HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-03, Page 7ho $!nrsing tiet4, fliil
It-tAriotisui3iin, 4 ic,wn 111; "
fat* tl ct like
• • f41,11:41/St5
ktli6v111;41oti;t1114e(Ipofikly *glt-
flH entions, outile to t.rtiliV, 114.°F1s1}4:1$4'
seri'oott.S, Tool ler "iro-t-Ysi ond yeara
ui't laltly,°(eattpritoorillyo light
t.)fl tho earilt, neee•O"SOF Clayaitioa,
for lire iota tleOlopmen4
,,or 34
ustoted iswernio is 4 .trChit
( . tho eNP
P 'i=lf,lt te& mUdG
t • 1 ,
I * )10,'PlAce
t •• I • I, oonnekly 1 th,
alto ' *thOlot,
hnt va1cL bef ltitigi
; loAt;)
1 R.
ttefl x
, . tut
tar ?
- '
i ▪ I t*
t t"cry
1 ' 11te.
"I , v 1 IO14
o ,••
i.r ti, , 0'.flat
f:'ll v:.';'
.01,.Itte1lite',Iii Cs t'., A
ite,a, 0,.ni..,!‘tr .I. I 4, / . 4 •
btl '. . ol,i; In. 'it:; .
itte't ' 14:tall.
l'tficter• the void,. 4•44,alto
hi t lobo ,.
's in I • I toot ,,•,, $ tit k eted
1 e fire -t o ecu,Is•filLcI with ,
I se; ;in hubbies through-tho
vfhe votgr then .treetts: into the -cell
tonYerteit trumediately,into steatn,
linfibliog otasteam threttgh the alga
'flCL53 os exciter • afterthe' kettle ;emits
'8 tonS notes„ whieli may he likened
to the refiliiiga.lar Woe treesy a getitto
- breeze or the sound Praeltiee .10 iartaill
ilinftil1§e01PW .. .T.,t) *Tpiike the kettle sing,
'teudiy It is neeesiery to regulate the
Pre in suet) 4 'way that the,,eXpoiliion i I
tont htthblea is' In good accord with
Ihi riatorot ,p,erleat, ef vibratien..or ti
eo- So -lhol,41, is-igoosyn-ipatbotieov
'nation: ,
Tlt coppers in " Attlee are copper
mines.It is believed by some that, the
,grotest. OPPer industry to the world,
will be developed in thetortinoranyilea,
e n,,Ofetralipatiles, are o1 great
, ",""r"rreTitiarWrit711—v-tay 1)7'071 e
on of the...greatest factors In carryingWilizatiett Into the heart of Africa,
yelf time is roquired fordevelopments.
shares ti -may suffer before the . • .
oeles railway cannot Wen be co
p:eted ..for floe Years • or so, and even,
Ine itizedesla- railways extensions are
'now t reqqtre a 4:couple of ..)r•ois
they •Crin 'reach the propertio, Iletheet
AVIV:lams Is the pioneer and in .a great
-Toeasitr&ii.3 .01!PrOZer ot this :vaStun-
Will the .Japanese ,Save.,,Mo'xico? T
'solution of'.1Vexleolso'fahor dlatlittes
seems. to rest;_with the Lilltputs of Alp -
On.. The. Alexi:eon. laborer *expects an
4•Keoas4ve !lumber of. holidays, 4, total If
ialootit. of the. 30. days. of„' theoyearo•arot
Oititese- . takes Rig- ardiess considero-
' e:ns' and \dettotes them to traditional
r obilgat'ory idleness. No one ques
'Celia- the. ambitien of the Japanese, and
• no one doulif-s their eo oelly' and Ira-
- prOve- Ire o S. *WT-Taperiese.7ereion.
