HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1907-01-03, Page 2ee-e-
. prevcnL inuty Er,
net fogL t
ant nwtheits•
ixcca trft,X41WthO
ug 11;a1111.to
to alteTnako ,••
o in our. faces,
'the rie0
al the. flo!tilt$1
1 "4. r the: balanceteet
who% erllga dire, rorg,
0 :WW1
hcht« -110,
ve literati
° ''•14440
re AM 'Cie!, human
-P'.g0 Vol
a 'it:Mental!!
'7.1A1 .itEC11ISS.
trete ; the liarelei
tit,the 'collapse of:th
mamagearent f
ne_, aeliia46 alien ailullY
u reciCossneas reveeled Ine the
0 of the proreseional gantle0e0
coudueted. the inveStigatiorr," of • gs.
rs immediately gage the stoppage,
the atertling .naturo of the eVidence
Itt. tor,:
1.4, ''PW(114te,‘
- Were
ml is ra.
s • .41i4tne •
"''' *larger the in
abgehtlely! hanf4t
,41erenV orthe dreetOM Wo$ 414 •
Oast Imo*. litior • the asteounte
Nve with in the books, 601. that
theY aV,ereeentitled to Illieunie that the
1120 Were net Owing- 'hone 0.
but the jtalge /pointed' nut timt if thp
td POsitto4 • Ofethe iteealjUts. was such That.
11,404y. the- proeeeuteoneaalt e0ome whatever the detailsOtte directors must
Lo investAhle trial with an twee 'have known they -004M not'pOSSIbly Ie
autesaseedinethe an- aceurete; then they were pig,/ 0t Ala
i ti'Oat- -
Ttr evidedee hew Of. otIttellIa
prosperous banking, Concern At 'conefilaiott of the masterly
r la!
the a traction -15U tile, ".01011--'
of .tile small and alf•teo-confiding
'veStor, only to throw 'thern Into the lap
ot wealthy and xin.sortipulous
,Wito. dissipated. titem.N. In chenS
' 1* folly \ and iniensdte gamb-
ling. • , .
it also navies/ tile fact that the
rectors while posing as of tom-
lataititeg,ritace Vera-rilt---xtality-41* '
-g ,
msrow OF THE .BAIIK.
The City of Glasgow Bank coramenecd
„1./.1isittess, in the year 18htiving -its
"weal t
; I
ihr oineetheo,eoeuntrye
us, . rend-of-titel
wiriln it suspended payment. ,
The bank ,as, however, inunediatelY
resusciated, Continued its operatious,
__lentil it finally ceased to de 'business,
and closed ,its thiers iMUOttelie
, enee:a
twO hours, retUrned into. court. with a
vetodret -of "Guilty" against tht man-,
agzr of the bank, Robert. Stronach, and.
one of the "eetic - Potter, .41
faisifyliag abt the' balance
sheet% ease tie aatnoe'everdict a s
the other dir tors, Bo rt tl,
John 1. Wright, Milken Taylor,
le be false- --
."DID IT Fon. BANK," No EXCUSg..
The :judge In ,paSsing sentence said
that 01111°10 these. acts. did not neces-
$04 _involve. and probably Were net
• •
• I
I There were in all 1,24) partners con-
neo..ted with it, and the.ptdd-up capitol
atu tinted. to:$5;090;000; •
a:',Sitiasti, the re.5-eree; fund' was tette
• 1/,:the divi4en4t-and4u1plu,
and the c rcu
aeplatices, ete at $10.5,71,145.
eity, tlie.baNak• had, liowever„.eegun to
ite,Fpgicnoz, sonr5 difilcUltyr In carrying
on nr3 bliSIFIC;,$;_ and ,forseveral weeks
-before the traslia.earne -attester rumcrs
,had •breen floating aroutid tank cit.
la:ea to the likelihood of a calamity.
1441, f
heat Ixi
0'; I15: -'1,t;
., Per
tafkill. I
land, .
L. 'taut is nate oni „Me... Wade
sk1n-eV/1401 are011t1re-';e:00,1$0
lOgy 'The restatentatowar-dependi very .
