HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-03, Page 61-••• •••• a 4 ibrilials arid • VER IN AMIGA,. to . Capitalist* W 1 . '•eliktreeesaf Viktoria Falb. • Briteh earl i. German e,apital -have Vett .-to carry Clit, one. of We naestin- teat'ing engitaecrinti antiertaiii, gi 4.,,,r • , M10110111 ::s.ll,V,91 ' it •V,i', flip tlarnw hg, of • 1,ha 1,!;ctoria Fia ifs,' Ikii' ,Stipply ., , /tVill0 power lo tite.itatid tand to the hectoliter - 4440 deleetainnents -ot ndustetal like:. n • AfelViletitligare, . , ereiteeteirlAY Oily kx,ea.lar‘gest slog!project of th 0 ''''OinIfft."Nr Ja T14!wor41,. •,,,,„ ' :Tim. prOieetils, as follAws: By . a Jai- ' ir4 Or! the north:side of the river 1.110416 ' a. "nit•I to • r t n • GOthe' Rand: fo gu rd t eny uteer:option ' ot/ser; lee, rid 4rkii1 in cnJunct{on, afeith ths wolild t hydraulic steam ve of e.n- Foi, this" purpo.ae they w aid pre- • 'alciatte. n „artifieial . 'waterfall' iiar. 1537 Ming, all! 814'0111S tvr 1rons- naltb41. •frarit 'the rails to ,parrt venter •',1010 i Osetvnies' at; a. great height. • By tilts riteans it wettlil 1)e possible in \c.aae ' otehretatbketearorrttre-anearilreittemraeleiti line To supply tit& whole of the power •arreded' by the mines from genertars titiven from the -memoir, mill eithe.r tie line lead been repaired, or the steam Station hatil,trati time to get up steam. •„ . ****1244.111. 111.;414114,...44,..444. (131LEANS4 CIVItV PILLS AND CONSTIPATION. 1,,V* is it that Btleans are, so effective In the cure of piles?' Beceue6,theY don't *isle time on syjnptoms, but get back /*nee =-Lmotacause I ,'Naletr hear pro - 1. s ai iggliih%shhit*:er 4 ONsele:. Jilaitte-Whieh, d't;operating on the Mies - :Oran prevent, the congastion which uses piles. Bileans , do not 'merely oo1he the Congested veins. They act on \• 1$0,N IN 111BaN109N. . Verilorat of the Mplb' sts4Ie* by People of Diffta'ent Utae. Of all the myths which, have OPrung up aruund I the moon; beforte, teleacope revealed .anolter World with lofty matuttweee deep valleys and vaaL -lite- tIclbst, and prObobly the most familiaI.to us all, is Allot el 11.5 human Inhabitant,. every •rntraeryt ,.htLat •Aellorapeatraaesatethreettatetekaewhk;,:lie Mosta gathering slieks -Off the 1.ttbitalta.., and ceinderinted to dKell in, the Moon till tfie end' of titnela's. the'. !eyelet), (Hobe, ,fle,a; „t.tIbiallest •stone, of the. niopn " gAtat'Agigitititaitttlek, •hs titiolt; it would be handed down by asaletts -Sablialarlans, as an edifYing warning- it 'has even, been. refeerea lo Iliblite134 authority. German , nurses: 'eomatenly very the tale se yi ng that the, ()gender' vas ,given the cheIce' of bnetting the-S.4o or- freqing in the 1110 m. ;and • that.: he ,,Prokried •, hitter -fraat to a solar furneces. But' in the Nild- tile Ages, before Lutherans arid 'Perritens. lard-earperimposedettroevorteeption of Otte Jewish Sabbath upon the Christian -Sun- day, the crime -thus punished was theft, -ft is possible,- howeveri-thatilie !Wan in the Moon" myth mar dal an even remoter -antiquity. Primitive Marl hati a tendency tg'zipersonify-these-netural forceWhose laws he retold ,not compre- hend. -his imagination endowed them with human 'Voce- and _bunion feelings; and with superiturnan knowledge and power,.... 