HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-10, Page 6r
• 'than. note
ainenutng thrtmsay ni h re, *ctteit!rt6 Ofr or 1 the 011i,ter
Painting* 11
ttny "tellont 0! the tn
WftS r o
nt friL Is- ;pilled Millie table Itti)o
or II eald water Ori the, ple0
li * ' the g ,rea$ e and
info, th rt
r h 1, i a
uia 4
t *led jii •i4 OWU Jt
7.PI:"s. 1wL :which 111plum a
4: ss
. x
ea 'thit thre Is .no net al
death L3 aseineting biologists;
In Uie est ergantsms, these or, o
itolividuel ,is. reproduced
• by spl int* . twe p4rts• cae.h of
Whlei beeAntel a new living body, and
• the dtstinobilted Meteholkoir has
ventured the viete that this. terra of We
_gath ee.ines Only by ac.
dent, 3oIng further,
natural death In the plant world, urld
that living Itiouitande of years are
o she or some
letobnikaif n4i4.3 'this '''.*$;/?ssIble excer
on as,accidental death; -ve,sultlig teom
fief • ot..ettirvation, end *pa* *that.
. b b ..'" 1.4
S a $ deeths' from, old ge,. gentle,
44 , liiiMi Prove te be Violent, the acs
tion ef.disease micretbes-belnj revealed
by Wloto of the interna..organs
•Vericiu.s.41terepts hovo been 'nuide" to
estimate the, light of the, stars. In the;
ixorthern hemUsphere. Argelander I a,
tegleererl 32_0100 Mart dolt.* to th4*
new -..y.stent of the Stars" • gives the
uzn of the light ef these northern:Stars
and the total "liglit.or Stara sinililir-
etinnierateclAnr.ppilt ItemISPhereSt t0.
• te'4uwther of about. W0,000 hrronehlY
14.041ittf '1041" b.41.1.41e4ss:.
he sL g 17-11.0117- fainter -ces
"dicult to evaluate By
rey 1n 1S% raied fatal _starlight ff
111.9012 .114111 t; saryset vi T It
t t,Infjokn, .0 al 41,1'
"tyl •rovt etiO'
•itOx :p0Inkiell
1,t1 lheui 4.1.11)*0001k
es—In' N.114"if,
r..'eerrY; Mete 'in' Ills -trio
atui In it1i. toevold, 'running ‘v
ono on, ;,. •
moo li'?,40rohle,4-14,1
not hnve:to 1
\As mu- t scis.11
ho prechietion: of the, best in inati,..%P.,
dence is not,Art totereferenee wflh no -
11 is.,theplen. of miture- Itself. Man
s not in. this World fighting the order,
of thlogs, 11 he.is w0 be is ,leerultlg,
heir Jaw$ *end ,.1111Ing Udell -tem
rffividatee Is sik4n..not :in the 03.e0P*'
tioM11. but in lire normal; not In a hand
.tho'k tht..„errehes.., butinThe mighty love
that, ordered alb things from lhe begin -
nog, se 'that • they 'am working,
Inysterionsly.,- -together for good;
Tile tears, leaars;..great serrows; theme.,
reheoallee taiastrophies, all prove the;
widoui - •
Nor is th1nttjtude a trietcr.blIrt&sit
'Mission. to unreasorno topic, The. tri-
o •-'..tertIzer
Oyet, alt is he, tife .1n7lphlen wa_aio
ke i-9ur inner
a 0God who .. 'n..eetni „, 'IlliaigInto,.,
thh world and, tnterfere on our bOtialf,
.0 . he who 4140t4 the .W4y we hot), 40'
lake 'beettuse it is part of . his being., • •
" 14,11414 ri!. Metrgan rest, living his Wee
A , .
of: wlrnse lifo our ll' re hut
.Fthcr oft bides
b5 lutnd
arertgttined b- t itor$Itt $
may le tird b' ft ha indi
he jmist lnexeU,aWy,
LaT.S.'„#reater.lOve'n .. „Ore
ttse ebt id le . fight', las on , • t 4
1 (vs, to Too, weakly to bl.s t
• _ _
'kilt_ ,, lpkwLivi,l...5.:_tiiiiit„,i
vere r. le- neither war
t tonolr'he
' At.. A _ v#11.7-reeeiva..
