HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-30, Page 4I g J` vl ta 04 04 «Thoip�onOk , „ 011bter* - ta. Pat 0 bi . t ehtlict " All n n4 T&t , 010 ,N..$cata-44 world ‘,Silvtauso relnitOn.care2 iv sive nonted7P Uiroujk the I ;JW3eJ3. (3f Torffli rlenda .„ • n he , atulattort h if and etbuablebride, • McLanwaz In Lqntiofl Iast 1). 0. Order; preaa OiUeiov iqd tter,addressio 9: as ADVOCAT Eeter Ont. • The eleetio •$atchsvun , take placeon-Po r oomtne- ' tions on7Deo, ltb. All -t. pantto - th election of. t& iberal :Prorate and tile iii44titr.,oftlicapditlates, though the Sweeplienot expccted to be es ih\Atikc A opponent may;hi:4 'itt`. le of the held be has n the eoPlerrif the West for & twiny yearti.: , * Oontinuing the inVesL ga on Ienaioronto-News (ntftt1v�-7'-ifoniff-04. 8 of that citythin 1 II I 1 but concentra o on ithooineas training. .The Workingthett'thiok there is a gen- eral lack of thoroughness and Verie. little efficiency in teaching pennian. :shin, spelling, reading and aritbntetie; which they Nositipo the .esoepthils.in the ednotion of thefi,oy Whi)se only . teaching is receivedtrona-the Public , . 'Pehool.-teaetters. • , , Irt the OLbeV n f.(ht some *ottani.. ' w- 1 Ito in , 0 - tvean=t4trvtirAito°11k.kettelt:144 IpitlgYIP' lege at. London was home for at few &Aye to the pletwire of; his frienf.40,,,-4. 104. .440. O1tonrk'of London is visit,' ing friends here.-- . McCann. was home over filintlay.--.., awe rumor., has ,ittlitit 4 wedding Will. take 1)1.1,04 tkl.tro -•shrirtIy. It ia thne sorne onavves-mAk- ing * odre says -ht u le good tiattire. All are , anxiously w ats, M. P1 of Parkhill 1u..s been ovirbauli It' ..... ., , . , 4.1_ —_ EL, • .24,4414_11,M 94 0- „Tp. - III S'' t terin to teitcb.a. achos re itt tantiii. \ noreate We pleased to hear Of our i c friend's continued :s3), eas, , vonan.......9t fitondolq, '80" 50 IMOSltA.:Vialtil; ere±an_ , hshing.a. deer park., ;He has so far ., . 0 -eight sp endid. deer; and e a, get rnore.,r Itieseitttbati When sigh e,htt mileo o bWth�putbo1! dor x cta tha .40 Imad� t ,poworta. -appealfor: lower taxestor the rmer8.-T Elder atthe 8rtteoriceaston of TtickeronOthi and brother John have returned from two weeks' ,hunting expedition to, .110W- Ontario They- enjoyed their 'otxt4t jog:thoroughly Ittut brought back fon no:deer as tlas result of their labors,* t. Andrewe,chorCh will holdjheir • anfliVersary, .4tt4t:i mders.b_aa'retnine from a Opottratimww-ber sp.:41,17474, paftow ;iiriaapa ' recently, Ile Was 1oadlng gravel :t. '0. Pit when, e:ooticed a. hlrge bank .earth **lei bout to cave in. Ile ot.; biitnota tinuti just got at'i ay w id tOtta-oteart On Wa8 burled, broke latjng birMelf 01 not noticed th 43* is donI ' we ••he•-daY•Was.tlneandtbemeni- bets of the einb were In N. OarrOtt nod ri,„ 41,,,i).0.0 were 14,Oleek- e4 AP.P-41),410•1‘,.Sides - were cl*osen; thiiieeti,tneir on.,eaeb:sidel : "'tag •i.inati. • i'shot at Iive,,,pigeo.os*Ote-reontest ''..aged.hot.. *tames *pa It 170404111loolt. U404 jtist bow it Woulti **snit.' it, .'