'knee the 11'1001f acquired it sex and a''''gender, In Scinserit and ell deri- vations, except Greelc and Latin, and such titedern languages as have come under the classical influence, it is 'nuts- canc. Ani doubtless, this As the rea- son why the logendary "Woman in Ufa ,neitVyso prevalent.„es the legendtiOreMlin." *' Bo this as it may, it is .eertain that In Teutonic fable we find the moon hahited hy both . sexes. For according to 'Mr. Baring -Gould, our 'familiar nur- • ; t t • MAGNifigIZT. CALIFOIINIAITIIM S. Va tike Chicago, Union Pac140 4n North 'Weeitern . Line. • • The ."1„os tinge - lett: Limited" to Southern. California an the' '"Overland' Limited" to Saxe Feancia- co aee consideredby travelers as -the tralna leaving, chicage, 1..e.ss 'than tkeee days to. CalifOrrea, ,Drawhig roem •aut'CorneartMent 'sleepers,- buffet, aerv•alion and dining' -cers. Trains elettric lighted throughout. • ' The '"China told. jae.a11"1. FitSt earrles . Paljeut '''$raftrilifritreff'°,FfititincgRedittrirtc .caltforni,4, ,Caltiornitt•s literature, folder's. 0114 :rake; tie drat on .applicalion,.. to 11, 14.'Ben- nett -Gener ent S • 40. • AI irtIJ 444i; 4‘.$ eonie to fAX iny bah" the patient; $120, .1 believe.% • • , "Yes," replied Pr. '',Olitlibtrit 4,hniditz.iff a total of • "1$er,41 'dienq quite' understand.", leringS it up lo. date, including teary., charge ter'elllete you •know" ' ;I 4 A • -Trili Illii 1, Y DISTRBSSING. Nothing dart came ' More Para apti• more destrme than -Piles. ----Oattetterits----and local -treatene.nts, may 'relieve. Ilut cannot cure.. _ . Diet Leonhardt'if llem-Boki is guarane *teed to Cure any ' ciao of Piles. if Hem -Bold detean't cure you, 'yob get your money back. . tient-Bold Is a tablet taken internal- 'ly, thus removing the cause. .$1.01 at all dealers, or The lartison- I'Fite. Co., Limited, Niagara Palls -,Ont. Poccia, f9c. itiontse. sea ie.& 414* :Foirot4044-, •le • , 1 31'U t , huh )1114.11; „. runs (Au irotcur,0 t'on, fiterpetit eXiese1Y. -04serv it Seleutists, Perhaps the Brat^ really authentic account of a, tire:151er of 1110 sea cii'Pela is that of Dr. 0, B. -Meade-Waldo anti Mr, r P. Ntvoll, two -Scientists who were eta' Mg off the coast of lieezil in • the yacht. Valhalla,' °Mated, 't•he 1.1 Cr UN V (Ord. lfte 'VrFt4,W11061 'teasel on: 1);yeetither 7, IVO. wtaat h aolisedial Inrite Ohiket• abont One buti, tired yardis from the vesSe): At first„, h stet? ; ft-.6riq to, f clanged at edge: With strerig 'Geer?, glaSses:its ape ,evtts, est Waited 'iit • fully - feel in length.' .V.rider the Ikater,' to „the rear. Of the fin. Ihe dart; 'Shade of O. great hody..eould be -giant, head and fled.' .1i' ;S frOnillWNrater in feont the' fine the neck 'seeming to he alloncoA: thick ' aso „ ilark aboVe.anit pale white 11,11,rath. The tgaiala .body,, six fir .etettr feet long. head. and turtie.l'ito, and the ova and: the line, °Like Mouth were - plainly Feen. The neck inoVett from.side la side for a tilde. Nothing More was seen .0 . the mon- slet„' but„ at -2 (eche*: the n -est morning - a; great canunotion was observed net, far °IL and in the Moon some strange creature, not a whale, and doubtless the same as the animal seen the day Le - fore, churned past lite ship