a. re _not --
'd dein cell, but most of. -thent 'lave
• ‘ce
tit: v.. ' • ,
ttattilesq flung out inlitoerteainfl
OtagateO ..treard Of; fintuati *e$;•,
• -140•.;Opre;iaeF'itiolf-,
.41; aut na automaton.. •
' Traci t :tot
y 'the truth,, witi, that
orn an autiiUUt' putchitte, t„
eltieloixov, 'wound up to go- an' ollotte
limerainoothly or otherwise, os' the e -
!&'y of the, maehinery tatty• detero
itnne.'" • • • - • I .•
Against this morlild and •Crr611,e0i1,5'
t : -*".;
..te'.'ifivit, o
, t ' o ) ".•eirer 1,
&. n. • )1iir. "
ie$ ',31V)IillE$1,,t :, riii,r
a iititiVS,1',0 it1V0,:ifil; Itektitoy's
. 'cool"' •Itetilars 4114 ge'111
' IV I1Milg• Mt- tioe,s
•..loVeOot rncoitte gra(o/V,s
•11'(::(1n1.11V0,11):..110$1(If'a 's1:41140,0" Phir$11.1.r41Lt::
t, •
1krk interria
oVet -oas at:
it nood •
it4o117:e.teli annd olitst11.141431°1atawl
of horveat ts ever -,:ritor0 intensity -
tug his moral eharoctero eniter for worse
or ler better. The •argotritmt -foreCs •
ot life we roise protet.totiod ,niart. 16. reSp4tisible .tOr
ore rultAnote underealod. They are pow-., crty inorallly' tieing as he pleases.
IA 90(4_100 lj b
It* 11-ditig,00n. • t
of '0141:141uotit blioxrpt,1,... icon*.
cmUnj S$.
lk31$1111)47 001(44
idijeo -and*: ,itentittintes: ithough
re land re ittleS• ondoserPents
ftieso:. VI?. C•' •
V .▪ ,11.44. -Which :wit .A44 consiaOr fl
oats and man: Were created; ' •
•fleosts of UM eartho-WildOonit IS too
ppose4 ' to doutestle finagle"' ketalY
:51:tifttEr:4(1' ..t-.1) *Sle,11?.;!,:vttfit' lt••• *
- .13$ n4
• tole tanpOlings'O.41ftie,q,ixar
two t1 -!i ot h(tttet.(or holt to
aiat bagel% '.4ekt lialr
Of -baking .poWdert
et outhl or 'ettlf, tw07,
Mak aocover.aPples
pare 1.1 coeed, -and pinch t
tieorurt,1,10 clads. 11,,Q11. hard t
tilolasses• Can One cup, or ;00104-
ses, cpp$ SlAgar, one• table$Pooll
"Pggat'i• little -butter
114. ,111101iir $‘1,0. ,141.00),.c.:13,oagh
tOls*oes.".--Orie 'cult of sugar, one egg,
ne-hajr,, co* ot butter* •ohe,hatt eup of
ruilltt °loft. teaspoonful atom meturt one -
4 Make 4;'Stilt-401,10,14 drttlt on tins 'and
holf 1044100M". ot sotto., ilour enough
4,tp(Irin4itedue owitetnitt sitgar., "lake In-
Dittier ScOtch. I together toy
one r t eV • trOin
ileredliY- dad environmeld own eletraefer tub Men has. the. I
ib -
Mut redoes. f417(nt- are they to he over -
voted., In OverY, nian .-there Is an un-
tra'ned poweto a sorneibing whfett pass-
e from , generation to generation, un-
toetched by change,..onet even though it
may be shot in• by; tvUeondittomo and
• tend -nett,.
.$1kW. .1
flisoacts M the aggregate form his ha t -
ns -bis tables -determille his eititPoOer•
2. Eoch mon is resptmsible for his.
4Ie4iny, Ile is resitimoible 'foe his -des4
tiny tecowe he is responsible -for ,h1s;
-cbaracter. Character.determines destiny.
