HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-10, Page 2nortti cr
6 n,11014
op ek Kan
• tligaus 11JU' 6
Th nre nt 1JI 1J1t fek. .1 ing.-„cali
.fut1r VCI7 OpIufll eatQr 1 pure tas. n io'
- -eionsar
'the Tiat0tiat 41'"14Wdrtig tieCQflSUlnIS
Virnen.. or 13311), the- heti
the-:iirMage!'t NO OrtragiSterWperson will
teallowed to hey"tha• drug, 'NO 110.,One
v11L l' It$0111004 to Liegin witig opiate,
'the . or the: t* 1
4,0 )01% 1
Vitder„ the,' regtiltitton whleti
'itSe of „opiren. sh,irVets over' sixty
re leniently•t4d; those under sly
it -just deoreaseIrent
inartitin. - •
. gh wilt
AU o1u2I1 0It ulpulsortly ,e14
TVItrtitt 'sI menL!1, and evoyl,bing con.;:
nOted with 'the' 1rak rnust be ellielentIY:
-.:,..gislered,..,... _ :
oinOtaW liitt, ' tO .nridngc to dist OW
arriong s people - addicted to - the.nse .. of
4-tpium, preScriplionS--er niedichips milli.
• neltn,g4110-1.1.500-,r,4,4oSt ..rieR or., ra,
4oilrefits- Pau° ••iy .are ;es-
-ir gener.014-tto a., bet ln
nrunet tt
ive'oeu ho
1 thelbrone- 1.1rat 1bC3 \vilt -cease'
o. 1.
tlxfani,`tui1 LI14t
-• -
Y' b4• 41J
I)4'Z 0111 4W41
On . Oelober
ot cough drop orTi sttoli-Org 241-
1 on 1110..abbittli, and telephone-,
se)1ce.not-permitted on-fliat tiny.
ept to 011`Phystelatil- ; *
JNi-•tillfjp`i.. CIL
Irk at of .the 'display :Windows 0 ign
is 11,010 .each: Sunday 'winch rya !,
"lriieinber tile:Sabbath, Dayto• g-eep it
oitt 'g but.:_littel4S4t ertidt4
the Ilrit ish
re4t10116n. of opium inlporled, so that
• lha'',101Portallon may- be. ended
II" .Y0040The '1Ye.netia. Outolt andelan MItlieers atv, also to be.•approaeli.,,
rectiteSt from China to the 41116
f6rWern410111.-it is understoot
.t the Indian (lovernment_shrtil cnn-
lmported int& ChlfieSe Einfire.
1111 U12day." ii !OP-.
reed by Mr.; Freenlart.
. • eernan has. 10,1Ioviedlins, pri
fer".-irears, •and the 'is etaphetie. in th
rn:lhatAt pays. :Although hi
the. cfty,*s I)1'0S1)01042
.eeS are proimblf1111.44
41 -,-the ,other...outlying
-cij of
018C ()f ttrig stores,i0; „tt0-
town district. Tcn.elerk, are 'I's: Pt ti4gY
week daySi.„ -• _
the lOpligatiou of Chrt$Ittio ultit4
:.00.04;410$.•0*4.40. •
':,reen.W—Cfirralyrn „
thhig at all ilium and in 4111 1)1OC,
..bustnesS included. 11 Is', a _good' ,thing
for Alatuiv and It is .t.1; good -thing for
axt. -Tot *1,1 v
lig' a
r , 'IWO WaSt
theretor*-attit, OP,
proximale/Y; are -.-&8 more
11)111* 114i wanted.
004. gets, t
Osa for Oxef$3,
• einanale- uhitio
it „ do so -
0 tiKt very sensible view t the
tr:bushteso 'twos 40.11
. military inen'''Soniething.lil
IIiY-waY• ot how,- tO recognitarintAit 404
"443111$.•)KiartOrtt TO .
atiS •*,rtla
Wit. dor
1 for serv
d an
-my olartiliy and toi My affairs,- and I. as..
.45uro., you 4tyloyet..ng • yory -welt $ndeed::
1or.yeark 1 have contleeteCtny bush -Ai -SS,
as L b iei4 Jesus' Would have A.:
dueled. -
'My, .store is.-elosed on:The
Suflb1t)1 to
exeept the:filhog
3tstoly. negessitry and ,
AO not sell to new in arwTorni.
