HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-30, Page 6•iut1401c:*.cel'ut4,,,,r
kviBli5n. Of, the
OU)ttOr how ch*.rk to -day my
0,-vorro brig
• enelenti • wrong rightod, some otI
al**0 'gene forever* ' _me tyrvt
• 004*a4 *erne neW and fairer, ho,ior
iigs. bgun.. the' **Orval; heart
tea' .dey zecm to brg at 4eftet
litUt 1UL in tho grot.1ife of thisoht
World, ' past prove it.
die•of ur tatherS
true; lh4C itirs
'dared to. hpo haVo
*1.00 oT tbo dcvi1 or hoId a doubt
•s to the ultflnftto luue Of the.
.)NFLiC. OF TIU4 **ES.
-world teeped. in th•
.aid th. to a,
Mon loathing to read tbo re40
OXr, o! the mage of the
.toather ;:s
of all things workiug together
geod,. to bring,
•- * •
,c4, Traehs. a hand
if love that ira.ilitana ower . 'Twit
o - ' 40 care lir order', thatt.le.Ogn.
idnlster .o .inauwil1 not in0;vn ' '10101:
11.Cv .
axo 100 .'
b to COnSitt in •
• 'On .4"--',wor
mai and un
tho good., eho. hupgry he.
• an he fad, th
, „
'hie' might% ox, qitis
'apostle', of old:ge
areic".'4.righteetitioo W cth
Rrt btlio'neW.„141._
ifwebut IniLs
0 Actuate
In Pint Vis loop. Lirst perfomei,
by mitt,* amflhoon* botter kown04'
Diavolo, a :010Yeiltat OtArett 0014 IN dtuiger i that uf Luing truck and
platform0..04 hih and plunges killed by
down track *doh 04000 ohlinuely .4gret,in Chicago.
for 1.60 feet,, :to the ground, arta ,An acrobat neM.
theno rises to tom** cothpletpirrd a iUli more pri1oua plungo with he
loop 20 oz' 6 foot lc( diainater*--= d ,
y, On' .01st in. orn the • top ot a very long vortie.t
140.11 t
hirn hen Ilievel4„ ay, which •:•dord7/ 44 feet
preced?d by ati000-0Sele in,. length by n width4 • 4,14
to Varie ho iset*-142.01v-li Plkftht error in makinghe'leap-woud0,-14.011ar 14441,1Ci:b.t.r1K4O.,,,th
to- loop thi Lviil0104 t44, ,
'40tataobil00,010.411.1004 of Svktrt'
Whil 44.:,%Vitt1, the bitYrik the glory of.
• dangerous- exhibition*. •One of
!ate cletivelOpplant0- is the aitior:s.,
. ••..,, • • -tr t. rt, t
making fame and Sorting) for MI14*
,da Tiers. •
Another young woman ha&ven 1053
-rortunitte,e10ea'.tcrrihh accident has
gro�vo. tin,-abinptly tOrralrint
fclI into o1 Ol the aptly. namad .af
doathi" whielt . appeared To*
eently_at a.Paris .musle Ludt,. in this
act the automobile, aft nn
an inclined JAIgne . and
.t 4,109R.
great reput
mind ono
loop at '4, r
o several cyeliSts were InVar-
400p tho loop honoitly •une•
Vs lite for
100P With concealod groovo which
t it from
caught in the
grated 10oper
:eat sensations. ..The Station**, 1000
ve pkica 4„0,41w -roto glov,sokt
.tahlespon -utter,
13110001it Pik#: in a hot,
.0**te'i twenty . *Junto*.
Janet tiienzio- 11111 -Stir' 040 Pirm
ol scalded. ilk or water. or halt of
each into ono• etip of „yellow, or white
corn xneal. to which a teS$1100041
Salt has Emeri:Intigled* Pa4e- in a Oal.
iow pan.
iitiftfte Cora inoal with ono nix
sPOor.t.Of ffi1tI one. tetomoon ot
-ter, and tWotableepOonet of Jong
When cool add three eggs, tho yoIkand whites beateuseparats
,Voin ritr14440 irotkel
ot thls old fiottionotl .oryn
two •cupfula Of our a cup-
.0f• sour- cream. one cupful Of sift -
a iesit 404
ounces of permanganate
of' liotaith and dWdlire ,gal-
lon of 'boiling water. Ilru*I'vctida.o.Ver
the part. to be Stained. If not quite
, dark enough. Ova a second coat. Let
it 4dry again .auct polish with bets -
Wax .and turpentine.
