HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-03, Page 86,4• • Cr t00044 4,1,1 alt tb good chances pass • Yon at* likely.tAnne4 • Ottting the next fax ruontIr 11 be doing, yourself * fair :ing it irw, iileiuLt We° . SO; and fit bin WaSzilt; 0,4 a bo tf you ivAnt, WU/04 al being a oortVet drei ke °Ong fog 700. ma a TAYA msztraitut Tftilor, etim, Ontario e MetopIitan Hotet i o or *ale in t -Ino 44044. * , "DilittbirtrOla -typhoW In Oniar during OtcoMber were dautlia thoi of theseme4math of fa*. TWA*** schOols ra,Operi on Thure7, day, Jan, 3. Easter school. Will, 0' open, vatiOlonc140. . Mi '(regory- ket Xi** Rico' s roo in the 11. e*ItIflUflt, While 4r., 0 11 ss Locals-. d Them Your Vote is Solicited for W. 3:11,0a. men for countillor for1907; To mark Your ballot on.,,Mondax for S. M. Sanders le a mark fora progres. 06.6,, • , love COMM 1411`. W111. Higgins of 174bortr completed Istuding material pr tank barns. • \ • '. Pear will. preaeb--a-teMperance -aerrigt04o4hellat.nsatrett_churel1 9Irl ad* evening. _his pleasure to State t at Hurdon i now able to sit u d complete recovery may be looked for loon. When tearkie your ballot On Mon- 04° ; , itt tary' show Thrtbsi 9eali ,*. , e putt : I P o ' Ito; . O., *verge, wbeat0 . , ter Lodge,•ft•b.•• ; will-bO; :1104'N ere afld 4 be Zig,. O'lor$11,0 1 ''.**1attend.i.''to ''''' acre. d, 1 , , ' ee. s, it , -.,.n a , .. , ,nt ',Phi ttnit.i.tk t 0 b ., 0 '13' .oe i . . .... , 14.* W*4er'0611/M1 Ot ' . . , and allOy,kitti;e- n'reikon, i ' e 0 hi): 'eliiiro '' PorfOrte '" the• 41:17° °14 4/114 :‘ , , ',,, , e,.. ro_, • ce_rettiou noithig Gilbert-114We. I Ice4 .1014 r Mr. - Tainan.,-si)eet--the---- t .. o p . orte Mid- -.I.Calglitlieffiat- °roe** 't ''' t .,i. . , Us:. 1 00 0 ,.., keitc• Mem-:lear In ' t _., _very_ . , Nwtreillaend:daugh41:'. .. -jkliari tomeWo watehimalin.,'+'..4-4.;'4T..,1.AT• .U. • -- , 'ant duty a ---tt A try'lire nweek arassWere.presented to Mr, flog. gLit_tb :gr... N. Dyer tdo- 0, an. . honorary w n of Aniberstbur is the; P"v1°"• . to b16 • telvil°11 •I'libettLv ''';.. ' tallier of the routidier with *beaus guest of Miss Irene 1104,44.(0111 till* school', Ile will teach' t la year at :tit 1 neck.,,,eart and .in i. addreae. on week. .. • . . i Eden. ' -2' ' "State"' boo/atoms Mr. fitirdon boa ' Mr. and 'Ws. ,j. A6 Tavisk visited The Parity otor*.teltif-bair toiileek, atrays been preseot in the tower with here last week.. They sire now in kin.. skin and tooth preparation* told core- then), butOfiate. owing to hie. contin, online. ,. r ' flavoring, attracts, Eilsson , j)hoop„.,,,:,20ed Ill_ bealtht,he has been • unable to Dr. and Mrs- Ilepowell Were ..glies graph* and record; 4/1 good o i3O"; itttend Ana it is for thie remain the °flits, W. j". Pigott- during the holt. ...With confidence. Drop in on oe*.- ' ; ' Members so kindly remembered him. da s. ..,..