;tonfes's tOtlxid 11 411(11-
'call' to iiiiiiif.iiiSeldetig-itito-proollealtOw
• tit 1Lr5t. 1 have lost many, customers he.
•eattse 1. liate Steadliy 'rehlSed- to 1)0
• • _,,_ •
'ollowever, the -gain-Ovpf theIos.ses was.
Itto I 00 • 0 Pew tin.
44rititiae; APPOlinolyt Dics Out in 1101h lit ten clerks era kept brisy., :Some CUs-
-- • -....,....Cencratten., tomers Insist,ed .ond being served' with
gla15and lett angrily:on learning that
-the' London. Morning
io�.iUflI a yell? active.,
so rapidly thut tlitre is only
_one Ihing whieh saves us- poor* iinntan
s. frein , being, crowded " off the
This one saving 0400 about'the' partk..
.--inovio, is that they. 411e- Out with the
rein --tows
tr. ti,10 rartIzIl*lcul should htve a Ai. •
, the ,111
• •I
the un, POOP .4
A I f
. -
cooge5tton I Tenney:milt-in o
and unless. dealt, :10.11), will continue to
ma,nallacture calends. faster than
elth!,T, r of 1110341.
1,4 due to
10 brevet.
uth 'Af-
of the
• '10:16;:a44**--AvVoli---
• inelfo,ii 14", brevet.‘iolonel 'atter three.
Yea1'S1 ertiployment In a 4itkoktitufft:0040-
t1 s pest, or after six. yeapt pay serfitie
fln 1. 14,DJt1y .17"!•4Nut
s V.
• *.
of. flat' year'.
..twas only
- though 8
iterion had trel
t1 nih1 110•4105:,1,-
111eAti11osipoint reach
it i to.da,y •aboitt'A
dangerously,:naH sum for motlern
vt*neeti, uterziltio$* nnisSla, .AUsittat, Ito
:and the potted. ,:Stateshave, all
Voogd., In- 010$t Or titite; Opoirlos, irade
hns beCtx--dgftlOin# -[w t1j8tr thtn in
aud. gold goe v icre trederis
„ctuost. actIve. .„1"."001„ t the aloli of,
,gold,.4 ill the'itatik of. anee-has Alte4
'freut Atl,,0 tO•'411,r000:
e lore thufl
quadriip1tI and even 14Y.dfly it is Ct12,
41: .ritclA3.14§, tAti1:01.00A:,s1Pot.t
thciv goTif7Nvi
UITUhUIY reinlatned MO . Mott
of Beiellisnybiitili lhevaults Of t
.-. he
gId• at ntIii, 021 V,lffch'th
nalijn can RN tura last reserve In-
ILIW hour aF war. • She trebiCd this;
amount beiween 168.0 and 1005,..,Sor in the
latter year 'the: figure Was% iggViO°010,1
a 3
• •
1 kept.vo tobacco •on'sale.- 'Others iv'
s sied on be ing unnecessary articles "on
're.seletions. - • .`
"I came to -Chicago-in ipt ptoottegg,
nod nitritist triondirtssi, • was yeutrel(4.
- -7:- , ,
-nod my:loonier rept, tugitiar404 and : wttbr
LhaLcapilftl I startled :In blisiness-Whcre.
• Vy bltshiess.ho bee
e'Onfined: trrirairV-lien
tticse yearS„ Almost on., totiontite,::
•••-•e'l *SY **-
Millet), first of 411 'recounnends ,t)
'automatic, promotion tst; d
shalt be abolished..
Tho is the most irnp4irtnnt; dump
tr0p004 41:14 !under it the, exunmittee
ttrovartionds.that the %ranks for • :1140
kvirele .artnyi-above that of lieutenant.
Colonel shalt be:, Colonels :30,*. 8203 02'-
gerterals-, iietittd.ge*,teraia,--20t gew.
:wits 10. .
