HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-12-21, Page 4lerA tjt'' tn.,. 3# est ! el the fat st4)ek. Nevin is on an ex.tended, h..,4lev. . of r.ftangh.exehanged •44.1;140 •Metbod..ist lultd 'their annual tjIi1ntflt .(1,?,r art% .$11/9*0014710M11 opAr row op« ttfitiost eenteet took•Oleve on Tiieviay ,oight lest .between • tWo,ehosen sidetof",'. twenty young men respotive/y of the londen'llttad exidthe'414.09.neesehtft,::' theseptaina beln ,Nortnett-OrOtt for - tbe forikierand Fi ed, Corbett . for t _ • sup , togethr 0.`,: Of.,-. Ly tb A : . . ,reteivingnf kiud,.me,agea `i• eiln• 4' , n tiintii , . attt1et45-"SOtn 1PRP 111:.0,-•-sts` loosiiitelity,, TnattY .011114imia eardSi _ irov'gr dt4..lea often • .‘ . #0 r ttentton'that _ 438t1)440i* tAS' . birthday of .1`.&.is Viols - ritosttaily times a. hityptues. u no bgoiday, has- eve r breught so wtu gtadnese to earth as that Bethiehern nineteen • hundred years ago. Each Year Christmas greetitigs are being echoed by a larger' Circle., 41440.14- _Itapelues*,is ep year y year Oa -message of Christtnait is carried zfl- o new lands and teltes possession .of I*e_ , w hearts The angele at Bethlehem 1017 to God in the , Highest; on Earth Peace, Good .Will-teittlird Men.** TITURITE1 a e I • ra thefiR meeniog orthis tinge1l4' song.. Some:are gitid_t.o glorify God ht ettw. -ship-hat neglect the duty to num In . 4...oto hele...mod • c• men. fatherless and helping the ocedy, tu fi.41 to grve gioky to God by means ef moeshle, The song of .the angels -re. -.minds us of the two duties of: religion # smo, The message of Christmas -should ..4etuse. us to strive ratite and more to glorify God in all our worship and to have kindly feelings to others in afl !the- exaet res:ult of tbe-. eleetiOn' 43atikateliewan Which took place last .jt=i*iotifktttttnsitv))v-44thottehth • ”•• "'afoot re" Otte:concede the return nttf. 1 Pre er -Scott •t is Sal t at span440--P-rovitieia1-Itighte-me have been eketed, while three are tn deetiet. ' .. • --„,. .0!..sel 0. t ii --.,St.. Andrew . . oa* . 0._ . t'noW1ea .IEctuie.. . very,: -ntgreatioit ii;1),.'iri , , ,, . „.• " . ,, ' •-. (TntenieI for lasf. v04;14) araVosper01.Exeter IS lapel) tivitatiend ar4 out liiiitotine. 0 fa Tit evcnt to titke, pisee on Dee tit at, bighifOoo,--Tanna Ilefriwirs bA1IS 011 ite- ay was iatgely Attended 'and good prices reelizeti.---Eli Coulticn is utting in a flirt:moo to add .to the cam, fort s °this new dwelling. -Mr. JOhn Piper leaves this week. for Exeter hav. ing spent the peat 20 months working for George Aittlre*s.-& Wilson , has been on the sick list, eutterin from an Wlininto.--A,'he home. of Mr: and Mrs. Robert Wood of this plaCe • wee the scene of a ery-pretty wedding on Wednesday- of thui week when their ' "ned. suiain r captnr vii;004t.'"fli*°,Pkilio.'. tin:: ' ill waa an ., .. 0 tiY,'. .1190413Ov t 117-:0 iiin 4 Tht ,01,ta*.ii , cId 'Ioseri aitt't t!,X.4.l:Ti;'" nup • ,PrOrwi liirit 44,9404.: 11•10t0.4.01'4.-tta0ge, an. . ...,gtiod. tint a opent unto ttlowee,sma hors; A.W3NER*L :VI ieollee 1!11"*A'4'4.ttiti--*. d'Ats Witi‘e':,.Doininiou Ito, *4')A44e.:attol.rovrotorosto:ta:fie:tiSto:f peoboialpvi.;4k 4ADVANCS1! , 'a Oxi:mOst:,faiTbritlkle tfirlit ,i,„, l• . , , PO$W, eh); WO. Itind highest crirpe, Pm rate of inte . Jusposits of Si ard, nOwaratOreeelveet, Inter* ow . .. . . ....., yintogilk 0 ti p a r I m 8 0 t ; pounded half.yearly and added to prioeiral-,41wertot . ;., - _,T.,,,,,,,!..a.a.r,imsx.--*,=..-4,x,4-F,_..„, . Agents at Exeter for the Dotninion Government. 0. convened iy, the Town .; all, Ored. ilt., 1, . )11pr'tsistt. ,Minittl). ;trbev' it telsirt;'.eclit. ., g. read :and adopted.. , Andersen-- O'nkbeitter•-•-that gottleib BroWn,001.