• _ . ' „ . " _ a ,., ,..., Mies Chid1;v. tea:4er of awn Mar:0W Sid.Osa Put* ipt Ws, Siosvi* • • •Mr. 1:490. PIrr'411414°Illus' °L *-4:711''''' tskt1 0 0 ell'e fo_ hell Maik 'ng et 1°Pb:tit tri,v1°14,*ea';' WOO Our 10 in *MalI�tnOlt V '0111 0 rite • s One Pe 3.1t It 04 • 0 0 0 0'0014 WA, , 004, • lt• Itisk V. er 'ictr sof ID ti) 0 4 47.01,7J •work in the igh School,DePartranot, On going Into her room on ‘3,tonait oitY, mow., ismisitingib this itieighbor. has resigned to.take effect on ,,illarcb marnin tb bums*, m Win bood.• let nest, Miss Obbiley goes to °lintel) aftvin klier street, were awoke.), to! Victor Sanders spent o-fer days -where she. wiltrecelmita..14ores111 of eita uponthe gOor. -4She 1041 hiehoree in Whalen the begtiitdng of. $200 in eatery, getting Vat • appstrenay ,get out -or bed the week. The Advocate -congratulates Ales night and hurtfallure halused in Victoria, Miners and Mr. Alvin Erint. stint,deatb, On being exam tied by a last week to visit -his mother, Mrs. B. Mi."37M-211tottof-Yorkten.,arrivedi nell on their successful in passing the doctor it was found that she *4 been Va,,,,a1104_, Model School examination atOodeeich dead twAhnures 'Per years she •had ear. min Mrs. wood of Detreit wpte . n4-holemt_keen in delicate health, but the *pd. the &est* of Mr. and Mr. D. Kerma a is __Itatotto utaisry tiottce Miss 21 nem- Commences to teach at den. sialf-Rftrutirlot t week.. Dashw to.day and Mr. Brintnell.at The late Mtz Slavin was s 'Per•- . . , 1`.4 • , .. WI 1 he -of r. an Iletrim ' ale... , manaugh ID _ yeah, age, her maiden Stratford spent the ew Year w it Mr., S. &imitate, whet has been teach. ' name being Eliza, steiff.,rt. Twenty) relatives here. - ing the entrance class here fe two two years ago she withieatier hnsba. iktr, I. 0.. Carling Was in - London a -0Mitigel tr, es . n--___caine40,09,0444 _ tt 4st,utrni,ey,„„ fest days thisweekcombloing business -161- `ar '40 I I4 I i with ieltetiret .' 0 - -- r an , ,', ra. ‘" tn. gg. N , r. re. Walker of i.' riden visit - . Grigg home Iasi, week. . Mr. Wes. Phair of Port Huron a Mr. Norman Phair of Ansa Craig Tie. I I 0130-org-ntrae0-a-roon . • ranee salary. congrat't him He left on Wednesday. M Sample asld family will remain her for a tisne. • • Plesw .band in to the Libtatian aTit the haiiks *litiongrog "to. the Exeter - Library. By order ef-The Board. l'orsoasta for Jo/saran . A Regular Storm Period is, central ."'..ces the Stb, covering the 3rd to the 8th. The,Metk•cory period which WAS central on Vigetaber =h, extends to the. 7th and will excite the siortnal tendency tGrai,slit and snow an ..itut 4oacik. IDE the 4th, Sth and Oth. 'Theseitiorms Iiiiate on .and touching the attended bylaw barometer, tte temper/Or* and possible lightniti thoader to the sOuthitard., • it 111 turnrapidlyto sleetand =maid, ' followed ,by a 1u11 -grown cold *aye; WhiCh will spread dangerously far into the south and eat, pregrestively from about the 7th to the 12th. Be on • the 11114041 for Berea* 'Ile will raid- the country froth his Tictrthera bonze; far -/Oto the AGIticilLTURAI, MEETING - 1-nieeti whom Branch Agricultura So- - -tiety be beta in the TOWN MALL. EXETER, tln,WEDNPODAY,, JAN. 9TH, 1907 Ht ONO o'clock or -the* '14 "--ose-ort- - _Direct Mr. SIa!ln, the fimily oedto\ tow and hacre shice mid.. bere. Pour