Tho several, ,torottatiOn,s Witleh, halo
14lign; n,pineo witJliu the 110.$1. few Yetifs
have bro,ight,-Into maid not: :only,Oo
curious.co.stoms '‘.14111). 'which :troth rt,
S fi11011-.: t',*telYitillie --but _.• the,
atiy7-superstitlief47-andTeniens w 110 r: --
tend-the-various funetiOns.. In lite. paSt
'every. tninete detail 'Carded meaning,.
and -every •sitglite, misllap- in lite eta.
ratO)rokftidingS. beSpelteitlisaster... At :
itetortunahr -11dent happened at 'the'
.After LIio coronation, oath, in :whichthe
new' monarch . promised to' Protect the
l'I'Ventorostila Is a 4coinmon nutnites- Intel:44r „
he.., said. "In -many 040$1)**1.101,t
pat'out at -
15 only .SeiZeRi',N:Wilf it when in tic for. twin
4 $110/14' As a guest in a friend s ,110 -S1og «r -1 -no
$11.,. wool aorfie tempted. Iler• trunita. tte,, 41141 ittaed f22i New le
requir.s.,s the.' stiMulas ot counters and 100, ot, Trot to zok
sts• '*
, 158; itn°116e0"--
for *large and.
ibm;at', •
aro ;Iota...,
Ito, sight of lai,ge.arrOya OiltoOdSi-Wlit ,,, ,Thkhlii
'attendanti_snlesnierts.Or,;,AniCswpmert41'ou1r- 11 are -gOtir.,
• At. the,: preSen.t Mornent . I lorOW ' a,' ,,atel,"'SteadY.
lady who killtrt'a. ' fr.om, intense .inelart, ,.cjgotilti.,, ' dr :$
41).oly enles4.4sim.'is:,,either.-4.o 0, -1-.4.40P:. Pr
.0:0411 t‘ •iiit --grOp.,outio, rt tler.::•the 6
110 • been*
recen er,0•0
"Ifrust • t lots
•Acti).10:wvd11$rtel'n).111441•°r,s1113110P(.ji wthltitiokireanrew.nloll ,
notations ere at • $11.50--
"InUnding, nyer4 bat triestotPlY#1;teat*
Itratiftty; Anfl.-41
ing over Ilte thingS arid' coveting' 'tit) for No. tit tar iots-ho-re.
them.. * 'Str4w......Steady at $7. In oar lots b.
WOMAN W1:1111.• A
We. To60,4 dish ta Altwo, ,
of 'London It IS the same." Wheat'-4Spring. On enquiry;- Winter*,
Shepwrrikers In WeSt End • shops, are 41,114 N. I „
'pestered • by. spres • of hlches. Who. are , 11044g' 70; No.2 While; Mie.
:notorious InNtrade clrdtes; /41W "Otift,;,..S1' it 119•31 .
, _
Eiigland. has -stood stilt, • ertriany:
otAlio•-gold.,=-..:ile Witt, is ano-
tttcr 'great holder 11;it, gold, nod* has re-
increased. 'her” laiitlIng 'markedly..
-rhe Austro-flOngartan nook in. 11310 had
4 supply of only 45,00p00,,,wIlleh hy
tho SkilVliof its, financial authorities
expanded, -lo 'a figure .or 4.146t900440In
'tvhich,Jias 1,0011 0 441b, u.
18 110131 and
irt,,thengh the figures",
'liable, the same 410,
on . n 5 10V'1l • t. •
:serve4 RtiSaiti; hail at. the,end--ot 005 an
*Mount of 474,04).0,000, or nearly three'
end of the saine oar n -,stipply of4,25•*,
• ' chCpr0fl1
ar has been:. raised to 4,28t000,00d,. .n
the (jolted .States Treastlq..,81. .the
of '19tgi ,had gold. of the_.value,cif
;000,000 in its vaults, against an
anlount, .o ,600
--""thils-,10.r;utee. r10.341',.:1
sta, and the iUnited 'States all keep, a
larger stock of gold than ilOckA'
Atli or Most, Or ittetri.-hava tricreased
g 41-w
watvillituttet MittAller requirements And
. .. . .
goods with 120 Intetkiloh of buying.'
.. ne Ode v --kneel) 18 1801231
West End shops, habitually gives efferm..-
„oils orders for expensiye goods.