at a speed of not less theft eighLand a half miles an hour.. The reports of these gentle- men wilt be published in the -proceediaga of the ZOological Society ,of London, mad will doubtless -create considerable discussion= , le • Some children -fear the dark cs much mils as some men fear the light. , Two heads are better than a dozen - Int. lova affair— - - 13 AF2AtImtityCENTURY Knitting filaeltin Item yen don't be right tillb_itotter,MitHolothe.Afttur-froca-isir.4--tt , . W6th or Without Stand. wound w th Geld water and cover it with a ellth s read. The Ceratalelleves the akin caused by CaLaw toot Flatk.1.4 on which Weaver's Comte has bass freely 0,14 and 11444A the agony of, piles disap: e • n I u pc t ton S * 0. retied from the Scandinavian . myth cf , Pears as docs a 'river (tool when the ice the (Wit children, Ilitiki -and Bil, *Ito Pint Is removed. ., were taken up into the mean with their . Mr. Thos. Plunkett, of , 472 /Manning Egie end bupicc.1 as they yite4Le drag = 161/ 4. XO —• ...11.14t W. -Ult 441 R ',-- Ame al i rr, -4' tt ey —4' t nbtrtii .6--ifiri-- w ti iv it T g- -in It t . yelp:* 1 suffered from constipation and- 'waning of the moon; while the . water piles.. I also had severe headaches: 'All they are earvying refers to the -inilu- .- • „ Sbris of vernedis were recommended to ence et .the moon's phases upon the inc - but I tried thein in vain. Bileans rainfall. )'---rofete. verr xfifferent 'however. From first There is an ancient belief found in --jet' Le.; , -hglnde,41.- ----utt.. lar.; 4 a n 411.4.4=7 ta , f, / . ':21.,,,',"' I 4' 1,-'''r 23 '''',"' . 7 '" III 4 i y Tr- ts i o:IWanytliffir ilia& inns that the moon is fill abode of_ de- BIleans I will be glad to tell them how parted spirits. And some of the SOuth superior they are.' , 0 ,, ' kmericair Indians still regard"it a's their --. Why superior? Because Most reme- "happy hunting ground."- the pa'rodige .... dies merely get at !lie\ external symp-4 • e..1 dead ctrters; and' breves., IlutA Itta :aneatea: Bii.edns ‘ go beck- to the mead./ Mai:flea Ages,Altkr motto- %via; geneiallee Same reasoning applies lo their ';:pertain looked upon as the seat of hell, and it t - Cure of all' liver, ailments, indigestion, is probably this circumstance •that led headache, constipatioir,--lenuita,....4o.: tliejajuilltre aggiserritio-ri of the- tilbon anaemia. ,Attn.1J,,,j,, etc: Druggists and with witchcraft. , atitreS--sell at 50c. a box, or from the •.Bilean Co„.„ Toronto, upon receipt qf , 6 boxes- for .42.50., - - Youngster o elder -brother just librne'.. ...n.„..--......÷.................. --- , ' . . e :. ',Toil undersTand-gratn- ; oin • ;mar, don't you, Jack?" Jeck (indignant - 4! 1 I 4. -- - ' 'SCOTCHMEN'S. FEET,, A welt known American writer tra- 4-...velfeiL4Itteuenthintizare-auttchge-T"Iritannfri ITT I a. and at a-VeirelThillitriffilliffiiidrigraTAT anerVnut '— was treated with the greatest incivility. ,thimanitatian. 