daughters, two sons 'survive. They are • Meggle and Lizzle at home and eshua Mo an he has 'not re. .4 I , brthe ros Coelrntt Plows, f • b Stephen will bear in mind that they " titled to.vote.Tor 'School True- tees.in t • e village of Exeter: -'--Georg Mill. Thos. , Kay, tirs. Sarah New- combe, Veorge-Mantle,. James Jobe' Evans,- Mrs. Elizabeth Ploy Charles Harrison, William Tapp. Thirty.onei rabbit* its a darand.half shoot in the woods ort.Priday andSar- today test is a good record. That is the number weaved by Messrs. lames Beery'VraukTriebner and 3. C. Sao afeki. • These gentlemen -think Ibis la bard to beat- And We- think so too. Vsually,lt is thirty-one days' hunt _for. tine rabbit. Mr, Win. Mcrairighlin, w o has ... I f 41, • the interests of the Watterous ngibe Co. Brantford, -spent a few days with his -parents here, returning to ;Cobalt again yesterday. He brought ;with him from the'fameussilVer 1013' two sserrent sample i ef pre,. ,one ofwhich- c9nt33111#31t over ninety per wilt of ail. Vel'. • Mr. itna Mre. Soih. HeyStood, enter. • • 4 it • 0444r I +11 I . •; ; re-for--th *mom II, I 1 • - This is the time of -the reo-whe ish t4e house• for winter. t 4ournish the Hanle -Parlor-and-roaexnalonVOles OCkerakettialra-,_ By.c 13:sy,i7 Tarim Suites, 0.--tgxr-Satte14------ ewe' will 44 the\',tprice sui th artieie d 'both to utt sroto_:\\ ,\ .ta Ark., s ..1.1.:44....... Z. ....44 ,. * Mr. Isse,c R. Bissett returned to Ild on, Pr,idey • while Mrs. Bisset left yesterday. ' • Mr. and Mrs.,,McLaughlin„Brantford, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin - during the holidays. - Mrs. Btrney and Williereturned Sat. urday from Belgraye, acccannaided by Muter Norman Geddes. Mr. and Jim 3, A. Sanders rettIrtked twtondon-thismeek-arteravery pleas.. ant visit with friends and relatives here., • • . ,' \\..,- vh Ore. vs. Sbaddock spenta few days i ria. ill this week, while . Master eed-Alid-Eirifenjo/iredziFftifrilaYs", ' it in liderton. - . - Woleeley. ,, Assam Willizun of Oh !- burst; all olt-whimic--have the- -sy pat,hy of tile communitY. The toner - al took. .lace yes*rday(Wednesday)to ggart s cemetery. Os of Edwsrl Matte, ite. Otie-Orgsatees oidisist resident's died at.Seafoeth on Saturday Afternoon in the person,of Edward----Munt. Sr., at the age.of 83 years; it ip nth* Mr. Hunt With his :wife had been nem with;their-eoth-Edwartt, nee -last fa int,ending, to spend tbWinter -there. On Saturday he had .sham. and mks 'goixta-oq. . . . severe pain lathe bead ana collo Ile was taken to the houseand T ursdey afternpon eveeiog._ eveningivaerrery, pleasantly -spent In - music' end yatious games. Oternet lley wood , was present with -Ms grain. aphone and gave nutna-rous selection weicAoatcl.pated..