.awi4.4tionkiies in ;the <adage „ of
(1COOKINO. •••
Smatest �iP»in •Circulation
Moral fivedont Is an inottenable'rlght
f man. Deny %thatemu bas the power
to choose between good and evil, then
it is,.u„ seleSs to aPPeal to motives. Deny
moot freedom „and, aS wefl
emit:oar, ohurehes, . and. *aT,SoligK -.our
7ttrettontiiirteNo;oftiluelt4inlii '
destroys"' both personal aecountability
and persooal-manhood. IL Ls for eat
nom to say whether he wiul elmoseoto
,c flood* or bad. Mao is alSe onder law...
• man s y-itoottli.ls'ertaws-o phy-
sical and spiritual; have their gravitab
ing e.eotre In God. • • • -
Kiln is under the law of the laroest.
On Its physieat sidethis means the in-
heritance 'of- physical characteristis, but
on its moral, Spiritual side, It means
thateach mon Is reproducing his own
. •
charaetee. Ile Is repealing himself lin
himself. End; tad net becomes the. sire.
o,, other bad acts, even us each good not
bee. es the sire or other good ads, •
.1 1-71-1*utri1tustra1es-ti ----
-.10,wieohatoesto_Whatsoeyee hesows
. fortune."
Or as L'onittellos putsIL
For the Straietore that WO ralse„
'Tinto is witn 'materials tilled,
Our. tollays and yesterdays
• ALs-rtrabtoolcs-wittiowttiCtrweolotil
Mall _ads/ices , front Damson City,
hig on Interesting -occount of life, and
the -cost of tiving in that litr northern.
city, stir-;.."FrOnt a Stimnier 'Intill4n• ash'
Ing comp Dawson City has grown intizto •
thriving town •vith a population; el
n4 apt, reap ort taint; sow a !
electric lights, w iOleso _and oretnit.
t reap a character; sow ,a- ettarac- stores nod two up4o•date noWspepers,
al) a ,'dostinY."' .. - •. which sell tor bootitY.flog Cents. a copy.
at is lig,ineous, let him be rightep Tito dwi,niftigs are 'either frame ,or 04
d • tin beirt even more •-
•. to -w3. , -
neoth the eye' of_ anyyoungmen-o.iethisn
consider that. in iouttaie Is at thersow:
mg end or the itarvest Youth 11
the plastic; formative period of ine.
Dining 4:1he years of .susOeoltibility each
young- Man' Is electrotyping his eternal'
-destiny. Let him remember bis Crea-
tor in the dityg of youthheiore'llte. evil
• , e • ),
bi 1.$97 taa-t-1Wwhen ctrpenters'*',
(1437. The ayerage size of
og..pohln Is 101-4, nod,. wlitie they ere.
co011tfOrtable, but little pro:144001s ntadt
for light,. ,the windows .Leing exceptiote
aillt smolt, o
sTgltere were DO, shingles' An •4110$0
titlY.;•, se tho ;roofs were 'covered With
, i • r.t. t I .,
. ,
ii t hoe:: 1 h. ..itiet!, loa0;:;4:41"t' .; ••..
Novi ,'1
i !ritlii• lowy ptet,aillittlegii: litetillertig. la ,.;Xi
'itolgi .aritt '
4"eenrety.;•. •• 1,..
,ottio:-., .,
oto o',, t a a poky
4oving, it ' Itpopto1, ,ille:'
k• *I
Atid low-washedoin vinegtor trod i•i
. olop.0.-e.e....0., al:WOK-PO .„tA•trots,li
• Atio ,ii.,,,,,,ater.., Ttos water, stujitter
.41. , it When- I1io"4-wotor JA, 1141:t
moltedantil Kan owoter Substituted., .
..To 'keep, ,ttot fresh, for ••oretio timei, .
titis recipe • ' was' sent" to me*from _the'
West, .where t oat fold, it i' used by the,- ,
"" rirtletv--•-,- 'LV.011 clean :•00 Scrope the •11) (
i tt lol'ne) ig • s
",111$11441e°:- '
'posed to 1110 •1111',, to dry. •
Do not put' aside dirty bottles, but
'ash, each clean as. it Is.i.ernptiedettn„ .
urn the peek ,downwards. that it now,.
1W7dry and. tir.-Irotn----dust-owterE.:Ittro.