„hOweveri: Wentirrfa*Or.'44 r'' Jaxrott •.and,his..men. bly,feur bt • bOteriOrtber4t ay WiIIfs and 3. Jc t1vc birds -- Th mal .c. Milton( ; .whorenti. oyster sui • .4e,r11.#: st kiIIing &cTaggILrV8' bottle and -other delft ate* Which ' the • • Attb) 1I01#1r W Ott recnllections of the the welgbt Q1 ‚VL%iC11 ML. 13e11 is t-. his escape, for had he • earth when be. -Liut that 'lie ,IWoOkt older:A. ti.ho utty*itre, ' Crediton iws c • an of Tavlativk xt and "the'rp-air2i14:4w has had the -Woo work of hie xiitide tOilSe" 4Unseated 4 Melntyre -ngain8t the'vetitti Perwei. Pb,oral, agiltetnber.intithe Leg- lslature was it :SttI jr.4ThilgPaStVeet Pott.Te0tOt and : the election -Voided.. 'Tbe,biring,of _cabs at. sur,pxborbkant rate was ..p.roven. _an _ caused the unseating. - The'croso_pet ..tiort;Watt diaadosed. .•-i ore inany years ran . the favoriteammerresorto of:Wester Ontario.—The contract for driving lies -to the gap ,of the break -water bat; PO 404004*nd the werit will be Woo:toted at once.—IL' litossenberres 'newiho is fast -nearing completion, the firat coat of plastering 'having bean 'finish favelle last. Wee move his ' Gui r, v, ove e in thiS we whO '1130ent h6.0014 wil • Rev. S. A4°Carriere waver n I ri y a number 00r4 n and: pre8ont- ing himwith a hundred: 71insheli," of oats or.hio horse.' This kind act oaltoWthe.good feeling .existing be. tween the Itti=v,„ .gentlenfen. Another a ked to th 4neada r of relatives work of love. ternoon largo numbe thered--at-- 5.7.0ottelerto-leit4l their estimahre-'daifi):tliter, hie . Xelsoninetcher-of title- . ton. At five O'Clookas the soft and • dulcet strait* of the 'wedding - twitch. ,' played blr-Mils Mabia Sawyer,= floated '---tbrough-the-iarlor' the • huin'At WOrValA.146)!cit.P-40.074uhilaiii. A Iew moments elape4 when thebrIde who is at nilitlinelottractive in appearance. and manner tame fmtiardhandsoinelyr attired in white silk; andreclining on arnrof her father. Her sister, Miss. . Land was' beautiftil° costume. tt. Cay. too* the:pert of fliiaier, looked like tittlo fairygod, oftteil typart --well.7"'"-Normart Flatcher,-Of AVIngham...bro hest ' man. Bev. Mr. Yea. it tied the- oupthd, knot; At conclusion- o 010,13(44nm yet plea9ing:Ote0100;:404 -gratuLMiprns the bride and groom,after" which'. Ali 110 107004 nun* er.ordtry'oung—p io community -gathered at the Mr. and Alto, Peter Schrader, •,t nd engigedht4(Octoil bop. Thai Mpg faces tell the tole that; the lakbeen reappointed Carmel ohnrcia.•—,Jaa. • ia o too' of tleY'fer.$0,400.. !Chia' is a fine operty. and the,,taiee a., tea - Mr. .11ontkron lntends porn, pg 0. ;. 