit• sYs iI,VGE `WARNS 'round . Strvilier• '01 bleated:and •010110111101 Oftlet In 0,1000 `.'W1141'Jfr. .;11*_tt* Granlharn. London,: England, Abo. laughter charge against lleibert tFel- ow s 'Chishrilmi * Chiswick arcliiteet,' "celled -so important ease, Abeetue* the first oetriSion on whieh Chris- 'til4ri StiettliA ;had been -.called- to et-, %Lint for the etinWhiti to eurifinen 11 Ireelef who ii,041l-'-111;k:triild ey' tn n .erdkI•of guilty offl "The lflW Iri dealing the,ce Waldron, t ned:,1 "Very iae1r ut1 th thei , the .114ti011, if ec4.04.1tt$'1,"" ' Therjlidge. the cns','Wu htd a•el a *tea Ott elite or the tienler views,' Ile prisoner* 11. added* 41;feelliktiol yuu tiV# eded ery Wrongly from ift tIttiart of whet was, right. En ot. ittithotgitti:, yois bit' tommititit a bttaeli, of the few, trihint it i * eaeirt; v1iich fiihoti 1041114.i_ dOtling: 'IttiveC tet alsoalong the,roodside, out. *We the fence,a tow of Yellow Spartisiti Vitrideo„ ,Sinidt„ ttipiitrour :cherry trees 24 feet 'apart. These beer 10.4 et fruit. The dwarf peorsi,Ate plums and quirieei have tome; fruit eveirtinee-thet third Yetr idler settin • es: itriettr-or---five years, pcachez to, yea* Would have Write one yeer 'Sooner, hilt 1 late trOtit killed *11 Rio bioom.' Standard pears 'erinithefted to rbefir in 10 Years, Bartlett'aooner. Wo ' have-,ohly-11.-stret devoted 10 frult, bul itt * recent year o14,$3,000 wo. min:get readily Is *MI .- 11 , alt th s(abte manure eier Man ;:rotriefe.. wool' IOWA u (wo-horse f itteir si ter plow Utile; Oster th6 tredi , tpdree 11, Ptt.s by it protecting .crag. .1-14 had atopped on znore odd was eve 31 Herr 11. Straitz, This o f°bleCtina sull0iry nell upon my bed teat *leo." • remarked the heed.- ' iV tiorrnuitter_with /out 11-Jh id cu1tiafing %1I - 11 ,have _Airway ired arid ,,to* hill _pod quell'