HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-11-30, Page 4I g
J` vl ta 04
«Thoip�onOk , „ 011bter*
- ta. Pat 0 bi
. t ehtlict " All
n4 T&t
, 010
relnitOn.care2 iv
sive nonted7P
Uiroujk the I
;JW3eJ3. (3f Torffli
rlenda .„ •
n he , atulattort
h if and etbuablebride, •
McLanwaz In Lqntiofl Iast
1). 0. Order; preaa OiUeiov
iqd tter,addressio
Eeter Ont.
• The eleetio •$atchsvun
, take placeon-Po r oomtne-
' tions on7Deo, ltb. All -t. pantto
th election of. t& iberal :Prorate
and tile iii44titr.,oftlicapditlates,
though the Sweeplienot expccted to
be es ih\Atikc A
may;hi:4 'itt`.
le of the held be has n the
eoPlerrif the West for & twiny yearti.:
, *
Oontinuing the inVesL ga on
of that citythin
1 II I 1
but concentra o on ithooineas training.
.The Workingthett'thiok there is a gen-
eral lack of thoroughness and Verie.
little efficiency in teaching pennian.
:shin, spelling, reading and aritbntetie;
which they Nositipo the .esoepthils.in
the ednotion of thefi,oy Whi)se only
. teaching is receivedtrona-the Public
, .
'Pehool.-teaetters. •
, ,
Irt the OLbeV n f.(ht some *ottani.. ' w-
1 Ito in , 0 -
tvean=t4trvtirAito°11k.kettelt:144 IpitlgYIP'
lege at. London was home for at few
&Aye to the pletwire of; his frienf.40,,,-4.
104. .440. O1tonrk'of London is visit,'
ing friends here.-- . McCann. was
home over filintlay.--.., awe rumor., has
,ittlitit 4 wedding Will. take 1)1.1,04 tkl.tro
-•shrirtIy. It ia thne sorne onavves-mAk-
ing * odre
says -ht u le
good tiattire. All are
, anxiously w ats, M. P1 of
Parkhill 1u..s been ovirbauli It'
., , . , 4.1_ —_ EL, • .24,4414_11,M
94 0- „Tp. -
t terin to teitcb.a. achos
re itt tantiii. \ noreate
We pleased to hear Of our
friend's continued :s3), eas, ,
vonan.......9t fitondolq, '80"
50 IMOSltA.:Vialtil; ere±an_ ,
hshing.a. deer park., ;He has so far
., .
0 -eight sp endid. deer; and e
a, get rnore.,r Itieseitttbati When
sigh e,htt mileo o
dor x cta tha
.40 Imad� t ,poworta. -appealfor:
lower taxestor the rmer8.-T Elder
atthe 8rtteoriceaston of TtickeronOthi
and brother John have returned from
two weeks' ,hunting expedition to,
.110W- Ontario They- enjoyed their 'otxt4t
jog:thoroughly Ittut brought back fon
no:deer as tlas result of their labors,*
t. Andrewe,chorCh will holdjheir •
anfliVersary, .4tt4t:i
mders.b_aa'retnine from a
sp.:41,17474, paftow ;iiriaapa
' recently, Ile Was 1oadlng gravel
:t. '0. Pit when, e:ooticed a. hlrge bank
.earth **lei bout to cave in. Ile ot.;
biitnota tinuti
just got at'i ay w
id tOtta-oteart
On Wa8 burled,
latjng birMelf 01
not noticed th
43* is donI
' we ••he•-daY•Was.tlneandtbemeni-
of the einb were In
N. OarrOtt nod ri,„ 41,,,i).0.0 were 14,Oleek-
e4 AP.P-41),410•1‘,.Sides - were cl*osen;
thiiieeti,tneir on.,eaeb:sidel : "'tag •i.inati. •
i'shot at Iive,,,pigeo.os*Ote-reontest
''..aged.hot.. *tames *pa It 170404111loolt.
U404 jtist bow it Woulti **snit.' it,
.'„hOweveri: Wentirrfa*Or.'44 r'' Jaxrott
•.and,his..men. bly,feur bt •
WiIIfs and 3. Jc
t1vc birds -- Th mal
.c. Milton( ;
.whorenti. oyster sui
• .4e,r11.#:
&cTaggILrV8' bottle
and -other delft
ate* Which ' the
• •
Attb) 1I01#1r W Ott
recnllections of the
the welgbt Q1 ‚VL%iC11
ML. 13e11 is t-.
his escape, for had he •
earth when be.