WA arm -
e .n depenJenei -oti it. t'i'041,Ixelits
gLLt ha14bel zii i 10 I ., ti
• till, Steil .wiUt the hea
k. ire
u dull gray ilir
rnauy.-or 8ilver vses o,f 'ri
tyoiaflship, but - lUled- wft3i.
gowers, 4
. Ot every ort,froru ore kom the vnlne
'cigar e t ial Si v . .
v hit wilhholling,
1 he help„, 'chit grows. by,
flw lessoits-,.in, ;Self.relimites hand
always i
The•worlimen` is greater Ilian his tools,
and or more value than his Work. We
NvoeP '1)0mM our tools, are, broken, or
our Products lost or shaltera
the. Master Workman, Is.watehing; re
sees what we do not, 'the groWing
the*, !tendines Ot..rtervet ‘the lAdgMento,
the likeness to litratielf growing in the
_worker he knows that nianY lools-must
le outwortille-therleeSter-bn.develo
that the Smilts Or our -crude efforts whiE
W estmk1414 44.1041tkpleCeS must -t
shutt?red we remain content
um& ream n
.44 aazxum.2azam• 1:117.41:
sureof that. y JnItiatIve
vented be deer() naYlittv
the confident*, that he who .sittelh in.
the heaverists an afly and amt. an enemy*
that a -heart' rules, there as .here,- and
between the Lord 41 all. and " the ,leaSt
le 'win to' It.
1 y,',” piece betwen b
ut:cQVer with. o. w.
4ftt 0 necessary,
reasy r
'one-quarhr poind of each to.
bot Vateri._,and Ie.ve.•4911
13aking .111 with fino
441 ogies and 'motto' water and, r,*1t
flInse in Cold tveter.. 1? greasy
OH with * rA#oirkg: to I it piv cop.pow-.
'der,: km* ter twenty-four hour, and
then 71‘rmte welt, • . ,
To Clean- .$11Ver". Yieweiry..W4s11..fn
Water and ritiSe in clan water,
Then: .apply a potato or .,powdered
liOnafe•-of ammetela,.polatextedWilli.Spirs,
Its .otWine. 'heti dry- brush Aitt, rinse.
ht tepid wsitexi.
70, ,
O., '1
6: S..
io4 . P44),•'
I t
th (MP,p nounc'd
wats, only
ket coi
we -1d 1 Lhis-room,
not quito sure our ho4 was flon Pedro
himself, and IiikOd ou
ritneree: as to ,nhi.y.
fIL'rrd us to our lieSts whr4 evidenily
meet) e$ IltlIVY OA a ehild by our
,ndration of the- tielinees of his home;
Cried out that in very. trulkhe was Don
Peile(rAivarado, and embreced'•na, eachhi turn Olt the VOL. ' •
Then. we• went o4 lt• *4 Om* et the
ten nd or more Ws Which Oil
the houaa ututt link ell the corridora„
th a word 'to the two' deer and tno
turtle. which oeeelilt rho 1$04: Dil1100and
broufttr low-WentotOntOne 4bedege,,
hall e :010.'1000nd! *Jtlf,reflers
touhIng our heeds, HIO Don Pedro
to it, and sat down comfort.
Oxi- Ifeeette..WeahtippytAn
here, and not 14 the dining-r,00rti or pe
4 * ,he serves U.s.'\wIth, Uwe
4 /
tlasidy 'Pornishintis et -Ms 0,1Ft lioaserrs
Ilia- Private Chapel Mul
er ihe Ana 1. 1 t 0
sake or the product at, the end.. .Paith.
4 this' confidence the- love that is over
'11'....rather,Itisti some special 'effort- to
Oriddle‘Cakes-Take hall al --t0/*
up u. o . tree.and hollr, when cold Mix'
one quert -ardent, the Atka
four keggs, and two leacuptots of flour.
i�tted with two teaspoonfuls of baking
powiter, with a little salt; beat the whiles
6,:egga;t0 atrothAnd-add4astr-flatt
on a teddiev
• Vegetable Soup.s.s-Two pounds of lean
isellP4heelyi --PutrloVer-••the fire -with two
quarts of coldwater. Bo1 slowly; skim
well. • After bailing half anhour add
-ohitine 190r, .frean°
1,$14 observ diffused sky redi*
espuonlal,s or ricer
-tablesp onftils- of • tatxtd • whole
, •
;ea_ tied to/ ' • •0 t.
totaily dark if alt stars were blot(' out,
prod tee make the u , 10.
,4stron.gly 1utnivniaALItiouts,,
:',ive. Iran neVer'-bb sure Aln(t. ,thIs
piing rntWnre bthg d Writ IWO,.