.. Small phials and 'Wino bottles ;•
sbould' all be, treated thus, and the eon-
enc- 'Wilt nitickly ,be oppreciated,
blaelanj- tos 'AillOws.: •
_e• ther' ' - 11110S of loorY. Mole,. IttreW
wo but telor,
hand tonit
S.00, tante „ She
quantity, pour boilinkotvater ,over
-end motive the:skins., eacb 0111)
the almonds' add One tablpoon
Photo Owe. hit, Alit welt and oIIOW
them . to soak for an hour. Sprinkle
ith ,•fino Antitesp. tolti„,e
tit broWifin a Mow on,
disloyal.y shaking. the
•Ilacaroons„,--Viaree•-quarters; OUP PP
tOrt one Pattrat.while,.sugar. three eggs,
1,,vvo tePtspointS -bitter almonds, twatjteoe;
13 baking POWder, IV;10 tativslxion
Pr. When tI ' uio factorily
amalgamated mix In a Feputate pot five
drachms of sperm oil and six drachms:
of oil Of vitriol; Work an toFther, and
the liquid is tit for Uset•
-days come and the )ears • draw nlgh 'earthoopotf wittoh the grass has growo,
,when his moral nature, no longer sus- prevetiteng th! ,!
'.ceptible and ;formative, sbaul beeoma thtoogh, The root poles project and
Coodeles,. 'twee -quarters pound -sugar,
ono -half pound butter, .one and One.quar.
-tee pounds -'-'flour, throvoo eggs, little salt.
Mill out thin and-cutinto• 'Entail cakes;
Omer Viread,Ono, cup ,syrup, ono -
half cup .each butter and buttermilk, .one
• egg, tWo teaspeons bakingsoda., one
teaspoon ginger, nud' flour. • •
1arieySoup0.4011-in wider for half
an hour a pOund of pearl barley.. -Place
this burley In two (Owls of chicken,.
A . dd U eor-
o adatiantitte -*-nbarditess. rionlrY, knoWn itaille_ettehe 4_114olh
*aside Mitijo' prtipped •up four nuirl4N14Y-Ter -two-
Poles. Cold 4..torage can easily' be on. -sldt '1041 PePPers and
f towel ,Tite name -here occurs o - r a lit
-been brought-into-AlOxic(i-',-a
,041, Ini9re will. be :introduced,
-chiefly lot- taihvily• werk.
The- fella-- tlirrii•-te'.
ogartt`-arti-reinettrnatirtg in Switzerland
a/hero on atOcial eataraet to be nearly
•oloitty feett higher than the Niagara falls
Is to be 'toast:vetted near. Cerei at a cOM
et $12,00000 to supitly Paris with dee-
; • . It Is „thelorgesst imporlont-,tvork
07 *kat:
4 ItaS been madertakett by otoeonipany
under the •sopervision of the eity goy-
erntroit or- Porta.' A barrage ter dam
- ,
titiole01. 'high- Is to be built across the-
. trate.' leottielly, witicit 'will he ;convey-
Cab,les; -
eh, " the tiny
whOSe. ea re' oeheil the
„ o'filathee wants sonde .oak VarniSh."
-.1ittloontan taked. the
"Father $oya will you Said
utt'•-thitsr Mkt hatided over.
,,,,ZIWIter, vitt "Itttr-yeitr en.'-.S'ettureloy:
• 4•1116 retipient 'easitoily(,, And thelt
(jin feed of the i'04polititt grew ttork.-
d'"We itrxe-ertdit. here," he ,,se/1"
iittekotheotarn#' • ,
• itteelfty.lk..111116 lad handed bet
lhattle ••iotto 'tgir,",, he. eittot. *Pother
ittV yhtf4rbo, tort, to .1:Otte .044.001,411
con, rtoind the fetr," hint 1
tinrh 'the ••:1Oh• 'wants to do, *ha
. the Ood _ . . , Mined' by digging a Dole three or .foin 11.• , P •
itt the Murat though used *ilk a •syt,,,,,,,_ga- titp anAottin‘olo_i i a wood_on boo; , Deer 13rptlf.-,41*.edite four..