-. lector of taxes. 'is hereby instructed 1014*authorizedto continue to levy and colitvtion-of the unpaid . taxes .in the. ' manner and with the 'voice provided '. by lawfoe the .general coflec- 11 Lindsay, a. presperonir and ,Juiteh- re- spected .fartner of !tear Clinton. The • ei-wore a Pret:tratahillitntY oi costumer_while_her travelling_suit of grey,‘ The cereniony Was perfortn. , -hy -Vale -At -high- noon In the presete'otabout mitoti 1100110.- The.anieresting ceret .dennt...taivhatruight.-. • . •Shipka'l $Onday School Xmas. Tree -will be Jtielct to -morrow (Friday) 'evening.- -"MK '3Olinektiser Liskeatd,New • r • . brtthCr,Mr. Mis; Peter Fahper of Reed City,Mieb. •• Sam Stv eitzeh- t4.11s. En .and Of Nett - Hamburg was Visitinglier Oster,_ who .is engaged atAlia. IL Wing's as dress . - .. • • Galatur,,,e.LEigt ' 'Mich., is visitingat 'Chas; Ilauntgar. ten's; Sr. -Will Weiner, erediton was• --------------------------------------- MaaterJohn 'Clrediton called on Mrs'. D. Melsaac on. • Sittitlity.743-rs,Thompson•of •is 4 visitor at, the -home of Mr. Wm. cSherritt. re' he will spend- the wfnter.—Jos. Lawson has returned from Toronto, ere he disposed of has cattle. -41 and Mrs. Wtn. Ehlers were visitor* at the.home Of their niece, Mra. John Wilhelm, on Priday.-Mise. Alice. E. llittwitlimey visited friends:11n Iliddulph ,on Sunday. -Win. Yearly was in Lon. don Satueday..,...-A ',number -from tbie - line were entertained at tilt, home. Wm. Winer on. Wednesday evening.. . All report a good time,-Ira..Thormte Yeatiere notnyleiedds-will be sorer ito learn of her Bluets. We trustshe attar soon he redeye& to her usual easenWriiit ,danghter, Mr. 3olin Weitem,hat te, o,hee-;hotne--,1*-0451two041, ot month lig04' has are• 6Peed a podded ionthe police fOrce. We wish Will •eVerrititooteitt,-...-Mr4.DOW,Maistitiney **pent Monday In /lensttllatat Direettf. Ofthe Irlittwe Institute, -.Mr... Cartier', billidr'Xin,itOka Us been .engaired: to teach in one school- for the emoting „IOW** tipent * few droot with tier Another bolt week.1V111- 1rineY le 1400k1 these AlayiThreetking ' In eolte.-litri, Ford of Ilketer has weft, 1140T:drawing his Kren front hlo farm w oat y terra a got • -0n - ng Is • dinner of the most approved Style pro. vided for.the occasion by the bride's mother and needles to say all partici- pated in the choke and wholesome del-- macies wog heartily-. The preaente rngar ie es -o use an Va ae* •e ham Connie took the evening train at Exeter for their futere home, near Clinton The bride Is popular in soc- ial -circles and the best wishas of a btktit. offriends will be extended - to the young wimple for their future happi- ness and prosperity. , PaSlIWOOd E. .8roketishire vet the Board of IJealth at. Crediton on: site wilt visit fiends. Mre. Geor e 1'dighoifer has _been sunsintined to kwihgttbr-iwrto%wi1tflesW'�T her father. Uenry Berrer, who has been working in Michigan for some time, returned oineFr y. ,,Mosera. Joseph Wambold and 'Sim. Ireland were in Exeter _ titer the school eoncert this (Thum -Efe-siire-eed-atterid-nbd • • • mon Webb - w No. lug a By -Law to provide for the re- pairing and -improving the Mud Preelt Drain audits extensions, -being read the first tline. b:11p=.17 47tw-1.711 passed.4_.n e e1rid Creek Dram n and 1t8 extensions pvin ted- iiieludmng the noti Seetion 22 of The Municipal Drainage At; atprovistonally--passed- this day and served, or caused to be served on ell parties ftS laletIttO,tia ill, said -Oa- tion.-22.