. largely upen. the .generat.'elreidationa end
the - perfeation . of respiratory move.
:or IWO etoe111
Aut. there Zva .t• OM flWy sZi
WO 0,1 C. !1141ural feaS
000,101; 115UP' ,ettseolors,.an&L titr
Wc,rk 1aSSe'fort40014. • * PI •
,number! of, peciple tatted qtu.re's..
siructive forea and the quntity ni ere
ruined IS enormous. Welt is ttie
.enem -,4=flood,' drought, • .tire;
, heorm
tePlion to regimen In aere
. cti07" the, .lateat olif011ees in
.,./niedicatecienCe. " lie calla atteiitiomearly
14.10$ 411Per to the --OaSeeede...* neon of
eeventyeehe who, although eiPisvehtTY in
rugged.' heailh, had to. large, tension
of the. 'blood, Whieh linally resulted in
4 breaking elown weakened Walls
(!t hi. his,,arterl(a•axtd• produced death. '.L1
h *Ian calls attention t this:phase
-'orelltaraa hero---nre
.0mtentinyvape.nrcsooris6.:ne days, When- men
oct.,ivitlea, of ,who extunination is
k.severo mental
made of, the .state'l •
heir eirculatory
.-Salaterrisee „fie
That l'nerl areliving to -aelisinted age
these day a• rend Maltiteiningetheir !Lieut.
unimpaired le' the lasteiS demon-
strated by Or. Ilrontort by. reference to
many recent. itistanotoW .110Ne cerde
under 'hts obseritation. , • lio. reealia.
among .others,:. Senor Garcia, 4 well.-
' own teacher , of '4211§ies '010Se death'
* a. atone huh -
trtuolt impressed tho physittd
strength and Intellectual vigor- which
wore shown by_ the venerable' instruc-
he_ gives warning against cancer of IWO.
.sicomacti.;' 'One cif the counnonest taus--
as, of cancer of this malady is due. to
thlia Wort Of lute*, to carry -masses el
'unitgeJled food through the: pylorus
which is tile NS -rig -lesiding•froro the
. Moises
Izi.1.1)e- tarty ages farahie'prevalled In
*quo pint -et the world everae-yearre-Pr
bablY., Moat of the peopleewere---silemy
near stervation. As early as 310 A.
'We have reemxieof a- fasnine which hilted
4)4X) out of the smelt population of
slorntleh into Ur intesthies
England. The whole', orld avaS a
of food whiell, on account; of their site alai* of starvation in' tt)--year $97, arid
tati itim1;0',4
, 1450 ing,..,to
is -,,P.7.1„,elei •t1tt li12'.
p11b Proyinetal. leoen' 'ha
to ;•'•
a nwmbci iru t.-Moveti irc
7 ii 1444$444140444.
he;riot,t infirmary.- .4tid Mrs XU4I.
seconded the re al anted CO
t -the lnflrnire? wek_leSnoaa Pig Vu e
,peortr, people. than those found
side The actuaLeost eaclx Week of...th0a-
wculte-do 'patqlerS is.1 3s 4I
PA11151;:dr$ PALA:CE..
cannot _be penetrated by the digestive ne-eione flatlet have perished. Hair ule .. Again, quest people have heard' littut,
juices PrOduce irritaibena-aehlete traT. population of Gertuany was tarried elf road *t the wondertal PaioLersPulacei-
itractualV-iieVeltop-into-caucer•-'---Tlittinad-- --ttr',Itint"tie in Ite5., in. thoqe-.-firlmr, itbuilt by the liatumersmilit ., Guardier4V ,
L1) sto:inocli, .and ,the result is acidity.