-Shi er tre---reamna• e thank ng‘Mr-. and- Mrs. • business. All members and interested .6 a. • parties are earnestly requester* to at- tend, • serhe Directors are particularly re: quested to attend a meeting at 10 a.m. of the same day, • • •Tee -new Afttkai4alSocietiete_ AL -passed at thel900iession of tbr On Legislature comes into effect FebrociitOt, 1907. According to that Act the oht Auttinctien between Dis- tzict aud Townelstpeocieties will cease and all seciettes',kwill henceforth be need upon the stubelooting. Beni Imlay niust at the nett, annual tneet. seleet some one -Otte head quarters. DELIMIDGE. G. Matt, President Secretary . DONT MONKEY • •t-"WiT11 TiiAT COUGH Use 110WEYS CIIEBRY --COMA 25e. Bottles ; s . 1 0' a a had been a rensaekably sittimit and healthy man up to , fel?, .years ago when both hOy. end mind became ;111•• paired and since be has been More leseilli.sometintett4sehig co. the house for.da ye and. other times be. quite We% AIW-Hunt wee a native ofeYonshire carne to Canada and Exeter about fifty years to, .! • he same boat !With Mr. James Creech, Sr. Por many years worked-fortiwlete-Isseetarling,--11 later„was fireman in the ,littnes Pick- ard ani John 0Ould saw, an Hu- yon--stet0: -ffoisk trivit0 8605Rua two daughter* rvirreir-zAtie of towa.,M • os. Bowerman ofWI Mir and Prank of London. • The funis 1 tookplaet‘ Toesdayat Seafortha 11118045 IliSt*11041.• At the lut meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133. A. & A. • M. the following officers were installed for the ensuing term. viz: Bro. Thos Fish. er, W. M.: Bro. W. W. Taman, S. W.; Bro. D. W. OolItas' Fear;"Obsp.; War. Bro.. Bevis. Treas.': Wdr. Bro. 0, IL SanderS. Seen Bro. S. Sweet: Trier; Bro. R. N. Creech, S. D.; Bro. F. 3. Wickwire, .1. 04' Bro. Fred Kerr, 1.0.f Bro. W. D. Sendere, KS.; Bro. W. P. Simpson,: 3.04 BM, Silas Staniake, Organist; Bro. ' stoat, Director of Ceremontes..----T installation ceremony WAS performed by P.D.D.O.M., Bro. L. 11. Dickson, satisted by the Past Worshipful Mas. - , starilass Illsokstit t-htlt.piattliattadding was ebrated at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagsbaw, William street, on Deo,t2Oth atidelocklit.Ahe_ -.event)) when their daughter, Mise Victor a, was united In 'marriage t� 11. -David 3. ()bristle of, Lschute, Quebec. the ceremony being performed by_ Rev. E. A., Pear of theAlleits 'street Methodist Church. .Only the immediate Mit/Lave* were present. , The bride is one of Itt. etners'highty eiteerned- young ledies V an II rice, le 0 Stanbury visited -in Motidtk." • Mr. Ernest Burwell wee 1st. 11ilver. tod Tuesday. , B. rob Was bere_febin Len. ;donthis, wee .k.'• • r.'Pied 12e0/4 'of :1114got.o#03,-„wm wirv 11- tor -New --.14' - 3lise Lois Minty is gwith MrL Marshall' Box at London. 7: - Mr. and -Mrs. 1100 Oke ,• returned from Sesforth this weekw Mile- Alma- Dens f,•1•TOiontio- t - spent thd bididays with relatives. in town. Mr. Shepherd of Toronto am I with thent. J. 'Smith, head saluman• iththeEmerson Shoe CI. of Detroit, isbome ing ther-hcilida) s wit his paren Landois Road Smith, apply -NW -Yr ear -to- A).1 • 2 41 a a d Mis. Tbos.- -Oke ef- Klnga- ville were here for Nei* Ye*rit. Mt, amt.