,*e0,,,147 thegivAl1t04, n etectrititi
41 g TOd Into 1?on'-deviscd. bytine
,Adfilph ar,,Swiss engineer,'" It
tonitsts essentially •or a g st, •e0Vere
tc inclosing a toll or iiisulaird. wit
to- WhiA-4-2-stightly mageette needle I
• 'freeto rotatt, over.* gradpated
Whol the apparatosis 11140ed over snb-
the irt le merldiarCIlie neM
te.'arellete Mere pr.,10-SS raPtitly.,
troin:if.; To 10 and even,,up to 30 degrees,
rodeatifsied, of te
orkedtwig of he1, apple, or Arty. fruits
bearing tree. 11 wag 4...4 In the„,hends
with' the -bronelles-balitillylittr-riertria
to tile ,satup har:r.ontai plane Willi the
oroteli twigbranch oft to
*ether from the in410, trunk 'pointed el
her tewerd or away tetra The hudy*
the OPer4,10r.• .1t was. car.ried.fre thispo
t fitkettwige,bnt4-7.e.aiwar1 it In.
inplq64Ute dt-•
n, :bne.$10011 stick Of celery., on
deticti'andlovcVond:litt eg-
tri the thonght that love ,rules the unl
verse, ' • "
alrnost any kind of 4.telitogked whit
tuented 1ih. may- be' used. ItenioVe all
the bone5 and shred tinety. • . bloke
white ,Settice. using two "toblesPoonful
each of flour and 'butter,one cap o
Maki salt_ and pcpptt.- flutter:the
eetete, -04 IA layers at'llattettleiNtret
crumbs, the sauce, and „bits. of butter
'ettat.,lititi4kt*Allsit_Hri-bill end 'bake
ent,:g0-• Minutes"
Y he Varied by stattering,* little
grated chee3e Or. chopped ,peraley over
esett "'twee , of sauceor'by, using, mas.11
potato in lieu of the, bread Trundia, hav-
ing a layer of potatoatthe top:, -
Cheese Cuslardssix lahleiPoOtifulsof
.grated cheese, two of butter,,foOr, eggs!
one -cup -Odle-with a teaspoonful.- --el
corn istarelf stirred...Into 11, saltand pep-
.ber" to.. taste. - • neat the. eggs very* tight
and pour Itpon-Abeter .
(with n pinch o! -soda), having 'thickened
with 'the eornstareli, White warm adil
wuhl and , sqi
poite-inin (mead' custards
cups. pato in -a quick ,even about 111-
, e.• .11,112 el • %.,
.011 cabbage Into - ehopplOg
howl, and phop very line, 11 may be.
'pit- through' Ilie meat grinder. Ad,i.
these- to. soup; let. it simmer slowly.
strale one con of 'tomatoes,. had, .and
41,11.4.sinell„pieee at butter and..a.flible-
add to.
soup. The Soup Should boll In *11 about.
twa•.hour. •
Cele,ry •Sauce for Tfirkey-Doll a head
oi celeryuntil quite tender„ then pull.
it .through a sieve; .pot the yolk of an
-egg in 4 "win and tot
Abe streinod juice of 4 lemont odd ,1110
,celery - And a .couplaof . apeotituls- o
,extur In which the, turkeY ,wue 141
sett and pepper to taste,
Johnny .,Cake,-.e,Nine--tablespoorrf
orametili *six tatilteP00eAlls et‘ flour*
e Ifthicapoonful Of sugar, one leas
pOottfut of baking powder, one goat_
• POItini_eit melted butter or dripping,:
of milk* two. eggs. Volt
tar in.latite pan befoiss-podingU-the
lee and COddsh out',
cup of fish picked uP: Ono ond fre-.41ened,
to testo allow one tilt) of:boiled- flee,
two Vell.beateri eggs, three tebteSPotut,"
tals'of butter, and 4 top or Milk. Mi
0--eggs-Witir-the-ri ,de:artiditmket-a-14
er Itrthe bottom nt the InftteKd Cr -
rile. Sprinkle with'salt nod. PePPer ai
add a 'User or Ilia tod1isli,;.-11coat Mid
(nee the whole pour the =Pk inis..ed
with ihaluelted bolter. -Cover tiinl 1 too.