To revive black 1ae1. make, ome
ne,k-fe.a.36.6.TiC the;
or drinking, und, atrain
cover'Pthel'!r quantity of 1:Ca, to
it. Dip it frquently into - tb�
t. which.at
ovioxirtt toetr„alltuav:!ifil'
'stand .ten
gunt Ater' and . press
eonful of soda.. half a,t0a,sl'Avan or
salt. an egg*two. tablespoonfuls., -of
xnelasties tir#fif •smolassesis not lIkcd
otengiV; Put the Milk cream;
and-mole,sate into a large bOw1-1-
4/0at the. mg until Very light.
solvo the soda, -in one tablettpoonful
of cold Water, and, stir it into •the
mixture in the -bovil-Ftheri .44d- , the
flour and -Pleat. and, after FAilciar-pla
it to' ..iv91;.in anyidiapp.yon wish
It to take. When nearly dry .00Vor
it With nnother::•triwel*.'nrutiroir
with a cool - iron. '
'will after this process took as good
• as •
An embroidered piece should never -
o pu n ivith-the regular
it be washed, by itself In
M4k.0 a light ands 'of some hind 'o
Owe soap.. Wash quickly. ',If t 'e
-linen' ia Oiled reh that portiOn:
tina.,-bands, but avoid.' genortd
rubbing. Take itout of the 44_4- 4,44
rinse thoroughly Itt elo44 w.t4.0t4'
'llaving 'thoroughly stashed . the artt,
ele„ ,conintince to dry it. A wet, Oct*.
*of embroidery 'should nover 1e h340,1T','
asp to dry; never be folded UPon
it -
elf thrown In a heap; • never Jett
1Ween tiYQ "
lLen clothi iuul roll it up inside
these in such a Ways that no. part of'
the -embroidery;can. touch • any other
Part of --tho swine linen., fn -this
Shape :it- can ha° wrung or twisted- -
without. 'danger, or ,can bo 11101-9.31;
pounded .that the dry- linen may.. •
marc quickly absorb the MoUturo,,,
this condition. it should! be left until
.the-rillksi are 'dry. 1.4* -the"ti late'
couing in thodays We *night not sea. • r n
" beyond the grave. Thiskingdom o
heaven was something real; bnmed-
.0 substat1a1. So 'Pritoti*
caL „
and present the
• lo. who prefer:
:pry tor it'
aiivOS PVC oirory
is the•-•
.•:•2*C -
eon 't'ttoitaitisti
WaUs of Jerusalem. .G0140n. „
'Xext, Matt. te.41.
tve8o0 *Oft STUDIES
Word Studies are baso4
on ht 114Tis-ed Vorsi�n. -
• troductory Wet' the timo
01 eating" and- prayerreferred to in
our leaSon for November 10 Nolte;
matter' of Isis- deepest 'concern, nem
ly, 'the fivolate tOndttion ot AleruiVx-
len*. fere^
TO" 0 "
ails. 'rho kin
_be a
tot& 'Conditions tin
cial1y.0-0;t1TO!' .0
-rmPlre4 „
made our'prayer'unto
our ••q00,...444166,44 Is 141solf
-ing the story-, ' *04,-tha pronoun reters,
* ;
', to.. the-- .Jowih 001of colony ' 4 whicb he
was now the gDvernor.,, ,, ,'
4 : o *od
* ere.. tothe". Whole
Oe: s .. - oxonnixiitY;' elf,„'.-- ',0-it'atfira.
' the,. elders - and representative **101,
;Convineicated ,-.With,.1+leheretati. •
. . ,
cyclist1001,,;bieyele of - the 1'3*# -OA 1141V
*Poi,* „is"- • the 3-rehigle had etiehOo- the,
.i4:0-i4g0,*PAP: - ‘0.4" : 'highest point itifs 14. trajectory • it
'010. 7.400t4' ‘°.1• :i4 -***;47413.11-1,
1%004, aprino4 .and levern*.
t".1•• ".1-7?'*• coinpieW -*sonterealilt, after 'which
00' PO40* untll'• continued .itstialyig..ificott•toals'ottitio treotirt;
.4gq,O! ''.0*4044010 •Itata*'''' • • ,.x.datforn',.',
• ,• •
7-110W4;"^ laid": 1
evolving wi"
"in" it Onn11174 llight and consert ently
oetatwe Velma. at Oita be in inunfnent. 'danger .01.failing
tb. wiee1 and soon expired. with .*PoPlexY to. the floor, twenty feet, This
1143- tuu--41lusiOn wits dee, to the very. 101.Pow.