: tar verb. created illeb.,-slitigular). 'rii- q'ti,F. 'GOMM). IS. ALWAYS lritOZEN,:' n e * 11•WO -to .
usage go. the plural 'which , Is , very Oat- ,•erwenty.avo, cows .os. Ahokosnuotesi sioett, • onions, five 'mat carrolso'aud•
• mon in the Old: Testenica iS OPlained f0000,00noney in :circulation, ortd two covet this with cold v.oatiro When Mt
os that "plural. of Majesty," .since it Is Ire chtideen wild Inver 54,,
an thing :bottles to a t 1
oi4..,oll, slowly and Wm.
. used th -e...tnivss -greutoess_ or' ‘thpli onuith,r_,_ .. . ...hs, i varl mon_ .1);_ too Ts -..,..t.tiaok Oft. 1hig-.80Ve 10 S-1-61°, et all dAV,
4 : ST ' - Ln : “--Ve111(4°-ra4Silit)lietiklile414-44-41t. 'does.'1110; ri°e(''''' h:Itnriis nett 14n"d7inet's. li'l:t t 4111 Avinnerj Was so ‘gr.S"alen-PEPL-Et 419141L ,— . 'c'441riatetti154'1°111:!'/1;*
- .
, , Goa- ' the Creator.,... Golden 11.6eaexraeirvi:eins: balt.11:1YaihOth$0aeovterrin:go.titio/eorefin:doilts:ailintilg:. s:ifirsgmeels*ele,ev'd,o*oliwiejtigil°40efolchtlisrY.alrinritif:unillvtdIntlai'rlib,dt. °us.' 101,7 ,iiilleemtdivre4..N:11.xtet,. sdbtattYeait,n1113b(letsin'otiltelpel,ttgbilrie"3::7°11f:c,..
Tes.t: Gen. I. .4
' . , •13ut it does denote "the production of ocenn .„. _
- - something fundarnenial!Y new, "4 II Evaporated -apples aro used until:mid. nutuntil
• 1 11 0 1,1 Ort• . - : - . . . .,
* 1 ' led.' . A Id t th's boiled
-STUDIES7,--- - • th y h boatsbriri rice It is improved by adding 'eloSpried
,to o , n ro. res -grwart-il eV -01r. , se se - ,- _ - o-
on e c, • :-_, .t _On., -- ,,,,•-• :•., enntftelaii•lizeveeigiersI)70onad.; „ iii,._,.t16,. 0_*. theotlifsar,:rnIST•4n40;e. traenipl.
n•,..-t,tivf-tire-ntvi,50 Vf 401 ossessed by moan? lib,iver.l;
The Larger Creatlett;---One Modulen- - •21 "Wu* oonn voloo-wito,aet -
-- Mg, 'and fresh. Ones areoehea in id• •sT•4 ed ill 451Tieluarter eti
1,4413A,Lajate . •• 91 ert chaotic.
eilt Gars days Of creation are The deep -The prix ye, tin v • IrititilEr7iirtrrTC` ozen. ° eggs to '. I.- - •
zoluouzioestmoitot-eilst wee 1
prooel(rthinirotilm-process•-of creatiOn the.-w7titer•----tis --envcioping the chaoti r
11_81,, and „,in Nsiinter proludny__
Qtribettt steak la common and may, Le •
man niron othe arena of life and the S Ira of dod --• The' Divine -11 - • •
Stiller; On London Stitcts an
Atte,rward -Disposed 04
- • o
'thieves 'lave . been: -Very busy
stee , Regent, Stree an' •
London tlotily Mail. -
The police believe that there is an ex-
pert pod highly iorgattizt.d. .-orang, at
work. 'The ordinary dog -thief wittt bli
sae % for small dogs add a stout -piece of
rope .for the laeger ontoil,,,,isoalt,vays at
work; -but recent losses liatut to a triOro
'daring methodoot appropriation: It is
believed othat ..Maioir of the thefts or
;silt:tiler dogs aro eoitunitted by -i,voitieri.