Easy kes--ttt very paid weather, tv
• -Ivii/..,treeze out Of defOre,
sy ind .deileloes , dessert is ,rnixte."
one p:nt whipped ;cream withhall
cup, of 4u:tar-and .a."0.1"0:44 etear.
trang toffee; added; Put In .4 eeVere
dish and o.Oilotirtx ter three ,or ton
' UrS, Witen the Weather is warn
. •
; orint4 (pal ' stit
ot 'Ivo, ar ,I rs. -Ont./tilt ett
Menie''.--, syrup ,ur chocoatetoolees. ,.
3 0 54g111;."
iler • nr404,01
1:4)4.417 -
*lewpn. 44'•fl:fl
r. '$t4i0ii ir tip i ,.btv
and 44Ii, NV,,,...lt id
t!eti browi. Thr StItl ' tha -tut.o,L)
, salt and pepixr. ilrown we'd,
nng o'to Thvn rtla 'Steele cit wat(T
' .li lee. tookl,lt ent.toteat
:tos b4 pl)t.,,
xi ''.41 .o a
,. bli ov
. ,
the thefts
t , Itt n
i I Al
, t bk, t t ot '11.'it
, on, tJj4.*
and salt .
1 II
th: reed and utter, -after soim or bes
.The nalne ,Of 00.T.l• Pedro Alvarado,
peen millionoire, Of Perral,'Is. one to
canliire with, and many have already
found . In ' it hosts for legend. and -res
anartee..„ Little is *really 'mown of thIA'
Interesting Character., writt*-4' C9tresi,
pordent or .the Mexican' .41erald +ken
toarral, except thets, -although, a :Men 0!
'unbounded, wealth,he'lli 'Still a Wend of
the- peons wrie---Avere^ MS -Mends hi* the
ohl days, and they •arti;:noW..his-dev_oted'.
above, the banks of the Portal IWO,. and
..far from *mg the gaudy. overdooe-pa.
'be* is, ;on the oteside, welltboloneed
.hOuec„..,Of censideroble proportione. • of
course, but cavved richly and artistically
;*Ith littleof itto,"gingerineed" ,wliteli
ane retoIioflL
Ti is. plek,tan1 to a considerable degree,
and the carvings tit the white nalivce.
. tonekr"--on--whielL
• friendworked f�r znany roontb*, are.
.very handsome.
tue,whibk, &teeth*, ' jealeina
beggars ,wL&tIng',about It or the!r pay
end alinathtd-03, *ntletnans;i1r401s ,
otiro .
egged Poittioes....Sitee told' broiled p0 -
lathe, rather .thiek and. lengtliwise. 1.ay.
'between the -Wires of a broiler anJ took
<ma tt'-hot. firi Untillight brown 00 each
CO. - Sptintile with, pepper . and sett
and add a little butter. •
pnietoes_lhilied.and Ilrown a
and cut Into riiraffer4ne u
eatel'.--weter for en hot& = and
holl..101der iliotuntil they .breolt), fn hot
Water slIghtlyisaltext.• -Threins .,pot. Into
greased padding dish, pour over them
a .0 up ..of warm milk seasonedwith -
per_and salt, and a,. speontid of Marty
cut up in one, f6f Ilour. ileke covered
••t4.-r-thert-brim, —
SOalloped Potatoes -nutter a bri'ght
litt.-brimt. or puddingdisti 'and put in a
layer Of , cold poialaes ,slieed and seas
Lolled with PePPeri, salt, And 4it4
butter.Dredge ligt101Y. Ileur. 141
the' dish with tirese layer$.•'{iovaing the,
trip -with flni 1700r.
' "Cori gi
or; ctviiirt,"and belte halt on l::ur.
• PotnttiortGit litv0 potato
Lin teme Amos, peel, end when your tom
,of in At le elmoit dote, kw the po.litioes
15 the dripping.prin "Omit the Melt.
are,Ige,' and baste 45 you do Ilta. ineat.
1---not..-.4ifte done When -our- feezwie
ready, leave tnlite pan berorec thielt:s
ening, Itie gravy until browns Dmin
ent arrange •erbitiel -the mill,- P.11 thi
platter. _ .