-Liut that 'lie ,IWoOkt
iws c • an
of Tavlativk xt and
has had the -Woo work of hie xiitide
tOilSe" 4Unseated
Melntyre -ngain8t the'vetitti
Perwei. Pb,oral, agiltetnber.intithe
lslature was it :SttI
jr.4ThilgPaStVeet Pott.Te0tOt and : the
election -Voided.. 'Tbe,biring,of _cabs at.
sur,pxborbkant rate was ..p.roven. _an
_ caused the unseating. - The'croso_pet
..tiort;Watt diaadosed. .•-i
ore inany years ran .
the favoriteammerresorto of:Wester
Ontario.—The contract for driving
lies -to the gap ,of the break -water bat;
PO 404004*nd the werit will be
Woo:toted at once.—IL' litossenberres
'newiho is fast -nearing completion,
the firat coat of plastering 'having bean
'finish favelle last. Wee
move his ' Gui
r, v,
ove e in thiS we
whO '1130ent
h6.0014 wil
Rev. S. A4°Carriere waver n
I ri y a number 00r4
n and: pre8ont-
ing himwith a hundred: 71insheli," of
oats or.hio horse.' This kind act
oaltoWthe.good feeling .existing be.
tween the Itti=v,„ .gentlenfen.
a ked to th
r of relatives
work of love.
ternoon largo numbe
their estimahre-'daifi):tliter, hie .
Xelsoninetcher-of title-
. ton. At five O'Clookas the soft and
• dulcet strait* of the 'wedding - twitch.
,' played blr-Mils Mabia Sawyer,= floated
'---tbrough-the-iarlor' the • huin'At
WOrValA.146)!cit.P-40.074uhilaiii. A Iew
moments elape4 when thebrIde who
is at nilitlinelottractive in appearance.
and manner tame fmtiardhandsoinelyr
attired in white silk; andreclining on
arnrof her father. Her sister, Miss.
. Land was'
beautiftil° costume. tt.
Cay. too* the:pert of fliiaier,
looked like tittlo fairygod, oftteil
typart --well.7"'"-Normart Flatcher,-Of
hest ' man. Bev. Mr. Yea. it tied the-
oupthd, knot; At conclusion- o
010,13(44nm yet plea9ing:Ote0100;:404
the bride and groom,after" which'. Ali
110 107004
nun* er.ordtry'oung—p
io community -gathered at the
Mr. and Alto, Peter Schrader,
nd engigedht4(Octoil bop. Thai
Mpg faces tell the tole that; the
lakbeen reappointed
Carmel ohnrcia.•—,Jaa.
• ia
too' of tleY'fer.$0,400.. !Chia'
is a fine operty. and the,,taiee a., tea -
Mr. .11ontkron lntends
porn, pg 0. ;. 1 7'.
him...we: extend.
Prank Ituse_.'
chair leader of
the work and he -certainly did, the fob 1
tvell.;-4,31, Sweet; is the prond. fattier
of bouncing baby, bey; This is the
'North birth on the street inside ,of
-two mOtatbk. Out gOyefoineut Ought,
to grant us it bonus for the. rapid
'in -
crenae to OF; population.; race, .001.,
cide around Garden Jut
. Parkhill -visited friend*. here 144 week.
Cads are out for tbe nmrrutge. of
and Mr Andrews, .of thia Place to
J.. 'Wesle Boyc*e, • on:Dee 6.—Misa
' .noider.v.etiiDet
friendabere the past week..., .4 -Vv.,
day night *hoot 40 young people p%as.
nutty surprised Mr. -And 'Sim:, Paul
,shenii,:in_theitt_new home; • All report
.g90.40430, -ratil makes a 10-6141
Zuelle of ilenetai -visited 'hi*
itother.141rit. Chas. Ifrown,•ottgiinday,
, in the. village Tuesday consulting With
our school trustees regardingthe
helatte col. The 'bi- h
wind the past. 'Wee ()opt* some: o
• the brick work- on the. 'Allah of the
church Omer. Re airs oh Oill4 be made.
take place -by someone 'Wing Injured
by the failing material;.-41rs.. John
41 Id own on
' unda
London Brick Ma•chirie Co., Was rethe
vilbIge Prldattrying to 'place a- mg.',
chins bore.. We do not kw* with
rtha'Prottifievets•he Vet. The bricko are
*bade nt cement and sand. are the
d hntd as-flint;—Dr.
• gatod,„"fonasIlitrtfelbta lottorl'
after Vs attack of typhoid fever.
Dan. Mclaaac is again at his 61 stand:
n. PhlIip roue* 'blacksmith- abop.--
,ear and
Wesitiy Wolfe and
of-fitrediton si itt
Leiner...- the dole ' o . t e
"raorninitservice *clam leader
iortet •Nteire,c/ed for Clas- or N.
f�r the foriner and. Fred Baker
atter.--Tho Pobliotieboothere
n bolaInsi a concert on .e
Mre, Seklort has been
,ding enriper: .Thalarg ,nuniber at-nse.' 4 ii)1116 nortkof here,. for the halance.
. „Alia SIPAhlt ow/teat eotp Si, token nt the year, The school lies been with..