1 . Addio4 Box..46a cREELmAr4 BROS., gugOliToWN ON'T JUST LOAFING. ' • _"Ctf'dourSe i do." Young.ster "WI -II,. young samp!" roared the old what would you yolk of an egg r4shatg unexpciedly, "T-ts- - wrare-, or fifolY of an egg, Mrtti ught you .told me you: didn't smoke. _white?" Jack: "The yolk of an egg' iq rettes,- read dime novaor whistle ultiteL Why 510 you ask ?" • Young,s'er: lo you werked?" r "Because I should las it was yellow." Vell?" n= the office boy laconi- „ • - -taro El b A General Favorite. --In every place 'where introdueed Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Op has -not fated to estahlish, a repu- 'kitten, showing' that thergerting-quati- *i1 t v- erywhere tvlien they t,ecorne known. It is in general use in Canada and other 'countries as a hou•ehold medicine and the demand for it ilte...a.s_n_yee_r shows that Ais at Taverite- 4,-erever • "- reeatleiteriiiirpeinelhe, , "I complain in particulat," he said 10 —. the manager, "about my waiter in the dining room. The inattention and in- Dr. Carson's Toni ic saience tit-liliS HUM are in. i.. . ., eht.-150 raw-boned, red-haired Ilighlander.- "Du- A Purely_Vezetable l'Orite- and Blood gald,”: he said, "the American-visito-e-Purifier. Price 50 cents per accuses you or- inattention and Imo- -What-haie yov to s.ay?"Dugald -.-61-it -1,,t-riir ' , 1,6,..T tr,-.,,,. a 0 ilo .16 IL tityyrtint4! b'0it. ilick(ekit that a spit-reapectieg Seat dross wttort teM14111 ri-41=f ONH DOLLAR Om. per bottle) carriage gnorkd andlleitly ,rep‘ilekr, MO rid/ to prepaid. • coUid WILll 0.11 hint wi, eiveelity. Wasnit it he that said we took to the ' kilt be- rauttpaatt sent File5 on application. •cause our =feet were too largo to get 87Theweienanrostoofinstill. vodiesot.lit.o. _Company through trousers!'. ) , Toronto t 4 '4! " n .441 JRIEN'_111 JIEEE1 When you tray* it 4611410. Wild" e3r0 IhrrItt eretspi Viha0)011$' coaithi : breataltiltis, asthma , cr 11,114 trikub1eTif*Waaturs117 ' thia .7 rAiti -EXPECTORiti 11 eat weqUest'llenutch, or romt otelitale chi! Children- love il,. Adults: en.;1011,. It 418.va-Y5i bti.pr.a. Iti t* -pr. Slomim's wow , kierful‘C,Itt and throat, iStoodY= lt-h," ' 1 4never, been equa,lied for--W0c, posthiVe ; fend satisfeetory midis= :NO „ItnnaeliaNt• i • !should be WiEfioat. it '' „ -.r'*--- ..-• .. • '.1 Lova° neeet 'your Coltatoetar Biptittor.. , . ant Attid find iteaviat„ antery in eases of : .i. ovum. _cad& .er, coughs-XttAriP. 4117iiit At. : ever eines-1' got a trial bottle,' sou as / recommended. it to civercystne In need ,eit-i You ,ata,,y wet 'ety ttarite and addretiii7to testimonial if you wisb. Hoping it wit benefit others as it has dons my chit. dron. I remain. M1. M1. AlalliEti , COURF;11, , WY Prances Bt. Loudon. eme.„ Every mother, every father who values the heath and %yo'2-being of their chil- dren will alvatys have Collifoote in the home as an ever -ready physician and , friend. All up-to-date dealers, for 25e, will supply you, with _ OLTSFOOTE EXpECTGRANT. Mrs. Diggs: "Taul you hear about Mrs. Naggsby's misfortune?" Diggs: ' "No; 'what vv's it ?" Mrs, Diggs: "She lost her voice suddenly a.' few -days ago." ....lam.1101•10.01.10011.10. Ma LAMP OIL Ecomomv USE Prirrte OIL mate_ ,a441..tieect4p-tat_ y„,thit-otote.sutfteritl oils it GOOD BURN firtjo, used and ,KEPT If you want a BIG LIGIIT,Tortyi on FOUR GAS JET8 IN ONE-•-• .41 Mrs. Suburbs. tatter. the .