Poo .wea,Abe custom, %Own scarcity of 'food tit.'. WiatruM0kt-..trull S'Att-,cOst--01:141,-.,
oceurrett: to drive all mealy people...out (100.00 Or a MilliOli for the 000100044,110' e
is thrown .baek from the illarus
"A lathe Wore lintel". continues the of tree city gates Ana ter mem perasn, tiort ot150 paupers. But .tew people,w110, •
thysician, 'spent on the mastication ea s . - ,prts up Kingsway s.e.e the handsetrecee •
' .1,et et. -e-411INA T1IE WORM' SUFFERED, block of buildim whicir form the finest
creasing present - comfort, iblit.ln lessen- . i -as ,, a o and .tilast teithreletet averkhousla -0f-- Ifs -At
• . I
Ing the probability of orgonic diSease, occurred in 1321, se that this land, which , trend Guar -
The practleo of gobbling may ,be to a has now to import over half its food
certain .: extent, at least, resportsible for was the first to escape from the grip of
the larger proportion Of the cancer t 1 Starvation. • in Ireland, however, two
the stomach. which more occurs itt men famines in._ the nineteenth century ear -
Dom in women at thy age of Dili r ed .ott 1,740,000 people between them.
. years:). ' : , Populous India and China., of course.
*peaking 'of food, the doctor vote.% are the ..aereat lands ' el hiallgeta; _ Item
veaiteg te-- «... ,• a _ '
because i • 1769, India, U101000 perialeed; ISM.
say atrawbear es _which,'
their tying on 4,1 e ground, k 16S
'taminated, ,sh001 be oval& 1
as uncooked salad and &Jilt ne 'ia
He also thinks the drinking of sour mlik
td 4878, In ia, 11,300,000 Perish -
Persia, 1 '3,000 pe • he -"1ST?,
China, 1,3,000, p
. Ploesis .do toe dattsage pr perty-
r t the ro. ber e e
.1100k1S. FQI% 'LA
he ballitt iheY were not removed from means easY toi read Stallities„arighl. but
be category of .orimo_ by any mesma. . hi: points Out that there has ACell 4 COO- w jump soLDIEW To Box motr4,
However, the fact,_ that. theyy,,,bad not ttnuous Increase In the expectation of . • ....... , .
ma actuated by` Motives Or 'Personal life from a-lifile under forty years' in' .. node dr.tlie Crown Panic of
ain would weigh with ii_m n to wt.- K -I-1-`,1 It tritio Ives. than orly•e g t - . •
. . Servia. •
ce "he' was about to inflict. `bYear.4 In POO. Although ihe average , . • ' -
• .v..!„ moNtits /AIL , longevity has; increased 'there has boc. n It Is reported that the ern, j.,1z.nielity/t!gl,uncaecry.
. • aeslight donmution in the minter et .espert, Dr. Plethstg, of
Potter _and ttronaeh - would be. Ira- persons of advanced .age. such as nine- many, has been summoned to the Court
(tried .,for..48.. _calendar rilenths; and ty and "citlec.btradred. years. - The.ntimber. of Belgrade for a stay • of several day.S,
the-elige-,of the'retailtdiar diredeles7; of • eclogenieriaria, hoWever,Astiner -vas- ' evidetilly-tiv-tentiection-:;:with-The_ruen-
ie ' . .. .
' " hag. These I at of the Crown Prince George.
re* d!stiilett40....xbight be .drawn, ofjhe,JtegLstrar....41enitraUltreat..11 y(Ilietss.,Abo ,Votostorigo,..m..111,1CA,
, _
ontiderationeorthe fact that they had ti. • " - to QS -tie clumsy denials:ad what are no.
-been In jail Ito nearly f ur months, speititing ot reaesiattee to aise.`asea torious facts.
ar months. , tentidn ,the gra:: "at • o. aeoloperaT au. grade relates- to act in e s eer,-WETO
wd •
e further fin rimmed for eight eaten -
This breach!. in A ningt, n? t3,' lif4Ttjf) 111°114°d of $1:rgerY '11 lie Ilist rrece'Slintryesiiednigusnocmwo; caught - - -" 0. •-* few years, fie dwet. especially " a ,
oat-eensatIonal bank. triaLseever ree -e, - Intel toed Prinee 0.eorgaes room With tile living
.aaa-ttre- y • e- - •
-Mop' into blood polsonIng, saying =that allienal in Ins lumde he went to . the
The architecture is pleasing; the '
tertiary:is magnificent ; Abe structure it -
sett is a triumph for the architect and;
1U' bulider.. This building, which cost. ,
42'7,000, accommodates, 127 tramps and
4),1 regulat paupers. the part devoted to •
.t.,230 'per. hea t,exc u ing cos :0 s .