^ilanger Of cerebral congest:10,4 is *•
odis, one. too. ':.lcatiosedon of,t:hteht'tic:e4ontrads ot.bor otityt,hiwo
the net is the lest, When 'Pah taw inan /nava haeltward, at that
44- brought 4o. rest forward.
O'cle and "04. 'tan° wheel 4". 'pp' *tent. 'faster' than' the. center was
lileycle 4urches.,-- And -the elightcst-er-I, incent'itte,
t is
the al of the wh
.ror in atter:111g' r4aY's:ittod througlf..themt loot told women
int Where it, had let the , first -
t110 0P0
0 -re .41e
lia smeriztujt. appearcd to at )p
p te e :Ida* -to .tlie stage-
in•-tforinany, ' genius lei
**poor,- invented, an infernal wbO4
,of.: another sort, it was about 45
.letters444EC18ed..o a troves'
*tors of the pr011401* thar,0001,1011hilh.
bc Nti ether -with an
to 'ineure biasato ''•-• nub,- intiortd--
, „
jOurney, while 4 lettorCto Aistoh,
,I1Ceiver. a of ,kineTtetrat" ..secuiretd
�ial for
004 to ., thl
. bowieand for tho WO' of the
and for a private' 4wellittg..for ,
(comp. Nth. 13).. ving nt
414,00410s 'lie
'lea* inaPection of
affairs and eianithed.
-be called -together
them to undeitake the rebuudlng of
the walls and the, reriovatiest
entito pity, NO oner waa the work
• qui* overtfor thirty minuteei.• If in-
convenient to use sour cream 14130
Sour milk instead, and add it„. table.
011004'01 mated ;butter at the last
• 0.tl'ES FM CoOlC.
, ,
trot1k4 1)thOr broiled • ttla4t,4* pork
teederMn. should ,
,...rninutee before it is?eaten. llroiIn.ter
salt and pepper end with lemon
and dot, with bItof butter. Oovor
tlosely and allow it to stand for ten
Minutes .befOrei :serving. root', with
It AO unsweeletipt apple sauce.
!- A piesSant- Change* front. Pork and
• beans is to boil aticretrain through
%colander tittart of • wiate botio.t4
Mat, In „a saucepan,* quarter cupful
of butter„ a tablespoonful of, ci
. . * .or wo f Mint,
titters?. Is it, ambition „vanity, 101re ogs, tho ntiure s - In, this pan Until
01 apPlause, or simply:Abe hope Not. /lefty on a, platter with elipe
making hit -tone %le Allgtodcan Of broil* I batconaaround the edge.
"looping the. jam," _WAR conceived It*
708 ng ty ore erowds *Pets- 41u51`) fine. pod Stir In ne 44
an Is5sen a y prise
. m010" whu
o - from,a-;plunge dolan-'s itligit14.b** h.t-tOtrti
and * • n inclined *4.4e, 'vrbith made a' " t•
f the.; Aity„ , . -of .Txyi-7_""Uliinle-TI. VT' e
o Whole -of this 'verse must lie ,fiEciair" wAs lashed v in slirotidotile
en togetb�r -wiLh- tbe-1104i*---Itr,za faabiairti.„-tra-aceuatomoti.-himselt _- ta
_• araaye 331 ,._ oeogot. oo
obstaeleo sa weli as Oltternal hind- having hieelf 'strapped to% a, similar
*Pees' were enenuotirall in the* nt wheel, hich was . turml,...rarpfdly
teoPt to attfri, out the -work. Tlio about earls by means or 0,
,,W . t-404 ri'
Oii es .aid-voiopor
0141t.* Which re.
what Wall WV* Tho 'see-
the emends *iad their
f general attack upon the alty,
to the d
sitHX$ * 3tb-arg, 'Illfepitlitto 11,
$1400 Win., do 'Pore $4041,
:10144t0 r va
tines* originators. The current pay
Icor lonPing On loopy is from"1120 to
$40 a night which hi not "high, e
1 i_i1 _
rat -tie, Wad
1 the devices Is the **circle of
Tide large, flat, -trun.