-etareleke-•-•`_711ere. Is onother of . my china gisties gdnel" --Ruhttrbs: "Never mind, dor ; It stopped the cook's singing." - Pleeeeni Metlieine„--„There rills whiett have no other purposo ev.i- Vdently than to 1ig0t ja1i!tz1 internal disturbances iir the patie t, adding to,lris 'troubles and per ..xities rather. than 'duo nishaig'them. One nt -weft rcr 4I31V0 1iTTiTL ' metro's .Vege.able hnvt not this ilisegireaLle properly. 1 hey ar...easy to take, ar,e not unpica- la and itioir action is est or •ae a htre come in and catch yoli litt.---"After years of testing and compari- thrte.". . ,- • Don • I havo pa hesitation- in saying that . _.. ut you don't catch me work-. q Pr. AgneW:4 Cure -for the Heart 'in the itickest. safest, and surest known to —i.e.. - tnedical seipnee. 1 one it in my own prim- 'sant [0,1110 VHS , ------tiet----1-t-r431-ievys---tt=e.--most-anotti.-lornisr-Ot-;w1.14tutel-soollutte4a . at heart ailment inside .of thirty MinUteg will prove tills. They offer aira.QO to.,Ilitt of a sauna throat and robust longs . Limiter_ tatht_•:,---,„35._ , .. .,.. _ -... • - - YaP, P n• - a, -int% coo. re, know." kart a In misery and danger by Allea's Schools for scandal scene to. be badly IDLING. over -crowded. "Hello, Pat; %Oat are you a work for A A 104 -TITA-T*Lfe 'HOLD- 141M Mit AVelfiLE.„:„ Mr. Borety: "-You don't inind Me cart- ing you. Alice, do'"You ?" "Miss Pert-: -"Not at all, if you dont mind me not a iiswiling you," , - frnpasible to Pled. A planter equa,l to 'Th, I) &la" Menthol. ii'or side swim nothing etraats it, tri lard roll cuts 7 pI4or3 Maliot on receipt of price- -Davie tkLatvronce Go.. Montreal. --Gracious. ELL.-lie„.4 exel- • -a -rtir z.i Wart se(7=0,7"M4 44,11:agl - so -cheerful when 1 Met hitt this morniog." -• ITCH, Hon;e. rairle fierattslies and ,every foretiof ,contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 'minutes (by Wol. ford's Sanitary Lotien. lt novel. falls. — GOT IT DOWN FINE. 'Doetor : "Do you cat well, my lit le man ?'' I -441e Man: "..4.ee Li ought jteen praetising slime Naas two days Kienoy. cry.-:Pata -in the .hack is the cry • of the kidneys' for help. To • no. irleet• the call it to -deliver the hady over ' to sk dIsealte - cruel, ruthless, and T filially life _destroying, south American , Nidiriey Cure has power akin ti miraeu- i. - the mire of- disease, ' It relic es tn. sis i i lone in helping the needy kidm ys out of For &lc by Deniers THS QUIEM City Co., Vstralsts, _"„tolulf#0, those preserved fruits. They were placed -on The -table' inerely -tonn "Well, ma,-, that's jest what used them for." • IfolfeWays Cure deStreys corns. l'ind warts, root end braneh: itien-ic-onid--einfttre- them with 'Cheap and effectual remedy within 004.010•41...• ticars.-35 Ilach? to hPr hf:i!e daughter, "v.hy are y.lir shouting hk.. thatl 'Why can't you be quiet \Ai! he 7' "1 re's pt. to be quiet," millet `31e's pla3,ing pat -a coming ktoine late. a.1:4 AN .if aloplion is neivereatan t-ir..; practiced lo 'keep ie.eoating ex-linet. In- . .7, {‘,firet'ly 14 faintly in t at some tante or other . A person who has ne 4.dopla a sott,-anfle---1f he fere e, f,ftep tzbies her' to him ill ;Marriage. A a'outl'a er even a child, who Inay be the Itrad el a family earasionat-. 1.V at1nP13. on the 1)1AM of dYing. a. son 011e1' thanhans.01(lo succeed him. . , Great . Thugs Irma CatiQes Orow takes derange the tiortiaeb. 