Inside .tite- budding the stranger would
never hnagine Inmeeif .to be in, a work.
.101.1se. Pettish, art shades fOr the arils,„
.nosaic, or \ feamingtod block fOr tiro
floors \greet vhere.,
rain.s, breaking down of river banks, Upstairs -there is a suite of rooms
bursting of reservoirs, sudden inciting "ladies." 'The walls are faced with pole
all,. erruptions nI the saa. Every emus. groan tile.s; a rug IssNe and there, chairs,
el ice and- samw, and, most terrible rf :dew plants in the corners, and pichirea
rylitles -sutkred. In 1014 many. Ia6F-ialt the wall -a give -7111e 'room the
seoports were destroyed, and .4 feW -Ince of great luxury, In. ah iadjo ning
years later,-1098-E0st prit was Mutt- room there stands toe beds dean and
dated &sand the famous C,ioottwin sands
omed. • ehild's cot, over the headeof avlueb is a
.R.Q0D ekelre tvr-IIQUAlitt, •laintly canopy.: In eot the offspring.
Again -and 0414'"- hoe 4,...tho _vicious he _surreauttiket_baraillOr
luicury than can 'betiVe70.. to elillitreerr
-ttvree'illlageV-hild-Afteasieillit-ariall- -et -,,Irt---ei„, Maine: '
tois and three of itsesueceaserS amount. a-- In 0 1114thelLTS-111
'-eti tet• 130,0e0 Persorti: 'During. the first. .
tem ass shwa try the ctergyeaare.guare !
torter-of-the-anineteentleacentarate.ane, 'liatti Father MOW :-
merging one.third et the 'land and forth. 'i--1"1.tr
loth. Sea brOltri':over Denmark. sub. 'Mr -1
workhouase, at Brom1
ing tile Laierld et .isalland. ' anes. or young,,„ men, 1t hou
.., .. „,,, oe
'------Froto--geous 4114110_1 swat h_ot_Frant •led, well ciouted,.xverkshod, Mum
)ust --half a cendury aptei, ilea lass was our set -rid -louse, ee-Osre'n•ty-oroad -down-, ,
It 'All§ said. that . the directors had' A aptcAstint OVETIFLOWiNG. mothers, show very clear! the 1
gi 4 01/1111 ni a
tttId-thn Tnulousk -men sitlictod" 10 oerlit
and especially statistics of deaths et mouth or ono ot thein c ded 1100d some Yeal's later, caused I iized hil°ch4zug*d; ba(11Y et411114-b441" -
royal palace, .artel, lifting it- nertr • tho lilt •
JAI -lending , countenance to unsound
-" 008 !USX? CREDIT. '
• t. /bar- - of siteeeetti --open:anus • -two sentinels ef the eereirtinee- 01---11re
_bericitts which have been derived from tO ,abito - off the mouse's, head." , 'The #3f fitteell mullions stet14.1g•
&art cd soldier refused, whereupon the
Clothet), badly stiod, .Weritilag
- In quite recent tiana wo have had the Avelltheraln* c°1d t2111/1 snow; wild Irnt-
ving rtsky „Prussia is Fighting Little the- modern sanitar,y 'method -S.
'Japan flood of 1896 which 'kilo 27 blood boils, becaite knettv..thatirthese -
-"‘euletVons and had been gi •
it, amt that in consequence the in. • Children. •
t ppo an' tiler fore.
,surprise to -the -gen •
though a was thought that the -
.ns of the an would prove
totican itself, no fear 'x -
:ed as to the. depositors net being, ful-
ly pr2ivide1 for. •
No better testimony of the ptiblic *con-
fidence in the Septlish banking system
caul& have tem given than the calm.