44tlitt,tfiglreettenVentettaitled4OW*trit nnt& thriitlni'ethe• -- --
itety4 esmiutJy apeut games ..Bitirspent lvith -friends
Anil, octal, Oat. intvestoat. plea*, Vried 11 In. the
• tire -1:04-oining-.,with thebrides unmet... 4. tAing orders 1:or thertoril saterovAril
pos. friendain beat lur tho,' 00.4.rot. several years,Paat the gritting,
ttire happiest? and ,welfare of herallifdonein the Dashwoatilottrint
-atilt **tilt •nutibOOtit---'An4 11141 '„•-anythingl butSatisfaetoryowmuoh;
future be .att: ;twin tirrollied, Utte,i*,.4.! that' th 11lno4IM
done by the Ithboiolner
• ,InO040. tritel Advocate ittn0014 •tri6:•littSditlisite4Atitittiuto troy' sialallAut44,
'• hest of well.wishers.,
ft* hts
arpy . The evening was kSunday ell. en& Mrs. 'Adorn
tors, so oo that the prop t
• writ to:k Vettt expenoeltt tho wry
lietter—riesti Ls wit*
itidt once,bi-ought
re the manufacturers
i try and advanced to them
but the7.. only langhed
also, consulted: souleilwett;
they' littiViltita: the
,other new Madttrtery.?
V4-10, Abotit dioetittraged and althe gh
at C1nton huit Week itt. the age of 74
leara.---We 04er:stand there is a
movement, on foot to organti$04 young
ladies',bockey :teepee.- this
Cook boo gone to Winnipeg, Man., to,
4,itit it friend who is Airy 11.1„70•0orge.
oyrit. whnbas beenlaidftip ;for lievet.-4
owing to. bit) r4lcont, accident;
laeliaVlog ,Ottettitnea a fracture,. Of - two
.ribtK is slowly recovering. Ile also
Ooze Yarigtiluto‘ who had the miera7e.,
tune to fall and fracture tWgof her
expected. Her many friends hope to
'soon see her around again.—Miss Mag.
le •Iklamilarinkd. big: returned to 'Vasa -
:dint r Iowa, After a. Pleasant visit
hem—. no a
ed ffotn her yielt to Woodstock.—
0,-.8tettentan has her,mother.
Robinson. of Lambeth' : With her
present.. -'-Fred „Moons Is having **team
heating radiators put in his barber*
hos been
Qur ,custolners, fr„Itu surrouni,fitytt.AO-mitsAnLI Vtlla1 aio r
ae,gity, itod. bepoln1ng.41ter sttiStito.r.t ,V,pjt4 ;over, purcIt4se and tluit
flute jek,vrery 4104tht weryortie,le is a's roprctieutcd.
ff '
pre,ent Ave i6,5•1.11kIt4pdp me. 1,3r4,04.1),0
assisting Buchanan 13tasa evr
bakery btxsIness. bas gone to 1)etroit.
John Plait has purchased tho new
roof patt(,ras, 714;gbuy larger
:tit* 4iliown • by :the ;above .keY;,t- atai
vattying sliglitly`in dt-taiI et tith
re 0 pearls lo solid tok atailvid
io.* neat 1iliuti.41) bpx; '
&��A -
prepaid li:i ;OSTIA freS4.7
Jog tile *ateald. '•,, Iron sa,fassa4tery
tout money wilt be refurulett.,
With Ittitts' ;in 'rattle
. b'y cut.
_cud fined .$1 00
'Tenth gold 2 00
Solid rollvgoid..... c 4 00,
Ptioes' for raNed gd 1 tels
f:ty.14 nApplicptitsu,
, . •
go045 v(34 Ns" eRitoi.,41 at aly Wtptnotl
i'...Gti-aante . .•0 kit
.y. aited. her :. daughter. ,, Jiifrs. ,.,..cloti*
lutift•00- -s0046*;., .. ....,. - . -- '
, • •
- ... The .taterail Obelety. Met "at .:Mir.
BreWtealidine... on. .. Oriday ' eire4iitgi
"-ZIOv,41th, ThraoltawinOrogra •
:reoileted; • Platao.golo* Mos '011ie Iloilo '.
amittirreatIliiki,'NlfiiiifS•• llii''Lli:14-wiata . •
la; Mils Bilk Bercoterri+ading,r..--Mis
Myrtle Clark; piano' solo, Itro* '0,1tiettf,-
vocal solo. Dr*. Ilitiot., . There.: was a.
.4eibittei **Resolved that Canada Wetild,
be better. as an Independent, *data"'
Thiudehatera 'were- C. .0luett and .,1?. ,
••. enntintrostI*046414,144*41,o, ' ... •
. Ira Brown. $.04 Iterh- Rill** jot. the.