cone, the rim Of , pod*,
' Ported by retie* n
on' -inrlinect. 'to the Ito
:*a that 0-017 One Side at the
It out carefully on a„
-•0 •
-Oder"4roihoT greaisalo
441)1c14'i Prepared in this
to_cook_a_frittor_it to
tt shelhu-and
' Whole thing in deep tat.
itily goo4.1,43r to
• • It atone, therefore, that theboil*mitioto fritters. nutcloi. ot,osaters., torn
of gal* le not the Only' incentive, but liattakori, touhroorna4.....or any matcr-
tbat-thnt littf0t4i(Vre-likoAlle- 04 itt which the Caviar -up
Iiu ativrretted by 'the vforY •al *toting the proportion of "iks
;the tet.-ott*:A4r4ttitit-Oligattilit
, po,n. an ironing • oar we
voted with several pieces , of riltttei:*
Spread a clean
over the ,embroldery and .1rolf 'lightly
Abe *hole eurface. being 'eareful. . not
10 Pro's to heavily 'wort the,:
• etzlingsn_ embroideries that
will produce a strut
• earry__(_:' f,•retili bard
at -Brat, bvit work rOrdir7141r0-ial
the center heve.-beconie too dry, u
- cloth- to- t - Io,
vers as this method...atilt leavo,
linen striticientlydamp for mantle „,
It Oa* leavee the linen- fresh ,and
holds the natural 'etifiness of ',nitrifies
-31111- iia-J.SUkstr
and. ,oui :ck-1—xwvem exit- arxr the cleznents
liectesiuy't0 Surr041.
AIM OP maw; sgn3.
y hOrliOn
w 01* a•P's .Pars us lir •ral
.offeet is thrilling. for
to bein...conatant
1. -Places, laid.
death; 'iota toll. and. Card
cond 401911 ;with 'him. *they ial
the *NO *than --the
tell ale*. ; . •
(LODETIIE or ArmAttro"
sterestn end Comparatively mafe.
bited in a iessl-Xork
tosv -e -
*Or ,UP0I1A , tnrtit' of 1oopin tbo loop and
well* 01 Jiruaalemt: ;44*-virs_whert *rift t
to be tor,* return 444 *,woaan, 01
ied latticework'giobo
orneo and 144411.* ',diaMetior
:Ur their
it tea.
ed toint,er*
cUvo .oPPoot
Wert' and.
hie • ptoplo
on the qty
, TO)
Arab It tia„nol
dwfllng t� the *ink
tiwtht or Cho'
tablfshiki bje1*011
1 : • dtwolatt
Pp- Wit
sauce --nay havo enough bread
crumbs added te'eximit af itil paeltin
flrinty lit -06" trati IthoUs The thefl
and tilling tire the* dipped in b�aton
egg and dropped into the kettle
to avo
dust All
caught in 41*wor1erS7- clol
tingzireehed oft.,bit hands,
many *their ways
Some Unto ago
ng ' Add 04 tvablespootatel of Ilour
till it. thlekena 'stirring ,alt
sinifjot tb Iast add s umpooartd.
Of Maier; 8erVa with croutoag ,of
:bliresil or
it le. • Turnip
tvienty fort ina4_
round it it pal
h rorriplet
• leekArirse
elk the 140011
If metal bods arsi.cheeen With an,
eye to thelr',toying 'bright*, and ;thin.
g1en'jaw a little earei there Is no
neceseity-100..131eir 'lend** -41-41t -and
ftvarntaltictik• Experts - any 0141. bnbii
oiiglit not to tarnish if it is ProisarlY
-treated hi the ritst-place, and 41* --1,- -
brio* trignno140 ,,white bedif 4reA • '
the *rat iptacile •tieitidly. that Shoat •
bed, tb see if the trixrini140
woar *3 ota, :?your
itak som--
on who do.s 1t
iva3P cost 5 littin-
more than yol1 oughti.--but It wl!t
bo loos itt the hong z -un. Pientelling .
Cafl be done .,(00310na, :that Is) at
holt* with ...loot' .11ttin troublo. And.,
enamel, Slid* cot Jittha that
iran bed go shabby «:n thouh Ir.' -
handling* •