11:04s with .- which, the announcenrefit el
the sttppage.was received. '
Nrufl on.i-the bank took , piece, In -
OW there ':v.aa,,a pretty general feeling
r lief. A rotten branch bad ilf,t11 eut
. u w ng is a ',sump e pcseage-t)
%he op3t :letter Which Ile
latiori -loathe treatment Of the Poles In
'the '•Rolish chi:idiot)in this SOOTS:
°This, May it please your ftlajeSty„ is a.
form tat eeeseculione both of bodies and
of soots, which .filla the MeaSUM tit, it:
is overflowing. And What of that bill.
talAuwfoinotaiao: mhthits
Poro to build a roof over his heady Upon
Ms own land? Even wild belts% need
a den; but the law cora, nothing for
'that. And 'what of those pitiless mea-
sures, 'whoee wIciceilness no possible red -
Son .0i Stateeaa
n enlist* APO.,V11011 have
brought tears to the. eyes- of„thousa,nds
.61 helpless children? reoweain, Prussia,
Vies teacher, Is neelenger a guide who
' i t • .
lightent their Way thither.. Thither
(let us slay, hq, is A churlish gardener;
*whose OVUM duty, itis to. 'knee- the
arebtisl •young saplings. That Spring up
on PolLalt soli 11110 sickly and.stante0
ten' rairtyrdotti gra-Ws-heat/kr, and -the
'.0titi1l of biters. and weePin • is Yonder.
banking • i was felt, wonid he the better
-for '1L abCnce. , ,
'" '.DEFItElsiCY WAS t,000,60;
On theastrie .ioilowing the .stop'
lank ;il the bands of eRpert
lovestigaiion, who roorled tila
de_lielency arnotm
c o near
• OW. 0
The bank had last„ on it tnederate es;
' Innate, 1331,000,0C*, that is the;whole
the paid.up capital, and reserve fund,
t.ogellter with fully , 815,000,000 pedalos,
ITheeetory, tat L3FU1 itt tiorteport was
One of _the -mast diseireeefUl lit the Ills'.
tory ••of tanking.
Arkomis had bcen deliberately falsi-
fied; eeeurilles cntered at7 fictitious
Trnitte44, bad dehts taken as gooii ossds,
amtth'eery geld , which ought So 'have
itotitirtig Ithd been •aleilberietAy
squaedered to the extent of. oVer Ste.
• . •
MA.• D't •PAISE ilt1"1311"..
*The rielv)?itunelit • had been dee)elaod,
fatee teturtiale. thareholders by.
&&.4: 4.
rig dane that , eero ,Ingeou . .,
toted thlott of 10 conceal the pattion
conditron of PO teak.
IleekttssnesT, led to ditricullies, a
tult:e4 le fraud in :Order that. the itere.6 thelette i Coy,: A t.
.$110o of males* intialt bekept fr6td ' ten fel'ored, genera , illotio0.04" •.1tril
il i
6' titarehoiders, and "the PtIbliee • e eee„eee,
kt.proved, that the ditectoia .e hail rt;Zoliiiritititiiiipers ' -1) * '6 ,parrYO
!afte ' ;advance§ fmni
la..,",.._i'1ht.. ,,banlk. a V-
eil-sable bird, tut)arathef1a1d
inatntng Qeilliensdollars, wha4:. r
tb ttt$1k'lirli61126'1'Dett1:6111
ii_1:rimi._day, V1114V-get1111
'MO 11. Of it* iltieet6eSo 1
, , B, ' wt. tsitlitaffs,l'Ittitteittto.tivilik
Iv r and' .soert,ID , . .