1 7'. him...we: extend. Prank Ituse_.' chair leader of the work and he -certainly did, the fob 1 tvell.;-4,31, Sweet; is the prond. fattier of bouncing baby, bey; This is the 'North birth on the street inside ,of -two mOtatbk. Out gOyefoineut Ought, to grant us it bonus for the. rapid 'in - crenae to OF; population.; race, .001., cide around Garden Jut . Parkhill -visited friend*. here 144 week. Cads are out for tbe nmrrutge. of and Mr Andrews, .of thia Place to J.. 'Wesle Boyc*e, • on:Dee 6.—Misa ' .noider.v.etiiDet friendabere the past week..., .4 -Vv., day night *hoot 40 young people p%as. nutty surprised Mr. -And 'Sim:, Paul ,shenii,:in_theitt_new home; • All report .g90.40430, -ratil makes a 10-6141 Zuelle of ilenetai -visited 'hi* itother.141rit. Chas. Ifrown,•ottgiinday, —Ati.ltosiett",nrehiteekt4Stivulaiwaia , in the. village Tuesday consulting With our school trustees regardingthe helatte col. The 'bi- h wind the past. 'Wee ()opt* some: o • the brick work- on the. 'Allah of the church Omer. Re airs oh Oill4 be made. take place -by someone 'Wing Injured by the failing material;.-41rs.. John 41 Id own on ' unda London Brick Ma•chirie Co., Was rethe vilbIge Prldattrying to 'place a- mg.', chins bore.. We do not kw* with rtha'Prottifievets•he Vet. The bricko are *bade nt cement and sand. are the d hntd as-flint;—Dr. ..,0oetuittaworgintioaroBAtto • gatod,„"fonasIlitrtfelbta lottorl' after Vs attack of typhoid fever. Dan. Mclaaac is again at his 61 stand: n. PhlIip roue* 'blacksmith- abop.-- ,ear and Wesitiy Wolfe and of-fitrediton si itt Leiner...- the dole ' o . t e "raorninitservice *clam leader iortet •Nteire,c/ed for Clas- or N. ktwoi-Ifooset f�r the foriner and. Fred Baker atter.--Tho Pobliotieboothere n bolaInsi a concert on .e --Pertlettlartr Mre, Seklort has been ,ding enriper: .Thalarg ,nuniber at-nse.' 4 ii)1116 nortkof here,. for the halance. . „Alia SIPAhlt ow/teat eotp Si, token nt the year, The school lies been with.. 44tlitt,tfiglreettenVentettaitled4OW*trit nnt& thriitlni'ethe• -- -- itety4 esmiutJy apeut games ..Bitirspent lvith -friends Anil, octal, Oat. intvestoat. plea*, Vried 11 In. the • tire -1:04-oining-.,with thebrides unmet... 4. tAing orders 1:or thertoril saterovAril pos. friendain beat lur tho,' 00.4.rot. several years,Paat the gritting, ttire happiest? and ,welfare of herallifdonein the Dashwoatilottrint -atilt **tilt •nutibOOtit---'An4 11141 '„•-anythingl butSatisfaetoryowmuoh; future be .att: ;twin tirrollied, Utte,i*,.4.! that' th 11lno4IM done by the Ithboiolner • ,InO040. tritel Advocate ittn0014 •tri6:•littSditlisite4Atitittiuto troy' sialallAut44, '• hest of well.wishers., ft* hts arpy . The evening was kSunday ell. en& Mrs. 'Adorn tors, so oo that the prop t • writ to:k Vettt expenoeltt tho wry - lietter—riesti Ls wit* itidt once,bi-ought re the manufacturers i try and advanced to them but the7.. only langhed also, consulted: souleilwett; they' littiViltita: the ,other new Madttrtery.? V4-10, Abotit dioetittraged and althe gh at C1nton huit Week itt. the age of 74 leara.---We 04er:stand there is a movement, on foot to organti$04 young ladies',bockey :teepee.