The shopkgepera' humor her , whitn,
tato her taldrcss,‘ and, promise to -do-
Ver .the articles at once; knowIng That
;the order ,15 purely- iletitlonsi and find
t.f„.they send _the goods -they will _only
‘11,trned„ ., - ., • - _---.4.
.4111Pg TIIAT liVItEcK c
SteomorCras!ses Three
\V4slern, 111 store,
Z)uU o 1 NOrth-Weste,
Ntrim -Y0111( W1113AT, AtArtKET.,
, ,
NLw York, Jan. 8.-Nsileat....4•S1iot easy;
irgdflOo nonnual elevator; No.
reel+ ,80310 .110014141. 100,14' afloat; No. If
inartherin. »u1uth 80;f,o Lb. 4lllo44
tut(L er /11-14.14
the Sweiri.44 , steatite), • ()taus Olsson -
'charged .the breakwater, doing, 4200,-
.050 „worth of -damage,is' T41. entirely
• unparalleled, nu:usual,' though, such - en
timutreneo: most certainly is.
,ago-sinee IL!,sfortn.driven ;vessel' cur:
•ored'eleen. through ,Southend Pier, Cut.,
Ong-- thatstrectere praetteally Ti
halvicsl• and, during the typhoon at
. itOng-Konglast September, u. ship was
• tau r it witu
f 'only 355 general pnra-
inccciaeecla , coat& be prise)* ey.'• would
be In VIM *Waver thasr‘this !whole plan-STOLENr0IITIllISIIIVII
_ .
..f.t„-;f and as they went .Oir, multiplying
he Miriam of the-sphoe wield be gL0V. Ilungartan• trieeenttle Putiett lilt roll Of
. .
It e itepreesitig pos t
ties .it CAUSes one* soute_utiessille*s .to
linmv,4114,1. English professors have 'been
0(periatenting 1.1)0_0tratitteelo,
.stimulants. and, tiding- 6001-0
1 1?-0--(4,-Or10**
Ittriularols; but•
with- eleohrd.
The Pa ro
• lect*1 1
Wart -
A gory recently came .from nedttost
that on old beg,gar.of neglecled aPpear..
ante "who was iielieved to be.o or, 40r.
loch. hadAlled"tliere,letiVing lortetie of
$,V,000 to pie poOr. Gerlach, artording
tj: the story, two Imo rite, of a, (*step,
-s1 rt rtilway-iiletlons--anddo
osts rise
'At the a
as 30
value effeet.4$
Ts•• 411 1st
ttiP ler,.,whereee
at enduredt.
1U4ed by stry
rkable difI
The beneficial cffect
Iter‘ilt.ftlirott Cettsett•
nett , of storchnine:
11,0-0.0diglotisly 10
Win ' was beneficial.
11114111y diaeoverird th4i
large depo4t :end ,170-
1i40- end the mai...1)00We
Joh Ihert pretended to lisvelelterited,
• 4,../artiTtile
Inreaio and leave IoUiG-,11100e. Ile sett)
lie t in rtalwily 0000 end elmilar
• pub1k places for the saktrof safety fl
to, -to atop in hoe** kestiste ot
- 44.,444,
ronf.tee1 to the �bht
jhn1t perlod hod pe he
A clamereits
I.,.',.2 the Ertglish had revelled, and took It is not, as though 1.:EmPlit hood. presonity the, ship ,broe
old In the las "-enty41v0 years+ vih
_mu* *Elfgra-eVres et-Witir In 40
o assent as in •(he Pnet and t
startled -the Norman tr. They .110- bring hpr,through anIbe y set
-OP their avitirds: and terehes. • They set did not ,prodoce. gold In ,inenenso -quart. train. lice 11100rings ,drilting down -with ,
of a big Iiitildiriaireit
thottgfh It hadken an eggst.iill
MKS I .1011.‘41, „u,s...
4oho s-a.441pinkallori.
.0.0 • Toro
on light
Or exporters
I 'Trade was.- active
oreattle-,"4 the NW:stern..
,-Or" /time
We were 'on sale.The
ittlyers_ h vs', tattle.. were out for
fresh sUppiles. Melee pleked britetters'
rattle, .St.40- to $40.74- heavYlUitelicte.