1z. t i
_ 3 ,41z•on ,
t , Pi' , • VI
th #
the% pliepeata
nark% P.1)t11 ,
--li, 'V 4aft. V , "Iyereilin u ril i
„ ' ng furiuu'h.' Then lu et
At., lot/10th« I
A gaint.add ' e
a...v , , .
lintaitire overikiWittg; null its oVerflove
tbriniel willt it, Wicks GO'S wrath Arid
ftlft.4gottlort of men, your oWri
as' *cll. The many wars .Wagell
your Majesty's aneesteig, whether
„et imps!. TesiTdateity-
'always b±en great both' In their opject
h04. in the foes enctionteredi In, your
.4%Sr, Stie,!* there is but 'one monreittous
rattlitt,• hard otruggla-lltitef
'Prussia, di flu -Ishii, 11,01000 With
Irediy Oda preeent disgracel. alt
lie-grreer beeltwt of the mat vletbri.
-10-tbe and, ,11preforN :you*,
la y can neither ..Wialaner, allowtWs
r •lo 'PtiOtrielhe. Drill* and
in tory*
latid the elgth.
-4DEspite antiseptics " he continua . ., 050 people- the Oaegon Cloudburst
. , «1 • . poor afflicted Men who are selltng Weed.
Mince began to cudgel him terribly
o modify in streets have
sire d
among the -DOI, and I Isalisewe ou lit
. rent . Itv an Lae tic
e ,assetittla
-Method*. ---Ilespiratory-diseasa,- -bron wasonerfe
.• monkreattikeyailit W.
atutesb7e-reof -agede.pers,oneee •these Dinitiseit," the entirtithyidelan,
traleyeaSertatede-taelliteeteant-at.. travalet- • -
but it should' lc borne In min4 'romped his °Mee oWing, to maltreat -
MO, While both tire .corisequent npon . mint on the Part of Prince George.,
enosure to cold„ yet in both pathologi.
'cal organisms- play A, Omit- part:*
The physician points to the Infection
whieh i ilurta /lying duet, -toying that
one of the severest colds' that he ever
had wes jIue simply to inhaling dust
thr e nostril. white in a railway
eartinge. Ile maintains .that a cold b .„_r_i_vearl%enteditna4( p " 71%M theen1%.1;ftmereesmcvair..
readila atentntinicable, and that pea -Sons
having such a malady should be espeef7, d'striet of Iltingary; for' llaving poison;
rtliyrearefol not to corannnioate, itio ell their wives and ',husbands.
Martha PetremaV, womari who'
mo," he adds-,--"th'a'."—t very- • UlAritted,i% the& todP°7:111°011.1,4tayi"x74.-.,s,sof
en ren-ciinver trtfectroll-frorn tine P
wheb, as the etunmen Sayng has • It; ititas4ownporis,thatthertbts
,toe whoiewi poisonirig /Iv the district,
--lbwii*0)1110-11-miec-iirtrilt her son,IrPatv,i Ing4171*-.6lic1a3 (IrIMIC*
'AaWJ 1'
dm* tieturalii V borne in mind litre frilleda est
ncittsx...ter,.mreats„in_io er t
10 the
01 f l'Itt-Pittzaft5' /lairs the family estate.
'm, as well eel " and %kat. %Pasta "Ardoilean fs chargefl with pots,
'Molest& Poisoning Carrletk On Now
• h Torn OurigarY.
TIII1011611. THE flOt/Sr• • • nd further arrests, have been made.
tors. It ts. to be remembered 01s? that oiling a wealtlz widow aunt, whose
riot yam ere. , Apparently NVel inhy sole ogatot tie as; Inikti. )360.0k with.,
casTy disease 'germs and convey theta, pottsoning her husband* *ha 'htfd
others. Those the may be In, eaten- riroperty to. hcr: Neehotts.0105,wittv
.4larittef etiSe pneuttonia,, Mph. yu.,1,1/01„, Atito,, neon ‘10 „his.