TL,04 hang_ .,allocatt on .tile
:crow - !At V A - • •
ek' 'taller -4* -BU •
eitkxt_Updtv the
• t'til a in' -re or leSS
uitsiel- their artli 0C20$10;15 110 Cornow
fl tite largef,typeS. colileO and ptiodles.
•..ore the -ittoSt sought,. after by tho•
• • - •
rasily..handled- la strangers and .beeatos
afwo.ls.on)nleild a good itiaricet•on
too (:niitittent, e.,,peciaily in realize. 1%0
sul4ller dogs 10.teS. They'
alaY he "totted" to 'some extent and, rent;;:
down to "Ctulo ...Bow" to ShOreditelt,..
ever";t Sunday morning; 'out wherpoten•
or -fifteen -shillings- tan- be o
Uned-for trogood-tereier, theopurchaVr '
o eetfiTgFriftliTrir to-TIA
-as' -culntinating with • tlity. -appearance or' :earth. -
of sugar, (tne •aspoon
,* • *
teriogIn af..14tnion history ; • but to yobieh creates and suit:lin& - sA light lunar; consistmg of a piece hlitter.and enough' More Witt to kneed,'
*was --duly a 'tstraL-0114, -Aks we ere cern.. -The Spirit ofGnd liath tnade me, ot pie and a 'small glassof roilk,„ costa • lthead Well, let' rise- Mut roll in 'a long
•Into-ntoomorajotooi,indoro the ,A1Krif the hustnesi men 50 Cents. Cans of eoro, strIP • one-quarter inch thick. Spread
earlier stage-•Oin, the Aternal process 01 , eth me life" (Joh-337.4)--. tlatgde 'logitiOnititeitteroolatifootimfurntoo°
becommg whereby -the Iitliniteols, beln , VIO-4,otet- elo•oree-ottrilittled-supernatura atare-of --a ;jersey -COW, are found. on .sugar over 1!. and roll tip like- jape"
-more. and more revealed In and througlt spirituel gifts and extraordinary Pavers all raatiront tables. A iota"' hole cttfe
collo • Cut in One4nbil &a aria lane&
the itnite, the will andpurpose of the of ;non : "1•.- am full id power by ille Punched in OA lop and from this nom *close tOgellier- in palaS. Rake 0004141r
Creator in the' life and character of Ins $"pirit, or Jehovah, and of judgment, and is Poured Into the ,011ee or tea; When eoldpour oVer.thern Very
creatures. The .bitlit of -*Christ,. God's of tiligliV1 (ktk. 3. 8). • -• "Table Whole meals' are 'served at Sit verY sYruP.1 of tonfectionees_sugar
reveliillon of himself. in• the fleSil hl the Nooted upon -.?tioryinot reading, ootts ....04istly within the reach: et tilt, while and *water which ha$ been, halleet two
11111110711005s-ectellti011. 6S- wa • - ran Varmaladeo Werth -Trying.
r'Sd11 kif his Son, martied-onother stage•ooding upon - • Almost everything oaten' at this meal le •minUtes, • .