'Th cause may be h _ - After---ifiliTX:Ti—k sti,i4iimus effort to get ure, out of a rut alittitt Balealua4au la .a_ wood." here. , , It& in. lif--Irei4 - , , A • 'will squander pier dotlars. A Quid( Recovery &I'm Petr and all siek,--- atm( ft always 7.120 ewe toms' rerrorim " tho '0n.epot In the Crave." ---If the tt..ott.. best tonic le used. 11 builds, it strengthens, it sands of people who rush to so worthy a g i 'VS nee. life. . Try it. _ ......_z_z .., roraerly_.aa..South_Ameriessu_Kerrine, ets..s, "Waiter t" 0011eil the customer, in ihe last_ resort would get it too a first resort. how udinelhoiiiiryhaavn4 suffering would he rest atiratit wliero ah 4nrehAstro . was 413,-.0Ure.nectIn't Yaeger ae • Egynutarlvavdisro:rdel, MaYinfl•• "Yes, Mr." "Iiindly 1b11 ibe thousand testimonies to Drove it. -14 leader' (of . the orchestra to play some- thing sad and low 1.vtiile I dine I e. -ant A child'sfirst impregsion is usually pen 0 1 Sciatftl Out- tam - en Crutches.: -Jas. Smith. dairyman. of drimaby, Ont„. writes; -hly limbs were ,almostu sel ego from gelation, a.ud rheumatism, and, not evtener-for arrflfirtrilrenitfriffRi7C-3 friMitrali ti V . . , to see if it won't have .a softening in- made by the paternal .slipper. -fluertr:e." on thia-steak 1" , '....---;.:- . A , 'man isn't. neeariatirily a roanufac- • eAlf; sg.avellimg et,04 8 or drunk, anxi- ety, trry • or so.: e oth sulfide cause. tart if pr,eci-nit oils. lie not 'taken, nes !simple cause may irave"'1nEr4t serious. consequenrei.` ma,iy a ehroni,..Alty de- bilitated ci rt..titan to•day ov.es its de: 'With in t. rue. •IC04.0 the digesti%-e- up - ,n 41414- air 0,11 b w 1'. I 'art"-lt.e:s l'egetalite VIT. are Eviler Von any other for the 'triad, se. • i 1 ; 01111 wocu) At the thne "At 1 to:nes" calm. -t Att.E•alcZn. "'Wit o ..r.ierit het- ".Vt .11.tinie" card to tilif•Tor, ‘•tit,./ bad hoer seen . One rep.e. • "Profescor and -Mr. flrAf:'‘," ho road, ...,_,•utiave much plea,tire in informing you that they will be atjaette on the 15111 triSt.4#' unswk•I' this' .wag n peer -to 11,Iitn. At lat, aitair much thought. he., -pintned the „"Vrofeli(;;or-S.pare iq Very glad to hear __ "-that. Prefessoe nd Mee:, Blank will, be, --nt twine on the- lath inst., and has 0,asure. Iii inflict -int 1 U..rn Eh' 1 e i iTIJ 701i -tile on 01 day." ,;••••;•1 • • turer because he's ahvays ort Rio 183110. The' greater the irritation In the throt a- -The mei° distraselK,/ the COUliti .1WrOrtie.'4. Much distress and sickness -in chit- Coitglititig IS the effort of Nature io ex- 'leen is eausad by wornis, . Mother Tee this trtitaling substance from the air -ioraves` Woritr. Externfinator gives ter tassages. Ilades • Anti -Consumptive aid by removing the cause. Give it- a will lint) the *,417re'irty.tb. iR fi-f011q, Them- - . lo healthy,state, the (lough disappear-, .,Doe$ it not throw. a shade; Of_biller- ing itn4er,7t1ie-curalive-- effects of -the- ne.016--liitt Our ht.mrl," swt lbe ptnaV in .dicine. It is plOisdrtt -to the taste, yeutte vita gee the itT2t9 all *leaf eas, and and- the pr ea, 25 Cents , is within thafie'it the wind. sighing in inournful reach of all. 0 Monotony? Dnes it not make you feel that there" is too mud( that is bleak In the world?" ,-"No,"' answered the , prae- ilea] youth, "it does not." "Why r -"Becatree my -father Is in thee coafebusle- nee.s." 4 INSANE. NVOA1V+VS ACT:// Ittses From fled and Goes Through.' De Jails of !Warder. Fr,anei.i.a Klein, who ,was sentenced 1.) penal servittale for life last April for the murder week_ 'thy.' 414 man, tA ‘74ennaTiltizi,In 7t7ilt of niadnacF,, re-eneek,1 the crime. • i4he had been removed to • a lunatic ahylimi, and, Kivtling to the peculiar fits of hysteria to which she beeame sub- jo,l; 'had tihert Wailed uralti• the ataiere veetiat of two re,.phr5tc4 lunacy experts, Dr • A r, rent lafghl_she._ .of.beilv---say4-11t(i-Netri!,--Prefe-Pre:--:ar; and matted the whole of the murder en7%.;' She danced and SaniL.to- an tin- ag.nary Soliortr-exlio wtis imper•-;anat., "by a, f1low nIcteed on, her Ledtout sin - pi Ire.) him, to ['five her te.oitcy. h Ily site crept .eera".s the ream and tea bed a towel, willt whit. .ho strongled her vieten. ' Sha then cnlbd 10 'her husband to' 6 our Doettn* Can turf" your Cough or "C44 no question *bout that but— why go to *11 the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, andthenofhavinghispreseription t can step into any drug store, in Canada and obtain or a quarter. when twenty-fivo cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you 'as le , Why not do is hOndreds -of 'thousands of 04730,Aliani have done tot the past thirty-four' years : let SHIL011 be your doe* • tor whenever tit Cough or Cold 'sip re. S11I1OH wili euro you, and itil ree_riran Mumma Cure must hay all the oredit... It's a**4 • Gerlrutle: "Papa, you are so rich that I shall never marry." Vailt: "%Atty. daughter ?" Gettrriitle: "Olt, your mon- eY wilt make the wrefilt1n#1.1),!rr Irian atia4d to.' n a Class by Themselves a; • • •,•.' 46 - ,LJOorptis.4.41. -- 7 I• A • Aind lklart'nfactureda tHE CANADA ONO 1,.X. AND IVIOTCili , raittSrsioJ orassmosestememmiarnieurrimemowera...0.44~044.4444444444...444.44 •••• These.Tools Are --- Rent Ist Easy rth galvanized - STE:EL ,Put. theuLtut with no tools but -a- bonier And,tinnert -shears,--can't go wtong. 'They lock on all four'. . sides, are aelfArainizig and water - shedding on any roof with three, or morejneiwsvitrAwte4004.., buildings fire -proof, 'weatherproof and proof figantritOthitgr,'„, Cbitt_ lestst in the long run. Made !ot 2€1, gauge toughened. :sheet .-ateel—only one tinality used and, that the best bent told an4, double- nized. 11" th • resonte pardorni'ne, of rifling the ratanrs, packets, aftertvete4. dispes- ng the-suppoGrid body In a Sheet. Ultimately she was overeome by. fear, anTalteinpled to dash her head against Abe wall. • atert_difterentaavarldLthis,eveaultlehe I.S1t wero t1taserliart asWtsthizkV4,0 e Th t t gh r C1d A t boe. , N 1.1 , ; ; ljr 41r:3 ormgran • ti ; paintedguararit44--in--every' way until 4982. Oughttoladatry. • Cheap' as - wivd, shin let in first coati far e leapt!, in the long run. Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin - 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area w of an roof and hear o tempting offer for .eove, ring it • wi th the'. .gheapest loot you: can- realiYaltord to Any. . Let us 'send you . ROM booklet 4.46414;•:44e444c4-6-...1. —4" 4, ngs- r - •4N 44, titAgrAjA400,1**!•,".4 ,•,•••••