Voielp SOUtile-,--$01(tt fOr
atoes tfar nf 44 pOslible;
Oaett Ent,- When baked, scoop out te,
tv;fh a spcon, Whig careful na
N-dthi the ..klato,
diery.-44ity.*041,4441114ent. hot ,milit-ler
qtribesell4. Wel till vet, .en
iwtoilt.; fill Aian$ with' ttt11 in
ft,tuttertti p I
He bobble4.-eiong itt front* garria0
wbeiligpain)t.iwlietoinit 0,540ttottereh0 lobo: tIox
iota - the houses -
h y4f*Sas lir as ho- 0;0114 ,take us,
tilie-istOo&-tot*_qoteet.,otian hur
die really handsOrnely, esrVed and
Ott,illuig Out Abek..betuotti OCtif* pc*
rOiltrtritan optlaiss. the *gores on 14.
keyatone of .010itir foory, arch, and the
patnIttigs,'-n101% iinot thewaIb. The
patlo torrklerit- were till materla1 for
ites futiiishint.attlev-
Don MOM* 10 building. on one 0! 1110
plazas of town, whielt* when It is
titiblied, will, be one ot the handsomest
In theerepablic;
Alt onyx st*Irwei led to theupper
floors *of the house, and the seitappoints•
onderful totes, of' the. 'beauties. Above
AtirriWinet irt hio
thidst of 114. StOod a Intl* smiting limn,
'net Olueh over 5 1,1...4. 5 1010$ 1014 little
' black eyes sparkling out or a. white litte,
.Oft which grew a IdlJe beard and,
(ache.. Ile ,griete4 us WIllt a C rt
genili"',...-dignityt-anot invited us tu__
ti 'sr and ale bit house„'at the aoll
indeed, ct our gidtle,. •
up; the onYx stairway usc
pat if citoori peons who %lake& end
Make it shine as the dey,
ani r sae
r peerfully eoti pi1. othe.
or tills_4 repetition' ol 140
th 140 iitindows -or the no
(1fl11g on it finished. in Tooke 01
1,ea tery-„
ht-,plenne'd by a moister
*e. ixti1 Liy m't labor, wt
night and
it superbly often
'built ',dispel tor
%ptellsi 104 0v10 tr.
&onss' At ihousa,, filled
Don. Volta `tlet,
Lt- lasished-liere nil
ti#01 der in crowding, his
iII of 411 that to -old pieaselfint:
tr 0ec*i.idIlie-inkidietsof.
4.041 winde
This. {AU*
ly and w gem a,e•
not tot
0• 41 filtaikt iontt awt
PP 4 1.4
le '
o hat th
f all kind ,
1 ii 1 -um wd * 'itr1 '
4 11 IP I Y ; t ji
1 mt3 ro
'e needent..
tirade :may, have a .0.1(10(t, 10
every.rocht-ssand . that vexy,
neorhy true -and Im, runy alwaya;.ile
makifl• bide:tar • ula 11 but he Is
'SPn• roen4...a • ,y
thoughl and deed, and *. rather' charm.
Ing bey tit.,:thaL He is. in the -Prime of
his life, blitely 40 years Olds and Is Still
as throughly youthtul and hepP,y as 4
Man eau 1* under any eft:cum-slant:vs*
Don % Pedro is .4 new eheracter, In the
annals of the newly rich,
Protounder .Trutli •and htessage.
tto '* de lition
Attu* n the Wage or
a Text: 4.ett, 1.7.
itreogti:.vrti**I't!ertYktnt't 4 le r • _
*trot Is here Piehired..by ihei s.ritc'r
ole the' Creator WS- beere.reolte.ed, ifltI
.ow iii„‘.%r
Uou'wthlieel714:avaHattilelortit rea1411firtir. $6 -
_being gettlyet44.,110_,-X1.1414et
term and fuxlellon.;;,of ....Ott*** 'rnothing
In OodIvereated world i' -ever
hiehtSivelii- its viy ny der author or,
7U.'.4141.°Fite: lhh°41.7114r10110111r;17-11"..P11144411",0111g4g11.11510.
.ereation,:to &close. ”,
•an..or * v or other or
w cow ted lately
2. Rested -Ceased front. aCtive Ixtlior„ -
'The verb used isthe liebrews shabalbs
Meaning to cease, desist, rest: Tha allus
$1°°'t 80vbhipewit:A'1111:---'
, ,
is apparent. fiw 1ingua,ge, o tlio
passage is anthroportiorphleS, ttrat Is. Cod
Is Spoken or. itx terms ;of", man'; Aind 05
possessing humantraits and needs.
' The, e*e' Of the.seventlx iti4, notr.0, ,
preceding days. Stilt (hat day must p0
thought of as t
Atie,*itue duraiionar's
aeh of the oliter Ax, days, "The Idta.
tit_the writer seents to have been itat
*a--Sillibitli--laitervened between- the • -
close or his -work of crealleit. and the
.comoiebtement,„,._Or modern,:
phrJeo1)gy ts uualIy tLrines 1is sliS;
leinitig providence.; ibe Sabbath by-
widati.„, 40d As,-.;:siild 10 have chispd Ida -
work of criatio_n is ling -a type 'the
weekly recurringSabbath of the 1,Srfte1-
Jtes,•: • The 1r.uth !that: Gosra.- sustaining
provideoee le operative on the 'Sabbath..