Sing fin all thu h point. et ,dopar- 'eonotious and-4cliherote.ptirpose-as,wel Po1atobl,T1,10,4inner,tottsjiii,„0 soup, 10 &aeh too*, LI bilter orYo,..,•0•
re in 1ti history or revelation, In to; lite omnipotenee implied in these a toast, potatoes*, another vegetable, pi e orhflgoS, ttlizca J. pulls
Christ Jesus 11--11C1W race, hewn, tiotoafthe words. We' have here (lie eoriteist tote, ut 'Pudding and te-a or coffee, Ixaling water Stir end let atand Over
.flesli, lint of the. Spirit,.a race or itte-re.. shadowing of the • *sotto'. SOlie ' "Ilea costs" --$1, a bottle, -and &ton. night, then. take-••ont oVery seed'and ends
(I4'0111(4 in Mint stating Point, as. which' the toot "the Vorortr.:1.4 113(11:paghe Is. $lit it quart. Clothing is Ji- of the. prang,e3.404 ,10.0 aboo
.114 gpal. - lite comingfliiikr ,.14)1111,1: 1:11111-14*Vilstantento- Onto._ wise- -e.1:pasW4.-.-.•-,boolariorrinadeogow •
11) , ttitittC 011 I
juilestoop_in te_bistery otibt, cre4tion Were titeLheavens. I In PawsOtt'Illitf'exPensiT41 •••seet,”. a
vasl•iet---the InituguratiOnlit the liearlS"-- 4, It was•••forailoo•Colitideli. perfect in:11004e vaitt bostt its wearer in Dawilltrougtt th
tnen of •Itte Eipiritual tdogiattrin which :*tfte sense. of corresponding to tite._Divine son from $1 lo $1.4,, And hatt are .inixturb 'to
'rities,„oupremeo-„the establisinitent -intehtiono , eageri.V, beligt for • _
Id the "Christian Church, the unseen' O.O. One day Unquestionably in ;the VIVO firtg -TIIAT -.41tItrOttNTOO.--
spirittial fellow.ship of believers, was tilind o1 lite anitioro of liteltarrative a • “Iloading Metter, Is on a tior with
,eertajniy an event of a$ greet MoMent as period of tw.ertlyfoitt i1oUN #L3UP etati‘" Olterylhlag 01,40 In price. Teri cent lung.
,itte, creations Of the 'heavens and earth pare introlluctory note.abOveto • • • azinea s11 fOr, twentptive tents :to gilt
"in' lite heAtortfiqk" Atte tegqtfl'1410_1101. olefirhiament-ittr.oxiioncted_ ;ft tent& The lwontNitro -eel* variety -eost,
•--• aLsmiLtii.0 lowed *01k1„..ottrtittott.' Sonlething rectlt,r double In Summer, and, four
4froin above:411e, dawn or Trib *limes "heir -prree-In winler. ri-Ar
uilist be..-Vtlinted, is of noi".,/esa impor 1/tattle1 dotut of4Ite. ,sly Is ettneeiceilot transportation, i the tame 01 hlgh te a deep, ;coldish
tante than:lite tomillettcentent of tlie no co, solid barrier, setiorating the rtes. • 'This is *linpiy, de1iciou44.
.physleat lift; ,vf., •Ittaltk. -*tt(X. the one frciititS of water widen, are ttlattV0 it:, • cr,0047,K4111.11 as, h $t04 tabrIth
t ,osidetibreolell
tlIngs to I ,iiie".--80"lid ilar.tv andIti
Wider thatwasiteS •Otro..alhied -t
tnixtUre, ntates that nitidt' itiore-mar-
trallaile„ Add '1 pound sogar to each
pint of the 'orange, &wit. moderatety
slow -and 61144 frequently_ Until the mar.
MOlade IS thick and doneo NO flavoring
Id -
is Ift`tio,ituOr sen,St * treativb act,* calls: otti' the -voter oft tile et/rites. surface. _with -botird ind,„ '"r04'11fl A Wein:* Who.
•,•for.o.-__Timo-•.**11.Ilikt000t-otW,Q., sakyoult_th .u1e in to prepnre dinner oatulLisc.cfsiii .
Wat,-:..ttrilit the --other, - And- the passing, t i . Teteseenirettla illOriti'-o-ftlef---rere e----elr.ifir :itWIt.
WAy of lite.iteaveris.ond the' kat-i1e-111e t heotorth . itself vita 'month, vhile-the ordinaryserubiitoroati
,rt, 'Stier/rig irk tinee.iiicro .eit i TiiV-Toriter To iniTratitidltt;W-4'-df,SC- conifirandt VC:4r' - Y.- -• ' - - '-- --- -
, ,
litingg..+; whielt .0VA, . tricoselk toroth/4 iy by, .the tIncittitttg s.(1.4, , otteeping *Otto trt wittitt -`is arioihor.