-Carried, Anderson -Yearley -that pursuant- c. Section 01 of v)e.:, NTT s .411W. MEN I Wilt shall ilteiVii'dr. Canso' to be served ,,gat the Reeves of the Townships of Bay and McGillivray, copies of plans, pro, ale and report of „Engineer re Mod Creek Drain and its extenaions.-,- Car- ried.' Accounts amountin to $1443.47 *isot mow will appear in .the Treasurer' Council adjourned seni die. . . ' 11.,Bilber, Clerk. , *Z.ti I unrArl juu-• Y BISCUIT 4 CO( CO sci°11ritsaytes,a sass., . the latest • of',s,, all kinds of furniture,, ' -bouglit at theigivest--prioes. And in - cirrder to Make room or our Spring - Stook *e will, qt..* •• itish-fOinnontice to •the PUWO that we have placed- our 'mill in ouch a condition that we can now produce -dour which not oniv MARES THE 000D WIFE SMILE but is alsora env isfaction to oureelves, IVIC611,1tirraY , nestrettr has been engaged in S. No, instead of No. as previous y sta eae • McIntyre, of the, towtiline, 'tires-heen engaged.as teacher in the Pitekhill school for the eorning vear at it s larv • adir-ttlis.,.T. L g (tot, w . as-been-treported--ftem-tin now able to be around and is now tlipidlv regaining her usu. al'hegilth.,--51ras Wm. Carr. townline vest,,i4Oonfined- to her bed-througi illixess.--,A.:Botson, 7th eon.; is redo!. ering from the:effects of ri sore knee« very pretty -Wed" ding took; place -at the reserence of Brownlee London on Dec. 8. when Gristittg and C4oppin ' tot-aptly-4one. .41 kinds of mill feed always on hand. We haveejtvst, recent- ly placed in ourtnill a machine to ” Produce Rolled Oats. We invite your patronage, Jos. Eklt,Dashwood., It Cook, who lute been ill, is eon. volescieg, as 18 also Joe. Dirstine.--. . W. Ortwein conterap a pure as; ing a farm which he would run in con- nection with his store. -Miss Barris has returned to her•homein Neritich, after egiti'feting the millinery aeasim ul—tt i3 - tke rite -on on ,tty 'nett will he At A) clock •.M. when there will 1-e., the upile4,-Next8ittaaiieening-th Lutherian con ti n will laold their nuts. estiva in connection wit t ('Ji Sunday' school and on Monday night. the Evangelical people will adebrate theirs. Both these entertainments witi-btr444triaigh-lirder....4 . 'Ehlers and Art. Keiterman, students at llorthwestern Co le e catne home 0 It a 0Spend. the Xmas. ho f the fortnees brother, Thirty et,. at-(Yrediton• on Saturday; It is said that there is to be a wed- ding in our neighborhood in ,the near future. -This (Friday) evening a meet .„ ing will be held if Zimmer's hail to ler the - past ye*r and aileo to not:nit-tat ntlidetesfot truliteestalp for the cont. tug year and ineau% more than the re- quired tun:ober is put Alp and etend. a poll.wRI"bi opened in the said .hall on Vionday, Jan. 1st, t� deeide who shell be•truetees for 1000. :Everyone ould take eninterest in *itch mat - merchants, have,* Ike dts. ,and will keep o 41, every, even. befit of theh. . Stsubus hr: on soOti toeeehlm around as ;mat he, annual echool tneatingwlllboheld in the tiehoet rochn it-W-1•Ter .041 bu,Ine.ewfllbe trarilitetAidt 'I4ndenfteM nf Exeter; accompe irient 8und friend; In the * 'meeting under thele*dersblpof eteniens. as Presiden - 0 largely attended. The Meeting* are held no Sunder .eitenings, , after the eerily* In the church anar• are indeed very inspirit* and are -Abu* treating much* tonthnsisent-44ise Clotrit Ite of /Chit* epettt 'frandity bete, MI netSlelieratigdroistnelang*Itbil COM* Ana nanally goo* toherborn no Nadal idit Thal dafewdayshareduring flartielho. who h. ling the Model at Onderi Monday..ne 3ilas Tho Itbescbon ce for ' oe playofXmss their buslneaii ing.neIt week for t man cUatomrL- tbeaickUst. Web OM% Tbp J tliWg ti aria MI MT% Geo. &tenders. of 14th an, r-rAff-617-&--12ot. ter, of London The bride w:ho wits