- Mt*. John -If Stretford visited here . thlis • Misrt MIA*. Link -10--ependi days 'with her Stint, Mrs. Kunz. 14ti. Wm. Smele Of Toronto bas been .visiting hhi petentOt Mr* Johns and' MiseesUll* and re4Orteed tram- Sarnia Tuesday. MI Dorothy-1ton* spen ber-Xmas and the best wishes of the tnany friends holiday -sin Crediton wIth her -aunt, , re extendeato-ber trietbriebiopy-oes- , caaion.' Ur. and Mrs. ()brittle Will W. Sochi -into) vinitin this neighborhood for some of A titter* sisitimt .weeks prior to itseing for their '; • ho O. Mastkoon, 10'114db:t!. v ,- hnt Wiighm. called bto- here opWetirteisds Msa Gilbett and MIs St. Themes spent New Yt the home Of Mr: 11. Spack %Vestcott of ansf, tt of St. Tue*'dav- here ' *their Nestor titstoti 44.eter, ,retUrnettt to ber sporting days for * brief poviod 00 4Thuraday night lest when * gine of hockey was pleyed between Benson. and Exe- ter teetwitem; A fairly large crhird attnided the bind furnlsbed thei „. \ the to,!. .. A so! ntlngs tnprke ancU or *iltaffer ,. i in il to ta, - It yt were beaitez• ha y well sa good It *long the Uni pace wlrt 4 k • at the, entl ot tti i1a50 gatue ttie hoys Were reedy foe thi *12.50 beneb. All the resift of, the gait the lettooti.boit to�, toot tor -their) snppij *Ind* There ***.borotsboto he garne *** 0( reel friendly ' cbar cter. 13p to. the Wit four' mititi .be was In- doubt but liensal 4. tt, , ' 4?, ka .4.4 0 4.4140:41,A.V1000 V. f give good result Alsed"_,Amiter, cowl t 0119. 'ever was as popular *sat present. • . If you -prefer a Pure Man - • Robe .Plour use• aufflW - brand • White Sett'. ',rho Leading Homo and Funeral Direote,rn. PHONE NO. 82 t - t We are taking Isteek and wish to clear out all I.1-aeeorvcqrtter-goodsr---Shismeek-wrapperr-- - ems Aave our-Vocial-atteritionr-lioner-of-2: -- .tliese,..are 'last year's stook 80_ you are mimed Op4,',to.4ate goods, '44,rdown ra,ppete es, -tyrdms.s. and bat $ robes , Rpgular 20e. for 16e. a y We have -just received another *rot American Cortswhich we _reastnu able tennis. • 044...4444410 VEV BROS. %warn not feed stook and lice at tbe ;;Sa6le tithe tthd• faske • thafce thafteY0 1 WU lice .01t your COW man_40 eepriend Potittr .•„Dav, 0 -`1* • 1 ; 11 - re lir Oak4tmere folished wrapperettei iq faney patterns blaelowstand Ted.- Reg. -45(14 yds for $j birtange of pretty patterns in all epiorsi_suit.' able for 'wrappers, quilt lining, -Regular 120., 10 yda for All lines at 10$1 -going 121 yilt; for. Ordixeleft. - Sp'ecfel discount of 25 Pe,r Cent. on this coo, . • , Beie•esItirely-sold mr it oLADIES' ASTRA011ANC-COATS W ge • kin ' state -that we, will ttike Order* coets to be made 'ot. piek e vere n 4 • A eaNif.S. dqUartters r ee ebrated San niute tbellair,woolpe tiara with 5 tiff brush ng Well late ther4)otepf 441 , • 4.66,66, • 1 b it .17 tie lay to pent the Neii (one of 'doting the„ week t to'Stratfoid, Wit tan and .daughter and Mr.. Geo, Arni vbilton vialtei s. beptOrt hist week strid,fern I a • The nion'tl#partment �t Aitt ultnre, th Outarin 4)0er-talent a gr1cu1tur'. The Agricultural klkge *1 0u11041, and 42 egeicultutisl Gll1!'gee In the larolted Stitto, 11 otr att** +,tts.g.itersti t o4l the cnitedi States kit4 MAIM ipd1 *04 0 „. 449 to k.Tsking ei4bk0 Sale k Ooo4 flfl Inez's*, Mantika end ° t depettuseot tuust.be redUced • 1, -10 -7- -v-