1464-4-167e---Machin5-11"Y Lhe gud %vtiic;itch with pots:
gerrot without, apparently being Iher eldetly tnobend to entito
tmutie, but it. would _be /in error on the , The poison in .t.u. ornts it mated
right ildea jr• all num who had:been intim. eaen, provided by MarthaPetre.
near atiat-a case were tatnpelled lo ninny. Nebo la alio to beame,,a
tirnate b lin .with•
ed themselvea.., it Might tense a ittle yOttrig'itiVM •
n antlsep belorela Ung -or en
Ing upon old- *Cs' -
Thnt temperature .attrola .titt; &alit;
,rate k tv eonolu1endrawn-by the. phy.
s'ciatt frorn thefat 'fait when 'the, weft*
ity 'eott the nutotte! _cf
hs of tr5oPs ar -* anccdag,
*sot continties; #tet prevent
:efreet, ttbh' t44.11* : :the, trottitoglouId :
not onl**. to- .1carri:tt. butireallottla, 1alte'0. 1'*00•01.•
too &mg. 104.1111
$ Into ad l'HoLt Of A'
ilt of the lee* body Iowiirs vitality
id rendl'-rs • Thsr 11a14e
Dawson in, quite an amiable and
even Inciting mood when- he came home
n the evening and . -Settled himself for 0
quiet hour viith • hs cigar and took.
tesently Ate eald
torovibiug---thos -got
ogood sound setre to Youlisten to
gforY springs froirt the anent
nquest of Oturseiva.' That's the talk.
ve zee the' !rah who is wester of him-
elf.- I have a perfeet earitempt for those
unbalanced fellows who, go ell to pieces
ver nothing Why, what's* 'the
amtter With. U113 larnii?" gives•a miser.
bite -light -et ,
"I think it needi triminig, replied_
1 De
hy didn't you have it trininedbe-
night r
.4tiOn't needed brink
orne e m the
ou w
ow in._Whitt ionditioh. thit Are.
In:, ' - • •
ItIlocaph I IVA' your plate tci 'know 10ti
• ththgs you don't know. If you'd
known, * mon ought to know, the,
uflUiti0fl '1 the drithiam pipes on hi*
OWn ,gr0411di;11,15 *0111414% .0411 1114t1
ittrie81 144
'Oh, there you go and bring Up those
old drainage pipet howled lialocette•
vett. to '! the iteir-control theory* he
flung' his book tltar,. i)oroaa• tha room and •
'WW1 ..the hassock iriVi./feet Spinet,
frail! table Mid 'bent It over with e. ettialt
minu1 peae in 121* own me.•
jud be cternaUy dingquizz1dd
loin a tin frorfl. hon
111 CAIV4t have JOY
earned money to maintain men or abler
s.• tfierrise ve,s toit-01119 the fatties of
ufe. n y
.tee-oallarroettl; eetione
The .value". �f vigetistti-e-1-
through laxity may be gathered from
the following facts about about Holborn,' the.*.
guardian hoard' of siitl
deftly one day and had a "ealleover"
--• eeliamainallori Into -41)e-;ptniper-isistory—
• overy• Inmate, In. one of their two
workhouses Ilia cases of POO paupers'
were examined, with the. result that '.25
were lawfully placed with -settler (t1/11003
10 whont they tfieltkiged---,Solne Of thoinit
having lived on the. IVA-soya ratepayers' '
fore, many .yeata; and 53 were „found to
nosses relvitives who could pay for their
1141 W. 141
yrs astounding. IMsei* MI* wcr
bra 'In the workhouse, tor nuoiY /Ors,'
eontessed that her httstAnd
in Marylebone. He -was. dco'."r and
bo take- his -st:ite-out, h
41tbds, of pount#.,..
POS.Ste- AS A:win()
In attellter e .reeenllt-4 AVel.
mad vitt* po'ed lis widow and.received
outdoor relailjiving with her
tiend, who v,aS dcseribed as tie lodger.
Them of the.conditton
management bane of our I.on-
don o such
Lha1 of e pauper $tourton, with 1
in consoi', are frtquently, •oceur.
The moneyed Waal attiong,-.1bEi -
is than i tm but
k• rame- 'p
tijithing 41010
ct g „
itusgofil Poli$11
tat* .iir4.453.and 6t 1*
lin hey
The t t them
to, SA tti)
n ell, leavIse toiim 11
M lo msd*u Z '