daintily attired, was attended by Miss Dee Potter, sister of the groom. R. son _au rted the room, ve e- ev, oma, ti t e• nuptial knnt. The ha spy cou ' ttr- - • _IteLt0110W2lgal& lion was tendered Amu. ,In the even; .ffg it Urge etowd--asnafiblestund-al " heartily congratulating the bride and mom all enjoyed an excellent repast. The beide -received:many handsome andusefid gifts.as tokens orthe esteem in which she is hel& by her meny friends 'hare. Mt. and Mre. Pot.. w e.a n • on an wir diet for them a happy and prosperous married life. London Tp«.4_ George Gale and John tanlake threshed last Friday on the farm of Wm. Noist.. 14th con., ti00 bushels Imlay and 030 Umbels .oatti* in .11vo hours.' a CO 0 Irti lOn o e o 011311111 The want of sleighing is felt at 1.419 SeaaOti of the year by our business met; also by. the farmers, who have teaming , • word last week of the-"sertous illness or his'bro her:rhea?, at Lucknow.,-Itobt- , wiper has entert. .11 )14 w dr — an • 'Attic}}. Ile hasAriven duringthis TengTperkWiiiirlal,;000 mile5 througr 'Went a nd suit shine-. Ile ilite-,-had-re00- . Whops but nothingof•a serious Ott. ore. :May he rive to drive for 20 years. The horseiriVhich TJ. Berry,reeetit:, Y putehased in the old Country, -have of condition. . They ere, a flrelookmng lot of horses and 'show breeding aud quality. There are I five.' Clydesdale stallions. otte Shire siallion'and two • 'ydesdalefillies.-Roliert Paterson is gradually growing weaker.-Ilenry cold of Chieelhuret btu,' ben itielat- 1 ng W.& Miller ingetting-cutteroand. slibs ready- for eh ipoient to the_west. z -The rarmeskave ihettl to*Ing ventage of the .open weather of the pot few. day* to tom Ode their '.1thip* merits -of anger hots. Zurich tbeflttlo folks/ are putting .on thew best behavior. Al Mati 1 tbog -pp ' e nand surrOUnd i h * h at the' home # ' to -Mile'''. , 0 obi , mt nittatt toh elien the wix le to. hearo Itwer,b bas a of Bri Alitt. and blest the borne o Campbell -The Hay Councili .the last time We twat on De The Bond Intendsglylngacon er e • tient). Randall is sgidn.-MIu Addle vihereeb ' .1 --John on. Man,' it here On* ,visi denghter anhredobrI SO d� not miss this great opportunity of furnishing your rooms for Less ture HGuse4uTWesteru Ontario. Call befori3 purohaoino and got our Pito . What dot% OXidoltOr do/. Itgives the body sn.allInity for OXYnEIC. and makes It e.haOrh 'natures revitalising ..force....oxygtor--,tbrough every pore Disease abnply, ,ctot star hi the sysism that is iidINt t. 4.1.410 osnen. Oyep461a, 'Rheumatism. Vever._1._gratiAn. Iratetit- rea and all-dit‘casoSimply-ftnIsh beforooxygen—and Orydoner viva -the body oxygen. if those 'who hoe wet It illy. • Col, R. B.11amiltort,_Provincial Board of Realth Registrar General's, Oilier, Toronto. elm. 010341,0er • in respect. remnant 1 can rOucli or its efficieney n ac ute Casts". such ati1 grippe ,au '44evete strain. Ili,both instances KS action being remarkably quick, and the results agreeablo ot,;1: Pvrtnanent.- • 1'o" to_ ,oretlaronle aiteetiana, Intel)*s neuralgia and rheuinathun, my wife hss experrencid vortt_grelit-WalbuslItnd. would not be nithout an Oxydonor for many timrs its. wesght 111 kon, Send us your name ink Rama :And we will send yoU 'aur booklet "r fully - workinp- or- this wonderful insfrumtnt.' 1. 61 Eitth Street, Detroit, Alich. 2268 t Catirer no St, Motttroe q °tam mogui is not gxposed wt. store dint or miobes Th - dean alt-tjg t .,pa0.ut 'es-luic the • Irusekeeper'it protan- agakst int' It to, yoi Mit est possible blend a *Ivo finest teas me affords you doube the ss TO Fi11011 11111 ItiOWE Aath4 sprit:g tiOws - ga1:16r u your old truck such