- this Cook boo gone to Winnipeg, Man., to, 4,itit it friend who is Airy 11.1„70•0orge. oyrit. whnbas beenlaidftip ;for lievet.-4 owing to. bit) r4lcont, accident; laeliaVlog ,Ottettitnea a fracture,. Of - two .ribtK is slowly recovering. Ile also _.:11rattifetrvf'qdtftttitrottli. Ooze Yarigtiluto‘ who had the miera7e., tune to fall and fracture tWgof her expected. Her many friends hope to 'soon see her around again.—Miss Mag. le •Iklamilarinkd. big: returned to 'Vasa - :dint r Iowa, After a. Pleasant visit hem—. no a ed ffotn her yielt to Woodstock.— J. 0,-.8tettentan has her,mother. Robinson. of Lambeth' : With her present.. -'-Fred „Moons Is having **team heating radiators put in his barber* hos been Qur ,custolners, fr„Itu surrouni,fitytt.AO-mitsAnLI Vtlla1 aio r ae,gity, itod. bepoln1ng.41ter sttiStito.r.t ,V,pjt4 ;over, purcIt4se and tluit flute jek,vrery 4104tht weryortie,le is a's roprctieutcd. ff ' pre,ent Ave i6,5•1.11kIt4pdp me. 1,3r4,04.1),0 assisting Buchanan 13tasa evr bakery btxsIness. bas gone to 1)etroit. John Plait has purchased tho new roof patt(,ras, 714;gbuy larger :tit* 4iliown • by :the ;above .keY;,t- atai vattying sliglitly`in dt-taiI et tith re 0 pearls lo solid tok atailvid io.* neat 1iliuti.41) bpx; ' ,. &��A - prepaid li:i ;OSTIA freS4.7 Jog tile *ateald. '•,, Iron sa,fassa4tery tout money wilt be refurulett., With Ittitts' ;in 'rattle . b'y cut. _cud fined .$1 00 'Tenth gold 2 00 Solid rollvgoid..... c 4 00, Ptioes' for raNed gd 1 tels f:ty.14 nApplicptitsu, , . • cfr-Llr-7-eitiewirtO go045 v(34 Ns" eRitoi.,41 at aly Wtptnotl i'...Gti-aante . .•0 kit .y. aited. her :. daughter. ,, Jiifrs. ,.,..cloti* lutift•00- -s0046*;., .. ....,. - . -- ' , • • - ... The .taterail Obelety. Met "at .:Mir. BreWtealidine... on. .. Oriday ' eire4iitgi "-ZIOv,41th, ThraoltawinOrogra • '• :reoileted; • Platao.golo* Mos '011ie Iloilo '. amittirreatIliiki,'NlfiiiifS•• llii''Lli:14-wiata . • la; Mils Bilk Bercoterri+ading,r..--Mis Myrtle Clark; piano' solo, Itro* '0,1tiettf,- vocal solo. Dr*. Ilitiot., . There.: was a. .4eibittei **Resolved that Canada Wetild, be better. as an Independent, *data"' Thiudehatera 'were- C. .0luett and .,1?. , ••. enntintrostI*046414,144*41,o, ' ... • . Ira Brown. $.04 Iterh- Rill** jot. the. .-tt - atiVe.Beit*- Mr. Dalltitto Dr.41443 ' 014,, ,. torgeJEtirtzelLivertjudgea ..andovettie deelelon In .favor of the latter. 'The -Society will Meet .at. the ' biome of MO. W. Clark Friday, Dec. 1St, ' ILvia. ' WistiP/X-647-tititi_t_ TbUri•dat. even*** ' . an i'vetit of marc, triton *moat , ..-,, . ',•„,„, - *EW -Of,,,: • 'and Mrs': Henry zither. It 'being the telebrationL,,tL_Aher :ollter_..iveddlog., iiite'S.numher'vctof 1:eititTvere-p.Oten I otrittalt itta it yetv) 044iiint lit.'nei, A.A.', . .. ter doing Potion. '.. a', fittek *tipper the, 'Convent met In the parlor where tiOn•-: ' tolatory addresie- swercOett b_t Rev, Damtn.' 