.-tt - atiVe.Beit*- Mr. Dalltitto Dr.41443 '
014,, ,. torgeJEtirtzelLivertjudgea
..andovettie deelelon In .favor of the
latter. 'The -Society will Meet .at. the
' biome of MO. W. Clark Friday, Dec. 1St, '
ILvia. ' WistiP/X-647-tititi_t_ TbUri•dat.
even*** ' . an i'vetit of marc,
triton *moat
..-,, . ',•„,„, - *EW -Of,,,: •
'and Mrs': Henry zither. It 'being the
telebrationL,,tL_Aher :ollter_..iveddlog.,
iiite'S.numher'vctof 1:eititTvere-p.Oten I
otrittalt itta it yetv) 044iiint lit.'nei, A.A.',
.. ter doing Potion. '.. a', fittek *tipper the,
'Convent met In the parlor where tiOn•-:
' tolatory addresie- swercOett b_t
Rev, Damtn.' 0* z Zither and.'obthatt.,
Ober Ellber on behalf of the. relatives,
. dlaeott Hetet anit-,Theolt-ltlelet7O'n'
litibitif .ottlie Mend*, ' We rottgratnlate'
Me, and Mt* Biliter upon, having . et,
taloa thdo *over. vretf4Ing o'lar. Ittid.
'. hope they: *may be *patrol to etiebritte •
their 01. ttsteildin,g-,-- ' - . .
, ..... #
, ra, no, ; . , ••
i end .44thOug , ialitios, . diecoUra
. s,,WittiAliedetettlitlattort 40 tluttOr
eilltic.'of blara*,;Set 'bittiselt,;to i'”
4004 of ,,iiti,logillig the milt as .
.4' thought:it ,Ought,16 be withlhe t,e.s.0
'that the tone priidu • the , .Milt,i''
,L'.. pow l*Ilt edgi).„ ,o. t • ''.0011, be '
- ' "red *nywber�. Wer ttittrefete
' k for Mr. EIdt,Is 44,,.7.tpttartim,
ett ' ' tett141, ,o1.41
beonga to him,
de , .
leaf ,a
of, Mr. John
y, When Will.eet10.:
stittatghttll, Mias Ztalitati.;
the happy bride of Mr. Chas. refiner.,
041t the itiltaleilitite relatives Woo 111'4,,
irited.to *tom, the .tioretitaor which.
-rfOrnteil by Rev. :Dann% The.
,WIth ; ' Stinkie. Alfied--Ptililtifine,
,baS'' 'no to Stratford', where, he -.:wilt :
engage in. lineittelit‘ ' -'04c00,44$ A.It.
Mise 0, F. Uttitray.,htiagone Esetei''
' ' - •• tit
Where. she wilf-leartr. dresonnikinge-:-
'liar P. Willili'Or ra11 willrkh1-bectife---
, —
4, _ _ - -•a,eecL Mia otietatit„
'The fount( lady corn highly mow,
ended', and ;will nol.dogbt proveher,
eelteatlefactort In every *ay.-rThe
trooteee of our erhool hare not eiired
.4 teacher to otteceed 'Mk* Th00,.o
...,,Wr Jeknotortliihojnie with
well as eatt be exp.cted. It $0 ' lndeed
'' with "Irklairocitr•
o00011) fled wlth rare 41mp1ici.
be 41P4tteattil by ber„
supported, by his Ixother
net. ;The cornpuiyeiijnved
tient repast 44 tbe conulu*'
•Ths, lnlde is on
t *long Jodie* asu
nedepopul*rand ,,she, *Ai
life, It *seats
essnesson the pert af the trio n
no stop, was m *dote enable pas
to get on or o • Abe trmIn
slowed 1,1
knownway was throi
twit.a space'of "narrow
:Asitresult her shoulder
a is tooth knoektd nut besides.
She ieesiVed many, brulesand so 'bad
6,01ittking up that, she was unconsctous
fortome time, 'Under the -skilful t
Mont of Dr. Campbell We trtiSt she
wIlIiooh at'OVer;'- •
• AVICIV1140.0.4Wedding. belts Seem to
beL.rtoging Cootinuouily throughout
this neighborhood;..ss week by week
we pen the ativeat a a otvoiste oft
-from tito4enhood—fit free ---In
n p
'first we refrr to Is MIs Mirce1lim',
,41of Jeseph Denmunf, who on
litre and *Po *it ”
Withering.. Mit* Annie
Jetry.,PerriVesn motiota
gr'notn., -Mew sod 111•1*
faitaYttIt'' 84141041114
•)1 he 6"4111S61114same 1sil"12,1;h1roliiottOroft,
itm:!gitta st51se55.04t454,
DRAFTS onaU 410.•Ap4t._
paintsibe DomlniouOreattitop. and C
de to o
o. most favorablete*ma
elpte Wood ao# high t eitrorot rate of 1ntereot 1 '