11,ho hitt anattior-6tago--itt the otie,,etero 11 it, ftsN"Avittle- htti,.,01th if, ,,re'apettsiva.-neketalty. ,.:1,,,:!Cood.", It tit ' tor
1 prottaf. tor: 0403- e lti -on; • vi.,:tio, :or w311-00 `attled Ttitotit, '1'014,, and l'aat wintOrtt ehtt *6/ Id
IsT •.,s'tti.gk,s
tronfw,htett /Ltd .aft'Ittorit
ti Infinite rood It lie; Waters to t re ISno 040 In Ott W
he Inture ,
7firop1iM••-•-,11e- r'tn
upon which' ,.•.%
ends tts, rather With .ltio bk
vi of otift ,tthe$,Ot, and -dtiel
lipleoto eost a latelt.W.ard look int It
41.601, post, hod ti((' 1!I% p•iiiptin
Crt'qlftft in the' Ovento that' transpi
trio: ' The. v-vfnee eftliG
'itint1t(91if4iette* 141--
3r1: fl' i eVir 10.4-11:4e:411(
, 0
ets In .thofild,T aniptit
.4.,s11ntitc.,,, in li5tott..,,itt. *ate
tiler ", t/to eartttl 4%.1.4-44.0.ePor be
bath fOrtroled it utteti the :seti5r,t I •
1241. Ce‘ogIO that Spit etal libroad*tiie
earth Upon tile yvatere;..lob
ot lite dee
o ty. lard nnd tIio
orhaps to
t t
als 106, ,bitt
ragliT sthe-ifiedinfit-br
• it •• i resort tt
ransom This last tortho(L-1,504
most prefitable wily of rottlizing, but it
requires to be carefolly carried throe b. -
"•°---Vitr000-shrettoo4tt - •
shtling Is earried on, it ittoy -0 ea
tioned that at 'Vine Street police 00161,
,thcre were recently eight notices ,offen.
tog pew:in...1,o. for -"lost" (the polite way of
putting "stolen") dogs, and et'Matlhor-
out" Street and all the other West. tri
oftices-o. 'correspondingly • large tiumber„-'
• Mutat 'offered row trelli a 1044*
latna 44.1.d 41)
Not •Jtlways- iotiny-ooThere-One
• nay.a N.tt*ek on an
1. is'ffie; convietkifer mutlY totnist
Itt. • London that -there is feig Ma
Metropolis 363 days 111 'evetotta with.
1 in loapoyearso when thero
Is follow -300 days.
This e;iaggeroted notion-- of London
fog % 14 Vill1,0 11.011lC41 by ort official ,pub.
licittion" .the English 'Government,
which gives -a compilation or 'the were. .
rolition& taken, Iwtee a day and
wludi showg.., ..the- following .reanit for
-1St year: • ,
' ' Doys.-
-.(Vercalt /port tog), 145 ""
Fog Cdettse) .
I it.
Statute' oil linen *OWNS taken out
ett t „one*.
111141 1* *1boed to in for
* *
*141 4•144"
to I f t
%Fotk' t )•,:e , of
. ,
ul: ' .\ 1..-14' the 14lIfilitia"11
E 1,1er f tn!!!gt' . le
il ' a '
, t
ttullla 1ftl it r '
, O
thog 1411
h Or. India;
n hotitoottigl
11144 or
d no 1e3t,l4'fl
la (}-a1iiied to
nze tigtt i
' \tour' eorrura. Atthe d
a1rnrAtt Nati broriztt with '
and iliteot* thi. Pri
aloti,•rand, /gilt ' I
rdi he loot *t -
Io:tlr(' 41 f..•tot ' WV
ii 1.4
It HaUour, *
i** Ibul *te a b&g n;Irror
r, da --flu 0
Imre A*
trt Um/on
and PlOtt 411,0iire
tintm x.ssib1e 11
dap, tria *Ittoluttltt. bwi
itar ,