0* z Zither and.'obthatt., Ober Ellber on behalf of the. relatives, . dlaeott Hetet anit-,Theolt-ltlelet7O'n' litibitif .ottlie Mend*, ' We rottgratnlate' Me, and Mt* Biliter upon, having . et, taloa thdo *over. vretf4Ing o'lar. Ittid. '. hope they: *may be *patrol to etiebritte • their 01. ttsteildin,g-,-- ' - . . , ..... # • , ra, no, ; . , •• i end .44thOug , ialitios, . diecoUra . s,,WittiAliedetettlitlattort 40 tluttOr eilltic.'of blara*,;Set 'bittiselt,;to i'” 4004 of ,,iiti,logillig the milt as . .4' thought:it ,Ought,16 be withlhe t,e.s.0 'that the tone priidu • the , .Milt,i'' ,L'.. pow l*Ilt edgi).„ ,o. t • ''.0011, be ' - ' "red *nywber�. Wer ttittrefete ' k for Mr. EIdt,Is 44,,.7.tpttartim, ett ' ' tett141, ,o1.41 totoi,a,100, beonga to him, 'Shrum,. de , . leaf ,a of, Mr. John y, When Will.eet10.: stittatghttll, Mias Ztalitati.; the happy bride of Mr. Chas. refiner., 041t the itiltaleilitite relatives Woo 111'4,, irited.to *tom, the .tioretitaor which. -rfOrnteil by Rev. :Dann% The. 1! -.,- ,WIth ; ' Stinkie. Alfied--Ptililtifine, ,baS'' 'no to Stratford', where, he -.:wilt : ne*-4,,eachor-7.1* engage in. lineittelit‘ ' -'04c00,44$ A.It. Mise 0, F. Uttitray.,htiagone Esetei'' ' ' ' - •• tit Where. she wilf-leartr. dresonnikinge-:- 'liar P. Willili'Or ra11 willrkh1-bectife--- , — 4, _ _ - -•a,eecL Mia otietatit„ 'The fount( lady corn highly mow, ended', and ;will nol.dogbt proveher, eelteatlefactort In every *ay.-rThe trooteee of our erhool hare not eiired .4 teacher to otteceed 'Mk* Th00,.o ...,,Wr Jeknotortliihojnie with tpli040410414tutitancla,deyitnr.44,1.1443tiiiiiittint.-X1g0440perro well as eatt be exp.cted. It $0 ' lndeed '' with "Irklairocitr• o00011) fled wlth rare 41mp1ici. be 41P4tteattil by ber„ $041).ai1tit btOttOingirt supported, by his Ixother net. ;The cornpuiyeiijnved tient repast 44 tbe conulu*' •Ths, lnlde is on t *long Jodie* asu nedepopul*rand ,,she, *Ai life, It *seats essnesson the pert af the trio n no stop, was m *dote enable pas to get on or o • Abe trmIn slowed 1,1 knownway was throi twit.a space'of "narrow :Asitresult her shoulder a is tooth knoektd nut besides. She ieesiVed many, brulesand so 'bad 6,01ittking up that, she was unconsctous fortome time, 'Under the -skilful t Mont of Dr. Campbell We trtiSt she wIlIiooh at'OVer;'- • • AVICIV1140.0.4Wedding. belts Seem to beL.rtoging Cootinuouily throughout this neighborhood;..ss week by week we pen the ativeat a a otvoiste oft -from tito4enhood—fit free ---In t n p few.t,solut 'first we refrr to Is MIs Mirce1lim', ,41of Jeseph Denmunf, who on Thtvaintioogrod,ohtter pe litre and *Po *it ” Withering.. Mit* Annie Jetry.,PerriVesn motiota gr'notn., -Mew sod 111•1* faitaYttIt'' 84141041114 gng •)1 he 6"4111S61114same 1sil"12,1;h1roliiottOroft, ernt Ibechur 'tairt, itm:!gitta st51se55.04t454, DRAFTS onaU 410.•Ap4t._ paintsibe DomlniouOreattitop. and C so de to o o. most favorablete*ma elpte Wood ao# high t eitrorot rate of 1ntereot 1 '