. -
not less than on the oilier •days, is AU
Ourseeittelti- -
_writer, but. he does net -explielti- refar ti
.framework„ the details...of which Are so
Mont. divezied -lite titt*loit even of
' eful retultea irtriiin the protounder
thand aublitner tneSSage of 'the story
as. a whole, Seettilog.to bo itt Iheui,selves
Ibe end and purpose .ali whIch they
ntain. The pit:1)00ot the:narrater le
not to inform ue about the precise length
ot t1ne.4t .took the Creator to flash each
e , the event,oecurrei1, nor
rning the stteeitto way 10h
the merit divided ••the, •watera Irozn
thc waters. Ills solar dayS;hireaolid
iattient4. 'Us „stars 'set. in that flr-ina-
oto the light from the dark.
n tiattielM sea-menaterS, on
other details are- the fratriework,And-411
fremeivork only oi a triarvellonS-rey
Von. Whet,. 'then, la 'the brefoutut
truth end ii go of the Get' lesiS .narr
live -of creation?' It is- nie;sage
ed tome, of israds rich and wonderful
.44 • a m w ten Lunt
ire ,wastbekl very' eheap and judges
iuently indulged in 1ti1y 1ien ide was
. (la occasion sir-Ftranrifillfeeti 17—
wos "'mightily itnportuned*:* by 'a male,
factor to av his -life. Alt ePPOIS•
failed and the eutprit• at length .pleaded'.
tor Merck An ,:eeen,tint,•,01 :1115
"Vatir..name,'" said*Ite, «i flacon and iny
:name is llog, and In. All Ages ilog .end
townare,,so nesrlY -tindmit lbeY.
rejtd the judge, *you and ,1 canoe!, be„.
.kindred trx,cept, you he hanged, tor Hog
00:Bacon Until ityl4 well hanged.** .• •
talllotists wita eirihred iiy
&Ott* judgee even as late as the"tigh
feenth century, Lord itroxiield .seemed. t
to have (liken a positive p1.urs in obs
-taIntrig-witivietionaln' esisem'. Itindl
heivito 441dan untortunate tut -pelt thot
.he was a very clever fellow, but that he
wonkl b Nome the wane o." a •Ixertg:ng."
On anothtsr ova/Ott. vliett this: kid
reond'tntering 140 our keine
hrinds'j down os this' 1) itdge Ital heen
Word of pouffe ttprn hither to son
d.trotu ,genrration, to titerteilaiO4
ing' mote than * dndt ni tenturies
-Troi0 the litne of the 'etalWst, Ancestors.
11 bkwi race, . it' reveals flod to
TR4tialtrilit ittolettintf4 vat
.Creator of alt things,, (he gip
lifaSt(k, VibOtit *1.50,
10-0.---4.1a*_4alti-4-tatut#„_11-iti end
and go -at of treatkoW ,
toile In 1116 wage cf Vickd's Apiriturt
natures ,capable or E1tnvin 11 a• toe*.
sure.ilie..werkingsl -or tiods'-roind And. a'
employing hie 1irti5. tOns,eious nf his
'elation to .60dt andbund 10 bun by
mpticilf and sublittilly''' 'our .11ibte tar-
t sets. .toeth• eveiy..orte these
toe itti7ithl!Timimos )
wfii;11°01;;:litcititt,i0Htlit 1
'4 1, bitrnin'.04.1'
t v
1 and 'des benclieeties
notrt;i'ti' fitly .„
t• uwk
lal io.iitair
To trite,.
tt 'The Vi
-Whirls\Drt' Ir
taW,l id.44 its
1bep ine It, bang a 1ew,o'*4
„In 1870, Lord Uttlitta presided. *1 115
.-1041 of *. roan named Ittalthew
with vidmin.lie bed been. In the 'o
toitiket. dress. Ile sunimed411p. a ins
that's elletliniefe, la you, .
, -
bent. extorted
ed Mueller a
rntth Gerruatyt. by
Aimed. The 1114
• renialtyd
' valf* "
tight years_
Tears *go*
ng nog
eug(111, endoat
,„nft :day *no