$3 to, $.7;25;fat 043W4s
outman. cows. WO to 4045 I4'1 wt4
--*F.• nig ) all s ett ,
demand.' -Ftedork- $3425- to -
keeps, $3,1'43 to $t: feeding 'bulls. $2 to
$1.50; stockers • .$1.4o to tt.e.);, stockb%
conitrioni, $1..7e. to, $215 ',per
Lambs- sold_kt, $5, 141101)10*
Per -*Wt. qC4
0.50 per-owt -•
-fttoger-140-- t-Olettltig4Prettil- .41,11ts. TheinipoS •111.0 Iland before thp.. ••• the stream, gallieriAg Momentum' as She,
• Iterft-w7litow,worat,..L„-__ tkvrl),('--O-NCdtic-*t)pfk-4ttetn:---8wtk 'the vow the
Tiergy Who' remained were in :suit eon. 104 WO -Mid tie (7.4niullan: prialuo. • $11a Olt littiugb 140-5414
• . 400w -worm trifiriori; -levee whi'cli• proteciallitTcitt-'freincin...
)(4115 hearing: of Wei plot erilltig out
rustled' :out; 04-11hurich. Tho bishops tad Alisttaitutt .output., last year was 11114.14COnis .• •. ., ., . • ,
' ftiliati that they could liefilly go through I 2.,8$4,400.._,The United StateS stood 121 121. allpt-Pog„ti Itt, ti.t4 ):),(11 Trg
with itio•Aet, of ortivning...Willietti heard, next. to ,s•Onth: Ajrirt, *ail a, spro.dtellion. fitittlirtiltoutirt otitiorinutonts", .01, $owarti000r t.illipourt ntyt
th0 Ithtkulti -hut letitdd p.ot Conjecture 1110 Of 1/7,242
.., city. and the •serrourttling distriet -Ilan,
tatutei• N ' 'I,' ' ' 4111104
r WAITS of bUildingr. Were destrOyed,,,thejlt
h and tsto
. Henry -
'tondo, *OS 8 Oft and
temp -Whets, :day, with wirtd, snrjw and
Iliefeel. twang
Whet the selne ;night Ignifto."
An incident attending I Ain't Of
-bnrge drifted from Its nioaring-placo
082.1 'stick in the mud. et DA Tim
other ocoronose • were. unproPit
The riettion bounded, like It funeral -ors.
Lion,. an ,eattleiuskW shock wtkitdur‘
Int_the_servioe,_and the htreict made a
h44 hitio' milt% of Wainte,y were
"atuf-.tiver- tsfiris -et*
t-opIftrn mo emAlt in Male
d popular it
One nere 01
I •
go it we 1404.10,. Chink
liampur, lhs tspital, of
thAt the
fn a W1
_man ith -_
111 11. -4.,e0vert , ti 1 • "
ellen eve Men lilt. •
vent 'n Nontiert on his -1
for M0111111g4 *1111 41ytr141i.tultovs °sWOO Ittarelisitit'
I toa11-rid
' t 10 be deen 1'
"tertiiii captain -once 1 7ilarscilles'
China, „,but, being buff tett by' the
'winds* InSde for the Juirhor ot,Tprtis to
await •better ,eiesttett. Tbe coikcbor of
ttio,port ten* gm Werd, and, Itilitoi/
the captaltt,Ste. Abet he was fr4'iht
or Colon 8841 1114'tiething t
dues. .
Ceplein, 414 so,
ia.Ircd tOthe patece.
Mandril° jheticitir
• s Fritztev
)Q84 kc�p IL tli
-I to' the Archbfshop ' hu
te4' 1 thet entIbe' •
) *
114 f!r'oI
wU .i t -..partly
largey fiy ofI.
t o
• 08:110101. Inetri
11 lif.7411,1k
rd tIt 0fring , 1
• irril" 3°' r idI 1 gh
Iv (pp'4t(' , I
Photo gglIelling.-
IMO caudie ioer, ttn4. p1n
1*-: lie .16 , )
,-i .. X .
u '-'-c-exam1iiafkAi: It
I r1,34110.
two th i 1.f.:
U 1 ' 1. t
ay i ed.
mLraIbW.. -
Inebriate . 4ot
genital tieteit
Many of throe
et -rented kola
11*41 boo), ipirc